FGHT Dallas: There Is A War Going On And You Have To Fight

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ha everybody signal no more winter together that's the name of the Lord a little you're better flora tell me mother brother Gilbert place I literally achievement hallelujah Jesus don't wanna give up on me a couple let the glory rise in here [Music] well come on up with those hands together tonight for the Lord everybody or come on we can do better than then let's celebrate the law hallelujah come on I see hands but I don't hit your boys he's worthy to be praised that's it come on while you're clapping why don't you open your mouth and give it praise and glory hey kid Jesus what a grade-a mighty God we serve a man let's give those testimonies a and a great big round of applause amen let's thing God for let the redeemed of the Lord say so amen did a great job a man god bless just sitting there bless the beat wait hold it y'all sit down I just said god bless you that's all but for some of you whether your time to testify and the rest of you wouldn't know time to speak but there's something you can do why don't you take a moment go shake somebody's hand hook somebody tell of your love with the love of the law [Music] [Music] or you have said carries [Music] garbage [Music] Noorie Nori's [Music] yes Oh one pound alright alright alright praise the Lord god bless you on your way to your seatbelts on I love you and I'm praying for you a man hallelujah think God a man for being in the house of the Lord one more time it's good to be what a saint sorry hey man I'm telling you when people understand you hey man when you feel the love love of God flowing from one person to the next thank God a man for the house of the Lord I was I was glad the psalmist said when they said unto me it's time to go to church hey man some folk it glad when they get invited a whole lot of places but if you understood the benefit you'd be glad amen when it was time to go to church you get some good understanding in the house of the Lord man the psalmist said I was envious I forgot all about the fact that God was good to Israel my mind was focused on the fact that the wicked seemed like they prosper and he was good to Israel but I couldn't see that because I was busy looking at how good the wicked was doing he said but then I went to church I got a good understanding a man I understood that serving the Lord don't just pay off after Wow look at something that I tell him is paying all right now or that's understanding I'd rather have Jesus then silver and cold man some folk value that stuff and forget about their soul but I'd rather have Jesus a man and that's no other place I could get this kind of understanding amen other than the house of the Lord amen and I thank God just have a great time in the Lord every time we come a man if you went out of here this weekend we had great great time in and for those of you that rush home after service North you missed it amen Sunday night God went through a man just because we say man a man don't mean God is through God stop through a man a man by each see while down every road gave us a blessing to take with us over the course of the week and I'm telling you it just feels great to start your week out of it and praise God certainly a men's shower with us on Sunday night with his blessing and his fever and we're back here tonight amen to hear what the Lord would say to his people look at somebody and tell amoeba very is a word from the Lord Oh in Sullivan I am a lover of the word of our God I love mine enough to have brought it with me you got yours don't you come on hold that power oh thank God because everything else is going down but the word of the Lord the book of Ephesians a man the sixth chapter I want to call your attention to the 10th through the 12th verses Ephesians chapter number 6 verses 10 11 and 12 and we thank God for pastor and sister Dimas being here with us tonight amen from Full Gospel Garland number two a man Fiza 6 10 11 and 12 with your habits a man read what the Bible says be strong in the Lord be strong in the Lord after everything has been said and finally with everything else that you could do you've exhausted that mention when you feel like you've done everything he said finally be strong read and in the power of his might and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil against the wiles the trickery the deceitfulness of the devil a man he's a trickster he's at this Seba he's the enemy of your soul man the bible says you've got to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil he's got a whole lot of stuff up his sleeve to try to turn your heart away from God to try to turn you around and get you to believe Amen that this life is not the life for you to live but you've got to stand against the wiles of the devil and if you're not careful amen after you were so sure about God Amen after you were so sure about what God oh yeah if you're not careful you'll allow the enemy to bring circumstances so strong and you're so sure about three months ago report the news wind blowing and you see them leaning on in the polls that's the way it is in the spirit sometime the winds of change are blowing so hard that sometimes it's a challenge just for you to stand you're just trying to make it try to remain safe from one day to the next you've gotta watch it because the devil is full of tricks read what the Bible says not for we against flesh and blood but