STUNNING PILOTS!!! Aerologic Boeing 777F ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE to LEJ [AirClips full flight series]

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my name is revolution burger I am the captain of this Boeing triple7 from Electric and today he will join us on a flight from Bangalore to Leipzig it is my pleasure as well my name is Chris hi and good morning on this trip ascent flight to Leipzig it is my pleasure to be part of flying today which is quite cool and we are both I guess really looking forward to the slice me do let's go let's do it I show you the walk around now and you are happy early welcome to join me on this walk around let's go we start here at the front section of the account towards a bigger tube and the side of the aircraft a good opportunity which usually bouncy are there so open gear doors which is quite impressive we come to this point in a few seconds this is the week old I'd be going to the seven later the engine the general electric jeanie15 I check the motor the fan blade the reason I'm afeared it is fast there Johnny morning they said because of the wind wind effect okay we check the person they're all damaged self leakage well one disadvantage of flying a large aircraft this it's a long wait so take a look at the structure of the wing the wing tips the lights the navigation lights there are two bags both of them are illuminated looks great and once we have this position we also take a look at the overall the whole aircraft the fuselage and particularly the tail section okay so we go back to the rest and take a look over there we're I'm particularly interested in the in the tires and the brake section you see they say a little pinch here they indicate if the parking their descent as the wear and tear of liberation of the brakes so then this P comes flush it's time to change the way the children for each style to express the real tail section quite interesting is about 18 meters high this is great eyes like a six story building even if it doesn't look like it is pretty high but in staying at the aircraft is about 67 meters in total [Applause] the wing structure the flaps aliens and all those little hooks that you see up there we have to check them let's get let's go to the engine number one once again main emphasis is that there is no leakage snow hydraulic liquid here whatsoever delay the engine I checked up around the engine I started all exactly it's perfect this one is not returning right now so it's easily to check out the fan blades and the whole end it's not on a need-to-know basis but it's got interesting this this engine one engine that's about 30 million dollars and the diameter of this engine is as big as a fuse now have been seven 370 we made it the outside check will walk alone that is required for every search [Music] on similar push my stardom facing east only my one spice your 3 by 2 or thank you see not about your background at 9:36 at night by 3 6 don't know confirmed learns with you take it you contact everyone 200 million to 500 525 about 15 minutes to go preflight checklist 1885 time for a flight oxygen I placed one left I sent all right a lot of instruments heading 160 1 0 1 5 2 or tomato 2016 1 0 1 5 challenge is complete I will give you get here with around follow alpha alpha ones now holy butter real fighty fighty 1 [Music] okay ready for breathe already operating very good so the exit is in a good shape the weather is quite nice around the airport it's nothing special in the totems have you seen something I plan for apply for the hack very good so let's start with the taxi part 5 expect to continue to either hotel or in some remote cases Delta on to our front and all the way down to our four one four hundred to seven where the performance will be done from for the si D which is some played for seventeen enniaa five Bigfoot honey but it will be the Obama five departure out of runway two-seven MSA and I the area we are operating in will be 120 so let's call it six stars tend to be safe I think to charge this on a bonus requires Genesis or generator let me be warning aircraft father I say the level is speed restriction or less follow us follow until the restriction is even further camp shall be authorized by TC check so routing wise it's as initially care of the right probably not five zero morning six doesn't put it off the photo right turn probably more faster or three maximum flow eleven hannah0 and after that obama initially as we said flow over minus zero and [Music] the about frequency is 1 to 7 so far and we're up at 1,500 feet we will accelerate retract the flaps on schedule we do the non normal checklist we do a nice review we do the after takeoff checklist and initially came along the engine RS Eddie which should be available in the FMC to 6000 feet the Internet is a debride said this is 3.6 probably in the alpha and alpha 1 heading 2 8 5 intercept and proceed on radio to egg walk 21 DME and join this is exactly nude others FMC will know that when we're at 6,000 feet we will assess the situation by rhetoric and we take a decision after that for Dec carry out the trace in case of fire smoke you say deportable we will do a left-hand traffic pattern to avoid the terrain in and off and be pretty heavy today of around 320 tons of a landing checklist I will do this checklist I will fly the aircraft and then we will relent on this runway two-seven here in Bangalore you have any questions no question a load seat thank you so [Music] rocks I apply for your continued taxi via hotel it and left on Lima 3 hold a walk and to it that you are is this you know talk this and you get the [ __ ] low copies already it's alright yeah ok yep this one you don't need this one we take ok then is this one for our flight fold [Music] thank you bye-bye we've just got the clearance without the link okay it says PDC 165 cleared to lab tick off runway two-seven this is in radio palm of five departure which is in as well squawk zero six four three is in and next frequency one two one eight two five initially complement in fly fly larvae senators feet step twelve search I already accepted that one good so I've got some number for you yes sir go ahead the zero fuel weight 2 3 3 decimal Niner to treat read Simon Ayane that checks indicated aggravate three one four decimal two tons nope three one nine or decimal three I've got here give us a zero if you will again to tree tree December 9 yeah two three eight does that make sense two three eight two zero nine and indicated a waves three one nine is / - yeah three one nine decimal term is check the landing weight is 4 7 decimal six MSE take off his 31 decimal six and the lowest for the crew CG will be 29 this module [Music] the fact is there is the calculation [Music] they may fight creek field event I get copied confirmed ready that's