Anti Mask and Pro Maskers are ANNOYING

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hello youtube yep i already know y'all down there fighting about something already and we're only what seven seconds in well i am so proud of you use your voice speak up for what you believe in comment as much as you can for the algorithm we are in a time where if you say that you should wear a mask or you shouldn't wear a mask those are fighting words wait before i get started hi welcome to my channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug and a chihuahua a past theater nerd gone grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person or two or three or all of you okay masks there are but three types of people in this battle the anti-masters the pro masters and the i don't care if i have to wear a mask if i need to go to the grocery store and they say wear a mask i will gladly put it on i really don't feel like fighting over a piece of cloth guess which one i am the third one okay for the people who the third one so i can't go on facebook without seeing something even slightly related to this mask and someone has to voice their opinion it's like they see a mask or they see someone like talking about a mask and they just can't take it they just have to say something this post is from my old manager who's like my manager for about a week because i left the gym [ __ ] y'all y'all don't pay me enough he's nice though if he's watching this but you guys know how i always read comments and i have to read comments and his popped up but i ended up screen shotting and saving it in my just in case videos because i found it funny and now well here we are so he's got a mask on while doing squats and cue the anti-master working out in a mask that can make your body acidic be careful i'm good this is not a concern nor should it be and then it just says like a whole bunch of like scientific stuff glad you're enjoying the muzzle i have heard from friends of mine who have to wear them for long hours have been getting sick from the lack of oxygen and excessive bacteria and co2 inhaling but they are probably not as big as you like okay thanks for your concern you the only one at the gym wear one you have people in you video lol but be you what do you want him to do get fired over a mask it's policy people and not everyone has the privilege of just throwing a hissy fit over a mask and quitting their job so he probably has to wear it and then there's the other side that i like to call the ultimate maskers known as the pro mask people some of y'all get on my last nerves too okay yeah i'm calling you out as well now you can't find many of these things online at least i didn't because you get bamboozled with just anti-master fine i'll cover my mouth can i go be seated now you can't take my temperature that's against the law well you got to wear a mask bro i have a medical condition i cannot wear a mask out this is day one this is opening day of trader joe's in north hollywood this is karen [Music] you just asked told me be a good little slave you're wearing your mouth like all the rest of the slaves you're telling me a woman of color and i'm a woman i think that's what people like to make fun of but let's talk about the pro masters for a second my friend called me and said she was outside in her yard doing yard work and some older woman just walked up where is your mask all close up i don't think you have to wear a mask um a few feet away from your front door on your property and the fact that that chick walks on her property and demands and lastly six feet [ __ ] let me give you guys my experience with the pro masters and the anti-masters that i've ran into all of you irritate me so first because it's just very easy to make fun of like the anti-masters because there's just tons of content online let's talk about my run-in with a pro master i was in barons and this was in the beginning where there was no math mandate you can wear them if you want but you don't have to most people where i'm at were not wearing them it was just kind of like the the sick were wearing them and the older people were wearing them people who are very compromised so i just skip on into barons gonna go get my vegetables minding my own business no mask looking at broccoli i have very good peripheral vision and i noticed this tiny little old woman shorter than me i'm five foot two and a half the half inch count tiny little older white woman staring at me peeking over at me from the canned food aisle she got prunes i thought it was funny i see her take her cart and push it on over toward me so now she's about over there pretending to look at the mushrooms while constantly looking at me but if i look at her she looks away so i get my broccoli my bell peppers and move over to the cheese section because we're making pizza and then guess who decides to also go toward the cheese section little old grumpy grams so i'm looking at the cheese and i look up she the little old lady who's been following me around the grocery store with an angry squidward face jumps back and says oh my god i can't believe you're not wearing a mask and then she shuffles away if you do that [ __ ] i don't like you and once again six feet [ __ ] why are you coming up to me make that make sense okay i had one other encounter this time it was at the gym which has now been closed for about a year but we had to wear a mask and that's completely fine i wear a mask they give you a little spray to disinfect before and after you sit on the machine something that you're