FGHT Dallas: There Is A Difference

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what a mighty car we serve or angels bow before him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh hallelujah [Music] yes hello [Music] now come on and clap those hands and give Him praise and glory in the house and oh I see your hands come on I need to hear somebody giving him praise tonight he's been an extremely good to us we'll come on come on let the redeemed of the Lord say so thank you Jesus oh he's a wonderful God would you take a moment and just lift your hands to him now and that means something personal from your heart through your lips all the way up to God's ears come on come on come on I need to hear the sound of the saints tonight he is an incredible God and he keeps on doing great things for us come on praise Him but dangerous that he kept you from both seen and unseen four ways that he continues to make for doors that he keeps on opening come on take your Jesus for keeping your body strong hallelujah Oh hallelujah come on take your Jesus [Music] he is such an awesome awesome God and we bless him tonight I'm just so grateful to God to be here tonight amen this is Tuesday night isn't it that means this is what family night even mothers bring your daughter's fathers bring your sons and let's worship the Lord together it didn't win joy those testimonies tonight it all come on God as a healer he's away maker he's a deliverer hey man have we heard some powerful testimony tonight amen but everybody didn't get a chance to testify but they don't mean God hasn't been good to us look around you this is a room full of blessed people why don't you take a minute and go shake somebody's hand hook somebody and tell them you love them with the love of the Lord [Music] hallelujah oh come on that's it [Music] come on say the Jesus in me Jesus loves the cheese that's it come on how about say the cheaters in me that's the cheese she needed us that's the cheese [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yes you like a really is it yes your visit he one more time without the Acrobat [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] - brother Yong [Music] sure kappa praise bernard everybody yes you are you reason [Applause] yeah sure [Applause] yes so are you reading it [Applause] [Music] come on clap your hands like thunder different ways amen god bless you take your seat if you can a man you're easy to learn just lean over just tell somebody I love you and I'm praying for you or tell somebody else I love you when I'm praying for you are you really I mean that a man I love you and I'm praying for you and I want you to know that a man we're not just here he'd been spinning our wheels and wasting our time I'm praying a man I love you praying for you and I believe in my prayers if I don't believe in nobody else prayer I believe in mine a man when I pray I expect an answer a mad and I'm praying for you I'm praying that God keeps you strong a man I pray that God keeps you encouraged I pray that God puts his hand of protection around everyone that you are concerned with amen that's my prayer a man that God would rise and be God on your behalf I want to think up tonight Amen again for the wonderful privilege of being saved and filled with the Holy Ghost a man I tell you God is a keeper if you want to be kept and guess what I want to be kept hey man I think got my first lady even thing got for lady Danielle a man we think God for dr. Shirley Murray he meant into this wonderful host of ministry let's give a man minister Wallis amen Richard won't miss a great big round of applause amen night thank God for the Holy Ghost yeah he even sent us on a thank God that somebody got the Holy Ghost that could have turned that bad a man but the Holy Ghost when you need him the most steps in a man and he knows how to calm your spirit now some of y'all were acting like the Holy Ghost I never had the calm your spirit you know he had won't it tame you yes he will yeah before you got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost some of you would have spent your whole mind on people or but since you've been saved and since you got the Holy Ghost Lord won't it calm your spirit when you pick up the phone and I almost threw down in the number the hold ago say hang it up yeah hang it up text and giving them a piece of your mind and just about the puss in the hold it girls erase it whoa touch them at and tell them you ought to thank God for the Holy Ghost and if you ain't got it you want to thank God I got it mean something to have the Holy Ghost look at somebody and tell me but there is a word from the Lord amen and I am a lover of the Word of God tonight I love mine and I brought mine with me you got yours don't you come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but the word of our God do you really believe that now don't just say it because you're around a lot of people that believe it do you really believe the Word of God do you really believe that everything else is going to fail it's going to falter and that they end up at a the only thing strong enough for you to build a life on is this right here do you really believe yes amen because this is not the time for you to be guessing you got a know that you know a man that this contains everything you need to make it from earth to glory Leviticus the tenth chapter amen the vinegars chapter number 10 and I I was gonna call your attention to the tenth verse but as I stand here I feel like I need to back it up a little amen and read from verse number one because we we need to understand amen