If Every Pokemon Gym Leader Was The Last One

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/iluvchess 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Greetings poke-fans. Michael here and one of my favorite moments from Pokemon Origins, the mini series chronicling Red's journey through the Kanto region comes in the first episode right before he battles Brock. Brock asks Red how many badges he has, and when Red responds that he has none, Brock selects just two Pokemon to fight against Red with, despite Red using more. I love this scene because it explains a logically weird part of the main series games. Why do so many gym leaders who are career trainers, whose job it is to be good at Pokemon battles so often have weak teams with very few Pokemon? Obviously, the actual answer is that the games would be impossibly hard otherwise 'cause you'd fight the first gym leader with a level 50 Pokemon and that would be stupid. But, this bit from Pokemon Origins provides an in universe logical explanation for why this happens. The gym leaders are seeing how many badges you, the player has and then deciding how tough of a team to use against you to make it fair. Obviously, there are exceptions that you can skip Brawly and Gen Three Hoenn. You go back and fight 'em later with seven badges, he still has the same team as he would if he only had one. But, this is an in universe explanation not something that's 100% always true in the games themselves. I was thinking about what teams the various gym leaders would have if they were the final one that you battled. So you had seven gym badges and they could use their best team. So, in this video, I'm going to be giving every single main series gym leader a squad of six Pokemon that I think would make sense for them to use in an all out final gym leader battle. Although I probably should mention that very few final gym leaders actually use six Pokemon. But, I think they should use six Pokemon so I'm giving them six Pokemon anyways because that's more fun. Also, because the idea is that these are the final gym leaders, which is still before the lead, and therefore still before you have the national Pokedex, I'm going to be limiting their team rosters to Pokemon that are available in their particular regional Pokedex. So for example, Lieutenant Surge can have Magneton but not Magnezone. As Magnezone is not in the Kanto regional Pokedex. So don't forget to subscribe to my channel and let's get started with the Kanto gym leaders. Beginning with, of course, Brock. His squad of six is pretty easy. The six fully evolved rock-types of Kanto. Onyx, Golem, Omastar, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, and Rhydon. No Steelix and no Rhyperior because of what I said about limiting their teams to their regional Pokedex's. Also, something that's relevant for all of the Kanto gym leaders is that I'm making their teams as if you're fighting them in a Kanto play through, not in a post-game Johto play through. I think it would be confusing to give them teams for both, and I think it makes sense to focus on their Kanto only teams since those were the games that they debuted in. One more thing I should mention that's true for all of the gym leaders, is that I'll be trying to give them Pokemon that they've used somewhere before. I tend to prioritize Pokemon that they use in initial gym battles, but I can also take Pokemon from the Pokemon World Tournament or rematches for example. Next is Misty. Her squad would be Starmie, Golduck, Lapras, Gyarados, Vaporeon and Seaking. Starmie is obvious, Golduck and Lapras are from several places. Gyarados and Vaporeon are from her let's go rematch team and Seaking she used in the Pokemon World Tournament. Next is Lieutenant Surge whose team would be the fully evolved in Kanto electric-types. Raichu, Electrode, Magneton, Electabuzz, and Jolteon. Well obviously Zapdos is a fully evolved electric-type in Kanto too, but we can't give him a legendary so he needs a repeat. Since Lieutenant Surge has used two Electrodes on his team before in the Johto games, I think a second Electrode would make sense. Erika's team would be Vileplume, Parasect, Victreebel, Exeggutor, Tangela, and Venusaur. The six fully evolved grass-types in the Kanto region. I don't really want to give her Venusaur because I prefer not to give gym leaders or elite four member starters if I can avoid it. But, I would rather give her a starter than a repeat, so Venusaur Erika gets to use. Next is Koga, remember this is him as a gym leader, not as a elite four member later. So some of the Pokemon's he used on his elite four teams are no longer fair game because they're not in the original 151. His team would be Weezing, Muk, Venomoth, Golbat, Tentacruel, and Arbok. The first five are all Pokemon