What's The Darkest Thing That Happened In Your Town That No One Talks About?

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nsw redditors who lived in secluded towns what's the darkest thing that has ever happened in your town that everyone knew about but never talked about when i was around 12 a local boy who actually lived across the street from me was accidentally shot by his best friend apparently they had took the guns out of the house when they weren't allowed to and were shooting rattlesnakes in the ditch however one bullet ricocheted off a tree and hit the boy point blank in the face he hung on for about a week before they took him off life support however i did hear my parents say years later that it might not have been an accident which doesn't really make sense to me because the boys were around 11 years old at the time i know people have murdered other people at younger ages it just seems unlikely to me that that happened in my hometown there was a girl who hid her pregnancy from everyone she gave birth in her family home while everyone was out but hemorrhaged and fainted her dad found her and took her to hospital where they proceeded to ask him where the baby was he didn't know she was pregnant but went back to the house to find the baby he found the baby in a bucket in the cupboard she had stabbed it multiple times with manicure scissors she claimed it was dead on delivery but the autopsy proved otherwise she was arrested and spent a few months in a mental institution before being released back to my hometown in my hometown a girl had a baby at home in the bathroom in the middle of the night no one knew she was pregnant she passed out fell on the baby suffocated the baby and she bled to death the mother found her and the baby in the morning a decently popular chinese restaurant in town had one of the owners babies walk out the back door and disappear it was freaking heartbreaking the parents on tv and all into the paper there was a big search effort eventually they found the baby's body stuffed into one of the cabinets at the restaurant pretty sure the place is still open the mother had beating the baby to death i looked into each serving 22 years then being deported the place is closed dang i think i saw a news story about that or a similar story the mom accidentally killed the daughter and told the dad to help cover it up which he did i live in a small town in the middle of a few small farms one of the farms has a sort of greenhouse flower shop one of the owners sons committed suicide in the greenhouse later that year the father went into a field just outside of town and shot himself his body was found by some kids going to school nobody talked about it i'm actually from canada in a very small town only about 700 800 people it's the kind of town where everyone knows everything about everyone even without people really talking about it outside of their own homes hence how i found out the screenshot of bell plane is interesting because i live near a town called bell plain but i'm not the same one it's crazy how many similar stories there are if you'd like any other information i'd be happy to answer recently divorced father went to ex-wife's house killed her and her new boyfriend then shot himself all in front of his kids also another guy kidnapped a girl killed her violated her dead body then chopped her up and dumped the remains this is to separate people dude you need to move comma most depressing story time ever comma one of the biggest and most notorious cases to hit my county was when two teenage girls were hit and killed by a driver who fled the scene this post reminded me of the story because one of the girls had parts of the driver's license plate imprinted on the backs of her thighs that's how hard she was it the driver was drunk went home after the crash asked her son to hide the vehicle but first he needed to crash it into a pole to create some damage to cover up the hit and run damage comma the kicker the girl who had the license plate partially imprinted on her thighs was the daughter of the drunk driver the driver hit her 14 year old daughter and her best friend and left them to die in the streets i don't think she knew who the girls were when she hit and ran but dang she got eight years also i live in weed country in norcal and we have a lot of locals and non-locals who flock to our remote and rural hills to trim weed on the black market we have an epidemic of missing and murdered women including indigenous women and most of those murders simply go unsolved it's pretty terrifying my dad getting arrested for child shaming was the giant scandal pretty much everyone was supportive for the most part which i don't hear a lot of for small towns landlord went easy on my brother for rent until he got situated people would periodically bring food to check on us and it never felt like gossip reagan i had a friend who relocated her dad was arrested for multiple counts of debauchery also a small town but after the rest of the family relocated we haven't spoken i hope they are okay a friend of mine was seeing the local pastor for marriage counseling to try and save her marriage a few months later the pastor up and moved without notice the whole town was abuzz with gossip turns out she was sleeping with the pastor and when his wife found out he had to move to save his marriage may we live in interesting times so this guy's girlfriend found out that he was going back to his home country to get married she goes into a fit of rage and ends up murdering him loads his body into a blender cooks up a meal and serves it to construction workers and fed the remains to neighborhood dogs dead guy's brother is concerned so visits girlfriend and finds a tooth in the blender and suspects a murder thus alerting the police she was arrested today on will it blend the town pastor was allegedly touching the altar children both boys and girls it was fricked up because apparently some of the kids told their parents about it but the parents either didn't believe them or didn't care enough to stop this from happening so this went on for a while and less and less people went to church except for the hardcore