Police, What Paranormal Calls Have You Had To Respond To?

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police officers cops over indeed who solved paranormal cases getting calls because of paranormal disturbances what actually happened a bit of a different take on this tl dr officer gets spooked by native artifact almost kills a man then moves away we had a neighbor next door to next door that was a police officer his son was like four years older than me but we'd hang out from time to time mr officer was a very kind-hearted individual and was the boon of our little neighbor community one week night at like 2 a.m our doorbell rings my dad gets his gun and looks through the peep only to see its mr officer and his family they ended up staying the night his son and much younger like toddler sister stayed in the guest room and misses officer slept on our couch mr officer talked with my dad outside for a minute then went back to his house the next day they went back home they moved away the next week and that was that according to my mom here's what happened mrs officer a woman of half native american descent father lived on a nebraska territory went to visit her family and came back with this talisman it was like an oversized piece of jewelry i never actually saw it so that's the best description i got she hung it in their bedroom mr officer started hearing things soon after footsteps talking electronics turning on and off all when no one else was home obviously being an officer he was well prepared to deal with intruders or whatnot but he never found anybody then he started seeing things dark shapes around corners various things in the peripheral and one particular instance of a very large shark in their swimming pool mr officer had a horrible fear of the ocean and sharks in particular their young daughter would talk about dreams she had very bizarre things that sounded for lack of a better word prophetic it was about two months after the talisman was brought in that he brought his family over that one night he had heard all these disturbances very frequently this past day and felt the need to face it alone he ended up shooting an intruder in the chest with his service pistol the intruder was the brother of a man mr officer had recently arrested he broke in through the back by climbing a tree and breaking into the little girl's room mr officer found him in their master bedroom likely searching for the family he had an illegal silent firearm and was likely planning to kill the family for putting his brother in jail to me it feels like the talisman warned mr officer about this impending threat they ended up moving because he got in a big dispute with the police for using his service pistol when off duty this would make an awesome movie we used to be issued a spray called my cleanse it was a small pen sized spray you used on yourself if you got exposed to blood that was supposed to lower the risk of contracting disease we had a woman who would always call in about monsters trying to poison her food or people living in her air ducts redirecting her ac to the neighbor's units sad part is 99 of these calls are people with serious mental issues once in a blue moon a paranormal call is someone who heard something real but their mind couldn't process that their home was being broken into or something like that anyways back to the monsters in the spray lady's son made her a cake for her birthday but she was alone she called very upset because a monster had laced her birthday cake with cyanide she wanted us to kill the monster for her my partner pulls out his spray sprays the cake with it once and tells her that it's a special cyanide detecting spray and that the cake will put off a green smoke if it isn't safe to eat i pulled out my taser switched the safety off and told her the safety toggles it between the realms of man and the supernatural then i went into another room dry fired it a couple times you can fire a taser without deploying the probes to test the current and came back we told her i had killed the monster and she was safe sometimes it's all about just making the customer happy astronomer here not a cop obviously but in a reverse of this question i did talk about paranormal stuff with one this summer i worked at the seti institute a big science research institute in california devoted to extraterrestrial life i was with a group from work heading back from the allen telescope array and we were pulled over as the driver was speeding the trooper asked us what we were from and when we said we were doing a summer internship at seti etc the guy started talking about his cousin in texas who saw lights in the sky from aliens it was awkward as he was so stern until that moment but someone brazenly said sorry we only look for real aliens which made us all laugh cop included so we got off with a warning it was definitely an interesting summer cop that's so funny i hunt for aliens too illegal ones open the trunk was just how sitting for my grandparents while they were on holiday asked the neighbor around 50 years old across the way to keep an eye on the house as well just phone me if anything was odd or suspicious get a call around dark that there's men on their roof thought they might be trying to burgle the place professionally sneaking through the attic or something phoned the police and rushed over found nothing few days later get another call this time around 3 p.m same deal gents on the roof figure it's bright out no way she's mistaken so go through the whole ordeal again rush over phone the cops they clear the house find nothing this time the neighbor and i are taken separately for long questioning with the police over valuables potential disgruntled employees etc they are taking this very seriously final blow came from the police themselves they told the neighbor to phone them first not me which is what i had told her if she saw anything again well they had someone watching the street they figured someone was casing the house to rob it and were just waiting for the right time so she