BOGGED 30 TIMES IN 3 DAYS! Bent panels, busted suspension & MUD – Victoria’s muddiest 4WD track

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white knuckle tracks huge hill climbs four-wheel drive swallowing mud this is victoria and it's absolutely wild right now we're in the middle of a huge adventure on the local tracks of victoria and trust me when i say we're having an absolute blast buckling folks because this is going to be a good one houses haven't heard soot be that angry for a long time this might go on everywhere that's about as much fun as you have your pants on there's no doubt about that right now we're pointing the fourbys at a classic local track in the forest north of melbourne and for this trip i've got a co-pilot joining me in who's frothing for the challenges ahead well here we are at victoria and this trip's a little bit different because i've got a passenger that's right chris is in the car now chris there's a lucky winner now we did a golden ticket for snatch late last year 2 000 people entered mate and you're the lucky or unlucky bugger that got that golden ticket so you're ready for a big couple of days in the tracks mate well mate i'm keen i've been uh looking forward to strip for a while so i can't believe it's drills let's do it for our first challenge we're taking on phone track a steep and rocky little number that'll put the convoy to the test chris jumps right in and takes the wranglers down to 15 psi a good choice for the tough tracks in this part of the country next in the convoy is jocko who's back behind the wheel of graham's d-max and let's be honest adding a lot more scratches to it joining us in the convoy is a top bunch of blokes starting with sam from spares box followed by pete from ultimate 9 stu from wholesale automatics and reuben in the big xt 200 from dmw industries first little challenge of the day mate look out yeah you don't get casting do you no no i hit you right the climb up phone track offers a whole lot of challenging lines in the wet and become pretty hairy last time we attempted this track we collectively broke a tail shaft a tie rod and a cv so went over in for a lot of fun first up is a tight rudded section with a lot of things to bang your panels on [Music] oh he's going up there he's doing the rock dog line bonus line bar work mate i'll just rest here yeah mine's a good handbrake am i going to the left or the right with the help of some slider pivoting i've got up this section with no dramas or at least that's what i thought too much flex would you look at that after 20 years of punishment the factory sway bar on the 80 has finally given up and snapped clean through well this is the first for me first time i've ever broken a sway bar off riders actually snapped the sway bar not the mounts i've done that a million times before um but the first time the sway bar is actually snapped i guarantee we'll just put it down to a lot of flex has taken place over the years and it's just finally let go but um not to worry i'll get this fixed when i get home i think it's time to probably upgrade to a fulcrum heavy duty one i've got all the mounts and everything else fulcrum but just the sway bar standard 80 i'll just leave the rest of the sway bar in and get on the job there's a few line choices in this rock garden but i want to go really tight i'll never be able to turn through here though i thought you were going to struggle on that hill just straight up straight up mate like i ran up a drain pipe nice it really is oh don't do that i could roll it or i might not start there we go someone scared you yet i know you mate you're good doing all right i drove this track years ago when my hilux was ifs remember it'd been a good bit of fun so i'm keen to give another go and a nice shiny d-max that's it that's it well done well done mate choco's making the most of his time the new ifs rig and soon he's got the line dialed in for the d-max yes well done well done we're putting rocks and logs to help him clear the big step he's done it in style there you go just that's him that's the ticket what up there we go well done well done very nice that is a fantastic drive yes big wheel left race truck well that was a fantastic little drive it's exactly the sort of terrain jocko loves that slow technical stuff where you get the tyres in the exact right spot and that's exactly what he did then good to watch [Music] yep [Music] sam's biggest concern here is that the wide 200 is going to lean into the rocks on the passenger side but with those big 35-inch tyres he's able to keep the body above the rocks and creep his way through [Music] that's it beautiful this track calls for great technical wheeling and that was a textbook there we go nice one that's the way studog is up next in his gu which has a big canopy and smaller 33-inch tyres so fatal damage is a real possibility but as usual stew is not holding back it's all right this keeps going keeps going stew nothing stops him pete's up next is opting to dial down the throttle response just a touch so he can get a smooth controlled drive this will reduce wheel slip and no surprises here he absolutely nails the climb look at this thing well mate you saw exactly how to do that in the gu yes you're up next the big two hundred that's done mate you're gonna fit on this track no the bottom bit is a bit on weird worry a bit oh yeah yeah you don't need that rock yes well good luck mate we'll be there watching at least [Laughter] what's the worst that could happen very very tight little track this one i was looking at sam's 200 before it made it up but i'm a little bit wider with me scrub bars and all that sort of jazz here she comes big girl you almost want to go as far as you can that way so far so good that's it the big girl that's the ticket that's the ticket nice and controlled why even touch it it touched it it touched it it touched well this thing is built insanely tough and a few scrapes aren't going to stop it whoa whoa that is amazing didn't even look in charge holy sh yep it's okay wait how that feels you're always doing some wavy boys