FGHT Dallas: Demons are Real

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what a mighty God we serve or angels bounty for him what a mighty God we serve [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't you lift those hands right when you're standing tonight hallelujah that come on don't just throw your hands in the air if you go praise Him you got a it frees up your lips come on that's it hallelujah hallelujah oh I see your hands but I'll get you getting about it come on he's worth it tonight and if you believe he's worth it why don't you open your mouth that just praise it like nobody can but you oh what a mighty God we serve take off but keeping you safe hallelujah hey God keep in your pan hallelujah protecting family let's Anu with the activities of your live you got a whole lotta bacon with less ships tonight booyah God has been good to me has he been good to anybody I said has the Lord been good to anybody he's been extremely extremely good to me and I think God tonight thank God for allowing us to come together one more time it's always a special time he met with we come together in fellowship and we're able to stand and sit in heavenly places thinking on a God for each of you tonight amen I want you to look around you there are a whole lot of blessed people in this room take some time to go shake somebody's hand hook somebody and tell them you love them with the love of the law [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I did [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah sure [Music] yes sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah god bless you they can see them you can what a mighty God to be sir you know the Bible teaches us there's one sure way that all men will know that we are his disciples by the love that we have yeah you can dress right have a nasty attitude people think you're holy unto you open your mouth but by this there's a sure way to know that you're my disciples because of the love that you have one for the oven it was so grateful tonight I always want to take time to give honor to whom honor is due thank God my well first lady amen we do so appreciate the Lord but lady Danielle and we thank God for dr. Shirley Murray don't we a man thank God eight men for this wonderful host of ministry that's here tonight a man god bless each of you did we enjoy those testimonies tonight amen put your hands together think God for those testimonies what God is able to do hey man if you commit your life to it you'll make the crooked way Street a man thank God and pinguin Joyce's the Eli Amen hallelujah and we praise the Lord Amen Tuesday night isn't it all right all right this is family night mother's bring your daughters fathers bring your sons and let us worship the Lord together amen and I'm grateful to be here tonight I got my Bible before you hold it up look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the Lord no kaboom til somebody else there's a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the Word of God I broke mines you got yours don't you come on hold that power paint God saint man because if there were a time we needed what's between the covers of this book we need it right now amen this world is getting more wicked and more wicked hey man as they used to say we're gonna and wickeder every day amen it's only those that really know that God they're gonna be strong enough to stand in this hour why are we going to church for a myriad different reasons you know people go to church for some of every reason I told you some folks just lonely at the house and don't like being by themselves come to church because at least for a couple of hours and be around some people and don't have to sit there and look at the walls people come to church for social reasons meet people you know they tell you now if you want to meet if you want to meet a nice wholesome young lady you can't find a mite down the streets y'all getting crying there they used to tell you you know if you a man you want to find you a nice virgin woman I told them days just about going now now when you get married you just got to hope the woman you with ain't been with another woman well now I'm not preaching on that tonight I'm just saying amen the days are evil people are calling right roll and they call in wrong right but listen we got a charge to keep and we have a God to grow with and we got a glorifying with our life and without a loyalty with a power devotion with our service with our dedication with our commitment to God that's how we have to serve them we're not just here serving him and word only a lot of people are doing that but that's not us Spencer Mattie and tell them that's not me I'm not here to serve it and word only I'm here because I love God and Justice us to eat I was saying even you never know when God's going to use you to bring deliverance to somebody else amen we've got to live the kind of life that will allow us amen to be used by God because God ain't using anybody not just anybody no not God you think God is using cusses and Liars the internet wants you to believe that that in order to serve God that's such a low threshold y'all gettin quiet on me already listen I'm gonna plow my way through here tonight you know the devil wants us to believe that serving God has been used by God has such a low threshold anybody can do anything still be annoying it still be used by God and and it's to the point now that the enemy has so so many people in the church where a big ol life and that stuff has found its way in pulpits and preachers are perpetuating lies in a time some that is preaching to you something you can't even find in the scriptures Paul said I marvel that she was so soon moved from the dense gospel he said unto another gospel did