FGHT Dallas: Apostle Preaches About Hell!

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remember the Floyd is coming with the choir y'all pray for pastors taught us living in town we come looking to receive something from God David said what shall I write unto the Lord for this benefits toward me so we want y'all to join in with us is we worship God in this song we just thinking about with the word so yeah I kind of imagine the right of a song just sitting down lighting God I love them so much [Music] and I think with a little [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] your branches to be obvious ah [Music] I've got to tell you how I love you I've got to tell you how [Music] because you're worthy of all the praises yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] well why don't you take them over lift the hands you've got some praise tonight everybody how they knew that you said your blessing this is your opportunity come on bless him now thank you Lord hallelujah yes long go come on we can do better than that as a matter of fact he deserves better than that come on thank you Jesus for saving me anybody just plant ceviche come on give it face how did it oh yes wah [Music] clap those hands at Pippin praise in the house tonight [Music] pink oh what a fellas ship what a joy divine leaning on his everlasting arms did it matter just glad to be in the house of the Lord tonight Amen are you glad to be well the Saints huh would you just lift those hands and I mean take a moment and give God something personal from your heart through your lips all the way up to his ears come on hallelujah why don't you say something too and they came nobody'll save from a personal place hallelujah bless him for what he's done for you give it the praise for who he is for you boys goodness had this grace we praise the Lord tonight a man so good to be here in the house of worship what boy let's thank God five pound in first lady amen thank God for dr. Shirley Murray amen thank God for Bishop Kirby Brown been with us tonight man he's son this morning out of his heart to this wonderful host of ministry and to all of you tonight my father's children god bless you take your seat if you can so good to be here a man so good a man to be in an atmosphere like this I thank God and I don't take this for granted even anytime we can come to the house of the Lord amen lift our hands and know that we're lifting clean hands before the Lord amen feel his power and his presence certainly we don't take that for granted a man I know places and people tell me hey man that their place is that they can't feel that I remember a friend of mine told me that I can't remember the last time anybody got saved in my church and I said you know that's a shame to go to church and can't remember a time when nobody can say Amen nobody's life was changed nobody's heart was turned to Ward's the Lord Amen I don't ever want to be in a place like that Amen I remember our Powell told us that if there was ever time that he went a whole week and nobody got saved hey bet he could on his knees and fast and pray before God because something was wrong amen that's the purpose of preaching amen the gospel of the kingdom it is so that somebody's life will be changed by the power of God let me see the hand tonight of everybody that really really want to go to heaven Hey Oh it been a wonderful thought a man that one day all of this is going to be over amen I want to go to heaven I'm just not in a rush to get there Amen ain't got nothing to worry about hey man you ain't got none to worry about if your heart is right a bad when he comes I told you the other night touch the matter to him when he show up I go up amen I'm not worried about that hey man if I'm right the ready then I'm writing read it a man but a lot of people say that hey I want to go to heaven everybody brag about that amen but do you know there's some things you got to do to get there man we all talk about where we want to go amen but we got to talk about what it takes to get there because so many people are not living amen the kind of life that it takes in order to get there and I don't know I've been saying it for a while now now keep saying it until God a man tells me otherwise but we're at a point in this there's a very serious moment a man people are playing around and sadly there are so many people that are losing their souls I tell you the Bible tells us hell has it launched ourselves without measure you know what that means that means there's not a shortage of people going to hell and you know people now do you like to preach about hell you go to some churches folk they are they heard about was businesses and more money and more husbands and all of that but they can't remember the last time somebody spoke to them about the reality of hell matter of fact you got preachers preaching there is no hell man they lied to you ain't no hell you haven't your hell on earth a man but the Bible tells us there's something coming after this and he says hell hasn't launched herself without measure a man you know why hell getting bigger because there's a whole lot of folk going there Jesus said men are going to come to me in that day and say Lord Lord did not prophesy preach I cast out devils I fit the poor I did a whole lot in your name and I told him that the reason why I was doing all of this was because this was my service to God and he said I'm going to say to them depart from me not if there's no hell where do people go when they depart from him if they can't get into his heaven and he says leave him where else do they go hell is a reality and people are dying and losing their souls amen people now living hold it for a while and then decided this is not the life for them to