reach for the sky up here man you know what even though it made it annoying you touched rocks those guards are perfect yeah didn't even bend didn't even mend oh just amazing throw some paint off mate that's it that is fantastic it might be hugely capable but the dmw rig is also pretty long and reuben has to pick another line through the rock garden to be able to squeeze his way to the top it's lucky that canopy's built nice and strong mate that was insane did you look were you scared when you were about to roll over no i think i'd get used to that exactly spending more time on three than four it's good to see you make that commitment and just drive a nice smoothly out there yeah good stuff all right on to the next section this is a good little track this one got nowhere to go but the right this shoot caused all matter of dramas last time we tried it but this time the conditions are a lot drier and getting up proves to be a lot easier getting the job done see how we go okay joko show us what he can do mate that's it jocko there we go very close almost a little bit of left hand down jocko just a bum from there yep yeah there we go and then right and right that's it that's it there we go yes yeah well done mate there we go how good well done b-max he's done extremely well to get up there that's big tire country and he's done it on little tires it's gonna be white yeah very white sweet oh wow oh look at that barely a playing card in that one wow it always needs rear scrub dogs that's it look at the tyres [Music] very nice [Music] there's a lot of rocks it's quite daunting from down here he's gonna come really close with that canopy i reckon [Music] [Music] just tiny bounce mate coming back about that much [Music] that's it that's the ticket that's until his dick gets caught on the right everything's going on up here that was a bit hardcore from an auto to a manual pete knows how to wheel though and with no weight in that rig he makes it look very easy it's not even like right though let's give it a little bit there that's all you need i never know why i'm so surprised when that thing just idles up everything it's so capable peak and steer as well who's next you'll be right i'm good the good thing is reuben when your front tires get to here the back will be down there so it's all good here goes nothing well when sand came up it was a really wide vehicle it was probably about you know a couple of mils in it before his paint work was on that rock reuben's even wider he's got a wider offset plus a big canopy so pretty excited to see how he goes how you feeling reuben a little bit nervous because it's rather thin it is a thin truck mate and your vehicle's not so thin to be honest no a little bit thick the good news is there's only one way you can possibly go straight up this rut let's give her a go it's on the bar work it's on the bar work scrub bars just did their job mate yeah perfect and here we go amazing except you just go back in a little pop give her a bumpy boy yeah that is absolutely incredible he only just fit like both tyres were scraping up both banks the whole way up there and how he didn't damage that canopy i've got no idea with our first track under our belts we're heading over to telangie another state forest a few kilometers down the road which is known for some of the gnarlier tracks going and this one is no exception a steep steep climb that points straight up a mountain full of slippery shale and some big rock steps this one here is the start of a very famous track near talangi called the rocky track yeah no prizes for guessing what they call the rocky track trying the gold all these rocks just made up of thousands of rocks that um sort of make traction a little bit hard any idea what's up ahead mate uh man i'm gonna save more rocks bingo alright you're on the money there yep this one looks like it's going to need a bit of commitment and probably a closer look before we even attempt it it looks way bigger when you get up to it it does down the bottom i was like real confident now not so much this is huge you got to try and you can see all the black marks on it from where people tires have come up i guess and turned in still a committing drive yeah it is but it's rocks i think there's a fair bit of traction here i just reckon you've got to put the all the lockers on and just commit and commit up there and get those tires down nice and low which i've done already once you're up there just rock rock rock yeah plenty of rocks now what do they call it what'd they call it rocky that's it rocky rocky track you wouldn't believe it right oh well uh you're up first mate well one thing's for sure jocko and then a couple of big rocks to even drive this track mate do mate i'll pack something for you yeah i might need that right first i reckon i'll come up a bit of a left boogaloo and up the track yep that's the way to go i've barely even got my front tires on this one and is struggling so jock jumps in and tries to build a bit of a path say what if you like rock packing this is the track to come to there's plenty to choose from right the front wheels up and then give it a bump there we go there we go yeah well after seeing that i reckon there's another track over there i might bring the dmx up these steps probably just a little bit too big for the little thirty ones still though hugging you'll have a work cut out for over there can you give it a go scrub up you go got it he's spitting rocks everywhere look at him go look at him go how he still got traction i've got no idea oh he just ran out of traction yeah you got it bloody good drive mate step looks much bigger when you're in front of it it's not a tiny step sam it's a big one that is your line mate well done oh celebrated too soon if you just go back a minute there he goes boys that's just auto nice and slow big tires just crawled up he gave it the right amount of momentum he got his front tires up and then just gave it a bump to pull the heavy rear of the vehicle up up the uh step that was an awesome drive by sam who's next day i did this many years ago in my