FGHT Dallas: The Number of the Beast

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't give up [Music] don't give up our God could see you all give up on you he they were [Applause] [Music] hands together follow on everybody you know we serve a table please Abel to do whatever we need him to do what a mighty God we serve he's worthy of another praise come on put those hands together thank God for His goodness and His grace and certainly we thank God for our first lady Bentley did that you know thing God for dr. Shirley Murray he-man let's give elder they meant Philip Smith senior they meant a great big round of applause hey man we certainly enjoyed his words tonight maybe you didn't get a chance to test the fact we heard some testimonies tonight didn't we amen but you didn't get a chance to say you'll let the redeemed of the Lord but you've got something you can do why don't you take a moment go shake somebody's hand hook somebody and tell them you love them with the love of the Lord [Music] all that [Music] he already well that's it come up say the team is in de [Music] you're easy oh yes garbage say the treetops the cheese [Music] Jory's sorry come on [Music] Noorie hardy [Music] [Music] smirre that with the hexagon [Music] yes come on clap your hands oh my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what my time to reads it [Music] oh come on PAP those hands of give it praise a man god bless you take your seat this section over here slacked up on the loft tonight all right I felt loved from every section I was I was like all right I love y'all too all right don't leave the pole sweet little humble pastor out dog well yeah cuz I love you and I'm praying for you hey man I want you to know it man I'm so grateful to the Lord to be back in the house of the Lord tonight a man glad to be whether Saints are the Bible says our inheritance is among them that are sanctified and I'm so grateful that God loans you to life amen and brought you safely to the sanctuary Amen we think on tonight from Reverend Steven Michael Leeds been here with us amen we appreciate the Lord for him and maybe I don't know your name Amen oh where you come from but I want you to know you're welcomed here just the same a man you're my brother you're my sister a man and you're welcome to worship with us amen as much and as often as you possibly can look at somebody and tell em neighbor there is a word from the Lord amen and tell him and I am a lover of the Word of God I love mine and I brought mine with me you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but the word of who our God a man the word of our God and I'm so grateful a man for the benefit of the word you know if it wasn't for the word we could all be mixed up Amen is a whole lot going around now there are a lot of opinions amen but if it were not for the Word of God we wouldn't have anything to check opinions against you know in times like this it's so vital it's I mean it is it is it is indescribably important now Amen that the people of God the children of God the Saints of the Most High really digging into your word there's a lot of foolishness going on and people are being swept up by it he meant a lot of people are being caught up in some of this stuff that if they just take a step back and look at it through the Word of God there's no way they could be caught up in this stuff Amen there I call it willingly ignorant because the Bible is very clear in candy amen when what God wants us to know and so I want you a men to not just bring your Bible to church I want you to read your Bible while you're at home it's wonderful to come to the house of the Lord and hold it up while everybody else has nails in the air amen but how much do you read it eight men of the only times you open it is when the preacher says turn to the book of then I'm sorry there's a whole lot to be desired of your salvation amen but you've got to hide this in your heart that's the only way that you can be sure a man that you will not sin against the law the book of the revelation amen we've been talking for the past eight men against what to two weeks or so a man about the things that must shortly come to pass Amen somebody asked me are you gonna finish it tonight I told him I don't know if I'll finish it or not it's a whole lot to this man I'll go as far as I can go tonight amen and I'm not in a rush are you a man I want I want to take my time and nobody was trying to rush me amen but I want to take my time because the hour is getting late a man it's getting late they used to say it's getting late in the evening and the Sun is almost down the man but as late as it is getting people are still clueless amen they're walking away for the cares of this life sadly so many people that started out a man saved sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost so many of those people no longer walk this this this righteous path they've been sidelined and you know the Bible says that that that there must of necessity amen come first a falling away and we're at that point we're at that place now where people are literally falling away so many different spin-offs of Christianity and people think that they're right then the sin of God's wheel amen because because people are still using Christianity as an umbrella amen well we're Christians were just a different kind of Christian but you've got to recognize the devil as a deceiver the Bible says he would be he is in fact the great deceiver man there's never been a deceiver greater than Satan himself even anybody that can convince a third of the Angels to repeal and leave heaven that's a great deceiver for him to convince them that they could win against God I mean in heaven they were where you're trying to go and he convinced them to walk out that's why we don't play with him that's why we've got to preach the strength of the Word of God because he meant the devil a plan and I heard some matter saying if he is he's just playing for keeps hey man he's not going to stop until he has successfully got you to turn around and even if he can get you to believe that you're still walking