FGHT Dallas: Deliverance From Unclean Spirits

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praise Him hallelujah is there praise enough in the house that night hallelujah god bless your song leaders let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're raising hallelujah wonderful Jesus man praise Allah come on the food's here Martin hallelujah I said hallelujah wonderful Jesus god bless your hearts you may take your places get some testimony we're going to get in the way and out of the way is that Alright Amy would you clap your hands amens we getting ready to receive these testimonies on tonight Amen god bless you brother Adams come on down and bless us tonight amen let's receive him with a hand clap as he come to God Jesus Christ Lord my Savior to Godhead in my life I get on to apostle Mary joining you to lay down here to dr. Sheeler Mary and to the legacy of apostle loves Mary I truly thank God for waking me up this morning my right my hip and strength I thank you God for blessing watching me all day long protected from danger huh what I can say I think of being safe all day long no even have I done no evil have I see I thank God this would be in the House of Prayer tonight because during the time when I was out there I was doing everything we're not like but I think God right now I'm doing thing for God and happening in my life now it's all right you want to pray for me Amen praise the Lord Amen at this time they've made mother sincere your build is going to come and she's gonna bless us tonight let's receive it with a hand clap as she calm praise the Lord that's it come on bring her on tonight a man I give honor to God tonight to apostle Marie just sister Mary's lady that yelling to eat your food other prayers tonight I was just sitting over that thinking back when the Lord very saved me you know since I was in a denominational Church at that time you know I know God is a good guy God is a good guy because I had gone to the pastor and I told him I said I wanna be saved I wanna be filled with Holy Ghost he said out daughter you all right he said you come to church you all right because I was asking for something that he was supposed to help me with and he couldn't do it so I didn't know what to do I said God I need you I want you in my life and I asked my so I thought when you get filled with the Holy Ghost you would speak in tongues oh I ain't never done that's what the pastor told me he said what I ain't never done that he was really making me mad then I said cause he don't really heals you don't know and I don't know what to do so what am I going to do and I thank God because I began to get sincere with God down deep offering my soul I want to go I wanted everything that God had for me and so the Lord led me to those scriptures and the book of Acts well because he had told me there was no such thing as speaking in tongues and everywhere in that scripture where he said that update before they spoke in tongues as the Spirit of God gave them utterance you know I said what now I know that's alive because he said that I wasn't gonna do it but right here is saying that I would speak in tongues saying I wasn't really looking for no tongues but I wanted everything that God had for me so I I can remember standing in the choir singing in the choir that Sunday and that Sunday when every Sunday morning he would call everybody down to the altar and he would pray just before he would preach and I and I had told God I said god I want everything you got for me I don't know what to do I say I've gone to the pastor and he told me you know I was I already had it but you know I don't have and I knew I don't have it so God whatever it is and whatever I have to do and I'm you know I began to feel different I feel just like you know somebody had let the air out on something that needed a dent out of because I felt it seemed like my spirit just burst wide open at that time I said God whatever it is I wanted and I began to lift my hand and you know if we begin to praise God and said thank you Jesus well I had got what you called get happy in church I had done that before but this this time was different this was just different for me that that morning I lifted my hand to God I said god I want everything you got for me in that Sunday morning I lifted my hand to God and I think I was saying thank you Jesus which I had done that before but this time this was something different about this thank you Jesus I began to spank and I heard the preacher said well a man he was walking me to sit down because I I still got to only go I mean Jesus my life praise Him hallelujah ain't God good somebody help what praise the Lord tonight I said somebody ought to help up where's the Lord tonight holly illusion you thought about the glare glare lord have mercy come on clap your hands for those beautiful testimonies amen personal as we get ready to move up around high your we're going to give you into the hands of the old time gospel singles let's receive him with a hand clap and by the words of amen amen god is good isn't it I don't know about you but I'm glad tonight that I'm say sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost we are coming to you tonight with this number oh we are Lord you show been good to me have some trials and tribulations this year but I love a mile I can steer say Oh Lord you show didn't do it to me you are prepare us O Lord we not your sharper we not too shabby DeeDee down yes No [Music] good [Laughter] I