Embarassingly Awkward Situation Witnessed While Staying at a Friend's House | Funny Stories #3

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what's the most embarrassingly awkward situation you ever encountered while staying at a friend's house as a kid when he pulled out a machete from under the bed at 3am and said he used it to cut lizard's heads off in the morning i walked in on his little brother not masturbating but just playing with his junk in the middle of the living room i nope the frick out and never went back sleep over woke up to weird noises look to my left to see my bud bang in his girlfriend right there in the same room sleep over and you didn't join the threesome as they wanted dude was sleeping on the floor while there i had a pretty good view under the bed and i came face to face with some seriously skidded up underpants i wasn't impressed i would regularly go to my buddy's house and his dad kept a sign on his bedroom door that read if you hear us a rockin don't come a knock in my aunt had a sign on her door that read the orgy room i got up to pee in the middle of the night my friend's dog knocked me over held me down and started humping me i was maybe eight very small and thin i couldn't fight the dog off thank god i was wearing pants and not a gown i basically had to lay there until he was done i still don't like big dogs to this day that's walked into a devoutly christian household to see my friend's younger brother peg a bible at his father knock over of ours moon his mother and run out got to the word pagan thought this would go in a whole different direction when i was in grade school i had a friend i used to play with that lived around the corner from my house he had a tree house and a sega genesis and a game boy color and a super nintendo a bazillion games and movies i had none of those things so i hung out with him a lot a few months after we started hanging out i had a sleepover with him he went to the bathroom and a few minutes later i heard him shout mom i'm ready his mom yelled to his dad bob or whatever his name was it's your turn turns out his parents wiped his butt for him literally we were probably eight or nine he had no physical or cognitive handicaps his parents were his physical and cognitive handicaps when i was pretty young say six or seven i was staying over at one of my good friend's houses i stayed there a lot so her parents knew that i would sometimes sleep walk what they did not expect was for me to sleep walk to their kitchen put an apple in the toaster pull down my pajamas and pee on the kitchen floor right in front of both of my friends parents apparently i thought i was in a bathroom these same parents still bring this incident up at dinner parties there's no living down the shame of the great sleepy one of the kids that was their crap himself his parents showed up shortly after and started yelling at him in front of everybody that kid was me it isn't about the possibility of free will nor is it about how neil degrasse tyson changed my life it's not about how being a lazy butt does nothing for you it's about me crapping myself [Music] i slept walk as a kid and damn parents didn't really bother to tell me or inform me really they'd mention it but i never remember doing any of the things they mentioned so as a kid i just shrugged it off i slept over once and crashed on the couch apparently i got up in the middle of the night just kinda loudly asking for water repeatedly just yelling for some water because i was thirsty the kitchen was like directly to my left someone woke up and appeased me with a glass of water woke up with no knowledge of this everyone acted oddly with me in the morning while i still had no idea it wasn't cleared up until like a week later they must have thought i was crazy early teenager but i was invited to a friend of a friend's house rich looking place about 15 minutes and we go in the backyard swimming pool i slam a beach ball right into his mom's face enough to send her head back later we had dinner and i slept over like nothing happened cool people well it was an accident well this wasn't embarrassing on their part it was all me i was staying over my friend's house as her grandmother had just passed away suddenly this was when i was 14 so our standard response at the time was your mum it was the ultimate answer for any question so it became a kind of reflex by now i am sure you know where this is going yep say my friend's mum comes in the room eyes red from crying and asks what are you girls doing with a smile on her face without missing a beat i respond with we're doing your moo and just trailed off i looked at the shocked and horrified expression on my friend's face and knew there was no recovery to be made and simply said i am very sorry mrs surname that was really rude and insensitive but it was too late she burst into tears insisted that it was fine and then left the room i still feel really awful seriously she had passed away that morning and that kids is why we communicate with people properly i used to sleep under his bed don't ask one morning i woke up but for whatever reason i thought i was in the bathroom and i just peed right there i blamed the dog and asked for a pair of his underwear because i spilled water on myself he knew sorry i have to ask why being exposed to my best friend's abusive father this guy was a piece of work i remember cowering in misery at the dinner table and saying i wanted to go home i also realized how awful it was that my friend was stuck in this environment 24 stroke 7 whereas i could escape fairly quickly ugh but for the grace of god go i mine was at a sleepover when i was about eight i was dreaming about how