Amazing Flight up to Heavens Landing! - IFR Flight VLOG

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Eagle birdie bogey you guessed it we're flying in the mountains in Northeast Georgia wanna go golfing [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome aboard everybody today we have a really special flight we have on board captain Mindy Kevin hello welcome back and we have Sarah in the back with us here at Falcon field south of Elena we're gonna be flying IFR up to heavens landing flying a brand-new Cessna 2:06 today been taxi out to the runway here and get ready for takeoff if you guys do like these videos be sure to smash that thumbs up button also subscribe to the channel also ring that little bell that also notify you when we do upload videos our shelf here we're under the Bravo is 6,000 so I'm gonna put 5,000 in for now we filed for 7000 so we get our clearance Oh Mindy this is your home Airport correct up in is Ileana regional Falcon field Oh like Mindy's Instagram answers in the description below so if you guys want to check out their Instagram it available you on fleek voila alright we're gonna do a quick run guys and we'll see you on the other side of this [Music] that was not bad everything checked out good X you up to hold sure of the runway here pull hold short behind these guys I'm very curious I'm wearing the Bose Pro flight today and I've flown with the pro fight the headset here and TBMs caravans Kodiaks and Cirrus sr22 purple this is my first time flying a Cessna in it so we'll see how it does today so we're gonna head out and then kind of simulate the same the left epic powder but we're gonna keep climbing up to 5,000 so we're gonna kind of help left and then ready up north as we're getting clearance here then the bus were to go okay so we'll take off we're only three line do a traffic pattern and then we'll pick up her clearance airborne ifr clearance will be take it out VFR about the traffic station or night takeoff is lining up three one third quarter all right we'll line up your on center line I know is clear doctor traffic securely act upon the traffic pattern of the west and 1800 rock is the partner to the west so he'll be no factor all right you guys ready to go to heavens landing I'm ready all right here we go I lined up a centerline now we're gonna use the power the full takeoff fire okay experimental a little bit few hundred it battle Falcon oh right where the green air he's alive about ten more knots to go and there we are 59 at bricks hey prick been here ready you could take the flaps out half a mile west of the field at 500 oh it's beautiful around here you'll see why you like living around this area add the leek on the approachin is awesome it'll start a left turn here that's only at the butcher to the South proper right now we're in a more left cross one I'm the traffic pattern yep yeah we'll be starting our left downwind oh is it back there Sara beautiful and we're on top of the traffic pattern now so let's keep the client going to 5,000 as and I'll grab the clearance now good thank you departing approaches here two four Niner tango alpha with you just off the soccer field looking to pick up our clearance to golf echo 99 - 419 go offline approved squawk five one three zero and I don't five one three zero I didn't I take office I've won Frieza be zero what you for nothing offer to contact one mile south of fields out to my Timbers 3 0 2 1 3 3 1 and we're climbing through 2719 office we're knocking off a rush tournament setting 0 5 0 maintain VFR requires just a moment there's IFR traffic just south view climbing out a 3500 mAh general meeting VFR and going ahead is your 5 here and I take office number 9 thing off the traffic note factor you're cleared to golf echo 9 on airport via radar vectors nello Terrace which is Hotel Romeo serie and then direct comma maintain 5,000 expect 7000 and 1 0 minutes and fighting 0 5 0 having plenty via radar vectors Canelo Harris direct 5000 7000 10 after and will be 0 5 0 90 office around 3 back correct there's traffic three o'clock four miles west bound VFR as a Chancellor at 3,000 Roger I really get a kick off it oh yeah we're going to heavens landing today it basically heavens landing is like a premier flying community the lifestyle of getting to live there is basically as good as it gets as far as I'm concerned we're gonna be going up and having the first ever s1k Golf Classic between all three of us so we'll see how that goes so stay tuned at the end of this guys and we'll we'll see you in our how could our golfing skills are roughly not it's on is either trash talk begins hand flying this is really smooth nice from there the trumpeting zero to zero Gareth your anything office yeah we're going over Atlanta Oh Mindy knows this airspace very well well looks like we're gonna go over Atlanta Hartsfield Creek yeah that'll cut our time down significant it's awesome turn left to 0 to 0 so we hit 5,000 we'll bring the throttle back the top of the green roll back our RPM 2400 close our Kyle flaps then I hope you lean it out perfect