I Think The Outer Worlds is Broken...

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i'm calling bs, in the time it takes em to sneak around and line up their shots i'd have already hammered them to death, looted their shit, and ran off to do more shenanigans, its a decent build but op or broken? no. just because something is effective or decent doesn't mean its broken.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/demonardvark 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'll be honest I'm playing on hard and it's not that hard, I dont see why you'd need an cash exploit either money isn't that hard to come by.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/The_Big_LeBateski 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

That's nothing special. My heavy weapons do more damage per second and don't need ttd or aiming.

Melee dps also comes close to that video dmg while healing you a lot and being tankier. Not including prismatic hammer which is bugged on consoles and does 10-50k.

Every dedicated build can be OP even when not counting that one bug. Sniping is much safer though I'll give you that.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Funculus 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

He uses wrong mods for this build though. It's all about the damage, so plasma/shock is obviously a must have. For both of these a magazine mod exists, so switching it out would give you a 30% damage increase if you got 100 science. (edit: I think the final boss would also take extra damage from shock, so...)

Both of his weapons also don't have a barrel mod slot, while using the wrong scope mod. With the good ones on them you get another 15% post armor damage and 25% crit damage.

So the crits can go way higher than what we see here.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/838h920 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the smithing Brit and today we're playing the outer worlds ladies and gentlemen that's right from the people who created Fallout New Vegas we have a brand new fantastic RPG game to make you forget about the monstrosity that was fallout 76 this game has it all it's got character development it's got interesting storylines it's got companions and apparently according to the developers it's had QA playtesting meaning that there are no glitches or exploits in the game well I'm terribly sorry game developers evidently you didn't search hard enough because today ladies and gentlemen I've got two fantastically cheesy exploits for you we're gonna be looking at the most overpowered character you can possibly create using a simple assemble at home sniper rifle with the ability to critical hit the entire solar system in one fell swoop that's how perfectly balanced this game is but alternatively when you've had enough fun of one hitting all your enemies why not trade your way to success and find a way to get unlimited money in this game of course we've got an unlimited money glitch to come on it wouldn't be a British exploit video without a good bit of unlimited money that's what we're all here for so far further adieu make sure you sat back your lecture have a nice warm cup of tea and hey get out right fantastic and you want to be taken to an outer world with me then why not like the video in advance oh majestic person let's dive into this now I have actually played my entire way through this game if you can believe it ladies or gentlemen to the point where I am playing a level 19 Rihanna Kives that's right he's found his way into this game too ladies and gentlemen and he has some very impressive weapons yes to sniper rifles in particular which are rather exciting but most importantly it's the Deadeye assault rifle you want to keep your eyes on now there aren't many sniper rifles in this game to be precise there's basically two and only one of them is technically even any good The Lone Ranger is also pretty spicy now this game is fantastic basically imagine fallouts but they went to space that's this entire game in a nutshell it's one gorgeous adventure into a brand-new sci-fi world the excitement it's got plants it's got strange creatures all of which you can kill and just like Fallout New Vegas if there's an NPC you don't like don't worry just shoot them the game will work afterwards every single thing in this game can have a bullet between its head and you know what that's exactly what we're going to be doing now over here we have a tiny little rant goblin creature and we're just gonna hit it once as you can see we do 2198 damage this is not an appropriate amount of damage for the game something terrible has happened or perhaps something very fantastic now sprouts aren't exactly the most powerful being in the game in fact they're probably the weakest so instead to demonstrate the power of the opie sniper build I am going to be walking into the edgewater community here and we're going to be defeating every single NPC inside that's right ladies and gentlemen because all of the NPC's can be defeated why not that's exactly what I'm going to do so when it comes to being a sniper you probably want to get yourself up to a nice point of elevation although in this game finding such a point is a bit of a challenge what I'm going to do is to get my way over to a position of advantage of a nossa hello that Ullaeus my friend I'd like to steal your or just everything on your person actually that's fine because I have a very high level character so don't mind me I'm just gonna sneak around behind you in fact actually how about I finish you off because really there's no need to have Julius our friend here existing so that's exactly what I'm going to do goodbye Julius 2300 damage he's gone now ladies and gentlemen and no one's any the wiser now what you want to do is come out here and it's time to start picking off most of the residents there we go corporate guard yes snipe ah mm damage my friend and thank you very much oh dear but these two residents have seen me and they are unhappy well I'm sorry residents