FGHT Dallas: The Parable of the Fig Tree

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] what [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to tell you about the way I felt yesterday my emotions hey got in the way how quickly I forgot to trust you [Music] stand upon the promise of your world which paint grabbed ahold of me and it changed my unbelief my heart's been restored who wants again I'm sorry for not trusting you b fo but face it grabs a hold of me and it changed my on and now my heart's being restored once again now things are different than the days before yeah he made a way he opened up just one day everything it has changed and now my life will never be the same again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] again no matter what to go through because it but he'll do [Music] oh thank you [Music] [Music] my heart has been restored once again no matter what it looks like thank you God because my heart's been returned once again oh yes it has my heart is being restored okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why don't you just lift those hands right away you're standing hallelujah come up how do you [Music] or if your hearts been restored why don't you just lift those hands [Music] hallelujah Oh oh I don't hear you I see your hands but I don't hear you [Music] why don't you just to make that confession my faith is being restarted with new palliative come on phrase long but bended your broken heart behold it buted ever limping habit Meredith's come on and praising thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] or somebody just needs this time just take it take it take it take [Music] hallelujah my babies [Music] it's Renu come on let me hear you my baby's room [Applause] [Music] yes you know I will [Music] canidius out rusted [Music] I'll just slip your hands [Music] oh Jesus [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna do it today today I'm gonna shoot my way did you my papers renew [Music] once again [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus lit those hands right where you stand a little ooh [Music] pegye Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] yeah thank you lord [Music] have you ever had God to come in and put the pieces back together [Applause] have you ever had him to come in and mend your broken hearts or what a mighty mighty God will serve you may be seated [Music] once again you did a jeans and my hardest man we store once he put me back together again you put me back together again and my heart my heart has been restored my heart has been rich now oh thank you Jesus [Applause] thank you Jesus my husband was stone My Mind's been restored my spirit has been restored [Music] Wow again touch the managers tell him he did it for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] he did it for me Lin all the Taliban he'll do it just where I thought it was over God's got a Wang is gone away it's got away [Applause] [Music] Stephanie and we needed the most [Music] [Applause] summer I don't lift your hands now and let him do it come on let him do it [Music] he knows what you need when you need it [Applause] come on right where you're sitting right where you're spending [Music] he'll build you what you've been pulling down [Music] you're sure that your now where you weak [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whenever I am lonely and I'm feeling kind of down that's when he comforts me the moon with his precious holy cold and he turns mine frowns in to smile when trials wearing me down and my burdens too hard too bad I know that you can handle them for it's in your holy world on you I I cast on my kids the week [Music] give me Shri Lord just when I tell them [Applause] [Music] when I need it most when I need him most [Music] when I need it most when I need a mouse is that Jesus somebody just slip your hand right come home whenever and sometimes I fell on my butt cell whenever I need him the most he comforts me yes he does [Music] holy ghost you wanna learn oven tell us about it we'll never run lead him the boss when I'm lonely feel like I'm spending on that myself God's got away got away away Stephanie and accompany me and he does it with the brash of the Harley dolls [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] when I'm in those he'll be right [Applause] when I need them my Jesus well I'm be the MA [Music] [Music] well I need my she's dead [Applause] [Music] god bless you take a seat please that [Applause] is there oh thank you Jesus [Applause] don't you holla he's there [Music] [Applause] my dear [Music] [Applause] lord have mercy he's that yes he is [Applause] somebody oughta let him do it for you right now he's there [Applause] one more time [Applause] would you lift your hands right where you are [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] real oh yes mom [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes Paul [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord I feel some turning yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the church [Applause] Oh [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Applause] god bless you're fine you see them you can [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hands and give him please everybody [Applause] or somebody coming to be saved [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] Lord Hepworth [Music] some that is coming to be saved some wants to be the liver [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] somebody's coming to be safe [Music] [Music] yeah they're coming God is touching somebody [Music] hallelujah my god yes long look a card okay look at [Music] Thank You Cheers [Music] my card conviction is falling over his house conviction is hitting the house yes Loulou - its