SKYRIM But All Weapons are FULLY RANDOMIZED IS BROKEN - Can You Beat Skyrim With Random Loot?

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if it took that Targaryen girl one dragon to burn all of King's Landing then surely with ten dragons the future should be rather easy oh hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing bridge and today you join me once more in the wonderful game of Skyrim but alas no I'm not breaking this game per se using video game exploits instead I decided to load up a few magical mods you see whilst I was browsing the mod Nexus which is quite possibly one of the most unique sites all of the Internet has to offer I stumbled upon a lovely mod which adds a randomizer to Skyrim now this randomizer can work in many magical ways to destroy the true Todd Howard Skyrim experience I know Todd I know we haven't exactly had the best track record in the past Todd Howard but allow me to make it up to you by destroying your game warned small now at the moment my channel is going for a crazy copyright issue so who knows whether this video will be uploaded to my actual channel my second channel or maybe neither channel if both of them are deleted by our Lord and Savior oh god who is the leader of YouTube at the moment I think it's Susan I think Susan's our leader at the moment actually you know what maybe I should do something to appease the YouTube gods it's time we bring YouTube Susan into the mighty world of Skyrim ladies and gentlemen so let us start a new game oh here we are ladies and gentlemen were BAM we're in Skyrim now we need to create a absolutely perfect character and for that I want to create Susan the doctor steady Susan we need to create the Susan who is in charge of all of YouTube allow me to just bring up a few pictures of her it's not every day of the week that you can tell people that your entire job is looking at pictures of Susan vaca Kuchiki who is the CEO of YouTube you know what I think I can make her you know what this isn't going to be the Susan of we know this is going to be some garlic alternate timeline Susan who has massive scars across her face from when she fought in the great YouTube wars of 2018 got these eyes we just give Susan eyes into the void is allowed me to face on it yes Susan you may have all of my baudet ization please take it away and give it to your gods nation will be a great sacrifice to our overlords you know what I think this is fine it started out with Susan and it's taken a turn to like I don't know become like conspiracy theory side of YouTube Susan maybe oh my goodness why is it every time I get my hands or the character crater things just go horribly awry let's move on to the hair right Susan what have we got in store for you you know what I think this is just about it I think we've actually almost completely Natalie nailed it sure people might raise questions about the deaf eyes of Susan but you know what it's fine it's fine let's finish in a more character I've got to be honest I can't spell Susan's last name it's completely impossible instead we're just gonna have Susan smashmouth the legendary fighter and worry of the great YouTube wars so here we have it Susan slash Ralph Oh her eyes it can see right into your souls they know whether you've liked the video or not my monetization coca-cola won't want to give me money and as you like the video you see yes Susan I'm sure they'll like the video I won't bring back scare PewDiePie as you dad right of course we're playing with the alternative start smart so who knows where we're actually going to start and honestly I think we should go for my favorite one which is we're just gonna hit surprise me because we generally have no idea where we're going to end up we could be I don't know a warrior in the army we could just have the default vanilla starts but what is important is that in this magical room there's a little button here hmm the randomizer oh this looks interesting before we hit it I am going to have to save because this thing destroys the game so allow us to activate the randomizer so you are attempting to randomize this may take several minutes please backup your saves before this as it may make the game unstable Oh trust me ladies and gentlemen this will make the game unstable so we need to choose our randomization style and my personal favorite is the recommended add loot now I just need to stand around and wait five minutes for everything to be suitably randomized a few moments later Susan I know you don't like waiting it immediately Susan but sometimes you have to wait for a game to be broken okay patience Susan patience I think we should personally remove the wait time when the channel gets copyright strikes we should delete it immediately okay Susan there's no need to go that far eventually perfection the randomization is complete ladies and gentlemen now we need to choose the enemy randomization style so we have add random eyes denim ease or add randomized enemies and guards brackets may make all guards hostile mm-hmm well it's experimental and you please use it at your own risk well ladies and gentlemen do you think the spiffing brig would go for just randomizing enemies or just randomizing just about everything well I it's a bit of a no-brainer if I'm honest although some set can make the game a little bit too challenging perfection randomization is complete but now we need to randomize the enhancements and effects of weapons