you only have a health pool about 95 yeah that's not good enough I'm afraid oh look there's another guard our bouche you know what ladies and gentlemen how on earth do you create a character of this build anyway well let's sit back relax and make a brand new character what so show off the fastest way to get exceedingly overpowered in this relatively easy game now you might be sat there wandering and in a second spiff how come your sniper rifle is dealing so much damage well basically if we take a look at our skills I've completely maxed out the long gun stat to the point where my long guns provide a 301 percent crit chance equally my sneak is up to 100 meaning I have a increased 77% damage when in sneak then also there's a bunch of skill unlocks meaning that I deal even more bonus damage and also an extra 20 percent weak spot damage you can then add that on top of plus 25% damage when alone in a party an increased 20% extra headshot damage a decrease to range weapon sway as well as a 100 percent bonus for the skills that you have on your armor it's pretty powerful in fact there's basically no way to stop my character at this point they physically can't be defeated so how do you go about making a Riano Kives of your own well it's rather simple ladies and gentlemen you can't just immediately one-hit all of the residents around here with your MLG sniper rifle whilst they try and deal measly amounts of damage to your godlike being but you know honestly there's not much they can do a push push oh it's just easy ladies and gentlemen sorry residents you guys really weren't built for combat in comparison to the legendary godlike Riano Kives I don't even understand how it hits because according to this reticle I have no chance of hitting and I just do know their residents poop and poop yeah turns out everything's just a one-hit in this area and also they can't even fight back which is rather unique but ladies and gentlemen just how powerful is it so I simply showed off how powerful it was on the starting planet well instead ladies and gentlemen I've jumped to the final mission of the game to demonstrate just how powerful it is now remember spoiler warning although to be honest it's nothing too crazy we're just simply going to be shooting some of the bad guys in this particular playthrough I sided with the people against the evil maker corporation right so what you want to do is get yourself down crouch down into a corner so you go into stealth mode and begin opening up on all of these corporate troopers sorry corporate troopers a Boosh 1000 damage combat drone BAM 1000 damage now we can actually look at the corporate troopers and see that they have a health pool of 680 which is actually relatively impressive it's nothing to be sniffed out this commander over here is a 700 health fool the only issue is against my sniper rifles it's completely and utterly pathetic yeah it does feel good to just one hit everything does feel nice and powerful if I'm honest anyway it's time we push on into the final mission now the issue this game is that it's designed at a very RPG way meaning you should be able to finish it in whatever play style you have meaning if you went for a lockpick stealth focus build you 100% can stealth your way through the final mission of the game it would just be very strange to do so but that creates a bit of an issue because it means we can effectively stuff our way into the final mission of the game and become even more powerful so what you want to do stealth your way over to here Stefon up one hit that guy and just simply walk away and the best thing is bugs our stuff is so high these guys don't even know who did it see look there is this guy's got no idea who I am as you can see everyone's rather alert but they haven't quite worked out where I am just yet I'm so sorry corporate commanders you actually were meant to be powerful oh yes hello their corporate commander oh dear oh dear what a lovely way to level up obviously though oh that was gorgeous I mean I've leveled up what do I even invest it in oh I suppose confidence is quite good your next attack after killing an enemy is a guaranteed critical hit well that's a surefire way to stop tracking this up to ludicrous levels or so boom headshots quite good headshot kills deal 25% of their damage to enemies within 2.5 meters or considering our headshot damages several thousand that can often make this build even more overpowered anyway what you want to do is walk around this corner corporate trooper boom he's dead our next hit is going to be a critical hit no matter what so I'm stopping over there boom 2000 damage easy-peasy what's this a corporate commander another critical hit easy 2000 what's this a medical drone 1500 damage don't ask how a bullet against a high armored medical drone is able to do that it just is ladies and gentlemen that's just the way the world works sometimes Oh corporate technician I'm so sorry my friend's guys just aren't powerful at all part of me kind of feels sorry for you guys I mean you've got one at level 25 corporate trooper over here that just all one hits though where they all meant to be one hit who knows ladies and gentlemen these guys are like five levels higher than I am and yet they're all just one-hit kills hmm evidently someone was asleep when it came to actually balancing this game what are you level 25 corporate trooper big hazard next your name saying be careful you're dangerous you have an armor of 44 as well so that's gonna negate 44 of my damage but I do 1,900 damage so it doesn't make much of a difference hello their corporate guard oh you've spotted me well hello you're dead I'm afraid sorry friend I know I think that's actually the entire level completely cleared out oh no so when it comes to the actual vending machine which I'm buying goods off of a do not raise any questions as to why I have 1 billion credits just let it be okay I'll show you how to make him for the money it's just a magical thing ladies and gentlemen just don't ask too many questions okay or they