Jesus do it - Jesus [Music] thank you Hey if your backslider you might as well come on now if the Lord is calling you come on [Music] [Music] come on come on come on come on [Music] halleloo do it Jesus [Music] do it Jesus [Applause] [Music] yet slow [Music] yes slow [Music] or don't worry I'm gonna preach but while God is moving somebody's coming to the loan [Music] thank you Jesus can you celebrate what God is doing at this home today boom boom boom [Music] lift those hands and praise Him everybody [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord can you tell him thank you I mean I unrehearsed thank you just [Applause] take your seat if you can somebody got what you've been looking for finish what he started in you just been praying a long time in God that's proven himself faithful once again certainly nobody can do you like Jesus can I don't care where you go who you know you'll never find anybody that can do you like he can I wanted a I'm not going to take all day but I only talked to you in brief none of the pages of the Word of God just in case there was somebody shouting who really didn't know what they were shouting about see living writing in the shower living right is in your obedience to what God has said man shall not live by bread alone but you've got to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord and when you get it right then you can shout oh yeah you get this thing right like David when he figured out how to carry the anointed Ark of the Covenant once he got it right oh he could dance then give God a perfected praise the book of st. Matthew's Gospel and I'm almost like Jude I thought about something else but I realize it was needful that I talked to you and encouraged you by way of the Word of God Matthew the twenty-fourth chapter and I want to call your attention to just two verses of Scripture and I I won't be here all day I'll just be here as long as the Lord would allow so that I can convey to you what the Lord is saying 24 and 32 and 33 I just want you to notice notice something here in the word of the Lord because there's so much that's going on yeah there's a whole lot going on and we need to understand the time and the times because so many times we can understand the times and still not know what time it is Matthew 24:32 when you have it say a man read what the Bible says read it now learn a parable of the fig now learn a parable of the victory when his branch is yet tender when his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves and put it forth leaves you know that summer is nigh you know that summer is right upon us so likewise so likewise just like this when you shall see all these things when you see all of these things know that it is near know that it is near even at the doors it's even at the doors for all intents and purposes the shortest parable in the whole of the scriptures so powerful yet so compact that he gives the parable and the explanation and it only takes him to versus to do it learn a parable of the fig tree when his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves you know that summer is now that's the whole parable the explanation then and we got some testimonies which are just migrated the explanation is likewise when you see all of this stuff know that it is near even at the door and I don't know if y'all see what's going on in our world today everywhere you look they're talking about something that has just broken a record look on the news whereas that has the worst fire in the history broke a record not long ago hurricane Harvey brought water to taxes broke a record earthquakes the wash in that area broke a record listen that we can't keep breaking all these records and not not recognize that something is going on the church has one job and one job only that job is to represent the kingdom of God on earth everything else we do exist up under the overarching cover of representation of the kingdom of God everything else exists up under our overarching responsibility and that is to represent the kingdom of our God that's how the only hope of this world is for them to run into the safety of the kingdom that means that everything that we do should encourage people first of all to love God can't live we can build buildings we can take up social agendas but if we don't encourage people to love God and live a holy we have not done our job as the church y'all can get as quiet as you want I didn't come for know a man today what the enemy is doing and I've been saying it and it's flying right over the heads of so many people because they have been sidelined and bamboozled now I know that the church plays a role in what's going on in society because the church is made up of the same people that exist in society so same people but when the help of the church allows itself to get in pain gold nothing see y'all y'all sitting there we've got to be very careful that we don't lose our purpose we're getting so bad about statues and monuments but I don't see that same anger in you when it comes to people going to hell now do you want to be a social injustice warrior now tell me you're known apply for the job but as a child of God we have that you can save somebody's soul from hell because if not we have misunderstood our purpose and if that angers you more than the fact that people are busting hell open every day then something ain't right life in this world his only preparation for life in the next that's why Jesus begs the question Matthew 16 and 26 when he says for what is a man profited if he will gain the halwa and then and they lose this much of the preacher that we hear now is geared toward us living a Wonderful Life down here God won't ship bless he wants you to find your purpose he wants you to do this and God won't you - we got