ELDER SCROLLS MORROWIND Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Excluding Invisibility Only

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britain today you join me in the elder scrolls free morrowind this game was released in 2002 that's right it is almost as old as some of our favourite RTS games like Age of Empires 2 however it is not as old as the greatest game that was ever made transport tycoon deluxe what a marvel of engineering but nonetheless Todd Howard poured his life and soul into the older story morrowind and also promptly declared that it was his least favorite game to be working on but nonetheless Todd Howard this is a beauty of a game there's quite a divided group amongst the elder scrolls community those who prefer Skyrim and those who prefer Morrowind oblivion sits somewhere in the middle when it comes to game design today we're playing morrowind and it is a perfectly balanced game as all things should be and today we'll be wandering around the fantastic world of morrowind as I demonstrate to you some of the glaring mistakes the Cape decided Spade when they created this absolute beauty of a game so ladies and gentlemen if you're all ready for this one make sure you're sat back you relax with a nice warm cup of tea and you know what we're gonna dive right into this game own also like all good games of this era it has a full movie at the start of it but it's also really loud and nothing you can do can quiet it look I've made it nice and quiet for you guys at home oh here we are we're in the game and OH name Todd Howard for just frosting such a decision upon me you know how important names are to me Todd Howard you know what for the first time in our life we possibly could play as myself you know we've never actually really played as a character called spiffing before it's just never really happened I mean at this point we could probably also put down my fall titles because for some reason the previous game video managed hit 40,000 likes which now means that I have a doctorate in cuisine trading equally because the Skyrim video before that did very well I also picked up a knighthood for the nation of Sealand which now gives me in the two titles of Doctor answer because holding a doctorate from the University of Australia in Khajiit trading is apparently perfectly fine but nonetheless note we won't play as myself now we need to come up with a character name which fits perfect with what we're going to be doing today now what are we going to be doing today ladies and gentlemen well for some reason when designing this game the lovely people over a professor they decided to add a lovely statistic into this game intelligence now because Todd Howard is such an intelligent person he realized that actually all other stats should depend on a character's intelligence if your intelligence is really high you should be able to run faster because your intelligence is multiplying all of your other stats so we need to create a character today in Morrowind who is going to be the smartest physical being alive so who could be the most intelligent being in all of Skyrim well look no further than this fantastic man here dr. hoard Howard that's right Doc's are hot towered long distant cousin of the Todd Howard family and now this game has some unique controls to say the least ephra start WASD that's normal I'm honestly surprised it's not the arrow keys or something horrific like that however this game's main interact key say to pick things up is not E it's not F this games interact key is spacebar yeah you want to go through this doorway or talk to a guard you hit spacebar now that is just golden isn't it anyway we need to wander down here go to the census office and yes I know what you're thinking already these graphics are beautiful I know just look at this fantastic guard we have here Oh Perry I'm not allowed to go back oh no it's not that I'm not allowed to go back I'm not allowed to go forward over I am stuck right oh they'll give free Oh Todd anyway yes we live in a beautiful universe here as you can see I mean what is that thing Todd what is what is that thing Todd Todd I've I've had nightmares of that thing in if and I've never played this game before what is that thing okay don't look at the creepy monster I feel like half of this game was fueled by over Todd Howard on drugs or just having nightmares whilst on drugs anyway hello there God Oh perfect now we get to choose our appearance hmm so we could play as a dark hair for a high or for what the heck is this it looks like someone took say a potato and then put it out in the Sun so it kind of brightens up a bit and then stuck hair on it this is what it looks like wow it's beautiful isn't it and then there's Khajiit yep right that's a Khajiit Wow aux is beautiful as well Oh fantastic and argonians oh yeah this is this is what argonians look like anyway we're going to make ourselves Ohio for the sole reason that they have many bonuses for magic although they are also weak to magic but don't worry ladies and gentlemen we can change that hey we just need to pick a nice face which is perfect for us and my goodness that was it there perfect that looks exactly like towered what head we give oh well it's got to be the massive melon I don't even know what this is it's not a melon