FGHT Dallas: Don't Fool Around and Lose Your Soul

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and the salt simply says if it wasn't for the grace I would not from sin be free wondrous grace Amen that God gave me sister doctor scuse me Amanda Coleman is coming with the choir yup pray for us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I would be [Music] I would all such a great car [Music] [Applause] Yohe oh gee Jesus oh he gave it to me and he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ah [Laughter] I would [Music] [Music] my seeds those would all be [Music] [Music] the claw that Jesus all he bore it for you you you a MIDI cables salvation and for his [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] if you think pop for grace why don't you dip your hands everybody just take them all away bless it with the fruit up your come on thank God for that amazing grace [Music] that race that kept me that grace that delivered me that brought me out come on come on there's just something amazing about grace come on I see you but I know here you [Music] Thank You law thank you Jesus hallelujah come on somebody save us the drapes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] god [Applause] opponent clap your hands that brings up everybody [Music] or nothing but his grace [Music] hallelujah come on what I need to the ground come on crazy like he's worthy [Applause] what you think about what up in think about what you used to be what nothing but the grace hallelujah oh my soul my chains ago take your seat if you can and I've been set free my God my Savior has ransomed me [Music] his mercy his mercy reigns unending love [Music] amazing grace can you lift your hands right wait yeah my my chains are gone [Music] ah Jesus and I've been sad free [Music] yeah [Music] like a fly indeed God's Amazing Grace on Lindy it was nothing but God's amazing grace [Music] I didn't in I'm ending love yes in God's amazing grace shall always be my song the prayed for it was great then wrong my liberty ah [Applause] then called my falling soul when he saw my knees and I shall yeah [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] to the cow bah breathe [Music] [Music] [Music] how marvelous grace they're taught my or I can't man my falling so I'm glad cause he did what people like like they can't do oh you are a testified to the goodness of God tell somebody [Music] I was messed up I was I wish out of the day that was [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] every one of my fools he saw manly little heads and praise hallelujah Oh Lord how to do oh yes sir yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] Oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] take a seat if you can [Music] and we praise him today thank you Lord for looking beyond my fault and it met me at the point of need [Music] and I'm glad about it anybody just glad to do just just feel like he's worth it to be praised [Music] yes I feel like he's worthy [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] tell somebody I'm just glad I'm safe I'm glad I'm sanctified filled with the holy course [Music] and Telep and I'm going to heaven [Applause] [Music] not be rich but look at some other cover but I'm saying ha go don't read that I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] beauty [Music] [Applause] [Music] my lord take your seat if you can [Music] [Applause] ow [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody threw your head back and give him the best praise you can get him right [Music] [Music] my soul but that's the kind of breeze you give a car that can do anything take your seat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] whoa [Applause] he really has been that good to me [Applause] he's really been that good to me I could have been mixed up [Applause] I could have still been in my sins I [Applause] could have been somewhere thinking I was really saved and on my way to hell but one day he sanctified me to the truth [Applause] and he's been that good to me and we praise somebody lift your hands right way arm glory glory glory [Music] yes Jesus just take a minute and think about how good he's been you don't have to think about everything just think about the last thing that he's done for you oh he's worthy of all of our praise thank you lord thank you for the privilege of being able to be called a son of God hallelujah oh yes slow Oh hallelujah well nobody nobody can you live your hands and say Oh [Music] or nobody what No we praise you today oh and you worthy of the praise because there's nobody like you or nobody come on Kenneth Oh [Music] there's nobody like you Oh I couldn't find it nobody no-nobody that I [Music] nobody likes hence these worth thank you Jesus thank you lord take your seat if you can hallelujah oh man [Music] let me here's I am oh oh come on come on let me hear you nobody like you Lord oh come on he's listening thank you come on that's it nobody let happen here you Oh [Music] nobody like you yes know about it not just praise him in your own way right there just hallelujah [Music] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] hallelujah yes [Music] [Music] oh I tell you I love standing in his presence and just giving him the glory we deserve none of the credit for where we are and who we are we are here because he has been so so gracious to us and so kind you know the thing is he didn't just start being good to us after we came to know him I think about people who are not saved and have made it out of some of the worst situations they could have been in and some people in a day quite as it's kept you've been into some bad places but God kept you man kept you in the midst of it all and and you made it out it was just grace that's all that that got you out of shootouts and then overdoses and all of those things you could have died you could have lifted your eyes in hell but look at the grace of the law that long view to life and gave you an opportunity to come to Norman and save it away and some people