live anymore sad reality is the Bible says what a righteous man turns from his righteousness all of that living I don't care if you live saved 50 years if you backslide three days before you die fifty years worth of living right means nothing if when he comes he finds you wanting oh it's worth holding on it's worth digging your heels in and deciding that it doesn't matter who come in who go that I'm gonna make it all of the way and can I say this to you this is not the time if they were ever path to play around with you so the Bible says what shall a man give in exchange for his soul you ain't got nothing that you possess as valuable as your soul because that soul that's got to spend eternity somewhere you've got so many people nine I don't understand the why'd you go to church if you don't want to live right we waste that time putting on good pose y'all ain't standing up it dress it up and drive it hold up that way if you don't have any intention of living now you got people amen coming out and saying that it doesn't matter what I preached and when I lived all of those years I'm standing up to the Klan that I don't believe that anymore well we're at a bad time when preachers are standing up saying I don't preach that stuff number I don't believe that I'm no longer Christian as if that's a badge of honor don't you we've got to give it a count of our selves to God and you've got so many people that are following that Amen you know a few years ago they had a website Amen that encourage folks to just come out and just outright blaspheme go ahead get it over with and you had people going on that site amens just a blasphemy just to prove people say dumb stuff like that because they've never been there any time you got somebody telling you what they ain't scared of it's only because they really ain't never faced it they never come face to face with that's because never wrap his arms around your neck and squeeze the life out of you hey man all the while you'll know it but on the other side of this next breath is a guy that I always said I never wanted to see oh it's easy to talk about what you ain't scared to do when you've never done it [Music] every word you got your Bibles tonight did you bring it with you amen come on hold that power one verse of scripture in your hearing tonight Romans the 1st chapter and the 28th verse in Romans 1 and 28 and when you have it's a reason why it's important that we are not simply house and car preachers healing and prosperity preachers we've got to be gospel preachers amen see that's why I don't come to your church but that's fine that's fine because we're going to heaven over here a man if you're gonna come here I want you to know yes God can give you a raise on your job but at the same time I've come to declare the year I don't care what year it is this is 2,000 years [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] I can do this [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I can pass a drug test [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] let nobody make me feel bad for living holding the guitar over that ha ha ha and you buy urine cuz you can't pass no drug test there's a whole lot I can do let me hold it in handicap me getting save didn't put me at no disadvantage walking around here with your head down you saved you're a child of God lift your head up look like you've got some dignity y'all sit down I got a preach we got to talk about this stuff because people now are threatening to go over the cliff and I need you to know before you get that before it's too late living in a time now when reason why people are so hostile it's because they don't like this life that we choose to live there is a hostility towards Christianity now they look at us as weird people yeah yeah we are peculiar people look at us we don't understand us a whole country that got in god we trust' on the money that pledge our allegiance and declare that were one nation under God then turn right around and look at us like something wrong with us go to court put your hand on the Bible and say on the on the wine of God I'm gonna tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth look at the God of the Bible count him as an enemy of the state something right a man then you got those that say they are of the house of the Lord the Bible said there some men had just crept in I call them creeps because that's what they do they just crept in while you were shouting behind all these messages about another husband and you had five and the one you got now ain't sure but they come they'll subscribe they reject the truth of the word of God you're the dangerous place when you reject the truth of the word of God the Bible said it takes you to set you free it will make you free and it's a Romans 1:28 when you have it say man read what the Bible says like to retain God in their knowledge cause they didn't wanna keep God in the forefront of their minds God gave them over God gave them over to a reprobate mind who a reprobate to do those things do those which are not convenient which are not convenient read that again and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge cuz they did to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over God gave them over to a reprobate mind to a reprobate to do those things which are not convenient to engage in the actions that don't agree with mankind that lend itself to anything productive but that's what they want to engage in and God just let them do it because they did not want to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate listen if you can't even accept what we just read out of the Word of God come on this stuff is really in the Bible they don't preach that what's the preach that's why you got a Bible for