FGHT Dallas: The Spirit of Deception

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[Music] hallelujah oh that's it come on from your heart through your lips all the way up to God's ears thank you Jesus oh why don't you ask em to feel you come fill it till it overflows and all they see is him come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on that's it feel my line come on everybody all they see [Music] come on asking fear my yellow they see you oh they see Oh come on for you to be come on everybody yeah [Music] it's for you [Music] that's my heart's desire [Music] ah [Music] come on somebody gather the plan [Music] yes sir [Applause] you oughta be [Music] lift all hands and pray [Applause] hallelujah hallelu that's my heart's desire now as for you to beat it horrified lift it higher I louder it's for you Lord hallelujah take your seat if you can Oh yesyes [Music] ah yes [Music] is that anybody's Freddie [Music] [Music] [Music] lift those hands and breezy [Music] hallelujah [Music] he's so worthy of all of our pre and all the glory that we have belongs to the Lord how they look you believe that don't you know this is a good time to give him another just lift your hand [Music] [Music] [Music] come on everybody [Music] no ball of sand with me [Music] great that's it come on [Music] [Music] right [Applause] [Applause] Yolandi [Applause] [Music] [Music] god bless you think you see that you can [Music] ever prayed [Music] Oh [Music] when I think of this good listen oh that is done that is done that it's done yes something on the inside once again appraised and because we serve a great job great God [Music] [Music] you deserve the glow and beyond I lift my hands in worship and I praise your Holy Name you deserve the glory and the honor ah I lit my hands and words and that praise your Holy Name for you are great you do miracles so great and that's no one else would like you there is nine thank you Oh you do miracles so crying yes I do and that's Darwin else would like you to clap your hands of the Lord Paris dawn you [Music] [Music] [Music] you you are great [Applause] [Music] you do miracles and I'm a miracle you do them pray and there's nobody like you I searched the wall over I can testify that's nobody like you you are so great [Music] you do miracles so great [Music] somebody lift your hands to wanna heaven and say that's nobody like you [Music] come on tell them that's the whole banner like Joe [Music] that's nobody like you [Music] for me draw me long [Music] and how come running after you drop me [Music] from below oh I promise how we how come running after you oh come on with your boys oh I promise you're alone come on let me hear you all I need you to do is just roll me love me love or with my whole heart are we [Music] he said your family when he will have such from him with all your heart drown me [Music] ciao [Music] oh I give you my word [Music] yeah Swami Jesus [Music] your arm not much beside your everything I need one more time one more time just ask the Lord to draw [Music] [Music] Oh yes how are you yes I will Jadis I'm gonna do it Lord with my heart I will oh [Music] he has sound will God bless you take you see that they can I promise you long [Music] with everything that I had one more one more time Oh God are we [Music] as the deer pants for the water so my soul longeth are there are you you alone are my heart's desire or hand alone to word shove you you are my strength and my shield - you are long does my spirit ye you are [Music] or on my heart my heart's desire all Lord alone O Lord I know - oh he loves you [Music] and oh how he loves me and I can't do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's the one song I never can't get all the way through I just I don't understand it [Music] this happens every time I don't understand this song god bless you I don't know [Applause] look at somebody and tell him there is a word from the law and I am a lover of his word if you got your Bibles come on hold that power up today a man a man thank God for his word hey man well y'all just clap your hands just clap do something just [Applause] all right [Music] all right I don't know what it is about that song I can sing every song but you know where there's some about the way the Lord loves us is just it's unbeliev to think that a great big old God can love little ol us you know it's just it's an amazing feeling to know that the Lord loves you and even when people act like they don't like you it's all right cuz he loves me [Music] yeah yeah yeah with when sometimes on this lonely road you tried it's good to know that's the matter love you and don't want nothing from you just wants to hold you wants to talk to you wants to build you where you're torn down and wants to strengthen you where your weekend that's an amazing feeling just to know that God loves us because you know sometimes by virtue of what you're in you'll you'll almost tend to forget that but you got to remember in those times yeah he got you covered he's there when you can't see it and you can't feel him [Music] [Music] just tell somebody next to you he loves you yes he does yes he does yes come on and say the Aryans forget make it personal and no he does he loves me [Music] ya see that even if you don't like me he loves me and the power alright alright [Music] oh I feel