If Every Pokémon Gym Leader was the First One

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so recently i saw a video by m j tv where he gives every gym leader a team as if they were the last gym leader and it kind of got me wanting to do my own version of it but instead of making every gym leader the last gym leader i'd make every gym leader the first gym leader now on paper this sounds really simple but it was a bit more challenging than i expected so some things i tried to keep in mind when making these custom first gym leader teams for every gym leader is that they'd only get a pokemon that was available to them in their respective region so no generation eight pokemon for a kanto gym leader for example i only give a gym leader a pokemon that isn't their type if it either makes sense for them or i have no other choice and i try my best to give every gym leader at least one pokemon within their respective region also if there is a gym leader who is already the first gym leader and i don't like their team i may tweak them a bit just to see what i would personally give them so with all that out the way here is if every pokemon gym leader was the first gym leader starting with [Music] brock's team would be geodude and onyx obviously since he's already the first gym leader and i think i'd keep this team the same the other rock types in kanto aren't really associated with brock so geodude and onyx shouldn't really change misty's team would be psyduck and staryu goldim would also make sense versaidoc is definitely more synonymous with misty in not only the anime but it was also the first pokemon she uses in the let's go pikachu and evie games starmie is her star man the pun intended so having the pre-evolved form would also make the most sense lieutenant search would have voltorb and pikachu every main series team surges had has always had a part of the volatile blind with raichu as surges star pokemon in the anime as well magnamite is also a possible first pokemon but since surges use voltorb more it makes a bit more sense in my opinion erica's gym team would be odish and tangler the three most recurring pokemon appearing on erica's team are the oddish line the bellsprout line and tangola with either vioplume or gloom being the main pokemon so oddish makes the most sense to keep of the three both oddish and bellsprout evolve at level 21 so it's possible that gloom could be the ace of the team but with this team i think tangler works well koga's team would be coughing and venonats koga's gym leader teams have changed around quite a bit within the kanto games and he eventually dropped the coffin line in future jens however has always been on his gym teams using three of the line in red and blue his whole team in yellow was the then in that line with venemoth eventually becoming his ace so these two in my opinion work really well for a starting gym with grandma being a solid third choice as well his daughter janine's team would be zubat and venenat janine's ace was also venomoth for a while eventually becoming crobat so having those two for a team would make perfect sense although i did consider having spinarak as well since she also uses arya dust but since this is the first gem for the kanto region i think only using gen 1 pokemon makes a bit more sense sabrina would have slowpoke and cadabra she usually uses two of the abra line so it's possible she could start with the nabber instead but abra can't really hurt the opponent so i think slowpoke would work better even if sabrina hasn't really used much of the slow poke line before kadabra obviously makes sense as the ace abra only takes until level 16 to evolve and sabrina is way too associated with the abra line to use something else blaine's team would be pronita and growlithe so fun fact despite magma being blaine's star pokemon in the anime he hasn't used one nearly as much in the games especially compared to ponyta and the growl of line plus magma might be a little too strong for a first gem ace compared to others especially so given that the ponyta and the growlithe line has pretty much always been on his teams in the games it only makes sense to make it his first gym team here giovanni's team would be diglett and ryhon meowth could also be a possible first pokemon as well since he has used a persian in some of his gym teams however i feel like both pokemon should be ground type given that he is the ground gym leader with ryhon being the ace along with diglett since those two lines are the ones that he's probably used the most in terms of his gym teams giovanni also is known for using nidoking and nidoqueen however none of their previous evolutions are ground type blue's gym team would be pidgy and eevee the pidgey line has not only been on most of blue's teams but was also the first pokemon he caught in the gen 1 games and evie makes the most sense as the ace pokemon since his starter in the previous games was always determined by the player starter falcon stream team would be hoothoot and pigeoto yes despite faulkner already being a first gym leader i am still slightly changing it i am not a fan of jotted gym leaders not using any joto native pokemon especially when they're both of the same line and with faulkner being the first gym leader who is also a flying type gym leader having the starting bird in my opinion makes much more sense than having two of a previous gen so this is the team i change it to buxy's team would be yanma and saita buxy also had all gen 1 pokemon in his original team so the main joto bugs i had to pick from were spinarak and yanma spinarak makes more sense on paper since it's the starting bug of the region however bugsy has never used one before and he has used a yam mega in hot gold