yourself you better read the Word of God and you better know that the life that you're living is the life that God is calling for you to live if not you are establishing your own righteousness you have created a standard you think that God it's gonna be pound about the stand that you created can I tell you something child of God God was he a whole lot you stop that goes against the Word of God as it is already they don't like it I saw sign on the day that gay marriage the opinion on gay marriage came down and the Oh brother fell case someone raised the sign up I believe it was outside of the Supreme Court and they said our Constitution is our defense against your Bible based beliefs and I said do you really think the Constitution that just got here just a couple of centuries ago you think that's strong enough to come back the Word of God can I tell you something bout the word waterken driving [Applause] you've got preachers now that are going around trying to change the very foundations on which the church is built but you can do that and get away the Bible said if you take away from if they add to it he'll add to you the plagues in this book the reason why people one day you have to God he said you got to give an account your he's not gonna ask a witness with you know God they were pretty good they got nothing to do with whether not you live the whole day he's gonna ask you saying you better have some good answers you gonna spend it on and people he knows that shows you how this [Applause] [Music] it's gonna stand up and testify against you day I have more respect for people that leave and go out there and live crazy and say I know it's fear right I'm just not living it but why they gotta go out and talk they left three years ago we don't even know they're gone yet but they always talk about us it'll be two more years before you finally realized ain't seen them in a while but those are the ones that's fighting and you better be careful because if it's a real child of God God fights look at somebody children God fight for me would be better to just go keep your mouth off or this Elijah went to heaven Elijah crosses the river Bible says kids come up to him start talking saying go up that ball head going up that bow hit a preacher look at him man go come on up bow head a preacher and the Bible says two she bears came out and tore those kids to pieces keep on talking keep putting your mouth on people well I guess I better start these notes cuz romans 1 has been the subject of much debate and conversation it's because this this this particular chapter gives a very detailed description of the wrath and how God actually feels about unrighteousness talks about the fact that no unrighteousness is beyond the reach of God to confront and it doesn't matter a matter what it is God hates sin and the Bible said the wrath of God is revealed against all unrighteousness every bit of it are you hearing me people want us to believe that there are some sins that God gives us past his own that's not the Word of God I'm just smoking a little weed and grow out the ground y'all crazy yeah you got folk now tongue I just smoked this from a glaucoma well look at some of y'all waiting on me to finish that cuz I'm wrong but the Bible said be sober there are no sins that God is able to tolerate he hates and Romans 1 gives us some hard truths that's why people don't like Romans 1 you have whole governments and countries the preachers are being jailed in certain places because they because when you get to you [Applause] instead of talking about those folk don't like this they did not like to retain God in their knowledge because they because they learn some stuff in Sunday school but every time they get ready to do the wrong thing comes back to the forefront of their mind and they laughing a little I for the party in the club but when they get home before they go to sleep lord if I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take but when they get up the next morning they don't want you sending to them they don't want to retain God in their knowledge and because they cannot figure out after all of the goodness that the Lord is y'all getting look at Psalms 2 and 1 through 3 the Bible says why do the heathen rage why do people imagine a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord is unknowing pet look at what they're saying let us break their bands I told you that's what it is they don't like to be confined God in the Bible but you want to come the church so the preacher tell you what you don't have let me if you go to a church and the only thing the plastic and preach is what you can't do then get up and leave don't go to church no matter stop sinning because they're amazing and lift a hand I see the blessing in favor of God all over you you a liar so God don't show you they getting more money but he can't show you that the heart is wrong what would it put a man in the whole world and lose that soul and you telling me the only thing that God can see the favor they got is the one that kept him from harm and danger last night and gave them an opportunity to come back to church Oh y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you get this right but don't want this y'all gettin quiet now they don't want fish they don't want that's why they love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil they'd rather hear lies then look at Isaiah 30 and 10 I say 30 and 10 said which say to the seers see not and to the prophets they say don't prophesy unto us right things but speak unto us smooth things and look at what they said to the prophets prophesied deceit ain't that terrible not almost preach that lie to me don't tell me what's right lie to me give me a lie that makes me feel good about where