like somebody needs to know it [Music] would you just take about 72 seconds and let the Lord love on you just just come on come on that's it just take a minute and let him love on you [Music] all right let's try this again do you feel the love in the room thank you lord thank you for what we feel in this place yeah today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just feel the lawn [Music] lifting heavy burdens and I feel God mending the broken heart I feel important is love [Music] somebody just needed to know what you needed to fill it [Music] and somebody here has been praying I feel it I feel you're going through a dry season and you've been reaching into what seems like the darkness and nothing has been reaching back to you but if you lift your hands in this moment if you'll pull on the heavens in this atmosphere God will give you the benefit of his presence come on while your hands are lifted let him destroy that yoke [Music] hallelujah when the devil say you're not good enough and you don't fit in [Music] God has given somebody the benefit of his presence right now [Music] [Music] I hear God working on somebody [Music] my god [Music] I feel a wave going across this house today my god [Music] [Music] I'm trying to move forward in [Music] God is here God is here he's breathing on us a little thank you Jesus my god thank you Jesus oh yes Lord yes Lord somebody just tell the Lord thank you thank you Jesus you know we focus on coming to church and having a good time but I want the Lord to have a good time he does not exist to serve us we exist to serve Him and we bless him the book of second Corinthians the eleventh chapter I want to call your attention to the 14th and the 15th versus and then I want to call your attention to st. Matthew's Gospel the 24th chapter and the fifth verse and I'm not going to punish it with time today but I want to talk to you I want you to hear what God will say you know I thought about it this morning just how serious I am about going all the way with go if you don't go and if I ever see a day when I'll come here and there's nobody here but me my mind is made up I'm going with Jesus all the way and your mind has to be made up because if not all of this shouting and all of this praising and all about dancing would have all been in vain second Corinthians the eleventh chapter in the fourteenth and fifteenth verses when you have it's a man the Bible gives us this intelligence and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works the end is going to show the sincerity or the deceitfulness of their works st. Matthew 24 in five days Jesus says for meaning shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many I guess I should have started at the fourth verse when Jesus said answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you for me they shall come in my name saying that I am Christ and shall deceive many I want you to just look at somebody quickly and just say this spirit of deception that's what I want to talk about today I want to talk about the spirit of deception it is so sad now that people have discovered another way because according to the Word of God there's only one way and that way is through Jesus the Christ the Bible says in st. mark chapter number three in the fourteenth verse it says and that he jesus ordained 12 that they should be with him and then that he might send them forth to preach but the first thing he says to us is that his will is not that you preach it is not that you go out of me hands it is not that you become a missionary his first order of business it's to draw you in clothes pick up y'all y'all got quiet it is only and I will close this with God that we come to know God in a personal and in a significant way and before family God will use you in a greater than might awake God has to show you what real authentic holiness is all about it is because God does not intend for us to simply start the journey Amen cuz no man ever got a medal because he just started the journey amen if you're going to win the prize your mind has got to be made up and you gotta have the strength and the courage the determination that says going all the way I wish I could find at least about 78 of you that I look at somebody and tell him I gave God my word hey I'll tell them what you told God PO God I told god I serve it if I had to serve him all by myself and if people walked off if people decide that this is not what they want to do amen my mind has already been made up hey man y'all get quiet if your mother walks away if your father I'm going all the way with God I wish I could get some lead over tell your neighbor all the way I wish I could get some editors say all the way a medic when God decides to use us amen when God brings us out when he saves us and [Laughter] anybody's life is a call to salvation and you know you're running the people all the time how about timer doesn't let's say I know I'm in saying I know no God gotta tell you what the calling is calling us to come here so yeah God got a calling on your life amen but that calling does not mean call a minute I called your name and you went the other way I think something's wrong with you I call you means that's what God is doing [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] oh god that's a matter of slap that neighbor save you