calls and there is no one on the roof no one there police or nobody even another neighbor says absolutely nobody is out there so they finally start asking this neighbor some mental health questions thinking she might be a bit off we'd known her for ages knew she was fine that's why we trusted her to watch the house turns out she had some neck back surgery right before my grandparents left for their holiday and she was on massive amounts of medication and drinking with them to boot couldn't tell talking to her that was the real scary thing thank god she didn't drive and stayed home she just was off her tea on pills and drink and was literally seeing things had guy in his late 80s that lived alone that would call us because aliens were trying to get him i would always take that call because no one wanted to go it usually when tay no one is coming for you then leave i decided to see what was up went out in his backyard with him and he said just watch so we sat in his backyard and watched the stars just talk to the guy super smart just lonely and seemed to be getting crazy after a few months of random calls to his house he stopped i rolled out one night because i missed my 20 minutes of stargazing with him and he didn't answer from our talks i knew his wife had died about 10 years before and they never had kids he was totally alone so no one cared i kept knocking and getting really worried called my lt to come by and see what i could do we finally agreed that i could try and find windows open or anything since his yard was out of control and we could safely say something was wrong i got into the house and was absolutely dreading finding his body a quick walk through and i didn't find anything so i opened the door and let the other officers in a search through his house found nothing nothing seemed out of place or missing all the doors were locked and only two windows were unlocked but nothing out of place around there minus the dirt i tracked in after a few minutes my lt found a note attached to the fridge it pretty much said officer they told me i couldn't wait for you i'm sorry you missed them but i will see you soon old guy he never came back and we never found a body his house was in the center of town so it's not like he ran off into the woods his car was there i left the department a year afterwards but it's still a mystery to everyone there i sometimes think about that and wonder what the crap actually happened a lot of the time with apparent possession it's due to something called acute behavioral disorder abd abd is an umbrella term for episodical like events where a person seems to act completely different to how normal humans act examples of abd behavior can be speaking absolute gibberish having seemingly inhuman strength and having an extremely high pain threshold this can be brought on by drugs mental health or a variety of different things breakdowns stress etc often what happens is their heart rate goes to the peak and as they are in a manic state they don't stop leading to their body heating up where they will often take off clothes to cool down and can eventually lead to death if they are extremely unlucky if you google excited delirium you will find many examples of abd some of them seem honestly demonic there was this case of this guy who climbed on a roof and started throwing tiles from the roof into a schoolyard at kids and cars eventually the police were called to reason with him and at the point he thought it would be best to jump from the roof onto a parked car which was about a 15-meter drop underneath him he then proceeded to get up and run at the police while screaming absolute gibberish and crying unbeknownst to him or the police he had actually broke a femur smashed his ankle to bits and fractured all his ribs but he was still running it's insane it turns out he had taken a legal high at the time called methadrone which had badly reacted with him leading to this manic a couple years ago when i was still serving as a corrections officer i was assigned to work the assessment center housing unit for males it was third shift so i was alone with the exception of about 90 inmates most of them were passed out or groaning from detox so it wasn't exactly a setting where it would be difficult to be skeptical of any bizarre sounds however around 3 a.m as i was doing my rounds along the main floor i could hear the sounds of a cell door slamming shut repeatedly being in a direct supervision facility the units are set up to where the officer can see every single cell and a room door from the main floor all of them were shut and yet the sound persisted and no there was no way they were coming from another unit walls were too thick between housing units this woke several inmates many of whom began to panic when they realized there was no source for the sound and they were not the only ones to hear it i could have probably pretended i didn't hear it to discredit their anxiety but i tried to be a straight shooter and just reassured them of their safety no sense and lying to people even if some of them are scumbags a short while later maybe about 3 40 am i could hear the sound of handcuffs ratcheting made me double check to ensure my cuffs were secured on my belt as i walked around to investigate the noise and made my way toward the visitation windows i saw a figure sitting in the booth through the window i approached thinking that maybe i left it unsecured and an inmate wandered inside but as i opened the door i found it empty keep in mind unless the guy could teleport there was no way he was walking out without opening the door right in front of me furthermore the door was locked with no mechanism to unlock it from the inside needless to say i hated working the mail assessment center although i'm not a police officer we did have a funny occurrence when working with the uk government on assignment to one of their offices to train some staff we were staying in a hotel for a few months and one day in the early hours of the morning whilst sat sharing a few drinks and a big bowl of chips