aren't even say made God all kind of promises if you let me out this time if you if you just bring me through this I'll give you my life and he did it because of grace and people have still turned that back and kept going and went their way but you're here today and this is this is just a testament to the goodness of God that he allowed you to be here today to hear and experience his presence in this place do you really feel him here I feel its presence in the house of the Lord and I want to talk to somebody today we because the longer I live and the more time I can see that I have spent in the family of God I see a need to to preach the sincerity of the gospel the gospel has no ulterior motives it's either going to change you or it's going to stand up as a witness against you since one of the other I was talking to a good friend of mine and she's quite a bit older than I am and she talked to me this week and I asked how are you doing and she said well physically you know I'm doing okay and this has happened and she said but spiritually she said when I look around and I see what's going on now she said honest now tell you Bishop I think I'm ready to go home she said it's just I feel like I I just want to go rest with him because when I see the stuff that's going on now and the way this world is so hostile to him she said i i don't like what i said i don't i don't like what i feel and she said honestly i think i'm ready to go she said there are some people I read the history of some people she said and I think that some people were just too pure to stay here she said they just the way God used them the way his hand was on them they they were just too pure to stay in a world so tainted like this and she said an Amish now think I'm I'm just ready to go home and I look around and I see so much that's going on now and you know for somebody who's been on the road a while I understand that sentiment but for those of us that still got a ways to go on the road it's ours now to stand and to declare the whole Council of God men have got told us last night a man that this gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes you can hold your Bible up in your spirit I trust you have it amen come with me to Luke the twelfth chapter and I promise you I want amen prolong the time but I I want to say some things to you because wisdom is found in those that are able to discern the times some people are just laughing running and having a great time and don't even know something wicked this way comes so many people now and I was positing a question this morning as to what do people really think ministry and salvation is and and at the risk of some medicine where he's been on a tangent for about two weeks what do we really think ministry is what what do we think life is all about why do we do what we do why do we behave how we bathe why do we have the practices and the habits and the tendencies the proclivities that we do why is that who we are now I was reading the word and the Bible says one came to Jesus and they asked him master are there few that be saved [Music] and of all the people that follow you all the crowds that have come out of the cities and all the people that walked into the wilderness coming behind you all the people that are in the synagogue's when you go in and read and all of the people that were blessed in your presence how many are really saved that is that that's something to think about are there really few they'd be saved talking to a pastor this morning and statistically speaking they say that only 10% of those that profess to be Christians are actually children of God and of all those that profess how many are truly truly truly serving him the way that they should and then you have those who just make no attempts to even play as if they're ready to serve the Lord and I want to talk to those of you this morning and I'm not going to take all day I promise you I'll be done before 3:00 but I want I want to I want you to follow me for a moment Luke chapter number 12 verse number 13 and I want to continue to verse 21 that's verse 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 and 21 when you have it's amen and the Bible gives us this intelligence and one of the companies said unto Him master speak that he divided the inheritance with me and he said unto Him man who made me a judge or a divider over you he said unto them take heed and beware of consciousness for man's life does not consist in the abundance of the things which he possesses and he spake a parable unto them sing the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully he thought within himself saying what shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruits and they said this will I do I will pull down my barns and build greater their will I bestow all my fruits and my goods and I will say to my soul soul thou has much goods made up of many years thick nineties eat drink and be merry but God said unto Him thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then who shall those things be which thou has provided so is he the Bible says that lay it up treasure for himself and is not rich towards go between verse 17 in verse 19 three short verses we heard I six times we heard my five times and you see I will four times we even see someone so presumptuous as to speak and declare this is my soul but even though he had little to nothing to say the God God had plenty to say to him God says to him thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of it then who shall be those things which thou has provided I want you to look at somebody it's alright you can look at them and tell them neighbor don't fool around and lose your soul what I want to talk to you about this morning don't fool around and lose your soul as I hasten to close today fool means those that are without reason it means those that reject the premise that they can't know a thing and just choose to stay ignorant or to stay clouded in their understanding you know it's a shame if information is available for