supposed to do anyway so this is great everything's cleaner love it i'm once again minding my own damn business on the vertical leg press in comes three black people one old black man two old heavyset black ladies decked out in anti-corona gear gloves mask shield goggles two bottles of spray per person tons of rags no skin showing whatsoever i could only see like a tiny bit of their face that's it so they take the leg press right next to me and they're just doing a little circuit together taking turns getting on leg press and i'm trying to get into my disney trap remixes so that i can get a nice lake pump going on i cannot get into the zone because oh my god they keep staring at me [ __ ] once again i know damn well they're gonna say something why i'm just gonna stereotype cancel me okay but cancel me after you watch the whole thing keep the time retention on this video good okay are they gonna say something because little old ladies always have to say something they always gotta voice their opinion two they black i am black and i'm on my way to being a little old lady it's only getting worse as the years go i can't help but say my opinion and it was no different here okay anyway minding my own business disney trap remixes and i see from the corner of my eye a hand reaching out toward me toward my shoulder this one right here specifically see right here reaching toward me mid leg press ps horrible gym etiquette if you're going to try and talk to someone and touch them don't do it mid exercise ever that's rude and dangerous four things i think i don't remember so one of the heavyset woman taps me on my shoulder for the third damn time six feet apart [ __ ] don't you think you should cover up you could get me sick and someone else i said [ __ ] i'm just kidding i didn't say that i don't do that in public i watched way too many murder mysteries and and things pop at no i just said no and turned my head and went back to my leg press let me just turn up my disney trap remix and please everyone stay away from me i am not about to fight about this people are on edge just like i'm sure y'all fighting about it in the comment section nope anyway back to the story i was wearing a mask in the gym i have my spray bottle i deeply clean everything after i'm done they never said i gotta wear three layers of sweatshirts a mask goggle shield gloves a hazmat suit to go to the gym ma'am who's interrupting my workout they said math they said social distance something you don't know about i have complied what is your problem you're in my social distancing circle ma'am get the [ __ ] out you're the one that came into my social distance area you touched my shoulder you're gonna get me sick man okay anti-masters they're always funnier because they're spicy little things literally the little man that had an episode in the grocery store because they asked him to wear a mask people won't learn these people won't learn you're a bunch of idiots wearing masks you know it's not real he's so tiny look at you fools you got a oily on your face you [ __ ] you look like you got it off your mom's countertop you feel better you look like an idiot you're a child trying to make you wear a match he's part of the hobbit race like me all right look at you giants what are you going to do come imagine doing all of this and calling people dorks [ __ ] i'll beat that mask off your face like a [ __ ] and then it's not over you get picked up forklifted by your own son and then still not done your son carries you out of this store goodbye you know like the parents do when their kid is having a temper tantrum in the middle of the store because they want something stupid like zebra bubble gum but only the one piece of bubble gum not the whole thing they want the one piece of bubble gum with the zebra on it and it's a very detrimental thing and the parent says no and now they're crying and everyone's staring at them so the parent carries them out of that situation and takes them outside so they don't disrupt everybody else's glorious shopping adventure um the world reverse now it's the sun carrying out the daddy okay my experience we were in petco if you follow me on ig you know butters is a little scared of humans in the real world at home he's perfectly fine he's excited to be around people he will sit on your lap he wants you to give him treats but in the real world he is [ __ ] terrified at least he was he's getting better i'm guessing it's because he's so small and the world is huge it's kind of like if we went into attack on titan and the titans started sprinting at us trying to pet us in our head we're they're probably gonna eat us right that's what we're thinking they're they're gonna hurt us that's what he thinks and i'm trying to stop that mentality because most humans just want to pet him so yeah if you see me in public please do not sprint towards my dog with your big fat feet and loud footsteps p.s he's a lot better now i go up to random people give him a tiny piece of peanut butter or chicken and i walk by and they like hand it to butters and now he walks up to people and he looks up just waiting for them to give him peanut butter chicken anyway we're in petco looking at reptiles and i hear clap slide clack slide and butters is uh he's getting a little antsy what what's that that just started and is getting closer and closer and so i knelt down and i started petting him and i had him a piece of chicken making sure that he sits down and he focuses on me we do that focus thing where he has to look at me keep his composure look at