with the night warden we were disturbed by an utterly blood curdling scream one of those that stands your hairs on the back of your neck on end followed by another and another typically as a bunch of big lads in our 20s we decided that once the police had been called we'd go with the warden and get involved after all it sounded like someone was in real trouble and we couldn't just sit and wait with the wardens help we quickly found the room in question all the while the screaming continued we knocked loudly on the door demanded it be opened and when the only response was another scream decided we were going in the warden unlocked the door and a boot from one of us broke the little chain and the five of us piled in expecting to see something out of a horror movie instead we found a businessman in his mid-50s alone cowering in the corner in the midst of a clearly horrific night terror the fact he was wearing a rather raunchy little black lady's lingerie set high heels and a blonde wig didn't really sink in for a few seconds after the adrenaline started to subside we smiled apologized for the intrusion and left him to it quietly giggling as the warden cancelled the 999 call the poor guy arrived for breakfast the following morning in a very expensive suit looking rather sheepish that night when we got to the bar the warden explained that the beers were on the blonde the guy had left 100 pounds behind the bar for us presumably as payment never to tell his story sorry mate but thanks for the beer when i first became an officer for a small village i received a call for harassment at an apartment when i got on scene i made contact with the caller a middle-aged man we'll call him jon told me that when he returned home from work he found a disturbing message in his bedroom i went into the bedroom and he showed me to his dresser the words get out now were carved into the wood on top of the dresser it was a jagged carving and didn't look like it was done by a knife but with a fingernail john told me that he keeps his wallet on the dresser and when he grabbed it before he left the carving wasn't there i asked john if he had any kids that could have done this as a prank and he said he has a daughter but she's only four years old and can't reach the top of the dresser plus he added that his daughter and ex-wife were on vacation and have been gone for three days i asked who all lives with him or if anyone has access to his apartment and he said he has a key and the manager of the complex has a key but that's it i asked if there were any signs of a break-in or if anything was missing and he said no i photographed the dresser and the carving and told him to call back if anything else happened never heard from john again and i'm pretty sure he moved out it's been about seven years since that call and it still creeps me out a little bit not me but my friend is a cop in a major canadian metropolitan and one night that we were supposed to go out after his shift we decided to pick me up in his cop car since he was almost finished his shift and was just going to drop the car back at the depot on the way though he got a call that someone was complaining about noises coming from their basement that sounded like a person so he decided to make that his last stop i was told to wait in the car while he talked with homeowner and checked it out he was gone for about half an hour before we came back and had this terrified amazed face on him apparently the homeowner was hearing loud thuds from his basements for a couple of weeks but on the day of the call they were really loud and scaring him he had a walk in basement so he thought maybe someone had broken in my friend goes to the basement to check it out with the homeowner basement is all dark and the lights need to be turned on from the electrical panel so they get to the panel and my friend says he saw something in the corner of his eye he turns around and at an end of a hallway which leads to a cold storage he sees a guy facing the door of the cold storage just standing there he yells at the guy to turn around but he doesn't homeowner sees him to end is scared friend asks the guy to turn around once more before hitting the switch for the lights and the guy ghost at the cold storage just disappears when the lights come on my friend swore that he searched every inch of that basement and could not find anyone else there homeowner is shook up and says he's gonna stay with a friend for a night and my friend calls another cop to surveil the house to see if anyone tries to enter the main house or basement not sure what happened after but my friend swears he saw someone in that basement was driving along and found a girl just standing in the middle of the road my initial thoughts was to just tell her to pay attention but it was clear that while the lights were on nobody was home during my whole time with her she never uttered a word i was left in a weird situation she had done nothing clearly needed help but medically nothing seemed wrong as i am pondering what on earth i should do the girl suddenly starts spinning now spinning is not illegal and i'm starting to think this girl is one of those protesters that wind up police so i think crack on spin to your heart's content then she loses her balance and falls whacking her head on the side of the police car great so i call an ambulance but she seems fine still not talking but she is looking up at the sky it's a nice day so fine enjoy the view i do some writing and look back at her now bright red face and watering eyes and realize she is trying to damage her retinas by forcing herself to look at the sun that's a new one on me so now i'm holding a book or something above her to shield her eyes ambulance arrives and we get to hospital and now she has forgotten how to walk now i'm 99 sure she is a wind-up merchant but i get her a wheelchair in the wheelchair she strikes up a i'm a little teapot pose and keeps this up for the next hour zero movement just frozen with her arms out so i now have three potential situations one she is