beer air I get to sit in the back of airplanes it's kind of nice Sarah she flew this airplane into Falcon field for us to take up to heavens landing so thank you Sarah anytime but what uh AV onyx package is this this is the Garmin g1000 and X 1000 and X I yeah well paternal thinning zero one zero zero one here and I think office we pulled the throttle back into the green arc and now you're just pulling the prop rpm back Steph just rolled it back to 2400 now we're in the green on both and all we can get out the victor so we'll pull back to the peaks and then we're gonna run on the rich side hey turn the autopilot on here come on nine thing open and five degrees right main heading zero one five deer once I'm hanging off all right zero one five on the book tour 249 tango alpha contact eye line approach one two six point nine or seven off higher fourteen about fifteen miles of a good day twenty six Niner seven no problem okay ninety office so what do you approach there two four Niner take office with you at five thousand two four Niner finger off eyeliner brush blend out thunder 331 321 make it off I don't like I've used a co-pilot or not to do all the work forget they just enjoy fire black Dan right down there guys is the random hardest feeling as you can see we're going right next to it remember for 183 permit every bunch of runways on the north and the south side of this Airport okay I think Delta's main hub is here number 83 for my contact at Winter Fair eating a lot of a lot of terminals with all the different airlines so we're gonna went three for eight good eight three four Mike Sarah how long have you been a pilot when I figure out your turn right here I got my license when at high school and then I've went school for aviation so I've been doing it for quite some time now that's awesome do you enjoy you've been working for assess now right I started working for Cessna that now Textron aviation as a Sales Director but I've been with the complete both seven years now guys we're thinking about being a pilot be sure to check out my friend Jason shappers youtube channel he has online flight instruction grant prep course uh I think there's a YouTube in the description below be sure to check it out that's downtown Atlanta and they just build the new stadium down there is that with the Falcons play capper Sadie's bed Stadium is that big on looking one our site at downtown I'll tell you what I'd rather be flying over Atlanta any day that driving through it every time I Drive through that city it's a it's a map everyone drop the winter fruit this is our route today guys we file I am i under Julia just pass to go in this direction and then cut over to the east into heavens landing direct that the runway numbers over there two three and zero five it's right three or four thirty gonna maintain 4,000 it's a really cool be an area around heavens landing there's so many different types of activities you gonna do when whitewater rafting don't be loading Blake Burt I'm gonna do that a little later today after we after I've win the golf competition we'll see about that there's gonna be a lot of fun to check out all the different things you can do around this area where they are professionals at this airplane the pressures on me today because they know how to land this thing and grease it in all the attempt to landing this thing for the first time hopefully I don't disappoint you I'd say right now the pressure is on you get nervous I got two professionals in board with me here I got to make sure I don't look too foolish you thought that golf competition show is the only thing today it's only ending competition more nervous about the land composition remember neither king galuf advice when the other weather in the heavens landing Roger yeah we have the weather no no for heaven's landing acting office this number under tango flex on the maintain 7200 and report the field site 7200 and while reports field in sight making office we're basically going to go in to make NRL left downwind four to three and then we'll come in around four to three for a visual you look at our display right here see all the different mountains on our display and if you look out the window they'll coincide with what we see out the window all the different numbers out there here's the other thing Mindy this button right here I hope I don't have to hit this button you know why guys this is the go around bud so my landing is not looking too good that's the button I got a hit so hopefully we stay away from this but today for ifr clearance is gonna have to keep us high for a while it's only have it in sight because they have to give us at least 2,000 feet of the mountains so if we cancel and go VFR we could start a shallow descent and make our way in say we do that if I do that Atlanta 2 for 9 or 10 o'clock I'd like to cancel our eyes are over that are thinking about for Roger ma'am I have no absorb traffic between you in the airport sir 10th place an OCO seat squawks the apparent change survived through the physics if I could even alright so we'll hit the via