devotees which were usually the parents of the children so until those kids grew up they were forced to be physically shamed by their parents and no adult did anything about it and i believe the same pastor is still there to this day you should report this he would 100 be still abusing other kids small village in england a guy was being evicted from his home as he couldn't afford to keep up the payments he was mentally unstable there was a big standoff between him and the fire police men as he was threatening to burn himself alive in the house i think it ended in him trying to light himself on fire and failed then someone snuck in through the back door and tackled him to the ground nice british ending a bobby tackled the man in the nick of time the mayor's daughter murdered her boyfriend and he covered it up it was huge i ended up moving out because it was just getting out of control people started claiming the police chief knew about it that the police weren't taking the mata seriously that she had done this before act it was insane she ended up committing suicide and blamed it all on her father in the note and he ended up serving the sentence after taking a guilty plea it destroyed the community i'm not trying to say all people with bipolar disorders are murderers how did you even get that conclusion from this all i was saying that she murdered her boyfriend and had a bipolar disorder the motive was that she got angry and believed he was cheating it then dissolved into rumors after that this whole ordeal was a [ __ ] chow the mayor went to jail for helping cover up the murder they never established who was the actual murderer because evidence was found that implicated both of them were present at the crime scene out the back of my houses was a suicide hotspot 202 confirmed suicides including parents with children everybody knows somebody that has jumped but locally it's a taboo subject in the small town i live in in northern nb two small boys were strangled in their sleep by a snake the man who owned the reptile store had an undocumented python upstairs that was about six feet his kid spent the night and it had gotten out of its enclosure which was way too small and not secured properly i don't remember what happened to him if you want to know more look up reptile ocean campbellton had to look into this because a six-foot python wouldn't be able to constrict and kill a child normally i have a five football python just strong enough to take down a rat it was an african rock python they can grow to six meters drastically longer than six feet also explains how it had the weight to fall through and break its enclosure the specimen and the story weighed 45 kgs or about 100 pounds i'm in band my school used to do this thing called winter percussion it's like winter guard but with drums one of the male instructors physically shamed a 15 16 y-o female student maybe violated her idk but there were pieces of carpet taken for the trial throughout the back band rooms you could go in there and still see the pieces of carpet missing and we don't have a winter percussion anymore i'm from indiana a guy have one it's my neighbor town but it's very small and just a few minutes by car from my hometown there was a father who killed his three children with a hammer it was pretty brutal for a town where nothing ever happened afterwards he tried to kill himself but failed i think he was doing it out of revenge because his wife divorced him and the kids were just there over the weekend also many of my friends lived right next to this incident we strangely never really talked about it it died down pretty quickly and was never mentioned again used to live in a small town in the middle of nowhere in western australia the town itself had a lot of weird things going on but a house up the road from mine went up in flames turns out that house was a m lab all the remains of the house were still there last time i went there it was an esperance just a hazard of living in wa never know when the neighbours end lab is going to blow up there was a giant monster who used to kidnap and violate children and is now infamous internationally for his crimes this man used to live near my town where he abducted several children and teenage girls he used to hide some of his victims in his cellar during their captivity some of the girls used pencils and sheets of paper to document their time in captivity it is an atrocious read because of how graphic it is presumably nobody speaks about him and his victims due to how horrendous the circumstances are especially considering how he lives so close to the community i even used to play on the same street where he buried several of his victims my wife grew up very near noble ga unincorporated where the tree state crematory event came to light in 2002 the incinerator broke and the operator apparently was just tossing bodies in the backyard kind of junkyard in cars under lawn clippings partly buried in between trees etc the town found out because multiple dogs brought home body parts i used to live in that area the crazy part is the part that was broken was only like six hundred dollars to fix to get the incinerator fixed he was giving the family oil dry as the remains noble equals nasty old bodhi laying everywhere an 18 year old boy and a 22 year old girl had been dating for about a year and a half she got pregnant and decided she wanted to get married he made himself a little scarce for a while and pretty well ghosted her so she wrote a letter to his parents explaining the situation a few weeks later she gets a letter from him telling her to burn all their letters and meet him at midnight and they'll elope she does as he says except for burning the letter telling her to meet him her brother went to see the boy he says that he gave her 50 and put her on the train to the big city her father goes to see him at college the next month he repeats the story about putting her on a train but says give him a few days he'll bring her home the boy writes a letter home saying they won't see him again but they keep quiet about it several weeks later her father rushes into the local telegraph office all worked up he's