triton with 31 inch tyres nope didn't happen [Music] yep that's your line there we go well all right that's all right go back a tiny bit a bit left be left now right it's the same rock we've got your front desk now got your rear diff you might be able to bump it there we here go the patrol bump now ah didn't do the patrol bump maybe not that way not that much bit less yep on that mate thank you yep go there you go there you go yeah baby beautiful with a few rocks in the right place stew is up and over nice work boys there we go there he is he got it throttle when he needs it who loves it robot didn't even need it and that folks is a drive what a weapon mate i've said it before say that again peyton is an incredible driver but also that patrol of his setup just perfect i reckon definitely on the throttle too he was nice and smooth on some of these rock steps didn't need to feed it didn't lose traction from too much throttle that's the thing he was running e2 so economy mode so he brought it down it dampens the throttle purposely because that's the last thing you want to do on a terrain like this is to be on and off the throttle when you do that it causes wheel spin yeah that wheel spin will be lost the traction and that's where you just stay still spin rocks that's how your brakes see these are stuff as well that's his second is the way you drive so you're not wrong mate you guess who's coming up next big reuben he's gonna be interesting he's got a very different wheelbase from all the other vehicles so it'll either work in his favour it won't find out right on the list of insane places to take a massive chassis extended four ton rig this would be right up there but reuben is here to test his rig and his canopy and he's absolutely frothing for it beautiful [Music] just bump that just come back a fracker and bump it way that rock step look easy as you can probably hear that noise is coming from ruben's caliper now he's got a little bit of an issue with the brakes but this isn't the place to fix it well it's very annoying this is something we'll try and fix later still it's not stopping him from pointing his way to the top that is an incredible drive and a testament to that build didn't hold back there [Music] mate you've got to say this is an absolute machine well mate i got to the bottom of the hill i thought i might need this but i decided to put that away i've actually it just it just ate it it did mate you know what i'm so surprised about this is a big rig and it's a look at let's be honest it's a tourer it's designed to go touring tough touring at that you've been bouncing the canopy and tray off every rock in victoria it's silly one p he's got a few scratches and stuff like that but it's all cosmetic it's a real testimony to your work that you do at dmw i mean you build things tough and build things very practical as well yeah look i like to i like to have stuff that's uh really staunch and you know and really nice and comfy to be in as well so you can take you anywhere yeah exactly right mate well it's very impressive i'm going to go get back in sweetie and hopefully she starts jockly are you copy mate sure do mate if it's okay with you i reckon we start heading towards camp because while it's sunny now it's gonna get dark quite soon and um that'll probably get us enough time to get to a nice campsite um and then maybe we're gonna cook up a bit of a treat oh stop it mate you read my mind if you're cooking i uh what do you reckon i don't know if chris has um ever experienced your cooking or i don't know if he should be excited or worried hey funny funny you say that the first thing i said to chris when you got in the car is how strong your guts are he said pretty good so he's up by the way that's good it means you've got some delicious plan we'll uh sound good i'll follow you let's get to camp and now thank you sounds like a plan mate it pays to know a local wherever you will and in this case peter's managed to hook us up with an awesome private campsite back at tallarook overlooking the stunning hills of the yarra region [Music] flat ground firewood on hand and tracks right next door it doesn't get much better [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] with camp set up it's time to kick back and enjoy what victoria camp and is best known for rugging up around a big fire and enjoying a few frothies and by the looks of things chris has had just as much of a blast as we've had we're gonna need a few camp kitchens going to handle this meal and an extra fire pit as well trust me this one's going to be all time and better yet it'll put fast food to shame what a big deal boys this is what i love about victoria so much mate hard wheeling then you come back to an awesome campsite there's so many there's so many this is a fantastic spot got a fire going it's a little bit chilly at night the only thing that's going to make it a tiny bit better i know what it is you're cooking yeah and look look i'm not gonna i'm so excited about this one out of all the cooking i've ever done okay what would you rate as a number one cooking i've ever done oh probably those burgers you didn't the triple stackers yeah bingo i knew you loved that one we'll put this right this is gonna be better one better than yeah it's a big call you thought a triple stacker burger was good yeah you went through i've got it oh stop it i'm excited already do you need some help well how good is this i love candy victoria i mean victoria i reckon is one of the best places to camp in australia especially when you get a hook up from pete wait it's cold i know it's a little bit cold but how good is the campsite oh stunning so lucky the only way we could make this antonio better is if i cooked an amazing yeah i'm not that excited i've done kfc bush what about macas don't muck around with quarter pianos don't even muck around for double quarter pandas i'm going for a full pounder tonight that's what can you imagine everyone's half a kilo and and this is and this is the thing as well it's a little bit of a eating challenge meets bush cooker oh my god you're