so you see randomizing the enchantments effects make sense webber jacking is something i tried okay in my trial run the webber jack means that every single weapon pickup converts into a weber jack equivalent and upon using literally anything like say hitting some with a wooden spoon a random effect might happen for example a nuclear bomb might suddenly spawn at your feet or you might suddenly heal 25 million health points now this is great right up until you realize that you are effectively rolling ad 420 dice every time you pick something up and I've got to be honest about 75% of the effects are probably just going to kill you immediately so for that reason we're doing four just leave randomized enchantment effects otherwise trust me we will all die and lovely the randomization is complete now we have our final randomization setting do we enable chaos mode now okay this this is going to make the world very funky chaos mode will absolutely break the game so I've got to be honest there's only one option okay when we spawn into the world things are going to get randomized objects whether just physically all terrain features will be randomized on size shape what they actually are who knows what world we might create anyway let's sleep why have we ended up ah here we are apparently we've started another life oh don't mind the chest it's doing its own thing and we're ready to begin our new life oh wait no the chest is just shrunk back down again I stone there okay my hidden wait who's this Eric - the Slayer Eric the Slayer is my friend Susan new home friend Oh someone could love those deep dark void eyes oh this is fantastic Eric the Slayer you magnificent sausage I'm so glad to have you anyway there's a barman over there if I touch down over here can't see me let's check this chest ah this is quite nice immediately in the chest we find the amulet of articulation which means persuade chicks in dialogue will almost always succeed in speech Croft is 20% better nice I like that oh it turns out we already have free of them in my inventory lovely ah and we also have the bone mold armor of health which will increase my health by 50 free hip points you know what I'll take that over the iron armor that looks moderately overpowered and weapons we have a standard iron sword and the style ream battle axe of winter now who Susan is ready to party it's a where bats in the world is Susan even located do believe we are it the frost fruit in okay where's that on the world map the middle of nowhere well isn't this just lovely and we have absolutely no markers on the map because guess what Susan she hasn't really been out into the world per se we know what I think it's kind of magical now let's see if we can steal anything from all these lovely people goodness the barman has some interesting items a mage hood a bone mold Armour of health and a lever armor of major illusion which is so impressive illusion spells cost a total of zero percent less oh that's just terrible I love it now I do believe the way this mod works is if you were to spawn a character in and they would say have a iron sword there's a percentage chance the iron sword may be replaced with instead a random item like the Excel green battle axe of winter you know I think we've seen enough of this beautiful place it's fantastic it's got big chairs it's got small chairs where you can we sit in the big chair it's big Susan's big chair for big people Eric I'm afraid you're gonna have to sit okay right Susan Susan you okay Susan doesn't how we sit in chairs in the UK okay Susan okay that's five wait there's a person over here oh and he is also a tiny human he is actually absolutely tiny where are you going tiny moonwalking man you know that's fine we're of it we can we even leave wait no please let us leave where's the exit Susan easily heath oh god this is the issue of chaos world the door somewhere our here's the door it's in the floor right here there we go we can finally escape oh god I love the chaos world who knows how we're gonna be able to find our way around - but we can't attempt it lovely we made it into the world oh but no a battle starting why is that child massive oh god that child is huge what's happening over here it's a white run guard oh the guards are hostile Oh God and apparently Eric my companion has become really big and is killing this way run guard I've got of Jeff you vomited on by someone oh it's you where I get frosted man I've got is really vomiting over the frost did kill him wow that's some effective frost that's almost as good as mine I'll take that never go we've managed to defeat the white room guards well done Eric the Slayer or as I should now refer to him Eric of the Titan man also I don't really like how Susan is effectively the smallest person of the world or the fact that the cows have become a feral and you can kind of see through them Oh God but this is an elven helmet of major alteration I like that was this a star this is a style rim battle ax of Thunderbolts target takes 74 points of shock damage and half as much magical damage okay I'm on board of that one yeah I think I'll go for the acts of Thunderbolts if I'm honest this finger is fantastic why the children so different sizes okay let's fight and the five places it's sideways okay that's fine you know what the world is our oyster as the legendary Susan we can do as we please and destroy as we please as well and so for that reason I won't