FGHT Dallas: Strongholds and Imaginations

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man I'm just glad to be in the house of the Lord one more time I'm just a man on it every time I have the opportunity to stand before the people of God and share in the word of the Lord I've said it this weekend and I'll say it again the one of the Lord always blesses me amen it is a it is a wonderful privilege to be able to open the pages of the word amen and know that God is speaking Amen directly to me I feel bad for people who in the Word of God see a distant God but when I opened the pages I've recognized that God is talking to me and whatever he's written there in a man is good for me today it'll strengthen me it'll encourage me but give me what I need to make it a man through amen whatever comes my way I'll get somebody in telling me but there is a word from the Lord Amen oh tell somebody there is a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the Word of God I broke mine you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God amen because everything else is going down but the word of our God I want to call your attention amen to the book of second Corinthians second Corinthians the tenth chapter amen and I want to invite you to the fourth and the fifth verses that's second Corinthians chapter number 10 verses 4 and 5 he made and when you have its Amen read what the Bible says for the weapons of our warfare for the weapons of our warfare that there's a war going on amen you are in the midst of a warfare right now don't look like it to the natural of naked eye but that's where you are amen every day that you're right you're going to rise and you're going to have to fight your way through that day amen because we're always going to have an adversary who's bent on turning us around amen but the Bible says that even though we're in a warfare the weapons that we fight with are not carnal weapons real but mighty through God they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds to the pulling down of strongholds Reed casting down imaginations casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity and bringing into captivity every thought every thought to the obedience of Christ to the obedience of Christ read that again first 45 for the weapons of our warfare weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God but they are still mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds what is the end of using these effective weapons he said it is to the pulling down of strongholds uh-huh casting down imaginations and he says cast down imaginations and every high thing and every thing uh-huh that exalted itself that will try to exalt itself against the knowledge of God and there are a lot of things that are going to try to challenge the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity bring into captivity every thought every thought to the obedience of Christ through the obedience of Christ and that's what I want to talk about tonight amen I want to talk about strongholds and imaginations just look at somebody and say strongholds and imaginations you know some of y'all in sin and look at somebody else and tell them strongholds and imaginations family tonight amen whether people are willing to admit it or not every one of us has a storm that we've got to go through I talked about it a men's Sunday night in calling Lord we had some church in Garland Sunday night amen every ship has a storm to go through we won't get through life we won't escape a man without sometimes life putting his hands on us life is going to try a mentor to bully us if we allow it it meant there's a warfare that we are going to have to fight we got engage in it but according to the Scriptures before we go into it we can face it with the full assurance that when we come out of it we are going to be the big tours are you hearing me amen I don't want you to think that he meant we as the people of God have a defeatist mentality we don't have that kind of mindset a man that says poor me and woe is me no amen even though we may have some things that we've got to face some things we've got to encounter amen some situations and circumstances that we would not choose to go through if it was left up to us Amen God has already given us the assurance that we are going that to be the big tours I don't I don't want you to think that you are at the mercy of the enemy because that's never the case Amen God didn't leave you out there huh amen and just walk away from you and now you are at the mercy of whatever the enemy's will is in this hour that devil is a liar hey man I told you Sunday morning the Bible said we're more than conquerors through him that loved us and that's where Amen we've got to understand God wants to meet us he wants to meet us at that place where the promise of God amen meets our faith and God is there able to bring us through whatever it is that we face in this life we've got to know that our mind is a very interesting place I've said it before amen do you know that with your head you can go around the world I don't care if your body because in the world in a crazy way the circumstantial body you got to see yourself better better than what you're going through better than what your end better than what you have always a man in a battle situation that the one that you find yourself in and now we talked about the never loves to play games with people's minds like a dude and there are a whole lot of people hey man that's just pound in the game hey man up the man I told you it's all a mind game that's what the devil wants to play hey man he wants to paint your picture not only of yourself hey man but he's their cue [Music] [Laughter] choking quad I'm looking a man trap and at least 65 witnesses believe that God still do what he said he could do hey man so we've got to know that this is why the Bible encourages us to guard our mind cuz your mind there's a serious place yes it is you've got to guard it because if the enemy can take control of your mind then he'll use your own mind against you that's the reason why the Bible says we have to take on the mind of Christ because our mind some time law that matter gets you in trouble but if you've got the mind of Christ God your whole life is obedience to whatever God you've got to be very selective about what you allowed to penetrate your mind that means hear this you gotta watch what you read see you got a whole lot of folk just yeah they used to tell us you are what you eat and when it comes down to you and your mind you're going to act out what you put in your mind you're feeding your spirit you are feeling your mind it's going to use what you're putting in it your life sometimes we put in so much stuff in our mind it's the stuff we put that