he clean it up and he said but listen to be honest is no gospel there's nothing else coming God ain't slack concerning his promises not only the promise to bless but the promise to punish but people now want to change God into image like unto man I told you the other week I was talking to a few people and and I was the only one in the room that honestly believed that God had our power I was the only one believe that God knows everything I was the only one that believed God knows the future and I'm trying to figure out why serve a god if you don't have the knowledge to answer your problems why Castro cares on the God that have to go research how to bring you out you can burn up and die before he figured it out Havel says he knows the end from the very beginning so I'm finally got now there people who say they're serving God who really have no real knowledge of God and you know the Apostle dealt with that at Mars healed he talked about people a matter who were worshiping God but they were worshipping ignorantly he said that's the God that I come to declare unto you and you know we're in a time now well we are just neck [Laughter] that's offensive flower God and I see now y'all gonna make me breathe by myself that's alright somebody get me mark the fifth chapter I want to talk to you tonight mark chapter number five and I want to begin reading at the first verse that's mark chapter number 5 verse number one when you haven't seen man read what the Bible says the country of the gadarenes huh immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains oh because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in me and the fetters broken in pieces read neither could any man tame him and always night and day night and day he was in the mountain mountain and in the to breathe crying and cutting himself with stones uh-huh but when he saw Jesus afar off but when he saw Jesus a fall he rang uh huh and worshipped him read and cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the Most High i adjure thee by God that thou torments me not for he said unto him come out of the man come out of this man thou unclean spirit huh and he asked him what is thy name and he answered saying my name is legion he answered and said now this is not the man talking now hmm this is the voice of something otherworldly on the inside of the man the Bible says that there was a voice that came out of it and the price declared we are legion ha ha for we are for we are many this is one voice but he speaks for a multitude on the inside of this one man what is that name he said my name is legion for we we that means it's somebody else in here besides me it's not just one of us he said but we many read and he besought him much that he would not send them away don't send me out of the country now there was there not unto the mountain a great herd of swine feeding uh-huh and all the devil's besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them and for with Jesus gave them leave Jesus gave them leave and the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea there were about two thousand and were choked in the sea a man two thousand swine so we know that were at least two thousand demons in this man y'all can cry here tonight can you imagine the kind of conflict that's going on on the inside of this man 2,000 evil spirits and want to do what it wants to do you know what I found out the devil is on the inside the devil will corrupt you he will fight hey man that's no peace there is no tranquility this man is housing at least 2,000 spirits on the inside of here hey you think that's of you you know you everybody know somebody that like they got a split personality whether they doing that hey man we all know something matter that we thinks I'm going on amen but this man had 2,000 spirits on the inside and real they are real that's what I want to preach to you tonight demons are real because we're in a age now what seems like the spiritual a man is fading the black everybody is going by their knowledge everybody is moving into science amen and I have nothing against science amen science has proven valuable in its place amen but science it's not an end of itself as a matter of fact for every discovery that they come up with it only leads us to another question I told you when it came to the Big Bang Theory and that's all it is it is simply a theory nobody was there to see it nobody amen witnessed it and that used to be the definition of science amen noticeable activity of nature amen but we don't use that definition anymore listen I'm trying to believe that there was a big one day I told you years ago I believe God said let there be and bang everything happened just like you said amen but now what happened before that that's still a mystery and so for every discovery that man comes up with it leads us to a greater question in other words we are true but things that I can accept by reason let's set them by reason if it makes sense amen and don't contradict anything then I can accept that but the things that I cannot accept about reason I have learned to accept it don't say the ability to understand I'm holding to the truth under two we are always in the power in the world would we and this is why people are just giving in now a mentor every carnal that every fleshly whip that comes their way because they really don't believe that's any reason to fight [Applause] and people are believing this well you can cry tonight for believing these lies that the devilish calledand you don't realize the enemy it's trying to gain a foothold in your life all right there was no conceived plan of the enemy to destroy us why would we put forth the effort to resist it there's not a war going on then why would we be interested in fighting the good