head off in that direction because not only is there a strange robed man over there what are they what are they're casting a lot of magic Jesus Christ was that a fireball oh of course it's just a dragon priest yes you run into these all the time in Skyrim I feel like we need to do something to actually defeat this absolute monster right swing and that's a Miss Susan I'm noticing that was quite a big miss there hits them Susan hit them with the lightning Susan I've got my health is really depreciating oh but luckily were joined in the fight by adorned guard hello dog guard hey the dragon priest is dead what did he have some abandoned prison key and a spout home of he lovers it seems pretty useless if I'm honest apparently there's an enemy nearby what are you are you just a foul mall soldier hello foul more soldier go away foul more soldier all right they go yeah this weapon has quite a delayed reaction you hit them in about five seconds later they just have an electric seizure taser attack oh god something's happening over here we need to know what it is I think there's a fair bit of fighting happening if we got any loot for me yes a single chest what have you got what the hell is that thing an amethyst Paragon BAM you mind diamond Paragon 2004 allocate your mind good lord tell you what does look important though that strange looking tower thing over there so come on Erik whereabouts are you come on big Erik we need to come take out this thing Susan needs you oh yeah we've got a bad day out lawyer and what are you you have up you're just a red god oh my god you're full of diamonds oh it's so nice thank you so much oh I think I extend here Eric as well with my defects Oh Eric Eric please don't die from the frost damage Eric oh god Eric Oh this weapon is too overpowered if you land a hit on something it just slowly withers away to death Eric I wish you could have been more valuable Oh Susan needs a new friend what is what the heck are you what are you alright let's kill that thing oh god Susan you absolute warrior that was incredible they had a Spoto of candle lights and a glass sword of despair which causes creatures and people up to level 96 to flee for 88 seconds what 88 seconds you can literally hit some of this and they'll just never come back and we have a Daedric war hammer of nullifying oh I want that as well oh these weapons they're perfectly balanced I love it oh but I really don't see this sword in action but what are you you just random Breton can we sneak attack him come on Brent and forget about me and flee yes tummy I never should have come here and now run away from combat and I'll see you again in 88 seconds time ah this game Oh what what what what is got what Mike okay hang on a second wolf Todd I don't I don't think this is how it's meant to go Todd oh god what happened to the one wolf I killed where's his body Todd I currently see your Wolf's very well ergo let's search the wolf the wolf has enhanced crossbow schematics on them and a way stone focused classic wolf loot right there scuse me wolf can you behave can you behave very obvious definitely 100 percent of wolf all right there go oh my god I stubbed the wolf right for it's human head Oh some piece wolf well that's one of the more stranger encounters I've ever had in Skyrim well if I'm just kind of in the distance of a to see two random people fighting because that's what I've managed to turn sky him into just literally you're wandering around the countryside and users surrounded by loads of random encounters with brand new unique experiences honestly this game I think I prefer to fool a 76 yeah the moonwalking draggers what are they doing I like how you just kind of like slide into combat oh wait you're moving a little bit now no don't move your limbs I preferred you when you stopped doing that pammi you resisted the fear cease resisting or so you don't have a weapon so killing you wasn't too difficult what do we go going on over here Oh God this one definitely knows magic good lord that's a lot of magic okay heal up oh I see tonight master vampire how could I forget it resisted the fear oh god Susan oh oh Susan's dead oh bugger eyes and said I'll just switch to the mega warhammer of death that seems like the better choice right feel like we need to find a road and make our way to a city yes that's probably where Susan can make friends come on Susan away we need to find a way of making new friends and replacing Erik because let's be honest he just wasn't really strong enough for us you found a nice little village which should hopefully have a road now go we've discovered a farm hello the quarry has got a less from a lot of gold what have we got yes come on career what are we being given letter of inheritance Oh your ball graph is telling me I was devastating that Erik the Slayer is dead Oh Erik decided to leave me 300 gold despite the fact that I hit him with my ex have effectively slow but guaranteed death oh what a shame poor Erik thank you for your furniture God though the heck is going on here bandit highwayman and forsworn fighting each other just hit one with the frosty boy I've got him out of food I'm our food about food Susan don't die again Susan don't you dare die Susan oh god we need switch to a different weapon a more effective weapon we're gonna have to use the nullifying massive defects come on oh thank god I got that one not that one brohoof don't kill me bro Huff gone bro half don't no