FGHT Dallas: God Said I Will Give You Pastors

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maduk are we sir Oh angels bow before him [Applause] yah one more time come on say the G that's it me [Music] [Applause] Carrie yes you are you really ha ha all right come on put those hands together Africa [Music] [Applause] sorry yeah sure you're easy hola one more time come on clap your hands real good yeah [Music] stay right then put your hands together right come on and clap your hands everybody you're my brother you're my sister hey I love your weather praying for you yes who I Rea there [Music] yeah sure come on clap your hands yeah sure [Music] Jory [Music] [Applause] one more time Langella your here's into love [Applause] those hands it bless them tonight everybody hey man on your way to your seat tell somebody I love you and I'm brand for you hey man I don't want you to know it hey man I love you and I'm praying for you praying that God keeps his hand don't you praying that God continues to favor you a man praying that he keeps your body strong pray that he keeps you encouraged pray that he reaches his hands all the way out then puts it on that child it's still out there wait what I pray he take all the joy out of sin for them yeah Brett I don't get what they do don't don't let them be happy doing it take the high out to do take the drunk out the liquor I know you can do it yes he can a man and I'm praying for you and I want you to know it tonight a man God is a great God and we praise Him the night I think God for you think are each and every one of you tonight I tell you I love coming to the house of the Lord on Tuesday night it's just a it's just a wonderful atmosphere I think God a meant for the way God moves I think God meant for the services here you know every service has its own character its own a man nature it just has it's it's it's it's only something that makes it unique and I love Tuesday night a man I love it I love the time we get together a man when we can come and just just talk about the word of the Lord amen open up the pages of the scripture to see what God is saying to us in this hour you know I found out that it's not that God ain't speaking problem is somebody just ain't listening a man he's saying everything we need the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing how how by the Word of God amen that's what the Word of God says amen faith comes by hearing I believe if you want your faith built the service hey man listen I don't care what you do even if your be isn't doing Church work hey don't you ever get so bitter that you can't sit in here the Word of God hey no need being uh sure and getting carnal because you are sure in and amen and then don't have time to keep your mind on the Lord know if you can't show somebody today seat and have your faith built at the same time sit down amen and hear the word of the Lord because the just shall what the just shall live by faith and if faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord I know ever want you to be so busy doing Church work that you can hear a faith building word there is a word from the Lord if you believe that look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord and tell them it I'm a lover of the Word of God I love mine I got mine you got yours come on hold that panel thank God because everything else is going down but the word of our God I see a whole lot of phones thank God you got the Bible on your phone but I keep telling you if you don't have the Bible in there now some of the other stuff can't being that a man a man the Bible should have sanctified your cell phone hey man you can't have the Bible on your cell phone sitting no kind of text messages and that don't go together hey man so if you go have the Bible on your phone wonderful a man but it should have sanctified your communication Jeremiah the 3rd chapter a man Jeremiah chapter number 3 and I want to call your attention to one verse that's the 15th verse Jeremiah chapter number 3 verse number 15 Amen I want to talk to you tonight out of the pages of the word of the Lord a man I found out a man that God has a plan for us a man he has a plan for your growth your maturity and if you'll just submit yourself to God's plan for your life Amen you'll be able to sit back amen I believe it was sister lenita said it hey man she know she's growing and and she looks and makes sure she's not at the same place amen and I think that's the way it ought to be every child of God should be able to look at your own spiritual walk and determine that you're not where you used to be you know I tell you every convocation go into that week with the express purpose to use convocation as my yearly marker I needed to tell me where I am a man determined where I was last year and I look every convocation to see that I have grown a man I've grown in my understanding got grown in my service I've grown eight men even in my preaching I look because I don't want to be at the same place I don't want to become stagnant as a child of God and you know you got so many people that are right they're just stagnant as a child of God not growing just existing and the problem is there are always higher Heights and deeper depths and God and if you start looking at the same old scenery after a while it just becomes mundane and you'll start to look at this as a routine something that I just do it means you know every nine days you just got to get out and see something different you know people that are that are sick or and hospitals are like they called them back in the day shut-in they get tired of looking at the same four walls and a wind and that curtain hanging down after a while you need to change your scenery and in the spirit if you become stagnant and you're looking around and you're seeing the same old stuff the problem is you're not moving you're not growing you've got to grow in God and you need to know that you're growing you need a way to measure your maturity in God amen so listen God has a plan for us and I believe that it will obey every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord that will be what God is calling for us to be amen and we can do what God has called for us to do Jeremiah the third chapter and the fifteenth verse when you have that same man and I want you to read it together tonight we're gonna do a little reading let's read it together and I will give you pastors according to mine heart which shall feed you with and understanding let's read it again and I will give you pastures according to mine heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding one more time for the Holy Ghost and I will give you pastures according to mine heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding amen and that's what I want to I want to talk to you about that tonight amen because we're at a day he meant we're at a time we're at a season when it seems like people really don't understand what pastors are for amen you've got some pastors they don't even understand