I am lots of me hard enough until I know you're lying but I believe it keep mine and I'll keep showing up Sunday after Sunday just lied to me they don't want this they don't want to know truth and the thing is God is giving us every reason to love and service but people would rather listen to the law and I wonder why this now here we go you got folk now we'll run all over the country to every convention every conference no living right folk doing all kind of stuff caught up in all this and you will pay money to go somewhere and then come to church and miss two weeks because you didn't like the sermon that was preached that put you before the mirror of the Word of God boy ain't nobody saying nothing now you know folk ain't living right but they don't tell you and you walking in the ways of God you standing in holiness and you're gonna go listen to people that you don't heard cussing and do it okay what can they tell you now y'all can cry what they gonna say to you you better watch it God has given us every reason to love you and it's a Sabbath and people still don't want it they hate you for your truth for the truth but they love them for their life how do we get here what's going on what's the end of this process God has given us every reason to serve Him can I say this to you it's dangerous to resist the unction of God Hebrews 3 and 15 says while it is said today if you hear his voice harden not your hearts God has given us every reason to serve him look at him he's telling us stuff and he's sharing with us the truth of the word of God and we're seeing this stuff come to pass we are seeing the Word of God right before our very eyes and you know what people are still sad it's just not my time I'm not ready yet no wait a minute listen listen now he only promised us three scoring T is by reason of strength they'd be forced to be in is that straight leaving sharra they're soon cut island we fly away some of us soon going home and still send stuff like we're not right now let me think about you have had 90 years but that just shows you one of the most effective lives the devil tell people is that you're still got time you got folk done scene three scoring T and they live in somebody else life somebody didn't live day three score day they've taken the remainder then leave somebody else's it and now you said I'm not ready yet you telling everybody you got time and you believe that he said don't harden your heart and keep on resisting the way he you know if you don't want to live right what's your thinking he said don't harden your heart do you know what people think I don't let them folks kill you because the Bible said His mercy endureth forever but he also said he has a mercy on whom he will have mercy just because he got mercy and he didn't do as well but don't mean he gonna show you mercy forever I've preached the sermon years ago what if mercy ran out what if it runs out what do you do if mercy ever runs it's a dangerous thing to resist that knowledge of God and to hold it to your own way you cannot expect to live good and you're living in opposition to God's Word look at Hebrews 2 and 3 he says how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation how in the world can you escape how do you live the good life when you reject of everything that he gives you the danger in rejecting it is one time you'll reject it for the last time people don't believe that there's a reality in God giving up if you haven't heard that message you need that apostle preach the message years ago what happens to a man when God gives him up people don't believe that they don't believe none of that shadow don't use this he's the god of a 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th and 7th and 17th and 77th chants and I'm telling you don't let them folks tell you let me tell you something you can read throughout the scripture there are people that God took his hand off of samuel ghost of god and said god what about what about Charlotte god said listen stop talking to me about salt don't come to me no more and say nothing about salt I have rejected him don't you nobody tell you no matter what you do you can always just run back in you know what that have made people do it has made them comfortable with the idea of going out there and coming back to church and giving God some dry repentance they really don't mean because they know they don't go right back and do it again because they have been like you believe all you got to do is just come back if you're Hannah just say I'm sorry oops and that's not even real repentance and the Bible said God said to Samuel you can talk to me about anything else don't talk to me no more that song I rejected him it's over us all he's still alive he's still on the throne but I have rejected him don't tell me God that's the reason you got a stop get serious with God he said he's a consume in fact you know hey by the tape don't play with fire we reverence find the natural don't play with fire blow that out don't go to sleep with no candle oh no we respect but the Bible said God is a consuming fire but you got folk playing around with him you better stop playing with God you better stop running in and out of church and every time you turn around you see PO Nate running back to the altar and then they go back out there and they know man go right they keep running back here you better get saving stay safe come sooner later if you don't know what happened they gross God give them a chance and did they say no sometimes you don't realize God is pulling people's heart and he's getting up and he said of them you got to come now you got to live a holy and they keep saying now I'm not gonna do it in God says you don't even realize the last time was the last time the Bible