but it does add a perfect shape to his head okay we've gone for the calmer hairstyle it is just an upturned collar on his head now this is perfect the guard says I'm sure I'll fit right in this is perfect now the thing is Todd created this beautiful tutorial area there's just a few slight issues with it quite a few issues in fact and that's that it's a tutorial area so all of the a eyes have been toned down into basically being physical embodiments of potatoes you know guitars will class a wheat now you can do a little Q&A which someone invented which is very a masala and rather boring or you can just pick from a class list and that's exactly what we're going to do are we going to become a mage there we go oh my goodness I must say the tea that I'm drinking today is absolutely fantastic we're not sponsored by Yorkshire Tea but my goodness we really should be sponsored by Yorkshire Tea that thing is magical and we're going to choose the class of the mage that seems like the perfect choice anyway here we go it's our final bit of information tells us everything we have we have a maximum health point of 35 which is terrible if you remember you start scaring with about a hundred so we can literally be killed by a strong gust of breeze at this point but hey that's just the life dr. ho towered has chosen to have and his intelligence at the moment or it's quite good it's at 60 at the moment very nice and here we have it here's our release identification which we meant to pick up and then job done with free to go as we please however if you click on it and then immediately close it you can do some fantastic things you see there are books of value around here and honestly we don't have any gold so what is you just pick up the books and take them now immediately the crime is reported however books are in the tutorial area Todd Howard decided that the guard just can't move so yes which is going to keep borrowing all of these lovely rava high-value books thank you but most importantly around here we have the lime where platter which has a value of 650 moi that's mine look they're very upset by it what are you doing we'll let your actions go for now but once your release stuff like this will get you arrested again thank you I love the tutorial area I'm pretty sure I've gathered everything I'd like so we'll grab this release identification perfecto oh and also if you want to access your inventory in this game it's sadly not II also tabbies third person as you can see we are a stick monster who is absolutely giant in comparison to everyone else but taxes your adventure is not E and pressing it's not happening you might think what maybe it's I it's not I is M no to access your adventure in this game it's right mouse button and that's our inventory that's how this game works oh what a game what a game anyway let us return oh no so this is the running animation yep it's good it's beautiful this game is perfect anyway let us release ourselves into the world and I Coralie be bothered with the law so I'm just literally holding down my auto clicker talking through the options and job done we're free to be released as Todd Howard thinks we've learned everything we need right it's been a successful first adventure into the wonderful world of todd howard's nightmares and i think it's time we move on to our next place of course to move on to the next place you must first just simply run around and spam the jump key and oh no we've got stuck on the terrain again by this game it's beautiful isn't it yes you really do want to just literally keep hammering around the jump key because that's the best way to train up your acrobatics anyway we're going to leave the lovely little starting town and wander over to a direction i'm not too certain where we're headed but i'm sure we'll find something what does the sign say bow more in this direction good right we want to head to bow more once we get to bow more that's basically when we can start doing all our lovely cheesy exploits and becoming the most intelligent and powerful character this game has ever seen oh my a mighty challenge approaches a rat come on Todd I'm sure we could do this well actually the two pissed be relatively resistant to fireballs nonetheless he has been defeated he is dropped absolutely nothing Thank You Todd here we have it we've almost reached our objective the lovely town of Balmorra and when I say lovely I mean well it's certainly reduced my ready very small view range by adding a massive layer of fog and hang on a second what is that Todd hang on a second no no you're not now ghonim this isn't what you did to their bodies todd todd stuff you can't do this to people oh good okay I'm actually crying that's terrified Road anyway I need to locate someone who I need to return a little message to and then upon doing that I can set about my beautiful exploit I go friendly okay to the person I need to return my lovely letter to and hopefully he's gonna give me some gold though I have noticed that he's he's using a skimmer pipe down here hmm very disappointed good sir and moon sugar had some strong stuff mr. kosko said it is who are you I'm just an old man with a scuba problem well at least he's nice itself admitting about it there you go here take the package take a look at it oh no I've accidentally