speaking my language already i've got a big mouth and i can eat a lot of food because i reckon i can do a pounder better than mcdonald's simply cool i'm going to start off mate there's a lot of meat to come out yeah there is okay so get ready yep have you washed your hands i did wash my hands but i've touched some stuff afterwards make sure you wash your hands because this one i'm going to grab out the meat i can give those to you mate mate this is a lot of meat there's a lot of beef going on here now grab those straight out yep now here's a little tip for you guys if you're making burgers right trying it the cheapest mints you can buy the one with the highest fat content and i'll tell you why because if you don't have a lot of fat content in the mints it's not going to stick together now just like you're saying out of ghost mate if i could get your hands i need to put some spices in here you can't just have minced just straight up oh sorry so start needing it mate just simple as that oh it's cold a little bit of pepper now keep going there you're going my hands are going don't act like you haven't beat a bit of meat before oh my god i've needed a bit of meat in my time a bit of cayenne pepper we've gone for a tiny bit of spice that's a lot of slime that's a lot of spice oh wow mate we have a lot of patties to make as well a lot of patties to make this is the thing everyone has to eat a full pounder has to absolutely there's no there's no two ways about this if you do not eat a full pan and i'm gonna make the rule right now you're on winter recoveries for the rest of the trip plus you're sharing the bees there there's a lot of steak there's a bit on here to put in perspective the pound in the new scale is about what 450 450 to 500 grams let's call it that's half a kilo of milk it's a fair bit going on you know if you can just make a couple of balls jocko how am i big because i like well i'm liking thin patties all right because that's the case more than that that's about right i just need the ball and you can tell that's that's why we're using this grade of mints because they stick together quite well is your ball bigger than mine yeah slightly this was the way i drove that cake today yeah sure then i'm just going to grab an orange oh i'm really going for the thin low profile patties we'll need four patties per burger times eight i'm just going to keep playing with these balls until you're ready to go because i've got a lot to make so if you do i'm gonna get reuben's cooker here as well i need i need multiple kitchens on the go here tell you what that kitchen that reuben brought has been a godsend how good is it yeah good is it all right they're going straight in mate we're going to play with a fair bit more meat now and there's about 40 patties to make so we'll check it with you real soon we'll get this show on the road and then it becomes go time [Music] now groovin yeah there you are can you can you come here for a second mate we need some help there's a lot going on if you can get the buns going i've got all the buns down the side of down there they've been marinating all day in the sun so you can get the buns out and just toast the inside of the bun yeah just a light post just right on that drifter a little fire fit that's all set up if you just do that and then we'll sort this out we'll get the meat ready yeah you bring your buns over and hold the egg we got a full pounder going on so yeah wait there is a lot going on there's a lot going on in this kitchen got a bit of cheese yep now simple you've been using raw mints on this one just going to flip that over you want to start cutting them up they can literally just be quite diced no jock to stop trying just just whatever just get them and just size yeah oh i was going into little squares but well it's better if you do it i just didn't know if you had the knife skills for that turn that up get a bit of heat on them and for these last little ones i'm going to melt the cheese on it yeah stop so guys what we're looking at here is basically we've got imagine two buns you'll put a lot of meat between those buns between every layer of meat you're going to have a slice of cheese yep yum and then on the bottom of the top of the bun you're going to have ketchup and you're going to have mustard and then on the top of the bun you're going to have also some raw onions yeah that is a that's a trade secret well i don't think it's a secret anyone could just lift their pasta they are looking good mate i'm just going to move those apart so the cheese on here yeah well this is perfect timing actually bring those in here all right we've got some buttons let's start building some burgers now jocko follow follow my lead grab that one yep the key is the key is okay this is this is actually you need to learn this part this is gonna make or break the burger one two three four in between each of these put one of those one two three four my ratios more a little bit more than that maybe more how much would we talk about yeah about that much all right thing's gonna get loose one [Music] two just use that one just hang on hang on look at that yum that's okay you can eat these at all [Music] all right fourth the fourth one okay we're not done yet we're not done yet okay i'm going to put that straight on top a little bit a little bit of onion and that's raw hold on to that for a second hold on to that for a second oh forgot the pickles oh pickles do not forget the pickles never forget the pickles boys grab your plates i suggest things they're going to get real real quick [Music] all right i need some cheese cheese where are we quick i need more patties choco that those are actually quite small i'm going to give you an extra i get an extra one all right boys just put the lid on that one that is what we're talking about here that is a real pounder and if you've ever had a bit of experience with the pounder it's a lot going on i reckon we should i suggest before you take your first bite let's go sit around the campfire and we'll just dig into these sounds eating challenge eating challenges [Music] challenge begins right now yeah wrap your laughing gear in that that's a full pound we're talking about a lot of meat here and here we go oh my god oh wow [Music] it tastes like an on one it has a quarter pounder but four of them you put them down i've got a bit of heartburn [Music] i'm only halfway in hang in there i've got to pick a better line commit i'll put your lockers on and go again hang on boys oh what what the winner where the winner winner he's just had a pounder and i'll do a half a pound to get out sam well played well bye mate bring it back is that it is that it jocko jocko's done there he goes got the sweats it's either a burp or a vomit coming [Music] sean petunia whale you finish that patty there's one little bit one more waffee oh he's slowing down the years haven't been kind here mate it's okay yeah oh sean [Music] what a burger six done come six oh he's done it he's done it he's done the pound he's been pounded real there you go mate i've cooked dirty bird and macky d's want to put the question out to you guys exactly right what do you reckon i should cook next now put in the comments below because i'm pretty keen a little bit of a challenge for the next cooking scene plus i want to also do a bit of an eating challenge as well so put something clever down in the comments below and if you cook your meal put it this way you're going to win a prize well boys i reckon that is a win in it in my lives right cheers boys boys the pounder challenge has been complete sam you did well mate you know that you did we did all right well that's a pretty good way to finish up a cracking day on the tracks of victoria but tomorrow things are going to get muddy very muddy it's a perfect autumn morning in the hills of tallahawk and while the rigs may be looking pretty clean in this point they're about to get a whole lot of muddy makeup because today we tackle one of the wilder tracks in the region the notoriously boggy aeroplane track one thing's for sure today is going to be a cracker if you're planning to wheel hard in this part of the world you've got to be prepared and that means knowing your vehicle so if you're wheeling an ifs vehicle on tougher tracks like me and the d-max and sam in the big 200 series you need to make sure you take the appropriate spares for your vehicle so i thought i'd show you what sam's got packed in the back of the 200 so you can get a rough idea on what you need and as you'd expect the spare box 200 is kitted out with pretty much every spare you could possibly need when it comes to an ifs vehicle big two spares i reckon you should carry a spare cv and then a spare rack and tie rod end now it's worth checking with your specific vehicle to ensure that these aren't left and right specific but if you're not sure the guys at spares box can help you out the website will actually tell you if you need one for the left and one for the right when it comes to more general spares though it's just a case of knowing what's more likely to fail on your vehicle checking online and doing a bit of research will help you with that in the case of the 200 series it's one of these they've got an alternator that's quite low down and it's well known that they fail after a little bit of mud so sam carries a spare alternator so it's good to go one thing i like to do on my vehicle because it's a bit older is if i'm going on a big trip i'll order the spares from spares box i'll change them and then i'll keep the old ones in the back of spares because it means that you know that if something does fail out in the bush but the spares you've got have come off the vehicle already so they'll already fit in case the sam knows got plenty of spares just in case the big 200 does break but he's been wheeling pretty well so far so i can he'll be right [Music] with a hot breakfast on board we're ready to hit the frog and toad and soon we're all packed up and ready to get back into it soon enough we're back in talangi and today's track is up ahead aeroplane track is an absolute belter right in the heart of the state forest the muddy ruts on this track are absolutely next level and it gets bigger as you head up the climb one thing is guaranteed this is going to be one heck of a track and i'm up first second gear the good thing with second gear at sort is you can idle a little bit and then when you need to put your foot down it's got all that torque usable there in the rev range this is where a lot of people go wrong with power they get big powerful drives but it's useless when you're in low range and you need power from almost idle yeah oh yes pretty fun like all the fun ready for some mud bogging oh mate i am so keen the thing you'll notice about this car compared to is it doesn't smell did you notice that so you're next to sean yeah no yeah yeah chris must have been impressed by jock's driving yesterday as he's opted to check out life in the d-max joe's got a real weak stomach as well if he smells his mud it's all let's try that again i don't think we're getting up that i don't think so i think we're just diffing out a bit but i'll try it again anyway like much of victoria's tracks this one has been cut by big tyres and the d-max runs a touring setup with only a moderate lift and in this case the clearance isn't enough the problem here is these rats are quite deep super slippery as well but it's not even the fact that the d-max can't get the traction is the fact that the wheels are not probably touching the ground because it's hung up on the underbody and the rear diff so that means that traction's almost impossible another option is to get swooty and uh go for a big snatch and just pulling through this hard bit here good job yeah mate let's go [Music] [Music] wow that was something that was intense is this black smoke and mud in front of me i didn't even know which way the d-max was going or stopping chris need to change your pants i'm gonna bring some wet towels down front there's a lot of sort a lot of mud flying we've got half of it on the inside of the cab that was so much fun this is just the first section of aeroplane track