fight of faith the devil wants us to believe that there's no one when a time of peace God just wants you to be happy God wants you to have fun without the Lord wants to make sure the only way you can do what you really wanna do the Lord leave sin alone I want you to listen to me tonight sand is not your friend that's waiting to destroy you Bible says the wages of sin is that not just death in the natural but there's a spiritual death it means when you you are eternally separated you've got a lot of folk playing around just playing around trying to see how quick they can touch it and get their hand off of it before it burn them yeah you know how people do they walk by something hot and they're trying to touch it just just to prove how quick they are but I didn't do me and then do no no no real substantial harm or you know how people do want you to play around with he want you to think you can touch it and get off of it before in their hands he wants you to indulge in this he wants you to honestly believe that you can control it and that's one of the biggest lies people in this power that you can control it you can do this but you don't have to do but you don't realize it's a monster to another that was trying to destroy it but he needs you to do it he wants you to play around with him have you thinking you can control this and I'm gonna do this but I ain't going no further than this having folks said they're never smoked cigarettes enough smoking cigarettes well I never smoked weed and now you smoke what I'm gonna do heroin listen stop saying what you ain't gonna do because everything you say you ain't gonna do your end up doing it and the devil loves to shove that in your face I'm saying spider what you said look at what you're doing right now I want you to know that there is a real enemy and that demonic power is real in this generation now listen I don't I I don't want nobody to think that that I'm giving the devil any credit that he don't he don't deserve as a matter of fact he don't deserve no credit ain't giving him none but what I'm what I'm telling you is that there is a reality amen amen in understanding that there's something going on in a realm that we cannot see with our natural eyes all around us you got to realize that things going on we can't see it but you have churches who don't even preach that you got a guard yourself against the work of the enemy they think all the devil's trying to do is keep you from opening your business all the devil is trying to do is keep you from getting that perfect score on your credit report he's just trying us all the devil it's trying to do a hole you in poverty now believe that's a spirit of poverty yes I do hate men but that's that all the devil is after a member davidann just won't you gonna do it he stole all your money does he need to mass so you mean that's what the devil is after how the devil one is your house and your shoes that's how the devil won't you can't get out until then he's gonna fight you every day he's gonna try to pull your attention that's what we gotta do and we gotta do it every day we have a real dangerous enemy he's cunning is a smart rascal his davyous he is determined and he's realistic the Bible says Satan comes down with great wrath you know why cuz he knows he has but a short he's realistic he knows that time is running out it's some of us that act like we don't have no concept playing around and I wonder I don't judge people doing Church night when ain't here what do they do what are they involved with are they feeding themselves and they want to come and swell up the proud I don't send them on there's a spirit in my house you open the door netting me and some of y'all looking like I'm talking about you you sitting here ain't talking about you unless you're visiting on Tuesday and you're really just a Sunday morning member that's a real enemy he's diabolical he's wicked and he wants another opportunity to take you we see it all throughout the Word of God we see it even in the Old Testament he had one lesson car rolls back the clouds and shows us a scene out of a heaven is God asked the question who will go down and persuade they had see there's a danger let me say this to you there's a danger in rejecting the truth of the word of God all sit down and reject everything the preacher said sit there knowing that it comes out of the scripture but because it don't line up with your carnal plans keep rejecting the word God said who's gonna go the word listen I want to go somewhere where there's joy in the atmosphere get delivered because over here in the holy land [Music] spirit the mouth of the prophets oh we see it in the New Testament Jesus comes down off a mountain when he comes down to sins he sees the multitude questioning with his disciples what are you talking to them fine the man stepped forward and said Lord I brought my son to your disciples I wanted them to cast their spirit out they couldn't do nothing about it she said I tell you faithless bring him to me brought the boy to Jesus the Bible said while Jesus was sitting there that devil threw this ball on the ground and started wallowing foaming he he's on the ground kicking and having a fit and foam is coming out of his mouth and he's down that tormented okay can you imagine it that this boy has a lunatic demon that this demon has this ball in the ground he's rocking him over and Jesus doesn't even pay attention today he looks at the father and said how long has he been acting like this Bible said Jesus said come out of this this boy and that devil tow him on his way out Jesus lifted the barb and gave him back to his father as demon-possession then we see the devil use and people like you use Ananias and Sapphira why has Satan filled your heart told you to