Nurses Reveal When The Baby Was Not The Father's (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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doctors and nurses everyday who have delivered babies to mothers who clearly cheated on their husbands what was that like we had a very sweet blonde-haired blue-eyed mom and dad along with their entire extended family in the room for a delivery one busy afternoon at work think aunts uncles cousins grandma and grandpa too the baby is born and as the doctor places her on the mom's chest the first words out of her mouth are that's not my baby that's not my baby the baby in question still attached at the umbilical cord as beautiful dark curly black hair and dark skin the nurse looks at her and tells her that this is definitely her baby because she's still attached to you and she not so quietly tells the nurse there's no way i never slept with a black man it's not mine the father is standing there silent not sure what to do a long awkward silence fills the room we clean her and baby up as cheerfully as we can we see the extended family filter out of the room and the father leave to get a cigarette about 10 minutes later a tall black guy walks up to our front desk asking how to get to the patient in questions room i was assisting at a caesarean when i was a junior doctor the woman's dark-skinned partner had been in prison nine months or so i took the baby immediately upon delivery and announced cheerily it's a boy her first words were is it black luckily the baby was a mocker color that could have gone either way and i told her in a mildly confused manner it could be paramedic here had a mother give birth to a healthy baby in a home situational awareness had not helped me yet at this point i asked if the father was here to cut the cord we paramedics usually shy away from this duty because it opens us up to unwanted legal ramifications should something go wrong there was a calm in the air after i asked the question and went on to do it myself come a few moments later i was approached by another occupant of the home who informed me that this was a home for victims of vessel assault in that the father of the baby was indeed also the father of the mother and was currently incarcerated due to the aforementioned situation it was an awkward ride to the hospital after that consulted a couple who were expecting a baby and were confused about how she had chlamydia again turns out they both had chlamydia both got treated and continued doing their thing she could not get her head around how she had it again if he was the only guy she had slept with he just looked very sheepish as i tried to subtly explain maybe he had caught it from elsewhere and passed it on took a long time for the penny to drop one of those couples where you realize the kid won't get help with their science homework from their parents so a friend of mine he is unfortunately dead had cancer and he was dating a girl for about two years he then discovered he had cancer in that he would live at best one more year his girlfriend announced to him a week later that she was pregnant they were both white he kept on saying that life is a joke he was happy because he would have a baby now but sad because he would die in a year anyway nine months later the baby was born and it was black he then disappeared four weeks and we learned that he had died a month later fell so f king sorry had two women give birth a few days apart on my floor turns out they actually had the same baby daddy the father of the two newborns got both patients pregnant around the same time it was an interesting day for the social worker oh man a friend of friend got two women pregnant several months apart one of the women had complications during the pregnancy and the baby was born very early on the exact same day the other woman also went into labor father has two babies same date of birth different mothers the women knew about one another one ended up being insane and unfit and bolted so the other woman is raising both kids in high school my gym teacher was married to the biology teacher who was also really good friends with my math teacher always saw them chatting and walking together well the bio teacher got pregnant and when she brought the baby in there was an unignorable resemblance to the math teacher her husband ended up driving to the nearest hospital and shooting himself dead in the parking lot was a big scandal at our relatively small private school one of a few actually i know a guy who is fully white his parents are both white and his younger sister is black i always assumed she was adopted and one day when i mentioned it he looked at me weirdly and was like no dude that's my full blood sister obviously i didn't believe it and apparently neither did his dad at the birth but they got the paternity test and she was his daughter likelihood is they've got some black ancestors far enough back to be forgotten about i also know a dude who has a white scottish mum and a black jamaican dad dude came out pale white with the ginger afro kind of unrelated but this lady at my church is a white female married to a white male they have one younger kid who is the spitting image of his dad and obviously white then they have an older kid that is quite visibly mixed the kid has dark brown skin and curly african-american hair and nonetheless looks nothing like the dad so this lady claims that when she gave birth the hospital gave her baby a shot that turned him black therefore we refer to this kid as blackshirt feel bad for the kid but he truly believes the story and is in like seventh grade anesthesiologist here c-sections are typically done under spinal anesthesia and where the ones at the head of the table keeping the mother calm and talking her through the procedure while the surgeons operate i've seen it more than once but i remember one in particular when the parents were both very caucasian and the baby was very much not the actual father obviously had to be very dark-skinned at delivery when the not-father saw the baby he just looked down at his wife who was starting to cry and calmly said uf king w h ray and walked out she started screaming for him to come back but there wasn't much he could do since she was you know still being operated on she lost it to the point i