that he's used as a gym leader at least once. Arbok is there because it's a pure poison-type that he's somehow never used. And by golly, I think he should use it. Arbok is a cool looking Pokemon. On the topic of Koga, that brings us to Janine. Janine is Koga's daughter who took over the Fuchsia city gym after Koga moved on to the elite four. Janine is a special case compared to most of the Kanto gym leaders, because she's only ever appeared in Johto games. Okay, she's appeared in layer games Black 2 and White 2 specifically. But, she's never been a Kanto gym leader in a Kanto only game, which means anytime she's been there, she's had access to Johto Pokemon and you would battle her in a game where Johto Pokemon are part of the regional Pokedex. Therefore, unlike most Kanto gym leaders, she can use Johto Pokemon. Her team would be Crobat, Weezing, Ariados, Venomoth, Tentacruel and Nidoqueen. The first four are species she uses in initial battles and then Tentacruel and Nidoqueen are added 'cause she used them in the Pokemon World Tournament. Next is Sabrina, and her team would be the fully evolved non-legendary psychic-type Pokemon of the Kanto region, excluding Starmie. Gym leaders can have duplicate Pokemon, that's fine, but I don't want the gym leaders strongest Pokemon to be used by any other. So since Starmie is Misty's ace, I don't want Sabrina using it. Her team is Alakazam, Mister Mind, Hypno, Jinx, Slowbro and Exeggutor. I know she's had Venomoth before, but I am not giving her Venomoth. It was so dumb that she ever had a Venomoth because there were so many other psychic-types available. Blaine would have Arcanine, Rapidash, Nine Tails, Magmar, Flareon, and Charizard. This is another situation like Erika. I don't want to give him a starter, but it's the only fully evolved fire-type left aside from Moltres. Obviously, he's not getting Moltres. He's gotta have a Charizard or else have a repeat. Next is Giovanni, the final gym leader in a Kanto play through. I guess technically his team is already acceptable but, like I said, I'm gonna give him a team of six because that's more fun. And also his teams are usually riddled with repeats. I wanna make them all unique this time. His team would be Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Dugtrio, Rhydon, Sandslash, and Marowak. The first four are Pokemon he's used in gym battles before, while the latter two are ground-types he's used in the Pokemon World Tournament. Not giving him Persian, the only reason he's ever had a Persian is because of the freaking anime. And it's not a ground-type. The final Kanto leader is Blue, who already has a team of six Pokemon. I think, I think he's the only final gym leader who actually has a full team of six. And you fight him after you'd beat the Pokemon leader the first time. I think his HeartGold SoulSilver team is my favorite and the one I would have him stick with. His Gold, Silver, Crystal team had Alakazam over Machamp, but like I mentioned earlier, I don't want the ace of one gym leader to be used by another. And Alakazam is Sabrina's ace. Also yes, this does mean I have given Exeggutor to three Kanto gym leaders. Sabrina, Erika and Blue. However the idea is that these are the teams you would have if you fought them last and just fought this particular one last. So the other two, you would fight earlier and then they wouldn't have Exeggutors. Now, onto the Johto gym leaders starting with Falkner. His squad would be Pidgeotto, Noctowl, Fearow, Dodrio, Murkrow and Xatu. Pidgeotto is his obvious ace, and the others were selected because he used them or its' evolution in the Johto leaders tournament in the Pokemon World Tournament. Plus, he also had Dodrio and Hoot Hoot in the anime. Bugsy would have Scizor, Beedrill, Butterfree, Heracross, Pinsir and Shuckle. The first three are his regular gym battle Pokemon evolved up, Pinsir and Heracross were used in his HeartGold SoulSilver rematch, and Shuckle was used a few times in the Pokemon World tournament. I also considered giving him Fortress, but Shuckle has more type variety, 'cause otherwise he'd have two bud steel-types. Whitney, (groans) would have Miltank, Clefable, which is a now a fairy-type but you would be battling her in a game where it's still a normal-type, so it's still okay here. Blissey, Wigglytuff, Lickitung and Girafarig. Miltank and Clefable are from her original gym teams and the other four she used elsewhere at least once. She's also used more intimidating or angry looking normal-types like Tauros or Ursaring, but I personally feel like her team should stick to the cute or pink aesthetic that her original teams had. I specify cute or pink because Miltank and Lickitung are only the latter. Next up is Morty. Dear God, the first two generations did not have