lie to the Holy Ghost Oh y'all getting quiet here we we see that there's a difference some people are demonically oppressed our God that demonically inspired and influenced but then there are other people that are diamond pose that's when the enemy is not influencing you from the outside he's driving he's sitting behind the wheel and at that point you don't have a reason all right to say no to this problem because you're not stronger that's the reason why nothing to play with because in your life talks about how demon possessed we see it in this generation they don't call it what it is they call it other stuff cuz you know we got a scientific term for everything now some of this stuff ain't got nothing to do it science this is a work of a devil well they have multiple personality disorder aka demon possession you got people like Ted one minute day hi my name is his Jan and the next one of my name is Robert and then next my name is Elsie and then listen how many of y'all come on hi come on out just multiple personalities the devil don't mind can I tell you what a demon a demon is a disembodied spirit it's a personality it looks for a house to live in it wants to dwell somewhere cause it it needs something to work through it needs a conduit into this world and so it needs to it's because I is inhale sitting on the throne somebody wanna praise a right path because I will belongs to God boy you know praise you kill the greatest power that moves throw your head back and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] belongs our God [Applause] so the devil messed up another side our guy yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Laughter] [Applause] can't tell her what it won't do it's Tuesday I gotta when we when we look at heaven the Bible declares that there was a war in heaven and and and and a lot of times we think that God had to put his hands on the devil there but the Bible says Satan fought against Michael and he couldn't handle Michael now you you know you you just can't jump weight classes now you if you still have featherweight don't try to come up to the head is because you you can't handle that up silent thought against Michael and lost he is not God's equal as a matter of fact I love what what what what God says about him he says that on the day of judgment when you finally brought down the whole world is gonna look at you narrowly that means squinty eyes and say is this the man that made nations quake that's him this thing calls out of that trouble do all of it Bible says when he got kicked out his whole mind now was Tamar God's creation you're made in the image of God the Bible says that about no other created being animals not even the Angels but we are made in the image of God that's my Satan's after you that's why he wants to destroy that's because he forgives if he can mess us hit us is to fight a proxy war with God so when you look at it when a person is not covered under the brought up my god that is when a person ain't covered under the bread line somebody ought to just say the blood when a person has not been washed you are expelled stay ahead of the enemy that means the enemy can come in and do what he want to do then keep him away from your tonight if you wasn't [Applause] so then there are those that don't think they need that kind of covering so the other man is wreaking havoc he's wanted away with him everything he wants to do there's nothing there to restrain him because he needs somewhere to live here come here when that demon spirit comes in you are no longer in control I remember one of the sisters went down and talked to a young me and then a few years ago that was a church musician I think it was in the church and and just that rehearsing I guess at the church band said and when he comes out a man is bad he kills him just killed him right here in the Metroplex just killed him and when he was asked about it and then one of the sisters from here went the top club and witness to him and when they asked him about I don't even remember I don't know what happened when I came to myself he was dead and I had me don't know what that's the work of a devil because when you're controlled like that you do run you do what he says to do you go walking up and down the street a whole lot of people trying to play around with him if he comes in it takes some real power to set you free these demonic spirits once they take a person over sometimes you'll find that person start doing some stuff normal people don't do they get a strength that normal people don't have I had a picture and they showed me and I got it in my phone in the office of a mental institution many years ago a concrete wall and these girls that were in this mental institution in this room had dug trenches so deep in that concrete wall they took a picture they were literally standing up on the wall off the floor just gripping concrete and how are they doing this kind y'all getting quiet what was that a couple years ago they were talking about those people in that house and a doctor was there and said that was a boy he was examining and that boy crawled up the wall y'all remember that crawled up the wall and the man said I'm a doctor I know I'm not crazy how did he do that see we think that the devil is like we see it in the movies Holle doing is playing around with drinking and cussing priests who put a shower around their neck and then give spiritual and going that now because you doing this holy way let me tell you something the devil to drink that water you might as well bottle it and sell it for $5 a bottle cuz that don't mean nothing to the devil the only thing the devil recognizes is the power of water don't care about that walk y'all can cry if they'll get in the pulpit and preach why would he