The ACTUAL Origins of the 4 New Hisuian Pokémon! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Legends Arceus Origins

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quick what are two of the most forgettable pokemon the masculine and the diaper deer well not anymore but why and same with the two new hissuian forms what's the deal with these four pokemon in pokemon legends archaeos what are their potential inspirations and origins and why are they so gosh dang amazing like actually these four pokemon are some of the deepest well let's find out background info you should know and for more details on this check out our last video on pokemon legends archaic hisui is the name of the sinnoh region before it was given the name sinnoh which reflects the real world hokkaido region of the same time period that this game seems to take place what's important for now is that this is where in the real world one would find the ainu people those indigenous to hokkaido and their mythology is certainly playing a role in some of these new pokemon heck their patterns and architecture are shown also within ainu tradition there is a belief in entities called kamui while it cannot be compared directly to common western spiritual beliefs i'll try my best to sort of explain it in a simple way they are very similar to how kami are viewed in japanese shinto practice general spirits they can be anything from the beings who created the universe to local spirits that live within all animals plants and the environment some describe it as a form of animism vaguely similar to a number of native american beliefs the shinto concept of kami and the ainu kamui are often compared but overall the traditions are still very distinct anyway to sort of get what i mean let's look at hissuian braviary first off regular braviary was always a bald eagle which has many eagle relatives and this is perfect hokkaido is home to the steller's sea eagle also known as the owashi and get a load of that beak this is certainly the inspiration here as they share the same habitat and color palette and the white head of the braviary we know already carries over though this is fun you know vinbravieri's head resembles some native american war bonnets whereas hissui in braviary's head resembles a haguma this is imperial japanese army officer headwear particularly during the war which happens to be around the same time period that this very game seems to take place plus very fitting to keep its head war themed but also also the pokemon website mentions that it flies here from further up north which implies russia and its head also resembles their traditional cross sack hats which were also used as army officer hats or perhaps pokemon is implying the area where there was once a land bridge which early humans used to travel from asia to north america after all bald eagles freaking love alaska and this would further link up this braviary to the more american-inspired braviary now some kamui are more revered than others and are given the honor of having the women wear secret girdles dedicated to them they were used to indicate lines of matrilineal descent the author of ainu creed and cult notes eight different girdles one of which is dedicated to the sea eagle kamui known as kapacia kamowi now as for the psychic typing that is a strange one and in our rush to get this video out state we got nothing solid it is still very early on but it could simply be due to its connections with spiritual energy and such or it could be pulling from a major kamui who was also a bird though an owl a blankeston's fish owl or shima fukuro being a fish owl does connect it somewhat mort with a sea eagle it's known as chikap kamuy or kotonko kamui it watches over the land and makes sure rituals are performed correctly and owls are often seen as wise so psychic that's incredibly loose though but it is also considered one of the rarest birds in the world possibly explaining why we are only seeing this form of braviary now in the past they've gone basically extinct by the time of the more modern games there's also the screech owl and a kamoi associated with that is the yuk chikap kamui i.e the divine deer bird which is said to always know the exact spot where deer are found for hunting almost like a sixth sense so perhaps this braviary is pulling from various bird-related kamui or perhaps not but what is super cool is that kamui like this are often the ones prayed to for guidance and assistance and considering that you can fly around with the help of this one and ride around on weird deer that may be a part of the inspiration like the ride pokemon in sun and moon you call upon them for help and speaking of weird ear let's do that next it's a new evolution of stantler who also gains the psychic typing notably now though stantler pretty much was already psychic type it learns loads of psychic type moves and it's already able to create a strange space where reality is distorted thanks to its antlers distorting space how thematic of sinnoh staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation as if one were being drawn into their centers those who stare at its antlers will gradually lose control of their senses and be unable to stand these are all from pokedex entries it's based primarily on a zika deer though there are also reindeer and moose elements but a sika deer is definitely the most similar what with the spots and the antlers and the being in japan thing and it mixes that with the deer in the headlights motif and sort of the general themes of the shishi odoshi literally dear scare it is a japanese device used to scare deer and birds away from gardens its name in japanese is odoshishi after all it's a very clever pun that encapsulates all of this but it only works in japanese so we just got the name stantler anyway now it's a weird ear notably psychic type can be explained as weird as psychic terrain describes itself as things got weird in game after all but also that particular spelling of weird is anglo-saxon and can roughly be translated as fate or personal destiny things a future seeing psychic type would be able to see it also vaguely sounds like ward like how shishi adoshi ward off deer the pokemon website mentions that it uses its antlers like antennae which would explain their new look resembling various radio tv and satellite antenna now how about that santa beard plop a deli