When Becoming God Creates MEGA FRANCE - CK2 100 Stat Man is broken

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hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the fantastic Crusader Kings 2 100 statment where today we are joined by the legendary King Creon Oh Kives the fearless of your vaq what an absolutely incredible man naturally has almost all 100 stats excluding the fact that he's picked up a couple of negative traits but otherwise he's an exceedingly powerful being and let us not forget the fact he is immortal although we did somehow accidentally manage to kill him twice in last week's video I've no idea how we manage to kill immortal characters but you know life finds a way but hey we're back and what has happened what is everyone missed well if you haven't seen the last video go and watch it but here's a quick summary basically we found a fantastic wife because she was so terrible at everything making us look fantastic she was an absolute imbecile Andals would drunkard naturally however we had to kill her when it comes to our family we have four fantastic daughters because apparently we have an inability to make a son however most of our daughters are exceedingly slow mostly due to the fact that their mother was an imbecile and also a raging alcoholic but whilst on his travels the king of your Vic picked up a new wife Queen Slovakia she is pretty terrible everything excluding intrigue which was some reason she is exceedingly good at making her probably the hardest person to kill in this world for us which is going to be very exciting anyway we started our fantastic game and I'm noticing we have a rival over here old CN wolf the lewd of Northampton that's right he's basically The Count of Northampton and he's a little bit cheeky he's got a little bit of the lovers pox and he's a bit of a master seducer but he is most importantly our rival I mean come on why would you be the rival of King Varian O'Keefe's I mean the dude's got a hundred diplomacy's fantastic why wouldn't you want to be his friend I mean it's not like we did anything wrong to you like I don't know say like carving a one-year-old daughter into a blood eagle on the orders of King Rock Eve's yeah I suppose that is one reason to not like Rihanna Keyes very well I'll let that one slide my goodness - 75 executed white child okay I'm sorry look can you let it slide it was just a minor war crime not a major one pretty relaxed war crime you want to see a real war crime I'll show you a real war crime speaking of which we've been at peace for too long so it's time to go committed war da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da well they said I'm a piece of mercy so I cannot invade the county instead I will simply jewel you yes this seems fantastic finally we can settle our differences let it not be cheeky here let's not convene with the agents let's actually just sit down and fight this one out my opponent looks nervous his armor a little ill-fitting and I briefly contemplate asking if he would rather do this another day oh my goodness I walk away victorious this is fantastic I mean we do have the ability to actually completely and utterly just murder him but realistically I like to let my rivals eke out a very pitiful existence and so we're going to walk away victorious and simply break most of his legs there we go success try being a master seducer now with that black eye and a broken leg anyway it's time to go to war and whilst in the last video I did do a poll to see which country you wanted us to use our invasion on quite a large amount of you actually said we should do a prepared invasion on to America and seize the entire thing in one glorious colonial war but I'm afraid we're probably gonna not be able to achieve that just yet arrey for the time being we need a war to distract the population and I think our best warriors to fight King Ivar the boneless that North Sea boy who decided to convert to Christianity that needs to change so it's time we declare war on the boneless KFC bargain buckets what county should we seize you know what let's go for one of these nice ones yes we're going to steal this county here Tevye dere that's going to be our so let us declare our war now we could raise up a large army to assist in the fighting process but I instead like to keep things on the low side the calm side so that's exactly why I prepared this very small minor army of just five thousand men to deal with just about everything you know it was for doing this war we are technically focused on the war focus but you know I'm not actually interested in war anymore I think we should actually take a look at a little bit of the cheeky intrigued because intrigue allows us to spy on people which is very important so we're going to switch to intrigue for the sole reason and if we take a look at our lovely court and all of our vessels we have some great vessels free of which are our daughters which you know some would say is a bit of a cheat when it comes to the whole vessel game but we also have Altaf over here the one Catholic boy in the entirety of a Germanic Empire and because he's so exceedingly Catholic he refuses to pay US taxes and just like any person who refuses to pay me taxes they will suffer now once I technically don't actually have