and already it's proving to be quite the challenge sam's up next with big tires and big power this should sound sweet [Music] right those big wrangler muddies are getting the job done and sam's made it up the first section in style it just throws you around but oh it's good fun oh that thing is a weapon hey just a noise that's the thing he wasn't right into it was he no i think he probably wasn't even above 2000 pm the good news is he hasn't seen what's around the corner he's gonna need to get on that limiter i think pretty soon who's next the big dog he will need to be on the limiter so we're ready for you mate um i know you're ready for this mate a little bit of white line fever have a crack here i come be a plane be a plane i think momentum is going to be your best friend here comes the big dog he's not holding back oh not enough momentum street's running 33-inch tyres and that's going to be short for this these are big ruts unless you've got 35's i reckon you're going to be having a real hard time in these ruts come on it's joe i want to see mud on that little chrome dome of yours oh my god yeah oh there we go there we go there we go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go left right oh dear once again clearance is the issue here and stu is soon beached in the middle like i'm saying before every vehicle that's got less than 35-inch tires is really going to struggle here just that diff clearance is what's holding all these vehicles back traction isn't too bad so that's why i'm going to get the spares box 200 down he's going to come back with the big 35s essentially do to the gu what sort of deal with the d-max and just tow it all the way up because these rats go for about 500 meters up there pretty wild track we've soon got a kinetic rope hooked up with some soft shackles ready to snatch the big gu up you ready stew dogs when i get going we're not stopping good doesn't get much better than that oh my god well i think talangi in latin means big tires v8s and mud flying everywhere this place is living up to all expectations saying he's absolutely off the chart are you drinking boys oh nice call of our people that card pretty wild pete's got 35s on his gu but only a three liter motor it's going to be interesting to see if he's got enough power to make it up this big one even more ultimate than that mate thing is he's got to unleash all that power if he wants to drive it up here there he goes here he goes there we go whoa there here we go yes pete look calm he is but just look at that he's silly enough that's a good drive he just walked up didn't he mate you've got eight cylinders of tickled toyota fury under that bonnet i suggest you use it yes this one's gonna be a tight one reuben's got power on tap but the big 200 well he's big and he's practically needs to cut his own track to the top one thing you can say about reuben though he doesn't hold back that's the go yeah there we go he's made it up but that was a big hit oh what's going on i reckon the bar is pushing hard into that you look at that the bar has actually dented the front light and the sliders have taken a fair old whack but the canopy has just shrugged off that bank like it was nothing but the door well it wasn't so lucky well in true melbourne fashion things have gotten real real quick stew's done a bead and reuben's done a little bit of damage to the 200 and we've got the hardest section to track up next so i think it's going to be an interesting day first things first we'll have to sort this tire out before we can keep moving it's a good place to do a bead ah man that's gonna suck to change in this mud changing a tyre here is gonna be a challenge so first up we're gonna attempt to reseat the bead we just want to lift this vehicle up so we can try and reset this beat it's gonna be a nightmare though we've got mud all through the bead but i've done it before just got to wash it out really well and um hopefully saving grace might be the fact it doesn't come off the other side of the wheel as well so it's not too bad you might think there's no way you could reset a bead with this much mud around with a bit of cleanup to the rim surface it's definitely possible oh ah good stuff up ahead the ruts get a heck of a lot bigger and you can see the aftermath of a lot of other vehicles attempting to climb all right here we go this next bit of track it's just going to get more wild it goes up a steeper hill and the big drop off living right here now you're lined up give it a bit of mayo yeah that's the plan not much chance of that they might like put a little log in there or something what do you reckon in in there right here sony's stuck in two big wheel ruts and she just doesn't want to climb out man just look at the size of those ruts they're huge lovely that might just get the front up a little bit all right boys give her a bit of herb okay here goes nothing i'm really gonna put the test here you just push the log out anyway there might be a little winch for me mate have a winch yeah i think so this is actually going to be a pretty hectic winch there is almost zero traction nobody at the car up and over that massive front well to lange it's a local truck for a lot of people in victoria and it's been as tough as i get i reckon each one of you guys out there would have a local tough track that you've just you know it's really tough that you need to use a winch on it just so happens i've got a rubber winch to give away so in the comments below let us know a local track your local track that you'd need a winch on that you want to go and conquer let us know in the comments below i'll go through and choose one lucky winner to wear under winch at the moment it's doing the trick for me with swooty out of the first big rudds i've given it another go under my own steam but there's still just no traction so i'm keeping the run but hooked up to assist a little bit when needed june i'll drive that now if you get you come back a bit more there's just a little lip there oh i'm sorry he wants it she wants it there we go i haven't heard soot be that angry for a