no deer age but assume to 35 degrees 99 6 to 100 point for strict seven to seven seven seven Niner one seven nine now it's such very good okay so the link hearings because I go and close the doors [Music] [Music] [Music] Crona to predict please go ahead kappa can you confirm the doors are closed symphonies inserted we are clear to pressure set Rolex guitar guitar works okay then before stop setup [Music] they're moving I will arm the one left to the door okay yep of Bangor delivery a retainer 1 1 2 4 we ever won 48 souls of virtual security continue [Music] so everything is set up so far we are doing in a couple of seconds the pre-flight checklist for the moment event off box already so on time of course 640 was a time cutoff box at 6:39 so pre-flight checklist just a recur [Music] presidential science one absentee [Music] [Music] zero five three one ground [Music] to face easy on Lima 2 3 more 2 kappa kappa kappa big release rockin break is released now the off crock time was zero six three Niner zero 69th open campus our blog on time at the day starts great great regional ground push back and start off good fitting is onomastics is that part of the processing he leave a380 Wow we put the coffee synchro at synchronize we are so in tune [Music] yeah our pushback procedure just started we're waiting for the ground pool to get the release for the entrance starts okay the sequence will be right and left company captain please quiet sorry I didn't happen [Applause] Nicholas taxi renayta amituofo follow me grounders take position front of carousel birth u-20 of mist and two three four Linton will go follow me show is not contingent leave that parchment off parking brake is set start left [Music] then at 1:00 1:00 to 4:00 follow follow mediums with millions of he must be to Lima was an architectural team are what - downtown at landfall power one important producer runner up on a faulty paint a problematically moment after the desire for one for me too after night what working for okay we are too good and red starts the capital perky aircraft for tax it to us assume it on the right hand side and would like to thank you for your service and wish you a nice day before tech setup steps five roads [Music] [Music] I can see the man with the pin that article is rebellious and received and Radha left Radha right and before taxi checklist sorry car check engine out the ice and auto three car check back for us check ground equipment clear before tax attorneys feet ghetto let's go you are a bit of a feisty one ground x20 much news for tell turn right on alpha whole sort of Alpha Phi [Music] 20 left that is clear all right so it is clear great zero grounder x20 Madrid and tonight alfalfa one holding starts a little bit terrain might be that we have to recalculate the take of data for wit runway we will decide that in a super necklace before takeoff checklist complete complete so on X taxiways hotel so the left and then to the right on that that is true and then r45 will be the second intersection or less copy [Music] so I guess it starts to rain a little I would say we calculate the take of data okay yeah we can use to stop on r45 for yeah if we stop but if not we just do that in the holding position everyone that's good right at the scale [Music] that's funny because you are yogic it is raining at the my service car strange isn't it not apply to Dylan I play it to turn around context to our desert and depth only movin on so we are on our way to the runway two-seven to the holding point I'll go one in front of us we have about one extra from the runway two-seven continue take you and file for one twenty point and we to the seven-pointed r12 and adapt our free accountant from others on the x8 that was us three one we continue tax evasion fifty one point eight hour one to four decimal three five so tell frequency this monitor just about to 775 so nasty about frequency is pre-selected for you and we are to continue our taxi offer to the holding point three aircraft stewart crafts at you in front of us 91 1 2 478 for takeoff in Tucson there is one for not to talk it's not raining is it I mean this just a few sprinkles there it's not I thought it's gonna start but I think we can skip help you calculate that is only line up I bless you nope because I mean better safe than sorry but the problem with going for the wet calculation now is that it reduces the position speed so you probably might board for things you would in other cases [Music] like the 54 final shot Anthony approached on a 2000 window to introduce Vampira can you push fundraiser like that they provide for its leader and it will turn let me take off went to 8 0 degrees 1 3 not they pop a copperhead 2002 array to be 0 the Christians like there is water front of us to let go arrow huh you see that go air [Music] there it goes the GoAir [Music] so ranae to 7r for one there is one approaching which is inside Bernie four to seven and we're waiting for him after that at least I expect to get to 900 responds not then let me choose well I applied a profile tectonic shop and on it two times I is avocado pie even beyond an ecstatic 90 behind the height of an incredible lineup as expected okay the traffic subside all 8:07 is identified checked there is a tree 20 in Mille a projector is kid [Music] so clear lineup only I go for the finality ProQuest module for terrain after three four five context down one two understands expand what does it's really apply to go fast double cargo 5 3 100 200 for takeoff in do 9 is already something on other two that are carefully one ready ready takeoff [Music] your controls market rose cross set check 80 knots Kirk four thousand seven or less than 100 200 that the way through like an employee rotate I played the us seminar in 2010 man went until 8:30 but alone wasn't afraid he's all 800 switching bacala Raider welcome sir McArdle 5 3 1 pound of 4300 2007 pro-democratic Oh feisty one bangle approach autonomous are identified flying undetected to fight evil won 4-0 unrestricted phantom so provide never won 4-0 job for everyone one four zero set to it speed in about 200 just to make the restriction over that property for 501 john acardo fight women panting 6,000 feet President Obama never gotta go v t-1 but he dared obama the moment everyone was on top execute cats be the direction and and all the kids on top of the stairs perhaps mom depswa set traps up that's upset I have to take of chickens the takeoff checklist company speed interaction 262 them I fight to do 911 to available in session WB to my little nuts I rely on her like the top - laughs I have a partner if they read and are identified they climb unless the key to flight level 1 4 0 some honest assessment of what phone they're opening auto parts Victor accelerates chemicals off I driven content controlled our 104 right