no okay right we're running we're just gonna run I've done my job here oh god dad died our God he's very much dead Oh Susan Oh Susan right you know we really do need to get to a city where it's safe and we won't just get randomly ambushed by very overpowered people right after much writing and copyright striking of illegal shrek 2 uploads susan has finally arrived in the mighty city of Markov we're outside the front gates and who knows what awaits us inside Susan hopefully we'll find new friends for you let us go and say hello to our brand-new friends oh my goodness okay at first glance is it's not exactly completely friendly and has the game just crashed todd todd the games not working OCAD it's gone ah Skyrim ladies and gentlemen I would normally take this time to blame it on Todd Howard and poor game design but honestly I don't know if that one's on me or him right Susan's back and this time but we've reloaded the game all of the random are his defects have been altered once more for example our Daedric warhammer of nullifying which previously was quite possibly the most overpowered weapon I've ever seen has been nerve to the point where it's bonus damage has been put down to zero however the staggering battle axe of winter is still ridiculously overpowered and so we'll be using it oh and also the completely opie sword of despair has nerfed itself instead of creatures up to level 96 fling for 88 seconds it's really really just level 17 oh it's it's terrible but nonetheless students not gonna let any of that super she's going to bring justice to these lands come on Susan into Markov perhaps now they'll be our friends oh yes here we go um towns not looking too friendly hello Markov city guard or RF is that weapon you're using okay I'm going to have to kill you I'm afraid luckily my Frost Axl works very effectively there we go and they're dead what have you got Markov city guard oh my god Daedric Harbor oh yes come to me please and test jeff l Tancred Oh perfect oh no a tidy man died augment I'll take a key to your house what the heck is going on here and why is there a foul maahes a city guard you need to be killed Oh God so I just vomited on me Oh goddess one these horrific vomit mint oh no I might die I might die food eat the potatoes god I don't know if it'll be enough we're gonna need all the magic we can gather it's healing time yes mega heals lovely now just kill these city guards who have the ability to summon infinite frost boats come on acts of winter Jesus Christ what is that no not a frost Outram not that seems relatively immune to my frost overpowered nurse oh bugger right I'm out of here you can die though you know I think I'm just gonna go into the end you guys seem to be a relatively busy out here don't mind me I'll be back in a second I think I just need about a thousand more potions before I overstep side again oh it's so much nicer they're so relaxing it's only got giant bald men who you can kind of see through and okay you know I should just stop something spected reality at this point oh god what was I just hit by oh of course it's the city guards hello city guards please just go away good god I'm going to need more magic hopefully everyone else in here is going to fight with me and not just try and kill me oh no the Ingvar does appear to want to kill me please friend we could be really nice about this there go he's gonna let me live okay everyone else in here kind of dealt with it for me I didn't really need to do anything let's see if we can buy some potions also clip of what is up of your head you keep looking is to straight up into the sky right the improved seemingly useless as they don't exactly sell potions I did manage to get this small amount of food so my healing options aren't technically non-existent God what was that sword you just hit me with that was one hit and all when life was drained out of me oh my god I need that I'm just running around the entire city with my healing oh no they killed someone it's Weyland I they had the Nordic armor of major destruction power that would be useful wouldn't it well all the guards are just following me and I feel probably our best shot here is the Nordic great sword of dread and we just pray that we convince everyone to flee right flee flee flee just everyone flee or die there we go the fleet for 28 seconds I'll help dude but I will take that orcish great sword of consuming which restores 21 health now that one is pretty good oh yes come on Susan's on her way and she needs to say hi to you that won't give me your life force Susan needs it to run the algorithm don't you vomit on me I will drain your life skills ever thank you thank you thank you every hit that I get is just more lifeforce trade from you you're hitting me life force please I need the energy thank you oh wow there's just a pile of dead guards here now it's becoming quite the mess oh no the gods they killed a tiny tiny manhood Oh devastating news hello Marie go away oh god now they're shooting magic wait are you shooting magic at me or are you friendly oh no you were shooting it at me okay we're only activating this so that you can actually escape Susan away we go normally I wouldn't have Susan activator admin perks but Susan I'm afraid we're going to have to do it now the city is proven most unwelcoming to you alright come on we're out of here farewell Markov it was an absolute pleasure I will never return God we've stepped outside of