know Wow - the one that faces such a masterful opponent without being able to discern between what is authentic and what is counterfeit some of y'all didn't say that when I said counterfeit say man whoa if you cannot decide between what is real you know how you can tell one of the ways that is counterfeit is if the real thing is worth a thousand but you can get it for 79928 y'all done got quiet and don't act like you don't know what counterfeit is some of y'all said that blink and waiting on me to move on cuz you acted like you have no idea what does he mean by counterfeit let me tell you cuz we are living in the day of the counterfeit counterfeit purses anytime somebody gotta let they trunk up to sell you something now in the store this would cost seven hundred and fifty dollars but I'll let you have it counterfeit shoes yeah Nike sign backwards just just and you just want it count up y'all get inquired now counterfeit jewelry cuz they told me everything shinin ain't a diamond and everything glittering ain't cool counterfeit money and if you're not careful he'll fool you y'all gettin quiet cuz it looks it looked just close enough to the real thing I went to the bank oh wow and I was making a deposit and the woman came up and I just left the store and so I pulled everything out of my pocket and I said he'll just put this in the bank she put it on the counting machine hey man and one of the dollars that I had that I just got from the store stop the machine she said sir this dollar is counterfeit where did you get it from now here I am feeling like I'm being interrogated now she put it in a little clear ziplock looking back and she says I need you to fill this out feel what out I guess it's so if I keep coming in and making those deposits I'm already job getting quiet in the system that I've been known to do this kind of stuff if that were the case that ain't the case but if that were the case and it for me and it probably would have food hi but she has some instruments back there okay I feel I don't care what it look like you'll never get past that machine and that's the way you gotta be in color I've got the whole that goes I don't care what it looked like I don't care what it feel like I don't care what it sound like I know the real thing when I said that cause be close to deep lift the whole they go started it over there then the whole that goes and me gonna pick it up something on the inside is crying stranger danger counterfeit ID cards counterfeit clothes and here we go counterfeit religion this is what we got to contend with in this hour now there : goody and they're calling evil good uh-huh this is a generation where apathy is turning backwards clothes are turning backwards people just just great just wearing their clothes just backwards and nobody seems the cow reacting like this stuff is normal oh you know what happened we got so accustomed because it didn't happen overnight [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] where is this mindset coming from and then do I tell you where it's coming from the devil I was reading today because they telling us what educated people supposed to do and I saw an article that says there's a majority of Millennials now who prefers socialism over capitalism all right y'all listen to what I'm telling you this millennial generation prefers socialism to capitalism you know what socialism is let me give you a brief definition of it the reason why a lot of countries have failed and are no longer in existence there has never been a socialist country ever that has survived and brought its people prosperity and anything close to a good life never they all pay then they all crumble they all collapse under their own weight but yet and still this generation loves socialism you know why because socialism tells you you have a right to have stuff you didn't even work for boy y'all don't got quite now about a Holland free education and through this it is free for everybody y'all getting cannot be here and you know why people jumped on it because they didn't want to work they didn't want to be able to afford it they didn't want to pay for it themselves so when everybody start talking you are entitled to this and you deserve that [Applause] [Music] but this this got people thinking you can come the church and just stay like you are I don't read that no way end up y'all can cry on me again I don't read that no and the scripture well you can come to God and stay like you are but no the Bible said if any man be in Christ see that's the difference between being around Christ and been around Christ and they still smoking dope yeah you got both of them and then go back to ashtrays for the butts because we want a convenient gospel and we want to convenience salvation that gives us all of the privileges but don't bother what we still want to do and think we're going to heaven in a kind of way that is the spirit of deception you don't find no well where the Bible says you can continue in your way and God is still going to accept you as a matter of fact the Bible said what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid how shall we that are dead to sin that means you do not stand I'm gonna hear that I don't believe that anybody can live free and separate it from sin then what Bible are you really you know what give me about people