pretending to be frozen in time two she is suffering from a mental health issue three she has been possessed by now i'm convinced it's the latter but i section her and leave her with professionals a week later i call the hospital and they tell me she is still frozen actually sounds like she went catatonic we had been fielding numerous calls from a woman who suffered from some type of mental illness she claimed people and spirits were stalking her and disturbing her and all sorts of wild things her family refused to help her or help us help her it was really pitiful that the family wouldn't even get involved to assist with her obvious mental health issues her calls to 9-1-1 were constant and our policy dictates we respond if a call is made so one night we were very busy and she called complaining of crazy spirits bothering her and coming through the cracks in her walls and stuff like that i acted very serious when i arrived and had a new officer with me training him i bummed a cigarette off him and said watch this i told this woman to stay outside with the officer while i went and confronted the spirit i went to the back of the house and then outside the back door i lit the cigarette and blew smoke into a coke bottle and closed the lid i came back into the house and out into the front yard with the officer and her i held the bottle far out from me and said i had the spirit contained and we had to leave to release it in the proper place she was ecstatic and we left we didn't get a call back from her for over a year i left the patrol division by the time she started calling back my so's dad was a police officer and has a ton of tales so he was based in the isle of man where there is next to no crime but a history of paranormal sightings one night he was sent to bar george a bar obviously but based in this incredibly old building i think an old government building and the owners were complaining about disturbances whenever they would close up for the night so he got there and swears that when the tenants flicked the lights off to leave tables could be heard being dragged around in the pitch black these huge metal tables that screeched when dragged whenever the lights were back on it would stop so obviously there's not a whole lot that he could do but he looked into it and turns out that the building was actually used as a temporary morgue after a lot of people were killed in a huge fire the current morgue couldn't actually hold that many apparently the owners couldn't take it anymore so they sold the place then the next bar owner manager ended up moving the light switches into the vestibule so he could lock the place up and turn the lights off from outside without having to deal with whatever was going on he has loads of stories though if enough people want to hear more i'll try get them posted so someone very close to me works military intel in the late 90s a civilian who worked at one of the commissaries on a base in the desert of nm was investigated bc he died in very bizarre circumstances and worked on base he had started going on and on about satan's minions who were apparently chasing him he started to get so upset about it that he just quit coming to work one day a couple of days later his body was found in a local motel room the housekeeping found his body when they noticed flooding from under the motel room door they opened the door to find his body dead in the bathtub and a water with the tub water on in the room they found the bed was moved to create a huge religious shrine with candles still burning the autopsy was really bizarre bc the cause of death was listed as fear which nobody had ever heard of being a cause of death before he didn't have an obvious cause of death so fear was sort of the de facto cause couple of weeks later military intel was called out to the desert where huge pictures wouldn't tell me what of were found out in the desert near the base that were made of thousands of piled up rocks the person who told me about this said they were most likely related but wouldn't tell me why i have no doubt this is all exactly as it happened as the person involved doesn't joke around it was all just really bizarre many moons ago when i worked security i was assigned to a business in an industrial park that had a variety of businesses around it one saturday afternoon i leave the building to do a ground check and as i walk around the side of the building i see this large tiger resting against the side of the building now this is in alberta and tigers are not part of the local wildlife so at first i wasn't quite sure i was seeing what i was seeing my first thought after the initial reaction was how to write this up in such a way that i am not immediately ordered to provide a urine sample after staring at the tiger for a bit i realize that he is actually wearing a collar and has a small steel cable acting as a leash and it is tied to a tree about 100 feet or so away no one was around and i certainly didn't want to test the friendliness of the tiger so i decided to skip that side of the building on my rounds every now and then i would wander out and see if he was still there and after my third wonder there was a group of people standing around and a gentleman was holding the tiger he allowed people to approach the tiger individually and one at a time only and from the front the tiger didn't like surprises i actually did get to meet the tiger and actually petted it beautiful animal after a few quick questions it was determined that the tiger belonged to a stripper performing at the local strip joint beside the building i was assigned to the tiger actually belonged to her and the gentleman was the tiger's full-time handler and for those curious no urine sample needed a quick internet search confirmed everything that i had written in my notes if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video do bye for now
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Id: 0wYdj8M9Xn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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