the Word of God in context Leviticus chapter number 10 and I want to call your attention if you would to the first verse and will read from a man the first verse when you have it's a man the rest of y'all don't have it now wait eight men Leviticus 10 and one now if you're in the back of the book come on back up amen amen Leviticus 10 and one and when you have it let me hear you say Amen read what the Bible says this fees or Aaron's boys the highbreed took either of them his censer and put fire therein and offered strange fire and what the Bible calls it strange fire before the Lord which he commanded them not huh he didn't command them to do it they offered strange fire and they offered it at a time that God did not command for that fire or for fire amen to be brought in the first place so they were not only erroneous in the type of fire that they presented to the but they were off in their timing it wasn't even the timing of God what the Bible said and they're without fire and they're without a fire from the Lord and devoured them and it killed Aaron's boys and they died before the Lord and they died before the Lord in other words this was God's doing and anybody that tell you God won't do this and and God won't do that all they really have to do is open the pages of the Word of God and you'll see that much of the stuff that they tell you God won't do it already did it don't let nobody tell you amendment God it's not a god of Wrath yes he is don't let nobody tell you that God is not a consuming fire don't let him tell your God wouldn't destroy know about it because the reality is he's already done it and he said I'm the Lord your God and I would I changed not so if he was wiping people that back there don't tell me that it's beyond God and it's not God like for him to do that he's still the same God that it was a thousand years ago and those are says unto Aaron this is what the Lord was talking about will be sanctified you're not coming to be in it cutting the way you will not approach me in a kind of way this is what God was talking about when he said I will be sanctified and come nigh unto me before all the people I will be Loras I will be glorified Moses called Mishael Anil's Afon and the sons of FAL the uncle of Aaron Aaron didn't say a word read and said unto them and Moses called all of them AHA come in carry your brother carry your brother picked them up off the ground from before the sanction would get him off the poetry out of the camp uh-huh take him out of the camp so they went near and carried them in their coats out of the camp carry them in their coats out of the caja as Moses has said and now listen because these are Aaron's boys remember Moses says unto Aaron you uncover your heads neither in your clothes told you rend your clothes because that was a sign of weeping and a sign of mourning it was forbidden for the priests to mourn and so these are Aaron's boys his sons have just been executed by the hand of God and Moses looks at it and says I don't care pay where your sons don't you cry this is the judgment of God well y'all show get quiet tonight no one cover your head don't win do your clothes amen because this was the hand of the Lord we bless you if you mourn for them the God judge they're saying that Aaron Moses says everything you're gonna die too boy and you want to play with a God like this unless wrath come upon all the people read but let your brethren uh-huh the whole house of Israel but well the burning which the LORD hath kindled let them mourn but you continue your duties to the Lord breathe and ye shall not go out from the door of the tabernacle ha ha the congregation lest ye die for the anointing of the Lord is upon you the anointing oil of the Lord is upon you and when you are anointed to do this job that's what God expects for you to do I don't care who falls by the wayside I don't care who drops out the race I don't care who follows under the judgment of God when God has anointed you to do a work that's what he expects for you to do don't you cry don't you uncover your head don't you read you're close to leave out of this talk or else you will die just like your sons dear boy God ain't praying with nobody for the oil of God's anointing it's a pun you read and they did according to the word of motion they did what Moses saying uh-huh and the Lord spake unto Aaron saying 3 do not drink wine nor strong jury don't mess up like your sons did uh-huh found or that sons with the ones you gotta let uh-huh when you go into the tabernacle of the congregation lest ye die read it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations a statute forever throughout your generations and that ye may put difference between holy and unholy and that now let's read that together verse 10 come on let's read a job and that he may put difference between holy and unholy and between unclean and the Queen see that's why you ought to have a King James Version let's read it together again and that he may put difference between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean come on let's read that one more time because that's something that God is still saying to every generation Amen let's read it and he may put difference between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean verse 11 and that he may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord had spoken unto them by the hand of Moses when we come together amen and corporate fellowship we ought to be on the same page Amen I don't care what kind of Bible you got at home Amen when we come cuz I can hear somebody well I got a new king james i got