just wanna tell the Lord yeah come on one more time put your hands together give the Lord a praise come on give him a praise that he's worthy uh Polly the ushers are moving throughout the aisle ready to take care of your need for this given hour we're up to the part of the service where we all can participate where after that given out how many of you know that we're in the giving season yes we are you know in many times we find ourselves going to buy presents and gifts you know I come to realize that God has given us the greatest gift of all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now you Glen then you're gonna clap your hands for Jesus I've got a Jesus Jesus I'm glad I got Jesus Jane I've been trained tonight when I got you [Music] gee [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm a kid jump new year if you're glad you got Jesus come on lift those hands tonight and praise the Lord everybody hallelujah oh now that's it come on he's worthy of all of our praise hallelujah come on take a moment Prem's in the house tonight he's been good to us I said the Lord's with good to us clap your hands like something give him glory man he is a great God and he's greatly to be praised god bless you takes your seat if you can in the presence of the Lord we're so blessed to be here tonight I'm glad to be in the number one more time I tell you so often he loaned us to life amen one more day and I'm glad about that hey man it's been a very eventful day for us listen God blessed us today amen at the helping hand and I tell you it was something to see put your hands together a band God did some great things for us we were able a man to helping to assist thousands of people today a man and I don't listen it could not have happened without four gospel holy temple and our friends the Friends of our ministry coming together amen meant to see all of the people come this morning all of the workers amen listen they worked hard today amen I'm telling the four gospel example worked hard today and it was a great blessing a man and so we're here tonight I guess some of them are recovering I can understand because they worked today a man they labored and we think God for them but we are here and this is Saturday night which is special deliverance night even this is the time when no matter what it is that you stand in need of if you can elevate your faith to believe God you can receive what it is that your petition him for the Bible tells us if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us we just need to know that what we are believing him for is in the will of God because if he promised it in his word we have a reason a man to build our faith Amen right there on that word of God and believe that God is able to bring it to pass look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the Lord Amen and I am a lover of the Word of God I love mine broke mine you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but what but the word of the hour our God The Book of Mark's Gospel me man I don't plan on being before you have every long tonight but I want to talk to you and I want you to hear me amen because deliverance is real Saint Mark the fifth chapter amen and I want to call your attention to the first a man through the fifteenth verse is just a bit of reading and you're hearing Amen that Saint Mark chapter number 5 verses one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 and 15 and when you have it's say a man read what the Bible says read and when he was come up out of the ship Bible says and when he was come up out of the ship immediately there met him out of these two out of the tomb a man with an unclean spirit uh-huh who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind you Bible says no man could bind him he was uncontrollable uh-huh no not because ooh it would change because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains AHA and the chains have been plucked asunder by him uh-huh and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him nobody could get him to do right he was for all intents and purposes maniacal he was a maniac of sorts something was deeply troubling this fella read and always night and day night and day this means he couldn't get no peace he was in the mountain where people are sleeping he's up all night day and night there's never a time when what's in him is not eating away at him it's not bothering him night and day and you got people like that now just Restless at night when you think they would calm down and be in repose that if they ain't doing crazy they think and crazy plot and crazy this man had no rest night and day he's in the mountains and in the tombs Reid crying aha himself with stones Reid but when he saw Jesus afar off hmm he ran and worshipped him and cried with a loud voice and said whatever I to do with thee Jesus what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the Most High God son of the Most High God I adjure thee by God that thou torments me not for he said unto him come out of the man thou unclean spirits and he asked him what is thy name what is your name and the answer saying my name is legion my name is legion for we are many for we are many three and he besought him much he would not send them away out of the country uh-huh now there were nigh unto mountains a great herd of swine feeding and all the devil's besought him saying all the devils every demon inside of this man besought Jesus saying send us into the swine let us go into the