the righteous path if he know he has caused you to deviate he's satisfied hey man you got a whole lot of people I better found it for these last day tricks that the devil is pulling out of his bag a whole lot of stuff has been got talked about under the guise or the umbrella of religion but some of this stuff ain't nothing but satanic and it's go up and you got people that are walking listen if you claim you love a hold of this you claim you love the Lord Amen why now are you being in so many different directions don't you know remember people said that this gospel is not of any private interpretation you can't get me to believe that everybody that's been a part of the church for 2,000 years has been absolutely deceived and you just now coming to the fact of a truth that God has hidden from the whole church and now you just in the past five or six years he just now starting to reveal some truth out the people of Hell known in the church to the point of death and dying the enemy is doing his job at deceiving I talked last week about that man of sin the one that that that is called the Antichrist the one that is that is opposed to everything that is of Christ amen and tonight I want to call your attention to the book of the revelation the thirteenth chapter amen revelation hmm chapter number thirteen and I want to begin reading at verse number one and you know why I just figure we could read the chapter in its entirety a man that's Revelation chapter number thirteen verse number one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 and 18 revelation 13:1 when you habits see man read what the Bible says of the sea and I saw he says a beast come on and read seven heads 10 crowns and upon his heads the name of blaster the name of blasphemy uh hurry and the Beast and the Beast which I saw was like unto a leather style like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a pair and you know how strong a bear's feet are his his his paws they they say it back and slap you to death this beast that comes up out of the sea was like a leopard but he had powerful like mouth and his mouth as the mouth as the mouth of a lion you don't have powerful lion shouts ah this beast that comes up out of the sea he's like a leopard he has he has the feet of a bat but Phil he has a mouth like a lion and the dragon the Bible says gave him his power as his sea gave him great Authority and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death something happened something happened to this beast that comes up out of the sea I saw as if one of his heads suffered a [Music] it was now the Beast the Bible said all of the world wondered this man is going to captivate the entire world read and they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast worship a dragon that gave power unto the Beast and they worship they worshipped the Beast saying saying is like to the beach who is like unto the beast who is able hmm to make war with him three and there was given unto him a mouth there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he spoke great things and blasphemies to continue forty and two months forty and two months he opened his mouth uh-huh and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and it was given us he even hated them that dwell in heaven he hates God hates the temple of God but he even hates those that dwell in heaven not only the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost he hates those that dwell in heaven he cannot stand those that have overcome he'll hate the fact that their souls up there that he missed that he didn't get a chance to turn around he'll even hate the angels who decided not to rebuild he hates those that dwell in heaven and to overcome them and power and power was given him over all Kindred's and tongues and nations everybody every kindred tongue and nation worship Him everybody that dwells upon the earth that it's not committed to Christ is going to worship Him Reed whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world read if any man have an ear let him hear if any man has an ear let him hear that means you you've got to listen if you've got an ear to hear he said I want you to hear what God is speaking to us in this hour whenever he begins to give us warning or show us things that will come to pass it is so that we can prepare ourselves we wonder why he is that God would speak the things that he does why would he say the things that he says to all of mankind it is so that we are not caught unprepared it is sold that we are right and that we're ready and that we have a chance to escape around the corner we must be killed with the sword read read it he says there's another piece but this one does not come out of the seaweed this one comes up he's different from the Beast that comes from the sea he has two horns like a lamb like a dragon he comes under the guise of being a harmless and he comes under the guise he's going to help he's going to since there's nothing to guard yourself against what's more harmless than a lamb but the Bible said but he speaks like a trap read what the Bible says and he exercised all of the power of the first beast before him before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first he is going to be instrumental he's going to cause there worship the first beast that comes up out of the sea breathe whose deadly wound was healed whose deadly wound was healed and he doeth great wonders uh-huh this is why you've got to be careful you got to be careful if if it takes more than the Word of God to convince you you've got to be careful because the Bible said he does that's great wonders and you know I feel bad for people Amen who the Word of God is not enough because even in this power the enemy is trying his level best to use so many other things to get our attention so that we forget that the Word of God is our hope and our state matter what you see brothers and sisters because there's a lot going on now and we're looking at people whose ministry is exploding surely God must be behind him kind of wonders the whole section just got some kind of power but listen