they they talk based on what they desire but they don't talk based on truth Jobe is the oldest book in the Bible but it opens up by saying there was a man in the Land of Oz who was a perfect and upright Boyard and got quiet here the world is joke perfect before there was a Holy Ghost but you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you hold a service up with your time then when you leave church you ought to leave Hill walking in the power of God y'all and got quad cuk keeps power you got a receive power people now I'm teaching you how to speak it just say it quick say Jesus Jesus say it again Jesus say it faster Jesus Jesus say it faster Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus horn listen I want you to take the brakes off and I want you to say this you got no you ain't got no holding cause y'all ways Jesus what's wrong with people now the devil is making us promises and he's promising us stuff that don't coast that's nothing you can be saved and go to church but your life don't have to change he promising us stuff that we don't have to pay for Oh no but listen child of God if you don't walk this walk and if you're gonna be in this this this way the Bible calls it straight and narrow oh hold that lip God shall suffer persecution got us feeling good I've been deceived but God said I came to turn on the light I came to shine a light in your heart so that you're not deceived by the great deceiver you know what if this backwards understanding of God and his ways come from came from some preachers who and I'll tell you why some preachers don't preach this because if they preach it then you have expectations of them so they better leave this out that way if you see them messing up and doing crazy stuff then you already have no expectation so you can't be disappointed or no listen to Bible such a high bar yes that y'all getting quiet again but I just don't I don't understand I see they y'all over there preaching that stuff and y'all just act like y'all just so much better than everybody else you know better say it there see the only thing is you just can't tell us anything see see that dad that's why folk don't like us we just don't believe in it cuz we know the word folk love going places where folk gullible yeah let me say this they love looking at and seeing a bunch of suckers in the seats now y'all don't got mad on cuz I'm telling you the truth and I'm gonna keep talking true until somebody get delivered they won't you just sit there and ignore the man behind the curtain and just do what it is that I say do but don't do what you see me do now the Bible said the man of God got to be the first part if you gonna try to take somebody down that should have been the fact that you been now yourself how you gonna leave me I'm not holding this if you ain't living a holy life [Applause] so anybody that'll tell you you came to hold it didn't come from God but they got 12 poles and members don't count gain is godliness see we feel like because forgot big churches that means they're automatically right did you read what the apostle says Satan himself it's transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing that his ministers did you know Satan got ministers you ought to know that so you ain't never been flipping through the channel and came across one of Satan's ministers people not cussing preachers are cussing and then a few minutes later don't turn around and speak in melodious tongues listen folk better stop playing with God before he start twisting people Charles you better stop playing with y'all listen to what I'm telling you the Bible said bitter and sweet water cannot flow out of the same fountain if you go speak in tongues that mean you're talking about to be too holy but cuss words now y'all act like I'm preaching some foreign God has a standard and God has an expectation of his people if y'all could be perfect and what can excuse you gonna give God count that little woman in adultery obviously by herself since she was the only person that he brought Jesus looks at her and says to this woman that is before the day of Pentecost he said where those thine accusers said Lord I ain't gotten nobody here he said when neither do I accuse thee go and sin not notice what he didn't say he didn't say don't commit adultery anymore he said when you get up don't sin in it the world can he tell somebody not to sin anymore see and we still don't confess this week stuff can't new back let me tell you some about God when God gives you the command to do it with the command he gives you the power to do don't tell me you came through it if he commanded his commandments are his enablement are you hearing me God's commandments are God's enablement when he says be holy it's because it's within your power to do it when he says come out from among them he can say it because you can come out just say you don't want to but don't say your can't know that my time is just about going when you look at Genesis I believe that's the third chapter when God says Adam Adam Adam and Here Come Adam crawling out from behind his hiding place and extend before God with them little leaves on what you doing hiding you know this is like them little kids you know little kids get that way once they get about nab at four four five ish then mama can come in my man and mama have