swine that we may enter into this uh-huh and for with Jesus gave them leave Jesus gave them leave gave them permission to go into the swine Reed and the unclean spirits went out the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine and they entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea uh-huh they were about to pal - that means this man had at least 2,000 demons in him you don't think that many demons can fit in one body let me tell you something a man the devil of crowds you out here leave just barely any room for you 2,000 demons in one man read and were choked in the sea were choked in the sea and they that fed the swine fled and told it in the city and in the country uh-huh they went out to see what it was that was done and they come to Jesus and they came to Jesus and see that he was possessed with the devil ha ha it had the Legion and they saw him that was possessed with the devil and had the Legion sitting Bible says he was sitting and clothed and it is right and it is right man they were afraid and they were afraid what a great deliverance this was it was so great that the Bible declares that when they came and they saw the man that was a demon-possessed sitting and in his right mind he was scared what kind of power could get this man to act right and do right and be right who can give him back his right mind I'll tell you who it's Jesus and he's still doing the same thing the day you've got a lot of people amen they're pounding the possess it's quite as its killed everybody a man is not just a meant a little off everybody's not just stressed out do you know in this hour that we're living in now there are still people that are walking around some of them got suits on and pies around the net some of them got great jobs and 401ks they have children amen they look good they're professional some of them are well-spoken but truth be told there's a lot of people now better demon-possessed and in a time like the one we're living in people need to know that God is still able to deliver and that's what I want to talk about tonight deliverance from unclean spirits their deliverance from unclean spirits and you know he meant people don't believe this kind of stuff anymore amen they look at this and they think this is some matters figment of their imagination you know science now have identified what they call multiple personality disorders and you've got some people Amen they're one way here and then something else switches on and then hey man there's a look kid's voice that comes out and then there's something else that switches on and the next thing you know amen this personality is a woman this next personality Amen is an eight-year-old boy remember next personality is an old man the next personality is somebody of or em2 this sin amen speaking with an accent and the next personality a man is who knows what else and you know they identified this and they say Amen that these are just personality disorders but can I say something to your brothers and sisters even hi I'm not a medical doctor I can't speak for doctors amen of the medical profession Amen but I can't diagnose it according to the spirit realm and I can tell you Amen that these are the works of listen that God did come he meant to give you multiple personalities Amen that's the work of an enemy that is trying to ruin your life it's the devil that's trying to destroy you amen and cause you to live amen I like that God never intended for you to live you can't kill me the terrorists peace with their hey man is a spirit there whose main design is to trouble you amen and to undo the creation of God amen that's what the devil comes to do he never comes amen to give you any type of peace he never comes to give you tranquility he never comes so that you might have a rest the devil comes to disturb he meant to disrupt your life the Bible calls him a thief well y'all hearin what I'm trying to tell you tonight the Bible says he is a thief and a thief is somebody Amen that comes to steal something he he comes to take it while you are unaware he meant a thief in some matter that'll get you hey man that's ten in your face and you're totally oblivious as to what they're doing now stand behind in the grocery store line and he men get close to you and reach in your pocket amen take your phone out and you don't even know it that's a thief yo y'all gettin cry now hey man and the Bible calls the devil of fear because so many times we're looking in other directions the devil is undoing us and so many people are oblivious to it now that's the reason why they're not running to the house of God that's the reason why you don't see and they don't even know it hey man that and they think this stuff is fun and they think that it's funny they think it's something laughing and don't even realize they're on their way to hell unless somebody brings a real strong y'all can get quite a mo talk to somebody for a minute here the Bible said he comes to steal he comes to kill you brothers and sisters remember never don't have it in him to build you up he's only trying to tell you desires to do it will end in your demise trying to do people need to understand outside of the safety of the will of God control now you got people now said listen I'll do this later on I'll get it right I can stop with I want to know it's because many times there's a spirit control talk about the time and system Marie a man was running to revive on any when and he started praying he meant for some added