long time there's a mud going everywhere that's about as much fun as you have your pants on there's no idea about that even twin locked on 35s i couldn't make it up this one and the d-max is going to find it even harder so we've got a winch jock up a little way to even give him a crack at the top with much less clearance than this is a huge winch literally dragging the dip pumpkin along the mud but the runver gets it done come on there we go [Music] bye sam four drive yes i might turn that front locker off though yeah probably a good idea right your wheels are straight now have that give that a crack yep give that a go [Music] now it will winter mate fair enough that's a good crack though big girl yeah this was a great drive by sam but this ruck is just a bit too hectic we've got to get on the winch [Music] [Applause] yeah go guys go go go back a bit mate would you look at the mud this is so slippery and it's going to take all the noise to get up it drive it like a rental did i brought you there yes that's when you get too much power too much push too much pudding damn you've got a whole lane over you change lanes you didn't indicate that's a fail can't believe you had three puds but oh not too much food that's it mate get it right once again clearance is the issue here and stu is soon beached in the mud this mud is just turning to slot and for each car in the convoy the track is just getting harder that's where sam got to [Applause] with one last win stu is finally lining up for the top well done mate [Music] [Music] never know [Music] halfway up that step you need to get up if you can just get those front tires up and over the first rut this will be a much easier winch feature given have a winch i haven't seen it be used right or ever that's the first that might be just like the rest of us before we came out aeroplane track really has delivered the challenge what do you reckon would you give this one a crack in your right um yes yes go pete you wild then she's loving life done well right big 200 let's see what he can do mate that's taking a fair bit of winching and screaming and yelling half lost me voice from all the screaming anyway we'll see how we go come on you beautiful big girl come on gloria it's idling up there we go down this corner might help let you down give it once over then it's getting hung up in the back just give her a winch yeah i think so with that long wheelbase it's a big ask for reuben to punt the big rig up and the canopy is soon burying itself into the back bank we've had to do some huge winches today and this one is no exception but we've soon got reuben to a point where he can head up on his own steam alright mate send it to the top [Music] well done well done yeah yep well that was an insane hill i'll tell you what lots of tire spin lots of loud noises and a fair bit of winching pete probably had the least amount of winch out of all of us now a lot of you guys have been asking about his rig so i think it's high time that we went and checked it out and see exactly what mods he's running because this is one type of little machine pete pete i'm not gonna lie to you mate you've got some wild tracks down here in victoria it's been a great day that's been wild mate mate you've got probably the least amount of mods out of the convoy yet this is one of the most capable rigs in the convoy so what have you done to it look it's it's a great car to drive we've tried to keep it simple and pick the mods that we think are going to work out here um two inch lift that's it we're running some 35s on some bead lock rims so we can get the pressures down standard three liter motor that nissan popped in these vehicles we've done no mods to the motor um usual bar work up the front of course the the winch for when it's required um traveling with you guys i've learned that it doesn't always work through daylight hours so we stuck some spotties up the front as well uh the mandatory second battery to keep the beers cool in the back uh with the fridge um look it's a manual car doesn't have um crawler gears or anything it's it's a real treat to drive a couple of comfy chairs up front yeah so we've put front and rear lockers in it and we've also put our evc throttle controller in it it just seems to be a really good package and gives us complete control over the vehicle so we know when we're gonna a bit of momentum or we need to back off just to put the tyres in the right place does a trick now when it comes to driving a vehicle like this what do you reckon the one skill is that you need to master to try and drive these tracks i reckon there's two in my mind one is picking a good line and throttle control known to be on it and off it it can make all the difference and trying to preserve your car as well to get through one of these trips you know the last thing you want to do is be on the tools and having to work on it so you know if you can do some small upgrades like panhard rods and trailing arms just toughen them up for those side impacts i really think it makes a big difference oh mate it goes to show this thing goes just about everywhere mate and um look if you can keep up the story it must be doing all right i'm doing my best buddy i'm doing my best it's doing better all right let's keep going mike delany what a place and an awesome way to finish another huge road trip in victoria [Music] well there you go mate victoria hey you've seen it it's absolute muddiest and some big rock climbs too what do you think oh mate absolute cracker of the last few days uh being fun really really good mate that's good that's good mate you've been in the comfy d-max and in sort which one you reckon is better i've got a cruiser mate toyota so how do i i get it i get it mate he's in the right vehicle he's saying the right words that's for sure let's check him with the boys hey yeah oh he jumped out of coffee mate i sure do mate that will go down as one of the most epic little bits of mud i've ever had the pleasure of driving you did well they had to take a stock standard d-max basically through there oh mate yeah she uh she did all right