what is this Weber what are you tiny man it's vigilant tyrannous right you're dead what on earth I what is this okay it's an empty horse that's fine but God right we're out of here oh this wagon man I can't man take us out of here my good man's just grown and so is his horse in fact his work is changing no don't tell me about Mark have take me away from here let me get away you know what this mountain range over here looks rather interesting surely there's gonna be something spicy for Susan at the top yes come on Sue's and we're on our adventure people like adventures you see adventures can sometimes even make it into the trending tabs I wonder if I put this as a vlog Susan but that'd make you more happy that castle over there looks rather interesting Whiterun over there would also be rather interesting to visit perhaps we could go teach the wonderful people of Whiterun about the joys of smash liking and subscribing and of course drinking tea god I love right device guy what on earth was that is that someone's body feel like there's a dead body over here somewhere Kahn that couldn't have just been a graphical glitch Todd what on earth was that I saw you literally hole a corpse this direction what on earth is happening here we have some lovely guards escorting a prisoner ah these guards have some interesting weapons on them okay I kind of want to know what these weapons are so I'm going to free this prisoner yep give me the weapons what have you got come on that one looks interesting Oh God right so you have a big hammer too but my big hammers better you ever have a to Stormcloak soldier so I'd like that one as well that one looks quite impressive 7go we've just got some free hammers now I thank you for all of your weapons I won't be returning them right time to go say hi to the people in this castle I'm sure a lovely and friendly towards me hello it's me Susan I'm your friend you can tell by the way that I've just slaughtered four people outside of York they've appeared as red Datsun and that means Todd Howard is telling me that they are very very naughty Fort Graeme or okay I'm interested don't mind me just gonna smash my way through these little wooden posts don't mind Susan she's just not a big fan of all of these posts okay just let them go why are you just standing up there and looking at me all right time to enter and actually say hello to these people oh god there's a vampire oh my god Susan Jesus Christ I've gotta Coralie blame you for that one Susan he did just one hit you and you just evaporated my god right Susan - why Fran we must go and finally ladies and gentlemen Susan smashmouth has returned but now outside the gates of Winterfell Susan is on her final leg of her journey she has traveled many many miles who with her trusty hammer on her back smashing both the like and the subscribe simultaneously into people's foreheads her success is legendary to the point where Youtube subscriber numbers have never been higher she is quite possibly the greatest CEO YouTube has ever known and here we find her outside Winterfell ready for the final leg of her journey so Susan smashmouth CEO of YouTube at us say hi to the locals hello there carriage driver have you ever heard of PewDiePie you wouldn't like him he's not very family-friendly but alternatively I have a ton of a toy unboxing channels that you'd love to subscribe to you've swore me to bread in a carriage but I mean what about what about you chew bread wouldn't you like to try you - bread come on YouTube red no why'd you already stare at me no be olam you must submit you must submit viola submits to the like and the subscribe to our Purim there you go finally subscribed finally you may rest easy knowing that I've handled your subscription feed don't ask questions as to where your previous creators whom you'd like to watch have gone now only this I've selected what is right for you now on to you smash like smash like subscribe why won't you do it horsey why won't you well apparently this horse is completely Nathalie invincible just like Susan who is now finally activated a final form incredible speed unlimited strength and the power of YouTube red hello there stable man I'm afraid you no longer need to live another Java it's just having conversation with your father over there don't go and check on him he's quite fine he's now a member of the YouTube red program but you're my friend have you ever heard of YouTube heroes you look like the fine upstanding man who'd why do you step away from me Jabbar shavar you do not walk away from Susan when she's talking to you I'm afraid you can't be YouTube hero with an attitude like that come on I need to make heroes out of the lot of you what is that you shouldn't have such a power that's for you too bad wins only give me your staff of destruction prepare to be Smita Dwight on guard give me your staff of storm or Susan it is time we destroy this realm Susan fire oh goodness you missed Susan come on you shouldn't miss if you do this you might accidentally you know delete a perfectly normal channel oh goodness yes we must make sure never to miss hello there I'm sorry but it's time for you to die mister wife regard you can do nothing to defeat the mighty Susan her powers know no bounds you mere mortals you try and defeat a god like Susan aah my bounty has been removed so they won't even see me coming when I enter for the doors perfect don't mind me I'm just going to grab one of