Every Gym Leader Team That Makes No Sense

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- Greetings, Pokefans! Michael here. And a lot of gym leaders out there that I think have teams that well, stink. That might be because they have unnecessary repeat Pokémon, Pokémon that don't fit their type specialty, not enough Pokémon from their home region, or just flat out not enough Pokémon. Today, I'll be going over every gym leader that I think has a team that needs some kind of improvement, and how I would fix that team. I say up front though that I am only looking at the species composition of these teams, not anything more particular like movesets or abilities. So don't forget to subscribe to my channel, please! Thank you. Check out some merch from MAndJTVMerch.com And let's dive in. First, let's talk about the Kanto gym leaders first, and I'm only going to be looking at their teams in the Kanto games. As post-game Gym leaders in the Johto games, their teams are pretty universally solidly diverse. Brock's team is fine, so first up is Misty. She uses a Staryu, and Starmie in almost every one of her appearances, and with all the Water types out there, I think it's silly that she has a repeat. In Let's Go though she uses a Psyduck instead of Staryu, which I think is perfect. I think the easiest way to fix her teams is to just make the Let's Go team the one she uses in every game. Next is Lt. Surge. Two of his teams have a repeat with Pikachu, then his Yellow team is just Raichu. Like with Misty though, his Let's Go team is more diverse, having three unique Electric types. Just make this his team in every Kanto game, and we're good to go. Erika's team is good, so next up is Koga, as a gym leader, not an Elite Four member. Koga's teams has always bother me because most of them are full to the brim with repeats, which is ridiculous. Poison is the most abundant type in Kanto. Two of Koga's teams are three quarter's full of members of the Weezing line, and his Yellow team is entirely made up of Venomoth line members. The one team he has as a gym leader that I think is good is his Let's Go team, which uses the three Poison types he uses in other teams, plus a Golbat, a Pokémon that suits him well since he goes on to have Crobat as his ace in the Johto games. Like with Misty and Lt.Surge, I think the easiest way to fix his bad teams is just to have his Let's Go team be his main team for all the other games. Next up is Sabrina. Two of her teams not only have a repeat Kadabra, but they also have Venomoth, a Pokémon that is very clearly not a Psychic type. Her Yellow team is entirely the Alakazam line, which is just silly with all the other Psychic types out there. Like with the others though, her Let's Go team is diverse, and I like it a lot. Alakazam and Mr. Mime are still there, but the repeat Kadabra, and not-Psychic Venomoth are replaced with Slowbro and Jynx, two good Kanto Psychic types. Same situation as before, if this was her team in all of the generations, it make a lot more sense. Next is Blaine. His Red, Blue, FireRed, and LeafGreen teams are half Arcanine line, half Rapidash line, so there's a lot of repeating there. Yellow is more diverse, but it drops his roster down to only three Pokémon, which I think is too few for the second to last gym leader. This is a good time for me to list out the number of Pokémon that I think each gym leaders should have. Gym leaders 1 and 2 should have at least two Pokémon Gyms 3, 4, and 5 should have at least three Pokémon. Gyms 6 and 7 should have at least four, and Gym 8 should always have at least five. Although, basically just exactly five. Since the Elite Four members don't have six, so Gym 8 should just have five. Back to Blaine though, like with all the other gym leaders I've covered so far, I think Let's Go nails his teams. It has four Pokémon, and all them are unique Fire types. Then the final Kanto gym leader, we're not talking about Blue. He's a post-game gym leader, and also his teams are great. Is Giovanni. The only Kanto gym leader whose Let's Go team, I actually think needs work. His Red and Blue team is almost solid, but it has a Rhyhorn, which really doesn't need to be there since he has Rhydon. His Yellow team has a Persian, which I get that they included it as nod to the anime but I still really don't think it fits. His FireRed and LeafGreen team is the same as Red and Blue, but they unevolved his Rhydon, which is very stupid. Finally, in Let's Go his team has no repeats but it only has four Pokémon, and as I mentioned, I firmly believe the final gym leader should always have five. How I think we fix this is take his original team in Red and Blue, and replace the Rhyhorn with Sandslash. Instead of Sandslash, we could also go with Golem or Onix, or Marowak, but with Golem and Onix, they're more Brock's Pokémon, and Marowak, well considering how Team Rocket treated Marowak earlier in the story that would be kinda awkward. - Ha ha. It's is I, Grunty Boy. - Ugh. What are you here for, today? - I