fire button they're not automatically puts our transpiring to 1200 air traffic control that we ordered VFR yeah we'll start a slow VFR descent down to 3,700 feet it's check our terrain map so see this the green with feature within 2,000 feet of these guys that's all way up north of where we're going as we descend you'll start turning to colors the yellow or with it a thousand feet red you're within a hundred but we just keep checking this page make sure it's the right way yep what's nice about heavens landing it's a private airstrip they actually have jet a and F gas available a lot of different private strips don't know normally have it looks like this figure link lake is Lake Burton that's got to be like Burton right there I'm gonna disconnect the autopilot man you can get a little feel feel for the airplane PR oh you got files out nine miles we got to find this Airport heavens landing station air is eight miles southwest of the field advance landing two three I'll tell you this is probably the most mountainous Airport I have ever attempted to land at it looks like we should probably stay on the right of that peak up and then that would be our left downwind it'd be the right on the other side I think I could kind of see Ernest I do you think it's on the other side of this pole I think I see it right there I'm starting to see it I think I see it right where that opening is Oh on the right side of the peak yeah that's what I thought too I think that's it oh wow a nice golf course down here I think landing automated there we go there's actually might be the water club Waterfall Club where we're having this has 1k golf classic fu0 Sofia the waterfall club all right about 500 feet down to enter the traffic pattern so we're on cue obviously a big station air is entering left on one two three oh look at this guy's oh it's so cool it's amazing we got a little cloud bank below the airport that's our airport right over there I'm gonna actually straight ahead between these two peak and we'll go left base on the other side of that peak right here okay yeah nice big traffic pine then we get a real good feel where we are - so that's the field right over here to our left guys alright here's our traffic pattern 37 ok about 15 on the manifold you're just below it will be a pretty big innocent oh so what I'm doing in the approach Bo 15 on the manifold yeah yeah this is this is just about good so when do you want to get your first notch of flaps and you can we're below what birdie so it's out to the first notch I'll go first notch right now perfect all right elected and indicating fixture prop full-forward it's already they I don't even see the airport again our it's behind the mountains I'll feel much better when we're at Greece hi Greece to the same all right I say we attempt to our left base here oh let's do our left need you to be confident here I don't know what's happening to be on display and your next not to flats when you're ready go below 120 so you're I'm Ashley annexation areas left face to three heavens landing oh my gosh guys this is insanely beautiful all right we're coming around around a left base now for only two three he's getting her Instagram game on oh sorry I have the video it's so cool I think you can see right I thought pretty much off the cliff oh my gosh look at this might be getting a little I think this has gotta be I think I let's come in just a little high that full flaps will drop us right in okay might go full flaps now is okay yep below selected yep sue I be the coolest approach I think I've ever done in my life agree well airspeed looks good pretty much level off of it let it set itself all right third final [Music] run away looks like it slopes uphill absolutely started pulling back on the power till it's pull out slowly slowly yeah level up here and they let airspeed bleed off here you go awesome we'll take it then we'll do you know I sit easy on the brakes will turn around to come back in here okay welcome to heavens landing guys welcome guys hello we just do you turn right here if you want us to turn around and come back to that center field yep back taxi on the runway they could turn around on the runway I've Atlantic stationary at 360 on the runway to get to the centerfield taxi I'll clean up the plate for you I'll bring your flaps up open your cow flaps you're a little bit yeah you're good in this airplane I'll tell you that much that was probably the coolest approach I've ever done I've never had experienced something like that before I hate to warn you guys but I brought my lucky golf shirt so yeah you're gonna need it just how you're lucky Fisher to check that out guys last time you Mindy flew down to Key West and we had a fishing competition you have to go watch it have to see how that turned up guys aren't gonna need any fuel are you no that's Mike okay then just bring it over to the you'll see my eye white Denali I'm pulling up right now okay [Music] we just got the airplane all tucked away in the hangar where we're gonna be staying at two on this trip is the waterfall club with us