any right to just outright imprison them and doing so would upset everyone i instead have the fantastic ability to spy on them so if we're going to spy on them and find a way to blackmail them out of their position where upon which we will steal their fantastic church and hand it over to one of our daughters yes i wonder what secrets he is hiding must be hiding many secrets behind that fantastic moustache just look at it it's so powerful probably take out someone's eye with it ah the siege is going well you know I think the siege could use to speed it all up a bit of an assault let's go all fantastic we managed to steal a load of captives in that siege of I do love stealing captives I have found out nothing new and useful about prince-bishop elders but as my shady informant pointed out there is nothing preventing me from just making stuff up the bigger the lie oh that could be a good idea I have it he likes to dress up as a woman I mean that only lowers his general opinion by 10 that doesn't really sound that impressive no no no I need something real I want actual solid hard evidence that this guy is actually a Satanist or something I'm fantastic we have another child on the way hopefully it's not just another daughter I mean they are lovely but I mean we do technically need a son who we couldn't give castles to now I do want to actually fight King Ivar the boneless however he's busy leading troops down in Nam's warg why is he located in lambs Borg I have no idea because it's an entirely different Germanic country but he's down in noms bog and I'm pretty sure he has no way of getting home oh no poor Fiona flash is so unresponsive so slow to learn sometimes I wonder if her slow mind is because her mother was drinking so much oh well we don't have to worry about her anymore because we had her poisoned and great I've still found out nothing about the Prince Bishop and apparently the current line we can come up with is that he's having an affair with a feisty goat but no please I need something real there must be something going on behind that we'll start over than just fancy goat stuff and I think it's time we go siege down their capital as I imagine that's going to certainly speed along this wall oh my the defensive pact against charles ii has been disbanded why because he's dead fantastic I'm exceedingly disappointed in King Ivar the boneless not only did he convert to Catholicism but he also has only killed one person that's such a small number I mean come on Riano Kives is much younger than you he's only 25 this guy's already killed 22 people now of course when wars happen fantastic things happen we gain prisoners prisoners are great I mean just look at them we have six of them including order here who we can actually ransom off to this guy who owns the castle of love Fame let's take a look at him it's the legendary poor barn the chase of love Fane and of course we hold his wife but not only his wife we also have managed to capture all free of his concubines although apparently he doesn't want the concubines back so you know what I'm going to make things easier for you you evidently have a bit of a complicated love life here so allow me to simplify it Oh goodbye and you know what even though I did technically slay your spouse you actually for some reason still kind of like me that's just how incredibly charismatic he is oh my goodness fantastic we've gained our first son legendary oh my goodness finally an actual son he wants to be called Valdemar and I'm afraid we can't have that Valdemar just isn't a good name for a son instead we're gonna bring him back it's the legendary Big Dave he's gonna be big he's gonna be Dave but most importantly we're gonna teach him about how to be so proud about being a Big Dave don't be Dave I really hope that he is going to turn out to be something very intelligent and so for that to be the case we're going to make ourselves his guardian that's right he's going to learn from the best the best of literally everything and there we have it's 100% wall school a very successful wall in which we managed to execute six people a great start and that's the wall complete success the local Germanic population should be happy for the time being but most importantly who is going to get the fantastic county of Jedburgh which we just managed to conquer well I think we should probably give it to someone important like our son our brand-new son Big Dave please do enjoy take the entirety of the county of TV Dale yes it's going to be fantastic oh my goodness thanks to my loyal spies I found out that the Prince Bishop is attempting to promote vile heresies of course we knew was promoting vile heresies he's a Christian and we're all Jim Alex everything he says is heretical it took us this long to work it out it literally shows it right there game it literally shows it right there game oh well we're going to expose and publicly denounce the fact that he is a Christian giving us reason to arrest him BAM he's been exposed Oh yet righteous imprisonment time my friend get imprisoned weave oh my guards failed to capture a man he's raised his flag in rebellion well to Arms amazingly the castle which contains the only other Christian in the kingdom has for some reason decided to stay loyal to us so on we're also going to