enough ghost-types. Literally, the only fully evolved ghost-types in the first two generations are Gengar and Misdreavus. That is it. So for his team, things are gonna get a little goofy. First, I give him two Gengar's and two Misdreavus's. Misdreavi? Anyways, two of each of them since there's precedent for that with Phoebe having two Dusclops and two Banette in gen three. For his final two Pokemon, I think he should have a Marowak, since it's got ghostly ties, and even has a ghost-type regional variant, and then Weezing because he spends a lot of time in the burnt tower. And coughing and Weezing are very common there, so it's likely he could've caught one at some point. Chuck would have Poliwrath, Primeape, Machamp, and all three Hitmons. The first two are from his gym battle, and the latter four are the other ones he used alongside Primape and Poliwrath in the Johto leader's tournament in the Pokemon World Tournament. Jasmine would have Steelix, two Magneton, Scizor, Fortress, and Skarmory. Steelix and her two Magneton are her leveled up gym team and the other three are the only fully evolved steel-types in Kanto and Johto. The limited number of steel-types makes the two Magneton necessary. Pryce would have Piloswine, Dewgong, Sneasel, Cloyster, Jinx, and Lapras. The first two are gym Pokemon and the other four are ones he used in the Pokemon World Tournament. For Claire, there's not enough dragon-types. We're gonna have to do that thing that they did in the earlier generations and even sometimes later generations where they're just like, you know what? This Pokemon looks like a dragon, it's fine. Her team would be Kingdra, two Dragonites, Gyarados, Aerodactyl and Charizard. This is basically her HeartGold SoulSilver rematch team but with her Dragonair fully evolved. On to Hoenn. Roxanne would have Nosepass in gen three, or Probopass in gen six. Golem, Armaldo, Cradily, Agron and Relicanth. The first two come from her gym team and the other four are from her team in the Hoenn leaders tournament in the Pokemon World Tournament. There are other rock-type options in the Hoenn regional decks, but since she's used these before, they work the best. Brawly would have Hariyama, Machamp, Medicham, Breloom, Heracross and Blaziken. Hariyama, Machamp and Medicham are evolved up gym Pokemon, and the other three are the only remaining fully evolved fighting-types in the Hoenn Pokedex. Well actually, Gallade is there in gen six. So for gen six, Brawly swap out Blaziken for Gallade so he doesn't have to have a starter. Watson would have Manectric, Magneton or Magnezone depending on whether it's gen three or gen six, Electrode, Raichu, Plusle and Minun. The first three are of course gym Pokemon and the other three he's seen having elsewhere. In fact in Horus, Plusle and Minun are shown living in his apartment. Flannery would have Torkoal, two Camerupt, Magcargo, Nine Tails, and Blaziken. The first four are gym Pokemon, including the duplicate Camerupt since she had a Numel and Camerupt in Emerald. While she's never had a Nine Tails, it's in the Hoenn regional decks and Blaziken, while sadly a starter, is the only fully evolved fire-type in the regional decks that's left. I don't like that I have to give Blaziken to both Flannery and Brawly, since it's a starter, but I'd rather give 'em a Blaziken them give 'em repeats. And Flannery already has one repeat. Norman's team would be Slaking, Spinda, Linoone, Exploud, Zangoose and Kecleon. The first three are from his Emerald gym team and the other three are from his Pokemon World Tournament roster. Winona's team would be Altaria, Skarmory, Pelipper, Swellow, Tropius and Crobat. The first five are from her gym teams and Crobat is a Hoenn regional decks Pokemon I picked rather arbitrarily. Of all the fully evolved flying-types in the Hoenn regional decks that were left as options, so there were bug-types, Salamence, Dodrio and Crobat, I felt that Crobat fit her aesthetic the best. Well, there's also Gyarados, which she has used in the Pokemon World Tournament, but Gyarados, despite being a flying-type, cannot fly. Honestly shouldn't have ever been a flying-type. Tate and Liza would have Solrock, Lunatone, Claydol, Xatu, Chimecho and Grumpig. The first four are from the gym teams. Claydol and Xatu from Emerald, and Chimecho and Grumpig were used by them in the Pokemon World Tournament. The two of them actually compete separately in the PWT, but they both use Grumpig and Chimecho in the Hoenn leaders tournament. Juan would have Kingdra, Luvdisc, Whiscash, Walrein, Crawdaunt, and Gorebyss. The first five are his team from emerald, with the Sealeo evolved, and Gorebyss he used in the Pokemon World Tournament. Next is Wallace, who's in a weird situation because he's both a gym leader and a champion