bird on it and bam you got some christmas merch for next year notably zika deer used to live from vietnam all the way to russia where reindeer also live but they've since become almost extinct outside of japan this might also explain why we haven't seen this evolution of stantler before they've become fully extinct by the time of the more modern games global warming likely being a contributing factor so what of the connection to hokkaido then well there's the yazoo sika deer also known as yuk in the ainu language it is the largest of all sika deer and sports the largest antlers out of all of them too and it's found only on hokkaido so it's a fitting evolution and it's also a very important source of food and clothing for the ainu similar to this pokemon with a clothing and as such the ainu show them great respect the ainu saw them and their respective kamui as equals and always gave thanks i mean these deer are one of the sole food sources some of the villages have over winter that's some mighty importance so of course there should be a pokemon for it looking elsewhere in the shinto religion deer white ones especially are considered the messengers of the gods and are often rode around on by them and if we look to the west considering the weird part of its name and considering that we were just in galar which is based on england there is the white heart of legend with its golden antlers it became king richard ii's badge and is to this day the fifth most popular thing to name a pub after so there's that now then bask you legion i love this thing i've never loved a fish pokemon this much before it's so much cooler than gyarados get out of here here's its official description basculin in the hisui region can evolve into this pokemon this evolution occurs when a masculine is possessed by the souls of other masculine from its school that could not withstand the harsh journey upstream basket legion fights together with these souls which attack opponents as if with a will of their own so the first thing i think of with that description is of course salmon and sure enough salmon do exactly that in hokkaido in fact hokkaido is home to the hokkaido island chum salmon fishery which is the biggest volume chum fishery in the world so of course a salmon pokemon in this region yes please its long body shape also made me think about an ital machine that is after i looked up what that is it's the type of boat that the ainu most commonly used and sure enough the oars that would be used with them are shaped like basculegian's pectoral fins it's the same thing we did with our pacific northwest salmon fakemon sanuk it's a chinook and salmon is just such a good idea like the deer salmon were incredibly important to the ainu and the kamui of all fish the divine fish is a salmon that they would offer sake to how masculine size can also be masculine and wouldn't you know it while most sam and i interact with get to be a little over a meter the japanese huchen or sakhalin tymon in hokkaido are huge for salmon 20 pounds and over two meters and it's got those pink ends just like the massive basculegion how perfect how have i not heard of these fish oh because they too are near extinct they have only five percent of the population that they should have and this going extinct thing only really happened in the last 150 years or so thanks to logging oil and poaching again sort of explaining why we haven't seen this evolution before but now that we're in a game that's set in the past yeah it's here now how sad anyway the legion in its name is referring to the group of souls that it carries with it the souls of its fallen comrades who didn't survive the journey back upstream which is a sad fate many salmon fall victim to this is really cool though it falls in line with the way the ainu saw spiritual energy kamui can be anything from the beings who created the universe to the tools that people use so much that they absorb the energy of the person who used them to the energy you get from eating food especially animals this energy is always being traded around it flows especially to where it's needed in this case upstream as a basket legion who is only able to make it thanks to the added energy it also falls in line with the idea of ancestor worship a practice common across many cultures but east asia especially many believe that their ancestors follow their families to act as guardians to help guide and protect their offspring essentially there are legions of spirits following you around now other than salmon i of course want to talk about bass too after all basculin and basculegen it's still got bass in the name and the first one is clearly a bass and so here's a fun thing it's a bisu the japanese god of fishing and fortune most commonly he's portrayed holding either a red sea bream or a sea bass and many theorize that he may have in fact been ainu as he is especially hairy a trait that inu have been historically described as having due to their comparative hairiness when compared to other japanese people plus in his origin story he was essentially raised by them he was stranded in the ocean as a baby and was saved by the ainu people who cared for him until he grew until the god of fishing and really it's not all that uncommon for neighboring peoples and neighboring mythologies to cross over and influence each other like that on top of this the name ibisu is sort of interchangeable with imishi and ezo when breaking down the meaning of the two kanji used to write the word it can be translated as shrimp barbarians which is notable as this was a term used by the japanese for many centuries to refer to the northern peoples outside of the influence of the japanese empire such as the ainu and another thing throwing all of this sort of together basquil legion's long body also resembles the koino buddy or carp windsocks that are used all over japan one particular day especially children's day a holiday celebrating children and their parents the continuation of families for ancestors to watch over essentially and actually it wasn't until the 1940s that it became known as children's day before that it was boys day celebrating boys and recognizing fathers how masculine like basculin this holiday also happens to be on the same day as their dragon boat festival which was adopted from china whose celebration relates to the carp jumping over the dragon gate to