have to start spying on him after we finish this anyway it's time to stop this very very small Catholic uprising and you know what I've become a flamboyant schemer yes I've improved my abilities very good 106 intrigue now oh my goodness we've managed to capture the other Christian Baron in the basil oh my goodness yes we can keep him oh we could just execute him he will make a suitable sacrifice for Odin and he's gone and now it's gone over to his child if child whose parents were both murdered by King Riyadh Oh Kives oh well think it's time we get this siege over and done with as this is looking like a glorious success already we have 100% control of the peace you're gonna quickly do a little raid on the castle just so that we capture a couple of prisoners like Helga here who I'm afraid were immediately going to sacrifice to Odin farewell and we've managed to capture that a lovely location fantastic egg a prince Bishop elder I'm afraid you're not going to be having your title as you are traitor to the entire kingdom by going into rebellion no one else cares so you've lost your entire County ah thank you very much a fine addition to my collection you are now completely useless and simply in my prison he notes I think it's time we execute you farewell it was an absolute pleasure knowing your elders now there is only one slight issue we now need to address which is the fantastic Baron a favoring the final Christian remaining in the entirety of our realm and he's only four years old we could technically grant him independence but instead I'm going to simply plot to kill we can rank up in our society let's do that I do have to duel against fraud gar but you not I think we can do this and we do it we've won the fight completely and utterly and I do believe we've ranked up to the rank of hero in our society the highest possible rank granting us a wolf on top of our head and also the ability to just call reinforcements from everywhere well apparently every single person in the entirety of the kingdom does want this four-year-old child dead so um it's gonna be one very successful plot to kill I can just say that my goodness look at everyone arrive 700% blood power this child would even be able to like exit his room without having a knife thrown at him oh my goodness oh no this is why you don't want to bring everyone in bloody Halton the white shirt has let everyone know that I'm trying to murder this four year old my reputation is ruined not what some would say my reputation is ruined considering the entirety of the kingdom is also in on this plot I don't really think it's too bad as my rival old scene wolf the lewd doing he's actually doing okay his wife did die but otherwise everything's looking good but apparently we are making good progress on our fantastic murder so that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to find a way to approach them apparently though he's not very happy with us - 200 attempted murder but don't worry he hasn't got to worry about not liking people for much longer and there we go fantastic the child is gone crap rave time we have inherited the fantastic county lovely stuff and that's how to do court intrigue to get rid of all of the heretics from your land you know what I'm going to commission of rune stone which is going to raise the honour of my own person it's going to say that i fynd absolutely nothing i mean being an ultimate being with infinite power I didn't really fear anything oh so we're going to search for a Smith because I'd like to create something nice let's say a deadly weapon a fantastic idea oh my goodness and what's this another Germanic revolt against King Ivar the boneless well I think they could use some good old-fashioned assistance from us hey take this gift of money and do something amazing with it our apparently you're not a big fan of me though because I did execute one of your children but don't worry you still kind of like me and the executed king of Scotland is trying to send Christian preachers naturally they all just get logged into the dungeon you need to really stop sending them but fantastic my stone is made and this rune stone will give me increased monthly party diplomacy in everything are lovely do like a good rune stone ah fantastic we've discovered a weapon Smith a fine idea he's going to be perfect he's going to make my custom weapon for me please I will give you all the money in the entire world make something fantastic now when it comes to what weapon we should have we can make swords Lance's maces but no we naturally want an axe I mean come on we're a Viking so we're going to create a legendary axe something amazing yes craft me the best quality axe you can that's 500 gold down the drain but trust me hopefully we'll get something fantastic Oh fantastic my axe is being created this is excellent we've added an axe to our treasury let us take a look at it it's the axe of King Riano caves oh my goodness very impressive increases our personal combat skill by seven and makes all the heavy infantry troops oh so much more powerful fantastic exactly what we needed and what should we do with such an axe well naturally invade lafrankie yep I really want to take control of this province here zealand not only is it an exceedingly wealthy province it is also the