against principalities darkness of this world and this is a world I want you to be so foolish because sometimes people they don't man things are going so good let me tell you something this is a dark world we're living in there's so much wickedness in this world you can't even imagine all the stuff that some people are doing he's reading yall saw an article were a teenager right out the prom took up baby show evidence where she tried to burn it I mean people's minds are so this is a talk were y'all getting cried amen I mean you got people now a better voting against acts that would protect babies if they were born alive come on y'all how crazy can we get that there is some darkness in this world right on me here tonight it says but we got to be able to stand against it for we were so not against flesh and blood but against principalities against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness spiritual wickedness in high places okay that's a spirit behind what we're seeing now we still have to get out in front of this thing because we want to see the church will do away with but I want you to know that in the midst of that larger context are those of us that the word of the Lord now we're at a point in a place where it seems as if the more he meant we look and survey the scene now spiritually in the church world we can see that we have as a whole but as a whole the church world has lost basic understanding of even spiritual truth even the most basic understandings have seemingly eluded people in this generation Amen people now cannot seem to grasp the spiritual truth it seems like even the most basic is the purpose of truth now you know what save me save me oh don't talk to me about something that's going to cause me to come face-to-face he's gonna get me [Laughter] everything now hate us to the flesh that which is carnal even but people call love now is solely based on physical attraction everything knives just it's all about the natural the carnal side the fleshly side if I get big you gonna leave me your big knife if I lose my teeth and my heart with you with you with you would you leave me everything everything is a stone oh how everything appeals to the flesh if it were people call love now it's our predicate it's built on the foundation of something physical something attracted which connects or appeals to our emotion it has nothing to do with us so somebody can sing [Applause] go into prayer with me I'm in warfare the same breath and their true didn't let go with me now I'm in warfare so even sermons now are so full of recipes amen for a good life they render you unbuttoned you're so much more than the flesh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] but even that sure so we don't talk like that we just we just give you plans and recipes and twelve steps to this but there's so much and so disposition clean up the cleansing process know start on the outside it starts on the edge [Applause] know what God is requiring them every one of us is that we bring our be safe [Music] with my flesh [Music] for the 27th time this week you remain hands on me and bring my fresh back to the place is supposed to be done for me to lay hands on you for [Music] you gotta bring your own for you to try to play fight your flesh without the holder go that's not able to fight you can win you can train for everybody else but how you gonna train in the natural to defeat yourself you know and that's why you need that power because they got addictions their cry but they find themselves doing the very thing they're crying about shooting drugs in their veins and crying at the same don't want to do it tired of this I said the last time it's going to be the last that's somebody that's fighting an unsuccessful battle against their flesh oh it takes the Holy Ghost to put your flesh down Yaron got quiet cuts cuz it's so easy to do the wrong it's so easy for us to do stuff Amen that's not a right in the sight of God and you know the devil makes it convenient yes he does he makes sure that there is always so you to do the wrong thing he want to make sure there's always something that presents itself when you can look around and can't see nobody nobody then a snitch on nobody that a look at you funny cuz we'll make sure he show you that everybody around you're doing the same thing you tempted to do so they came look at you funny they doing it himself oh but when you walk out to the Sunday this Sunday with the Holy Ghost honey y'all gettin quiet here it won't even let you get away with your honeymoon Oh vacation if you got the Spirit of God in you go that Island if you want to but if you wanna live won't you to know the Lord along with you Wow that you go oh [Applause] no they just not you living holy round church folk you gotta have enough power tell your flesh no it's so convenient to do roam devil don't give give this generation every means possible they could email they can text snapchat Instagram inbox it's so easy to do wrong that's what we can't take this for granted it is so - duro I was reading a philosophy book and it it talked about how that the human mind is predisposed to resist mandates tell us no matter what not to do that stuff everything they want to do don't hoping that do go to the mailbox come back though I do the very thing you tell people not to do is the very thing they just they just wanna do and you know it's so bad that if you hadn't even told them they would have have no desire for it but