am here to talk to you about something that's been sweeping through our culture like a tidal wave. The sponsor of this video, Raid Shadow Legends. - Why? - Because we're such good friends, and we chat each about our mutual interest all the time. - Neither of those things are true. - Oh, what's that I hear? You like playing Raid Shadow Legends too? Oh, well I knew with your excellent taste that you'll love this RPG. It's a game where you can battle with over 500 champions against various enemies in the campaigns, big bosses in the dungeons or other players in the PVP arena. It's so fun to collect more champions, and they can be made stronger by equipping gear on to them, training them up in the campaign, or sacrificing your weaker ones. - Yeah. I know. You know I've play the game. Why are you telling me stuff that I already know? - Mutual interest. Buddy. Also, I wanted to tell that you can get ninja as a champion, but only until October 15th. So you have to hurry. Also, they just released new clans features like quests and benefits for just being in a clan. Plus new champions to collect from fragments in the Doom Tower. - Ugh, seriously Grunty Boy. You can't just be telling me all of this because you wanna have a casual chat. What do you want? - I just wanted to tell you that if you click the link in the description below or scan the QR code on screen, new players will get an epic hero Chonoru whose amazing in the Doom Tower. 200,000 Silver. One XP Boost. One Energy Refill. And One Ancient Shard so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as in game. But you only have 30 days. - Come on man! What's really going on? - I'm just here to ask you to join my clan, I need help. - Oh. Yeah. Sure. I don't mind. Why didn't you just say that to start with? - Oh, I don't know? What a weird thing I guess you know? I'm just normally so good at asking my mortal enemy. I mean a very good friend for help. I gonna go now. Anyways, ta-ta! - Well, all right then. Anyways, thanks so much to Raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video. But now, let's get back to it. Now onto Johto, the group of gym leaders that inspires this video because they, almost all of them have bad teams. Like so many of them don't use any Johto Pokémon? What? First off is Falkner. His team is just Pidgey and Pidgeotto, no Johto birds to be found. My first instinct is to replace Pidgeotto with Noctowl, but Noctowl is much stronger than Pidgeotto, and stronger than every other first-gym-ace Pokémon aside from Milo's Eldegoss. Milo is a very late first gym leader though, whereas Falkner is very early, so I think Noctowl would be unfair. Instead, I think swapping Pidgey for Hoothoot works well. However, I think an ideal team would be Hoothoot and Murkrow. Murkrow isn't too powerful, and both are Johto Pokémon Next is Bugsy. Like Falkner, he uses no Johto Pokémon which bothers me. First, I'd replace Metapod and Kakuna with Ledyba and Spinarak. To be clear I think it's fine if Johto gym leaders have Kanto Pokémon on their teams, but with Bugsy specifically, why focus on Kakuna and Metapod when you've got Ledyba and Spinarak, the new regions new Bug types that you could focus on instead? For Bugsy and all the other gm leaders' aces, I prefer them to be Pokémon from the leader's home region. Which means replacing Scyther. To give Bugsy an ace on the same power level as Scyther from Johto, we need either Heracross or Scizor. Since weirdly enough, Scyther and Scizor have the exact same base stat total. I think Scizor's typing is too good for this early in the game, so I think Heracross works best as Bugsy new ace. As for Whitney, she is the only Johto gym leader whose team I actually think is totally fine. Her ace is a Johto Pokémon, and she has no repeats. Now I know she only has two Pokémon, when I did say I think the 3rd gym leader should have at least three, but with Whitney specifically, her Miltank is like three Pokémon by itself. So I think she's fine. Next up is Morty. And is entire team is repeats, but that's not completely his fault. The only Kanto and Johto Ghost types are the Gengar line and Misdreavus. That being said, it is ridiculous that they did not give him a Misdreavus. To fix his team, I think we replace the Gastly with a Misdreavus. While I prefer the gym leaders who uses Pokémon to be from their home region, Misdreavus is much weaker than Gengar, so I don't think it make sense as his ace. Even if the Misdreavus was higher level than Gengar, I think the Gengar would still be stronger. Next up is Chuck. Despite being in the second half of gym leaders, he only has two Pokémon, and neither of them are Johto Pokémon. The first thing to easily do is add on Hitmontop, and make it his ace. I think that's all that's really necessary, since I don't think four Pokémon becomes necessary until we move to the sixth gym leader. Next is Jasmine. I hate her team. She has the spicy new Steel type, and the cool ace Steelix, but then the rest of her team is just