Pokémon League Trainer Names Explained! | Gnoggin

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all names have meaning my name is loxton which pulls from my love of locks and it's a material that's terrible at making locks which is pretty symbolic about how i feel about myself but but really it's just the first part of my last name and the last part of my first name honestly a way cool way of coming up with an online username in my opinion but enough about me what i'm getting at is that all names no matter how lame have a meaning of some sort and when you are creating a fictional name for a fictional character say for a game called pokemon you can start to get creative and start making names that are perfect for the character so far we've already covered pokemon's gym leaders and trial captains so now we're going to the pokemon league that's right let's look into the etymology of the elite fours and champions terrific do you have ears i sure do but they're all like which is exactly why i really like today's sponsor the cove audio commuter 2 a split speaker that i have used for 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word for rock referring to the sound made by a waterfall what does this have to do with their pokemon well they are all either ice or water type and three of them are known for their beauty and their singing and bonus fact the french versions of the game give lorelei a strong german accent now bruno's name is a lot simpler he is a mainly fighting type user a bruiser with brawn a brute bruno and that's actually what the original name means too along with protector agatha looks a bit like the famed british mystery author agatha christie but the name can also pull from ghost aghast and hag as she is a ghost type user the name is actually often used for witch-related characters such as agatha harkness in marvel comics and the agatha in paranorman agatha was a sadist in matilda and is the main character of a witch school series the school of good and evil i'm sure you get the idea and it's one of those ironic names too because the name is originally greek agath or agathe agathos it means good which witches aren't then lance is simple again he's named after a weapon commonly used by knights in fairy tales to slay dragons as he's a dragon trainer as a name it can also mean servant though or territory and land and the champion of kanto is blue named after the color because that's what the main characters were in gen 1. red blue green yellow yeah so moving on to gen 2 will he is a psychic type user and doing that takes a lot of will power he can also make others bend to his will with psychic powers simple koga is no longer a gym leader but a part of the elite four now and his name is just the first part of kogariyu a school of ninjutsu because he's a ninja bruno is still here so we'll skip him again and now it's karen time maybe the karen meme these days was 20-ish years in the making karen here is a dark type user mean and malicious like karen's strange how we just have these associations with certain names well the name uses the last five letters from darkin and as a name in the east it means flower and water lily as a name in the west it's just a shortening of catherine which means pure and the champion is lance and we've covered him already but also in the indigo league you get trace in let's go pikachu and evie his name is literally trace as in to trace things to copy because he's your rival so you know you're both on the same journey he's kind of copying you and also he's copying what blue did forever ago the same way that you're copying what red did forever ago like even taking down giovanni again somehow but as a name trace means brave which i guess you would have to be to become champion gen 3 now a whole different league hohentime sydney is a dark type user that makes him sinister insidious and sad also his name and demeanor could be a reference to sid vicious the popular punk rock star at the time and as a name it means wide meadow don't think that applies actually phoebe the ghost type user could pull her name from phantom or phobia meaning fear of she also shares this name with the greek titan of prophecy and the moon both of which of course relate to ghosts and the supernatural glacia is just the word glacial without the yell at the end because ice yeah and drake is fun referencing both drakes a subspecies of dragons and sir francis drake a famous sea captain naval officer explorer etc because drake here uses his dragon type pokemon to help him sail the seas and then depending on which version of the game you're playing the champion is either steven stone or wallace the name steven stone is simple it's from steel and stone steel and stone steven stone guess what type of pokemon he uses more interestingly the name steven itself comes from the greek stephanos meaning wreath or crown and by extension reward honor renown and fame which is fitting of a champion wallace then pulls from water and possibly lace clothing which is often sheer like this part of his outfit it's possible the name wallace is anglo-norman french and means foreigner most often welshman he's from wales i guess well the animal whales live in the water also you could say the famed william wallace was a medieval champion which is one who fights on behalf of others yeah gen 4 isn't aaron just a pokemon well this bug type user pulls his name from arachnid and the name aaron is hebrew and means exalted or enlightened which is his goal in a way with this quote of his i want to become perfect just like my bug pokemon bertha is a common older woman's name and it also contains earth as she is a ground type user as a name it means bright and joyful which is perfectly fitting as she is happy and finds you quite lovely and laughs frequently flint is a type of rock commonly used to start fires and he is a fire type user but as a name it means flint a type of rock commonly used to start fires also stream but i don't think that helps luxian is a psychic type user whose name pulls from hallucination or illusion as well as lux which is latin for light something several psychic-type moves are all about in fact as a name lucian means light and the champion is cynthia which is a poetic name for the moon in greek myth as well as the epithet of the greek goddess artemis this works as a symbolic opposite to cyrus the evil leader of team galactic as his name refers to the sun and now we're in gen 5 it's chantal a ghost type user whose name contains the word haunt perhaps haunt all even the sh then could pull from her japanese name shikimi as the xi is death in japanese marshall is easy martial arts he's fighting type as a name marshall is frankish and it combines horse and servant i guess horses are strong and one can be a servant to martial arts disciplined in your training every day and all that grimsley is a dark type user and i love this guy the name likely pulls from grimm grimace and sly all good descriptors of him also there's the brothers grimm who compiled the classical dark european fairy tales which is notable because there are a few anglo-norman names that end with lee such as wesley and the lee part of that name means a clearing in a forest which is often where such dark fairy tales would take place now caitlyn has some interesting etymology in that as a name there almost isn't any some theorize that this name originated as the greek adjective catheros which means pure but there is actually zero evidence of this some also say it could come from piccataros which means each of