steps for everything but what about the responsibility to live holy see we don't hear a whole lot about the problem is without holiness no man it's going to see look you can be successful you can find your destiny but if you don't live a holy you will not see Lord this has to be our focus because for all intents and purposes what we are seeing in the world today are simply signs of the time when you look at Matthew the 24th chapter I'm almost done the disciples come to Jesus and they ask him two separate questions what shall be the sign first of all of your coming and then of the end of the world and he answers two questions the first thing he says let's take heed that no man deceive you 4minute him his sons and daughters many shall come in my name saying that I am Christ but he says go not after them seems like people are blinded to this truth now and we're running after everything and I don't just mean people I tend the world I mean there are some people with a microphone and a collar around their neck you can't follow I don't care if you fall to the street turn around and go back home I wouldn't follow some of these people to my car if they parked it I couldn't trust he said don't go after them they hearing about all of the things that were coming but this site will said we gotta be sure we don't mess this up and Families you got to be sure you don't mess this up look at what he says he says first of all they're gonna be people lying and they'll come in the name of Christ but they'll deceive and be this is you know this is the dangerous part let me say this before I close because there are some people who honestly believe that's all right and that they are righteous alone I was reading this morning on the way the church and that's a man that wrote a book and in the book he talks about how he said he believed in God but he lived in another way and he said God made me in His image but I did him a favor and I turned around and made him in mine boy y'all ain't getting the girl y'all don't understand what he's saying he said what I did I created a God in my mind I would serve him but if he did anything I required some of me I wasn't ready to give up then he couldn't have that part of me how many of us have created God in our own image we serving a God we created in our mind and then think that we're living holy and we're going to heaven y'all getting quiet you know some people have done it because the God that they serve and and the things he requires you can't find that description if you serve in a God requires stuff it allows things to happen that you cannot verify validate in the scriptures you have just made up a god and you living according to a God that you made up the problem is this one does so we gotta live by what God has so he says if you're not careful you're gonna be carried away dance with the flood because we're not studying the word we don't go to church and when we do we make sure we go smooth oh we are are cultural Christians because it's popular just going to church because now everybody's talking about God and that's what's mixing up the world artists that girl stays half-naked oh they post about is that God is so blessing me God is doing this and God is ho pray for me I know if you just live for God and just trust God God is safe ya know stuff you can tear it woman you don't know God okay you can't tell know about it they don't love God okay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] look at what else he says I gotta close he said there will be wars and rumors of wars now you got to know this was written 2,000 years ago or y'all listening to what I'm tellin you two thousand years ago and chapter 24 of Matthew reads like tomorrow morning's newspaper we already fighting the war the longest war in American history is still being fought right now but he didn't just say was he said it who must have what we discuss in another war what's in all of this happening then he said a lot nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom but then after that he says but don't worry because the end is not yet you wanted to know the side of my coming and of the end of the world don't worry about the is right now because all this is gonna happen before my coming he says but the end is not yet these things must come to pass this is only sorrows you ain't seen nothing yet and if you think it's gonna get better than this you're crazy like we're going to have it babbitt talks about a woman in travail she had sorrow because my power is coming wow it's going to be in travail it's gonna be he shows and snatches us out of here see used to be a time when the saints heard about Jesus coming everybody jumped up and celebrated because what's the greatest thing we can pick up but into the believers but now Jesus is coming soon come on in do you not treasure eternity more than you shred this Wow look at what he says he goes along and he says they're gonna be famines oh this food we throw on the way over here and people are right across the water dying of hunger emaciated dehydrated can't get water and here you are brushing your teeth for 15 minutes with the water running take three bites out of a burger and sound full and throw it in the trash but there people that are dying because they can't get anything to eat I told you that was a man from Africa I met him I was in another country preaching and he walked up he said I can't believe a shoe he said we watch you every day in our village we have Wi-Fi now he said and we watched four gospel in our village every single day he said and we talked about it how blessed people are over in America he said you all get up and when you all get up your biggest worry is what am I going where today he said I didn't wear shoes until I was 15 years old I'm the first