Divorce Lawyers, What's The Case You Remember The Most?

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divorce lawyers of reddit what are some of your most memorable cases i work for a mortgage company and occasionally we have to review divorce decrees if someone is divorcing to remove a spouse's name from the loan there is a notorious case known around my pretty large department as the cat divorce decree account in this divorce decree there is a five-page addendum specifically regarding mittens and buttons johnson names changed for their protection memorable clauses included mandatory 10-minute skype sessions weekly no unsupervised play dates with children under 15 and that their clause be trimmed every three days not divorce related but still interesting when a local couple died they will indicated that their house and sizable fortune would remain in trust managed by family friends until their several cats died of natural causes the odd thing is it's been over 20 years now and the cats are still alive also they've changed color last sentence made me roll when i was an assistant i was involved with a pfa protection from abuse proceeding for a divorcing couple the allegation was that the husband sent his brother a facebook message that said somebody's about to get ray riced looks pretty bad right well both the husband and the brother get on the stand and explain that they were talking about their mother they said that ever since they were kids when their mom would yell at them they would say crap like mom you're about to get rock bottomed or you keep it up and you're gonna get a stone cold stunner mind you these guys were at the time of this hearing in their late twenties it was all i could do to keep from laughing i was just picturing the kids from talladega nights the whole time i'm not a divorce lawyer but when i was at a mediation a few months ago the mediator was telling me about a divorce he mediated a few years back it was your classic rich guy is sick of his wife and kids and wants a divorce to run off with a young hot piece of butt his wife wanted blood she came to the mediation with some pretty outrageous demands about the money and property she'd receive the mediator pushed hard throughout a long day of mediation but she hadn't budged an inch finally very late in the day the husband threw up his hands and said frick it give her everything she's asking for and let's be done with it the mediator went back to the wife's conference room to share the good news that the husband had caved in and she flipped the frick out glowing incandescent with rage at the idea that her husband was willing to pay truly insane compensation to be done with her and ride off with his little girlfriend she was emotionally invested in the fight and the hubby eventually dismissed it and her as not worth his time i can understand her rage divorce lawyer here i've never had anything too crazy the worst i can think of is representing my client who had to be transported from the jail for allegedly violating the restraining order between the two there was another one that was technically a dissolution of domestic partnership not a divorce but essentially the same thing for never married parties that was fairly crazy client alleged her ex had killed a man and reported it to the police but i guess they never found the body also allege his attorney was sleeping with him one of my co-workers had a case where the ex was awarded the couple's dog in the divorce only to have it euthanized just so the other would suffer more i don't care how bad your relationship is there is no excuse for that that pee me off to hear about a friend who is a lawyer told me a pretty crazy story about a wealthy couple splitting up the woman hid millions of dollars overseas and cut up all her husband's clothing with a pair of scissors these shenanigans caused her to get almost nothing misreporting assets is the worst thing you can do in a divorce and unless you have swiss citizenship and a swiss bank account you will fail 99 of the time and lose so much more than your 50 stroke 50 split print up up and disclose people family law paralegal here one time we worked really hard on a woman's case because her husband had gotten on a bus to mexico with her kids we expedited everything i went above and beyond for this woman contacting attorneys in the deep south of mx and writing out very clear instructions to get back her kids it turns out our client had stabbed her husband because he confronted her about sleeping with his brother the husband packed up and took the kids the child a ten-year-old girl of my father client thanked me after the custody battle against the out of control alcoholic mother the court awarded full physical and legal custody to the father the child said to me that i was a lawyer for kids i never forgot the compliment that was 30 years ago here's a not divorced one but it's pretty good husband and wife are from a culture where you simply do not divorce they have a few kids he moves on and dates a woman for nearly 20 years and they also have a kid together he does a wool and tells no one how it is set up other than there is a trust the guy dies he made a trust for his entire estate he designated that his kids would each be beneficiaries with equal percent interest but also gave his girlfriend one percent more than his wife she was also named as executor of the estate and trustee for the trust popcorn was had middle eastern 100 my father did divorce law for many years we were in virginia beach for a tournament i was in with a friend of mine and his father this is back around 07 my dad got a call from a forensic accountant he hired to track down some accounts his client knew her husband stashed money in he was asked to pull over and to put him on speaker because he would not believe what he was about to tell him the accountants traced all of his money to three bank accounts totaling over 300 million in another country my friend's father screamed my father dropped his phone and