become a dragon you know magikarps whole thing so yeah basky legion is masculine's gyarados is it not plus this festival features dragon boat races where whole legions of men row the long and narrow boats in honor of fish who avoid obstacles and swim upstream and i mean look at that thing that screams supernatural aquatic thing right but back to the ainu and another similar fish interestingly the iwana or white spotted char which also lives throughout and around hokkaido does the same thing i mean it is after all in the salmon family and basquia legion's longer narrower body as well as its plethora of spots definitely seem to pull from this fish especially since this fish was incredibly important to the ainu whose word for this is amemasu ainu tale speaks of a giant lake dwelling amemasu who blocked the water from flowing to the ocean it sat here for thousands of years and eventually a beautiful sika deer walked by and the fish swallowed it whole the deer not appreciating this action broke out of its gut killing the fish in the process and a bird who witnessed this flew off to warn the people about it the big fish's corpse then flowed to the ocean and its spirit is now responsible for tsunamis so a giant ghost fish that resides in both fresh and salt water basket legion is three meters long that's huge so maybe that tail is a source of inspiration as well and honestly that story is just missing a dog then it would have all of the elements of all four of these new pokemon speaking of the four pokemon last pokemon time it's hissui and growlithe it's pretty simple honestly the arcanine line is already based on shisha shishi fu dogs fu lions koma inu they go by many names often interchangeably these days but to be more correct the statue without a horn is called shishi and the other is komainu but most of the time neither have horns what's up with that and the answer is just history the statues that were created after the showa era simply do not have a horn why well as far as my research shows during the meiji period again roughly when this game takes place shortly after japan's war with russia the production of these statues grew to commemorate their victory this sparks a boom in popularity that continued to grow and peaked in 1940 and this was the era where things were beginning to become standardized or more mass-produced and a big part of that is refining the design of things the statuemakers noted that the horns were always the first part to break and they were tired of having to go fix them all the time so sure enough they just stopped giving them horns mass media also grew during this time so putting a horn on one of them sort of just fell out of fashion and so that of course means that if we are basing a pokemon game before that happened then yeah of course it would have a horn simple as plus growlithe's official description states the sharp horn on its head is made of rock but it breaks easily it's just too good and it's not like that idea is uncommon here's tama from sakuna of rice and ruin and his horn is broken too so really hissui and growlithes design pulls from the same thing that arcanine and growlithe already pulled from but now it's much more literal especially with its rock typing and style of fur more closely resembling older styles of the statues and the bib looking part of the main is no accident some temples practice putting fresh bibs on the statues as a shinto right though nobody knows for certain when or why that started and it's more commonly done at inari shrines on a fox statue but either way it's been done for centuries so the tradition stands and of course komainu always come in pairs hence their official description stating that they tend to be seen watching over their territory in pairs now why didn't they show arcanine i have a feeling it's because it's not going to evolve into an arcanine it's going to evolve into a completely different pokemon but what sort of pokemon would that be well interestingly it's rare but sometimes rather than lion-like dogs these statues would depict more wolf-like creatures so what if to further differentiate from arcanine hissuin growlithe evolves into a mon that's more wolf-like then it could also resemble the hokkaido wolf also known as the sakhalin wolf it lived on hokkaido and eastern russia but eventually went extinct around the 1940s which again would explain why we don't see this form of ghrelith in any of the more modern games interestingly seta is the ainu word for dog and wolf they didn't particularly recognize a difference and would breed their dogs with wolves to get hybrids and of course they revered these wolves as jorgeu kamui or howling gods howling spirits for their prowess of hunting and would often leave portions of their kills for the wolves to enjoy and similarly they would find wolf kills and partake in parts too and you know how arcanine was originally considered to be a legendary pokemon heck that's still what it's labeled as in the pokedex well what if this potential alternate evolution is a sort of legendary as wolves play a role in the ainu creation myth a white wolf and a goddess worked together to create humans after all so that would be super cool and would still work as an arcanine i suppose what do you think does that thinking involve checking out kaihatsu's channel and twitter linked in the description and here he helped us out with this video as he knows more about the ainu than anyone else i know he's been working on a deep dive of pokemon legends arceus for a while now and i can already tell it's going to be the most detailed one on the internet so follow him to be notified when that comes out and until next time never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 276,480
Rating: 4.9711185 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon legends, pokemon legends arceus, arceus, basculegion, wyrdeer, what is wyrdeer, what is basculegion, hisuian growlithe, hisuian growlith, hisuian braviary, pokemon hisui, pokemon hisui region, pokemon Ainu, ainu pokemon, basculegion origins, wyrdeer origins, pokemon legends arceus gnoggin, hisuian, pokemon are extinct, extinct pokemon, hisuian pokemon are extinct, hisuian pokemon origins, new pokemon, hisuian arcanine, pokemon theory, legends arceus, theory
Id: Cdj-U6tyGtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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