mama but that sound keeps coming closer clack slide clack slide and it's getting closer clack slide but butters is keeping his [ __ ] together his butt is on the floor he's a little you know looking around but he you know i have to keep reassuring him to look at me but in his eyes i can see that he knows it's about to go down clack slide holy [ __ ] [ __ ] a little old lady with butters arch nemesis a walker so i'm trying to tell her oh oh man my dog's a little um clack slide clack slide ma'am my my dog is kind he's just uh he's clack slide he's scared clack sly she just keeps on moving forward i'm like uh all right she don't hear nothing that i'm saying or she just doesn't give a [ __ ] what a precious baby and i think okay well good learning opportunity butters sit he actually did it but then she's just a little too close for butter's comfort clack slide one more time and he goes insane running around in circles lisa's getting all tangled in between my legs i'm shoving chicken in his face like hey look at me look at that everything's fine he ain't having none of it and this is what the lady says she says oh it's because of these masks even better stop the poor thing can't hear because they are forcing us to wear these muzzles around our faces another thing that i've noticed like i can always spot the anti-master when i'm out in public because they just have a sense of uh i'm waiting for someone to tell me to put a mask on so that i can throw a fit then this guy walks out muscular man healer short man probably around the same height as me could have been a very nice guy i don't know but he wasn't wearing a mask and he had this sense of standing there like you're gonna ask me to put my mask on no i don't ask anyone to put a mask on you guys are asking me to leave the store for not wearing a mask when i have a medical condition even though yours is pulled under your nose there's a note that says i don't have to bring a note and yours isn't even on i don't uh yell at people for wearing a mask look at you fools you got a [ __ ] doily on your face especially if it is your business which it was i'm almost positive that people have walked in to his business and told him to put a mask on and then he just gets to let loose another thing we were in stater brothers and there's this man with his daughter and she was holding her hand to make sure that she didn't go anywhere walking through state of brothers like this no mask just waiting for some 16 year old employee to walk up to him and ask him to wear a mask because it's policy and him to throw a fit people won't learn these people you're a bunch of idiots wearing masks you know it's not real one more there is this older man who uh just the area that i live in we've got some characters sometimes it feels like i live in an overgrown walmart so guy walks into stater brothers no mask huge gut i can see like it's kind of like a crop top bottom trucker hat food stains on shirt he's just walking through stater brothers and you know the little employee comes up oh sir can you put can you put him out we can get you a mask we've got plenty at the front it's like it's fine i'll just do this and like walks off his hands looks really dirty i'm just saying that too he touched his face ew even without corona i don't like touching my face out in public i just feel like a lot of people do that on purpose go into a place of business where they have the sign right and in front that says please wear a mask when entering our establishment and they go find these specific places so that they can walk in without a mask just so people can tell them to put a mask on and they can throw a temper tantrum you're probably saying people don't do that michelle who has time to do that that's so dumb they do group shops at trader joe's without wearing a mask says it's in protest of mass requirement the video shows the group of about a dozen mask-less shoppers rushing into a trader joe's store in santa cruz the group which calls themselves freedom advocates is then asked to leave multiple times by workers a sign outside the store says face coverings are required while shopping inside check checkout the group tries placing their money on the counter that's when workers refuse the group calls this a cash drop where they enter a store without masks and try to buy a couple of items with cash they write down a list of the items leave their money and walk out they say they have a right to shop freely without masks wow you did it you guys really stopped the whole mask policy except you didn't now on the flip side down in texas i've got a few friends and i guess maths are no longer a thing you can wear them if you want you don't have to but if a business wants to enforce the mass policy then you have to wear it and if you are a business owner and you don't want to enforce the mass policy you don't have to either and a couple of my friends don't enforce the mask at their business and they say they get a few a day pro masters that walk in demanding that they change their policy walking into their business telling them what they have to do i cannot holy [ __ ] this is why i stick to dogs [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 102,809
Rating: 4.9233289 out of 5
Keywords: Anti Mask and Pro Maskers are ANNOYING, face masks, anti maskers, anti mask compilation, pro mask karens, pro mask freak out, pro mask vs anti mask middle ground, pro masker, pro masker karen, pro mask meltdown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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