two Magnemites. What is she doing? There are so many cool Steel types available that she could use instead. First, let's swap out one of the Magnemites for Skarmory, a Steel type no other major boss fight in Johto uses. Then we can keep the other Magnemite, since I think it's cool to show how its type changed from Gen 1, but it should be evolved since it's at the level where it would evolve. Finally, since she's the sixth gym leader, I think she needs four Pokémon. For the last one, I suggest Scizor. And before you say that it overlaps with Bugsy's ace, Bugsy's ace is Heracross now. Next is Pryce, the gym leader strangely labeled as the 7th but with a team the same level as Chuck, and weaker than Jasmine. The level curve in the Johto games with like trainers levels and wild Pokémon, they're very mess up. I think he needs his levels increased across the board, but also the roster needs work. Seel should clearly be replaced, and I think it should be with Delibird, which actually has almost the same base stat total. Finally, he needs a fourth Pokémon since he's gym number 7, and Sneasel is an easy pick for the last Pokémon here. Finally, is Clair. And she is in a weird spot. She is the eighth gym leader, and in my opinion, the final gym leader should always have five Pokémon. However, due to her specialty being Dragon type, she is extremely limited in options. Her existing team has a pair of repeats, and a Pokémon that is not a Dragon type, but there's not much we can do to improve that due to the extremely limit options. It's a big goofy, but if I had to add a fifth Pokémon, I think a good fit would be Lapras. It's considered Dragon-like since Iris uses it as Champion, and it's doesn't overlap with the Dragon-like-but-not-Dragon Pokémon that Lance uses, being Charizard and Aerodactyl. Her Gyarados does overlap with Lance, but like what else are we gonna do guys? Why did they make two dragons specialist in a game with only two fully evolved Dragon types? Next, let's talk about the Hoenn gym leaders. Roxanne's team is fine. Her Emerald team didn't need to add the extra Geodude, so I actually prefer the Ruby and Sapphire team to avoid the repeat. Brawly's team is also fine. I like his Emerald team a bit more, but his Ruby Sapphire team is fine. And then we get to Wattson. His Emerald team is solid, but his other teams infuriate me. A pair of repeats, and no Hoenn Pokémon? I kind of get some of the Johto leaders not having any Johto Pokémon since Johto was very much treated like an expansion of Kanto, rather than a totally fresh region. 'Cause all the Kanto Pokémon basically are available in Johto. But Hoenn is its own new place far away. Why is a Hoenn gym leader only using Kanto Pokémon? Once an Emerald team is far better, it still has a repeat, but the repeat is Hoenn Pokémon, and his ace is now an appropriate Manectric. To make the team perfect though, I say swap out Voltorb, and Electrike for Plusle and Minun. He'd have even more Hoenn Electric types, and no repeats. Next up is Flannery. Her Ruby Sapphire team is very bad. Why two Slugmas when Numel is a very obvious option? Her Emerald team is cool, but I think the under-leveled Camerupt is unnecessary. Her ORAS team is acceptable though, as I don't think she needs four Pokémon at the gym 4 position. I think she'd be in good shape if her ORAS team was her team across the board, or her Emerald team with the Camerupt replaced by Vulpix. Next up is Norman. His non-Emerald teams are awful, entirely repeats within the Slacking line. I do think having both Slacking, and Vigoroth is fine since they have very different fighting styles, and it's a cool way to kinda show that off. But having that other Slacking that's just silly. His Emerald team is fine though. It does have the repeat of Vigoroth, and Slacking, but as I said, I think that's a fine repeat. We just make his Emerald team his team everywhere we're good to go. I don't really have any major gripes with Winona's teams, but I have a small issue with her Emerald team. Her non-Emerald teams are great, but her Emerald team has Swablu. She'd be perfect if her Emerald team removed the Swablu or she just used her non-Emerald team. Tate and Liza's Emerald team is perfect, but I have to bring them up because their non-Emerald team is just Solrock and Lunatone, entirely too few Pokémon. Emerald perfected their team, so it frustrates me that they did not keep it in ORAS. Make their Emerald team their everywhere team, and they're good to go. Finally, I have no issues whatsoever with Wallace's and Juan's gym leader teams. Both of them use five Pokémon that are all completely unique. I suppose Juan's ace could be a Hoenn Water type like Gorebyss instead of Kingdra but that Kingdra is so infuriatingly tough to fight that I think it's actually perfect as the ace of the final gym leader. So many double teams. And rest, this Kingdra is tougher than most of the Elite Four Pokémon. Next up is Sinnoh, and they did a far better job with most of their gym leaders