be afraid of some water few years ago I remember we were in the prayer room I walked by and there was a man that I heard the minister's praying come out of this man I walked in there and I mean they were praying this demon was trying to fight with everything he had I remember he got down on the ground and Archer was in that way and was in there you grab his arm and his almost rock-solid it looked like he was getting ready to try to charge everybody they have to tell him listen we not hit a trestle with you know because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal so we not gonna wrestle you out looked up and this man drop a blood started coming out of his forehead and I'm saying Lord what is this he just admitted I'm just bound by this and I'm not ready to let this go and I said do you did you not just see what's going on yeah but I'm just not really so use you heard them voices coming out of you you saw your cell phones you aware of all the stuff that you would do crowd Le Brun you saw your seventh and you still claim you ain't ready to serve God had evolution because if he can get you out of here at that time he's gonna try to make sure you never come back to church again I remember possum Isles it's casting the devil out of a little boy young man brother that demon started talking demon said I got him that night he was sitting right here in church and you think the devil don't come to church you think the devil don't come to church let me tell you the secret some people bring and that devil said he back slid one night in church and I got him that night and demon start talking and said I told him not to come up here I told him to keep his behind back there that seat I told him not to come and the devil start talking I can't stand his mama she always playing him records in her house and all that stuff and I can't stand it cuz I all they talk about is Jesus this and Jesus there you want to get the devil out of your house turn HBO off some time and start playing something they got to do with the name of Jim I don't know how to Devlin's turn me in my husband and me and my husband fight all the time turn some of the other stuff off and put on some spiritual and watch the devil get uncomfortable the reason why he like coming there is because he might be comfortable in that atmosphere y'all ways cuz you can't just be holy at church you gotta be holy in your house and as that devil was coming out he started howling like a wolf any tall posture man sees that a possum Mouse you better keep him in this church because if I catch him out there you think the devil's just playing around when I look at the church world now I'm trying to understand why where are we on this devil issue what do we think is going on how are we hearing about now blessings prosperity having fun opening businesses destiny oh people to be sober to be vigilant because our adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion sinking Silan be very tempted to preach my internet feed on these screens here cuz it's to the point that I just want to go somewhere and be by myself oh now today and I was thinking about the prophets of old it was reading Ezzor a couple of weeks ago in when Ezra comes back and finds that what the people of God has been doing and started crying out to God and saying God please forgive us and he hadn't even done that no forgive us we have done wrong we have shed we have turned our back on you like please please God hear us and forgive us about give us a chance and I'm feel like I just want to say to God God boom behalf of everybody who's counting them for last week a gospel artist allowed a gospel song to be used on a secular album and the church went crazy not because they were mad but because they loved the idea cousin but because it's a church just a small sample of a church so forget the fact that he cussing and doing all that the man calls himself Jehovah just vile stuff like he grabbed this crotch and pointed his middle finger up to God and this is who the church is celebrating the one who said Jesus can't save you life begins where the church ends that's who the church is celebrating and I'm saying Lord is it that was so blind recognize when I read in the book of Acts when the woman found a tall and said these are the men of the Most High God that shows them to us the way of salvation we have preached from that for years and now abroad because such people know discernment and they can't even see it and such people saying stuff like honey the gospel is getting out say that when this little girl was saying these are the men of the Most High God did he say thank you little girl keep on saying that because the gospel is getting out no Paul understood the devil will use anything just some fat people you have nothing to do with me but he can talk about demon spirits or you get mad if you want fish young lay there was demon-possessed Paul cast the devil out of her why didn't he say oh the gospel is getting out because he understood that the devil will use anything to try to turn your heart since the gospel is supposed to be getting out I want to see the statistics show me the statistics since we let this happen show me the stats I want to see how many people in the Wow came running to the church because of that song I want to see how many people what's not God's Way I'm using this to bring people to the church this way we plan around and don't you realize this is the work of a demon spirit baba says in the last many would depart from the faith giving heed to [Music] sins and we're right there now how can we call this the work of God to get the word no he won't the Bible says be clingy that Bella vessels of God always said we just figure God can use any theme in anybody God is using an opinion not as