location of a germanic holy site see the germanic faith only has five holy sites but it comes to catholicism you have places like Rome and also Jerusalem but when it comes to the germanic s-- we have a holy site here in pattern born one in zealand one in the middle of denmark one over here in sweden and one in Norway as these free have been secured by the Germanic faith it is up to myself to seize the rest of them and so is exactly what we're going to do and so begins the fantastic invasion imagine d-day but just really all about just nabbing churches now yes apparently great opponent is going to get caught in and so will the kingdom of Strathclyde over here I did not do sure what's going to happen but we can't be fighting a couple of armies on a couple of different fronts hopefully we should win no problem and so war is declared the petty kingdom of Strathclyde decides to join in we will immediately crush them oh my goodness and my wife has done something fantastic she's successfully sabotaged Rome and is causing a peasant unrest in very high increased revolt risk basically and the tax in the region has absolutely crashed this is a fantastic sign as there is a 20% chance every month of a peasant uprising oh I can't wait to the Pope overthrown by a bunch of angry peasants now when it comes to actually getting my army over to Zealand we have a couple of issues it's technically rather far away and so we're going to need to use boats as the Channel Tunnel hasn't been invented yet and so we're going to get old colossal army of 7,000 men split it in half and hope both of them managed to sail their way there on fantastic news another son has been born apparently wants to be called refill but no that's not gonna happen you know I think we could do have a charismatic son and so I think at the time we create mega Chad he's gonna be great gonna teach him all about humility and being you know nice and diplomatic but also exceedingly mega chat hey we've embarked our army let's get it dropped off and the occupation of Zealand has been an absolute success the entirety of the county is ours with very little resistance however we're going to have to move our army onwards and siege up more of lafrankie before there'll actually take our demand seriously so the mega siege commences but we did manage to capture some pretty impressive prisoners some of which can be sold off for gold or can be executed right I'm sorry Cecile you're gone you know instead of actually executing the two children here of the count of Zeeland I'm instead going to change their childhood focus to faith and by doing so we're going to convince their son to instead become Germanic the other son however is sadly too old and so must be executed goodbye John oh and apparently Rome is successfully been sabotaged yet again Romans really going for a bit of turmoil at the moment the walls keep falling down the peasants keep getting all these wacky ideas who knows what's going to happen next oh my goodness Rome has been successfully sabotaged again I feel like you're sabotaging it almost every single day to have even more upset peasants even more sabotage buildings what are you doing you're absolutely shredding the local place that you're not instead I know where you should be shredding up please wife could you instead sabotage the fantastic province of Northampton I would love to see you drive my rival absolutely insane oh my goodness river of ridiculous quantity of prisoners this is absolutely crazy it could rank-sum all of them for 100 gold anyway were 99% war school so very soon they're going to be able to accept a peace deal from us and we'll be able to nab Zealand for ourselves oh my goodness I never believed this was even possible arrival in Northampton has risen up in rebellion this is amazing you know what I forgotten we can also antagonize him so that's exactly what we're going to do basically we make it our life's mission to just provoke him constantly I mean we're going to be basically setting fire to his province burning everything down and having a general fun time now here we go they should prefer fully win us the war or we have to simply do is defeat the lafrankie an army which turns out was exceedingly easy oh my that's the army gone and now the war is ours in force demands fantastic Zealand is now ours my guess I've decided that it might be profitable to take some time and resources and try to seriously hurt my sworn enemy oh my goodness he's an unbearable pestilence upon this will Houghton I will not rest until I've made his life a living ow my goodness that's pretty intense riad Oh Kives I can spread false reports to his spies basically making him much more easy to compromise spread vile rumors about him which will make everyone dislike him by 20 that's very impressive or he shall never know peace for as long as I live basically making him stressed but potentially making me lose kind you know what I think it's okay if I stop being kind oh my goodness he has challenged me to a duel for honor the only respectable response would be to accept this challenge you know what challenge accepted oh it's a good day for a duel light chuckle hefting my axe in my hand enough talking my opponent grouse and then soon he's lying face down in the dirt oh my goodness it seems I've