eventually had to sedate her just a bit because she was in danger of injuring herself as far as i know her husband never came back to the hospital i don't know what happened after that a friend of mine tells the story of his aunt giving birth in the 1970s or 80s to a baby that at first glance appeared to be of asian descent aunt and her husband are both caucasian midwesterners from long lines of the same sort going back to germany there was evidently a shock moment and then the aunt's father my friend's grandfather quipped well they say one in seven babies is born chinese and everyone laughed the tension broke long enough for the doctor also a white midwesterner of german stock said that likely the kids color is just off due to the events of the birth that baby is now a man in his 30s or 40s and looks like your typical midwesterner he just had some tinge to his skin for a few hours following the birth plus some dark hair at birth that has since lightened up bit reversed i'm mixed from a very dark black man and a mexican woman on the lighter side barely passing well my dad and mom didn't work out but i was made he ditched two weeks in and everything she then got together with my step-dad about two months later lou long-time friends and he knew she was pregnant break the news of being pregnant to the family everyone is excited but no one knows it's not the super white man's child so cut to my birth i come out clearly way too dark not charcoal but something is missing on how no one in that room knew but my mom stepdad and grandparents i'm told it was a very awkward conversation skin color or not my stepdad has always claimed me as blood knowing full well i'm not and i couldn't have lucked out harder no idea what the doctors thought but i had a phone call from the wife asking for my blood type while they were in the hospital the next day and i ducked home i may the wife is oh bub is a plus uh i've done enough science to know where that's going have done dna testing i'm 100 the dad still not sure how to get more interesting science info about the mirrored markers that apparently exist my so and i just had our first in january he has brown hair and i'm blonde when she arrived the nurse exclaimed row look at that red hair we know it's a recessive gene but it wasn't the very first thing we expected to hear we looked at each other for a moment and i said in my drugged and exhausted post-labor stupa i swear she's yours little different twist i am ukrainian my great grandfather was crimean tata who are mixed turkic and mongolian my wife is ukrainian and italian my first boy was blonde my second was dark-haired dark-skinned and has the classic almond-shaped asiatic eyes mongolian spot despite the fact that we know my family history we ordered a test to make sure there was no separation at birth stuff c-section yep that's our boy you would never know looking at us that bad boy is genetically related to us and we love him to pieces edit not exactly cheating but definitely an awkward situation during my ob rotation in med school i was caring for a patient with a very large family the kind that all wanted to be part of the delivery process from beginning to end they were having a baby girl and the room was absolutely filled from wall to wall with pink presents bassinets blankets clothing embroidered quilts you name it anyways i deliver the baby and i'm horrified thinking there was some sort of mutation in the baby's vegina after my initial shock i realized it was simply a perfectly normal looking baby penis and testicles the congrats it's a boy who's met with shock instead of excitement initially but then everyone was so happy after understanding he was perfectly healthy apparently even with good prenatal care you can miss the male genitalia or ultrasounds about one percent of the time i'm of irish decent extremely pale freckled wavy dark hair and darker green eyes my husband is half native american half german dark dark hair and slightly wavy as well my daughter came out with light light brown curly hair and ever so slight strawberry blonde pieces mixed throughout curls for days and the nurse goes wow where did you get that hair knowing i had similar color as a baby and my mother has kinky curly hair my husband in a room full of nurses goes i don't know jaded where did she get that hair i could have f king killed him edit please no one tell my husband how much traction this story got it'll just make him cocky and the jokes will get worse i already have a rough time finding him hats super awkward for everyone involved the husband was only in the room for a bit then left and didn't see him again the fob father of baby showed up after the baby was born i've also had where they didn't know whose baby it was so both guys were present to see who they thought it was ai two of my cousins and one of our friends had that situation the girl was up front with all of them when she found out she was pregnant she wasn't dating any of them just being a free spirit so there they were three dudes sitting in a waiting room waiting to find out whose life would change forever baby came out a spitting image of one of my cousins to this day i'm amazed how well it all worked out no drama kid has two loving parents even though they've never formally been together not an lnd nurse but my wife is and i hear everything a woman was delivering her white ex-husband's baby with her new black boyfriend beside her and after the baby came out and had his foot stamped with the ink pad the boyfriend pointed to the black foot and said oh he's got my feet my brother married a half korean half white woman who had three girls to the same mexican guy the first girl looks latina the second girl looks pacific islander the third girl has platinum blonde hair and i see blue eyes they look nothing alike and yet if you look at their lineage it all makes sense i don't know if this ever caused any issues between her and her ex but i could understand if an eyebrow was raised in the third one now she has a fourth girl with my brother and she looks nothing like the other three just standard brown hair brown eyed white girl i know this ain't super relevant to the question but it always entertains me from my friend who was a delivery nurse for years the mother takes the doctor aside and makes him promise