that becomes the challenge to us listen I I'm still a firm believer that the children of God we don't just feed our minds anything y'all gettin cried you know you you got to watch the kind of stuff you read cut your feet in your brain and you're trying to hold on the got everything now I'm watching foolishness y'all get quiet here it goes spiritual again I know what you're going to create and the reason why I say that watch the infiltrate your mind it's because he wants to plan your mind the seeds of a bunch of lies that are going to it the faith that's necessary in order for you to live for God never wants to plant first of all doubt in your mind and you'd be surprised at the number of people now who say this you have such a relationship with God that you know the voice of God when you know what he say you know what I've experienced you know spirits experienced a group of people now just tell me that you know that God said if you know [Applause] [Applause] even though [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you don't have to put up with this you don't have to go through this for the next 20 years are your life C sometimes we forget who we are and we forget what God has invested in us we like Moses after God of the house that he did come to a Red Sea and because he never faced this challenge before not look it up and God says Moses look it up ain't gonna get you across this sea god what am I supposed to do and I love it when God start asking questions because I told you whenever God asked a question it's not because he don't know the answer he asked questions - bro no joey said if God ever asked you a question he ain't trying to find that now he's trying to provoke you to think about it and God says to Moses once it got in your hand it's just a stick but that stick take you down to Egypt then that same stick swallow up everybody else's diction and by the same signs and wonders [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] and because I gave you a sound and the enemies trained the dog and quiet now the devil's trying to take your sound mine they never seen something the Saints confess and I feel like I'm losing my mind really how you let the devil disturb your peace like that I'm not gonna let the devil plant those seeds in my mind God wants me to live free he want me to be free from depression hands and say hallelujah because you ain't set up get out the bed in the morning what happened to you mister now I know there's gonna be days because I've had them when I'd rather slept the weekend and just woke up Tuesday but you got to refuse to allow the devil to have that kind of victory see this thing is not about feeling and I want you to understand this when it comes down to serving the Lord it's not about whether you feel like it or not that has nothing to do with the service you give to God as a sacrifice of praise I don't feel like crazy so it's not about but God wants us to live free not just free from depression God wants us free from sickness do you know the enemy will try to use sickness that's a stronghold against us what we got work to do how are we gonna do that job if the enemy got all of us afflicted not in shame right now the devil is way he was in the book of Joel he doesn't ride us with what we had and that didn't work now seem like he went back to God [Applause] as a strong hope the Lord want to set you free yes he does depression and sickness but then through the devil wants to bind you with poverty now you know when you start saying stuff like that everybody think that you're one of those you know prosperity preachers in do you mean God want to deliver and gotta want me bound by poverty God don't want you to bound by poverty do you know who you are I got the person that I'll say then just look at him that's a king's kid it's a child of the king Kings kids don't do what everybody else do Kings kids don't go around with holes and they closed what y'all gettin quiet on me tonight nice and everybody gonna be a millionaire everybody ain't gonna be a hundred thousand there some people won't have $10,000 airship but you still a child of the king will touch the matter tell them I might not be rich but I got millionaire tendencies somebody gangs did I wish I would write the system what some of y'all got mad when I said that I wish you would find me riding the system had a go time to time people don't ever ain't talking about nobody on welfare cuz I told you if times got bad enough I'd be right up there Walmart swiping that card putting my code up in that all them taxes I pay if I need something you better know I'm going to get it we all have government what I'm telling you what I'm not gonna be who said that just because you say if you got to make choices every month like the other water be rent or medicine why do you have to make those choices every month can't God y'all gettin quiet here you know what God said he said the cattle on a Thousand Hills belong to who the God God said if I was hungry I wouldn't tell you and you wouldn't know not about it you know why because all of your needs will still be surprised that talked to me the other day just telling me when they grew up they had no idea they were poor all they knew they were eating something every day not all folk used to cook and say the grease they done tricked you and put some that grease on the tray like that meat you had last night biscuits with grease pour it on the top of them tastes like meat all right they they tricked you and now that you grow up you're trying to think back then you know we were poor but you didn't know it and not even know it [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] then you get one of them notices from the light company saying you don't have a bill this month thank you Jesus water bill dude oh I about it this month you don't have a bit listen God's got a million in one way is a blessing you the devil wants you to think you can't have nothing you save and you're a child of God and you got to be scraping listen listen how you complaining now about gas then give you the car [Music] [Laughter] you can hold your mind hostage have a trial that you're in but God wants you to live free can I say this to you and I don't want you to take this the wrong way God wants you to be free from mental disorder yes he does yes he does yes he does god I want you pulling your hair out y'all ain't saying nothing have you done paying out any better to have them put it in you're gonna pull it out the devil is alive [Music] [Applause] they had a term they call paranoid schizophrenic God wants you free or y'all hearing what I'm saying they turn some mental conditions as bipolar that means you operate at two extremes they call that the manic depressant so sometimes you're at the manic