Trial Captains and Kahunas have DEEP Names! | Pokemon Names Explained | Gnoggin

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have you ever looked at a game character heard their name and said well gee i wonder what the origins of their name are me neither but we've already done the pokemon gym leaders and animal crossings so let's continue with the trial captains and kahunas i'm excited to see how much shorter this video is going to be so the trial captains alolan gym leaders but not some needed context is that as of making this video all of the trial captains are from the alola region i assume they're going to redo that gimmick at some point in the future but for now the alola region is based on hawaii meaning we'll probably see some hawaiian names in here the first trial captain you face off against is named illima and that's an easy name ilima is quite literally the hawaiian word for the seed of phalax which is the official flower of oahu the third biggest island of hawaii and the one that melemele island is based on the first island the one where you fight a lima lana is also a name in hawaiian meaning afloat or calm as in still water very fitting as she's the water type trial captain and loves going fishing a very calming activity and also her personality has her calm most of the time also her name shares syllables with another hawaiian word lilialana ikawai which is hawaiian for waterlily and it's easy to see why the word for afloat is a part of waterlily because that's what water lilies do it's a really peaceful water flower and it floats atop the water kyawe is the common name of the hawaiian tree the kiaway it's a type of mesquite wood that burns a long time and makes really good charcoal because of how hard and dense the wood is excellent wood for fires excellent name for the fire type trial captain these trees also have thorns by the way and this is important because kiawe is a pretty prickly dude in the anime until he gets the anime friend treatment that is but yeah also fitting of his personality malo is named after malvasi cotton also known as malo and her name in the japanese version of the game is mao which is actually just hawaiian for cotton oh and cotton is a type of plant and she's the grass-type trial captain but so far all of these names are just plants [Music] but the name sophocles sounds like a name that wouldn't have anything to do with flowery plants right plus he's the electric trial captain and is all about his technology but nope he's named after the sephora chrysophelia sofa please it's a yellow flowering plant endemic to hawaii and it's yellow so you know electric type pokemon yellow acerola is named after the small plant bush malpigia emargonata i am going to make a fool of myself with these pronunciations well the malpigia bush produces a fruit called the acerola cherry so there you go but the question remains what's that got to do with ghosts well there's more the name acerola is in fact a real name australian in nature and it means both supernatural and adorable hint well i mean check and check i mean she's got a kitty face it's just unfair that's adorable curse these adorable anime characters mina so her name could mean a few things in old english it's gilded helmet and she is blonde so it could be and in japanese her name means south but as a person's name it means blue glass or gem and none of these things matter because it's jasmine her japanese name is the japanese word for the arabian jasmine flower and i guess it works jasmine is a symbol of love and affection much like the fairy type as a whole with all those icky girly moves like uh your heart and smooch wait is that a real move okay no sometimes when i make these jokes i have to double check challah is named after the holla tree or its scientific name pandanus tectorius and the reasoning for why hala is named after them is sound the tree is found in hawaii and is second only to coconut palms for being the most important tree in the pacific it's got hearty fruit and seeds as a good source of food along with the tree itself being very wide and squat so it's extremely resistant to the weather and such it's a perfect rock to build your island on now i know i said rock but he's actually more about the fighting type which which is fitting of his personality very disciplinary and all and i think that his strong squat stance like that of the tree gives off this fighting vibe as well also the name hala is very similar to hakka a polynesian war dance which is also perfectly fitting a fighting type it's why hakamoto is a fighting type dragon now olivia's name is from the greek name oliva meaning olive or olive tree which is also where the mineral olivine gets its name fun fact olivine basalt was collected by the astronauts while they were on the moon yeah she's out of this world and this factoid gives us more connections when we think about her furry friend midnight form lykan rock is her partner pokemon and as a rough they need to evolve at night in order to become one which is a reference to lycanthropes but with the full moon and all it's a great connection but also if we look at hawaiian plants we can find the alexia stellata a commonly found plant in hawaii and its name in latin essentially means chaining olive as it is a vine like plant that chains across the ground nanu is named after the gardenia brigami eye also known as the nanu in hawaiian pretty straight forward here nanu is also really close to the word none and his secret agent code number was triple zero acting as a ghost agent in the shadows hence the dark typing and lastly hapu is named after the hapu family of tree ferns in fact her name in the japanese version is just straight up hapu the scientific name of these trees is sabatium which means box or little chest little chest like where she stores all her z crystals why what were you thinking now somewhat ironically these plants are actually being threatened by the very thing that hapu is sort of fond of farmland and land clearing in general while i'm sure hapu wouldn't be pro-destruction of the plants that are her namesake real-life people are because money go burr papu are lowland plants so normally found in nice valleys which are perfect for building pretty much any sort of farm that humans want on well i'm sad now but there's no need we can all just ignore the world's problems that we have absolutely no control over and just watch my backlog of videos instead so be sure to like and subscribe and never stop using your noggin [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 193,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon anime, pokemon etymology, pokemon name meanings, pokemon name meanings gen 7, 7th gen pokemon, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon sun and moon anime, pokemon USUM, pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon, pokemon ultra sun and moon, pokemon trial captains, trial captains, kahunas, pokemon kahuna, pokemon kahunas, hala, ash ketchum, ash vs hau, topu koko, rowlet, incineroar, decidueye
Id: V-kU9PXsgT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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