we're gonna have the s1k Golf Classic get on our way here we are with Mike he's the guy heard on the radio Mike from heavens landing thanks for having us thanks for coming we were happy to have you so we're gonna go into the waterfall club heavens landing in the waterfall club go hand-in-hand track yes heavens landing and the waterfall club have a reciprocal amenities agreement whereby our owners get privileges at the club and their owners here privileges that our landing strip that's nice if you own a home here you can use the a get the amenities all right wonderful you get privileges privileges at the Country Club and we also have an outpost at the Bahamas with similar privileges at highly discounted rates in Grand Isle Resort in the Bahamas so what we liked it we like to say heavens landing is more of a lifestyle package than flying community [Music] we just arrived at the waterfall club that switched out into our golfing gear yes 1k classic is about to begin here we go good luck girls all right I've hired Mike as my caddy on this golf classic thanks Mike for being mcaddy you're awful brave Steve oh the first step of the s1k classic is we got to go to the driving range we need all the practice we can get here we go driving range step number one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right practice session is about wrapping up now went pretty well on my side of things Mindy and assayer over there I don't know about them but we're gonna head to uh we're gonna do a three-hole shootout as places with the s1 paper I think it's gonna be about let's head to hole number one this is gonna be hole number one to two hundred forty five yard hole we've got some water to the left a little bit of a slight incline at the end we'll see how we do here first shot for me pretty decent a little bit right in the rough but we'll take it another now Mindy and I say they're just trying to duplicate my success yeah next up captain Mindy day Oh sand trap tallying up the first shots Mindy captain Mindy sand trap but with the farthest I went the the least amount of distance in Sarah's rate in the middle [Music] [Music] number one it was painful so after hole number one we are coming in with the results Stevo and last place tied with Sara at 8 and kept mindy is crushing it with a seven pair second hole on this competition is a par 4 we're gonna step it up in yardage a little bit by 359 yards with a creek three-quarters the way down let's see how this goes useful useful shot captain Mindy and I are laying down there side by side middle the fairway now we got to see what pilot Sarah pulls out good one very good yeah this is our decision right now all three of us are right here we have to get over to the green but we have a creek in our way so I think all three of us are gonna lay up oh she got across and the crowd goes crazy nice the competitors are all exhausted from the stress and pressure of the heat Mini's cool calm and collected because she's leading by a number of strokes Oh tied going into the last hole second hole overview after we're all done here I had eight strokes Mindy had nine and we had a casualty of the competition Sarah she is bowing out of this I just can't handle it anyway we're going to the last hole now and me and Mindy are now tied so you can't make this up all right this is it guys the last hole we're looking at right now how many yards is this about 167 yards they listen to this let's show you what it is we're teeing off here on the cliff we've got a waterfall here 218 foot waterfall and there's our green way down there so this is probably the most iconic hole I've ever seen in golf and to be able to play this today at the waterfall club is gonna be really fun so may the best player win [Music] basically side-by-side by the green so let's go down finish this off my ball drops right here and Mindy we'll see what happens here [Music] but it's up there when [Music] Oh guys the last shot she holds it out is it even possible that Stevo could miss a 6-inch pipe you're a champion [Music] that's a wrap first s1k classic is in the books captain Mindy you are awarded the champion of this congratulations good job Sarah you get an A for participation right and with me I got a little both a word Oh overconfidence yeah you never get overtime excited yeah apart though so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed that we're gonna now go and enjoy a cool boat ride to celebrate and have a good dinner here I hope you guys enjoy the video and we'll talk to you guys someday soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 494,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, Becoming a pilot, Pilot life, Career in aviation, Aviation, airplane, S1K, Pilot, Heavens Landing, Golfing, Boating, Travel, Adventure, Vacation, Flying in the mountains, Mountain, ForeFlight, MzeroA, Bose Aviation, Vehicles, flying, Taking off, Landing, ATC, ATC Audio, C206, Cessna, Flight Training, Waterfall Club, Waterfall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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