just become a member of the blades ah so that's how they get you in brilliant oh there we go I've just been given some orders and perfect along with the orders I get 200 gold which is exactly what I need is nice there we go we've basically been told to take his money go away and then job done perfect um I like to borrow things here oh no no he's not happy with that he's not happy with that what is he doing bright we're leaving okay so um we took his gold but he wasn't happy with me taking his moon salts apparently he isn't just an undercover agent he is also obsessed with moon salts love that tells a lot about someone what a shame anyway onwards with the actual part of the video where I start exploiting the game now that we've done effectively the tutorials own hot towered needs to gather up some special things now that we've gone and got our 200 gold from the person who's collecting some pretty hardcore narcotics over there I was considering going back into the south wall corner clock but actually no I realized we need to start exploiting the most powerful thing this game has to offer and what might that be well that is of course magic at the moment we have one magical spell and for some reason it just phase me through the floor into a bridge oh this game what am I even to do right fight reload the save oh goodness Thank You Todd Howard for that you see this is classic Todd out tried to sabotage hot towel on his magical journey just to try and surpass Todd Howard right now we are in of course the lovely city of Balmoral I think it is and the Balmorra has a majors guild now the majors guild they'll take literally anyone in stead of most games where you have to do a mission to join the majors guild you simply come up to ran is here hit duties would you like to join the mages guild and then just hit yes and there we go you are now a member of the mages guild nice so thanks for telling me about that but I don't really need anything from you so you just want to run on down here into the mages guild and you see this lovely person here s trodden now she's a lovely person because she has the ability of spell making now spell making is a very magical thing it allows you to ever so slightly choose this game but before we do any spell making with her there's one thing we need to pick up first that's from Mel oh sorry Marilyn here want to buy a certain spell there we go soul trap perfect that's gonna be sadly a big sink for some of our gold but soul trap is very important is once you join the mages guild and buy that potion of soul trapping from someone you want to go to this lovely lady here and she'll give you a mission to basically stop someone who's offering very cheap services in training some very wacky spells now for some reason that's undercutting the mages guild and their true capitalist so they don't like it yes we accept her mission and now we have to go back over to the corner club over there and basically tell the person over there to stop practicing his magic and so what you want to do is you want to come all the way down here and meet this lovely sausage right here in the corner and what he's gonna do is he's gonna offer you any spell you like for an incredible lovely cheap price as well and basically the spell he's given us is the fantastic Daedric health which is fortify health basically on yourself you just want any fortified spell so here we go feet of Natal go also works this increases your speed it's absolutely fantastic yes you want to go down there pick up that lovely spell from that bloke and then you want to run right the way back to the majors guild now remember all of this can be done at level one my character is still very much level one so there we go we're back to the majors guild and we want to go find the spell making lady and here she is so now that you have soul trapped from that lovely lady over there and a random fortify spell for literally anyone in the entirety of the universe of morrowind you want to go over to Esther doll in here and go to spell making and as you can see we now have fortify attribute an absolutely fantastic magic effect and this lovely thing will allow you to fortify any attribute this game has speed your strength for your intelligence will power agility speed endurance personality all luck now we want to fortify our intelligence because as you know as a true mage the smarter we are the better our spells are and in fact just all of our stats in general so you want to have fortify on self your intelligence by 10 for a duration of one second but then you want to use a soul trap now a soul trap traps the soul of the targets creature in the smallest empty soldier in the caster's inventory if the creature is killed during the effects duration this is very strange so we want to do set the range to target duration to warn and air it to zero and now we have a spell of fortify I'm just going to put it as one fortified brain there you go we've just made a spell and only cost us 13 gold which isn't bad at all and so you want to go up to here to one fortify brain get ready for magic and make sure you're looking at the floor now how this spell works is basically we have a soul trap which soul traps the target and we also are fortifying the intelligence for some reason if you attach soul trap to any of your