spirit about constants laughs all right now is that leastwise wait for the lights find out what does that mean for me I'm a little flat they want more work kill the cargo 500l continued clap to fly the 2e0 on prescription running out of the place 31 right so what do you want literally say four five speed to five zeroes of now their plan to fly to two three zero five two threes in over a prism so 30 get everything about beat mm so let's try to log on the church and I see one man about the attack but it's like like about night of zero even eight hours 20 minutes and we are there yep yep context then I sent off type like water scarcity that Allah [Music] except three one out of 30 the wide one nautical German culture five-three-one that without a protective 2005 3 185 times of level 3 facility for tireless Quran 3 1 3 0 request from them the man cargo 5 3 1 3 2 0 may not be available all the main 3 until 3 4 0 report different 7 cargo Phi 3 1 top line level 3 0 0 what respectable 300 and we the others for a while run go go president Roger feminine dependable three-zero-zero procedure at a gala 399 everyone 303 honor district execute a five-day four-night enter 1 to 5 in 55 so as I finally put the bottle I apply five six three requests level three six zero so I pressed I requested to win for 300 anyway so the calculation should be paper makes it happen fly I play neither it I contacted and one to 88mph one so our XO planned cruising level of three to zero didn't get it for the moment so 300 will be it for the for the moment and later on we serve it up to 340 our max whose level right now is 337 that's why we've seen silent the same reality the reason for that being could be the traffic situation in the airspace we are operating it always a pleasure to be here it is such a pleasure that I will be here next week again next week again same time same theater I'll think about you while I'm on vacation yeah please think about sorry really looking forward good I mean Friday today actually last day and then tomorrow already okay sir that's nice you see the other boats yep and now you can see the fo doing a prediction for the future it will now a few seconds sound the time there you go which means we are approaching our cruising flight lever [Music] hi folks again RIA right now in flight level 300 overhead the Arabian Sea and I will use this time to show you a little about the little bit about the features in our cockpit of the Boeing triple7 freighter I stopped this with the overhead panel ok we go from the top to the lower part of the cockpit and you can see those panels are divided here on top on the very left side we've got basically our electrical panel where we could switch the different modes from the APU and we have switches to control the generators in case of malfunctions and aux and also the crown power is an very important topic for the ground ops for the for the year's panel right adjacent to that on the right side we've got here some window heat controlling emergency lights supernumerary oxygen and this whole panel here controls the hydraulics of the Boeing triple7 with several systems backup systems and right below it we've got the the light else we control here there's supernumerary signs like you're the famous fasten seatbelt signs and here is basically the lighting controlled outside the aircraft like the landing lights and also switches to adjust the brightness in the cockpit ok the next panel is basically divided in a fire section where we can control the of fire fight the APU in case we need it also we have the cargo fire depression system here and the next system right below us below it is C and EC motor panel and this big panel here is basically for the controlling of the fuel system we have the jettison system and the normal fuel system most of the parts most of the time of the flights you don't touch them at all look the most of the switches it disciplines for most of the switches actually but in case of we need it we and we followed the checklists we need them right below we have the anti section and again lower section is controlling lights the bakelite nafla go and winged lights and the run return of tekzilla' it's throat lights and on the very right side we've got the lower cargo compartment temperature selectors the air conditioning panel adjacent to the bleed air panel and yeah that's about it basically about the overhead panel I mean you see a lot of the Seabees overhead we basically don't touch them it's just a thing if the checklist says we do so we do but most of the cases you don't touch them even if they are bottom okay next section in the cockpit I'd like to explain is here the panel overhead panel on the or the panel with the autopilot control section in the if is control section the center part is controlling the autopilot well you've got the different modes and the heading selector and the altitudes selector and yeah that's pretty much it about the autopilot I don't want to get too much into detail but it explains a panel the in-phase control panel allows us to change to change settings on our knife display which I'm coming to in a few seconds for example if I want to change the the range over here I can do that with this knob selector changers the range just just one function okay the same panel is for the first officer on the right side of the aircraft of the panel and yeah that's basically it we also control here the the acre section where we can switch to several channels on our lower D U for example if I want to get an overview of the electrical system right now I push this button electrical and you can they see the synopsis of the electrical system right now same applies if I switch through the hydraulics I see the whole hydraulic system displayed and yeah we've got also fuel air doors the gear and the flight controls displayed if you want to in the lower part here those three buttons they allow us to switch to the checklist for example if I press the check this paddle I can just stated right now you the next checklist in a sequence pops up for us today on this flight it will be the descent checklist obviously because we are in cruise and right now this no items of those are made and you see that because they are all blank later on and decide they we'll turn to green actually yeah we have the comb function here where we can switch to where we can adjust the CBD LC function we can communicate as a communication section where we can talk to or communicate with the ground and ATC stations and all other things and we also can switch it as a enough in enough mode then we have basically the same display unit and the same displays this made here in the sender unit actually okay so much for this little panel yeah I've just talked about the D use the display units you can see them here the very left one on my side and