compared to the previous regions. I have zero issues with the teams for the first five gym leaders, Roark, Gardenia, Fantina, Maylene, and Wake. However, then we get to Byron. While I think both his teams are fine in the composition part, as the 6th gym leader I think he needs a fourth Pokémon. When selecting new Pokémon for a Sinnoh leaders team, I will be selecting from the Platinum dex. Even if I'm trying to fix their Diamond, and Pearl team. That's because I have a moral opposition to the Diamond and Pearl Pokédex because it is terrible. Doesn't include so many of the new Pokémon, and is way too limited. It just awful. A lot of trainers in Diamond, and Pearl have bad teams just because the dex is bad. Not because they had better options, and didn't use them. Also, for the Sinnoh leaders, they're gonna have access to the Platinum dex in the upcoming remakes, "Brilliant Diamond Shinning Pearl." So like, I'm picking from a Platinum dex. With access to the Platinum dex, it makes filling out his team very easy. Simply take the Bronzor from his Diamond, and Pearl team and put it on his Platinum team, and you're good to go. Well, actually I think it should be evolved into a Bronzong since it is above its evolution level. Next is Candice, but I'm actually deciding not to count her here. Her Diamond and Pearl team is clearly awful, but her Platinum team is great. If Diamond and Pearl had the Platinum dex from the beginning, we would have had her Platinum team from the beginning. So you know what? Let's just pretend her Diamond, and Pearl team just doesn't exist Finally, is Volkner. Once again, an awful Diamond and Pearl team, only being half electric type but a very solid Platinum team. He only has four Pokémon though, which I do not like. Toss on a Magnezone though, and he's good to go. Next up is Unova. The triplets, Lenora, Cheren, and Roxie all have fine teams in my book. Burgh has a great team in Black and White, but his Black 2 and White 2 team has a completely unnecessary repeat. I get that they replaced his Whirlipede since Whirlipede is Roxie's ace, but they have so many other options they could have use instead of a repeat Swadloon. Just give him a Karrablast like he uses on his Challenge Mode team. Elesa's Black 2, and White 2 team is fine, but her original Black and White team repeats Emolgas for no good reason. I say replace one of them with a Tynamo. It has no weaknesses, but I still think it's fair since it's much weaker than Emolga. And also she uses one in the anime. Clay's teams are both totally fine. Skyla's teams are good in composition, but she needs another Pokémon. An easy way to do that is to add Sigilyph to both team. It's yet another Psychic-Flying type, but my options for Black, and White Flying types are pretty limited. Brycen also has good composition but not enough Pokémon. The problem here is that in Black, and White, he's already using a member from every non-legendary Icy type line in the Black and White Unova dex. I don't like it, but I value number of Pokémon more than repeats, so I think adding a Cubchoo works best. It evolves into Beartic at Level 37, so a Level 36 one would be logical. Next we need to talk about the kinda weird situation with Drayden and Iris, since their gym position changes depending on the version. So first let's talk about Drayden, and Iris together as 8th gym leaders in Black and White. They are the final gym leaders, yet they only have three Pokémon. They need two more Pokémon, but the Unova Dragon types are very limited. First, I think we can add on a Zweilous. It would be under its evolution level, but gym leaders, and Elite Four members do that all the time, and also its evolution levels is stupid. Think of this as a protest against Deino's Evolution levels. For the fifth Pokémon, I'd give them Archeops. Obviously, it's not a Dragon type but it's Dragon-like, and Iris does go on to use one as Champion. There really isn't anything I could do about the repeats fracture due to our options being so limited. So this is good as it's getting. Then in Black 2 and White 2, Drayden is the 7th gym leader. So he only requires 4 Pokémon. Altaria is a Dragon type in the Black 2 White 2 dex, so that's the clear choice to add. Finally, for Unova is Marlon, who only has three Pokémon despite being the final gym leader. I have a ton of options for Water types though, but I'm going with Seismitoad and Mantine, chosen mostly arbitrarily. Next up is Kalos, and I've actually discussed my problems with a lot of the Kalos gym leaders in my "Pokémon X and Y's Biggest Problems." Video. So if any of this sounds familiar, that 'cause you've watch the other videos. Viola's team is perfectly fine, since most 1st gym leaders only have two Pokémon. I also think Grant is fine. I think a third Pokémon like Binacle would suit him well since he's the highest level 2nd gym leader, but I don't think it's absolutely necessary. Korrina's team composition, and number of Pokémon is fine. They need better movesets, but that's not