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I've been able to explore a lot of different islands in the Bahamas today we're going someplace new Green Turtle key we can take off in the plural I know if I ever treasure key let's get started [Applause] [Music] you say you are around [Applause] [Music] I wanna chill the world [Music] you tell me [Applause] we're to talk about suction don't you know that you can help me [Applause] [Music] I don't know welcome aboard everybody today is gonna be a really fun exciting day I'm here with my buddy Nate Nate what's up guys having us on board again yes sir we're gonna fly over to treasure key and we're gonna go to stay at Green Turtle key which is the island I've never been to looks like a really fun exciting Island to go to pick up the ATIS oil re-examination Oscar one five five three two one zero one zero gusty one visibility one zero 1,300 scattered 10:32 eight dew point one four three zero one two Arnab or visual approach only an hour approaches nice landing in a partner only nine and one three these costumes for joint activities in the class outside a blow for Murphy disgust for birds low level winter advisories in effect all the participants have contact territorial once you 7.9 about prior to taxi all taxing aircraft feedback one-way assignments and holds for instructions as Ross funds for contact you have a disinformation master all right formation Oscar we'll go over the clearance delivery you pick up our ifr clearance clearance delivery service one 760 q a Mike number one 760 no Mike you say guitar your I'm sorry to purchase my kinky alpha tango airport get a for larger six departure pretty transition Derrick my king kappa tango 19 2004 1000 once your minutes after departure parks frequency 119.7 squat four five five seven I want seven six kilobyte clear to my ATV at Fort Lauderdale six breed of transition that direct let me take 2000 expect 1000 over nine point seven squawk four five five seven and we have Oscar dish so my crew back crack contact I already checked out safe by today sir Kim I appreciate grounds serious 170 kilo Mike we're coming out Bravo three with Oscar this one seven six kilo Mike except round throw away - Activia Bravo holster it's a quick healer please man of your Bravo hoax short of you though 6q like alright I guess we're not going out of Bravo three hey krauser can't Mike we're coming out Bravo - they're good I found a Corona a 50-ohm my sushis Mike thanks pick it up Mikey you need to run it favor kill mycorrhizae figures you want to play fire fire coordination yes so on top of a never been to green turtle key and we're also going to do something else I've never done it which is and how we're gonna try to catch these fish than the rest by fly-fishing so we'll see how that goes neither one of us have ever done that I know it shall be interesting we have the gear though so that's true you just got a list apart right over there and oh yeah they're really good here Oh link Nate's Instagram they're in the description below if you guys ever want to check one of these series out you're gonna give him a hit them up on Instagram and uh I said you appreciate that serious Florida is my instagram tag all right there's the run up area right out there in front of us we'll pull in there yeah we'll do our run up and we'll see you guys on the other side of that [Music] no we're ready to just crown city kill my grandpa please number one seven six kilo mike is gonna take the turn right and the house will run out as Juliet go behind although here cover finish alright no short of nine and Juliet search going okay I like that but before you treat me they recorded we're gonna hopefully get taxi up to throwing either Julian intersection of the taxiway I will hold short there which is right over here dropping your 12 o'clock at a mile appears west on 1500 you can join a love a to be a 77 not rotate dr. Tara what's ever said you came back on short I know Julia Roger waiting on your release in Miami which this kiddo micro me 911 my traps not to see my father be ready to go out the way really nice doing alright I see that air complain out there yes we do feet or whatever depending I was gonna say he's a short final that goes airborne and got em out on final he's rotating down to the right down there well I know Karen centerline we are ready to go November Cisco my trap in the f1 is Northwest on flying zero-niner-zero and whenever juliek they take off Jack got a mile phone gripper takeoff nine and Juliet and zero nine zero had anyone 7 6 qm I got no all right takeoff power to set little temperatures pressures all good to go in yep all the green good holding our center line with our rudder pedals so we hit 77 knots will rotate there it is and airborne this thing gets up at number one all right now you got number one number two we're gonna run this guy over hopefully it gets out of the way a little airplane took off in front of us and you can see just saying traffic yeah we got the yellow dot there Shawn yep it's actually it's three different places all right there's six feet we'll go flaps up writer selected and then 103 is a good climb out speed py and indicated and that six hundred means that our catch 11 o'clock portraits are killing the purchase here is one 750 like 1100 climbing 2000 there's one seven six - oh my Miami departure breathe out - clapping - three thousand six cubic 3,000 set Roger and our altitude pre-selector beautiful yeah I mean look at this yeah it's too bad down here in Florida yeah pompano Airport over there all for left wing Julia tank oh that's where they hangar the Goodyear blimp at least one of them do you know how many they have I'm not sure one can pick you up my contact apart you're one to 6.05 today one two six zero five six kill Mike good day the purchase here's one 750 kilo my good afternoon 2400 climbing 3,000 so one seven six kilo Mike mummy the Fosters on maintain 5,000 I maintain 5,000 30 kill me hi guys I said I think I'm gonna win you the beach down one