sons and daughters you must keep your eyes on God don't mind the wonders that you see because I told you last week Amen when say that we're presumed to work lyin sides and the wonders you remember Moses through his ride down hey man the Egyptians through theirs now then that's turned into a snake just like Moses is there you gotta watch it because there are some things that the enemy can mimic oh yo him and what I'm trying to tell you that's why everybody that's speaking and prons ain't got the Holy Ghost Hey you have the Spirit of God the Holy Ghost [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this man even calls fire out of read on the earth on the earth in the sight of men Lord and everybody sees him work these wonders read what the Bible says and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those mirrors them by the means of is sad to be the see behind a miracle that say to be deceived behind miracles read which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast uh-huh say to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the be he even the clouds we should make an image to the Beast you know the one whose wound by sword had healed and he didn't live because of such a great feat we should really make an image to the Beast read what the Bible says which had the wound by a sword uh-huh indeed live uh-huh and he had power to give life and here what the Bible says you're reading this he has the power to give life unto the image of the bees through the image of the bees read that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed do you hear this this man gives life to an image causes this image to come alive so that he is able not only to speak but he's able to command that anyone who does not worship the image of the Beast to be killed Lord read what the Bible says and he calls if now now now if you have a pen and I told you on Tuesday night bring the pen and some paper I want you to mark that word cause if he calls it oh great small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand in their right or in their foreheads and that no man might accept they have this mark in their right hand or in their forehead for the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beat the number of the beast for it is it is the number of a man the number of a man and his number is and the Bible says his number six hundred six hundred threescore threescore and six and six his number is six hundred threescore scores twenty and six his number is six six six people have tried to figure out what is the significance of 666 I told you last week they some people have put out that man down through history were the Antichrist they were the beasts come out of the sea because the names numbered six for the first thing six for the middle name and six for the last name if that holds true then Herrmann lobbyist Marie number 666 so we know that's not the case that that is not it Amen what you see now you see someone who desires to be God you see somebody Amen who desires the worship of God and we talked about that they meant that the Antichrist is one who desires that people worship Him the way that men have worshipped God down throughout time but he wants to be God but he's not we've read that in the book of Isaiah and then you're reading again in the Book of Ezekiel how a man that Satan desires to sit in this throne of God a man he wanted to exalt himself above the stars of God his highest goal was to be like the Most High he was not satisfied being simply a reflection of the glory of God to be God he he wanted people not only to worship God because of how God was reflecting I was boring he meant was reflecting did you read the Bible remember my mother clouds and every precious stone was discovering can you imagine that a beast a man in heaven hey men whose wings were covered by all kinds of shoes you know what your reflects light man that's why hey man they look so good in the case y'all wince and of it but when you put it on your finger just seemed like it they lose or something amen by the time it hits your finger it's because in a jewelers case they have he meant special lights in their case that shine off of these diamonds he meant irregular like just don't seem to do it and this is what Satan was he was a reflection of the glory of God every precious stone as a his covering amen the Bible talks about the difference he meant fuels that are doing the party amen and the wings of Cena not only that Amen but the Bible said that he was built with pipes in him y'all be that glory he wanted to receive the worship he didn't simply want to be one that pointed people in their worship to God he wanted to replace God he wanted to receive the worship amen but we know the Bible says that he warned against Michael then Jesus says the hell Satan as lightning fall the from heaven we understand who he hey man he is a member paper cause him my bad dragon are you hearing me hey man we talked last week the Antichrist comes forward after the rapture of the church and we gotta put that to rest because there are some people that believe that the rapture takes place in the middle of the tribulation and then there are some that believe that the rapture takes place post tribulation amen but if Jesus is correct and I aim and I know that he is he said no man knows the day nor the hour amen if it happened after the tribulation we know that the tribulation lasts seven years amen so if we were to self surmise that it happens post tribulation point the time that Jesus would come he comes right after the tribulation but he said no you're not going to know the day you're not even going to know about our and so if we don't know what I'm trying to tell you upholstery about Maitreya we can calculate the day and the hour but jesus said you're not going to know it and then again we read and then I believe it was last week revelation the fourth chapter amen where the Bible talks about amen what happens in heaven when John the Revelator looks up and sees that open door we see the church discussed in chapters 2 and 3 but we don't see the church again until chapter 