headed demon in Wow that we can't see with our eyes ruled by the Prince of Darkness you got to realize what a spirit is a spirit is not something that you can medicate no you know they talk and I got a picture from many many years ago I forget what decade it was from in the in the 1900s but it's a picture people what they call back in a psych ward and they talked about all of the things that they experienced tonight I got friends that used to work in in those places and they talked about some of the things that you see and some of the things that you experienced how did they have trenches that were dug in the concrete walls with people's fingers just troubled in their mind y'all getting quiet families didn't know what to do with them they were perplexed and they couldn't deal with them by themselves and because things were so off the world and out of order they sent him somewhere with medication I'm trying to tell you we have been trying to that's the reason why we don't stop these kind of things from happening in the world just getting rid of one person it is just that it's a spirit one of those demons in this world is to destroy all of mankind they need a body to work through they just can't do stuff if they're going to to fulfill that plan and that design and that is higher maybe the body that they can work through well y'all hear what I'm trying to tell you don't tell me this sniffing real he-men this stuff is real that's why I keep saying Amen the people all the time you gotta stop messing and stop playing around with some of this stuff because some of this stuff they got now this ain't number doorways but demon possession y'all get quiet man they in the store walk buying that can't be on the chef it's that real back up and let all Ouija board and Ouija board sitting up thing and you got crazy folk will buy something like that you know what you're doing you playing with a doorway to demon possession boy out and got cried on me now amens you know you know they had a game out a couple of years ago children playing in schools people just ask the spirit the question and they will start to see stuff happening hey man I write that listen you know what teddy is that's a spirit don't beat that this stuff is real I remember hearing about a young man right here in this city who went to school and didn't even make it past lunchtime because the students were terrified of him hey man they said he would walk up behind the students and school elder he would touch him on the back and while they was that token the other people he would come up and touch up on the back and then they would just collapse and just just hit the floor and everybody got terrified one teacher said he came in the classroom and when he came in that was an empty chair that slid all the way across the classroom y'all get cried now and we think this stuff is real let me tell you something that's the reason why it's people who grew up in church that will take a chance and go back out there and give the devil another opportunity remember a good friend of ours was closing out the service one day one Sunday morning and as he was closing the service our young man shouts him out of his seat and he runs up to the pulpit and he chats to the pastor he's trying to kill me look around some of my friends were there they said everybody look trying to figure out who's trying to kill this young man nobody's chasing him nobody was sitting in this area that looked suspicious and so he says he's trying to kill me pastor look at him and says who's trying to ki he said he's trying to kill me when he started inquiring further out of this young man's mouth comes a voice that is other than the voice of this young man and it just so happened they were recording it I heard the recording when they played it the young man comes up and he asked the question he looked up to our pastor looks at him and says who is this that demon says you know me a demon says we know who you are you got real power in your life I was here when he was on you three years ago don't mean you don't have a responsibility fifteen years if you give him another opportunity he's going to try to take it he's going to try to destroy you and he said I'm telling you now he said I told him not to come up here I told him to sit down I told him not to stand up and come up here and he told the pastor he said you better keep him here because if I catch him outside that door I'm gonna kill him look at y'all getting quiet this is what the devil wants to do he wants to kill you he needs somebody to walk through the Bible said it's possible for this disembodied personality to finally lodging in human beings they'd look for something to possess and we see from the text that there possess an animal I remember a few years ago how we heard was pit bull attacks pit and they sat in Fort Worth pitbull was running from I guess the animal control and they were chasing him and said he went he bit through a chain-link fence you know this stuff ain't normal yeah but this stuff is not natural a demon will possess an animal we said in the Bible but they would rather possess you so these disembodied personalities these spirits amen if they can find somebody who's open who's right and who's outside of the will of God they don't mind coming in and and possessing you there's been a lot of a lot of debating and and and people say that Saints can be demon-possessed I don't read that what I read the Bible says Satan has no part in me he says light