to remind you I done changed your diaper you ain't showing me that name seen already and Adam is hiding from the god that created him as if God had never seen him before madam why didn't you come when I called you I was hiding Lord why would you have it because I was naked and you know what God asks Adam who told you that and you know what God is asking a whole lot of folks sitting up in church talking about what they can still do and go to heaven anyway who told you that who told you that you could live in it kind of wait and still go to heaven when you die can I tell y'all something you don't go to heaven because people get up and preach a good sermon at your funeral you don't go to heaven because a whole lot of people love you you know now get shot down in crack housing everything else and focus stand right up stay real blood we comin later there's a pine this guy I know heaven gotta get Jeff ain't got no ghetto [Applause] they got the signs mixed up it should have been saying hell that's all it is just hell that's where you're going you ain't going to help us get over you going that I mean dying of all the doses and death folk get it right up at the funeral God he was a good person when it gave you the shirt off of his back I know he's gone to a better place please I'll see you later dog when I get there listen somebody folk dying I don't never want to see them again cuz if I see them again that mean I went to hell and the devil is a lie you don't go to heaven because people say good stuff about you at your funeral you go to heaven because you were saved because you were telling people that God don't have any more requirements just give him a couple of hours a week and that's all God want from you God don't want a couple hours god I'd want your whole life look they're getting quiet over there let me come back to this side God wants your whole life God don't just want your hands God won't show feet your ankle y'all getting quiet they doesn't shut down over there forgot about the back of your neck he won't your Adam's apple God won't your earlobe in that space on the back of your knee God well the average thing you got and nothing to see and Satan has sent ministers who have been transformed as the ministers of righteousness and they are deceiving the masses anytime you can preach something you can't even validate in the Word of God that is not good Galatians 1 in 8 says but though we are an angel from heaven come preach in any other gospel than what we have already preached let him be a cursed anybody that'll tell you something that contradicts the Word of God God said let it be a curse don't live by that damnable heresies let it be accursed and I think of how many people have been casualties of the church world singers that we knew what living right the church world brought them people over here and validated them right up in the house of God now y'all gettin quiet folk you knew it they was all on TV smoking dope got down to 53 pounds and here we are sitting up here bringing them right up in the church and whenever they show up we just hacking like the anointing of God was just in the room instead of telling them that God wanted to deliver them from the same thing that killed them now y'all gettin quiet y'all don't got quiet now instead of telling them that God wanted to save them we said that happened I can spite the fact that you smoking crack and in spite of fact that you do it all is wrong you okay the anointed of God is still on your life and then not long after that then they die from the same stuff we should have been telling them God water deliver you from but we were too busy validating that gift that we couldn't even be the people that God was calling them to be how many people have died because we were enamored with their gifts and ended up in hell behind the same thing we should have told them they could be delivered from we should have been laying hands casting out Devils but instead we clapping because they could sang real good congratulations you know what deception does you know have you thinking I'm a quick preaching before I say what I'm about to say after this the second thing deception does deception will have you enthusiastic about the wrong thing see the Bible said there's a way that seems right to a man and the devil will deceive you like the kids were in the Pied Piper just skipping right on out of town having a good time and have no idea that your parents will never see you alive again the first thing deception will do it will make you apprehensive it will cause you to despise those things that are godly you know our greatest adversity now is not coming from folk out there in the world our greatest adversity now is coming from so-called saved people who look at your level of holiness as something to be shod and something to be talked about you can talk about this kind of holiness because the Bible said be holy even as high a Mahoning and if God is a holy God then I hold it God requires a holy people let them talk about you because you look holy and because you ain't trying to show your chest and your thighs let them talk about you because you want to be a man of God and not a fillip if they go talk let them poke the good stuff that you got going on you're gonna be so glad that you never hold it until every bad thing every negative