what pastoring is all about a mint but God tells us that it is his desire and as his design that we have pastors after his heart so that they would feed you with knowledge and with understanding and that's what I want to talk to you about tonight I will give you pastors amen I God says I will give you pastors I had the greatest a man I can I can speak for me I had the absolute greatest pastor I think God could have ever given me a man he was he was something else a man we talked so many times and I have pastors who call me and they say you know apostle nobody else marriage should have wrote a book he should have wrote something for pastors because what he did and how he left his work and the way he set churches up and allowed them to function and the way that he magnified salvation above blessing that's how amen God was able to come in and to to meet the faith of the people of God so that what we saw when we came to church blew our minds people getting saved and delivered set free those that were bound on drugs and you know people who had all kinds of despicable backgrounds you know folk that had going to jail for attempted murder you know and all of that kind of stuff to see them come to the house of the Lord and there's somebody there that would dare to stand and preach the gospel of the kingdom without any type of fear without any type of favor a man to see somebody operate like that was a real blessing it was something that that we learned from just by simpler and I enjoyed the time that I was able to travel with my pastor just just to see him function in ministry you know that was a real blessing to see him travel and preach and to see what we would see here happened whatever he would go Amen adult ministers and pastors how it is that God could use them to progress the kingdom agenda amen and you know what we're seeing now in this season we're seeing an attack on the church and I'll tell you where it's coming from I'll tell you what the purpose is amen we're seeing an attack now and it's it's at the hands of the enemy and what he's seeking to do now he's seeking to weaken the church from the inside amen what we saw amen here's a cold that was the norm seem like than a church is now an anomaly you don't really see it like that anymore amen the enemy is trying to destroy us he knows that there's nothing on the outside that can come in and really amen tear us apart but what he seeks to do now he wants to plant people within the church so that the church can be destroyed from the inside but you know I love it because God said I will establish a church and with God established a church what he did he established it on a solid Foundation Jesus even says you'll see that a man in Matthew 16 and 18 he says that upon Peters confession that he was the son of God everybody understand the difference amen between the father and a son he said upon your confession that I am the son of God he said I will build my church and Billy said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church so what we see we see Jesus giving his trash the power to withstand the power that's nothing that the enemy can send away ain't meant that God has not already given us the ability to overcome or to endure Amen so now we understand that since the enemy cannot destroy the institution of the church because jesus said upon this rock I'll build it or I will establish it since he can't destroy the institution you're trying to pick up on every individual aspect of the church ain't meant to see if weakness can be found anywhere he cannot destroy us as a whole but what he's doing now every individual area or aspect of the body of Christ and what place that the devil has found his niche amen and jesus warned us about it amen the Bible says that we ought to be careful not to fall prey to deceivers and what the enemy is doing in this hour is that he is bringing about false preachers false teachers out and got quiet on me Amen he's bringing people now who really don't have a heart for the things of God and he's setting them with in the midst now and it's not hard to really tell who they are because they're never going to preach to you the full truth of the word of the Lord anytime you've got folk that will pick and choose what it is that they present to you that's not somebody that sent by God because the Bible says men shall about bread alone but he's got to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord I don't know why y'all sitting there looking at me maybe I need to sit down in the back at you but the Bible tells us that we've got to beware because in the latter times deceivers were going to come hey man and he told us they would deceive and be the see and you know so many people have just really fallen for the devil's in the eyes and for the devil's tactics and the devil's tricks and now the church world is full of people who are preaching a doctrine that we cannot even find in the Word of God amen they have set themselves up in the house of the Lord Jesus okay just flash it just human God will give you a pass and what number a little white lie y'all gonna get quite on me here tonight amen but if it's real truth and say listen all sin is equal and Jesus you can go to a church for seven days but nobody's preaching the truth of the word of God [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Just Between what God intended for the church to be what we are seeing now it's just the church world religious sphere in which the whole lot of things going on necessarily mean is something sanctioned by God in the church world your the Church of God said I'll give you pastors after my own heart it was always God's plan to bring to the role of leadership those whom he had chosen to serve as a representative for his holiness and an example of his words and his standards but jesus warned us that they were coming get me Matthew 24 4 and 5 we all go walking it a little out of night all right Matthew 24 4 and 5 I want you to read it because you need to know what the Bible said What did he say he said I want you to be careful I want you to be very very careful I want you to be aware of the fact that the enemy will always have somebody how to deceive you he's not just leaving him outside the church the devil is playing people right if he can get somebody to come in church he doesn't matter it doesn't matter to him whether they stand up behind the pulpit and conduct it doesn't matter whether they have a deacons uniform on or OSHA's badge it doesn't matter if they have a collar around their neck it doesn't matter what title they wear if he if he can find somebody that'll let him use them he'll use whoever will let him he just just because they got Reverend in front of your name don't mean the devil wound well I wouldn't want to miss him and I don't want to bother him because he I listen the devil you know what he really want because you're the one that they're comfortable with you're the one Amen that they're looking to for an example and if you mislead them then the enemy