and source over multiple times with cipher eventually becoming a scizor so janma and scyther make the most sense in my opinion whitney's team would be miltank and nothing else moving on morty's team would be gustly and misdreavus the ghastly is obvious and the mistruvius is a gen 2 ghost that he eventually gets on his team chuck's team would be tyrogue and monkey none of polyross pre-evolutions are fighting type so it wouldn't make much sense to have them on his first gym team tairog is the pre-evolution of pokemon he eventually uses so tyrogen monkey i think would sue him well jasmine's team would be magnemite and skarmory her usual ace is stelix however stelix in my opinion is too strong for a first gem leader trainer and onyx isn't a steel type magnemite is part of her original team and skarmory is the only other gen 2 steel type that she eventually uses so these would be my picks price's team would be swinub and sneasel seal isn't a nice type yet but is a non-ice type that price uses however i still pick two other ice types to be on his team parlous one was his original ace although it doesn't evolve until past level 30 so swine-up makes more sense for the first gym and weave out eventually becomes his last pokemon at the pokemon world tournament so sneezer i think would work good as the main pokemon if he was the first gym leader claire's team would be horsey and dratini or dratini and sidra if you want to have an under leveled sidra since halsey does evolve at level 32 this is one of the few cases where i have almost no choice but to give a dream leader at least one pokemon that doesn't match their type as the only dragon type that was introduced in gen 2 was king jr whose previous evolutions were not dragon type even when claire had six pokemon in heartgold and saw silver kingdra and dragonite were the only dragon types so droutini and one of the horsey line makes the most sense for claire's first gym leader team in my opinion roxanne's team would be geodude and nosepass this is her actual first gym team and in my opinion works perfectly fine as it is rawley would have meditites and makuhita the same as his actual gym team however i picked meditate over match-ups to give him an or heroin team but matchup would still be a good third pick watson would have magnamite and electrike out of magnemite and voltorb magneton was his ace in ruby and sapphire with manitrik becoming his main pokemon in emerald so having these as his first gym team would definitely make the most sense in my opinion flannery's team would be slugma and torcol torkol is her main pokemon and the slugmalign is the only other pokemon she's used in all of her teams normal makes arguably more sense since it's generation 3 but i think slugmo would be more likely norman's team would be slackhoth and vigaroff this line is easily the pokemon norman uses the most so having slack off and its evolution fit perfectly splinder would also be a good third choice or even second choice since it's his most used pokemon outside of the slack offline but i think slackoff on its evolution suit his first gym a little bit better wynonna's team would be swablu and swellow artaria is her main pokemon so swab blue makes perfect sense i was thinking about having taylor as well but i think zwella would be fine as her ace in the first gym since the team of talo and swablu would make for a pretty weak combination tatan lysa would use solrock and lunatone yeah there's no other pokemon i could even consider replacing them here my pixel wallace's team a love disc and celio so wallace is a tricky one his ace pokemon is obviously milotic but feedback in my opinion is way too weak to have on any gym team and my low tick is way too strong for a first gym i considered other water types like lombrain welmer being possibly his main pokemon in the first gym but those lines of pokemon are always on his champion team instead so i think love disc and a slightly under leveled celia would work best juan's team would be spheel and caufish juan was also a pretty difficult one as well i could have easily have given them the same team as wallace but i wanted to differentiate him a bit his ace pokemon is kingdra like claire but i did want to change things up a bit as well as giving him more hoenn pokemon sphere works well since it can act as a nice callback to wallace's first germace and corfish is a water type that wallace has never used whereas one has used the line in multiple of his teams rock's team would be geodude onyx and craniados so outside of roxanne's emerald team this is the only time where a first gem leader of a region has at least three pokemon on their team in every main series game they're in so that does beg the question whether i give every sino gym leader at least three pokemon as well maybe if rock's team was only two pokemon i'd take out the onix but since he has three pokemon anyway i figured i'd just keep it the same gardenia's team would be cherubi and roselia with turtwickers iii rosa raid is her main pokemon so the pre-revolution makes perfect sense and so does chirubi touchbook is the other pokemon usually on her team although not gonna lie i would rather pick something that wasn't a starter so possibly tangle it instead since it does eventually evolve into tangroath but either works mileen's team would be meditate and riolu with matchup as the third pokemon this was already her regular team just with pre-evolutions so carrying it over makes perfect sense crusher wake would have wooper and weasel with shallows as the third the first two carry from his regular team his usual third pokemon is gyarados but that pokemon will be too strong for her first gym and magikarp is way too weak so if he were to have a third pokemon i