spell's and there's no salt a trap either the game chooses to crash or the spell lasts forever so whilst we might be casting a fortify intelligence bow which is only meant and loss for one second by adding salt rap to it our intelligence has risen to 80 now surely if we wait 2 seconds it should be gone oh no no no and so it begins ladies and gentlemen holding down an auto clicker and staring at the floor yes the brain is expanding oh so this is the animation that they added to the game for spell casting is it not beautiful mmm so beautiful well done Todd Howard yeah we're just gonna have a little dance here spinning around casting spells and lo and behold our intelligence is now 210 for but you know what now that our intelligence is even higher we can go to spell making and make a new spell we're gonna call this one great of mind and this is going to fortify the attribute of intelligence it's going to be of the self but this time it's going to have a magnitude of a hundred so every time we use this our intelligence should rise by 100 absolutely incredible and of course we want to use soul trap as well and so trap on target whoa BAM there we go we want to buy that and also whilst we're here we want to fortify never attribute and that would be personality there we go two new spells one to literally become Megamind and the other to turn us into the most charismatic person in the universe so let us use Megamind so now we've hit the point where our intelligence is at 2410 and are resting magic all is 7230 as you can guess that's a bit higher than it probably should be now to try out our next PO fortify personality so there we go personality 140 but it can just keep going ladies and gentlemen keep raising their personality oh good this yeah I love this game it is very balanced as you can tell and being able to it's at level one perfectly fine there we go personality 1540 not bad at all you see because of our exceeding personality this bar up here is everyone's like for you now our like four people has reached 100 out of a hundred it's incredible everyone loves us as because everyone likes us so much when it comes to actually bartering with people the prices they'll offer you are much better for example I can buy say a potion off of this lovely lady here what's this standard disease resistance okay we'll buy this but I like one of them how much is that going to cost me apparently it's gonna cost me 20 free but if I turn it down a bit to say ten and offer that she says that's perfectly fine thank you come again so we just bought that potion but 10 gold but we can sell it back for 23 so we'll offer 23 actually not we'll be even better we'll offer 30 and she says thank you please come again now this is where things can get slightly arrived because we have some more impressive potions in like quality potion of Swift swim while that's a tongue twister we're going to ask and see if we can buy this for a stunning 10 pounds and of course we can this potion was valued at about 80 so we've the potion of Swift swim and we're going to sell it back to them not for 53 no no no no we're gonna sell it back to the seller for their highest amount of gold possible which is 1110 would you like to buy back your own potion thank you please come again there we go this is the joy of trading now we have all of these magical spells and consequently infinite money so we want to make a set of spells to increase our endurance speed agility willpower and strength just so that we can get everything up to the same level and every time I talk to people in this game now they now say what an honor it is to meet dr. Todd Howard look at that there is no one I'd rather see dr. Hart our that should be you guys at home I mean you sat at home who wouldn't you want to see other than the legendary hot towels hot Howard what a beautiful and majestic sausage look at him he's like a well dried out Pringle what a fantastic man oh now that we're here we can locate the nearest trader now there's an armorer there and a trader there suffering will probably go to the armorer I'm sure we can find something rather expensive in here to buy me look at all of this fancy stuff hot doctor ho Tao it hasn't seen majestic stuff like this now we have the lovely male door here and he's actually being guarded so that you know we can't rob but what we are going to do is instead perform a daylight robbery by simply buying something for no value like what is the most valuable thing you have oh my goodness it would appear to be this right here a driven lunar helm and shield for two thousand five hundred and fifty right so I'll be grabbing both of those and I wouldn't like to pay 4000 foot if I'm honest I'd like to pay much less than that and thanks to Maura winds classical usability now have to actually sit here and wait to manually load the cost to zero oh I love this game I really do oh it's been almost a millennia but Hort out he physically no longer ages anyway so it's okay he was fine sitting down and waiting for this trader to slowly come to terms with the fact that the number kept lowering I swear to God if the trader doesn't accept this oh what a waste of time oh we've argued him down offer yes oh we got two pieces of armor valued at five thousand go together for the cost of four gold oh that's right I'm not