in the same generation. While his final gym team could be his final gym team, just made a bit stronger, I think it would make more sense for him to just use his champion team. Besides, he has used that team as a gym leader before in the post-game of Horus. As a refresher, that team is Wallord, Tentacruel, Ludicolo, Whiscash, Gyarados, and Milotic. It's time for the Sinnoh region. Now Sinnoh's in a bit of a weird situation because its' regional decks increased in size within the generation when Platinum came out. For the sake of simplicity, when I'm picking these gym leaders teams, I'm allowing myself to pick from the Platinum decks not the more limited Diamond and Pearl decks. If I was limited to the Diamond and Pearl decks, we would have problems like Flint the fire type elite four member only having two fire types. Roark's team would be Rampardos, Onyx, Golem, Rhyperior, Probopass and Sudowoodo. The first three are from his gym, and the other three are the remaining fully evolved rock types in the Sinnoh decks. The only one of them he's never used at any point before is Rhyperior. Gardenia's team would be the same as her PWT's Sinnoh leaders tournament team. Roserade, Cherrim, Torterra, Carnivine, Leafeon and Tangrowth. I normally wouldn't choose to give her Torterra, since as I've said, I don't like giving gym leaders starters. I'd give her something else in the Sinnoh decks like the grass type Wormadam or Tropius, but she's had Turtwig in all of her initial gym battles. So, if it's already there, it's fair. Fantina would have Mismagius, Drifblim, Gengar, Dusknoir, Spiritomb and Rotom. The first four are from gym battles and Spiritomb and Rotom she's used in the PWT. I considered giving her Froslass, but since that's Candace's ace in Platinum, I didn't think she should have it. Maylene would have Lucario, Machamp, Medicham, Toxicroak, Gallade, and Heracross. The first three are from her gym battles. Toxicroak and Gallade she's used in the PWT and Heracross is the last non starter fully evoked fighting type in the Sinnoh decks. She has used Infernape in the PWT before, but like I said, I'd prefer not to give 'em starters. Wake's team would be Floatzel, Gyarados, Quagsire, Lumineon, Gastrodon and Bibarel. The first three are from his gym. Lumineon and Gastrodon he used in the PWT and Bibarel, because I want to see a gym leader use a Bibarel. The Sinnoh decks has a ton of water type options but Bibarel is the only gen four fully evolved water type that is not a starter or a legendary. So to me, I think a gen four leader should use a gen four water type, and Bibarel's just goofy and I wanna see him use it. Byron's team would be Bastiodon, Steelix, Magnezone, Bronzong, Probopass, and Scizor. The first four are evolved up gym Pokemon, and the latter two are steel types in the Sinnoh decks that he's never used but absolutely could. Candace's team would be Froslass, Weavile, Mamoswine, Abomasnow, Glaceon and Glalie. This is actually the exact team she uses in the PWT, comprising of all six fully evolved ice types in the Sinnoh decks. Volkner would have Electivire, Luxray, Jolteon, Raichu, Rotom and Pachirisu. The first four are from gym teams. Rotom he uses in the PWT and Pachirisu is a gen four electric type. I could've given him Magnezone, but since Byron uses Magnezone and Pachirisu isn't used by any gym leaders, figured I'd spread the love and give him Pachirisu. On to generation five, and like with gen four, I will be using the most expanded decks possible. In this case, the Black 2 and White 2 Unova Pokedex. It's just more fun to have more options. Cilan would have Simisage, Ferrothorn, Maractus, Whimsicott, Lilligant and Tangrowth. The first three he uses in the Black 2 White 2 post-game. Whimsicott and Lilligant he uses in the PWT and Tangrowth was picked since it's a grass type in the Black 2 White 2 decks. There are other options, but I wanted to save them for other gym leaders. Chili's team would be Simisear, Heatmor, Darmanitan, Arcanine, Magmortar, and Camerupt. This is the team of six he uses in the Unova leaders tournament, so there's precedent for all of them, especially the first three which he uses in the Black 2 White 2 post-game. Cress's team would be Simipour, Basculin, Golduck, Azumarill, Floatzel and Octillery. The first two he uses in the Black 2 White 2 post-game, the next three he uses in the Pokemon World Tournament. And Octillery was chosen from the rest of the Unova decks for being a pure water type. Therefore having no way of overlapping with any other leaders. Aside from Marlin, but Marlin's fine. You'll see when I get to him that I was actually able to give both him and Cress completely unique teams. Lenora's team would be Watchog, Audino, Sawsbuck, Dunsparce, Clefable and Slaking. Cheren's team