will use anybody that he can to get you off track and if it's the preacher he'll even use the preacher real for many shall come in my name in my name in my name shall comes he'll show you whatever he can show you just to get you the side the Word of God is now springing up all over this country he meant speech in that abomination is okay [Applause] I'll give you pastors devilish sending pastors in to bring about a confusion in the body of Christ boy y'all in Sandin here I was talking last night the pastor Kimberly Rae and we were talking about how now everybody has a platform everybody now got a platform in your bathroom in your living room on Facebook in your hand this is trying to with a bunch of boys [Music] [Applause] my own heart showing this confusion throughout the body of placed they on the news talking their own news paper covers magazine covers Joey sending him they all over TV all over radio all over the internet and they got a following the people who want the privilege of the church but still want to hold on to the pleasures of the world and because they found some liar to tell them you can have it both they gotta follow into but you got to always remember him it sons and daughters you've got to always remember that for everything that God has that's real the devil's got a counterfeit for it yeah they have a thing that God's got that's gonna tell about you and nurture you and feed you the devil's got something on the other side that he's gonna try to use to twist your mind to cause your heart to deviate from the path of righteousness and I know listen now they're Mochis then there's ever be lesson Norton but no churches everybody's starting churches you got churches next to each other the first church is right here the second church is right there the third one is right there y'all win Center for to leave your church and going and one day about it another left field church and then just call it greater yeah Trinity Church of God holy sanctified and righteous and they go right next door greater Trinity Church of God holy sanctified and righteous everybody got churches now everybody is starting churches now and you trying to figure out how to even though you were saved so God got that desperate in the last 10 years that he just using everybody well y'all ain't saying nothing y'all stand judges where's the a man section here tonight I'm I'm over look right at you tonight cuz I being saying that how did God get that desperate let some folk tell it that he got to use everything and everybody well I guess I've been shut up and keep on talking this is how you know that God don't call every pasta that stands in the pulpit how do you know because those that God don't call don't have a relationship with him no he got no relationship with God Amen not not a factor or doing ever and you know you got him not bragging about sin pastors bragging about it you go direct men and women to God and you supported and endorsed it everything that that God's sake don't send you to hell are you a pastor and you up and endorsing everybody at that is singing and doing everything that God said it's gonna send you to you got [Music] [Music] [Applause] not only do they not have a relationship with God they don't have a heart for God's people don't Kenan about you not only that they don't even have an appreciation for the Word of God well I mean they can preach some of everything say something everything and don't even care if they're twisting the scripture and that's the reason why I tell you sitting around here you gotta know this Bible for yourself if you don't know this Bible they can tell you the Bible said Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall and you'll have no better sense than to get up somewhere else don't do that here cuz listen don't embarrass me like that the Bible said all the king's horses the Bible ain't never said now but if you don't know the white that's hard to deceive you I was telling somebody said listen they never told us and by other Church to to open up your Bible and turn to this book I turn to that book they never even told us that listen you can't take nobody's word for what God said now you know I'm your pastor I ain't gonna lie to you but you can't sit up and take my word for what God said you have to know what God said for your raise behind the preacher let him sit up there and tell you anything and you believe in your God set study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you know how to open this word find truth for yourself not only do they not have an appreciation for the Word of God huh they don't live or love holiness anytime you got a pastor that will preach against holiness if I were you I'd get up and listen I'd almost twist my ankle trying to get a better day before the fire of God fell in that place because God is a holy God Lord whether we're the Saint said that that Edward is that that word should excited you I said God there's a hole like always saying I'm looking for a few holding this I'm holding this properly I'm holding this for all of us was supposed to be holding this folk denomination characterizes us instead of holiness holding this boat there's so deep she died when they die they gonna fly straight past everything have to turn around and come back they just that deep they just they doing too much well at least you know we going we're still trying to figure out where the center and the ungodly appear but y'all hit what I'm trying to tell you nobody always said and I'm at the batteries taped myself because I'm I'm telling more truth than y'all let known to they don't live holy they don't love holiness and they're Highlands who are looking to exploit people for personal gains God didn't call nobody who gonna make it all about them y'all know that see to some people you don't have a name you have a number you tithe pair number 162 to some people you're not a person you're a figure you are a representation of what they're really after they are Harlan's and Jesus said a hireling is somebody that won't fight for you do you understand that are you hearing me he said this in the word I'm not making this up together st. John the tenth chapter he said the Harland will flee when the woke up when the enemy shows up Harland and go sit there and fight for you because he's just there for a move away and don't even tell you about it and y'all come to church now waiting for him to show up no pastor just trying to spot you for that personal gains Lord you ought to be staying a man on YouTube but just because there's some terrible people sitting in the pulpit don't mean that's everybody mm-hmm I don't mean everybody's crooks everybody thieving everybody y'all getting quiet heroes missin I've been in church all my life and I'd admit some of every kind of pastor you could think about and that one over that was touching all the boys back there in the back of the church and this passed over here was still in the money and that passed over that was written with all the women in the church