of course the right one of the first officer so the output use they show us the primary flight displays like the flight director our current airspeed Mach Mach number and of course the altitude the flight level in this case and of course we see all the modes that are engaged in our autopilot which we control with this panel over here like right now we have the speed mode in the lateral navigation mode in be enough pass the next to you I mentioned that already it is the navigation display and yeah we can see our track basically we can we have the weather function there so there would be some weather up there the we could see those weather cells and circumnavigate them in case we need to the center to you show us the primary engine parameters right now as you can see we have the n1 there the GT displayed in this mode is switched inner in the secondary mode we can you see those little parameters they would also pop up in terms if something really curves like the oil pressure drops low there is a pop-up function and this would be displayed also in the lower D you more details okay yeah and on the right side at the first officer side of the cockpit we have basically the same displays that I mentioned here on my side so everything is duplicated basically yeah talking about the flight management system we have to FMC's here one on the left side one on the right side where we put in our fly plans and we can load the the winds and lots of several things like the navigation performance data everything is basically entered here at this display and will influence the parameter them yes we have two of them and one third box is right here the center panel also fully usable and in case we need it as a backup what we also do on this display here so we have the function of the our subway system and the sub radios and also a couple of functions like in case of malfunctions of other systems we can use here and also the function this little pedal here in the middle is basically as a direct influence on controlling the aircraft of course you see the post the the the throttles left side right side of course you have the speed brake lever and you have the flap lever and all things are used quite much those ones are alternate to pitch trim levels very rarely used actually only in a simulator and situations we don't want to show you today and I have the few control panel here the the few control switches which make the engine either to run or in case of we need to cut off right next to it we have the stabilizer stabilizer cut out switches also switches that we knew would need in a in a emergency situation see checklist dictates on the lower side I showed you this handle before on the top panel it was for the APU and those opposed fire handles they are for the engines the left one and the right one respective and yeah that's for the engine fire and this little part here the center part the rest of it what you can see here is the most of that is applicated again so we have the same things here like we have here like our VHF radios and HF radio collection panel IRA's intercom panel where we can set all the radius that we want to listen to and we've got the weather radar here and of course another standby radio so in total that makes it three radios that we have on board so I mentioned the weather radar and on the opposite we have our transponder mode selector okay this little panel here is just communicate with there either supernumerary area cargo area or the main deck and somebody it goes if somebody calls us we will pop up here with a low chime and see that this is a trim panel where we can see the adjuster rudder trim hailer and trim and yeah that's about it yeah one of the most important things I didn't mention yet is of course our control wheel column it's not like in the in the APUs with a little side stick here it is still like the old-fashioned way with the yoke and of course the rudder panel said control control the the rudder and they see the ailerons and the elevator of course this tiny little knob here on the left side controls our nose wheel steering while we on the ground it's usually done in our company as a policy by the by the captain but the copilot has also is Taylor system and could control in case of the nose wheel yeah that's about it about the flight thing [Music] even though the culprit is in fact the most interesting part of the aircraft there is something more to it I will not show you the well behind the curtain it's not of palace are regular humans we sometimes need to unless our self so therefore we got a toilet which is right over here here to the left our toilet we are not always operating as a two-man crews sometimes we are three or even four pilots and for this case we do have a crew rest featuring two bats one upper one lower this is basically where we conduct our in-flight rests and those are two more or less regular pets and a known compartment there is a smell a curtain to separate each pet from the other and this gives you a nice little bit of privacy in the crew rest so there is as well a own separate temperature controller to control the temperature in the cruellest and of course two doors to separate it from the rest of the super snow Murray area rest of the supernumerary area looks like this we have four nice comfortable seats over here and two chopped seats which are here and here these seats are empty most of the times but anyway from they are occupied by cargo attendants or horse groups which take care of like the Nemesis our cargo or life animals which are in the cargo compartment the most comfortable position is illustrated for you over here this is obviously this position of the seat for this cargo attendants to get access to the pirate compartment we have two doors which is one over here and one on the other side of the aircraft you can use one of these doors to get access to the cargo compartment in flight those tools are opened like this [Applause] and of course the main cargo compartment is pressurized because otherwise we would so this is how it looks in the cargo compartments even though the cargo compartment is pressurized every person entering the cargo compartment needs to carry one of these portable oxygen tanks just in case we get a red decompression because obviously there are no masks falling down in the cargo compartment what we have over here is the cargo door operating panel you can of course on the ground I'm the big rear cargo door and a display which shows a camera image from a camera which is located in the horizontal stabilizer in the back of the aircraft just to give you an indication in which position the main corridor is and down here we have the lighting control for the whole supernumerary area as well as for the cargo compartment and a little switch down here or better to say a regulator you can