there were numerous wtf from the back seat my father's client made out with two of the three accounts and they walked away silently he was paid in full given a small bonus and has never heard from her again after college i worked in a law firm dealing with family law and have a ton of stories one at one time we had almost a dozen cases of high military personnel going through divorces because their wives came out of the closet after all their children grew up two we had a client who was wealthy but going through a divorce cause she was going crazy she dressed like a homeless person smelled like crap and once i delivered a copy of her husband's discover to her and her house looked like a dump i literally thought she was gonna kill me and bury me under the piles and piles of crap in her place she also kept harassing her husband and his girlfriend vandalizing the car writing w on the door of the condo etc we had to drop her as a client after she kept disobeying her attorney etc three we had a wealthy client who married a girl he met during tango classes and they had a child he spent over half a million fighting for custody and she kept accusing him of physically shaming their daughter to try and win etc each side hired psychologists and experts and in the end it didn't matter if it wasn't the truth the mother kept telling the girl she was abused and the experts said it was gonna damage her regardless he eventually won partial custody after two years of working there i realized i didn't want to be a lawyer and i don't want to get married haha not a divorced lawyer but a child of divorce happened when i was about six or seven i'm 18 now i learned this about a year ago my mother often likes to talk about how my father didn't offer any financial assistance during the divorce and his involvement was purely selfish and a common thing she's told me is that he's never paid for my schooling which is true post-divorce however what i learnt was that during the divorce he offered to pay for half of all of my school fees she instead chose child support which he has paid for every year she also took all of their combined savings out and into my six years old at a time bank account which my father had no access to this meant when showing bank statements my father had more money than my mother i've lost some respect for her since then korean divorce story here my friend wanted a divorce from his wife now one thing about korean divorce law is there is no alimony or anything it's also fairly male friendly especially if no kids are involved there can be settlements where a party is to pay x amount or whatever the only way a spouse can get a guaranteed sum of money is if the spouse increase the net worth of the other spouse so let's say you're a wife and you marry your husband who has a small company with your involvement the husband grows the company from fifty thousand dollars a year to five million dollars well you can sue your husband for a portion of that five million dollars anyway my friend married his wife they were married for four years and things just weren't working out so he moved out and they started the divorce process my friend was a good man and continued to support her throughout the process paid her rent and her bills the wife was greedy though my friend had offered her 20 000 as a one-time settlement this was a huge chunk of money to him the wife angrily demanded 30 000 and would refuse to budge they went to court their cases were presented the husband said he was willing to give the woman twenty thousand dollars in return for a divorce the wife demanded thirty thousand dollars as compensation the lawyers argued that the husband had gone above and beyond with supporting his wife even after separation and it was unfair to demand more the judge asked the woman if she would accept twenty thousand dollars the woman replied no the judge said then it will be zero dollars divorce is finalized stamp stamp done my buddy walked out of the courthouse then the wife attacked him my friend filed assault charges against her and successfully won a three thousand dollar judgment from her tl dr wife got greedy ended up losing her twenty thousand dollars offer and paying the husband three thousand dollars i had a client that was being sued by her baby's daddy for custody and child support he had a weapons charge and drug charge on his recent record my client the mother was clean during cross-examine i asked about those charges and asked if he was subjected to a test would he pass he answered in the affirmative the judge upon request from counsel me had the sheriff's office administer a test for both he the father failed my client the mother past judge awarded my client custody and child support it isn't that interesting but what makes it funny is this was my first family law case and opposing counsel was a very well known and tough family law attorney prior to our hearing opposing counsel came in and she literally demanded we agree to her client's terms or else she my client would never see the kid again i offered that her client the father get weekends etc standard visitation schedule she declined and her client failed the drug test administered after the hearing my client passed that's pretty minor but it was a pretty cool win for a young attorney up against a big name she also left me a voicemail congratulating me for kicking her butt at the hearing and called me a humble son of a b for presenting our offer considering our knowledge of the drug and weapons charge all for for naught since the clients ended up back together a year and a half later imagine that i think a lot of confusion comes from the fact a woman attorney was representing a father suing the mother for custody and support i am guessing everyone confused had their mind bent by the gender designations love knows no bounds or common sense not a lawyer but i have a funny story from a wine storage place guy rents out a storage spot in this wine storage center temperature controlled what's odd is he