badly i had to pee in my dream i sat on the toilet and with a sigh of relief peed i woke up from the dream in the middle of peeing myself i was sleeping on the floor in a now sopping wet comforter that's happened to me before since then i always check that i'm not sleeping before i start to pee thirteen-year-old me was at a friend's house for a sleepover we were sleeping in the entertainment room which was right next to his parents bedroom we then hear a rhythm of soft thuds the pace begins to pick up i wasn't too sure what it was at first but then another kid leans over to my friend and asks are your parents freaking my friend stayed quiet i could tell that with every thud his childhood was being chiseled away in first grade my best friend will and i used to roll up in blankets and caterpillar around his house we call this taco time one day we taco'd right into his parents room his parents were doing a dorky on the bed and we were all curled up in blankets watching they noticed screamed and we taco'd out of there as fast as we could idk why i laughed so hard at taco time lol my best friend's mom was an alcoholic and his dad was a pilot so he ws frequently gone his mother was beautiful but when she drank she was a horrible person one night when we were about 12 we were sitting on the floor playing a board game and his mother came in the room drunk and naked i felt a bad for my friend we just kept our eyes glued to the game not daring to look up she was yelling about him for something but he just answered her without looking at her then she went and sat in a chair next to us and fell asleep then i said something like i have some new baseball cards do you want to go see them so we ran over to my house and i whispered to my mother mrs jones is drunk can bobby sleep here we had six kids in a small house but my mother made room for us to sleep in the den the sad thing is they moved but i caught up with him years later and invited him to my wedding he came and got drunk when i was like 13 my friend's little nine-year-old brother chased his handicapped six-year-old brother around with their mom's douchebag yelling mom puts this in her pee just then my friend's mom who i had never met happens to come home to catch them doing this and the older one told her that i found the douchebag and told him to do it i just left i sneaked out with my friend so to sculpt about the neighborhood at night came back and found his mom's boyfriend passed out drunk on the couch with his pants down and his hand on his junk i once found my brother asleep on the sofa trousers down dong in hand sounds like the classic post masturbatory nap went with my friend and his mom to her brother's house early eighties and they sat the kids in the living room and they had an illegal copy of heavy metal playing for us i was probably 10 heard quiet then laughing from the adult's room the talk about balls and ounces then friend's mom came in and quickly said let's go kinda figured years later they were doing coke and then started fighting about a deal gone bad i had a sleepover at my house with this one girl i was 10 she was 12. we were both big fans of harry potter and we talked about it before going to bed she kept going on about how hot she found harry which i thought was weird since i wasn't yet at the age where i thought about these things anyway we went to bed i was always pretty flighty it took me a good hour to make myself fall asleep but the other girl fell asleep quickly then she started talking in her sleep i had never known anyone who talked in their sleep before took me years to find out i did it so i thought this was some sort of game i recall she was saying something about loving harry so i started talking back to her whispering in her ear that i was hairy while giggling she freaking launches at me supposedly in her sleep and starts touching me in awkward places while muttering how much she loves harry i shoved her off no easy task she was rather large and i was a skinny goblin of a kid and jumped up from the floor we were sleeping onto my bed curled up by the wall and freaked out she started crying and begging harry to come back i just sat there and stared out the window trying to ignore it until i fell asleep on my bed the next morning she seemed perfectly cheerful and normal i chose not to bring it up ever at all i still don't know if she was actually asleep it just took a joke too far or genuinely was trying to get me tl dr was partially physically shamed by a supposedly sleeping friend who thought i was harry potter had a friend years ago who showed me his p stash as a young teen who had never seen tentacle gente fricking before i was creeped out and left as soon as i could i caused a hilariously awkward situation because i thought it was funny i was visiting my later ireland highly religious new friend's house for the first time his parents made steak for dinner and as we sit down at the table i grab the steak knife hold it up and with a 100-yard stare quietly say i haven't been allowed to hold knife since the incident the room was silent and i continued to stare at it for a good 20 seconds before i began laughing my butt off later i was told i seriously freaked out his family and my friend was mortified but they were able to look back on it and laugh i was probably like 12 at the time the 17 qualifiers being a kid i'll tell my story anyway i was at my girlfriend's house and we were getting down and dirty we though we were home alone but her dad was right downstairs the whole time she was making noises that were definitely audible from downstairs we finished up and went downstairs and her dad was sitting right there on a sofa hey chris how are you he said