the focus of this video. Ramos's team is fine, but I think a Trevenant could have been added or swapped in for the Weepinbell. Clemont's team is also fine, with a fourth Pokémon like Dedenne fitting well but not being absolutely necessary. Valerie's team definitely needs work though. In my old video I replace Mawile due to its poor moveset, and instead had her use Florges, and then add it on Granbull. I think this would be a much better team, but I also think Mawile is fine to keep if it is actually given STAB moves. Olympia also needs a fourth Pokémon. In my previous video, I added on Malamar since it's the only non-starter, non-mythical Psychic type introduced in Gen 6 that she doesn't already have. I also think a male Meowstic would work well. While technically a repeat, it's a different form and battles differently. Finally for Carlos, is Wulfric, one of, if not, the most egregiously bad 8th gym leader team in all of Pokémon. Sure. He only has three Pokémon as do the 8th gym leaders in the Unova region. And training an Iris has repeats. Yes. Their teams are bad too. But with Wulfric, there is on specific thing that makes his team extra bad, he doesn't have a mega evolution. I talk about it in more detail in my "X and Y Biggest Problem." Video. But in short, I hate that mega evolution is the central mechanic of Pokémon X and Y, yet so few boss battles have them. I get why mega evolution isn't throughout the entire game because so many of them are extremely strong, and maybe you don't have a fully evolved team yet? But once you fight Lysandre, and his Mega Gyarados, every major boss battle for the rest of the game should have a mega evolution. Your team is over level 50, they should basically all be fully evolved. You have mega evolution yourself. The training wheels should be off. But instead, the only mega evolutions you fight throughout the main story are Mega Lucario versus Mega Lucario, Lysandre's Mega Gyarados, and the champion's Mega Gardevoir. No Mega's in the Elite Four. No Mega for the 8th gym leader. And I think that's so dumb. To fix Wulfric's team, the easiest change is making the Abomasnow a Mega Abomasnow, like he has in the anime. Look at that. The writers of the anime knew what to do to make things interesting. In my previous video I added a Mamoswine, and left his team like that since other 8th gym leaders do only have four Pokémon. But for this video, I want all the 8th gym leaders to have five, so I'll add on a Cloyster. Next we move on to Sword and Shield, which means, yes I am skipping Alola. In most of my other videos where I talk about gym leaders, I count the Kahunas as gym leaders, but my whole system with how many Pokémon they should have? Really breaks down with with the Kahunas because the numbering system is different. In Swords and Shield, Milo uses both Eldegoss and Gossifleur. Considering that he uses Gigantamax Flapple or Appletun later in the game, replacing the Gossifleur with Applin makes so much more sense. And yeah. It's a Dragon type in the first gym of the game. A Dragon type with six weakness, you'll be fine. After Milo though, I have no issues with all of the other Swords and Shield gym leaders. They did a really good job of giving them diverse teams with enough Pokémon, and having their aces be new Galar Pokémon. And yes. New gigantic maxed forms count as new Galar Pokémon. And yes. That includes Raihan, despite the fact that he's the last gym leader, and only has four Pokémon when I've said the last gym leader should have five. I am okay with his team because my reason for wanting five Pokémon for the final leader is the added difficulty, and Raihan's battle is already difficult by nature of being a double battle, a battle format play through teams are rarely built for. Additionally, him having four Pokémon is a nod to the number of Pokémon you can bring to competitive double battles, which Raihan's battle is kinda intended to show off. Plus it's not easy to give him a fifth Pokemon. There aren't any other Dragon types in the Galar dex that are not hurt by Sandstorm. So there we have it I fixed everything. Feel free to hire me Game Freak. I'll do a good job of making these teams. I think? Anyways, thanks so much for watching. And an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon. Who are helping support my channel independent to fluctuating YouTube Ad rates. You want to help support me in the same way? The link is in the description below. Also, if you want to check out more of my fun Pokémon content, I'd recommended these videos here. All right. That's all I have for now. So until next time Pokefans. Gotta catch 'em all.
Channel: MandJTV
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Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, pokemon legends arceus, legends arceus, pokemon sword and shield, gym leader, gym leader team, pokemon teams, pokemon problems
Id: 9DGT0n7M0do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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