word that they spoke about you ain't gonna nada in the long run somebody to holy got to be a holding like God you gotta put a difference y'all lookin like that want me to be quiet [Music] put a difference between holy and I'm hold it and let me say it for some of you that means putting that difference between hold it on hold it not just for you but for your kids too because you know what let's spirit of deception of Santa a lot of parents that you can never hold it but your kids ain't gotta live that same kind of standard try they said just agree to do it that don't mean I agree with it the Bible said that you may pitch the generations if it was good for you it's good for your children too [Applause] holding this gotta govern your whole family your little girl's gotta live holy cuz if not you don't have a real big family in just a few days yeah you better start demanding holiness of your kids to listen don't you let this generation fool you and don't you let society fool you you still the raised children you can't just let them grow up you gotta raise up and if they come back I'm praying that God is gonna strengthen your hand but the work he has called you to do that's what Jesus said not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord it's going in he said many will come to me in that day now listen to me and I'm done in just a minute he said there are many that are going to come to me in that day and they're going to say to me I did this in your name I can't start Devils in your name I preached and I prophesied in your name and from all indications given they honestly believe that can you imagine the shock when people don't walk up boldly to the deep Johnson what's the first name John you not on the list check again Johnson John I'm sorry I need to speak to the manager please can you see Jesus walking that must have been some kind of mistake why do you deserve to be in here I prophesied in your name I cast out Devils in your name I feared the hungry and laid hands on the sick in your name and for Jesus to look you in your eyes why are you standing there with all the confidence in the world that you're about to walk streets ago let me tell you a secret you won't even see streets of gold because he said in that day I'm going to say to them depart from me what an end for you to honestly think you've been living right only to get to heaven and hear him say get out of here what that's why you can't let people keep talking to you shine listen it's in your heart what matters if you ain't convicted by it if you ain't condemned bad then don't you let nobody else talk to you and don't you let nobody else ain't under you I'm gonna tell you that that's what they want to do you're a grown woman you can do it yourself keep letting people talk about your pastor to you like that and some of you keep talking like that I told you I'm not here to ruin your life I'm here to get you in the heaven that's my whole job my job is not to go out with you it's not to invite you to my house my job is to get you to heaven and he said there's gonna be some people that think they coming up in here I'm sorry that was your hardest peel they're gonna be pure hearted people standing up there saying look again I know my name is that sir okay can you just look again wait now I had a whole church I preached I did this I was an altar worker I prayed people through the Holy Ghost I was a Russian I cleaned up the church in your name and he gonna say get him out of here pure hearted people who lived by something other than the Word of God listen the only way you getting into heaven man shall not live by bread alone but he's got to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God keep letting people tell you that God didn't mean what he said you in for the shock of your life I'm gonna live holding I'm gonna walk right I'm gonna do what God command me to do and when I die I'm going to heaven if I gotta go up there that ain't nobody up there but me and 15 other people that means is I listen let me tell you something if God said space is so limited there's only 17 seats left in heaven if God say there's only 17 seats left and I'm still down here you know what that means there's only 16 seats left in hell cuz I'm not gonna miss out and I'm telling you don't you miss out you hear what I said touch somebody and tell them we going to heaven over here come on stand to your feet and give God praise and glory there's a spirit of deception but I'm not gonna be the see and the thing is you don't have to be the see you could have the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost the Bible said will lead you and guide you into all truth that means the lies that the devil is telling you the Holy Ghost to help you see straight through it but if you don't have the Holy Ghost I'm afraid that you're going to be victim to the greatest liar and deceiver the universe has ever seen can I tell you about the devil the Bible says that God created the Angels innumerable innumerable means you can even count he created him in a perfect environment they were already in heaven bowing down holy holy you know around the throne of God in the raw presence of God they were there and the Bible says Satan convinced one-third of an innumerable number of angels one-third of them who are already in heaven he convinced