everybody's testimony see what not and I see this is where y'all y'all really get quiet he'll see to be called as a pastor and to lead the people what a privilege that is let me tell you firsthand it is the greatest joy of my life to do what God called me to do in pastoring the church is it easy now that's why I got these gray hairs and believe me I've been naming after the Saints that I know gave them to me today by back of my head hurt oh that's the stress headache I believe every word it's a joy it is an honor for God to put his hands on a man and call him to leadership in the church that is a great privilege it's an honor what a calling but the enemy is not just gonna sit back and let God call people to this call and without trying to infant stick with those that God didn't call who he would try to magnify and give just as great of an influence and a voice as those that God has his hands home but in spite here now of what you're hearing the pastor is still necessary he is a necessary good and I get at you you got a whole lot of people who say well try all them bad leaders in it that's why I don't go to church cuz it's just it's just too many bad leaders and then the people in the church ain't right they hypocrites and then the leader see I'm telling y'all about how these pastors hold it is and that's the reason why I ain't goin to church I am spiritual religious oh I know you don't hurt it I'm spiritual I'm not religious subscribe to all of it those religious things that that people do because Charlie listen I get more God sitting up at my house praying and communing with God in the living room then I could go into any baddest Church you're a yeah and God said you are what you're saying now people who are pointing to bad reputations from people that God didn't call or either ones that he called and just back slid but that is not the norm that doesn't represent everybody and so before you jump on the bandwagon and call for the dissolution of the church all together get me romans 10 13 and 14 you didn't close your Bibles did you now you said you'd walk with me for a minute Romans 10 and 13 and 14 she'll be saying whosoever you know that they cannot be saved unless they do what no act like y'all and just read that they cannot be saved unless they do what what is the Lord's name so that means Jesus is the only way to salvation I make it up he's the only way to say you know you got preachers out of standard but see it's not for me to say whether a Muslim whether the Hindus however those that follow the teachings of Confucius it's not for me to say whether that go into heaven Jesus said I am the way and anytime somebody would get up and tell you that Jesus were number a prophet he wasn't none but a man and you don't now all these other pseudo religions will stand up show me what Jesus said he was God Saint John 17 chapter Jesus said glorify me with the glory which I had with you from the beginning I and my father are one and quiet if he's your father you are as he is and then he said father make them one just like we are one Romans 10:13 says whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved at what point will God stop saving people on the pastures feel necessary is still necessary god I'm going to heaven from my house well according to the word you got one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel and both feet should be filling the flames by now cuz he said don't forsake the assembling of yourself the church is where the gifts are y'all getting quite God didn't give every gift in your house the gifts can't operate in your house and the fact is unless a man or woman is anointed to teach to you the Word of God then you can read this Bible and you can confuse yourself God has to put his hands on somebody that's going to feed you with knowledge and understanding so this entire movement a spiritual but not religious it's designed by the devil to undermine God's intention that is not what God intended the other guy cried again that's not what God intended for all of his people to just be sitting over in their neutral corners sitting up at the house thinking that you feel spiritual and carnal but you don't know because you ain't got nothing to measure yourself against anytime you imagine yourself against yourself you can be 2 feet 3 inches tall and think you're the biggest man in the world you have to be able to measure yourself against something and that's something is the Word of God not as you want it to be but as it is giveth reach my goals God have anointed to feed you with knowledge and understanding how can you grow without somebody anointed by God to speak to you from the heart of God no no it sure had a problem with Moses and I'm telling you I look at Moses and I don't already told you I'll not gonna make me mr. promise let do you hear me Moses did all that work and then come down to the end of his days and God said Moses because of how you dealt with them people you can't go listen let me tell you something you're not gonna make me miss the Promised Land do you help me I'll put you out of here but if I'm said live peaceably with all men the ant said as much as live within you but I tell you if you came there piece of it with them live peaceably without them you ain't gonna make me lose my soul you're not gonna make me miss helping no if I can't live peaceably with you and you came here peaceably with me then may the Lord watch between me and D well we are absent one from the other and since I'm the pastor here ain't going nowhere you got to go they don't have to come to church they don't have to submit to Authority they can past it themselves and home but that's not what God's listen you cannot make God violate his own ordinance and his design just because you have a different preference and you got a way that you won't him to do it how he said he was going to do that y'all don't got quiet and you know what the Bible said let me tell you what he said he said every way of a man is right in his own eyes if you pastor in yourself you'll get away with anything well I don't feel convicted bad you know I don't I don't feel like it's been wrong with this that's the reason why we came past our y'all gettin quiet I'm gonna look back at you that's the reason people came pastor themselves you'll tell yourself it's okay to do whatever you just wanna do and your makeup a reason why it's okay but God's got to give you a pastor somebody gonna look you in your eye and say how much you ain't gonna bribe me into not preaching the word of the Lord and if you don't like holiness if you don't appreciate the word that I'm preaching keep your money Yahweh's ain't never heard a pastor talk about keep your money you ain't never heard a real pastor I'm trying to tell you when it come down to the Word of God the Word of God [Applause] [Applause] let me tell you something about the church it was him when we got him it's gonna be here when you're gone Oh y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you I don't care if you Wow