a vessel of Honor if God's gonna use a sinner he's gonna use them to show the world what not to do no I ain't saying nothing we act like God so harder that he got to bypass all of these preachers all of these people that's living holy and he got to go and use somebody that cusses him to his face demons spirits but you know jesus said my sheep know my voice those that are really hears ain't moving everybody is dancing to that tune I know those ain't hears you know they tell me Shepard sometimes have to let their sheep graze together hundreds of sheep grazing but once that shepherd give that sound once he give his certain South every sheep that belongs to him hears his voice and I don't care hotter in intermingle and mixed up in this pasture once they hear the voice of the Shepherd they move it you always saying that the reason why a whole bunch of folk moving and that sound is because that's the Shepherd Yahweh's Shannon for those of us that are right and righteous but those of us that are holy jesus said my sheep know my voice stranger [Applause] go try and understand what do we do with the Bible what do we do about the scripture when this demonically possessed woman said all the right things but she wouldn't leave it hold it what didn't power say thank you for helping us get the gospel out because God don't have to use that come to the place I don't even have to be saved no he would have to confess Christ though he would have to tell you they love Jesus and we peeping upon them all of these descriptions to the anointed Oh parent and God is the church God I see his glory in this place I see his glory found in this house [Music] [Applause] the devil has a demon for everybody that'll sit on your shoulder lie to you but the power and the presence of God is too potent it's too real it's too active I see his glory y'all I see it I see it [Music] the enemy's trying to trick the entire generation demonic influences everywhere but if I don't know two things I know one thing God will always reserved for himself a remnant of people and there are people all over this world that are not going to bow to that they're going to have the discernment that Paul had when he looked at this woman who was saying the right kind of stuff and say it doesn't matter what's coming out of your mouth that's a spirit in that's a spirit that's trying to use this to gain attention for itself not to build the kingdom and that's what I got in the day when Jesus was on his way across the sea I want everybody to burst and I feel the power of God he goes across seeing the Bible says while he's in the boat the storm comes out of nowhere the disciples wake him up and say master don't you care that were dying Jesus stood up and rebuked the wind and said peace be still he was on his way across the sea as soon as he gets across the sea come meets him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit that makes you wonder if the storm on the sea wasn't really just a devil trying to keep Jesus from bringing deliverance because as soon as its foot hits dry land it sends a shock wave in the spirit and amend demonically possessed runs to Jesus gets down and says what about to do with you Jesus have you come to torment me before my time Robert says Jesus has come out of this man you unclean spirit what's your name and this demon replies my name is legion for we are many all of y'all against this one Jesus but at the word of the Lord he says come out and every demon had to come subject to the power of God 2001 this shows us what the devil really wanted to do to this man oh he's cutting himself with stones he's in the cemetery he has no peace he's naked he's not in his right mind and God just preserved if the devil had of had his way this man would have never come in contact with Jesus and since they couldn't kill the man at least let us kill something because that's what the thief comes to do he comes to kill steal and so since I come to kill and I can't kill him let me kill him that's the reason what the devil comes out of one over here if you're not right you better watch it because he still wants to do what he wants to do and if he can't use that one you can't execute a demon you can't kill him you kill the person whose spirit comes out it goes and find somebody else to work with baba said when Jesus calls the spirits out of this man they found him clothed in his right mind and he says to Jesus listen let me come with you let me come with you Jesus said no can't come with me go home to your family there's some people that you know that needs to know that I'm a deliverer can't travel with me and the people in your house don't know that I set you free his power to deliver is still real it's still potent it is still active in the world today and tonight while every head is bowed and every eye is closed if there's one here that's not saved you don't know the Lord in the partner of your sin I want you to come step out of that row step into that aisle and make you wait to this altar I want to pray with you tonight come hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus Oh hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you lord hallelujah if there's somebody else I want you to come come come the power of the Lord is real I want you to pray while you're sitting there at you see hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelu oh yes god yes God yes God hallelu thank you Jesus oh I feel its power hovering here [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 62,871
Rating: 4.8375187 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: xac2jXFEwqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 36sec (5616 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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