rents out this huge space and slowly over the next several months begins filling it with cases of very expensive hard to obtain wine owner of storage place asks if he is moving downsizing or why he needs so much space guy tells him he he's swapping wine out of his cellar and replacing it with cheap wine he was planning on filing for divorce wife knew about basement collection but had no idea what was in it or how much it cost he knew she was going to be vindictive cheating and would want the wine he was happy to give it all away divorcee not a lawyer but i remember the blank stare from the lawyer i was paying two hundred and fifty dollars an hour to handle my case with my husband when i told him our biggest marital asset was our ten thousand dollars magic the gathering card collection my client husband was living in same house as wife throughout proceedings he'd call me and complain about things like his wife ate a bag of chips and didn't go to the store to replace it his wife invited one of her friends over who he hated his wife marathon tv shows on netflix instead of fixing dinner and numerous numerous complaints about wife's lack of a moral compass and he paid me 250 dollars per hour for all that she's when a client refuses to settle and nodes that it's the principle of the thing lawyers get rich and the client needlessly bankrupts him or herself stupid my wife worked family law for the state sometimes that was divorce sometimes there was child support enforcement she was in court nearly every day she saw some crap she is now stay at home with our sons but she had a story nearly every day there were a few phrases that stand out like someone representing themselves in a custody battle and shouting so you're saying it's not true you finger banged that lady with our kid in the house those were fun but mostly i remember how depressing some situations are with low-income divorces and child support battles there were women seeking child support from someone who had eight other kids from five different moms this person worked a minimum wage job bouncing to a different job each month to avoid wage garnishment the end result even if successful would have been about 15 a month in this situation this crap happened all the time then you had people actually working to screw the state over people who get divorced and go on state aid the husband still lives at home supporting the wife kid having his wages garnished right back into a checking account they share for all intents and purposes my grandfather went through a pretty high stakes divorce about 10 years ago he founded a consulting firm in 1994 that ended up being worth several million dollars he was married to his second wife not my grandmother who was his first wife whom he divorced in the 80s when he founded it she was is an executive for a large health and beauty product company they were both very successful when they divorced they had been living in a very large house in an exclusive neighborhood in an affluent southern suburb she got the house and kept her wealth that she had amassed from her company but that wasn't it she also wanted 51 of my grandfather's company she didn't win that in court because she had already won more than half of the assets i doubt my grandfather really gave a frick about that but i could be wrong he just wanted to keep his company which already made him plenty of money things got interesting after they separated she allegedly hired a private investigator to stalk my grandfather yes stork we found a tracking device attached to his car no bulls he moved into an apartment for a while during the divorce proceedings she and her lawyer eventually went to his apartment to take pictures of everything he owned he obviously let them into his apartment they even opened up his fridge and took pictures of the inside of his fridge my grandfather eventually started dating somebody else yes at around age 60 he likes women and the ex-wife would call my grandfather's house and talk to her trying to appear friendly or something it was just a very strange situation it was even stranger for me i had grown up with her sort of as my grandmother i never knew she wasn't my actual grandmother until i met my dad's actual mom at age seven i didn't meet my father until age six mind you it was kind of confusing until the divorce but during and after the divorce my grandfather's ex would call my mother to ask to take me out to dinner and movies and things like that i remember seeing star wars episode 3 in theaters with her i didn't find it strange or anything she had known me since i was born and served as a grandmotherly figure however my father hated her i heard a lot of stories of the crazy crap she did to him when my dad was a teenager i haven't talked to her for several years i much prefer my actual grandmother divorce is strange seeing how easily it can tear families apart and frick over individuals i'm definitely doing a prenup when if i get married you never know unless she owned the vehicle or it was also in her name it would be highly illegal for them to put a tracking device on his car i'm not a lawyer but was in a painful divorce i had my ex stand up before the judge and say also there is this item on his credit card from strip joint and i had to look it up and i think it's a strip club since we were representing ourselves i got the judge's attention and he let me speak my response your honor she knows what the item is about because she was there that night and even got a lap dance from another lady there were and i ate a few chuckles from the peanut gallery and the judge had this quiet hidden little grin that vanished quickly it felt awesome to say because i'd been fricked over so much from the divorce it was crappy not a divorce lawyer but i am a cps investigator and a lot of my cases are spike case called in by a spiteful ex that thinks cps is the cheap way to obtain custody don't do this just get a lawyer and stop wasting my time this happened to my sister her daughter was born with