God I don't care if they roll you in and roll your back out when you are the church is gonna go on okay may God change his design I don't want to go to church again ask you what you wanted to do he said go don't forsake the assembling of yourself together now my time is quickly running out but can I preach all right all right we'll keep your finger at the end and sit down the truth is yes there are people who have given god the church and pastoring a bad name they have have weakened the influence of the church weakens how people see preach you know that was a time when people saw preachers they take the head off and say yes sir yeah yes sir I mean that they stop doing whatever they do if they were drunk they try to lean up against the walls so they didn't look like they were tripping and if they went high you know they turned their head and just just kind of woke them about how you doing and keep moving but now preachers have such a low reputation I remember we weren't coming back from a funeral we were just committing the body and we want our way back and my mother was driving and it was meet her now to Murphy and we stopped by a gas station I still had my preacher collar the man stopped me while I was right there pumping gas but the preacher collar on and asked me if I'd loan him some for some beer there is such a low estimation of pastors until people don't even respect the office of a pasta anymore people have done so many everything so much so that now oh we the punchline of jokes now people who are supposed to be able to stand up and say the Lord said in the words and you lined up with the word that they're preaching but now they can say whatever they want to say and it ain't just out there I'm gonna tell you how bad it is church folk now do we respect the preacher well you got folk that'll sit right up in church and disrespect the pastor I told you our few months ago listen if you're gonna call me and talk crazy things just don't go because I ain't that kind you know you got folk not they don't brighter daytime they ain't got no notice I mean ain't got no discretion they'll call you well let me say this up front because I'm just straightforward so if I offend you I don't mean to but I don't know how to say it but at any time you got to do all that explaining before you say what you got to say you already know what you getting ready to say is offensive all I got to do is be straightforward and I don't mean to be offensive and I don't mean to be fun and I hope you don't take this wrong listen anytime you do all that talking before you talk to me then you obviously have the wrong number man yes my cousins pastor they call him by his first name oh listen this ain't your cousin's church uh-uh no no we're gonna respect leadership y'all wait listen Joey said I think you talking to your nephew I better walk about me down at a Funeral hey and you know Eddie Aikau pow-pow he kind of p2p what was Peters last name you don't know and maybe they didn't know either but you know man or no there's a way to respect leadership for y'all in a time like this yes people have given pastoring abandoned some people and stole money from the church and the church got foreclosed on churches have to shut their doors because pastors so charge money you had some churches the lights were cut off and the pastor pulled up to the curb in a rolls-royce and Bentley couldn't even flush the toilets got the waters off then he driving a Bentley you got some pastors they were so money hungry they house was twice as big as the church roof leakin can't come in no air-conditioning they're not taking care of Lords work out for what they can get everybody now wants to be without my past I'm holding a million that is in the scripture preachers of feel like they supposed to be a million every preacher is supposed to be a millionaire not just wait to God give me a few more them inventions and I give me the patent and then we can talk about some stuff I'm not trying to be a millionaire I'm not trying to be rich that's the work of the Lord that must be seen about and I know that people have given pastor with a bad name but God said I'll give you pastors after my heart let me hurry because time is getting laid the reason why so many people when the shape that they're in is because they tried to pick a pastor or try to I love the way he dressed I like his style I love the way the crossing over at that church I just another and you just tried to pick your own pastor and you don't know what you need God said I'll give you pastors and humanity glad I chose to come over here well if that was your choice then you can be dismissed I want people that God sent here because if it's y'all show us you can come and go when you get ready but if God sent you here I don't care if you like what I preach or not sit down and listen to it because that's what God told you to do see the problem is we try to pick preachers based on personality but we need to bring all y'all in standing here we need to listen to the voice of God and get somebody that God has ordained to feed us no matter want to be bad over there I'm telling I loved a service they service them last no more than I how in 15 I got another page in the half I don't know what y'all talking about but God said I'll give you a pastor and you go where he leads you people tell me all the time I'm praying about a church I tell them listen just whatever the Lord say obey what he says if he don't tell you to come here tripping over that God why he leads you and he leads you down the street go down on the street I don't know mater God don't have for us amen you don't pick a church God said I'll give you a pastor and he's gonna send you well you can be fed I go to list well you can be corrected because it ain't nobody in the church that the pastor King correct I wish he wouldn't say something to me you begging for it don't ask for that because ain't nobody in the church that the pastor don't have the authority to correct and I remember when he was a little boy I used to sit him on my knee when he was a baby I used to change he don't try to correct me yes he is ain't nobody in the church the pastor can't correct to be fair to be corrected to be encouraged and to be challenged let me hasten God gave a pastor job to do it starts with living a life of holiness preaching the gospel to win souls of sinners to teach the believers the things that will please the Lord that's what a pastor is supposed to do he's supposed to teach you what will please but pastors we gotta remember that this is God's church it's not ours this is God's church and let me say this the pastor is not God or y'all listen to what I'm trying to tell you the past is not God the pasta dough who you like that that's not the job of a pastor that come to your house and throw stuff that's not his job and any time you gotta ask your pastor if you can go visit your mama some ain't right with that picture I want to know is it okay if I go to my mama's house can I go can I go spend some time with