to let her know the color of the baby the instant he knows the baby is born and the doctor announces to mom congratulations on your beautiful healthy white baby the father just walked right out the room and they never found anything more out about it not a delivery nurse but i have to share my friend sarah was pregnant and her boyfriend flaked out and was not in the picture so her other friend eric and i took it upon ourselves to be there for her during the pregnancy and she was having an ultra sound we were both there in the room with her as the tech is showing us the baby's face we were saying things like dude that's totally your nose look that can't be my chin etc sarah was laughing and the bewildered tech was looking at the three of us probably making comparisons herself i ended up working with that tech years later one day she said so out of curiosity who is the father tbh i'm confused with some of these comments and stories my brother is mid dark brown and i'm light brown mid depending on the season and what limb you're looking at we both came out white as hell our white friends literally thought we had baby photos of random white babies lying around not a doctor but my best friend's brother-in-law has two black parents and came out completely white dna test confirmed they were both his parents it'd just be like that sometimes edit i'm only guessing they tested the mother as well to rule out any possibility of an accidental swap at the hospital mayo you're savage i'm a nurse i have seen quite a few situations where dad turns out not to be dad but never because of the color of the newborn i have however seen an absolute fck ton of kids who are born and don't look like the same ethnicity as their parents for days or sometimes a couple of weeks babies often look darker when they are born just saying i had a female patient come in with abdominal pain pregnancy test was positive she was with her husband who evidently had a vasectomy about a year prior i slowly backed out of the room after that one edit i know it's possible i'm chinese and my wife is white when our daughter was born she had a little jaundice when the doctor told her this to let her know that the baby needed the light treatment he said it as your baby girl is a little yellow not understanding the situation my wife in her post-labor state said well my husband is chinese obligatory not a doctor nurse but both of my parents have blonde hair when i was born my hair was strawberry blonde my paternal grandparents lost their shitty and accused my mom of cheating because red tinted hair didn't run in their family however it ran in my mom's family with a redhead popping up every now and then my paternal grandparents didn't know that they just really hated my mom so looked for excuses to drag her down it wasn't until i stopped looking like a potato as most newborns do and started looking like a person when my dad's family features came through enough to make them apologize to my mom not a cheating story but my sister's friend was born fair skinned with red hair and green hazel eye colored both parents are dark skinned with black hair and brown eyes when her mom gave birth everyone in the room went silent however the father knew that his wife didn't cheat turned out his wife great-great-grandmother had red hair and fair skin however hospital protocol made both parents get a dna test and everything was okay a friend of mine white guy never knew who his father was got married and had a kid with a white girl kid came out black he opted for a paternity test rather than walking away and it was indeed his son so he took a genetics test 23 and more something like that a couple years later and as it turns out he's half african when my baby was born people ask me if her father was polynesian nope he's a skinny white man there was no doubt he was the father she was born with thick black hair she was a big baby 4kg and had jaundice which made her look very tan the hair fell out the jaundice went away she thinned out and i now have a strawberry blonde-haired two-year-old that looks exactly like her papa but man if i hadn't known he was the only man i'd slept with i would have some serious doubts thanks for this now i have a mental image of a baby popping out the mother looking at the baby and audibly going wait a minute i don't remember cheating edit thanks for the silver kind stranger had a patient who came into er for ut with her boyfriend of four months his words she was 19. acting extremely dramatic for just having ut we tell her we need urine she urges us to katha which is really unusual but she says she can't pee so me and other nurses assume the position to put in a catheter with her lying on the gurney at this point nurse screams call lmd she's crowning l d nurse gets in just in time to grab the child as it shoots out into her hands and is a living breathing baby the girl swears she had no idea she was pregnant they wheel her off to postpartum and the guy is just kind of left standing there dumbstruck we only been dating four months i had no idea she was pregnant she never mentioned it at all as he just buried his head in his knees while he was sitting on the floor against the hallway wall it felt so bad for the guy okay story from a friend of my brothers she worked as a nurse and a woman and her husband came in they were both white and she delivered a child that was black the husband immediately starts saying wtf while she is going on and on about dormant trees and everything he orders a dna test while this is going on her mother and stepdad show up the stepdad is black after the testing is done the dna test ends up showing that the baby is the stepdad's her husband instantly dropped her and cut eyes edit in response to some comments this didn't happen over the course of a couple of hours husband hung out albeit reluctantly until things were conclusive once testing showed it wasn't his baby they tested the stepdad probably suspected something i wasn't there i don't know the deeper details a leash team you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 74,153
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories, nurses, not the father, not the dad, doctor
Id: YtMITQ9oVq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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