fine-tune the temperature in here in the supernumerary area just because of the fact that we don't have flight attendant this does not mean that none of the guys here in this area doesn't need to know the safety procedures on this aircraft for this reason we have first of all a self briefing which means to be fueled and signed in advance as well as a safety college which is like in passenger aircraft more or less located in the seat pocket in front of you it is not a seat but it is a pocket at least and to the right of that we do have some place to still check us and stuff over here if there are any at the moment in the suitcases and you do you have obviously as well our galley it is smaller than a regular triple seven that is just in normal cases for two or four guys here board which is more than sufficient we do have the coffee maker here which is probably one of if not even the most important thing in the galley and to the right of that there is a water heater to get one water from right over here and there is one oven which is more than sufficient basically and down here is our catering storage boxes which are food as well as most of our catering gets catered in Leipzig at our campus so it will be carried throughout the rotation like on this flight through Bangkok through Singapore down to Bangalore it's still there so that's the reason why it needs to be cool to add a few we have some additional emergency equipment down here we do have some supplementary oxygen we do have medical oxygen we do have a first aid kit and what we do have as well are two INTs the these orange fellows over here and they're basically to be at your disposal if we need to ditch somewhere we take them on board we take them all apart we take them with us so that we can get located in case it's needed I hope you enjoyed the backstage tour on our 24/7 freighter a lot break is over I need to get back to work [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we are with muskets two and a half hours down the roads what's next mascot another six to go do by Iran dirty Europe peptic so to say that's it [Music] yeah maybe we can talk a little bit and tell our followers how a typical day with an freighter pilot with Errol logic looks like or typical rotation and so we call it rotation basically is we call it our duty days in a row so that means that for this rotation today you are on the flight with us from Bangalore to Leipzig but of course we started a couple of days ago and our rotation started in Franklin and we took a flight with the Gulf Air to Bahrain where we spend about 24 hours in Bahrain in a hotel and after that when we were on duty flying our triple7 from arrow logic from Bahrain to Bangalore and then we had a bouton two hours was it two hours two days two days two days later here like 60 hours or so yeah almost 60 hours in Bangalore which was actually pretty nice nice hotel nice weather and before we came up today with this flight to lactic and past now tuna I was like we said in we have another six hours to go there are a few different rotations sometimes you proceed to your starting point basically like we did this week before proceeding to Bahrain sometimes you just a day right back so you go from Leipzig to Shanghai and after 24 hours or so back to Leipzig so sometimes you do a couple of flights in a row like the famous Leipzig Bangkok Singapore Bangalore Leipzig which makes it especially interesting for me because in most of the key especially person show you to a long-haul flight with sometimes minimum rest and followed by the same long-haul flight back and this basically means 12 hours there 24 hours there 12 hours back that's it but in our operation the nice thing is that you fly a wide-body aircraft and mix it up with some fork rules as well we do sometimes we do Leipzig East Midlands and back we do lights across the back and we do other short sectors like his backup singer board which is just what is it one hour 50 or something hours yeah the fly time so that's that's quite nice because it really gives a bit of diversity to the to the daily life as a pilot so that is one of many positive things flying especially freighter for energy this is this is the good side so far the bad side is obviously the time the time zones that you travel through sometimes it's pretty hard actually to get adjusted to those times specially if you go for flight with the minimum rest and you start at you're if you're at a time where you're actually supposed to sleep it out and that makes it sometimes hard and of course talking about family or friends at home being away for 3 up to 7 days like we said it's sometimes challenge really but on the other hand it gives you so much back because you spend time you can't spend time at home during the week where others have to work I mean she got children you can get them to the kindergarten and back whatever I mean those are the advantages of the disadvantages like to say okay but overall the long haul offs is I call it for me it's a kind of an attitude before I was flying for the Hapag Lloyd and our day is known as tui fly and that was a totally different operation I mean it was flying five or six days a week being home every night it's okay but I really like the long haul offs more than the than the trips in Europe like the domestic flying or Europe flying it's a it's kind of an attitude but I think I guess you can tell that only after your experience for a while you have to make this experience and never logic so far there's no way back because we don't have another ops right now we are stuck through it but I like it we like it I guess yeah to be honest it is it is quite nice to get on the plane in Leipzig on a brisk cold winter morning rather do the de-icing on the airplane and then I respect you 10 hours later you got a pen it is like 30 degrees outside I mean it is I would call it quiet closed holiday in some way so that's that's pretty much okay but don't tell anybody holiday he didn't say what he did for the company no but actually how did you stop your your career what was it what made him being a pilot that's that's that story goes far back into my childhood in the age of what was it six years at the age of six I was I was on the first passenger flight from from my hometown to Zurich which was a crj200 okay back in the day it was a lot easier to get access granted to the flight deck and of course I took the chance after flight attendant no that's what I did when I was here that's that's usually how it starts and I've been there in the flight deck and actually what was really the lasts spark which ignited the fire and for aviation and the desire to become a pilot was the flight back because it was a really heavy thunderstorm and it was so cool oh yeah it was so cool let's avoid those things today okay yeah okay then why did