the NIV what is he talking about no when we come together in corporate worship we ought to all be on the same page how we go read together if everybody reads some totally different amen so we want amen to make sure that we are together when we come together like this he says and that she may put difference between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean and Billy says I want you to teach these statutes to the children of Israel and you do this forever throughout their generations not look at somebody and just tell them there is a difference yeah that's what I want to I want to talk about tonight there is a difference now it meant there was something that distinguishes a one from the other a difference is it's a mark or Amen it's a character that is found in one area but not in another that means that what you see on the left side you don't see on the right side there is something immense specific about each individual object or each individual Amen period so that you can tell one from the other in other words there are no similarities and even if they are a member so minor that it almost looks as if there's nothing Amen about these two different entities or two different objects that relate one to another says I want you to put a difference between the holy and unholy between unclean and between clean and brothers and sisters we are at a time now a minute that's why it is so important for those of us that say that we are of the body of Christ amen to remember that there is still a difference because the times that we're living in now Amen is very convincing and if you're not spiritual and if you have not read the word of the Lord for yourself then you will be of the mind or of the opinion ain't meant that the church and the world are so closely related that you can hardly tell one from the other and it's still okay but that's not so when you talk about God God is a very specific color and not only is he specific but the Bible says he's a jealous God are you listening to me tonight amen our God is a jealous God in that he does not appreciate our involvement with anything or anybody that will challenge the relationship that we have with him that's the reason why the Bible said nevertheless the foundation part said that you are having this seal that the Lord knows them that are here and then he goes on further to say and let every one that name the name of Christ let them do what depart from iniquity that's why he turns and he says come out from among them and be what separate saith the LORD family we are at a place now where we've got to go back and understand that God is still the same God that he was a thousand years ago when the Apostle Paul wrote those words God still expects for there to be a meant a difference between those of us that called ourselves the name of the Lord and those that don't serve him at all and I don't care what nobody tells it's requires requires the only way we're going to get is that we got to be what we got to be holy y'all fans like to say the Holiness Church amen holiness is still right yes it is it is [Applause] but don't love God and you have a problem with the standard of God well y'all get as quiet as you wanna preach unto God get the glory tonight God knows this God knows what is best for our lives I believe God cares about me so much that everything that he forbids me to do he does not forbid it in his anger or in his malice or malice towards us but if he forbids us to do it the relationship that we have with him and so he says don't do it put it away from you it's going to make it trying to go back to what God brought me from Yahweh's pay all the time that's a reason you got saved the heart must see I have you putting the needle in your arm and crying because you don't want to do it the sing said I have you set in your body you're getting quiet here sin what have you telling lies until you believe them yourself Sylla have you walking around a matter the spirit of Chef righteousness on your way to hell everybody out instead of getting yourself right with God that's what sand will do that's why he commends us to come out of out of pocket do you know that's what sin is sin causes you to live in darkness God had enough love to reach into the midst of darkness and pour you out and with it push you out now he says to us just live holy and he's not leaving it up to us to define what holiness is he has already told us in the pages of the Word of God the lifestyle that's amazing in his sight now you can't claim to love him and you can't stand his holiness see that's the reason why I have a problem with so much of what I'm hearing now it's because it does not with the word of God you better do it we go live a whole it let's come on and live a whole so he knows what's best for us and it's best that we align our will to the will of God and to God's plan for the universe you'll notice tonight as I hasten time is flying you'll notice at the beginning of this chapter the Bible talks about Aaron's boys need AB and a by you the Bible says they are the sons of God in the service of God your service have to do things god no you can't be no preacher I think you go carve your own way to heaven it's weird about this fire in the thing that's gonna take the place you can rub but when you get up off the ground [Applause] feel like God is don't look at that and ignore the fact that we've been on disobedient to the word of the Lord and let me tell you something when you read this this leaves no room for error it leaves no room for misunderstanding when they offered strange fire on the altar it prompted a judgment