person in my village to even fly on an airplane he said those are the kind of things y'all worry about what you go he said but when we get up every day our biggest worry is what are we gonna eat and look at us over here and we think because we got food and abundance now he must have missed it because we got plenty food do you not know foreign countries are buying up our farms in America they're buying up our prawns and so it's top pop out who you think they gonna feed first they'll grow food over here put it on the ship and ship it somewhere else so somebody else can eat and you think we had bread lines and soup lines during the Great Depression that stuff that's gonna happen I can then look at what else he says pestilence disease used to be a time on kind of sickly where you went to the doctor he gave you some cream you rubbed it on yourself and you were better in the morning now you sneeze twice and did stuff is killing you now at a pace what they call this stuff superbugs that's resistant to antibiotics yo and sand nothing here keep playing around you must not understand the parable of the fig tree look at what he says earthquakes in diverse places Lord and when we start have I used to say I'm glad I don't live in California cuz I can't deal with all that the whole house shaking cracks in the wall all that stuff I can deal with that then all of a sudden we started having earthquakes in Dallas some of these California folk then move down him brother it quakes with him and now we shaken in our houses and cracks and I was the devil is alive but he said it would happen earthquakes in places that have never had a quakes earthquakes more frequent now they're getting more intense you always saying nothing they've been telling us for years a California was gonna break up and fall into the sea but we looking at earthquakes 8.1 on the Richter scale 8.7 on the Richter scale 2000 years ago he said this stuff was gonna happen Luke what is that the 21st chapter or 20 fortune talks about how the waves would be roaring Lord look at what we got now three hurricanes lined up hurricane doing so much damage apostle Wallace sent me an article about what is it an agua the island he said I'm gonna see went out and Jess ain't came back in well there was a notion that the Caribbean Sea around the island now you could walked all the way I think where water used to be it's gone and they said the hurricane is sucked up so much water in his theory that it's pulling water away from those places and his headed towards land so we can slam us with all of the fury that it has he said the waves would be roaring what have you ever seen it like this somebody was talking about a movie I hadn't seen it called the day after tomorrow about some kind of destruction coming up on the land that was 2014 and it talked about three hurricanes back-to-back I think and now here we are living out and people are still playing around you must not understand the parable of the fig tree Jesus says listen when you see these things things you know that summer is not likewise when you see all of this stuff you wanted to know the signs of my coming you asked me about the end of when you see this stop that tells you that it's not it's even at the door sons and daughters Jesus is coming so people have made fun of church folk for years my grandmom and him used to talk about Jesus coming she stayed and he's still in came keep talking crazy the Bible says that an hour that youth is an hour that you don't think not that's when he's coming why aren't people preaching this why don't they even talk about this stuff he says you've got to want on the people knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men you got it out of what the parable of the fig tree is all about when you see this stuff happening he said it's at the door brothers and sisters everything Jesus said would happen is happening at the same time two thousand years ago he told us what would take place and everything that he said is happening right now earthquakes and fires the waves are roaring pestilence famine diseases deceive us it's all happening right now and we still haven't learned anything from the parable of the fig tree the one parable that's shorter than everything else so nobody can miss it is the one that people are so clueless about jesus said when you see it all you have to do is turn on your news you're seeing it this is what you need to know because he said it's at the door I want you to stand thing God for those that have already answered the call the shortest parable in the Bible would be the parable of greatest consequence because when he comes everybody that's not ready it's gonna be left what shall be the sign of your coming just lean over and tell somebody he's coming and from what I'm seeing tell him he's coming soon learn a lesson he says from the parable of the fig tree somebody's here you back slidden and I'm still trying to figure out what are you waiting on there's some people here right now you're still saying I'm just not ready yet as old as you are at what point are you going to be ready you 38 39 40 years old now you too ought to go to the club and look like you actually belong there you are too old to be driving down the street bumping that music with Rams on your car you - ow you don't do nothing but go - why come back home and you still in saved what is the problem it's the devil trying - oh yeah you don't even do nothing you're a good person the only thing that's wrong with you is that you just not say hard-worker wonderful personality you don't let go of all that thug in way you had back in the day but you still not say what are you waiting on Jesus said I want you to learn a lesson from this fig tree when you see how all this stuff branches tender put it forth