mom any time you got asked can you go see your mama the preacher y'all gettin quiet the preacher is not God he can't run your life depreciating got no business telling you the quit show job that you can't tell you that kind of stuff he's supposed to preach to you the things that are contained in the word the love he is not God but some people act like they God himself they want you to fear them will run your life and govern your actions but the Bible said that the pastor watches for your soul get me first Peter 5 verse 1 through 4 yeahall says I've got to take some time 1st Peter 5 1 through 4 the elders the elders which are among you uh-huh i exhort who am also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of christ ha ha and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed read feed the flock of god lack of God well you gotta know the word in order to get them the following people that's coming job job and Malachi malechi you gotta know the word but you can't feed nobody grade which is among you aha taking the oversight there oh hey oversight watch over them read not by constraint not because it's what you're forced to do but willingly but you've got to do this willingly who was that Paul said if I do this feat willingly Peter I have a reward you don't do this back constraint because if you have against your will you can care less about the people you're preaching to so you don't do this back constraint cuz you ain't got nothing else to do with your life and you can't succeed no else and so now I guess I go on and preach I guess I'll be pastoring this church well we won't you anytime you gotta lead God's people and complain like that you're not giving them what they need you don't do this back on strength you do this willingly these are God's people you don't do this for money because if money is your motive with money right out you run out you'd be surprised how many people leave churches pastors will leave that people said right there and it's just a better opportunity so it's about money so shows are not your aim that's not your angle it's about money what you can get out of this he said not fulfill that no God read but of a ready mind but to this of a ready mind neither is being lords over God's heritage God's heritage what do you mean you can't lead the people in tyranny course you're pushing people to do stuff that's not your place your job is to simply preach the word and whosoever will let them come if they want to live right let them live right if they don't that ain't your problem you gave them the word but we're not to lord over the lord's heritage real but examples up to the flaw but we do have the responsibility to be examples unto the flattery and with the chief Shepherd shall appear and when the Lord shall appear you should receive a crown of glory he'll give you a crown of glory faded not a way that won't fade away that is a reward for pastors who feed the flock of God who care for the people of God God said there is a reward but then there's also a consequence for those that are in this position who are not doing things right the Bible said that was if you don't believe it get me what is that is it Ezekiel 34 is it 34 Ezekiel 34 and 1 and the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man that's it prophesy against the shepherds of Israel Oh prophesy uh-huh and say unto them and shame to them thus saith the Lord God said the Lord unto the Shepherd Reed won't be to the shepherds and woe to the shepherds that do feed themselves you're not interested in feeding the people of God you're interested in feeding yourself and God said Wow Reed should not the Shepherd's feed the flock shouldn't the Shepherd's feed the flock you won't what you won't but you don't care if you give them what God has for them Reed you eat the fat you eat fat and got that Reed and he clothed you with the wool you called you with the best of everything you killed him that affair kids read read but you'd be not the flaw but you're not feeding them you got everything but you're not feeding the people and God said woe to you that's the reason why power admonish them he said listen you might not want to get involved with this because we don't receive the greater condemnation if we don't do things right everybody now jumping up my god call me the pastor I want a pastor listen you gotta be careful because if you're not you're going that receiving a greater condemnation sure you could have money you can drive Rolls Royce and bitten this down here but when you get up there God said you didn't tell them what I told you will have a greater condemnation read the disease have you not strengthened you haven't strengthen the disease they have healed that which was sick folk came and here broken you didn't do nothing helped that really neither have you brought again that which was driven away uh-huh neither have you sought that which was long free but with force and with cruelty had he ruled them and they were scattered because there is no Shepherd and they became meat to all of the beasts oh now they I said because you offended them and they become meat they become prey to every beast of the field let let me hurry let me hurry so I can get the past is the one that God chose to watch over your soul he didn't call let me say this God didn't ordain and he didn't call pew pastors you know what a pew past is that's somebody that God ain't got his hand on he ain't spoke to him he probably even know them but they'll sit right out in the congregation and try to talk to you and tell you what you have to do what you don't have to do and try I know what they saying but you know what I'm telling you I was reading this other passage over here you have in this hour a bunch of pew pastors and now these people are so beau belch - correct you tell him you gotta pass them anytime somebody call you trying to straighten you up tell him you got a pastor God did not deign that nobody's sitting next to you correct you corruption gotta come from the top y'all done got quiet that's like your brother your sister trying to whip you put that bill down correction in the laterals y'all y'all get brush it's got to come from the top you know you wouldn't let your sister with you I wouldn't let mine with me not straighten that out a long time ago and now she got a hit piece of hair making sure don't nobody ask tried nothing correction don't come from nobody next to you it's got to come from the top listen if you ain't the pastor stop telling people what to do you don't know nobody you ain't the watchman for that show sit there be quiet listen to the word let's go to heaven together supposed to be doing you justice you mind your own business you ain't saying that's why you're to leave them alone they might not be fully delivered what gave you the authority for correct I'm not I'll tell you what I don't know how to pass it on correct I don't know why he ain't seeing it you don't know that step is going on so you gonna jump up and get it you don't even understand you don't