from God what you say now hold this weird stuff that's going on and people are saying this stuff is being done now in the name of the Lord you had a watch out now because cuts because then that that's a form of blasphemy yes it is that is a form of blasphemy a trippity remember walk of the devil is a form a blasphemy and folk better shutting out because they're offering strange fire and strange fire you're always invites the punishment of God you look at this stuff they doing that you can't find this in the scripture nowhere I was reading a while back and they talked about churches covered up now there are nothing more than those old greco-roman temples you know those temples back then had prostitutes in them I told you the other night most of those those religions have antiquity they all had brothels how where men would come and they would they would they would hook up with temple prostitutes and the reason why they would have prostitutes in the temple was because they knew that was a surefire way to get them in there and I was reading the other day and there was an article about a church where the pastor's wife stood up in the clap that in order to purify the men in the church once they joined the church she had to help purify man help removed the stain where Jesus in order to do that she had to sleep with the men that joined the church and you know they had me and the church don't you strange fire here look at some of the stuff people get mixed up in now not not listen I'm telling you when it comes down to your salvation and living hold it you gotta take your stand on the Word of God because there's so much that jesus said take heed that no man deceive you now that's what he said that obviously that's what we needed that no man would deceive you because people are now saying some of everything and they're coming in the name of the law I remember I was watching a Christian ramen one night Lee and I saw something I couldn't figure it out what in the world is going on everybody's just kicking and just fun and I understood after watch the while the holding a spirit let me just say that but jump on the people can everybody would just start laughing and that was being filled with the Holy Ghost so it wasn't about speaking in tongues as the spirit gives the convenience you ain't gonna just bring whatever you got but God said if you go off for fire then you gotta get it off of the altar listen if you don't operate you gotta have the Holy cosa you can't have your own spirit you there is a difference between songs that God loves and songs that God Kingstown you know even the Bible says take away from me the noise I'm talking about the ones that were winning the war and the Grammy Awards they were singing songs about the rapture I don't want to stay and they will sing songs about the mark of the beast let's get it all that's not the strange fire to come up in church can bring all of that carnality and all of that worldliness right up in church now if you notice when they - and of my view comes into the presence of God and offered strange fire God Himself killed Aaron summons Aaron the one that went with most Aaron the right-hand man Aaron there from like the beginning and his sons fell under the judgment of God heaven sitting right up there in the sanctuary his sons a bunch of drunkards y'all getting caught fitna they had the possession but they didn't have the discipline that should go along with it because I'm in this I don't care you Elijah God is looking at the life if you're greater spinning at the door God is looking for a drive out of you can't just sit a bit and come to church and think that's all it takes is for you to put on a uniform and put a smile on your face and tell people I'm glad to see you because you can do lose your soul you better know that you've been changed and that's your heart it's right before God and look at what happens God destroys his sons Bible said a fire comes and devours them look at Aaron sitting there just so God judge his own sons and Moses says to him Aaron don't you uncover your head don't you render your clothes because you are committed to the service of God and it was forbidden for priests to mourn the dead they couldn't even touch dead bodies y'all getting cried you you'll find that in chapter what is that 21 verses 10 through 12 they couldn't even touch dead bodies they could not launder it and because he was a knife for the service of God even his own kids could not call him to step outside of his calling see sometimes preachers are just that way I've seen happen I've seen whole churches destroyed because the pastor couldn't maintain his own kids his kids run and see that that's the thing you got some pastor everybody else but they kids get away with with everything and I said lord I never wanted to be that kind I never wanted to be that kind that'll cover for the people you love and not rebuked him but then can rebuke everybody else you got some churches a whole church amen just about backslidden because the pastor came rebuked his sons and his daughters they taking church kids to the club themselves and then still getting up in the choir and recommend the instruments [Applause] and wondering why the people in the congregation don't have the inclination to live harlot because your sons and your daughters are the proof that you really do believe what you preach he says the Aaron don't you move don't you leave out of this sanctuary don't you cry boy I'm telling you God sometime can put you in a place can it don't you cry don't you Mon don't wring your cross don't uncover your head don't you walk