said because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind you know what a reprobate mind is it's a worthless man God said you can't figure it out I've been good to you as good as I've been gave your life health and stress and you know that and still you can't figure out that you need to serve me if you can't figure out that that's a no-brainer God said I'll give you a mind that can't figure nothing out you'll be a man looking at a woman and can't even figure that out you're burning your lust for another man you do stuff that's not convenient things that don't even make sense come on y'all listen I love everybody but the stuff we're seeing in this society this stuff don't even make Tigers more than two it's two genders come on and you call it LGBT does the B stand for bisexual don't that mean - boy y'all gettin quiet down I'm neither male nor female but don't the beach thing for bisexual don't that imply that that two sexes we make sense a six-foot seven grown man when the size a tissue wants to convince me that he's a woman listen word that common sense go listen I know and I'm not I'm done I'm not trying to degrade nobody where did common sense go he can be a woman if he won't can he be nine feet tall if he won't why is it that we can only choose our sin so why can't we qu the height why can't we go to the driver's license plate and tell him I'm eight foot two what is it about sex that says we can choose that but we can't choose nothing else and if you take me to court can identify this innocent you are innocent well how do you know cuz that's too much evidence but you will meet acknowledged evidence [Applause] come on listen let's stop playing make-believe you that stuff that we ever make sense but that's what happens when God finds you all to a mind that paints take a nothing out and he tells you he's a woman and you gotta agree with it I playing make-believe with nobody I'm shocked I'm shocked I'm not I'm grounded in reality and they talked about the church years ago and said we were anti science because we didn't believe in the Big Bang Theory and they gotta keep calling it a theory because they can't even prove it but we are anti science but then what do we do with Anatomy that's science you still teaching out of it what do it God said when your mind is twisted I'll give you a worthless mind and if you can't figure out that I deserve your worship that I deserve your praise that I deserve your service and your lawyer pick if that no-brainer seems to escape you God said I'll give you a mind that came bigger nothing out I'll give you a reprobate mind Man of Steel resisting God let me stand but I asked the question a few years ago what if God gets tired of us but if God says like he did after Noah had that aren't built and ready and God said all right Noah get in it's enough what if God but if God just says listen I I've dealt with them for the last time they've been in church all the time ain't nobody they keep resisting me what if God gets tired of us what if he says that's enough people tell you that stuff ain't real the Bible says seek the Lord while he may be found you know what that word Wow indicates that there may come a time when you can't find him Wow he may be found he said behold I stand at the door and I knock how long do you stay in people's house if you knock and nobody comes to answer the door have you ever just stood there for 10 minutes 720 foot square foot apartment they ain't got to come from down the street you know they can hit and you just feel sitting that just after a while somebody's gonna call the police on you because we say common sense will tell you if they have an answer yet stop knocking how long has God been knocking on your heart how much longer would it be before God says gave him a chance they don't want me and what point does he stop knocking what if he gets tired of us what if he says that's enough you know the dangerous thing is that if you keep rejecting God will give you over to a reprobate people who were once saved I want to live saved no more go out there and just talk about a job the church is this the church you better be careful because God will give you over to a reprobate and the very last verse of the chapter says that God turned them over to such a degree that not only did they do dumb stuff but they took pleasure and other people doing it it wasn't enough that they were turned over it wasn't it that they did terrible things and abominable works but they encourage other people to do they took pleasure and them that did it they post it another folks stop yeah they started it and gave other people an opportunity and don't even realize God is recording it all and right here in America we're seeing people that God have given over to a reprobate mind stuff they used to preach against or they look like they're having so much fun how do you go from one extreme to the other I'll tell you how because what you're looking at is somebody God has given over Bible said God sent Moses to Egypt to tell Pharaoh to let my people go Pharaoh said who is God that I should obey Him God said let him go who is God the Bible said he kept resisting the command of God until the Bible says God hardened his heart you know what that means that don't mean God made him do wrong you know what that that means that his heart did not want to submit to God and so what God did God just froze and right there in the state he was in he put him on the free wind took all the exits off so he had no choice but to keep going because God locked him in and wouldn't let him out of that mindset that's what it means God will lock you into that mindset keep resisting God will give your mind to only won't resist meaning you're gonna want it don't even realize you're going