would be Stoutland, Cinccino, Zangoose, Bouffalant, Lickilicky and Raticate. These two were a bit tricky since they have the same type specialty, like with Cress and Marlin. But, I wanted their teams to be wholly unique. So, I gave them each their respective aces, Watchog for Lenora and Stoutland for Cheren. Then four Pokemon that they use in the PWT at some point and then one last normal type that's in the Black 2 White 2 Unova decks that they've never used before, but they get to use now. Those being Raticate for Cheren and Slaking for Lenora. Roxy would have Scolipede, Weezing, Muck, Garbodor, Amoonguss and Crobat. The first three are from her gym battle with Grimer only appearing in challenge mode, and the latter three being from teams she uses in the PWT. Burgh would have Leavanny, Crustle, Escavalier, Accelgor, Durant, and Vespiquen. The first four are evolved up members of his challenge mode gym battle in Black 2 White 2, and the last two he uses in the PWT. Elesa would have Zebstrika, Emolga, Ampharos, Galvantula, Eelektross, and Stunfisk. The first four are from her Black 2 White 2 challenge mode gym battle, while the other two she adds on to those in the Pokemon World Tournament. Clay would have Excadrill, Krookodile, Seismitoad, Sandslash, Steelix and Golurk. The first five are evolved up gym battle Pokemon from various games and modes, and Golurk is my favorite one of the Pokemon that he uses in the PWT. Besides Flygon, but that's going to Drayton. Skyla would have Swanna, Unfezant, Swoobat, Sigilyph, Braviary and Mandibuzz. The first four are various gym Pokemon and Braviary and Mandibuzz are from the PWT. Brycen would have Beartic, Vanilluxe, Cryogonal, Walrein, Weavile and Dewgong. The first three are from his gym battle in Black and White, and the latter three are from the PWT. Drayden would have two Haxorus, Haxosori? Flygon, Druddigon, Altaria, and Hydreigon. The first four are from his various gym battles and the last two he uses in the PWT. For Iris, like Wallace, we've already seen her use a full team of six. So therefore, if she was the final gym leader, and had a full team of six, I would think it would be the same as her champion team. Marlin would have Jellicent, Carracosta, Wailord, Mantine, Alomomola, and Starmie. The first four are from his challenge mode of gym battle, and the later two are ones he uses in the PWT. That finishes gen five. Which means we no longer can use the PWT as a reference for team members. Time to get, bit more creative. To start off gen six, Viola would have Vivillon, Masquerain, Yanmega, Scolipede, Escavalier and Mega Pinsir. I talked about in a previous video about how I think that the final gym leader in X and Y should've had a mega evolution because you had fought at least one mega evolution prior to that. So therefore, with the Kalos gym leaders, if you were fighting them last, I think they should have a mega. So I'm giving all of them a mega. Vivillon and Masquerain she's used before and the other four are picked from the Kalos decks based on, pretty much my own preferences. Grant would have Tyrantrum, Aurorus, Barbaracle, Gigalith, Agron and Mega Aerodactyl. The first two are from a gym battle, and the latter four were picked by me. Mega Aerodactyl is the obvious mega choice for him in my opinion, since it's another prehistoric Pokemon. Korrina would have Hawlucha, Mienshao, Machamp, Pangoro, Toxicroak and Mega Lucario. She's used all but Pangoro and Toxicroak before. Toxicroak is chosen pretty arbitrarily, but Pangoro is a necessity since it's a gen six Pokemon and she's a gen six leader. Ramos would have Gogoat, Victreebel, Jumpluff, Trevenant, Gourgeist and Mega Venusaur. The first three are from his gym, Trevenant and Gourgeist are gen six grass-types and Mega Venusaur's the only X and Y mega available. There's only one other grass-type mega evolution and that is Mega Abomasnow and I am saving that for Wulfric. Clemont would have Heliolisk, Magnezone, Emolga, Dedenne, Lantern and Mega Manectric. The first three are from the gym. The Dedenne is a gen six electric-type. I like Lantern, and Mega Manectric because in my fictional X and Y, Mega Ampharos is used by Drasna. Valerie would have Sylveon, Mr Mime, Florges, Slurpuff, Aromatisse and Mega Mawile. The first two are from the gym battle. The next three are gen six fairies, and Mega Mawile is her gym Mawile that can now go mega. Olympia would have female Meowstic, Sigilyph, Slowking, male Meowstic, Malamar and Mega Alakazam. The first three are from her gym. The next two are gen six psychic-types and yes, I do think that she should have both a female and a male Meowstic because while they're the same species, they look very different and have very different moves and they're just different. And Mega Alakazam was