out of that door or I'm going to kill you too because the Isle of the anointing it's hold you family when the all of God's anointing is hold you that it doesn't matter about kinship friendship and nobody else you do what God has anointed you to do and then after Moses gets through talking to Aaron the Bible said then God speaks to Aaron Lord said unto Him I don't want you to drink wine nor strong drink when you come into the congregation you nor the other sons that you gotta love and I want this to be the case for ever and this lets us know that when it comes down to serving God that still some things that God says is a no because they can do it so he was talking about the only ones to walk away this is where whole lot of folk fall out of love with God because it requires ma 10 they're willing to pay you know I like the rich young ruler the Bible said he comes to Jesus and he says Lord what must I do see everybody want to be used by God everybody want to be great in the kingdom everybody want to preach everybody want to Pastor everybody will delay hands everybody want a microphone but then Jesus started telling the stuffy he had to get rid of if you're gonna make it in you know the commandments don't steal don't kill honor your father and your mother don't commit adultery he said Lord I've got all this stuff from my you I'm good then Jesus said all right if you really really want to serve me he said sell what you have give it to the poor and then you come and follow me I told you before I was said in this a few months back and it hit me because this was the same language that Jesus used when he walked up and saw a tax collector collecting taxes hey come on follow me this was the same language that he used when he went down by the seashore and saw a man after cleaning his niche and said drop your nets come follow me and I'll make you a fisherman of me what he's saying to this rich young man is that if you let out of that go you can come be one of my disciples we talked about the twelve disciples that could have been 13 because when he found out what it required he walked away because he had a whole lot of stuff and that's the way so many people are now they say they want to be used by God until they hear what God requires and once they find out that God's got some requirements then they walk off I don't want they kind of church and you know what gets me because I traveled across this country I travel to other countries and I hear the same thing and those that have traveled with me they can testify always people always pastors just paint God before gospel holy temple I think up for the way God is moving in that place man my church to walk in that same kind of power when your holiness they don't want path they want the manifestation of power but they don't want what it takes to get path don't you know if you see atmosphere what they see but they don't want to do what it takes in order to get in God said Aaron if you don't walk before me in this place and I want you to have a standard and not just you but it's good for your sons and look at what he tells him he says you have to put a difference family are y'all listening to me God is still saying to his people that there is a difference there's a difference between a man of God and a man of the world there is a difference between a woman of God and a woman of the streets young in crime there is touch somebody tell them there still a difference and rather than fight the difference why don't you celebrate it rather than wanting to be so close to the wild and we don't stand out see that's the problem that we're having now you have so many people that have embedded themselves to the world but if the world don't approve of you but you feel like you ain't doing nothing worth anything but the devil is a lie you can be holy and still be somebody yes you can I don't care what no about it then you can be holy and still have some things the only difference is if your holy and have him you can still go to heaven but you can have things that not be holy and still end up going to a hill god don't mind you don't mind you having some as a matter of fact the Bible says you can have houses that you didn't build do you know God is not opposed to you prospering them the Bible never said that and I know people take it too far and may go into this prosperity gospel when you supposed to be a millionaire will not be a million go preach to you and tell you that if you don't have a million dollars you ain't saving you out of the covenant of god the devil is a liar you got some millionaires but you see we have equated money and all of this other stuff that's it rhodius the Bible said godliness with contentment it's great game and so he says now there is still a difference between holy and unholy and you look at it now and people are trying to blur those lines and that's the reason why i specially preachers i talkin and sometimes i was sharing with somebody I know I sound forceful sometime and it sound like I'm fussing sometime I get that from my daddy it's just forceful because I know what it takes to get there I haven't made it to the top of the hill but now you gotta admit after I done priest all this time and travel off I know something even if I don't know everything and I'm trying to tell preachers we have the responsibility of outlining rather different yet the Bible said don't move the old landmark which the fathers have set in place we cannot move you know what people expect out of preachers can I tell you see people expect that the pastor is so deep in God and so far away from sin but if they do a little