22 so the church is not a part of the tribulation and the Bible says that we talked about it last week now that this man of sin amen that's going to be used by Satan as his representative in the end times and sisters but the good news is we don't even have to be here those of us that are right and ready to meet the Lord we go to be with Jesus when he shut up when he comes in here is going to this world things are never going to be the same again the Swiss are going to be up under his room the whole world since always Israel in Israel but simply because its presence is a nuisance its enemies and its neighbors that surround and so for minute each now amen the world has wondered will there ever be peace [Laughter] to the table and we see this man of sin he will peace between Israel No [Applause] the loudest one it just calls him plain look at what he says in the book of Revelation the 13th chapter he says I saw another beast come out of the sea this beast out of the sea is the Antichrist he comes up he has seven heads and ten horns the Bible says when you look at and look at it and the Bible says that this beast is going to be empowered by the tread you know who the dragon is the Bible tells us who he is that old serpent the dragon is Satan himself and when you look at the twelfth chapter you see a men seated out of heaven he he loses Texas Oh y'all amen this comes in Wales he puts his spirit in this man known as the Antichrist the Bible said he is given the power of the tracker so that now he works and he went supernaturally through the power that he has been given by the dragon who is Satan himself amen he now and dwells this man he he becomes seed an incarnate him and now he goes forth advance The Devil's diabolical schemes and according to the Word of God he's going to give him the power that he gives him his sheep and he gives him great authority and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded by sword he's going everything that God's we see that Jesus rose from the dead and here we see the Antichrist who was opposed to all that is the Lord he's going to suffer a wound but then he miraculously recovers and when he does the Bible declares that they worshiped not only the dragon do you hear this the Wow is going to turn and worship the dragon lord I look at at what's going on now when you see all of these great entertainers and I use the word very loosely when you see I sold my soul to the influence [Laughter] [Laughter] all of those that love not the truth God will send them strong delusion Oh is easy to say what God is going to lose your no spirits you got a lot of people that are not going to see the sense or the sensibility of accept in the Lord when they see this beast get wounded and rise again to those that are delusional it's going to make sense to worship the Beast or you can sit up in church and I and play around sad if it happens then I still have a chance to get to heaven you think you'll have a chance to get to heaven what if you're one of those that's caught up in that strong delusion and don't sit up in drag now by step that you know angle happenin that's dumb that's just dumb sad I know then I'm telling you I'm not gonna and you talking now about stuff that's gonna happen there and the thing is you shouldn't be planning on dying for your faith and I do this and I do that well what if the rapture takes place at 12 o'clock and you get hit by a car at 12:15 see that's what the devil do he gives you a false sense of security I'll just do this you don't even know how long into the tribulation you gonna last you like to be in the grocery store trying to get you some water they run you down and stomp you like they doing Black Friday and you sittin up inside I know how to do this and I that's see i'ma tell you how deceitful the enemy is he got you bragging now about what you'll do if you get left behind as if that makes sense if you got that much reasoning ability then you ought to be at the altar getting saved look at somebody tell them this is the easiest time to be saved you have to go through that you can escape go back with Jesus when it comes kind of ok can I keep going should I quit good but should I go on declares that God will send strong delusions and so everybody won't be able to accept him 144,000 going through this world preaching they're going to be people that come they're going to be those that hear the word of God and say I don't want to worship the bees I want to wash up the truth and the Living God now going to be in the minority this is going to be Satan's power the Bible says that once he is resurrected people are going to ask who's like the Beast as if Jesus didn't already do all of this but counterfeit miracles how are y'all hearing me counterfeit miracles who is able to make war with this beast this man is invincible not even death could take him with a wound like that an average man sure they would have died but not the Beast look at him he rose again who is like him who can defeat him they can't even shoot him in the head and he died can't nobody kill him can't nobody describe him who is like to the Beast and the Bible said they begin to worship Him then John says I looked and I beheld in I saw another beast this one comes not out of the sea but this one comes out of the earth and this beast was given the power to what miracles just like the first beast not know I told you you got Satan tag-teaming on you because this second beast is not the Antichrist this second beast is the false prophet and he rises him his sons and daughters the false prophet Rises and he deceives people through religion he deceives people through religion he causes people Bible says he turns their attention to the first beast and because of this womb he makes an image to the Beast I don't know what that image is going to look like I don't know what that image is going to necessarily be like per se all I know is is that I'm seeing people with a lot of this artificial intelligence and now you have robots that think for themselves y'all getting cried you I was hours I was out of town and this morning when we were on our way