start sending people off to you like they sent after me or so fun item you 100% want to grab a bunch of are the focus atoll capsules which basically mean your sniper critical damage goes up to get extra damage to headshots weak spots so we're gonna be using that to hopefully one hit the final boss I'm just going to kind of choose my way through the final level here and then hopefully run my way over to the exit zone where hopefully I'm going to get my wave to the final boss of course the best way to do all of that is to just quite simply choose all of the enemies as this final area has a lot of ranged enemies which quite simply can't even shoot back the issue is my kind of like setup actually works of almost every gun so I have a flamethrower head and you'll notice my first hit with a flamethrower there's several hundred damage but just because of the stealth critical hit that's a flame for a ladies and gentlemen really should not be able to do that right now we finally made our way to the final boss fight of the game against RAM here as you can see he's a massive mechanical death monster we have a large amount of health are we actually able to see no we're not oh yes he has a health of eight thousand five hundred and seventy five by far the most strongest enemy in the game so we're going to be seeing just how far we can get when it comes to defeating our friend RAM here now luckily ram does not actually activate when you waltz on over to him fact we can still fall the way over here if we wanted to but my goodness he is one powerful monster so what we're going to do to give ourselves a slight edge is immediately we're going to chug this fantastic capsule giving us increased critical damage for 20 seconds increased mind attributes more increased mind attributes reduced weapons spread and sway yep just chug all of that stuff as you can see we've hit maximum intelligence meaning we have plus 50% critical damage if we max out our perception even more we could technically have even more damage but you know there's only so far you can get right let's do this ladies and gentlemen BAM 1500 damage 800 damage more damage ladies and gentlemen more right we have got him down to quite low health but sadly it's not technically enough this boy is powerful let us make our jobs easier by sniping that drone and then using the critical hit on RAM and I think that's around dead yeah that's RAM dead okay that's the final boss in the game done well that was easy thanks Gabe I was good thanks for all of these parts yep nice good game good game very good hi it really is as easy as that ladies and gentlemen oh look of course here we have Sophie the next end boss of the game she only has seven health mind you so uh you can't exactly call a much of a challenge so let's go for execute and she's gone right that's the second final boss of the game done oh GG ladies and gentlemen we've done it so how do we go about getting infinite money well ladies and gentlemen it's time for me to demonstrate now that we've defeated all of the actual major bosses in the game it's time for me to load back a preview save and show you guys how to make some tasty profits so what you're going to want to do ladies and gentlemen is respec your character butts at the moment my character is specialized solely for being a ridiculously over-the-top powerful sniper boy instead you want to go to this respect machine and redo all of your points instead invest everything into dialogue and then continue to max out persuade the next CEO you're going to want to get up there is engineering ladies and gentlemen let's make sure to raise engineering nice and high and for Perks you're going to want to grab a few more bits decrease in vendor prices and then just any other perks to simply fill out the poetry bit then what you want to do is grab snake oil salesman for increasing the vendor buying prices don't worry about solok you you don't actually need that and then honestly everything else is completely and utterly irrelevant it doesn't really provide any bonuses for you and when I strongly recommend you grab is armor master to increase the skill bonus you receive from armor and then for everything else once again it doesn't particularly matter there we go those are all the perks you should need a lot of them are just generally slightly wasted we then going to want to do is make sure you have Felix in your party and level him up to have slightly better persuasion abilities and then what you're going to want to do is go pick up the other companion which I've left behind so you've come back to Edgewater it's not the best city if I'm honest but it does have a companion for you to grab now whilst we do have the best companion the world Felix you're gonna want to go grab Parvati over here I know I never grabbed them but they are kind of necessary for a money exploit ladies and gentlemen so hey we're gonna use the help and well BAM she's now going to assist her she can join our party now that we have parties world this is fantastic news as we can simply go on over to her you know menu and whoa BAM we can start spending some perk points but you're immediately going to want to do is make sure that she increases your engineering abilities but most importantly mod Finder is what you want she provides an extra 10% chance to extract mods in the field splendid stuff those are some quite nice bonuses now in order to get unlimited money in the game what you're going to want to do is grab Felix and Parvati over here and lob your way onto the ground breaker now the ground breaker is a fantastic hub of trading and there's a lot of friends and lovely traders to be had so what you're going to want to do immediately upon boarding is hop onto these vending machines and now these vending machines they're full of trash if I'm honest there's nothing really too fantastic there I can see us it's mostly just garbage now ladies and gentlemen there's a unique way of making money in this game and it's generally best attempted with this lovely going Martin Callahan