less than him they still good I don't figure this out and that's why preachers and pastors and pastors wives and all of these ministers we've got to be very understanding of how people see us because when they see you and people think that you so over holy they think that the stuff that you do is well within the confines of holiness because you are a preacher and they figure you so far away from sin that even if they don't do everything you do if they do a little bit less they feel like they still good and so I found out as a preacher and certainly as a pastor that whatever you do you go have some folk in your church that's gonna do just a little bit less than what you do y'all gettin cry let's see that's just him yeah but see here at the mountaintop he's in the face of God I'm not trying to do all that I'm just trying to come to church and go to heaven I'm not trying to preach ain't casting out Devils I don't I don't need that kind of it I mean that heavier knowing like that I don't need all of that I just need a little something to get me through and so when the preacher in the eyes of the people are so deep in God they think they got to be where you are because you're the preacher and you know you own that that that upper echelon of anointing who told you that so of pain to get you with way and then a figure view here and sin is up there then I can be here and still be holy so I don't have to do everything the preacher do that's the kind of stuff he do I don't have to do that and they don't mean but see he's the pastor he don't go there because he's the pastor and so I don't have to be as deep in it as he is I can be right here and still be within the confines but woe to the person whose leader is right on the line because Fogo always do a little bit less than what they see the preacher and if the preacher is walking on the line if they do anything less than the preacher or less than the minister then they really y'all getting on me see that's the reason why because you can't even recognize that all the people have you notice if you wear your skirts round about the shin area the younger folks going right that was right back here because they're gonna do a little bit less than you and if you are and your skirt right here guess where they scars gonna be touch the mat and tell them there's a difference y'all getting quiet now if you holy and I can see your knees scraping against each other let me shut my mouth and I get a rebuking when I get off this book then then then is that holy that God the one gave me these late well he gave you a lot of other stuff too but you don't show your business to the world y'all getting quiet see touch them out and tell them there's a difference yeah see see when you're holy when you're Lord could when you are holy there is a standard that separates you from everything and everybody else you know I lost in an article I wish I could have texted to everybody in my phone they had an article you can look it up about the origins of lipstick of of red lipstick have y'all seen that article y'all need to look it up when you get home that the ancient Egyptians used to paint their lips red just to symbolize other stuff in the female anatomy y'all getting quiet see come on and and and and and that's what they did to entice a man to symbolize other stuff now see y'all y'all tryin to make me go to anatomy class and I'm I'm trying to stay out the weeds here tonight and and and it symbolized some else and then they came along with a lipstick tube that symbolized something else boy y'all gettin quiet now and so now you got lips that symbolize something else and you got a tube of lipstick going up to your lips to symbolize [Music] look it up I have never heard these things all the days of my life look it up that that was was what prostitutes did born now y'all getting mad at me like I'm the one wrote history I didn't come home I didn't do this that's what they did and so when you see the Bible says though you render your face with painting you know what rend me wasn't me when you they said that he rent his clothes he did what he told me so the Bible said pain to do what to your face maybe it's natural or maybe it's mabeline and so hope always want to talk about Jezebel and I ain't got nothing to do with that pain yeah it does the Bible says when you do it you tear your face up child my face is beat God said you look like you're been beat cuz you told your face touch somebody and tell him there's a difference uh-huh that's a difference see and I get it God gave you those legs just like he gave this brother his legs and gave him his arms and and gave him his hair and all of this stuff but anytime what God gave you turns and becomes a stonking block like I some of y'all y'all phones now look at that wears lipstick come from put that phone which I'm glad God gave you legs but now don't use them too cause nobody else to fault there's a difference yeah between holy and unholy you know holy women don't don't show everything and I'm holding me and do either y'all see that this ain't a man oh yeah yeah a holy man lives according to a standard to see there was a time and you know what this season of time our standards are going out the window have you noticed that anything that's a standard anything that's normal it is gone this is such a rebellious generation that anything that was an established norm is now taboo used to be your hair to door for a woman now she look at your craze and tell you I could have got it for myself and you want to tell it just back up a couple of steps just back up so I can slam this doing watch you get