to the airport I told Chad I said Chad nobody's driving that car literally on the road on the way to the airport there were cause they had orange rims on them and nobody was driving the car thought I was seeing things I saw the car turning the corner going to the garage at the hotel and and then stop pull over to the side and did I saw it turn around and it came back out of the garage turn the corner and went up the little driver didn't hit anything I said nobody's nobody's drive that that's one of them cars technology is getting it's getting so advanced until it's almost scary now these robots that they're looking just like humans and you can almost better tell they got skin on them that looks like the skin of you I don't know what this image is going to be but he's going to give this image power and this image is going to speak can you imagine something inanimate something that's that's lifeless and now he has the power to give not only life to the image but he has the power to cause this image to speak and to demand that the world worships the Beast and the image and this false prophet who rounds out the unholy trinity I told you the Trinity consists of the Father Son and Holy Ghost but for everything God has Satan has a counterfeit there's an unholy trinity you have a Satan who opposes God you have the Antichrist who opposes the Christ and then you have the false prophet who opposes the Holy Ghost and now this false prophet is going to stand under the guise of a religious leader and me save this to you you have to be extremely careful there's so many people that have been caught up and I get tired of people sitting at home watching YouTube and acting like they have become a PhD and everything because YouTube keeps suggesting videos and you found yourself up at 3 o'clock in the morning watching all these videos now you so smart you coming back telling everybody how we've been worshipping wrong all this time and I found out watch it because the enemy with always pollute religion y'all don't got quiet on me now I need you to come on and go with me the enemy would always seek to exploit religion there is a part of us that was designed for nobody but God that's why you can feel him cold and you feel him put on you because there's a part of us that only God can feel and people he's not trying to tell people now that there is no God he's made a fool out of enough people now he's after people who will acknowledge the fact that there is a God but he's trying to mix up your mind he's trying to y'all getting quiet now and that's why listen you wonder why lately I've been preaching so much on this Hebrew Israelite mess that's going around now let me tell you something the Bible said that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile are you hearing me why in the world are you so anxious to be a Hebrew when you don't even understand you have that better part you're getting quiet we are part of the church we are Christians while y'all giving me amen this is the time of the church this is when God is dealing with the church the tribulation is when he comes back to deal with the nation of Israel but y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you and the devil won't you to go around black you are [Applause] you gotta watch it and you got up uh speaker than totaled and shouted foul and brighter this Hebrew here's your like mess and you arguing with people how about people we the real Jews because the Bible said they were going back in the captivity in Egypt and that's where they got the slaves from you don't know where they got you from [Music] they could've went y'all insane of its remote dark-skinned people besides them Africans they could have went to Australia and then got some Aborigines yeah yeah yeah they could have went to Papua New Guinea [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] and if you leave shots behind that then when you get to hell you gonna know exactly why you there there's a number no man could number coming up from every kindred y'all waste and nothing you want to be a Hebrew Israelite like that give you some kind of take it to skip the line and care what you are you gotta be holy Yahweh's and nothing that's what you need to be focused on you need to be focused on being a holler just looking to belong and the sad reality is stretching enough for you now y'all getting quiet that foolishness shows us how religion can really be polluted and get people to believe some of the most boy out and got quiet again this false prophet is going to push false religion when he does the Bible says he gives life to the image this image speaks of its own accord it it's able to hold conversation this image who has artificial intelligence or should I say supernatural intelligence he's able to make declarations this image is able to control what goes on in the whole world there is no island no corner of the country no desert no mountain range where you can escape to Lord my time is going can I have just just a little you you you can't get away I was reading the other day and they they said there's a concept that they're exploring that puts a large blimp in the air I forget how high up they said it goes but it's able to pinpoint everybody in the city where you gonna go you can't get away from his reach and this image is going to declare and everybody on the face of the earth should get a mark here we go either in their right hand or in their before you I remember pas summary had a VHS years ago and it was about these college students who who made a pact and and they made a pact that they would defy God and what they did they they tattooed barcodes on their on their foreheads and and on their right hand and and and that was supposed to have encoded in the barcode 666 and that was their way of defying God that they wanted to prove that they didn't believe the Scriptures that that ain't nothing and you know you have people I believe what was it some of y'all saw the story there was a man I think it was in Houston a man Houston Texas the second greatest city in Texas they had people going to tattoo parlors and they were