has no fellowship with darkness Amen if the Sun would set you free then you're free indeed I don't know how you can have the Holy Ghost and you end the devil in you at the same time the heaven wasn't even big enough for God in the devil that's why he got kicked out but but they gonna share your little body see what what happens the moment that you believe that he can possess you you give him a right to possess you y'all getting quieter here the moment you believe that as a child of God you can have you give him a doorway to come in but the Bible said light and darkness have no fellowship bitter and sweet came flow out of the same you mean you speaking in ponds and the same tongue is going up as the Spirit of God speaks through you don't talk but I've seen people in churches and I've seen some where something was not wild with him come on but they want to possess you that's why you got to stay covered under the blood of Jesus Christ I remember the young man got the token and he he was sitting up trying to argue back with the pastor the pastor said listen I'm not I'm not arguing with you it's time for you to come out of this young man and he said listen I tell you what if you if you let me have him I won't bother none of them out there you know that that's what the devil that's why I tell you you can you can I try to get this one here but this is a spirit and he'll just come out of one and go into another pastor friend of mine told me he called me he said I was in revival last week he said an in revival I was at the altar and I laid don't somebody in a demon manifested he said and when they did I cast the devil out he said and I looked behind me and the minister's head start turning on his shoulder he started screaming and I have to go back and you know terrified that church he said them folk started running to the altar because they realize ain't nobody safe if you are not covered by the blood of Jesus Christ and the Bible says that they do the Bible says that an evil spirit can possess a man but the power of God can drive him out but then the Bible says but when he comes out not coming today they still come out the Bible says but when he comes out he walks through Dry places places that are not satisfying he walks through Dry places seeking a place of rest and the Bible said he's looking for somewhere else that he can live when you cast the devil out of somebody he's looking for somewhere else to go that's why they used to tell us hey men while we were sitting in church that you can't be carnal Wow Oh see you got a whole bunch of folk while ours are Karl going on be in another world some of them get up and take a bathroom break and they just go out there standing by the water found just said not that token each other listen when our altar call is going on you sit there why and keep your mind on Jesus because just because you know here demons crying out don't mean they coming out sometimes you think because there was no manifestation and there was no speaking out and you never growling like a path then you don't think a demon come out no some pearl may come out [Music] another house comes back when he comes back he comes back to his house if he wants to come back [Applause] take twice as long from the breakthrough the god that's something going on on the inside of you and the Bible said that man is worse the Bible said that spirit comes back and this is why you better stay in church this is why you better stay covered under the blood mr. Peter preached the message a few years ago entitled this kind comes back I want you to know the devil ain't done with you or you think just because you got saved and you joined the church and filled out a membership card and bought your three suits and matching ties you think the devil is scared because you went pocket squares now that's my god you gotta make sure that you're not just clean but you gotta make sure that you're occupied always you gotta make sure you got to hold it girls the devil you can't battle the devil without the hold it goes my friend was telling me no while ago a man I guess from that church went over to Africa and he's and preach Christ to them listen you better know you got Christ said he went over there he was outside of a village that had a totem pole in front of the village huh and he gonna show out and go over there and call out the spirits over the Hat I'm calling this out and said he took the axe you got some power because you carry the Bible Jesus going across the sea into the coast of the gadarenes and and when you read the the latter part of the fourth chapter of the book of Mark you'll notice that he's asleep on the ship and a storm comes out of nowhere the storm is so bad the disciples think they don't - hey go to him and said master do you can you down here sleeping we appeared shoveling water in and and getting buckets and trying to stay afloat and you died here resting on a pillow bother said they said listen we better go wake him up he don't got pretty serious night is that this ain't no job for the copilot's this the job for the pilot get him up Jesus wakes up he goes by the ship and the Bible says he simply goes on says peace be still was the devil's way of stopping Jesus from getting to this man don't tell me he didn't know he was coming because when he stepped on the shore it must have sent shock waves because the devil ran to him that's the reason why it's always a storm right before you get to it the moment you start saying listen I'm going to