it for yourself used to be a time man wouldn't cuss in front of women excuse me they not all that's going out the window cuz cuz cuz women cussing them saying worse than the man used to be a time a man wouldn't dare be seen in a t-shirt in front of a woman now the Saints coming out with these and I came calling is that really kind of wifebeaters not now wait a minute who called it a wife-beater tell your sweet time brothers didn't show they skin like that put your huggin quiet like y'all ain't never heard this before the only time me and showed that skin back of the day was in front of other men and it was safe back then but now you you you you you you in the gym you got a shower with your t-shirt on you oh let's just soap everything up and hope you can get home without catching a cold they didn't show their skin like that but now they got shirts that's cut all the way down to the waist show all of this and all that just because you went to the gym three days last week and found a half of a muscle now we can just there is a difference and the reason why you have to honor that difference more by time go the reason you have to honor that difference is because it is the difference that teaches others how to respond to you see a holy woman shouldn't have a problem dressing holy see if you get more numbers than prayer requests you walking through the snow man what they look at what day we get your underwear cuz holy women don't dress like y'all gettin quiet now I can't believe he's talking like that he needs to let the women deal with that and in the women's meeting you don't come to the women's meet and besides that if you can show it like you walking around on often why can't I deal with it see forget Shane when they getting rebuked and correct it but when they doing it they proud listen I told you a couple of weeks ago some of y'all too small for your clothes to be that tight there is a difference you know when short skirts was in people wore short skirts then what do they call them long skirts maxi's they came in style and some folks still wore shorts good I mean come on now what is this what's going on now that that's trying to change the difference that has to remain a difference between holy and unholy it teaches the world how to handle the church we can't just be common like that we can't look and you know what I love about the church is that if it's the real truck you can tell them anywhere you go we were in Walmart a few years ago and a man walked up to us it was me and somebody else in the store and he said you know what I don't know y'all but y'all go to somebody's church I see the glory of God on y'all and I'll turn around said now what can he see in a man you know most times you see women they dress right you can tell but but in a man what do you see it's the life of holiness that makes a difference and when you have that life of holiness the world recognizes that there is a difference but now let me help you close it now it just seems like everything is going towards strange fire now that punk rock look is coming right up in the church you spent time folk just she loved being clean they loved representing God but now they got Mohawks and twists and purple hair Munden blonde have Wednesday green have Friday and no hair Saturday and I'm just saying where is the difference what says to the world that you belong to God you know why your husband gave you that wedding ring let me tell you in case he forgot it wasn't to remind him while he's walking around the house with you that he's married to you that wedding ring is a symbol to you first of all that he loves you enough to put his mark on you and second of all it is a testament to everybody out that this one got somebody already from the size of that ring he must love her a whole lot why do you think God requires us to put a difference between holy and unholy can I tell you why it's not so we look good in here looking at each other it's so that he has a representation in the world let's see that's why y'all just sit up then preacher oh yeah I'll preach right one last time you heard me preach on it that's all we preach about Noah day that's what's on your mind after preaching that's all that's just legalism it's just y'all just pound that legalism it's just a bunch of rules and a bunch of regulation that's not even it pen is not it it's not legalism it's not just bound by rules it's understanding that I was created for higher purpose there is hey difference not gonna sit up in argue with folk who don't understand the difference because the fact that they arguing with you and not the person sitting across the room from you is a testament that they recognize the difference in your life sighs y'all just go over there that church I wish them people would read the Bible because the Bible said man that's at the outside but God looks at the heart well may God keep looking at your heart because I've never seen your I don't know hood most of you I don't shake your hand I sit down and talk to you I have never seen not a single one of your hearts all I can see is outside that means your outside has to represent what's in your heart or else they'll never see it so he says there's a difference and God is quite serious about the difference if he wasn't Nate Avenue by he would have died of old age but the fact that God requires something that they didn't think he was serious about they died listen family God is not above making examples out of nobody not a single person there is still a difference and he requires us to live and operate in that difference when the world looks at us they ought to