the fact that you said don't do some stuff people didn't do before they got saved and the moment I stand up and say we don't do it that's the very thing they want to go and do they never even did watch that's why we can't take this this part this streaming for credit because so many people have been left to believe that all God walks out of you is a good light and that's how they spend that time doing it give to the poor and donate to charity they feed the hungry clothe the naked that's just good people loan people money they just good all around but there's a part of them that's unaddressed and that's that spiritual side of them but they've been left to believe that if you live a good life when you get to heaven God is gonna weigh your good against your bad and if you did enough good then that'll get you in the heaven the Bible says that the wrath of God is revealed from again copy this it's going to come against everything that is not like God you cannot live for your flesh but he gonna wait my good and my bad how much does your good way when according to the scriptures every time you see you crucify Jesus all over again so you gave some added five dollars at the corner is that supposed to add away the crucifixion come on that's the enemy making an appeal to you to stay carnal and to stay fleshly and to think that even God has to be bound by your carnal activity and ignore the fact that you're spiritually deficient and the problem with that is is that the war that we're waging is not with flesh and blood so how can living according to our flesh give us victory when our enemy is not flesh and blood we're not even fighting the flesh and blood kind a while if we white could have been over long time ago if this was just flesh and blood raise an army let's fight it out and let's just end it all but this war has been waging hot since angels rebelled and got kicked out this war is so old that every living soul that has ever lived has felt in this battle or is fighting right now we don't fight against flesh and blood our enemy is not an enemy we can kill naturally oh no you've got to know that there's there's something happening in a realm that we cannot even see and that's why it is so dangerous to live solely by the dictates of your flesh because there's a whole world around us we can't even see with our natural eyes I wonder if God would ever open up our spiritual eyes so we can see the kind of stuff that's going on all around us 24 hours a day how many beaming over you how'd you sleep just waiting for an opportunity get you in the morning y'all walk going on but it's not something that you can feel with your hands now they came aboard they forgot about them so I'm working over again but I'm trying to get your eyes focused on when time is over because you have to stand before God and you better be able to stand there with your hands raised in victory or else all of that over time was a waste of you can't be so adamant about going out the car with it and that's where people's minds are now they even come to church not to get strong in God but as a means to an end they didn't show up unless they sick you're gonna give the devil all your good health and then bring yo beat down decrepit self back to God take me and mould me come on now you should have gave him the best of you people's minds can't grasp that and the truth is that why you're having so much fun being carnal and fleshly and why you're having so much fun going after all of that and you got some people men Pasadena's the other day we have to look it up because we couldn't think I would focus to say when they would say you live in the life of Riley who is Riley you got people that live in the proverbial life of Riley whoever hears they laugh everything have fun every day they have leisure time every day they post about it every day and here you're up comparing your life you know that's how Instagram and Facebook Holland is doing and all it's doing is causing people to compare themselves to everybody else and think they're living a better life than you and they not they using our kind of feel tools and and install fix to make it look good and they right then the old living room but the sad thing is while they're laughing and having fun and traveling and experiencing leisure time and living it up there's a war going on hey that's something people don't even see it they don't realize it while they are living it up that's a war going on and I'm not telling you you can't laughing and have fun oh yeah you know even in the army and sometimes they give you weekend passes and just get off the base and go good but then when you come back bring your mind with you because the war is still going home that's still a fight that you gotta fight and I'm not telling you that you can't go on vacation I'm just trying to tell you you gotta be can't believe it on your vacation cuz the devil to sneak you if you ain't careful get me first Peter Fonda knee now you can close your Bible dinner first Peter five and eight be sober be sober that means I'll be in your right mind some people but I don't I don't drink wine well that's good I'm drinking that's good that's good that's good but there's a whole lot more you can be drunk up up in wine he said be show some people are drunk up the cabin as well just to get some they can't afford themselves that's trunk care so much about this world I'll treat you like dirt just to get ahead they're drunk off the cares of this life the