another way you'll be doing wrong thinking wrong he's right cuz she's got a worthless man oh you'll leave the truth and go out there and get a hold to some and think you done found it I don't get it now we were wrong the black man is God and all let's shout man speaking in tongues one things you came tonight is your experience you came to night at you throw what hack you rollin all in the floor shouting run what had you speaking it up and now your mind is twisted and now you have been looking at that fan this is true if you can figure out you needed to stay with God God said I'll just give you a worthless man that came thinking that now now you looking at yourself and worshiping the creature rather than the Creator that's all mind that can't seem to get this thing right because they didn't want to retain God in their knowledge reprobate you got preachers they done lied to people so much they can't discern life from truth that's why they're so convincing they actually believe that's a reprobate I know what the Bible says but that's a reprobate they can't figure out I'm worthy if they look at all I've done look at my sacrifices and say that I'm not worth it if they'll have the truth that let it go and then turn to something else and say this is not truth if they can't figure that out God said I'll give them a worthless mind that came figure nothing out you're going lower thinking you're climbing higher you digging the hole deeper thinking you bout to see the breaking of day that's worthless doing everything you were taught not to do you were shown in the scripture the life you used to live but now you're doing it not so hot this night people don't believe God is giving them over stop playing he'd give you over - worthless - thank to your feet some of the people you see I bet seem like they can't get it together you see some people you don't even realize their mind is going cut it in mind how do they mind live it's not a brain problem it's a mind problem y'all done got quiet now there's a difference between the brain and the mind it's not that your brain is suffering if they took an x-ray of your head nothing would be wrong with your brain it's not a brain problem it's a mind problem you can have a healthy brain but a reprobate somebody here tonight needs to calm mind that can't get in touch with God came figure that I I remember from time to time I bounced at the prayer line and I remember once I was answering the prayer line and and a woman called and I answered the phone and she said I'm so glad that this man is preaching this posture Marie was preaching on the broadcast that Sunday and they preached what happens to man when God gives him up she said I'm so glad that somebody finally preaching this preachers don't preach this kind of stuff she said I'm glad somebody decided to tackle this she said because it happened to me and I said then I listen to this woman talk and this woman said to me she says I used to preach she said I'm an evangelist I traveled across this country I did revivals and God really used me many people got saved and and I carry the gospel and God's hand was heavy on me she said a one day I met this preach and we were we were talking and we were you know and she said and we started talking and we talked for quite a while and he invited me over to this house one day and he said that we were gonna discuss planning churches she said it's group of us there and she said but when I got there that was nobody there but me and him she said we played around and we played around and played around some more until finally we ended up in the bed she says and when everything was done she said I said there she said and it was as if somebody put a plunger something with suction on it on top of my head and she said I felt a Holy Ghost when he left me felt and when he stopped even dealing with me she said it was so balanced that my body started to shake and I knew in that moment the Holy Ghost said and left me then I played around too long she said since then I'll go to church she said I don't feel nothing she said I'll go down to the altar but I know anything gonna happen he said sometimes I've been the first one to the altar and I've been the last one to leave and she said people have had to come and tap me on the shoulder say sisters time for us to lock up you can't stay down here no more she said so I get up and I go home she said and nobody talks about this stuff she said but I don't know it's real because it happened to me and here go me in my arrogance said all let me pray for you I feel like I can get this done you know I got that relationship with the master I'm gonna talk to him fighting there sure I started praying like please God give her another chance Lord place your hand on her one more time this time she'll serve you God if you do it this time this and she'll get up from here and she'll live right just one more time god please just-just-just give another chance and I'm praying and I feel nothing while I'm praying there's no witness and Meister and when I got through praying I was listening for her response on the other end the only thing she could say was okay thank you and she hung up the phone it's a dangerous thing to play what if God gets tired of us is there another that's coming come quickly if you are evidence would you if you come in come would you pray with it man thank you lord thank you lord can I can I get you to pray well while God is moving you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 46,587
Rating: 4.8380413 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: 7eBNi4OplIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 10sec (5170 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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