church next Sunday [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus put on the cows and when he does he gets attention from even demon spirits they recognized the presence of God they recognized his authority and the Bible said they came and they fell and when this man who the Bible says was so bad he's naked and not only that but he's comfortable he's a cemetery dwelling streaker he's comfortable in the nude don't matter who's looking that's not his concern you know when when when people of diamond possess they have very little concern I've seen demons throw people down I was in another country held I 'true was with I was in another country brother Chad was that and and and and and after I preached I was at the altar calling and I was laying hands on a man and it went all right for about the first 10 12 seconds then after that this demon started manifesting and that man that I come when he did that he takes his fist and he just I thought he broke my nose I grabbed my fingertip and I'm walking to the side expecting to see blood no blood I thought my nose was gone so I come back and I lay hands on him we cast the devil out of him and coming even little kids started falling down demons screaming out of little children y'all getting cried walked up the aisle and when I walked up the house folks started hitting the ground just found it on the floor and start slithering like snakes up under the Pew by the time the service was over the pews were everywhere y'all done got quiet they were that with pews were everywhere I'm being evil little kid the devil don't care how he looks and he causes you not to care sitting on the ground slithering like snakes with a palm and then screaming like dogs and now getting quiet he don't care Mama's that this man was naked he was comfortable being naked and he was comfortable in the toe cause he was so tormund Bible says he had rocks looking for rocks just just something and when he found him he would just start scraping himself and the Bible says he was cutting himself which just commented and I remember the first time I ever talked to somebody who admitted that they cut themselves young lady said on my couch in my office and she said I'm what you call a cutter and I had never heard of that and parents you better be looking somebody marks these these kids cutting themselves and she said I'm a parent I had to ask her to explain that what is that she said I take razor blades and knives and I start cutting myself on the lines between my fingers because it's harder for people to detect them that way I said what is that about why would you cut yourself until you're bleeding and she says I just cut between the lines hold my fingers cause it's hard to see him that way I said what is that about you know what she told me she said I'm sick of people hurting me and I figured if I'm going to feel pain at least let me be the one causing it because that means I'm no longer anybody else's victim I'm victimizing myself and if I'm going to hurt at least let me be in control of my own pain maybe this man was so tormented that he's cutting himself just causing damage disappointment and don't care hasser don't care attitude look at what he's doing through his body and I'm telling you the same thing is going on now look at what the devil got people doing to themselves can't imagine their bodies and they don't care you know everything get amiss tell them you're gonna die and they're just taking chances they don't care the Bible says but when Jesus comes to bring deliverance Satan steps up and takes notice and he comes and he said listen wait a minute what do we have to do with you do you come to torment us and flowered I'm not the devil fool you heed no it's almost over for him he know he is no match for the power God do you come to torment us before our time we know who you are Jesus Bible says because jesus said unto him come out of this man you unclean spirit and Jesus said what is your name Bible says this man began to have a conversation with Jesus but Jesus is not talking to the man he's talking to the spirit in the man what is your name and the voice that comes out of the man says to Jesus I am legion for we are many do you know there people that are talking and sometimes you don't realize what you listening to he's the boss and I used to hear possum ever said and I done found it to be true some people they look so normal and have you noticed that when they would shoot a cutting up and they acted up but soon as you counter police or they get before the judge they become the most intelligent people in the whole world and you trying to get some help and they go in there and by the time they get through talking the judge looking at you like you doesn't done something wrong and you need the medicine and hey y'all look a check-in at it how do you know why because the devil ain't crazy he just act like that he's not crazy he knows what he's talking about he knows what he's doing the Bible said he began to talk and he says my name is legion for we are many we which means it's more than me and here I may be the spokesman but it's a whole lot of us in here we are many can you imagine how tormented this man is what what if what if he had a lion demon then he had a sex demon then he had a alcoholic demon y'all getting cried here then he had this kind of demon and this kind can you imagine how conflicted he is when he's trying to move according to the will of all of that stuff that's in him it's enough to drive