mongolian spots i think is what they are called which are like purple birthmarks on the back of her neck when her dad decided he wanted custody after not having anything to do with her he took her to the hospital during his visitation and claimed they were bruises my sister was livid i gotta say reading these makes me happy that my parents were so civil during their divorce my dad got the kids most of the time because he could better afford to take care of us mom pretty much got half of the house is worth and some of dad's retirement fund both walked away and are still able to be around each other without fighting so i call that a win i saw a mother and father live together and fight over the location of the xbox and we the games were in the family living room the father took the games from the living room and put them in his bedroom the children then spent all the time in the father's bedroom the mother literally went to court to obtain an order that the xbox and we be returned to the living room but they spend thousands on this so my dad's a divorced lawyer and doesn't usually talk about his work but he did tell me one story he had a client who was a trucker and wanted to divorce his wife my dad describes this guy as the embodiment of the late 40s 300 pounds gentle sir neckbit red pill kind of guy the man tells my dad a narrative about how he and his wife are in an open marriage but she refuses to have another partner even though this man has multiple partners he also casually mentions to my dad that he is a bee but wanted to make it very clear that he prefers women but has fricked men regularly it's worth noting that my dad is a straight edge old-fashioned as they come imagine hank hilbert from georgia so the guy tells my dad that he wants to divorce his wife he doesn't say why at first dad asks him why and he tells him a story about his last trucking or whatever it's called this guy was out in his truck on a run and it's his 49th birthday since he was alone at a truck stop on his birthday his wife gets her husband a prostitute now remember how i said this guy's bee she gets him a shigello so this man and this male h are getting it on in his big rig the guy tells my dad in graphic detail that the male h bit his dong while he was getting a bj and that had hurt so much he punched the prostitute kicked him out of the truck and immediately called his wife saying he wanted a divorce for hiring a prostitute that would do such a thing my dad said he's never had to try harder to keep a straight face and be professional but the guy ended up being a great client great client to my dad means he actually paid dad says a lot of divorce clients lose the divorce and end up not paying the lawyer tl dr 300 pounds neck but wants a divorce because his wife hired him a male h that bit his dong my hank hill-esque dad tried not to laugh at him he was really hungry for the d my father-in-law was an attorney he represented a husband in a divorce and the discussion about division of assets was so petty it included fighting over partially used boxes of grocery items when the couple refused to compromise over a half-eaten box of cereal the judge lost it and said he was going to make a summary judgment and exclude the couple because they were wasting the court's time my uncle a doctor knew his marriage was close to ending and explained to his soon-to-be ex that after a discussion with his parents he was now financially successful he would repay them their out of pocket costs for his medical school etc which in the 80s they had fully cash paid no 8 or scholarships well over 100k which they then held until after the divorce and gave back to him as a safety deposit box of cash checks hey that wouldn't work either any lawyer worth his sword would get the money back back when i was in law school i was a clerk for a judge that heard a lot of divorce cases the craziest one involved a gambling addict the guy would write ridiculous checks to the local casino 20 k 30 k even 100 k plus all the time the wife admitted to going with him to the casino each time but said she only played the penny slots and had no idea he was spending that much money because they were splitting the remaining assets that was still substantial she wanted the money he spent at the casino to count against him so she would get a whole lot more while there were copies of the checks it was his word against hers as to whether she knew about them and whether she was also playing the high-stakes games the husband said she knew when she played the high-stakes games too i remember the oral hearing was the last week that i worked there so i never heard how it turned out i do however remember the judge thinking they were both lying which all good judges always believe it seems like the casino will have records on such things they track their high rollers pretty well so he is doing this case back in the early 90s he is representing the wife and the case has been ugly both sides were cheating before the divorce and a guy is pee that his wife filed since they were both cheating so they are doing the case going to court and mediating who gets the house cars money and that bs and the guy is a real butthole about everything wife is too my pop says just a real ugly divorce so it's getting to the boil point and the husband says to my dad and his client i'm going to kill this bee and right after i kill her i am going to come kill you pointing at my dad that same night he went to her house shot her killing her and was on his way to our house to i guess kill my dad when he got pulled over cop thought he was drunk he was arrested him for dui later he went to prison for murdering his wife i thought that was the craziest one of his divorce stories if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
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Id: CcJM6fHmDmQ
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Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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