gonna sell him a potion of okay what about an iron dagger with a value of one Eggar you would buy that right how are you gonna buy the worst weapon in the game for mr. seller your maximum gold is 1504 let's give it a go success when your personality is so good you just walk into the traders like hey look I have this iron dagger here it might just look like a plain standard iron dagger it in fact all of the tests you've done have shown that it's a below-average dagger but allow me to tell you this dagger has hatched been blessed by our Lord and Savior Yorkshire t itself it was even used by the Queen to slice a loaf of bread at one point and so you would love to buy it lo and behold poor little Mel door here is completely out of business now but he is certainly happy that he's been given a knife blessed by the Queen so now what do we do I guess we just fortify the rest of our stats or actually I have another idea if you were say struggling with any of the quests in the game I'm going to demonstrate to you how to beat almost all combat scenarios without actually ever fighting yourself if you ever want to pacifist run say morrowind and I don't know this is maybe probably a shout to mitten squad how to do more a win without ever actually damaging anyone probably the best way to do it is to go into spell making and create a spell to summon a bonewalker and this is just gonna be for the self and it's going to last one second so it's absolutely terrible and also going to soul trap the target so we summon a bone Walker and we soul trap the floor now if you want to get very risky you can effectively stack these stats for forever for example if you have chameleon where you can do is once again make a chameleon spell which is going to break the game so we'd say at 100 chameleons lost for one second but of course we would say you soul trap now you can make this spell but be warned if you are to ever cast this spell you will stay in chameleon mode forever there is no way to get out of it similarly if you were to make a spell which was levitation for one second and soul trap you can never stop levitating you are stuck flying above the ground forever so make sure to be careful when it comes to make except with these spells anyway we've got all the spells we wanted I think it's now time to start maxing out some of our other abilities so let's increase our fortify agility agility once again also affects the chance of people hitting you so the higher this is the harder you are to hit now we'll also do strength and by fortifying our strength our health is going to go up for some magical reason now strength is great in this game but you probably don't want to go above the number of 250 now I have done it and I've gone to 730 and that is a partial mistake and there's one so reason why you see weapons in this game do damage and strength scales the damage higher but equally they have a repair ability if your strength is too high you basically can't use a weapon more than once your strength is so powerful you swing it over the weapon and then it shatters at this point we can one hit the final boss we're effectively a spoon but the spoons will shatter instantly and can never be reused again but it does make you very powerful I think now it's time we summon the great army don't mind me we're just gonna have a few of them just a small amount you know there's a few of them of the moments it's certainly not kind of merging into one monster at the moment I follow me flesh demons let's come on oh they are terrified oh and also to make ourselves faster we probably should have done a fortify speed it needs to be carefully fought by speed because as you can see we've done it twice and now this is how fast we run and literally we need to run fast to outrun those gremlins let us increase speed a bit faster there we go we now have a pretty decent top speed any faster than that yeah you know we might as well just increase our speed whilst we go I'll run speed is now pretty much almost reaching the speed of sound and you cross most of the world of morrowind very quickly sadly Oh summon gremlins back there somewhere they'll catch up eventually and there was one spell that I forgot to pick up Buster in the majors guild so good they have to hold back into their to do it oh goodness I forgot about you gremlins is this just what happens when I run away too far I'd like to make a one more spell the final spell fortify health this is to a magnitude of 100 and it will last for one onself add a soul trap targets perfect spell yeet and will by that heat spell activate heat spell look at the floor and there we go 114 health and then you just keep on going like this and now you can't be killed by anything well done ladies and gentlemen well done oh this game it really is something oh no crime was reported run run the mages guild is hot dog panting I've been kicked out of the mages guild it's okay just spam activate I failed casting the spell of increased my health okay my health 1,000 anyway let us use chameleon chameleon oh god no 100% chameleon nice so that means they can now no longer see me sadly this means I am no longer visible for the entirety of this game wait no you can see me you damaging me no I can no longer take damage it would seem what is going on here this is an incredible