have the wisdom of a leader could I please for a minute here you've got to be careful pass but jesus said let them grow together because in the day of the harvest I'll do the separated you don't have the knowledge for know how to separate between the wheat and the tares because why are you trying to kill the TAS you gonna kill some weed - then we're all about saving souls we're not trying to throw nobody out the church you don't know what God has shown the leader you are not the pasta you'll get so tired you trying to get people in church through the front door and you got somebody got nowheres I'm kicking them out the back nobody's pastor you don't correct nobody y'all don't got quiet now see how I was sitting there and the Lord show me this and the law and you gotta watch that and you need to do this and you need listen no tell them you got a pastor you got somebody that God chose to watch over your soul and if he ain't chose them then don't listen to him can I talk to you for what some people don't have the patience or the tech to know how to deal with you the way God requires the program the pastor has to correct people because he loves them but other people will correct you or try to correct you to gain power over you and to give themselves some sort of position that places them above the people around them everybody now wants to be great and so they want to reserve the power to call you up and tell you everything you did wrong and how you ain't did this and you know and you ain't supposed to do this listen just be quiet now and the pastor got this problem you hear me he got it covered sometimes you gotta teach people everybody don't know what you know everybody didn't grow up like you grew up you just got to be quiet let God work on people the way he worked on you because if truth be told some folk grew up in holiness and still laughing like they don't know what holiness is all about stay out of my way because jesus said if you offend the least of these my little ones those that are seeking offend them he said it's better that a millstone be tied around your neck and you be casting to see I need to find out where we can get some meal stones and put them in the lobby as an example of what it is you need to do yeah that's why if you don't understand why the pastor does what he does just know that you're not supposed to understand it because God ain't gonna deal with you the way he deals with the pastor God said I'll give you pastors after my heart just because the pastor is not God don't mean he's not nobody I don't mean he's a nobody that's high I don't believe in worshiping no man let me tell you something preach my button into distress you have to be careful how you deal with a plasterer you got some people I don't nobody ain't worshipping no man and they just giving them too much honor they just do listen I get it the past is not God Church is all about God it's not about the pastor but you know what the Bible does tell us how to interact with leaders and I'm gonna show you you said you had your Bible Hebrews 13 and 17 let's go through this word real quick Hebrews 13 and 17 obey them read that again oh babe say that again oh babe oh babe them that have the rule over you what does that mean keep reading he gonna tell you what I mean read and submit yourself and submit yourselves for they watch for your soul so this ain't talking about the people on your job he said they watch for your souls and it's so hard trying to get people to heaven when they act like they doesn't really want to go to hell he said submit why you got to say something every time the pastor say some we don't do this why don't we do it because I'm watching for your soul submit for bathe watch for your souls read as they that must give an account AHA that they may do it with joy let them lead you with joy and not not be a stressful relationship between pastors and church members it ought not be that way well the pastor sitting up pulling his hair out because he got to deal with people that do understand godless submission elder in this church for the last 40 years submit read what the Bible says that they may do it with joy that they may do it with joy and not with it are not real grief for the leader to lead and we read what else but that is unprofitable for you do you realize it hurts you when the pastor leaves you and grief don't you know you don't get the benefit that God intended for you to get it hurts you y'all don't believe that get me a first Thessalonians 5 and 12 let's hurry because I'm coming to a close and we beseech you and we beseech you brethren haha to know them which labor among you know them that labor among you and are over you in the Lord and all of you in the Lord and admonish you and it's not as you and to esteem them very highly what wait hold on hold on esteem them and to esteem them very highly very highly you got people all over the country feel like cha-hee getting too much not the pastor getting too much credit he getting too much this the Bible says you esteem them very highly does this sound like the pastor's are nobody that's what the devil wants you to believe that the pasta is a nobody that's the man of God and you don't over this country you gotta submit to leadership I don't care that a bunch of crooks in the pulpit God didn't send you to no crook ask God to send you to a pastor after his own heart and when you get there submit and the Bible says esteem him very highly I don't understand they just worship that man that's the devil talking to you you know you don't worship no man why you let somebody get in your ear like that yeah just worship that you know ain't nobody worship it no man but you got people who don't want the pastor any type of influence they don't want him to have no type of respect all y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you and so they have taken it as their motive in life to help keep the pasta humble oh you said I was I was reading the day I tried to print the article at my printer with that great but I wanted to bring it that was a man God God gave him wisdom and understanding he talked about how this generation handles leadership and how now they can't respect them because they don't they don't think in terms of respect when they think about pastors and you know that's the truth people not think the pastor it's just another member in the church he nobody to be respected he ain't nobody to do this he's nobody I'm I don't want this when the pastor come in here I gotta stand up man did you not the Bible said you will sting them now did I make that up no y'all ain't talking about me I'm talking about the Word of God did I make this up so it's not your place to try to keep the pastor humble because you're getting trouble with God well y'all got quiet now the Bible said esteem him very highly we in love I'm for their works seho their what sake you got somebody studied praying and whom they faced before God trying to pray that God would continue to poison North it out you don't even know