leaves summer is right on you that's a short powerful but then it says just like that just when you see all this stuff happen is that the door I won't ever head bowed and every eye closed somebody's standing here you need to make a decision and you need to make it today and you sitting this and lord if he talking to me can you let him call me out and let him do or no or no uh-uh that's the easy way out you gotta come bowling you want me to come get you and it's not gonna happen today the Lord is calling you some of you have heard him calling you you can literally hear somebody calling you troubling your sleep that's God drawing you the Bible says and the day that you hear my voice harden not your heart somebody needs to come young man come young lady come I'm standing I can't make you do anything it's not my job to make you live holy I'm just a facilitator I'll give an opportunity somebody else needs to come come on come on come on come on come on come on that's it come on come come the spirit and the bride says come come come ye that are weary and heavy-laden come on come on couple they are coming I need you to praise the Lord they're coming halleluyah halleluyah they're walking these house come on you gotta praise a lot they're common I wanna be right it somebody else needs to be here somebody else needs to come seem like it's the hardest thing for you to do is to put that foot in that out and to get to this altar father in the name of Jesus I bind the hands of that enemy that's trying to hold them right where they are those that are in the rises those that are on the floor father I pray that your anointing of the Holy Ghost will loose them now loose them though blue slip to come bowling in the name of Jesus Satan you're a liar take your hands off now if you want to come come now the heaven is not holding hey God hey God that's it you don't have him to blame his pound in the name of Jesus if you want to move you can do it now come on they're coming that's it come on they're coming young man come young lady come Lord they come in they know the trouble y'all I need y'all to pray with me in this pound in the name of Jesus I take authority all they have we hit there and spit the hole and the name of Jesus thank you Jesus thank you thank you Jesus young man I'm asking you to come young lady I'm asking you to come take it personal [Applause] I'm talking to you [Applause] if you've grown coal in your spirit you better get to this altar feel yourself believe and feel yourself back it up we're not up them that drove back unto perdition before you leave all the way out you better get some strength to hold on and to stand I'm calling you now you have this opportunity but I want you to come I'm not gonna take up too much time more than what I've already done if you read right below that Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah people did whatever they were gonna do in the days of Noah saw this ship being built laughs that it made fun of him as it was in the days of Noah but there came a time when God said that's enough and the Bible said that he poured Noah and his family in the Ark and God shut the door brothers sisters when God shuts the door nobody can open that door for you while he's dealing with you come because if he ever stops dealing with you there's nothing I can do there's nothing your mother can do you can come to every prayer line after that and it will do you no good while he's dealing with you come if he's knocking at your heart's door come now because there may come a time but he stops knocking [Applause] they're coming they're coming young man listen I'm about to stop I'm asking you to come [Applause] [Applause] y'all come in come in just I want you to lift your hands somebody's gonna miss out on God holding on to pride somebody is going to miss out on God behind things and behind stuff you would rather stand there than to come to a God that loves you but you have the the power to do that you don't have a right to do it you have the power to do it he's not gonna drag you out of that seat but his arms are stretched towards you and saying to you whosoever will let him come those of you at this altar the Lord loves you the parable of the fig tree when you see these things happening you know that it's near it's at the door while your hands are lifted I want you to talk to God there is a word the Bible uses called repentance it means to be godly sorrowful for what you've done the things that did not please God that he really wanted better for you you settle for less when God wanted more for you and if now you're ready to give God your life I want you to lift your hands and and there's a word called repentance it means to be sorrowful from your heart not just from your mouth from your heart I can give you words but you gotta mean it from your heart open your mouth and say Lord Lord is too many y'all for y'all to sound like that open your mouth and say Lord I'm sorry for everything I've done that wasn't pleasing to you ask him not come in and deliver me set me free the Holy Ghost everybody that asks for it as far as they like baptize me with the holy cows out of Lord when you do it today I'll live for you I'll serve you I love you for the rest of my life come on if you believe it come on just praise it for it hallelujah just reach out and laugh a lot to what you asked him to do come on eldest come on hallelujah come on that's it just just come come on come on hallelujah that's it come on thank you Jesus
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 30,077
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: jtqqc2o-RgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 28sec (6208 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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