see us as the people of God and you know what I'm sorry I just I wouldn't argue about nothing if I was truly appreciative I wouldn't sit up and put an argument up every time the preacher said something shiny girl just one after all God did for you that's that's response I mean if if I gave you $5,000 and I won't but if I did and I turned around and asked you to take my trash out to the curb I'm sick of that Lord every time I come over here he talking about taking trash I took now what was the greatest sacrifice me losing $5,000 behind somebody that I knew was lying when they told me they were gonna pay me back are you walking 20 steps to the curb what is the greatest sacrifice and if the sacrifice was that great then what is it to complain about you know I'm like that as an employer if you called me a hundred times a month and say oh I can't make it to work today I can't make it to work this evening came into work and I understand Ben if I asked you to stay late one day and you complain about it Oh what basis do you complain and that's the way it is with God the Bible said he gave us His only begotten Son he let his son die for us he let him die and the Bible said it pleased God to prove him boy y'all need to read the Bible that that that kind of stuff make your mind just turn God bruised his old son fast and then looks at us and says just don't do that I really don't like it when you do that and you got the nerve to say to God why really come on Saints we got a heaven to get to and we got a world that needs saving I don't care what nobody else do out there let them do whatever they gonna do they're not for God's motor temple and I'm not a pastor oh but look at somebody tell them we going to heaven over here oh yes we are we ain't gonna walk up to the line and just just try to see how close we can get to know we're getting as far away from the line as we can and we gonna make it to heaven stand to your feet there is still a difference when you hear the preacher preach he just preaches about a difference there has to be because if the world cannot recognize a difference then what moves them to change and I think in the last few years that's the problem they haven't seen the difference that's the reason why they still custom and claiming salvation because they don't see a difference I mean just just making all kind of excuses for the life that they're living and then turn around and say but I love God but you know what Jesus said he said if you love me listen to what he says he said if you love me don't worry about shouting even if you don't shout if you love me even if you don't run around the church if you love me keep my Commandments so if you don't feel like shouting that's fine that's not the proof of your love and loyalty the proof of your love and your loyalty is in your willingness to do what I command you to do and he said my commandments are not Grievous when he said to Peter go down and fish and getting money at the fish mouth and go pay our taxes Peter could have said not Jesus wasn't the world kind of instruction is that who ever heard of going in fishing and getting money out of a fish's mouth and going and paying it and who said is don't be enough money to pay your taxes anyway he could have discussed his lack of understanding with Jesus or either he could have obeyed by faith whatever the LORD commanded it was in his obedience whether he'd ever seen it done or whether he understood it or not it was in his obedience that he was blessed and it's going to be an hour beaten some people said well I don't see what well what's the difference I don't want to spend this he asked us to understand he said if you love me just do what I tell you to do we can talk about it when you get to heaven but but but but did you get that then just do what I tell you to do all chances are you might not get up here I don't have to understand everything he commands me I know he loves me and when I get to heaven I know even as I'm known but unto them I just do what he commands every head bowed tonight if there's somebody here that's that's not saved and you don't know the Lord in the partner of your sin I want you to come maybe you're here and you need the Holy Ghost I I can tell you now the Holy Ghost is for you and if you'll ask him the Lord will come in and he'll deliver you he'll set you free and turn your whole life around I've seen him do it and I want you to know tonight that if you'll give your life over to him you'll never be sorry that you made Jesus your choice if there's one here tonight maybe you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come come on if there's somebody else maybe tonight there's a need in your life you're sick in your body and you need somebody to pray with you listen if you're living holy you have a right to expect that God is going to meet you at the point of your need yes you do or you can expect that he'll do it [Applause] hallelujah and if you come come believing come trusting him come on huh I'm giving it over to the Lord tonight come on that's it they're coming somebody's coming to Jesus hallelujah they're coming can I get you to pray somebody's coming to the Lord tonight [Applause] hallelujah yes Jesus come on they're still coming it's not too late come on hallelujah that's it [Music] holy [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 29,707
Rating: 4.8803988 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: E65M8NkozJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 56sec (5696 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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