anybody crazy Bible says Jesus says come out of this man you unclean spirit and the Spirit says listen Lord we know we have no power to stay when you command us to come out but at least don't send us out of the country let us go into that herd of swine over there hey I heard pastor diamond say they don't let the devil even a Defen don't want to go to hell you got folks in a bit chatter I don't care how I'm afraid it's gonna be there when I get there and then the part ain't gonna start till I get there now ain't gonna be no party when you get that the devil knows something you don't know even he don't want to go to him and the Bible says Jesus told him them coal and when he gave him permission let me close here he says go a herd of swine on the side of a hill run violently down the coast and a choke in the sea we went that when we went we went right over to the coast of the sea and what you see these demons do - was driving drunk that's what he's but God is mercy preserved you unto your hour of deliverance look at this man could have bled to death could've died a long time ago but God until he could have never wanted to kill him like he want to kill you and you and those of you that are watching the devil wants to destroy you and you know what people had shot him Fogle did they still believe in a devil I guess they believe in Santa Claus and a boogeyman to see that's how the devil have gotten so many people he has convinced people he's not even real oh when tragedy happens everybody where was God I want to know have you seen the devil where that rascal at because if I know him like I know him his hand is in this somewhere all of these folk died where is God I'm out did you see which way that babble went he has convinced the world that he's like the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy and Senator Church people just made him up to explain stuff that goes wrong in their life and all the while he's possessing listen when you see look he is killing a whole family don't tell me the devil can't possess look boy y'all getting cried here I remember when we had to school one of the teachers who's here tonight I had a young lady in a class and she was in the class and she was cutting up and the desks were all facing the front of the classroom the teacher's desk was behind all the students desk so she was looking at the back of all of the students heads and the young lady is sitting at the desk like how the other students facing away from the teacher and she's cutting up and things are going on and the teacher who's here tonight started praying and she said she just prayed under her breath and said Satan I bind you she just said out of her mouth she just prayed that prayer in a mind she said in her mind she did not bind you and she said when she said that a little girl in the front of the classroom turned around and look at I said now what did you just say don't tell me the devil won't try to y'all getting quiet sty he look at it ha ha ha ha I chatted with jock cuz like like an adult ha ha ha ha look at all right I don't know could be that me haha what made them say some of that stuff haha little boys I'm gonna kill everybody I'm okay and take you I'm gonna drain your blood I'm gonna paint the wall with it and then I'm gonna go around will cut your head off I'm a loser listen you guys stop laughing at this stuff you better stop thinking this stuff is funny these kids sitting up talking about what all they see he doing this and some of this stuff is coming from what you let let me hush you'll let them look at all this crazy stuff amen let them get involved in this child let them listen to that music and the music ain't talking about nothing but everything that'll get you sent to hell and you let them sit up a lay down and that stuff is penetrating their mind all night then they wake up talking about killing folk hey men they language changing they cuss it like sailors they got an angry demon that's the reason why they go to school hey man flying teachers and just punch them in the mouth and act like they grown people listen he meant somebody need to start cash to these Devils out I wish they'd let God hey better walk the halls of these schools like they used to hate because you wouldn't have all of this stuff hey man the children would know to resist this stuff but now that's what you says there's a whole lot of us in here and to prove it they killed 2000s wine that's what the devil wanted to do to this man and if he had a had his way he'd have killed him like he did these wife and he wants to kill you and he wants to kill you only reason why he don't is because the blood of Jesus Christ if you say it's protecting your life and if you're not saying it's just the grace of God but you're treading in some dangerous water you better run to the Ark of safety Oh child I'll never do that don't listen that's not a word that belongs to you oh I'll never know look at what that woman killed a whole family what job I never do that stuff alright keep talking about what you will never do you don't know what you do when the devil take you over and the Bible says that when they heard what was done they came and they saw this man that was demon-possessed they saw him sitting usually when they see him he's streaking in the tombs and he's hiding behind tombstones and you know it's scary anyway sometimes walking past a cemetery especially at night I remember we were out of town and one of my friends with in the car and we drove even