i had no idea what to say i awkwardly said hi to him he asked me to join them for dinner the entire dinner i was expecting him to leap across the table and kick my butt he didn't he seemed relatively jolly the entire time for me and my girlfriend it was the most awkward dinner we've ever had was led to the cool older brothers room to hang out older brother proceeds to show us his stash of p magazines hardcore stuff i was eight years old mind blown he then tries to show us through his pants how big his dong is by stretching the garment and pushing his dong around somehow he was trying to prove to us that hoss dong was bigger than the ones of the guys in the magazines mind confused also because the friend whose house it was and who was standing there was his sister that is a girl on which i had a crush and who appeared totally fine with that whole set up mind how the frick do i handle this situation after due consideration of whether it would impress her if i entered into the show your dong show as well eight-year-old me turned around said i think i have to pee and left for the bathroom still wondering whether otherwise this would have ended in some weird incest diddler trauma my friend's dad had a heart attack and died in the bedroom this was when we were about six or seven my friend's mom called my parents to come pick me up but due to certain circumstances neither of them arrived until several hours later i kind of locked myself in the bathroom and pretended i couldn't hear anything while the mom explained everything to my friend and her siblings i was reminiscing with my oldest friend about how we met he has always had a weird family but he recently told me of a conspiracy between my mom and himself to always be at my house instead of me ever going there was at my friend's house when she got into a fight with her parents a massive fight involving lots of screaming and some hitting i just stood there and watched until her dad shuffled me downstairs to watch tv i had just moved to a new area and was making new friends the first time i get a kid to stay the night at my house his cat dies while he is away very awkward pick up the next morning also i was staying the night at a friend's house when the mom found out she was pregnant again she didn't want another kid and we could hear her sobbing all night was at a friend's house when i was 10 and his dad casually and gently punched me in the stomach in a total joking manner it hurt so bad i crumpled over and cried for hours turns out my appendix had burst and i had lymphoma we joke about it now saying he gave me cancer sleepover at my house my best friend and i were in my room watching a movie and i fell asleep around 10 i woke up to her nudging me violently because apparently my goddamn parents decided it was the night they were going to make their headboard slap the wall over and over and over our bedrooms shared a wall and my folks were so obnoxious about it my friend was mortified so we went in the basement and waited until we felt it was safe i didn't have friends over much i was about 14 15 years old have had to wear diapers for a lot of my life i pretty much own it now but then it was pretty embarrassing obviously was staying at a good friend's house for a week or so he knew i had to wear them but his other friend who was there with us hanging out for the first night of the week did not a long story short i'm getting set to changing on the floor in the bathroom when unknowing friend walks in on me pajama pants off laying on the floor in a wet diaper he laughs at me while i sit there not having any idea what to do in shock and then he takes my bag of supplies powder extra diapers and throws them outside into the pool so now i'm stuck in the bathroom with nothing to change into long story short his mom had to go down to walgreens and buy me a new pack while i waited crying in their bathroom in a wet diaper at 14 years old and i had to watch his dad retrieve my spares from the pool and i was there for a week so we're talking maybe 25 plus diapers half of which were for night time and thus more absorbent all expanding to full capacity that's maybe 75 pounds of wet trash that had to be pulled from the pool it took a long time and he wouldn't let me help not that i really wanted to sit there crying and doing that anyway story ends nicely though because the other friend was banned from the house he managed to freak out one of the pool filters pretty badly after a diaper floated in there and burst his parents had to pay to fix it and my friend didn't really like him anymore after that and the whole family was really nice to me about it and the rest of the week wasn't even embarrassing and the pool was fixed within two days so that was fun but that whole night was just the worst diapers are something people wear to contain their pee and poop anyone over the age of three understands this concept therefore asking someone why they'd wear a diaper is a dumb question i do not apologize for calling it a dumb question the fact is that i've got a bunch of comments heavily downvoted where all i said was that it's not anyone else's business and it's not their decision whether it is or isn't their business one guy harassed me called me [ __ ] etc because i wouldn't go into detail and he is being supported for that but that is not so bananas you guys you don't need any more details i'll talk about wearing the dang things all day i don't have a problem with that but you don't need to know why i need them outside of the obvious reasons and you do not get to decide whether or not it's your business it isn't wow that's rough people can be so mean and glad your friend and his family supported you i was