you what do you rather for you to sit there in your ignorance when the things that you can know and I know we feel that not knowing is a safety for so many people if I don't know it can't hurt me but listen there's enough that you don't know that if you don't come to a knowledge of it it will stand up and not only will it hurt you but not knowing can actually lead to your demise you don't get quiet now I let you talk about heaven a minute ago cuz I knew I was gonna talk to you about Hell amen so now it also means the lack of common sense perception of reality of things that are either natural or of things that are spiritual the paper the class it is the food that had said in his heart there is no God now we've got to understand that atheism is atheism but as atheism on two levels you have first of all the actual a theist and the actual atheists are the people that walk around that declare there is no God there there's no matter no such person it's just some man's fictitious imagination and you know you have those noun that are going around and they are professing that there is no God can you prove that there's God have you ever seen it a man experienced God on any level and when you say yes I have they say no you haven't simply because they have not had the experience that you have had with God but then after you see those that are actual atheist there's also another group of people who are what you call practical atheists they are atheist in practice those are the ones that may say that they believe in some form of creator they live as if they do not they are the ones that practice life and that go through life amen as if they don't have to give an answer to anybody and sons and daughters I want you to know that the world now is still full of actual and practical Athey you still have those people that are spending their time and their money trying to convince you that something is wrong with you because you believe in God amen and listen I tell them if there is no God then why is he bankrupt in you Yahweh said of it why are you spending all of your time trying to prove that there is no God I don't see your write books about there is no Santa Claus and I don't see you wasting time trying to prove that the Easter Bunny it's got all of your time with me it is a wonderfully me and I told you amen just a few days ago I don't know about you but I don't look like no monkey I don't smell I go on and don't know my family look like a monkey hey mater y'all here and what I'm trying to tell you I want you to realize what's going on [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] to summer-rae space what do you think [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] and so now he's trying to divide us you've got people that allowing the enemy to pull them right on out live for God live the harlot but now they honestly believe it's okay to live as if there is no god but brothers and sisters is worth acknowledging him now and I know we're so busy trying to make lives and make livings but don't you ever get so busy that you forget to acknowledge that where you are he brought you here what y'all can quiet what you have he gave you what you know he taught you and what you are he's the one that made you I want you to know that if he had to walk you out this one you still be in the bed don't act like you do this stuff yourself now let me hasten to close man came to Jesus said nice to listen my brother got the inheritance and and he's not giving me my cut can you tell him to give me what belongs to me and how many people are still fighting over this kind of stuff now I'm telling you covetousness and possessions have even divided brother and sister one from and you got people maybe somebody's sitting right up in here now somebody didn't give you the pass shoes they told you they were gonna give you when they died and now you got problem because somebody else wearing them and family's done divided and hit his mama left me the house and you got it and mama left us dear said she told you to sell the part give me half the money and you didn't do this and now you got whole families broke not knowing matter that you got that blood running through your veins you don't setup it don't call me lose my number behind $2,500 and Jesus said see this this that this dish thirst for possession we're ruined whole families and I was telling another night in guard and I told you before that's the reason why have you got a wheel don't tell your children with all they're getting when I die all this is yours try to be in the hospital unplugging machines everything gets just dr. leave out they snatching courts out the wall and peach in your look I've got you better stop telling these folks what they don't get when you die cuz some poker covered us and they can't wait covetousness will ruin you and then the Bible said after this let me hasten he spake a parable to them and he said to them the ground of a certain rich man he he was he was a rich man and and his ground brought forth plentifully which means now he wasn't just rich he was richer because of what it just happened and the Bible says and he thought within himself what shall I do you start to see this man is so self-centered that he believes that everything in the life is only up to him if I say how prosper if I say this it's good if that's not the way and he said listen I don't even have no way I'm so blessed I don't have no other man stole my goods I've got so many fruits and so many hash tables that have come out of the ground I don't have anywhere else the stuff my god from the fruit of my labor and the Bible said he thought within himself and he said I'll tell you what I'll do I'll build a bigger boy and a half knock down these little barns and then I'll put all my stuff in the back aboard good for many years and I'll say to my soul soul eat and drink and be merry cuz you got enough to last you for many years I don't read anywhere and I want to say this year they're closed and don't read anywhere where this man was fraudulent in