phase where you're your real activist and then you have two depressive phase where you don't feel like moving and you can go from being real happy to being real sad at a moment's notice but God wants you to live free are you hearing me it's nobody that's trying to take your life on this roller coaster [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] not in control of you but God wants to set you free let me hurry tonight from every stronghold that robbed you of the freedom that God has given you and that's why the enemy wants to do it he wants to keep you bound so he sends lying thoughts lord have mercy he sends lying throats to your mind to convince you that God's will is synonymous with your present circumstance and that's why people's well if this if I got it then maybe this is just God's will for my life why he wants to convince you and what you got is God's will for you because if you think is God's real why would you fight it if you think that being sick is God's will why would you seek to be healed if you believe that God's will is for you to be impoverished then why would you seek something other than God's will I come to tell you God didn't create this world and all this beauty in it for everybody else so God don't give it to them but you're his child and he's gonna keep the Bible said no good thing will he withhold from the upright Afric good and perfect gift comes from a book God won't show the lamp good yes he does I told you God wants you to live like you belong to him and that don't mean you were thousand dollar pair shoes and all that kind of stuff because that don't make you a king's kid especially if you had to a skip paying your rent to buy it Lord is you rebuking a devil on some of this stuff and it ain't the devil some of the stuff is your foolishness no they can ain't no matter saying that just just foolish yeah it was it was $500 child that's too much go back next week 20% off whoo-hoo I got to have it let me tell you something I don't care if it's on sale if you ain't got the money to buy it it's not a blessing they'll mark it up $100 and give you $50 off and you think I just got to have it you in poverty that's not because the enemy trying to keep you there you suffering as an evildoer but he says that if you're gonna plant that thought in your mind it'll spring up and cause you to operate in fear rather than faith and as the people of God our focus is not on operating in fear it's not on what we can't do our faith has always got to look to the fact that God has the power to do whatever I need him to do and he can't even now meet me at the point of my need I can do all things through Christ it's not about what I lack it's about what he brings to the table so I'm not going to be saved and operating in fear I'm operating faith and everything that tries to keep me from operating in faith own it comes from the devil so here what the Bible says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're not carnal they're not fleshly they're not earthly but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds in other words the weapons that God gives us that greatest enemy is a stronghold but God said they can pull it down now the enemy is trying to erect the wall in your mind something that makes believe in God seem impossible something that makes holding on look impossible but the Bible said the power that God gives us is given for the pulling down of strongholds what kind of lying folks has the devil been placing in your mind what has the enemy said that's contrary to the Word of God but you can't seem to get over it sometimes the devil will challenge the Word of God before you get back to your house the preacher just preached you just shouted you just agreed with it and that's what faith is faith is co-signing what God is already saying but before you get back to your house the enemy is already laid out the challenge and now it seems like everybody else got blessed but you were just playing and the devil says you went through the prayer line they laid hands on you you thought you felt good but now look at what you got it was all for nothing and it's right there at that moment that you got to decide what am I gonna do am I going to believe what God have said Oh am I gonna focus on what everything that's going wrong because it's so easy brothers and sisters to identify everything that's wrong it's so easy it's how people to pick out the good parts of you but it's so easy to identify everything that's wrong and that's what the devil wants you to focus on he wants to focus your attention on everything going wrong and make you feel like God have done nothing for you lately that's a strong but look at what else Paul says as I close he says not only are there strongholds but they're also imaginations you know what an imagination is it's something made up and some of the things that we feel like we're fighting and that we're battling with this is not even based in reality the enemy we ate it that situation and now your mind is hung up on something that the devil just made up somebody stuff you just stop and think about it it don't even make sense but he made it up got you sitting up in church and looking at people and they ain't thinking about you a maze or y'all getting quiet now and I told you the devil will put you in the midst of what's called a self-fulfilling prophecy and you don't even realize that what happened you caused it to happen and then when it happened you felt validated because I knew it was gonna happen you come to church thinking everybody gonna treat you funny so you come in with one of your eyebrows way up in the air with a attitude and all that and then folks look at you and think that you just got an attitude I bent down Bible huh maybe she got some on my mind and then when they don't speak to you I knew it wasn't gonna speak they ain't nobody really you just make a self-fulfilling prophecy you're in a battle with somebody that know you but no they had a battle with you boy y'all get quiet that's how she always trying to dress like like I dress trying to do this she always give a time I get my hair done here she comes with the same answer and here we are fighting fights and it's all made up watch him when he preached he don't look at me my watch was watchin he look right over here at me when they preach I'm telling every time that's why I'm leaving this church next Sunday if you do it two more times I'm gone Who am I supposed to look [Applause] but somebody don't even though they supposed to be competing and got you wasting - that you could be used and to do something constructive for the kingdom but you bears a fight with somebody they don't even know they're supposed to be punching back strongholds and imaginations and you'd be surprised at how