i reckon all things considered i'll tell you what though i don't think i will show graeme the inside or outside of this car and i think i'll give it a couple of washes before i give it back to him what an epic track that was had a ball right that's insane here not half as much mud in the interior so he does uh you'll be in that little car wash about a week straight i reckon oh not wrong not wrong and also just how good are the tracks down here as well pretty much everywhere we've driven it's just been unreal but that muddy track oh that was a good bit of fun yeah absolutely not wrong mate sam that big 200 mate i can still hear it in the back of the convoy yeah hit people up right what an absolute blast that was it's gonna take a lot of explaining to andy about why the car is now brown but well it's such a hoot it was insane that big 200 aided up and when you have the snapstrap on the back of it mate that noise holy heck i think a few trees fell down i can confirm that it sounds like this thing and stew dog mate you know you're probably a tyre size too short mate but that didn't hold your back now we give it what for mate you know we go we've got mud in my eyes mud in my ears mud in the underarms and however else you privileged you can think of and psi pete mate i'm sick of saying good drive to you but holy heck you did some good drives mate every time i come away with your blokes i think this is probably one of the best trips i've had we're gonna say it again it's one of the best trips i've had um melbourne mud you just can't beat it i think it's going to be stuck to the car as a memento of a great no you're not wrong there you're not wrong there up the back keeping us all safe the big 200. reuben how'd you go mate oh absolutely epic there sean like when i was heading up that track yesterday i felt like a pinball and a pinball machine just freaking staying off each side yeah river mate oh cracking cracking trip boys i reckon the only way we can make this a little bit better is to uh oh you'll see where i'm about to take us if it's a place i've been hoping we get to the whole trip mate i'm excited now is this for a coincidence mate who just pulled out of the bush covered in mud and have it look what's in front of us mate oh stop at the black spur in i've got a score to settle with this pub mate it's uh yeah i think i owe you a beer too i reckon this day keeps on getting better mate i reckon um okay so there's a park right out the front this might be us for the afternoon boys oh mate sounds good i tell you what i take my hat off to the victorians i got some sensational views some awesome tracks and i've got a couple of nice pubs to uh finish the um finish the trip off as well so pretty stoked dave you know wrong mate look i'm just gonna park out the front of the pub here it doesn't get much better the old black spur there we go look at that parking right out the front too well there you go folks another victoria trip done and dusted and the rigs are looking pretty well used after some hard days on the tracks this part of the world is absolutely worth a visit i think you'd all agree that the only way to finish a hard day in the mud is with a few cold ones we've got the perfect place on the edge of the forest to wet our whistles on well we've asked for some of the toughest tracks in victoria there's no doubt about it i found some and the best part is there's heaps more out there too exactly right we've seen just about every type of terrain now you guys who live down in victoria you're very very blessed to have some of the best football drive tracks in your local area now if you're not from victoria's just you get down here as well it's not all about the high country there's so many tough tracks to see and do down here we saw just about every terrain known a full drive mate big rats big rocks mud mud lots of mud i'll tell you what we've had breakages we've had tires off wheels we've had panel damage yeah and um look sorry in showroom condition still mate yeah no it isn't at all but we've had a lot of fun doing it do you know what though also having chris along as well i think i know he's won a trip to come with us and he's he's full of beans at the moment he's absolutely loving it which car do you reckon he enjoyed i actually asked him i actually asked him it wasn't me i knew it he's an absolute ball it goes to show you can come away on a full drive 24 7 trip now he's a big fan of snatch clothing and he's part of our social media so that's where you're going to find it if you want to get a chance to come on a trip i suggest you join our facebook and our instagram page and look because we're on the hunt to take more people with us that's what it's all about you reckon you can handle a week with us let us know in the comments below because chris well you're still here but folks don't go anywhere because coming up next we've got our outtakes and mate they're always a bit of fun oh yeah we've had a lot of fun on this trip cheers mate cheers thanks for watching guys thanks guys why is she out of it uh james now i've always i'm sorry overall end up on four wheel drive fails [Music] yep gloria you big fantastic hippopotamus yes you do you good now folks don't go anywhere because coming up we've got our outtakes yeah it takes this is an outtake probably all right i don't know nothing at the moment ally you guys don't go anywhere because coming up next we gotta uh [Music] ready well my big day cheers mate massive day boys mike you know what i love about victorian good at this we could do this for a gig up with four-wheel drive fails don't go anywhere outtakes goodbye that's all we need [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 788,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, 4wding victoria, 4wd tracks in victoria, toolangi 4wd, talarook 4wd, 200 series, gu patrol, high country, victoria 4x4, muddy 4wd, 4wd mud, muddy tracks, mud bogging
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 18sec (4098 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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