would pick shellos he doesn't use the line until the pokemon world tournament in generation 5 but i still think it would fit well in a gym team as well as another 4th gen pokemon for him to use fantina would have drifloon and mistreavous with the third pokemon being ghastly they took away the drifloon line in platinum when she was the third gym leader but i completely disagree with this considering it's a fourth gen ghost and her team as well as dress is themed around this ghost line miss maggias is also her ace so these two ghosts make perfect sense on her team and if she were to have a third ghost type she'd of course have part of the gengar line byron's team would be bronzor and shiodon with magnemite as the possible third one the first two are gen 4 steel types he uses on his diamond and pearl team so they make the most sense in my opinion stelix is also part of the team but that mon is a bit too strong for her first gym and onyx isn't a steel type so magnemite whose evolved forms was part of his platinum team fits the third role best kandy's team would be snowrunt and snover with swine up as a third option obama snow was her ace in diamond and pearl with frostlast becoming her new ace in platinum so the pre-evolutions fit her first gym perfectly sweiner would also be the third option since it eventually evolves into a gen 4 ice type volcktan's team would be pikachu and luxio with elected as the third option the pikachu and shinx lines are the pokemon that he's used the most with luxury being his most well-known pokemon as well as pikachu being his main partner in the anime if he were to have a third pokemon i'd go with a lekkid since electavia does eventually become his main pokemon in platinum the three monkey gym leaders all have lollipop and one of the monkeys and i wouldn't change anything here both cheren and lenora would have lilipup and patrats these are the pre-evolved forms of lenora's regular team and this is already cheren's gym team and since they're both the normal type unova gym leaders these being the teams make perfect sense roxy's gym team would be coughing and whirlepede this is the same as our regular gym team i could have had venipede instead but venipede is very weak and willoped in my opinion would work perfectly fine as a race in the first gym burke's team would beat dwivel and an under-leveled swab loon these are the lines he uses in both black and white and black and white too swadlund i think would work better than sawadol since sawaddo is much noticeably weaker would swallow not being that strong in the first place elise's team would be amoga and blitzel carrying on from her regular gym team using zeb striker's pre-evolved form instead joltek is also an option for a possible third slot clay's team would be sandile and droba these are also pokemon lines he already uses palpato is also an option however he ditched it in black and white too even so temple would be a possible third pokemon for him skyler's team would be declared and tranquil i like the idea of the first flying gym leader using the starting bird ducklit is way too weak of an ace in my opinion so serves as a good starting pokemon swoobat on the other hand would also be a good ace pokemon possibly instead of tranquil or even wubat being a third pokemon option bryson would have kub chew and criagonal cragonal slightly on the stronger side in terms of pokemon you'd find on the first gym leader but i still think it would work pretty well here bertok is his usual ace pokemon but kubchu is pretty weak as an ace with bertick being bit too strong for a first gem so kopju works fine as the starting pokemon vanillite would be a good third pick since the ice cream pokemon were on his original team both drayden and iris would have axu and drudagon even though i think it would be cooler for them to have a slightly different team i decided to give them both the same one like druidagon is on the stronger side of first gym pokemon but this is a dragon type gym we're talking about here then because hacksaws is both their aces actually makes perfect sense to also have on the team dino is also an option but isn't used by either of them until black and white too so i guess it could act as a possible third option marlin would have tertuga and frelish both of these are german five water type pre-evolutions he has on his team so makes the most sense for them to be on his first gem team viola's team would be cersket and vivian and i wouldn't change anything at all grant's team would be amora and tyrants and again i wouldn't change anything karina's team would be miyamfu and halucha the only other gen 6 fighting type option there is is pancham but she never uses one and hot lucha is already her ace pokemon so even though it is pretty strong for her first gym pokemon i think it will make do here machamp would also work as a third pokemon ryola could also possibly work on our team but she never uses the line on any of her gym teams rama's team would be skip loom and skiddo the pre-evolved forms of his already existing team outside of course of the bellsprout line browseboat or whipping bell could also work as a third month clermont's team would be magnemite and helioptile again the pre-evolved forms of his already existing team a moga is the third option but i think magnemite matches his techwiz personality a bit more next here's where things are going to be a bit different so valerie's regular gym team is my wow mr mime and sylveon sylveon in my opinion is too strong for her first gym and evie isn't a fairy type now i could easily go with her team being something like mime junior and mao wow but none of those two pokemon are generation six so what i've decided to do is make her team spritzy and swirlix while