it as well but seeing seeing those thunderstorms and circumnavigate them seeing them flew the aircraft window for me it looks different them from the ground so that was the last piece of it and so this was today I decided to become a pilot cool so was almost like like me I got this I guess it's kind of a virus I do it it's it's a powerful thing I think I started also I don't have anybody in my family that is a pilot I was a pilot before but I was affected with that then since I was a child I build up those little planes with Lego and stuff and then later on I I built those radio-controlled models and started them then by the time of one of turned 14 I figured out that I could become a glider pilot with 14 I mean and that was pretty cool so when when they had it and tried to get a nice glider clap in my vicinity hometown is Frankfort and I found this guy at a club the soaring club it's called the Aero Club Lankans a board and that's where I started actually my flying career when I was 14 or started to fly with the drivers got my license was 17 and then I build on this my EPL a so to say that was no turd the nowadays is called the single-engine piston license and one other thing influenced my career that was is movie coming out in the 1985 it was Top Gun really really well I guess you are the only one who took this as a advice to become a pyro probably not probably no and I started to be like I got this vision actually to become a fighter pilot which I did actually I joined the the air force when I was 20 years old and stick to the airports for 11 and a half years flying the several airplanes but I was faced with the fighter bomber being 32 and they fed and through the tornado yeah and after 11 half years I got the opportunity to change my flying career into let's say a less stressful flying kind of and I had the chance to apply for the Hapag Lloyd after joined up back Laura had the opportunity to fly the Boeing 737 and the Airbus a310 I did that with passion as a first officer and then after seven and a half years the opportunity came up to join the Aero logic and our logic came up with a plan so to say a fast accelerate command plan to become captain on a triple 7 and I took the chance and this is now about nine and a half years ago so almost 10 years next year to have been there from the very first day basically I spent there from the very for almost from the very very first days yeah I charged the company and I didn't regret I don't regret it and now we are here and flying and flying the triple 7 as a commander and I really I really really like it I mean some funny thing about it is I used the documentary with the Discovery Channel years ago and they asked ask me if I ever could imagine to being a being a pilot on the commercial Akram and I said definitely no no not really and even the famous the favorite thing in the movie drop-down like if you behave like this yeah you will end up flying a rabid dog out of Hong Kong I mean it's not rabid dogs literally fly out of Hong Kong but we are there pretty much all the time we're gonna start flying to Hong Kong I thought about this it was funny the most important the most important question which comes up in in this matter is of course memory core Iseman come on yeah now it's ice mentholated here so you started off like a memory goeth yeah I started off actually so it's not low passes next to the tower it's not really I mean this are your behavior one thing is the movie and the other thing is reality we have the military SOPs and rules and regs yeah but this is basically about my career our started it I think it was quite exciting but I prefer now this a nowadays our office with air watching this is quite not only interesting we have a really really nice network around the world that we're flying to that includes South America the Middle East China and up to Japan lots to see the United States obviously got a couple of destinations over there so it keeps it interesting really interesting what's your favorite wonder the favorite favorite I would say is Hong Kong Hong Kong is always it's it's a classic la meet with JFK New York is also quite nice and they say even in songs that it's a city that never sleeps but until you have been to Hong Kong you might think New York City is the city that never sleeps Hong Kong is definitely is better they really really never sleep they sleep even less and if you know where to go and Hong Kong I mean this is kind of 24 hours 7 days a week places to go pretty nice that is true you ever get the chance to get to Hong Kong do it yeah as I get out of this story it is flying is kind of an emotional thing for you as well so it is the the choice to make an career as an aviator it was something I've really never regret I mean this is kind of it's a dream it's a kind of a dream and it was for me a dream as a child and it turned out I was lucky and healthy enough to do that what I wanted like becoming the fighter pilot thing and then going to the to the commercial flying and that is something I really can still recommend yep yeah this is I guess this is where our stories meets when it comes to the 2d passion about flying because there is a quite a funny story actually for me as well I after I decided to become a pilot I did my school until the age of 14 and then I started to become really bad at school and I left school at the age of 16 with really bad marks so really really really bad marks I thought every pilot has every pilot has of has something called a beat or and or degree or something something equivalent to a b2 but this is basically how I or why I tell it's because I'm the living proof that not every parent has a bitter or something equivalent I became really really bad at school because I I was really interested in in the stuff they tell me it's Korea was rather sitting in front of the flight simulator actually I was doing overnight long-haul flights in real time so I said so like 1012 hours in front of the flight simulator overnight yeah is it every exceeded and I was not sleeping as well so basically the same thing I do now but now I do we don't acquit cool place anyway I was getting bad at school and then I decided to a apprenticeship to front my flight training so I did the PBL alongside my apprenticeship I was quite quite happy that I left school because the apprenticeship was much better because it found the path light playing obviously it's apart from that I was not really beloved by teachers because all of them told me that I will never get a proper job and all that stuff which you did of course the worst I will never be a pilot of course story continuous I was that I finished my apprenticeship and I finished my ppl and then I gathered some some experience on this more East Plains and the step after step I I gathered my Cpl my instrument rating my Marty