lie on your right false reports about you forget you demoted leave behind yo desk over in the corner some folks are not so bad it's not because they're drunk with wine wherein is excess drunk off the cares of this world real be vigilant be vigilant be on your guard to respond because your adversary the devil here this as a role allows your your your adversary know what the Bible say your adversary is somebody that wants to operate adverse to you somebody that does not seek your good I tell you this has a deeper meaning than just an opponent because sometimes and I said it before sometimes Venus and Serena find themselves on opposite ends of the court they may be opponents but that don't mean they hate each other they they get through they hug and they're everything that that's different when you talk about an adversary like a lion or or not that's somebody that's trying to he's not just trying to win and then give you a chance to come back and win later the only way he can win is that he destroys you he has to utterly annihilate you he don't just want a wound you or maim you he wants to dish try you he wants to get you to a place where you cannot pick yourself up and move on he's not just trying to break your leg he's trying to destroy your spirit he's not trying just to maim your body he's trying to ruin your chances at the seven he's more than an opponent he'll never seek your good can I say this for you I don't care long you live say he'll never stop trying he'll never stop every day that you wake up it's coming for you we thank God for keeping us from dangerous seeing the nonsan y'all y'all getting quite see some time the Lord let you tingle with some stuff but then there's some things that ought to keep you from and handle it behind your back and you just sitting there walking like Alice in Wonderland don't even know what just happened I'm a devil almost going up and trying to dig from under your feet to get you in just walking alone singing with your mind stay don't Jesus walking always up it over traps it over try to get your garden you know even know about it don't you ever people never let you off the look didn't even know it walk don't still feeling good you know he realized what almost happen to you I remember years ago we were going over over a grandparents house and then here was lagging behind me and I turned around to see if coming up the walkway and I saw them oh for sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] be sober be vigilant because you got an adversary y'all y'all ain't say another you know the Bible say you reap what you sow one day I went upstairs and then you have call me on the phone she said Harlan get down here now there's a snake in this house you know and the theme was for about two weeks I told them I felt like there was a snake in my house for two weeks I would walk by my living room look over on the wood floor because I expected every time I walk back I'd look for never saw it but when I came down and she said that I don't really plan two weeks ahead of time when I see him what I'm gonna do so I knew what to do I've come downstairs Danielle is up in the bed with one of my Bibles up in the air I said put that Bible duck don't you throw that back all I can see with blood I love my good battle yes but it don't you put that Bible down I'm sitting in he was he was over on the tower part when you first walk in and and she said Herman he's he's crawling strange he said I think he was right there swishy so she said I think he was right there when you walked out a few minutes ago you didn't see and you must have stepped on him because he's injured another time just walking and don't you realize if you had a scene in it you don't wasted your time you don't hurt yourself but God shielded you from you didn't even know all that dangerous well it wasn't positive yet but the pawns intent one would have hurt me it was me that would have hurt me sometimes we don't know and I don't want you to think there's been a great week it ain't great because the devil gave you a vacation it's great because God gave you the victory because you ain't strong enough dreaming back people he's still trying to get out of your heart got to keep you from it well your adversary the devil he's trying to get you I want you to know that he's trying to get you looking for somebody he's looking for somebody that's not prepared for this fight and I've come to tell you if you're not spiritual he'll eat you up gonna have you becoming selfish your place yourself in a path to be destroyed if you're not spiritual you will let everything of the natural that don't go right turn your heart away from what you know that it's too hard you've got to look this is a war it's not supposed to be easy and sometimes we think that it is ain't supposed to be like this do you realize there's a war going on I don't know I'm where God won't be to be it ain't because everything is easy got quiet you know it's right you need to be because this is the place where you're becoming spiritually mature mature you've been had you're being strengthened and God is using everything that you seen down everything you go through to give you what you need for the battle that lies ahead of you it's not supposed to be easy he said I don't take pleasure in them that drawback they do my soul has no pleasure in you don't do that to God put your hand in his plow and the back you ain't fit for the kingdom he said no you gotta fight what did you