many people are sitting in church battling in their mind either a stronghold or an imagination I can't tell you how many times I had to talk people out of leave it because they felt like I had some against imaginations imaginations I'll say have I done something to you did I tell you you've done something to me cuz you know I'm the telling kind now but the enemy tells people all the time that the pastor got some against me and everything that happened in church is to pass this problem and the devil to have you sitting right out in the pews blaming the pastor for some he ain't have nothing to do with imaginations but he said you have to cast those down you pour down strongholds because that's what the enemy has erected but you cast down imaginations because that's something that's concocted in the recesses of your own mind strongholds imaginations they attack the one area of your life that you need to be clear and that's your mind but if you can pull that down and not allow the enemy to make the Tres eggs in your head and you can move forward god I remember story of a woman who was sick and I've told this before she happened to be the sister of one of the greatest preachers in recent times and the doctors gave her absolutely no hope told her to prepare to spend the rest of her time in bed gave her no hope told her it was over had done all that they could do there was no possibility of saving her life and just you know how to tell you get your business straight and she heard all of this and and and she said she was almost ready to give in to the seeds that the enemy planted in her mind she ended up having nursing care 24 hours a day she couldn't get up out of the bed couldn't go to the bathroom by self she couldn't couldn't feed I said you know that's a miserable place to be when you get to where you need people around you to do even those private things that that you know you would always desire to do for yourself she couldn't couldn't get a drink of water at the kitchen she was helpless and the handicapped she couldn't lift the spoon to mouth she said and her brother came to see her when they walked in to see this frail child of a woman that she had become as a result of this long lasting sickness and she said while he was standing there he said out loud in the room don't tell me that God did this to my sister and she said right then even though she was without strength couldn't get up could barely move could barely talk when she heard him say that she determined in a mind right then I am NOT going to let this seed of doubt take root in my mind and sometimes the enemy will come in and use some of the most unlikely of people to try to cause you to doubt what God has said but listen I'm like Paul I don't care who or even an angel from heaven come telling me anything other than what God have already told me I'm not focusing on that let that be a curse and she says she refused to believe that and after a while once she started focusing in on what the Lord has said she said she started gaining strengthen about it and one day while she was laying there strapped hid her body and she got up jumped about the bed and ran through that and went to the kitchen she's I just refused to allow the Internet to plant a seed or a stronghold in my mind and you know that's what the devil to do he'll try to do that but tonight family I want to let you know that no weapon if you will stand up and take a stand for God no weapon formed against you can prosper you have the ability to move past this you just have to determine I'm not going to allow this to keep me down I'm not gonna let this put me in the bed all day I'm not gonna let this caused me to pull my hair out I am NOT going to allow this to keep me from trying I'm gonna move beyond this little only prosper if you meant it so tonight everything is gonna start with a thought everything will start with a thought if the enemy can he'll plant a seed so heavy on your mind that no matter how hard pleads with you through the Word of God if you are not willing to pour down that stronghold you'll be nothing better for sitting in the atmosphere there are a lot of people some people are gonna have the victory some people are gonna shout and other people are gonna hear it and there still be in the same situation this time next year because the Bible said they did not mix it with faith when they heard it I can preach all day but if you cannot push beyond that strong if you cannot determine to believe God in the face of whatever it is in my faith for you will do you no good according to your faith be it unto you you know what Jesus said jesus said if thou can us believe and don't doubt in your heart you can speak to a mountain and tell a mountain to get out of your way now either we don't believe this or we not either we gonna hold to this word or we're not you said not even a mountain can stand before you I want you to stand and sometimes our situations stand in front of us like giants but through our faith in the power of God every John and every mountain can still come down but you have to determine not to allow the enemy to set up residence in your mind gage it what is your thinking like now because everything starts with a thought what kind of thoughts are becoming more and more frequent now you find in yourself struggling with that idea of walking away from God is that something that's constantly on your mind just leave and walk away if that's something that's always why is that so prevalent now the reality is if you don't hurry up and get control over that and soon it's gonna be a strong whole it's gonna be something that you can't hardly seem to wipe out of your mind your battle with that in your sleep and if that's you I want you to come to this all just somebody needs to pray with you real quick because everything starts with a thought but if you allowed that to linger in your mind thoughts have a way of becoming actions but tonight you can pour that down if you find yourself thinking crazy you can stop that why do you let the devil take your mind to that place come on let God purify it the Bible tells us that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind it all starts in the mind and if there's one come they're coming hallelujah oh that's the come on the altar is for the Saints hallelu come on they're coming they're coming if there's enough if you need to be saved or if you need to be filled with the Holy Ghost I want you to come come on Holly
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 78,796
Rating: 4.8279071 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: vDu3Fjb1KNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 1sec (3961 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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