the Elder Scrolls using its power know what I think it's time we king's landing Whiterun yes with the power of the Elder Scrolls it's time we summon fiery death upon the people of Whiterun for not submitting oh goodness what on earth is wrong with wifehood good lord this place is definitely in need of a good scorching power and everyone's super duper hostile well what a shame looks like I need to summon something to help me Susan bring forth the YouTube admins there we go Susan that roar is the mighty bra Avira true power good lord okay Susan Todd's not happy with the fairway you've kind of hijacked his game good lord Susan what have you done I'm now currently just kind of hearing dragon ASMR if it took that Targaryen girl one dragon to burn all of King's Landing then surely with ten dragons the feed should be rather easy no Whiterun guards did i hear you haven't liked and subscribe to my latest favorite creator on the rise for that all of you deserve to be burnt in a fiery hailstorm go Cygnus that man been turned into a leg of ham oh my goodness well I guess this is what happens when you don't smash like hello and a wraith you look a little bit different than how I remember and for that I'm afraid you must die or rather the Dragons will making sure of that yes you know I feel like this is how Susan would want the world to be it's quite nice relatively tropical in fact nice and toasty for some I got a second what are you doing don't make me kill you I have the high ground look I want a stare I heard it was piss being eviscerated by a dragon oh hello how are you doing all right Susan away it's time you speak with the y'all you'd probably like to know about all the dragons that are currently being you know spawned everywhere oh my god I thought you just got evaporated in front of my eyes good lord alright God let's go see to the OL don't worry about the dragon situation now I'm sure it'll sort itself out eventually right ello y'all I'm just doing a quick check up on you see the y'all because I've heard that there's a chance that he hasn't subscribed to my favorite crater Will Smith hello oh my goodness are you pulling a sword you're pulling a sword on the mighty Susan ladies and gentlemen I'm afraid I can't let this stand it's time to unleash our greatest powers it is time we incinerate the world in Nice YouTube red family-friendly you two kids up yes unleash all of your power Susan let no one remain in this world in fact summon more dragons yes allow them to assist wherever they've teleported off to into the world oh there's one okay there somewhere good lord you know what it seems fitting that I should end this using the massive hammer smash like and subscribe now just where is the Yeol exactly certainly not you've wrong go sorry Krong go oh I sadly cold kill you it appears he was swept away Oh cozy relief but where is your ball group oh my god I think the Dragons just pushed me off the map oh no good figure I just go place by kid oh nope and out I go again turns out dragons in closed spaces not a good idea you know what it's been an interesting journey for Susan she's managed at almost of the world beat the living submission out of almost everyone in the wonderful continent of Tamriel or at least I think that's the Tamriel continent I'm not sure I haven't exactly watched all the seven thousand episodes of scarring law on YouTube so I'm sure there'll be a good feel view in the comments section correcting me on some of the ins and outs of the law like for example why the phasing dragon of Whiterun probably did not exist underneath the seat of the yawl this brings a close to Susan's magical journey she is simply too powerful to be contained in Skyrim and so I must simply delete the game uninstall all files and burn my hard drive it's been an absolute pleasure Susan but I'm afraid one of us has to go and I've drank too much tea to be defeated by the likes of you farewell and enjoy your time elsewhere in this universe goodbye Susan I have to go now my planet needs me [Music] as always a massive thank you to my majestic patrons who make all these magical stupid videos possible thank you very much and to all of you who leave a comment and maybe even a like on this video if you're feeling spicy thank you very much especially in a time where my channel is gone from being deleted to almost being deleted to hey yeah you curry is going to end now wow it's been a topsy-turvy time so thanks to all of you for your support and if you're looking for a video to watch next we're BAM this one on screen trust me wow it's perfect you're gonna love it it's everything you enjoyed in this one and yet so much more and so much spicier and so different who knows how I do it anyway I'll see all of you in the next one have an absolutely splendid day goodbye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,541,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder scrolls, skyrim special edition, skyrim secrets, skyrim mod, skyrim funny, SKYRIM But All Weapons are FULLY RANDOMIZED, skyrim randomizer, Can You Beat Skyrim With Random Loot, can you beat skyrim, the spiffing brit, funny moments, game exploit, game funny, game glitches, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, rt game, skyrim, spiffing, spiffing brit, can you beat fallout, funny clips, elder scrolls funny
Id: o8p5fiz60Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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