picked over Mega Medicham because she uses pretty much exclusively special attackers and Mega Medicham is a physical attacker. Wulfric would have Avalugg, Cryogonal, Mamoswine, Beartic, Glaceon and Mega Abomasnow. The first two are from his gym. The next three picked mostly arbitrarily from the Kalos decks ice-types and lastly is his Abomasnow mega'd up. Now onto generation seven, and as you probably know, there are no gym leaders. So instead, I'll be talking about the Island Kahunas because they behave very similarly. Also, like with gens four and gens five, I will be using the most expanded decks available, the Ultra-Sun and Ultra-Moon Alola decks. Hala would have Hariyama, Machamp, Beware, Poliwrath, Crabominable and Passimian. The first five are his Pokemon link team, then Passimian is added on since it's a gen seven fighting-type. Olivia would have Midnight Lycanroc, Probopass, Gigalith, Armaldo, Cradily, and Alolan Golem. This team is a combination of her league teams in Sun and Moon and in Ultra-Sun and Moon. Nanu would have Sableye, Krookodile, Honchkrow, Absol, Alolan Persian and Alolan Muck. This team is his post-game team from Sun and Moon with Alolan Muck added on. Hapu would have Alolan Dugtrio, Gastrodon, Krookodile, Flygon, Mudsdale and Golurk. This team is a melding of her title defense teams in Sun and Moon and in Ultra-Sun and Ultra-Moon. Now it's time for the current generation generation eight, Pokemon Sword and Shield. I will say upfront that I won't be covering Bead or Marnie because while they end up being gym leaders, they are not gym leaders until after the main story is completed. So you have no possible way of fighting them as the final gym leader. In Sword, Milo would have Gigantamax Flapple, Shiftry, Eldegoss, Bellossom, Cherrim and Whimsicott. In Shield, the Flapple would be an Appletun and Shiftry would be Ludicolo. The first five are from his champions cup rematch team, and then Whimsicott is added on to fit his cute round grass-types aesthetic. Nessa would have Gigantamax Drednaw, Golisopod, Pelipper, Seaking, Toxapex and Barraskewda. This team is a combination of her champions cups teams both the first time and the rematches. Kabu would have Gigantamax Centiskorch, Torkoal, Nine Tails, Arcanine, Salazzle and Heatmor. The first five are from his champions cup rematch team, and Heatmor was selected from the Galar decks. Bea would have Gigantamax Machamp, Falinks, Grapploct, Sirfetch'd, Hawlucha and Pangoro. This is a combination of her champions cup team and her initial gym battle team. Allister would have Gigantamax Gengar, Runerigus, Corsola, Polteageist, Mimikyu and Dusknoir. This team takes Pokemon from both his initial gym battle and his battles in the champions cup. Opal would have Gigantamax Alcremie, Mawile, Galarian Weezing, Togekiss Ribombee and Slurpuff. The first four are from her gym battle, and the last two are fairy-types that Bead does not use. Gordie would use Gigantamax Coalossal, Tyranitar, Stonjourner, Shuckle, Barbaracle and Sudowoodo. The first five are from his champions cup rematch team, and Sudowoodo was added on to that. Melanie would have Gigantamax Lapras, Galarian Darmanitan, Eiscue, Mr. Rime, Frosmoth and Arctozolt. The first five are from her champions cup team, and Arctozolt was picked because it's one of the only two gen eight ice-types that she doesn't use. The other is Arctovish, but Arctozolt looks more icy. Then finally is Raihan, and for his gym battle team, it doesn't really matter whether they're dragon-types or not. They just have to be mean, monster looking Pokemon that are good in sandstorm, because that is clearly the theme of his initial gym battle team. I would give him Gigantamax Duraludon, Flygon, Gigalith, Sandaconda, Tyranitar and Steelix. The first four are his original gym team and the last two are, as I mentioned, mean slash monster looking Pokemon that do well in sand. So, there we have it. That is a full team of six for every single gym leader in the main series games so far. Thank you guys so much for watching, and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon, who are helping support my channel independent of fluctuating YouTube ad rates. If you wanna help support me in the same way, the link is in the description below. Also if you wanna check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, I recommend these videos here. All right, that's all I have for now. So til next time in advance, gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 3,545,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, gym leader, every game, every gym leader, full team, strongest gym leader, all badges, all gym leader
Id: NqnSQrfTkuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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