by a cemetery we was down the road and and and and he said look I don't want know about everybody looked the same direction all of us look we all gonna look the same way because I don't want to seen under don't nobody else see people scared when you go to do that that's something that it commands respect you walk by cemetery you it's a whole lot of folk under the ground over there and this man was comfortable than the last time they saw him he has a level of comfort around dead people and he's hiding behind tombstones he looking at you and you had to try to bury your cousin and you see a naked man looking out from around the tombstone that tree then you say run to the next tombstone and he bloodying and he hiding behind that looking at chin but now you come back you got a got a button-down shirt on and shoes tied up he got pants on that's bigger than a phone got a belt around his waist and hair combed face is washed he don't look like that same streaking cemetery dweller because if any man be in Christ if y'all getting cried here I said if you're in Christ not around him a whole lot of people around him I wish I had such a wonderful he's not come to tell you he still comes to deliver from unclean spirits and Obama said he was in his right mind so let's just know when the devil takes you over people out there now they're not in their right mind stand to your feet tonight they're not in that right man when you see a man rape a little kid he's not in his right mind when you see a man rape a grown person he is not in his right mind you said all these heinous things going home for could kill you chop you up and put you in the freezer read a story the other day a woman I think of the woman killed somebody and fed the people hey coming over to the house daily shrimp fried rice and they didn't chop them up and put them in the rice somebody's not in their right mind they killing people and leave them in the house that's somebody that's not in their right mind all this stuff people doing now listen that's the enemy who's trying to twist somebody's mind that come on you know this stuff ain't normal it's like putting your shoes on the wrong feet even if you don't know with what's the right feet it just don't feel right you have to put your shoes on the wrong feet no act like you ain't never put you tell me you grown and then still if you ain't paying attention and even if you didn't look at them it just it just feel wrong something right just feels wrong and that's the way some of this stuff is we look at it down we know what ain't right it's just some about it is weird and if you're not careful the enemy is going to use some of these things as doorways to come in and and take you over I've seen people who the enemy twisted him all the way up they were one way happy and the next time you see him the countenance has changed that's what the devil I remember once me an elder high tree or when the prayer room and there was a young lady in then some of the altar workers were in there and this young lady was cussing and doing all this kind of stuff and we walked in and a demon in her I mean this demon was cussing and we throw that devil to shut up don't you don't use that language in the house of God and your tongue and let girl set up that and she kept on trying to talk but her words cut out and her mouth was just moving and she said that we started praying with her and casting that devil out of this girl and when that demon came out of her she started crying and that old angry face that was looking like she was angry at the world just when that Devil came out oh she started smiling and streaming down her face and she lifted her hands and you can see all of her people she was so happy and she just kept saying I feel so clean I feel so clean between somebody tonight that ever wants to make your pill dirty God want to clean you up maybe the devil is trying to oppress your mind maybe he's trying to rob you of your peace maybe you having trouble you're one of those people he's trying to keep you up all night long you you home he's trying to torment you with a spirit of fear but the devil is alive tonight if there's one that needs to be save I want you to come if you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come tonight come on that's it come on the enemy is trying to torment you I'm not saying you're demon-possessed because everybody's not possessed some people he's trying to oppress you he's trying to weigh you down he's trying to attack your mind oh come on come on I hear somebody saying say I think somebody doesn't work the route on me listen send that devil back where it come from come on now if you need deliverance I want you to come is there another if so come now if you need deliverance come now don't wait sometimes you're guilty of that wait until all the call is almost over you wait till it's over then want to run down this I know I know somebody lift your hands and praise the Lord lift your hands and praising pray with a male just pray with him thank you Lord Jesus somebody lift those hands and give him praise and glory come on whip those hands and give him praise and glory hallelujah hallelujah oh I think God
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 49,033
Rating: 4.8572702 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: 1kyNmTAtOvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 6sec (4506 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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