the two and there is some evidence of that but not enough to make it solid and all of this confusion is why there are so many different versions and spellings of this name several dozen actually and caitlyn being a psychic type user may fit with all this perfectly because of the confusion and the forgotten history mind trick stuff you know also it sounds similar enough to the japanese name she has catalya which i might be pronouncing uh but it's also just a pink flower now the champion in black and white is alder who is an elder an alderman if you will and as a name this can mean both old and noble army alder is also a family of plants this whole time the japanese names for all of these characters have been flowering plants and it was around this time that the western localizers started to keep that idea intact for the most part as well hence iris the dragon type gym leader who becomes champion in black and white too having iris as her name an iris is a purple flower shaped sort of like her hair the name iris can mean message from the gods as well as rainbow notably several dragon type attacks are multicolored as dragons are masters of the elements gods even in certain mythos also the iris of the eye is notable as dragon eyes are also said to be incredibly magical generation 6 it's malva i love her pants she's a fire type user and a member of team flair which is important for her name as it contains mal meaning bad then it combines that with lava malva as a name means slender and thin and it's also a flower cybold is a water type user who shares his name with the cybold crabapple also it sounds like c and bold which he is the name cybold is german and means victory courageous daring and was pretty popular in the middle ages fitting wickstrom the fully armored steel type user has a nordic name that means bay river which sounds more watery but it's also a shortening of the wixtromia genus of shrubs which is a part of the thyme lyasi family it's one of the fundamental herbs in alternative chinese medicine it's said to detox and it's the steel type is immune to poison it's not the strongest connection but the only other thing is that the the timeliazia the ea family is where we get the herb time from and in the middle ages it symbolized chivalry which is a very knightly thing drazna is from dragon because she's a dragon trainer it's also close to her japanese name drakena which is literally just the drakena genus of trees dragon trees it also means she dragon in greek the kalos champion is diantha the beautiful fairy type user the name could pull from diamond as they are beautiful as well as the deonthus genus of flowers notably those flowers get their name as a combination of the greek word for flower and zeus the highest god just as diantha is the highest trainer here the champion in the gen 7 games sun and moon as well as their ultra variants the pokemon league was formed during the game so most of the elite four were already trial captains and kahunas but we'll cover them anyway paula is named after the holla tree this tree is second only to coconut palms for being the most important tree in the pacific it's got hearty fruit and seeds as a good source of food and the tree itself is very wide and squat so it's extremely resistant to the weather and such sturdy which is an already apt description of this fighting type man also the name hala is very similar to haka a polynesian war dance now the rock type using olivia gets her name from the greek name oliva meaning olive or olive tree which is also where the mineral olivine gets its name from fun fact olivine basalt was collected by astronauts while they were on the moon and this factoid gives us more connections when we think about her main partner pokemon lykan rock with its werewolf connections and all acerola is named after the acerola cherry but what does that have to do with ghosts well nothing um that has to do with acerola as a name which is australian and can mean things ranging from small and adorable all the way to scary and supernatural how perfect of a name right kahili is a hawaiian name meaning feather and it's also a name for quite a few different plants especially plants that are used when making a feathered regalia which is feeding as kahili is a flying type user and as a golfer she also shares her name with a famous hawaiian golf course in the ultra games hala is replaced with mullane who is simply named after the mullane pronounced the same spelled different it's a yellow flower and what do you know its name means yellow in anglo-french but it also means soft perhaps literally soft leaved which is a fitting description of his demeanor but not his pokemon because he's a steel type user i guess that's the irony then now there was no champion in gen 7 because you become the first champion of alola so we move to the modern day generation 8. gen 8 also did something different with its pokemon league there's no elite four it's just the gym leaders and your rivals all competing for a chance to fight the champion but we do also meet a few former champions in the game's dlc so we'll cover them too but first it's leon whose name pulls from dandelion in fact his japanese name is dandy so if you combine his japanese and english names you get donde leon dandelion in the language of flowers dandelions symbolize power perseverance and determination fitting of a champion also lions are seen as kings of the jungle top of the food chain powerful in the isle of armor we meet mustard galar's original champion from back in the day he wears yellow so obviously he's named after the mustard plant which is also where we get the mustard condiment from his eyebrows even have the mustard on a hot dog squiggle also his wife is named honey so together they are honey mustard they had a son together his name is hyde named after hydrangeas and both honey hydrangeas and mustard hydrangeas are things mustard's name also sounds a bit like master doesn't it which is fitting not only because he's a previous champion so a pokemon master but he now runs a dojo so he's a master in that sense as well yes master mustard and in the isle of armor we meet peony who was galar's champion sometime between mustard and leon his name though is literally just the peony plant or peony as some say in the eastern language of flowers they are used as a symbol for bravery honor and good fortune and in the west they symbolize prosperity good luck love and honor these are all fitting enough of the man honor could be the reason he resigned as champion when his brother became chairman he also goes on brave adventures and really really loves his daughter peonia so it's fitting enough and those are all of the league members names explained as of now anyway who are your favorites whose names make the least sense let me know down below and until next time never stop using your noggin [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 177,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon league, pokemon league trainers, elite four, elite 4, pokemon champion, pokemon names explained, pokemon name explained, pokemon trainer, pokemon trainer names, pokemon cynthia, pokemon championship, elite four explained, elite 4 explained, pokemon champions explained, pokemon who is cynthia, pokemon who is leon, sinnoh league, alola league, galar league, indigo league, pokemon etymology, etymology of pokemon, pokemon name origins, pokemon name meaning
Id: qOo_y9H64us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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