at a friend's house and we went over to pet his dog an old golden retriever she did not move when he touched her and we soon realized she was not moving or breathing at all he got his father who came over and confirmed that she had passed away in her sleep the whole family was crying and i was a little too young to really grasp how sad it was to lose the family dog even in such a peaceful way i suppose it was really sad more than it was really awkward my parents had to come pick me up so that they could grieve as a family i was at my childhood best friend's house after a sleepover we were maybe 10 we went to play a game on the home desktop but someone had left play girl up it had to have been either her younger brother who was always on the computer or her mom she jumped to the brother conclusion relentlessly teasing him as soon as we saw it and for weeks if not years after i just sat there uncomfortably until my parents picked me up waking up as her dad was playing the role of the tooth fairy he froze and we both stared each other i rolled over and went back to bed and nothing was mentioned about it ever i hope he looked the part when i was about 12 i slept over at my friend's friend's house i didn't really know them well but we wound up sleeping in her living room the girl was my friend's neighbor when i woke up in the morning her older brother was spooning me i he wasn't even in the room when we went to sleep and i didn't even know the kid i just woke up freaked out and left i was a very w drawn kid there was a lot of physical mental abuse in my family so anyway i got invited by this girl to spend the night w her i was stunned but so happy during the night we were sleeping on the floor together she started crying and i didn't know what to do and never let her know i was awake my back was to her her daddy came in and was asking her what the matter was she told him that she didn't want me there but she wanted her best friend whom i guess she had been mad at he told her he'd take me home in the m and they'd pick up a friend i never let on that i was awakened right there hearing all of this i don't think i ever stayed w anyone again i was crushed and never told anyone this makes me sad now to even think of this thanks op well i have my two cuties now and i feel blessed oil that's rough when i was around 10 years old i peed my pants while spending the night at my friends i ran to her room to change my shorts but when i went back out there her sister was sniffing around with a grossed out look on her face i played dumb about any stink then i did it again the problem was when i would laugh it would open the gates so i tried desperately not to laugh at jokes or anything funny to avoid any embarrassment but to no avail i was too afraid to talk to my mom about it so i went years with the problem once i got to my friend's house and he was just there naked sitting in front of the computer desk i played like it was nothing he also did he eventually got dressed by his mother when i was younger i was having a sleepover at my best friend's house she had an older brother who was about 19 at the time and he was going through a rough patch in his life where he was slowly getting into drugs we were sitting in her family room the day pope john paul ii was dying all of a sudden her front door gets kicked in there was so much screaming five or six police officers burst through the door guns drawn looking for a fight to arrest her older brother who had apparently just come back from selling sea to an undercover cop he came downstairs completely out of it and he was arrested the police officer proclaimed that he was being arrested for trafficking of narcotics possession of this manufacturing that prostitution somehow and a few other things it was so awkward afterwards his parents were in complete shock disappointment and disbelief and his mother was weeping uncontrollably that i kindly excused myself and made the two-hour walk home to avoid it mother and father got into a heated argument which resulted in him slapping her and then throwing her over a fence worst thing my friend just kept playing super nintendo with his eyes glazed there were three of us at a friend's house when we were around age eight and we were hungry so my friend asked if we could have something to eat until her mom was like no we can't afford to feed everyone then she gave us one to quit to each it was the first time when i visited my friend's house his mother left us home alone for a while and went to buy some food i decided to explore their apartment so i walked into his mom's bedroom and started opening some drawers i found a corn cob here i was seven years old so i didn't know what it is she walked into the room just after i picked it up from the drawer she seemed terrified and call my mother to pick me up i realized the awkwardness of this situation few years later my friend getting beat with a metal spatula by her mother because she didn't change out of her school clothes as soon as she got home i was sitting downstairs the whole time we were playing apples to apples with his family and a family friend my friend happens to be black his parents are white anyways the adjective was earthy and i thought i had the perfect card the williams sisters needless to say it got pretty awkward after that if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 53,263
Rating: 4.9023709 out of 5
Keywords: embarrassing moment, embarrassing moments for girls, embarrassing, embarrassing stories, embarrassing videos, awkward, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 0IMaaiuCFYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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