getting sick 660 I'll see that tattooed on the you saw it yeah 666 tattooed on their bodies and signs of defiance against God and and and you know the Bible says that this false prophet gives life to this image this image declares that the beast is worth it to be worshipped and you must take a mark in your right hand or in your forehead hear this now the Bible says he calls it oh Lord I gotta close in a minute he calls it o to take a mark in their right hand or in their forehead and when they take this mark it allows them to buy and to fail y'all are you listening without this mark you cannot die you cannot sail unless you have mark you cannot buy you cannot sell you cannot engage in trade of any kind you cannot buy you cannot sail unless you have a mark in your right hand heart in your forehead is what we know has the mark of the beast he mocks you and we know the power of a mark King was prevented from being killed because of the mark on his it y'all getting quiet in the Book of Ezekiel we're ready to come out of Egypt mark in the right hand on the forehead just a few months ago we saw an article in our newspaper about companies who have already implanted computer chips under the skin so that when the employees come to the office they just walk up to the door and the door unlocks because it's reading this little chip in their hand about the size of a grain of rice I saw the other day a picture of what they said and that the picture said that it was the smallest computer in the world it was one-fifth the size of a grain of rice they showed it next to a grain of rice I got it so when my in the phone next to a grain of rice and it's one-fifth the size of a grain of rice you saw it one-fifth the size of a grain of rice the smallest computer able to receive and transmit information people said i hain't taken oh my god he calls it the and and I preached it a few years ago when I heard that they were chipping dogs stray animals that go to the to the pound they put a chip in them making track of an if if they tell you if you smart you a chip your dog that's what they say so if he gets a louse you can just take him to the to the pound and then read the microchip on the inside of your pit and know he belongs to you and in about an hour to he'll be back at your house he calls it all see the thing is and I hate to put it this way but naturally thinking it's a good idea what they kidnap your child but your little girl got a chip in her he can pull up on the computer location they know where she is we're gonna get her we're gonna rescue her or be a whole list of reasons why this is such a great idea he calls it a yard and got quiet he persuades people it turns out it naturally thinking it's a pretty good idea no more identity theft you ain't got to worry about nobody still in your wallet cuz all your money is right here in your hate oh you ain't got away but lines at the airport just show up you ain't got to bring the pass spot cuz can't know about it mimic your hand and this chip just whomp through the scanner scan your hand or I'll put your foe head down there and it knows who you are travel it's going to be so much easier and not only that can you imagine going to a grocery store oh I don't need it scan your groceries and when it's time to pay automatically deducted from your account you know the Bible said that's coming a time when they gonna throw money in the streets cash is gonna be useless y'all gettin quiet you'll see $100 beer blowing down the street and you won't even think to pick it up because at that time cash is gonna be irrelevant all the money you need is gonna be in your hand or in your forehead doesn't matter you want to buy something I got a MasterCard sorry we don't take MasterCard I got cash sorry we don't take cash you can't buy and you can't sell unless you have a mark and the thing is they're doing it right now what Martha don't take to wake you up this is the shot that going right now they're chipping people right now show up to the house the garage goes up the lights turn on now we understand the power of this mark the Bible says hear me all of those who refuse to take this mark will be killed that's a that's a harsh reality but just think for a moment what if he didn't kill him and you're trying to hold on to God if you just say you want to be saved after the tribulation after the rapture fine let's say that you say but remember he who let it has been taken out of the way so the Holy Ghost going with the church so now that you know hand the Holy Ghost now you see why it's going to be such a terrible time even for the Saints that come to know him doing it's gonna be a rough that what if they don't kill you why did they just sit there and let you starve to death well the Bible says woe unto them that give suck in that day because people are people babies are still gonna be born what if what if the baby doesn't have anything to eat a drink and you I'm not taking that mark that means you came by formula you came by baby food you came by bachelors you came by meat you can't buy bread what is this baby going eat what are you gonna do sit there and watch your babies starve to death I just steal the baby gotta eat but if you're still that means you're not saying because thou shalt not steal now remember you want to go to heaven you wanna you wanna you want a little save there you can't steal it's gonna be rough and you want to take a chance you're crazy this is the easiest time for you to be saved that time is right now and the Bible said he'll kill you if you don't take this mark can you imagine how many people are going to say I don't walk the mile but then when it comes down to giving their life how many will actually have the courage to do the only problem is once you take it that's it there's no more salvation once you take the mark that's you making a conscious decision that I worship the Beast and His image that's you saying I choose the Beast and once you take that mark that's it you can never be saved again that's what I want to talk to you about to name the number of the beast Bible says it is the number of a man Satan