seen his daughter in a dream badly beaten lying face down in a shallow grave they get a search party together swear out a warrant for the boy's arrest on suspicion of murder and start looking after a couple days of searching somebody kicks aside a cloud of dirt in the woods on the boy's uncle's farm roughly half a mile from his house and finds the heel of the girl's boot beating to death buried face down in a shallow grave six months pregnant at the time of her death she had put the letter saying they would elope in the front of her dress along with another letter that was damaged beyond legibility the boy was never caught people do still talk about it i didn't realize until a few weeks ago that the nice neighbor lady who used to give us the clothes that her sons had outgrown is the niece of the murderer and living on the farm that he grew up on looking back at the old wanted posters there's more than a passing resemblance between the murderer and her oldest son 70 years age difference though just a family resemblance holy crap that dream dated a girl from a tiny mountain town her mom got more or less run out of their town because she had been just leaving her family for a few days at a time banging random people and she was also linked to a couple pharmaceutical robberies in the area also had multiple credit cards maxed out in her kids that were all like 5 10 years old so what's a girl to do in that situation move the next town over and become mare when i was in fourth grade a woman in her mid-twenties was murdered by her friend who apparently had had a crush on her he was in a kind of popular local metal band he strangled her to death in his apartment cut her head off with a machete undressed her except for her boots and posed the headless body in a pornographic way he took multiple pictures in different poses as well as a few close-up pictures of her head and uploaded them to a gore website when the moderators contacted him he panicked took down the post set fire to his apartment took her head and killed himself by driving into a truck at full speed there was a small article about it in the local newspaper but after a few days no one mentioned it anymore i assume out of respect for the family i only found out the true scope of what had happened when i became friends with the younger sister when i was in high school horrifically to this day when you google image search the deceased's name the pictures that man posted are the very first things to turn up they're spread across countless international gore websites and the family can't do anything about it a disclaimer in case anyone wants to ask for the name i won't post it here nor will i dm it if that means you don't believe it okay but her dignity is more important than that you're a good person to give you some context i'm from india and this happened way back when i wasn't even born and was told to me by my parents it's not really a secluded town rather my ancestral village which is very small with a population of around two thousand three thousand back in those days decoys were a real menacing villages of north india they had a very distinct way of looting they would drop a letter a day before the loot that they are coming be prepared bringing in police for help or leaving the village wouldn't have worked as the police used to get their own commission out of the loot only option you'd was to either surrender everything precious or die at their hands this time however they chose the wrong family to mess up with it was the richest family in the village with just too many people considering the threat they planned a counter-attack when the night came and those nine tendo coits arrived on their horses with their guns they found the house completely empty as they started going through the rooms to search for any valuables they were suddenly surrounded by a group of 8 100 people with machetes and stones and sticks and knife and anything they could find they started beating the heck out of those 910 decoys by first throwing stones at them so they drop their weapons and then stabbing even the sweet old grandma were smashing heads that day after killing all those decoys they buried their bodies in those vast fields no one outside of that little village ever even heard about this event i think that's a pretty well guarded secret i live in a fairly secluded town in 2006 we had a serial killer in my town that exclusively killed h overall he killed five over about a month and what's worse is that police suspect that he didn't do this alone but their only other suspect lead committed suicide by jumping off a bridge well known for jumpers the guy they caught is now doing life with the judge recommending he never be released one of the bodies was found not even five minutes down the road from where i live just off the side of the road in a small patch of woodland barely concealed by the trees the other suspect didn't commit suicide i've no idea where that came from but it sounded right in my head he was arrested twice and had even threatened two other prostitutes that he was going to kill them regular suicides it's a small seaside town with maybe 5 000 residents yet every year we have people killing themselves mostly men one year my son's homeroom class in primary school of 30 kids three had dads who had ended their lives a common theme emo as people move here hoping for a lifestyle change within a year they are broke their pizzeria or coffee shop or whatever business idea they hoped would sustain them is failing for lack of trade our tourist season is very short they picture long beach walks and hiking in the hills problem is rent mortgage and other bills don't vanish because of pretty scenery we even have a saying here about the scenery you can't beat it and you can't eat it here in montana we say it's a beautiful place to starve quintuple murder in elaine bryant man walks into the store has five women tie each other up and then shoots them all in the head there was one survivor i think they never caught the guy or even got past a generic suspect description prior to that we hadn't had a murder in years no known motive actually fairly recent one two years i