sliced half of his leg off completely I take it over in despite Oh he's lost a leg oh my goodness oh my goodness sorry housing what is this apparently I set up some kind of mission to trick him because he's such a master seducer so I created some kind of perfect woman to tease him away but I've managed to simply seduce him with someone who has a terrible disease and now he has the great pox justice served this isn't just a serve i've ruining this man's life oh this poor man oh and his dad died succumbing to his severe injuries we really made his life exceedingly terrible in those last few moments my goodness oh and Northampton has been sabotage very good you know as our fantastic rival has been defeated I think it's time we take our sabotaging ways elsewhere now we have managed to capture the province of Zeeland and and that does technically mean that was the holy site is under our control it's not held by a member of the Germanic faith because it's held by Bishop Valda mayor of falun now he is of course a nose but a Catholic NORs now what I'd love to convince him to study our faith instead I'm going to have to spy on him until I find a reason to nap his church away from him but hey a new son has been born it's Ragnar you know I like the sound of Ragnar so we're gonna call it Ragnar Bonecrusher right now bone crusher free famine do you know what yes that's a good name that's going to be able to certainly intimidate all of the other children at the primary school you know as things have been going great in our kingdom I think it's time we hold a great vault I know it's not a great boat isn't it it's a great blot I remember always getting told off in the comment section when I called it a great boat anyway I can hardly wait now what is the Great blot well ladies and gentlemen it's something fantastic as you can see it's just you know a fun little gathering the guests have arrived for the blog to begin you know we're gathering having a nice couple of meals a couple of drinks for the lads everyone smiling and laughing we've got the kids there now for the human sacrifice to begin da da da da da da and so the blood begins and here it is countess mark Weiser of lune I'm afraid you're gone as sacrifice to the goats and who's this it's Hedwig goodbye Hedwig da da da da did it another one now let the celebrations begin fantastic a good little bit of sacrifice out the way and now you can get on with the rest of the drinking ah until next time ladies and gents oh goodness I love the way how these mass sacrifice things work it's great please do not quote me on that wait a second is this it if we done it we didn't even need to spy on the guy we've managed to usurp the temple because my fantastic priestly boy has managed to convert the entire province to Germanic amazing Eggar Valdemar we suddenly no longer need to spy on you you're completely utterly useless though you are now Germanic anyway the provinces ours and a holy site has been secured now we need is the holy site located in pepper borne how on earth we meant to get to it well it's going to take a lot of wars oh my goodness apparently our cellar has grown an excessive mead over the last few weeks and so drinking contests must naturally happen on apparently one by one the contenders tap out for our poor pass out leaving lesser and lesser warriors still drinking at the end of the evening there is only one left skully that crowd cheers naturally for the winner and carries him around the hall while giving him some much-needed praise you know what I've really liked this man let's be friends with this legendary man he's ambitious he's powerful he's everything we want here we have it we've made our first-ever friend fantastic Rhian O'Keefe's we've finally done it imagine having friends instead of rivals it's crazy uh apparently we've been at peace for too long so it's time naturally we expand our ever-growing Empire and take yet another city you know what I'm thinking Chester is looking pretty good although I wonder whatever wars we could possibly go for yes we're going to take the entirety of Chester please that looks like a fun little province for us to nab so we are now at war with mercy of once again after going to help to grab the county of Chester but of course to help us out we've raised up some mad lads who are gonna naturally be fantastic when it comes to fighting 7,000 men fighting against the kingdom of Mercia I think it's safe to say we've got this in the bag I mean you only have 1600 men maximum you know we should probably choose our military aspect that's a great idea I'd love to become a duelist it's just massively increase our personal combat skill a fantastic idea and also let's do some warrior training ah yes we've become fearsome just increase our chances of capturing enemy commanders Oh yes that's more sacrifices for Odin and lovely the son of the dude who owned Zealand we're going to teach him about Oh there we go he's now Germanic he is perfect you know what we should probably release him now he's done some fantastic things though maybe instead we just recruit him when he suddenly becomes old enough yes or recruit hein Stein boards weaken and we're gonna make him something special let's arrange a patrol and as well I'm the Battle of Leicester here we go things are going