business and don't and don't read anywhere where he cooked people and don't read where he was a dope dealer he was rich the Lord acknowledged him but it doesn't tell us he got it back these were ill-gotten gains but still God says to him with your rich self you just a rich fool now I heard I heard a preacher preach a message once entitled what kind of fool are you because if you live in as if there is no God you may not be a rich fool well y'all get quite I didn't say that I just I'm just just telling you he said you're rich you got a lot going for you but I want you to notice what he says to the church I've lived to see her he said you're rich you have a whole lot of stuff he said but in spite of your possessions you're miserable your wretched and your poor it doesn't matter what you possess if your life is - God then it's the empty life and how many people got a whole lot of possessions does not consist in the abundance of the things that that man possesses and so you've got to see what the Lord is saying here he's saying to us from God and I want you to look and what this man says he says listen so take your ease eat drink and be merry I'm gonna tell my so you ain't got nothing to worry about and you know the Bible says we can't boast in tomorrow we are we should say this will we do if the Lord permits it can I say something to you none of us in here know whether not we gonna make it home from church you came boasting that matter whether you're made at home every time you left here since you've been talking 15 years ago you [Laughter] you won't even live to see the sunrise in the morning this man is sent out I'll have many years to eat this fruit there's no last meal long time ain't gotta ask nobody for nothin cept me man you got many years don't worry about it the next few years gonna be a breeze this this is gonna be wonderful this is gonna be awesome just sitting back and watching everybody else work while you kick your feet up and God said to him this night you're talking about what you're gonna do years from now and you don't realize that you're gonna lay down in that bed tonight and you won't stick your feet on the floor and whatever God pronounces a judgment it is what God has said I'm reminded in the book of the kings when Makaha comes and he tells a hab that God said you're going to die on the battlefield Zedekiah I believe it it says don't worry about it you ain't gonna die and the Bible says they have says grab my tire and send them to the king's son and tell them to hold him until I get back from the battlefield and macaƩ says to Ahab if you come back from the battlefield I'll stand up and tell everybody I prophesied a life I'll stand up and tell about it God never called me the prophesy that's how sure I am that you are not coming back from this battlefield and sometimes we just have aspirations that we gonna do this and do that and we don't have any clue that God has already pronounced judgment and I want you to know today that this man wasn't a fool because he cooked people in his business practices he was a fool because he didn't take the time to acknowledge God he was a fool because he felt like he did it all on his own and you don't have to be an actual atheist that says I don't believe in God but if you are living as a practical a theist and you're living as if you don't believe in God then you're just as bad you'll go to the same hell and you know I was reading in Psalms the the for the ninth chapter I believe it is and and I was reading verse 6 verse 11 and 12 I read it to you it says they that trust in their wealth and boast themselves and the multitude of their riches therein without is that their houses shall continue for ever and their dwelling place is to all generations they call the lands after their own names nevertheless man being an honor abideth not he's just like the beasts that perish we like to think we're gonna be around forever but I came to tell somebody don't fool around lose your soul this night that sold is required of thee and look at what the Lord says he said now tell me who's going to have all this stuff you got they ought to talk about it last night I've read it many times clear Ecclesiastes said I can spend my lifetime gathering things and after I've spent my lifetime gathering things I'll have to die one day and I'll leave my stuff to somebody and he says after I spent my whole life trying to gather this stuff how do I know the person who getting my stuff ain't gonna waste it you're too busy serving the Lord you working three jobs trying to for the lifestyle that you know you can't even a fool can't go on vacation the doctor telling you you're sick as a dog and you still can't stop because you got all this stuff you trying to keep up because you came to church I heard of somebody else testifying you felt like you had to have what they had or you were less than a Christian and you're working yourself to death behind this stuff and when you die prematurely could have lived a long time had you stopped and took care yourself but covetousness will kill you and when you died have to leave your house to somebody now you know then gonna need a gasps oh no accident blow your house up you waste all of your time working trying to afford that car and how do you know ain't gonna park on the hill and forget their platter break and just get out with the car in neutral and your car just ride down the hill and boom don't how do you know how do you know all that jewelry that you trying to leave them now you know how much this stuff is worth how you know they won't develop a gambling problem and put your watch and your rings on the table 15 black how do you know and that's what you spent your life trying to acquire that's foolish and some other days you need to understand if nobody stops you you're gonna fool around and lose your soul it's not worth it then who should all of those things be so is he that is rich in this world but it's not a rich towards God brothers and sisters it's not about this this stuff and I get it it take