here as you can see he provides us a 20% discount on anything we purchased as it would be if there's just a straight exploit which allowed me to buy the light I move from him here for 60 and then sell it back to him for our high cost there is a slight limitation in the game they know that people are going to be trying this instead ladies and gentlemen we're going to be choosing this man's moon helmets oh my these are some fantastic mood and helmets indeed so what you're going to want to do ladies and gentlemen is grab all of his fantastic moon helmets right here just buy all of them it doesn't matter as long as they're less than a hundred they're worth buying then if he has any extra weapons make sure to grab those as well and also run on into here as there's a lovely lady with hopefully some more things to buy hello Gladys sadly Gladys over here doesn't have any fantastic weapons for me to steal water shedding was a make sure to run for all of these vending machines and see if they have any cheap weaponry but sadly none of these ones do now after stealing everything from there make sure to run round to Ike's armory over here I IQ or saw for a 70 percent discount now Ike hopefully you have some cheap armor for me oh yes you do so by just all of this cheap armor it's exceedingly cheap I mean just look at it it's so cheap it's 15 each that's fantastic now whilst we're looking at the armor you might also notice there are some unique items here these are weapons mods you can basically strap these to Armour to increase your abilities some of them are fantastic like for example increasing all of your tech skills all dialogue skills and leadership skills that's always a fun one to have make sure to always grab a silver tone kids if you see it along the ground they're fantastic now what you're going to want to do is grab all of these cheap items which are generally less than about a ninety you don't really want to go above their source you risk losing your money especially those cheap armors make sure to grab them now because we're fantastic personal skills we can break down some of our items here especially all the cheap ones now we have a slight percentage chance of every time we break one of these downs we receive a armor mode now what we're going to do is get our Moon Man helmet here and just hit 80 to break it down as you can see we get some armor parts but again what armor parts this time we gain insulated now if we go and check our inventory what is insulated well it has a cell value of 150 and it basically increases your armor rating are fantastic immediately we've turned a profit once again simply repeat and break down all of this very cheap armor and regain to [ __ ] kits and one hunters kit very good wow that foot kit sells for a fair amount and those hunter kits do very good as well we could have used some of these when we were building some of our ranged weapons these are great I also realized I completely forgot to show off my character Oh Kives I mean look at him he's a slightly grizzled war veteran Brianna Hughes butter he's perfect ladies and gentlemen he's absolutely perfect so anyway now that we have those fantastic items it only cost us a couple of hundred to actually buy them but what we're going to be able to do is run on back to our lovely friend over here and simply sell the items that he sold to us right back to him hello there Martin now a lovely friend Martin here gives us a 70% discount but equally he buys for a high price as well so what we're able to do is this armor here which is insulated which we got from grinding up a bunch of really cheap items we can just sell straight back to him save for the hunters kit and same for the folk kit and with that we turn a profit on everything he gave us oh thank you very much my friend I know so if you want the vendor inventory's to reset then quite simply fall asleep in a bed for three days and come back it's as easy as that ladies and gentlemen that's how you get unlimited money just speak to the moon man he's got all of the unlimited money Thank You mood man thank you well there you have it ladies and gentlemen I think this just about wraps up some of my favourite exploits which I've discovered so far for the outer worlds of course if you've stumbled upon any which haven't been featured in today's video don't be afraid to give me a shout and I'm sure we can see if we can make your exploit become a reality in a video anyway ladies and gentlemen I've been the spiffing Britain if you've enjoyed today's video then hey feel free to give it a like and why not hop down into the comment section and tell me about the glorious cup of tea you've enjoyed today as always a huge and special thank you to each and every one of our fantastic patrons who make these fantastic videos or the more possible genuinely we've earned your support we will be able to be playing jazzy games like the outer worlds thank you very much and hey if you're sat there wondering who might quite enjoyed this video I wonder what else speaking videos I could enjoy watching heck maybe I've already seen it once maybe I want to see it again well why not watch this video right here it's been hand chosen by myself to be exactly perfect for you ladies and gentlemen anyway I've been the spiffing for it us each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day it's goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,719,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, the outer worlds, outer worlds, perfectly balanced game, outer worlds exploits, one hit sniper, is broken, the outer worlds is broken, outer worlds glitch, video game exploit, fallout, fallout new vegas, funny, montage, The Outer Worlds IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, one hit sniper strat, outer worlds sniper, rpg exploit, outer worlds rpg, outer worlds gameplay, british, rt game, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced
Id: SltHrXsPnCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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