all the stuff and didn't ever tell you I don't believe in hanaman nobody I got a hip keep the posture humble and you at home sleeping snowing so hard you're choking and the pastor's up praying for you that God give you another chance up all night trying to pray sickness hope for your body trying to pray help kids back home and then you got them there to Center I'm gonna help keep him humble that's not the word of first Timothy 5:17 and ya lookin at me I'm done when I say that first Timothy 5:17 and 18 let the elders that rule that rule we'll be counted worthy of double honor especially they who labor in the word and doctrine for the scripture said thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn and the labourer is worthy of his reward now they just honor past us too much man so whenever the pastor come through Oh everybody get quiet and they just they just got they act like that man is gone hey nobody suppose that had much had much respect from nobody and so you gonna disrespect just to keep them humble you don't do your pastors like that you don't do that the Bible says your senior pastors very highly all y'all listen to me will you tube and steam them very highly when you know that God is going talking about crooks and criminals I'm talking about people you know God has given you that we're watching for your soul those men and women are praying for you when you don't even know they're praying the enemy would have wiped you out he would have come in and snatched your kids but God had somebody watching for your soul and you gonna turn sad I wish I would stand up for somebody and go to court with him tickets you ain't paid and soon the judge walk in everybody up on their feet but the pastor walk in he's just getting too much another that's not even in accordance with the word and you claim you living by the word the Bible said let the elders that rule well that he said be kind of worthy of honor What did he say he said double honor so why are you trying to keep him on what God said he's worthy I've brought that what you were doing the first time don't know the past ain't God no worship no pastor some people run from the past and do stuff like God's I ain't looking at him it ain't nothing about the pastor watching you God is watching you the pasta is not God but he's a man of God and God said I want you to redeem him very highly those that all across this country that a prayer those that have gone with that put their own money in the church see see they have remember don't even understand what pastoring is about you have no idea what look at these pastors got no idea what pastoring is all about people think they know you don't have a clue I sit down sometime in my office in that chair like a little kid sitting winnebago child chair that tomorrow and I look over at that picture of a possum Aaron sit on top of his horse and I told the Lord not long ago I said I wish heaven had a telephone I call up there and ask to speak to lobe ears from every please and when he answered the phone I told him you didn't tell me some of this stuff I said some of this stuff snip the conversation I didn't know it was gonna be like this you have no idea what a pastor goes through just to come here and preach to you you don't understand you clock out on your job and go home the pasta dough never clocked out cuz you're a power mere two o'clock in the morning and I get up out of my bed and come to the hospital and lay hands on you you have no idea what a pastor got to go through take my money that's realized I don't know if I'll ever be rich put too much about money in that means ain't got no more to give no batteries or the lens you don't understand what a pass to go through and bingo simply let the devil take tie you just hunter man to man don't know about it God said he's worthy of double honor you gonna sit there I turned my phone off today for class turn my phone back on and in that class period I had 34 voicemails 34 voicemails in one class period I've been in school this morning I left home and ate some I didn't get home almost 4 o'clock with home did homework got the church at 6 o'clock studying on the phone counseling I'm not here to preach and then I gotta go back tonight and Council and then after I get through counseling go home and finish my homework and I still don't know if some of you ain't gonna call me after that telling me you need prayer cuz you can't sleep and then the devil to tell you y'all honor that man too much you don't know what I go through you don't know and the fact that every one of you just about got my cell phone number you can call me any time you want and you know it don't but you put and the devil to Hajus how would you know you ain't worshipping no man but don't start trying to treat the preacher like dirt just because you want to keep him humble SATA ain't doing it he needs to be humble it's not your place to try to hump nobody God said humble yourself stand to your feet I will give you pastas God said I'll give them to you and they're gonna feed you with knowledge and understanding people all over this country walk it out of churches thinking they can go home and do this on their own Israel try at that though Moses we sick of talking to you talking through you God can talk to us just like he talk to you tell him to come meet us he got something to say tell him to come talk to us Bob's their bows they y'all come on gather around the mountain they gathered around that mountain lighting and star flash and thunder start rolling the ground start shaking they said Moses hold on don't make me tell God he ain't got to talk to us yeah we'll listen to what you got to say and you think you want to hear from God you better be glad God's got a transformer that'll transform their currency that current and there's some that you can handle I'll give you pastors ever hit bowed every eye closed if there's somebody here tonight that's not saved you don't know the Lord and a pardon of your sins I want you to come if you don't have the Holy Ghost you can have it tonight the Spirit of the Lord is at Ellucian maybe you have a need I want you to step out and come quickly amen tonight I'm not going beg you but if you'll come the power of God is real and able to change you come on that's it they're coming come on clap your hands backslider you can come come on the Lord is calling you young man's young lady come on presence of the Lord is here hallelujah if you need somebody to grab them by the hand and ask them if they'll walk you this way they'll do it hallelujah oh come on come to Jesus come to Jesus come to Jesus just now just now come on come on come on oh Jesus I think you'll all come just now oh thank you Lord just now [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 22,595
Rating: 4.8523488 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: 4AvxFgV4B3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 47sec (5807 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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