think this was this is them all of life is a battlefield you gonna have to fight until the day is done he said I fight it's not against flesh and blood there's a spiritual battle going on we don't even see it if he could open our eyes and open our understanding we would see that their force is all around us trying to influence us for the better or for the worse all around us the enemy making it convenient for you to live by your flesh because he knows as long as you in the flesh you can't fight him because this war is not with flesh and blood so how are you always in the flesh then you are inadequate for this he's trying to hold you in a place of spiritual immaturity oh he don't want you to grow and go the never done won't you to my chewing God because once you do you realize what you do and what you don't have to take folks in that crying about stuff God gave you power over the devil hopes you never come to that kind of understanding because at that moment you're willing and able to tear down strongholds can you imagine being spiritually mature in God to the point to where every time they never show up with something that's contrary to the light God called you to live you got the wisdom and the strength to pull it keep on going the Devastator backslide and you pull that down and keep on going show you somebody that don't like it and three years ago you'd have been crying and went home and sat there for three months because somebody Rollie has at you but now you so mature in God he can't get you with that stuff [Applause] you get your watch what your way [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the fight of my life of my life [Music] it shall be mine it shall it shall be mine [Music] [Music] some of you got that in the world even look at you sideways you ready to reach under your seat open up your trunk folk bumped into you on accident you had to fight people and but the moment can say now the other said you can't take nothing you can't do without that with brass knuckles and all this stuff backyard boxing Oh punching for opening up day for head and blood that well you could take all that but then you just saying come over here for rolling eyes at you and you start crying look at somebody tell him you stronger than that you're stronger than that don't but they don't hate me I ran into the hypocrite listen you stronger than that it's not all on the truck I come to speak to somebody tonight and tell you that your whole lot stronger than that it's a fight but it's one you can win it's not easy but nobody said it was supposed to be y is not easy I'm just look this courage pick yourself up [Music] we all not have faith I can't put my gun down to carry you you just gonna lay down and throw a tantrum when I'm supposed to stop fighting and bend down on the battlefield and come on just get on back up they didn't mean the retro feeling come listen you better get up [Music] come on now you're stronger than that you're better than that ain't hand no more than two weeks in China I don't even know where the money coming from it's just I don't understand why I gotta be like this that's all it take come on now don't just stand out on the battlefield as an open target make him work for it and I told him the other night I'm not gonna stop living the day I'm gonna live till I die pick yourself up somebody else's here somebody needs the Lord I want you to come if you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come somebody tonight need some strength I want you to come to you maybe the battle is raging hot I want you to become a few if you need some strength come on strength for the journey strength for the battle I'm not fighting to lose I'm not fighting just to give up in the end I made it too far I got two minutes car I've gone through too much come on now just turn around and go back now no get her off go and get tough heels get hard to cut but if you started with Jesus take all the doubt out your mind there's a reason you're chosen you decided to make Jesus your choice elders would you go in and praise someone needs to hold it goes somebody needs to Lord hallelujah thank you Jesus you know the road gets rough yes sir and the going gets tough and the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa come on a bodega you know the road gets rough oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh man she does how do it come on let me finish it get on the road [Music] [Music] but I just I did allow ah [Music] to make cheese's [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh somebody with those hands and praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] to make cheese you can have the whole world give me Jesus I decided to make Jesus [Music] I decided to make GG jealous lord have mercy I get cleared every time I think of the best decision I've ever made to make Jesus my macho if that's the best decision you've ever made I want to see you give him a praise right now [Music] ah we'll search for him for [Music] [Music] I'm gonna [Music] oh no turning back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my forever forever Oh somebody give it breathe [Music] get our thumbs hallelujah [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 62,182
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: 9ZRV2Wby3hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 59sec (5879 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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