combat that hot touted envisioned in his glorious game seriously still tried to stab you with a butter knife what are we done what have we done you might as well just increase our mind ability now what I'm going to do is summon a bound battle axe that seems good so we summoned that nice if I actually got it cool and my strengths so good let's hit all that's good and hit oh and that's another instant knockout oh this is going well ah so yes we've become hard towered destroyer of worlds and my gremlins doing a good job Wow well done gremlins you managed to defeat almost the entirety of the mages guild including this person here let us assist with them wow they actually took the hit Oh nope two hits was what it took rest in peace my good friends they were great well played to everyone in the majors guild they've really almost managed to defeat me they look very close but sadly no you can't defeat the incredible towered and just look at the guy run WEEE what a speed gremlin okay don't get stuck in the walls see so fast oh I love hello entirety of this area your god oh and you're gone hello God are these guards on to kill Iver actually maybe we can create some kind of like large epic fight sequence against the guards but I think most of them are dead I mean the issue is 100 percent chameleon no one can see me at this man in front of me they just got no way of countering this I'm so sorry so sorry Gabe oh no no II let's see just how far we can take our speed because at this point the savefile is as good as gone and nothing else matters here we go fortify speed let's begin I'm so sorry towered that this is likely going to be the end of almost everything nothing should survive this now as we can see speed Sat 1530 shift go my boy go didn't fly you can just keep going we almost back at the tutorial area it feels like it you know once we've run we might as well cast this speed oh he's only getting faster he's approaching the speed of sound itself this Boyko is so good and jump oh my goodness jumping is quite impressive as you fly flight on Howard fly we're even are we this looks like a area it's a fort of some kind hello guards you've earned a death warrant for your crimes outlaw there we go my crime has been reported can you see me fight me fight come on what do they do it okay this is going fine as you know maybe I can give them something to fight because they seem to be having a good time moving around combating summon the gremlins I feel like you can do this for almost everything in the game now I've earned myself a death warrant okay goodbye look at them come on try and find me you know I'm around here somewhere ish come on guards you're doing a good job so where is the criminal I can't quite find him I feel like he's in front of me but uh-oh you know what it's been fantastic thank you very much for watching I know it's been quite a nice little short video but I hope you've enjoyed it nonetheless I've been this flipping bread if you've liked what you've seen here today then make sure to hit subscribe because we'd love to have you in the community I know hot Howard personally would be very touched by your appearance and would it would most likely make him smile not many things make him smile anymore now that he's become the immortal destroyer of worlds but you know maybe you could be the thing to make him smile again anyway I hope you've enjoyed watching ladies and gentleman hard tower does most certainly loved having you along hit with us for the ride if you have enjoyed the video a like could be great well as a comment would be amazing next you want to see the return of the wonderful Rihanna Kives in Skyrim or alternatively civilization 6 a game which is still not fixed and we discovered yet an over exploit so that's another thing we could do anyway ladies and gentlemen I've been the sniffing Britt thank you very much for watching go grab yourself another cup of tea Dave if you haven't got a cup of tea yet today and maybe you've even had a cup of coffee I'm disappointed but redeem yourself now before I summon the Queen's Guard upon you so go fetch that cup of tea Dave go for it as always a massive thank you to all of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic very silly videos possible each and every one of you are majestic thank you very much and if you're wondering what video to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now it's been hand chosen by myself to be right up your alley and trust me you're gonna love it if you enjoyed this one this one it's gonna be the one for you well anyway I'll see all of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,752,254
Rating: 4.9005208 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, elder scrolls morrowind, morrowind, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, perfectly balanced game, invisibility only, invisibility exploit, video game exploit, morrowind exploit, morowind invisibility only, morrowind challenge, morrowind invisibility challenge, elder scrolls challenge, elder scrolls, spiffing brit, funny clips, skyrim, oblivion, funny moments, morrowind funny moments, perfectly balanced, rpg game, rpg exploit, Excluding Invisibility Only
Id: 9jPsZ_Pgm1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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