she hasn't really used any of these lines aside from spritzy in the anime these are probably the best pair of fairies to pick from the callous pokemon available they may not be accurate to her team but considering gym leaders do change their teams over time and sometimes every now and then i think having these two as our first gym team would work really well olympia's team would be slowpoke and meowstic he's again carry over from her regular team with myostic as a solid star pokemon sigilif is already pretty strong so using the other two mods i think would work great and wolfrich's team would be snover and bergmite his third pokemon is already another gym leader's ace pokemon so having the pre-evolutions of the other two mons one of them being his main pokemon would work perfectly fine here milo's team would be gossafler and eldergas this is the same as his regular team and i wouldn't change it ness's team would be arakuda and drednor the same as her regular team minus the golden which would work fine as a third month kabu's team would be vulpix and sizzlerpeed these again are pre-evolutions of pokemon on his regular team and i chose vulpix over growlithe since i've already given growls to other gym leaders and not vulpix although growleth would be the third choice these team would be matchup and galerion far-fetched machamp is a gigantimex form anglair in far-fetched would be her genetic pick so solid picks for a fighting type first gem in my opinion alice's team would be galerione mask and galerion corsola even though gengar is his gigantimax form i like the idea of him using the new ghost galaforms otherwise garcia haunter would also be a good ace on his team opel would have togepi and alcurimi akrubi is already a strong ace so having a weak pokemon like togepi i think would balance out the team well mawa was also a good third choice although the combination of mawwal and alcarimi may be a bit strong for a first gym giving b the gym leader team his would be hatana and curlier bead is a weird one since he started out as a psychic type trainer who eventually becomes a fairy type gym leader with some of his team being fairy types that started out as just psychic types so keeping this in mind hatana and curly i think would probably be the best options hatana is his main pokemon while the ross lion acts almost like a counterpart so having these two i think would fit pretty well gordy's team would be by nicole and karkol these are two pre-evolutions of pokemon that are already on his team and i also like the idea of the two rock types on his team being opposite types as well melanie would have snom and ice q lapras is a bit too thick to have as the star pokemon on the first gym but ice cube i think would work really well along with frost muscle evolution and glaring darumaka would also be a good third choice pierce's team would be stunky and galerion ly noon stunky because him and stone tank could definitely be hair buddies and lightning because upstagoon is his main pokemon scraggy would also be a good third option since they're both hoodlums mani's team would be imperdimp and morpiko morpika was her signature pokemon that's been on all of her team since the beginning with grim snow eventually becoming her gigantomax pokemon perline would be a good third option since she does look like someone who would have won as a pet and the last gym leader to go over is rihanna who is a pretty difficult one only half of his regular gym team consists of dragon types with only one becoming a dragon type when it's fully evolved and the other being a pokemon that doesn't evolve having stats higher than you'd see in the first gym so because doraleon's stats are so high and it's his star pokemon i think just having deraldon as his pokemon would be fair although if i were to give him a second pokemon i'd probably go with either silicobra since he does use a santa conda to set up sandstorms or droopy but again since doraldon is so strong it being the only pokemon he has i think would be fair and just for the sake of the video i'll also cover the island kahunas of alola with hala being the first of only four kahunas and having a team of three i'll be giving all the other kohunas a team of three his original team consists of manki makuhita and kerola and i wouldn't make any changes here olivia's team would be nosepass rugenroller and rockruff they're the same as her regular team except all pre-evolutions instead nano's team would be the same as his regular team being sableye sandile and alona meowth again only being pre-evolutions and finally hapu's team would be alone and diglett shellos and mudbray this again being the pre-evolution form of her team minus the fly gun and there you go my take on if every gym leader was the first one it was very time consuming to go through every chimney that there is in pokemon so far but still a fun video to make nonetheless and if you did enjoyed and would like to see more pokemon videos like this please do leave a like as it does help the video out subscribe for more pokemon content in the future and until next time thank you so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: TheAuraGuardian
Views: 1,452,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, gym leader, if every gym leader was the last, top 10 gym leaders, best gym leaders in pokemon, worst gym leaders pokemon, strongest gym leaders, weakest gym leaders, all gym leader themes, all gym leaders in pokemon sword and shield, if every gym leader was the first, theauraguardian, pokemon gym leader theme, gym leader team, pokemon gym leader best team, worst gym leader team
Id: ex3Kjolus0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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