gives the Beast out of the sea his seat his power and he even gives him his voice because he said it was like a lamb that had two horns but he spoke like a dragon he gives him the authority of his voice he wants to be God the Bible says he even sits in the temple of the Lord and when we were over there we talked to him about the rebuilding of the temple and and they say that a rabbis in Israel already have plans for the rebuilding of the next temple if they already have plans for the rebuilding of the temple how long do you think it would take them to actually put it up once it is erected he will sit the Bible says in the temple of God and declared that He is God and they're saying we already have the plans we were talking when we were there about you know the Bible talked about how they sacrifice the red heifer the red cow they would take it out of these they took the ashes for cleansing the purification and they said already in Israel they have mounted a massive campaign to breed the red health again they're breeding them trying to get the numbers up so they'll have enough so when they start sacrificing they can keep going the stage is being set brothers and sisters this Israel is God's time clock they're preparing now for this stuff but he's going to sit in the temple and declare that he's God but the Bible says his number is the number of a man he has aspirations to be a 777 but the most you'll ever be able to achieve is a 666 he'll never be God he'll never match God in power he'll never match God in His Majesty he desires to be a 777 but the Bible said his number still just the number of a man six hundred threescore and six he always follows short he always misses the block and we're finished talking about it next week stand to your feet that's gonna be rough and if I miss the wraps then I'll just you know I used to say dumb stuff like that I had my dumb season that's why I can call you out of yours I told you I used to sit at home and do ignorant stuff IGN UT ignant I knew the Bible said no man knows the day nor the hour and I would sit up every night and say stuff like Jesus coming tonight cuz the Bible said no man know the date or the island and if I say it then he came that means I didn't know so that means he couldn't come that night cuz I said he was coming that's the kind of dumb stuff I used to do rather than just say Lord I want to be safe I tried to keep him from coming rather than get myself together I had a best friend at the time I went stayed at his house I think that was the first and the last time he had twin beds in his room and I was laying over in one bed he was landing the other here at this this globe that projected light on the ceiling and we were just landing all of a sudden he just is over this mapper saying you know I know I'm gonna be left behind with Jesus coming I want to get unpack my stuff and call somebody to come get me cuz I didn't understand that he said but I I'm gonna go down to the camp in these Texas you know I counted the church count I'm gonna go down there i'ma live off the land now you ain't never grew a beat of potato but you'll already thought this thing through in your head and you're gonna go down there and become a horticulturist now you're gonna grow enough food to feed yourself for seven years and and and think that you're gonna be able to get away can I tell you some brothers and sisters that's the devil trying to make you comfortable with the idea of being left behind I forget how many cameras they say the average person is seen on every day you don't even think about it you don't even think about it at red lights there go cameras they can see your face sitting in the driver's seat of your car at the red light I didn't know it wasn't that I was sitting in my car at home and I was just going through some stuff in the car just reading and just trying this and trying it and in my car I pulled up cameras on the freeways and I can sit in my car and decide which freeway I'm gonna take the wherever I'm going I can put up the cameras on the freeway and see if there's traffic are there accidents in my car sitting at my house just punch a button and I am look at it Harlan how I looked at the freeway right here in front of the church you know you realize how many cameras your own every day but something told you you could have run and you could get away cell phones they have features where they can ping your phone and locate you y'all getting quite yourself won't even tell on you but the devil is telling you you gonna get away you are so smart bet you with your natural mind are gonna have some what the devil himself that's the proof that he is the great deceiver instead of planning for what you're gonna do after Jesus comes why don't you just plan to walk down that aisle give your heart to the law and you don't even have to worry about all that other stuff every hit bound if there's somebody hit tonight if he would have come you know you're not ready I want you to come to this altar it's not about me scaring you into heaven although when I consider Hell I think you know if there was a such thing as scare and you went to heaven I wouldn't be above it because this as long as you're there you may not like my method but you're gonna love me when you get there you may sit there and I ain't crazy everybody don't like the way holding this preachers preach focus talk about you like a dog and all you are talking about me you may not like the way I preach may not like my method but you know it's the truth you know it's the gospel and even if you don't like me now you gonna love me if you get the help I'm not trying to be friends with you I'm trying to warn you to flee from the wrath to come if there's another I want you to come come on is there another come on this is your time if you need you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 28,521
Rating: 4.873199 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: qMWueZDgzDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 26sec (5726 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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