things to live it takes money to pay your bills but that's not really what life is all about it's got to be more to it than that cuz you got people that are sick but they're rich and none of them when is doing him any good you got millionaires and somebody was talking to me the other day and they said that's a million I don't know whether he was a singer a rapper athlete or what but he said I wish everybody could be rich so that they would see that this stuff ain't what they think it is you got people that are millionaires that I'm blowing their brains out committing suicide and you're just trying to get money they got it but what else is it that they don't have that got him killing themselves don't you fool around and lose your soul just say where everybody's standing I'm done don't fool around and lose it and I'm afraid if they're people all over the world they're going to weigh a relationship with God against their desire for things and to please the world and and in their mind God is gonna come up short I think sometimes about this this rich young man that came to Jesus the Bible says he said good master what do I need to do to inherit eternal life and the Bible says Jesus said to him listen you know what the Bible says he said all it's not a problem I've been doing this stuff since I was a little boy jesus said the one thing you lack go and sell what you have and give it to the poor and then you'll have treasure in heaven that man walked away he determined that whatever Jesus was trying to give him wasn't worth what he was asking him to walk away from and maybe you're here today and you got a whole lot of things going on you got a lot of irons in the fire Jesus is still saying come unto me all ye that labor and the heavy laden and I'll give you rest he's still saying cast your cares on me for I care for you and in spite of what he's trying to give you you're just not ready to let go of the stuff that you have I wonder sometime but people in a nineties and eighties and seventies and sixties who have you ask him do you want to be saved they said well no I'm just not ready right now that what you're not ready right now you've had 90 years what are you only known to but you see the deceitfulness of sin the deceitfulness of sin have you it'll have you feeling like this is this is some I can't walk away from and it ain't nothing at all come on now you don't get to the point all you can look for is a good conversation and you still talking about what you're not ready to do what you holding on to that's the deceitfulness of sin if I serve the Lord I'm missing out on too much ain't much you got going on but sin says it doesn't matter he's not worth your walking away that's foolish and I'll say to something out of here today maybe that's your understanding maybe that's your idea of what life is about get get get get get get more get more get more the Bible said a man that had Silver's not satisfied with silver a man that had silver would either want more silver or here won't go he's just not satisfied and maybe that sure I'm intelligence need I need I need I need I gotta get I gotta get I got a kid and you're not even taking time to realize this whole thing could all be over this whole thing could could just be over with I mean we had at a time now when a tweet can start a whole world war and if anybody push your buttons you can't even you don't have enough time to even get out of town before a bomb fall from another country this whole thing could be all the way it could all be over and you still saying not right now at what point you know what the Bible said they said call on him while it may be found and today it's your day this is a good day for you to know it if there's somebody here I'll say to you don't fool around and lose your soul listen in this room they're doctors they're lawyers don't let people tell you Christianity in church is just a praise for for a bunch of ignorant folk who are unlearned that got daddy issues now uh-uh oh no no we got plenty of good sense and to prove it we chose to serve the Lord and maybe there's somebody else that's coming come on if you need somebody to grab them by the hand and ask him if they'll walk you this way I want you to come come come on come on that's it just come from where you are they're coming would you come young man young lady would you come it's time that's it come on it's just time to serve it it's time to serve him come on that's it come to loving God whose arms are stretched wide come on he's he's here he's here and if you come to him he'll and no wise cast you out hallelujah come on if you meet the Holy Ghost this is your day this is your man come on we're coming to Jesus Oh [Music] we offer Christ to you oh they're still coming we offer cries to you come on you and the rises we wait till you get here [Music] there's never another that's coming [Music] hallelujah oh come on surprise those of you at this altar some that is here because you're ready today to give your heart to the Lord while your hands are lifting 8-minute that's you lift those hands right where you are hallelujah if you're ready to say to him Lord I want you more than I want anything else I want you to lift those hands and I want you to talk to him because he's listening and he promised to honor every right desire open your mouth and say Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've done that wasn't like you come into my life ask him not deliver me set me free now ask him to baptize you with the Holy Ghost or until him not if you do it that day I'll live for you for the rest of my life if you believe that he's doing it for you right now elders would you hallelujah or we offer cries to you [Music] you'll give your ID [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 35,864
Rating: 4.8645835 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: Wb7uoAe4aZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 58sec (5038 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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