seven the pompano Hamlet yeah we don't have any cameras off - right but might you be able to see Miami down there if we did oh yeah alright we're gonna turn the autopilot on push the autopilot but and the airplane is doing what it's supposed to be doing I look down here at for flight you'll see this is our routing today we're gonna intercept the prey to transition which is that pink line and then we'll be direct over to the treasure key we're gonna climb and maintain one 1,000 and were projected to be just under an hour flight time you look at the windows now you can see we are getting out of gliding distance of land and we are no single-engine we do have on these 50 little personal floatation devices yeah nice there Revere make something just have a little yellow handle down here yeah jump on the airplane go slow and then pull the yellow handle yep and then we also have a life raft right here in the back to go back out and grab the life raft we're gonna hit the water and now we basically pop the doors over just a little bit so we could get hope easily assuming or another parachute obviously and though the raft out we can inflate it how about ourselves blow these up and wait for the Coast Guard yeah you definitely when you're flying over water you want to definitely be brief 2015 13 evident with both pilots to have a plan of action in a pan because you know that something happens you're gonna be distracted and when you get that water you want to be prepared for like what we're gonna be actually be doing so in 16 micron maintain 1-1 11,000 I'm making one 1060 mi so we went into FLC mode which is what's the term for the again double chain I got 125 computer so now the airplane is gonna pitch and hold behind 25 knots we have to what does which is a really convenient safe way to climb you don't worry about the airplane to pretty transition president create a transition through killing all right so that's what we expected R 0 9 0 and the prayer transition which is the PICC line and actually we can arm that now but if you push now going to nab so we're gonna hold off this heading until we hit that purple line and then uh it'll join the transition forth sounds good being a pilot nowadays with all this technology is it makes it a lot easier compared to the Aviators of the past I think of those guys a lot of credit absolutely it's it's I mean it's pretty amazing the information we have available you guys are thinking about becoming a pilot whether you want to do it professionally or just for fun be sure to check out my friend Jason Shepherd really calm he runs an online ground school has a lot of great content I'll have this website does youtube all link down their description below and we are in that foot so now the plane is going to turn direct towards treasure key and that is a good thing alright 1000 feet to go out of once or thousand I'm gonna one with that so we're gonna let the plane capture 11,000 feet when I had to build up some speed then we'll set a truce but we're pretty good faith out alright so here we go pull the power lever back 30.5 as nice because there's no prop control so it's just uh it's all automatic so that there's just a throttle and mixture [Music] there we go a and right when you hit that 30.5 you a little blue carrot there which shows the ideal now we're gonna hold the extra bag full of mixture back to about 17 gallons an hour it's that white arrows gonna match that blue line right there which is about 17 nice and easy I never give my good Delia Cruz power is set that's how easy it is and then we'll see our CH T started to come down they should it's still under here temperatures and they should start to settle down around 360 or 380 or so this shows us landing with 70 gallons on board which is probability to get back won't have to get fuel out there and we're good to go we're doing 180 true should we start to get our paperwork done we have just this little folder that has Banyan gives out fxe but basically it has all your necessary paperwork so you have your your VFR flight guide leave our flight planning shirt look at that I mean this comes in hands-free they give this to you for free up its ruin ice all the distances between the different islands in the airports your immigration cards or arrival cards for the Bahamas for c7a your crews berman and your jet deck which are all required to fly in so we'll we'll get that done and then we'll be back with you guys yep sounds good we'll see you guys on the other side of that [Music] [Music] all right we're wiring for the 5000 money insulation in deep spot these are freaking having to prove they're in the way back between 40 hundred degrees all right we've got 1200 sent the transponder no meter we cancel the IFR flight pilot over cap we're gonna stir just a 92 in treasure key hundred we got the airport in phone rings listen to that pretty much so Unicom is 22.8 out here a treasure key which is a lot of different airports out here in the Bahamas Oh we'll make left traffic will come in 4 3 2 s that's on video your name yeah off the left here is the very eastern part of Grand Bahama Island water down there so gorgeous it is amazing they've been able to fly to somebody I think around 45 different airports in the Caribbean it never gets old so go explore Green Turtle key today happy Island I've never gone to will be a lot of fun hopefully we can figure out how to fly fish let's see how far out are we the airplane have all the fun that's right that's gonna go for right there it looks good so we'll drop it down in just got it we'll just have to clear here's a little bit more since we're coming down faster 500 feet of man is what I usually like to do when I'm flying on pressurized airplanes ates used to doing all kinds of fun fly used to be in the Air Force used to having all kinds of fun in airplanes that is I do miss do it loops formation but this is not this isn't too bad treasure key graced Cirrus currently 15 miles to the west will be inbound four three two on the left base full stop