well and suddenly Howard embarrassed her from nearby spinning my sword I see the enemy at sea we don't have Sophie we ordered max oh it's the Lord mayor we've hardly oh Meister he's actually not terrible he's got a personal combat skill of 42 and he is an Impaler which is very impressive there you are however let's go for the fight ah the invading armies actually trying to seach down some provinces however it won't matter as we are so exceedingly powerful yes this is going to be an easy fight Owen fantastic we've captured naturally the enemy commander who will make a most suitable sacrifice for Odin let's spin that wheel for Odin how are we going to sacrifice you today well naturally you've selected drown in a vat of tea goodbye sacks bold there's nothing quite like sacrificing anglo-saxons for your Germanic pagan gods and please do make sure not to quote me on this but I didn't realize my daughter's actually come of age and nita average of st. Cuthbert she's alive she does have measles and has a severe illness but she is a shrewd charitable and diligent person with some exceedingly fantastics tenets I'm actually exceedingly impressed this is not bad at all oh my goods I guess it's just a demonstration of how powerful Riano Kives is and his children are also exceedingly powerful anyway the war for chester has been an absolute success and naturally we're going to demand some peace and bam another city is ours fantastic news and one brand new title can be created the Duchy of Lancaster is ours we should probably usurp the kingdom of England as well now you might be wondering why I decided to take chester well that's because that was the one province which are needed to grab in order to form the kingdom of England you see you go from the county of Chester up to say the yardarm of Lancaster and then you can take bamp the kingdom of England however the kingdom of England is currently held by a bloke down here that's right it's Ragnar of England the random Norse guy who managed to take control of this entire area and by doing so yep managed to get an organ on the throne of England and he also has some pretty nice stuff which I honestly would kind of like to NAB oh my goodness I just discovered who were doing the prepared invasion on the entirety of the kingdom of France eeeh what has happened here we look away for five seconds then suddenly the kingdom of France here is the Kingdom of Italy my oh my yes there's a lot of defensive packs against you apparently you've seen as a ridiculous fret I mean you have nineteen thousand men you are genuinely terrifying my goodness but you know what I absolutely want all of your land this is the ultimate prepared invasion if I've ever seen what my goodness I think we've got it ladies and gentlemen this is the one this is going to be the one the ultimate invasion the final showdown King Brian Oh Kives in his band of twenty one thousand men fighting off against the entirety of France except it's mega France as it's managed to take control of most of Italy who will win you decide ladies and gentlemen and oh you know I think that's enough for one day if you've enjoyed our fantastic episode of 100 statment today then feel free to give it a like if this video reaches I'm gonna say something quite possibly achievable 15,000 likes I'll immediately start work on the next video I will try and hurry that out to you as fast as possible rather than just doing these on a once-a-week basis it's a little bit difficult when it comes to making understatement because I love making these videos but a will technically never ever perform quite as well as all of my other content that I make on the channel so I love them and you guys love them YouTube doesn't which is sadly why the videos need more light to be able to perform as well as the other videos that's just the silly world we live in but hey if you want to see this video do well do your part give it a like thank you very much more make sure to keep on making them and there is always a massive thank you to each and every one of my fantastic patrons who make these silly and fantastic videos possible each and every one of you our majestic sea hedgehogs and deserve an infinite supply of cups of tea thank you very much and if you sat there wondering what video to watch next if you quite enjoyed this one then hey take a look at this one on screen it's been handpicked by myself and 100 step man to be right up your alley anyway I've been the spiffing Brit ladies and gentlemen I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day I'll see each and every one of you in the next video goodbye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 613,078
Rating: 4.9773841 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, holy fury, crusader kings 2, ck2 holy fury, when becoming god, becoming god, playing god, god game, when becoming god creates mega france, mega france, france, english, ck2 100 stat man, ck2 100 stat man is broken, video game is broken, 100 stat man is broken, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced, spiffing brit ck2, spiffing brit, rt game, the spiffing brit, funny lets play, funny, montage, funny ck2, ck2 funny
Id: M9_JOi9sP1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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