pilots or my Marty engine please rating and all the tricks necessary to apply on the top market the bad thing was that was the years of 2011 it was not the best place to be a rookie pilot on the job market is different now this is it is different now it is now a very very good time to be a rookie pilot but not back then and so I was stuck with my drop ahead as a telecommunication technician i couldnĂ­t working there and applied for jobs and I was I sent out like 200 applications and out of out of 200 applications I sent out there we are 201 rejected so that was the spirit pretty much but times changed there were two the other times changed but back in the day there were two types of airplanes alone the flight is for the first one was 277 the second one was to Jerusalem so there was no way around that for me pursuit I wanted to get on the 737 and after three and a half years actually of being unemployed as a pilot got hired by a very famous Irish low-cost airline oh yeah what might that be could be maybe maybe I'm not Elliott but these patios yeah I was hired by them on the 737 and that was flank for them gathered a lot of takeoffs a lot of landings a lot of experience which I am really happy about and I'd really appreciate that and after that I was looking to change over to my ultimate airplane which is of course the cheaper seven so let's buy up night for our chicken I'm really really happy for this opportunity when did he jump when I enjoyed last year in October was it it was always September acceptance or number 10 okay quite happy to be here but yeah nice turned out nice yeah that is something that you can take with you if you if you believe in something if you want to do something just stick to it and try out I mean there are a couple of things that you can't influence it's like your your health and I mean if you don't pass it through medical that's probably it but it's most of the time not your fault but other than that if the times are bad for our entire let's stuff they will change they will change again and there are several ways of ending up in an in a nice cockpit there are some I mean there are some carriers they still take you from the beginning as as without experience and during the flight school but Germany talking I can't think about oneness there's not actually besides Te'o logic or logic has this program together with the TFC kalfa when they give young guys opportunity to start flying training from the really beginning if this is not possible anymore or you don't pass the test whatever no reason for for giving up the dream you just started on another way due to your training and your career start with another flight school there are plenty of them and then apply as a ready entry first officer that is also one one thing that you could do to start your career yeah that is true and especially there a lot of a lot of people say yeah well I don't have the money and I don't have this I don't have that the only thing that really matters is the desire if well if there is no way then go and make one this light it's like I did I was basically to all of those who are sitting in front of the screen now wanting to become a pilot this message is for you basically I was I was in your shoes I was sitting at home in front of my PC and watching Eclipse movies everything basically available on YouTube related to flying and I wanted I wanted one thing I wanted this seat so I was I was not willing to neo negotiate this so this is another important thing if you want something and it gets hard don't negotiate everybody is negotiating when it's getting hard so yeah well probably I don't know flying some weird thing in the other end of the world is is fair enough so I wanted I wanted the Boeing 747 but this one is this one is fine as well know if you want something go and get it and pursue it as long as it takes to get this trip do it [Music] Jeff mechanical flight 3 vonikken extra heart alight vegetable to treated Oh goodbye one say it's from a 3-0 Ricardo Bofill on the back and the latest clearance was inbound Hotel Delta Oscar okay yeah later yeah we approaching our point of descent in about six minutes that took me on schedule by but I think we get an earlier decent and have to reach campus off by a certain level let's see what happens in the next seconds four minutes the voice of experience and stuff at a certain level if we don't get those this descent in the next minute I will trigger them for the descent the reason why we're doing that descending a little bit earlier then on their schedule at the top of descent point is to reduce engine wear and tear so it's better for the entrance that they are not running right out of the crews into the idle mode right away so we just dropped the power a little bit and then at a certain point where it catches the flight path mean up it will be anyway in the idle mode ask for descent okay yep Farida supercargo five-three-one the question there's a couple 531 other charges Alfonso a310 the car girl but one that because it was free on really reject or deterrence so as I mentioned before we are now in the descent we left the flight level 340 row and the aircraft is scheduled that it reduces the thrust until we get a decent rain of about 1000 to 1500 feet once we catch the flight path now we will be fly into the flight path the throttles will be the winner of node-red toss until idle but right now they are just a little bit to allow descent of about 1,000 feet to catch the flight last people money what is interesting as well on the triple 7 freighter compared to the passenger version is the wide spread of possible landing weights because with more than 100 tons of freight capacity you can't be a 100 tons heavier or a hundred tons lighter in the peasantry version it is just it can't be full or empty it makes a difference of its quarry 30 tonnes and this what we're dealing with here is a spread in learning weights which is possibly of about a hundred tonnes which is quite a lot I get a sir another pages the latest latest reference check Jevon car go faster even faster on the bundle of eight two five five seven eight o'clock the turnover a two-five five-three-one there was 3 1 x + 3 1 0 German cargo 51 our radar complex different levels to Sigma zero level by Auto Gauss Cara never by one two six zero is checked there's the latest arches same conditions as before age 1 0 2 2 such before 9/11 our radar contact during performer 5 I break this were very clever TSA editor due in 1/4 we McCool Vienna one two five two zero one seven five to India to a cult extra house one two seven zero five eight zero hour so like I said before as expected we got this level restriction at flower at ham stove which is Hotel Delta Oscar flight level two six zero and afterwards we pretty much expect radar vectors in to Leipzig the ATC traffic