him to leave come on we don't jump in and you know a third of the Angels were crazy enough to believe they could overthrow God in his kingdom that's how this seat for the devil is he actually got 1/3 of the people who were already in heaven to turn around and leave and you ain't never been there and you bragging about try to do ever can't do that let me tell you something if you ain't covered under the blood and if you ain't got to hold it goes don't tell me what the devil can't do to you I think about Judas you don't have to see for the devil was he convinced Judas to walk up to the dog heaven kiss it and then turn around and go to here and you're gonna tell me without the whole ego chatter devil ain't gonna get me you could listen the only safe place you have cuz you know this generation loves safe safe spaces the only safe space you have is between the pages of that book that's it and while your heads are bowed and while your eyes are closed I'm gonna ask those of you that are not saved there's somebody's standing in this house today your churchy but you're not saved you're religious but you are not saved and today God wants to show you the difference between what is authentic and what is counterfeit you might have been living according to faith happiness and fake joy but it still got you drinking trying to drown your problems I come to take you today's you come to God Hill in nowise the Bible said cast you out somebody needs to come I'm calling you come on we all for cries to you [Music] [Music] come on that's it we offer cries to you look at him coming oh he will come on somebody else who's coming come here did you like hallelujah that's it come on they're coming why don't you come out to cry if you're afraid I want you to grab some mater by the hand and ask him if they'll walk you this way they'll do it we all perk rise to you we are perk rise to you [Music] come on come over here did you like more you gotta wear it come on can I eat a couple come on if your backs light of the day why don't you come God is here and I'm so grateful that God allowed us to feel his love before I preached to let you know that I don't care how hard it was he only says it because he loves us obviously the things that he's calling us away from other things that are going to hinder us from living the real life he's calling us to live that's why I can appreciate him anytime he says now don't do that I know that that is going to be an impediment to the life he wants me to live so I walk away from it and I go with God if there's another come quickly this line is still open those of you at this altar this is the best decision you've ever made in your life I've been there I had to stand it all - just like this and talk to God for myself but you know what I found out it's not just a prayer hearing God he's our prayer answering God and the Bible says if you come to him he will in no wise cast you out you just have to have a faith to believe that he's going to change your life everything about you is about to be new if you believe that lift your hands now and I want you to talk to God and I want you to mean this because he's listening to you open your mouth and say Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've done it wasn't like you everything you weren't pleased with I'm sorry not come in and deliver me from it set me free and ask him for the Holy Ghost say Lord that ties me with the Holy Ghost and when you do it today tell him Lord I'll live for you for the rest of my life come on if you believe it he's doing it for you right now come on just let him have his way father lay your hands on [Music] take your family [Music] hallelujah that's it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and glory hallelujah come on somebody lift those hands at praising Father in Jesus name [Music] [Music] I'll come home to class with your hands and freeze it right where you are hallelujah god bless you you may be seated in the presence of the Lord oh he's a great god I want you to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I want you strong enough to fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life don't allow the enemy to deceive you because I'm finding out now that people have been saved for many years and they are falling prey to the spirit of deception that's why the Bible says let him that stand it beware lest he fall if God saved you and God delivered you then I want you to stay I want you to remain firm in what you know God gave you and don't you let people pull you out of the place that God delivered you I don't care if you didn't get saved here if you're in a ministry where God is moving by his power and the spirit don't you let nobody pull you everybody has an opinion but you got to know for yourself everybody to have a better idea as to what you should do and where you should go but God saved you and he said work out your own soul salvation with fear and trembling you know why because this is serious stuff don't you mess around and lose your soul
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 188,651
Rating: 4.8322096 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: PZ8b5T9aKY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 3sec (6243 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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