I just want a midfield left downwind four three two we'll do our traffic pattern and then sounds like we have the airport to ourselves right now I got to tell you right now that I'm going to hit something treasure key has been my nemesis of an airport oh no I talked about this a long time ago some airports are you agree some in almost every time other airports a president I don't know what kind of challenge it is but it's hard to always get those nice smooth landing this is as a pilot you know you really take pride in your landings yeah and this Airport here has not always been kind to me I'm not saying I've crashed airplanes here but it's I've had you know not greasers at this error so fingers crossed today it's a little serious we can do it let's change that we're going to hopefully change that today treasure key grace here is eight miles to the west and bound for the left now and three to treasure it's always tricky to find this Airport when you're coming in from this angle but the trees and all that I think the reason why I think this Airport is a Heartland is to treat the tall trees right on the sides of the runway so as soon as you get below that tree line you'll lose your wind yep so you're gonna lose lift when you hit that tree line and everything else you just got to take that onto account it's straight out past the airport there you'll see green turkey yep absolute land will get on a taxi to go get a ferry to get over to the island and I think this is that little cut out as part of the airport yep that's the ramp right there that we're pointed straight out right now I haven't heard any more traffic that's a good thing at the airport all to ourselves start to see where the runways cut out yeah well stir break turn here to go on to the left out one see if we can see a a windsock rating I got the windsock at site yes Shawn looks like a zero seven zero heading for the wind like they were announcing pretty good dress yeah gonna have a Red Cross one on this one cool guys your grace here is something left down 1 32 . treasure is your touchdown points you can go about 30% power maybe 35 started shallow decent you put your first notch up flaps in hey B check selected and indicator Roger will start our left face they're great here how that's Avery - good there is good for full flaps vinyl looks clear and indicating all right it's look at the airport over there yeah I'll let base we're gonna start to turn right final four only through two and out there you see green turtle Kiki very nice view 500 all right I'm gonna change my luck here at this airport with this landing I like it preju grace here is on final full stop cutter I'm gonna we're gonna just hold the crab and then when we get down into the flare I'll kick left rudder straight not the plane and set it down all right we're configured boost pumps on or for rich land heights on we are good it's looking good on the speed I'll go work throttle back project there you go hold her off Thanks not too bad I'll take it Oh centerline I think those better than your previous ones probably yeah Oh believe me that broke the mold for me here good welcome to treasured he guys alright we'll do a bat taxi here and treasure uh Gracie respect action I'm thirty-two to the ramp treasure I actually feel like we had a bit of a quartering tail went up there dude which is never you know you like to have it from you it's not ideal we made it worried to work yeah alright here's the ramp for the customs building is is straight over there to the right we're gonna Park over here to the left next to our buddy Scott's airplane oh we got all the series desired yeah there's three in a row border oh four in a row yeah four serious it's awesome we're gonna make number five [Music] [Music] just cleared customs now it's time to get a taxi to get over the ferry [Music] just got checked into the cottages at the desk now we got a golf cart here go find our room right at the cottage let's go check out the place and get swished down into our fishing it's time we switched out of the flying close to the fishing close Nate you ready to get this fishing tournament on the way everybody let's do it all right lucky fishing hat here we go got all geared up this is the boat we're gonna be using today and this is gonna be our captain captain Rick yes sir you ready to go I'm ready all right ready man Oh [Music] well progress record I took a shot at it for about an hour no luck for me he's going Fisher more elusive than you can imagine [Music] [Music] [Music] we just finished up our bone fishing trip for the day here Nate what you think of it it was awesome and it was a tough day out there I mean it's super windy probably 20 mile an hour winds for most today I feel like for our first time we did a pretty good job but we have a lot to learn we really do it's a it's a it's a you know expert you need a lot of expertise here sure to do that well steve-o pulled one in though yes so let's see six pound bone fish those things put up a struggle anyway guys if you liked the video please smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel we'll see on the next adventure [Music] let's float away to some kind of night sky galaxy sleep in the stars the morning dude's got a shine of you well I'd like to meet you off the coast of st. Marie someday in July and you heard the stories of the birds and love bees [Music] your cup of tea I'll be [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 365,625
Rating: 4.9563189 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, Cirrus, SR22T, Career in aviation, Becoming a pilot, Pilot life, Pilot, ATC Audio, ATC, Flying, Aviation, Airplane, Flying to the Bahamas, Treasure Cay, Abaco, Bahamas, Vacation, Taking off, Landing, Travel, Freeport, Fly Fishing in the Bahamas, Fly fishing, boating, MzeroA, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviation, S1K, Shark, Fishing, Bone fishing
Id: 1TFx9BnB49Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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