if ATC traffic permits we will get those and its small as its rate and approach into runway two six left yeah because of the fact that the Leipzig Airport is used pretty much as a freight hub rather than a big peasantry important most of the traffic is during the night rather than during the day so that's why it is quite common zero I another thing that is quite special about Leipzig see a space structure around the airfield usually we I used to be a fly the whole approach the descent especially in flight level 100 and below in protected airspace where the IFR traffic is separated from the IIFA traffic at the place for example frankfurt berlin hero and other big airports around the world but leipzig it's a big airport but they have this a space structure a special warm that they have Class E airspace above it above the CTR that means we have to watch out for wheels our traffic if possible if we are william see below flight level 100 pretty much this is especially effective on the weekends when lots of private flying takes place but supplies are also obviously during the week so 250 for example is our speed limit below flight level 200 to 300 or more and complete Munich 131 decimal zero five five hours we keep our decent rate of 1500 or more contact meaning of what three children Tristan unhurt yep fifty number - mother's parents Nevada cargo plans we want our effectiveness of some cattle fight you on a loan mission data identify exactly as we expected flatland execute goodnight everyone Aceveda 170 family to find on apply its identified shirts to heavily inked you tell 1001 minutes right identified and fly to the truth [Music] some chuckles feisty one day some slides of late it's a health check touched upon but the minute haircut off the wing now what we are just doing since we got a short trick we don't have that much on a miles to go and that's where we ended up slightly above the flight path and right now we are catching this flight where we were just putting the flight level change mode and increasing the speed so once we again backed into bypass which will happen pretty soon you can engage vertical navigation again we now have - English hello many trade are identified is entitled I'm a villain 2,000 feet per minute operator returns about your so getting to the flight path again you know giving simple sanitation flatter the one-niners it'll cost $11 190 to be leveled by habit of your comfortable holiday LM - Aniki coming haha beta 1 through 7 decimal traced on the right side a really a weather what a beautiful Friday afternoon today the clouds that you can see they are a particular good for glider flying and if it's during the week on a Friday we just have to pay particular attention to gliders below the cloud pastes once we become below my level 100's match before hydrati one coming to engines what to success with 175 by the free one little too now first off international to set approach checklist checks both checklist ultimate reserve arrives third left or checklist company Thanks there is the deceleration segment as the aircraft is aware of the speed limit of 250 below ten fold lines for deceleration how much it does at all and this is a quite high cloud base today for those cumulus clouds 10,000 and out 250 is the perfect okay we'll find one after this approach much better now below the cloud sound it's seven eight the carpet so six yeah it wasn't something a thousand to powder so the kite path is alive tricked checked the feel is the scientist so let's plus one set localize the capture trace - fine - fine I'm a cargo party one establishment it okay to fight back a second color one to one [Music] glads love capture checked craft of presets Makka go 5 3 1 Hong Kong everyone that the tower had all been too thick they will create nine amount to cap the one I do not copy to six left desolate at the Atlanta so for the approach speed later on that will be 156 plus the 10 notes gasps okay it's now in casting 19 was it nine casting 19 but 10 knots anyway because of our new selection so we left the stem and the 9 on top not exceeding 20 good they picked out of 0.1 a float of these cannons hold on I've made over telephone Atlantic our lineup under two thick hide by now probably too thick right over that one eight miscible watch this approach altitude is already set with each directly refers 20 [Music] [Music] [Music] that's what he said [Music] flux 25 not stopped and flaps 40 centimeters Episode II said very trekkers landing checklist complete Turkish companies [Music] that's what there's no problem I don't wonder they'd won a place that made a man feel confident on something anyway the question where that need money my online your frequency for this but they won't live in track to a zero degrees one day one savelist chart about the contract five flight director charge 300 approaching minimal checked company [Music] the second exit Patrick sixty knots my controls your curse she seduced steps Maria you see that little bird incredible it was a flock of birds actually just an hour touchdown zone I hope we did hit one [Music] okay one to one decimal 8 was the frequency good afternoon 7005 Freeman bingo bingo be an eight and Victor instead call a desire via thank you Sarah Victor stand for eight five yep chef I am children in the Bible I listen to it back it up supercargo to be all ready for departure today's my birthday first an eagle truck is to catch my bread from the breakfast table and right now we are landing into a flock of birds I mean small birds but crazy I hope we didn't hit one our colleagues the drummer car go 5 to 0 just to go home Yogi's laughing in advance because he knows what's coming right side is here Chris that was a very very important call there could be somebody [Music] so the follow me is waiting for us oh good save you is running jackets [Music] you see those this flock of birds over there yeah houses that my still alive yeah obviously maybe they joined the funeral now [Music] yo ma [Music] what was our scheduled 1 o'clock time 45 sir 45 so we have nine minutes civil I would say [Music] is pretty much in time [Music] wait five [Music] [Music] that's it [Music] shut down checklist parking break is set show table check is complete okay could you please fax welcome everything's fine would you please disarm the bomb I can't cop better yeah go ahead hello segments are healthy for common life see fish neck bones talk that's the shocks up with a melamine arm okay perfect Hank [Music] [Music]
Views: 2,216,610
Rating: 4.8515134 out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, JustPlanes, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, TV, view
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 10sec (7090 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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