think high school football team found out one of the members were gay waited until they were all in the locker room and the coach was gone and violated him with an old broomstick handle he was kicked off the team dunno if he ever moved away or what happened after that the whole thing just disappeared after a week or two i live in montana pretty rural town up here had a crazy mexican cartel beheading in the woods guy was found legs and feet tied up with barbed wire and head cut off body was mutilated pretty null equaling north idaho town of 300 400 this guy robert would ride around town on his four-wheeler with his schnauzer until one day he was just gone his buddy greg had his dog and spent a couple of weeks trying to get it back to him but we all assumed he had just left a year and a half later there was a party and this dude was talking about how he had killed somebody trying to impress this lady she doesn't buy it and shrugs him off dude comes back three hours later with a severed foot turns out no joke this is hillbilly country robert was shot in an alcohol and m fueled game of cards out of their house so they wrapped him in tarp and buried him out back sounds like juicy gossip right but these guys were friends with the police and powerful people it was an accident and the three guys involved were all out under five years later there's just not much to say no reason to talk about it greg still takes that dog with him everywhere he goes that last part makes me happy i'm glad the dog has someone that loves him here goes my brother and his then wife lived next door to a family with a teenage son she started an affair with that son one day the son barged into my brother's place and started attacking him my brother was packing a nf moving bc he was leaving for the army he had pulled down a metal pole in a closet to make room for boxes my brother grabbed that pole and used it to fight off the teen the kid ran out bleeding my brother called my dad we lived a few blocks down the street and my dad jumped into action he grabbed one of his hunting shotguns and some bird ammo he ran out the door to the car screaming for us to call nine one one my mom and i ran after him bc we were clueless and wanted to see where he was headed my mom was on the phone with the cop and they were dispatching the one cop that we had in our town we start running down the road to my brother's place bc we saw dad pull in as we get near we hear a gunshot and see my dad and brother taking cover behind the car doors they'd open to climb in and leave another shot goes off and we can see it isn't my dad firing the teen had run home next door and was bleeding and told his dad my brother was trying to kill him his dad grabbed his handgun and saw my dad and brother leaving and started shooting that's the gun for our mom and i heard dumbest kept running towards my dad's car i saw my dad position his shotgun in the car window and fire one round then he and my brother climbed in the car and started driving back at his home we all finally get together and dad says he shot the man in the stomach chaos breaks out on our street ambulance cops and people they take the other dad away to the hospital and my dad into custody within hours we find out that the man has died the bird shot hit his liver and he bled out my dad was charged with murder and we started receiving death threats in the cover of night we are moved we hid for days until my dad was bonded out ended up moving far away grand jury was convened and i had to testify to what i saw after all the evidence and testimony were presented my father wasn't charged bc the grand jury decided it was self-defense i still have contact with some friends from that town bc of social media we never talk about what happened or anything things carry on as normal that day is forever burned into my memory when i was in high school my former sunday school teacher hung himself his daughters who were 10 and 7 found his body when they got off the school bus he was also a volunteer firefighter so they dedicated a bench in his honor what people don't talk about is his suicide note confession he had been molesting those two little girls his widow did not attend the funeral everyone keeps pretending it's a tragedy and it is for those girls but i'm glad he's dead it's horrible that the true victims are not even considered my town isn't really secluded [ __ ] but it is tiny and scummy my dad became friends with a drunk and kleptomaniac who was actually surprisingly good at heart through his job he lost touch with him when he changed employers but the guy stuck around the area and eventually and coincidentally ended up working contracting in that town with an uncle of mine well one day he was moving a ladder near some power lines and another guy helped him the ladder hit the line and electrocuted my dad's old buddy from what i heard right after it happened he sat bolt upright calmly said either wow hope that didn't kill me or frick that just killed me here's the fricked part the guy wasn't bad at his job and he didn't need help moving that ladder he'd done it a dozen times to the fifth power he can handle it the guy that helped him he was loki banging the victim's wife and continued to do so afterwards everyone thinks he was pushed and no one ever spoke up or had it investigated because it was this dark as heck moment where you just didn't talk guys electricity can make your body move after you've been freaked that's why he sat up as for speaking let me clarify he wasn't killed instantly 98 of his brain was roughly he was a vegetable for months and then his family pulled the plug because the doctor said it was extremely unlikely he'd ever live truly again my guess is the combination of impulses from the massive shock made him sit and whatever was left of his mind just said what it was feeling and went lights out if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: small town, secluded, civilization, small town horror, small town horror stories, horror, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: UbkK09qTagU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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