If Every Gym Leader Got a New Strongest Pokémon

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- Greetings, Poke-fans. Michael here and virtually every gym leader has an iconic strongest Pokemon or as I like to call it, their ace. Brock has Onix, Wallace has Milotic, Raihan has Duraludon and so on and so forth. But what if they had different aces, different strongest Pokemon? Today, I'm going to be going through every single main series Pokemon gym leader and providing my thoughts on how well their ace fits, then suggesting an alternative ace, regardless of whether I think their current one fits them well or not. By the way, shout out to my patron, David Peace, for suggesting this video idea. So don't forget to subscribe to my channel since less than half of my viewers are actually subscribed which is deeply disturbing. No, no, no, please, please subscribe. And let's dive into ha-ha, it is I, Grunty Boi. Brilliant, of course it is. What did you come to steal this time? Oh, nothing much. Just your happiness and peace of mind. Wait, whoa, what? Yes and I'm going to do so by reminding you of three unsettling facts. Number one Pokemon will someday end. Number two, the only thing protecting us from the endless vacuum of space is a relatively thin layer of air. And number three, two out of three men will experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35. While you're definitely right about the first two being upsetting, the third is less scary thanks to the sponsor of this video, Keeps. Oh, come on. Why do you always seem to have the perfect rebuttal? But tell me more because honestly I unsettled myself with that statistic. Keeps is the best and most affordable way to keep your hair. Since they allow you to visit a doctor online to get a prescription for the only two FDA-approved hair loss products on the market. And then those products are shipped directly deleted you. Wow. I'm looking at their info right now and I am impressed. I've known people who've used those products before, but never at that price and definitely not with the convenience of staying home. I know, right? But it's important to act fast for this. The best way to prevent losing your hair is by doing something while you still have hair left. And treatment can take four to six months to see results. So it's kinda like how the best way to prevent your things from being stolen is by doing something while you still have your things. Um, yeah, I guess that's technically correct. Well, it's in my best interest to convince the public of the contrary on that bit, but that can wait. How do I check out Keeps? I see that they have more five-star reviews than any of the competition. So clearly they're up to snuff. All you have to do to prevent hair loss is had to keeps.com/mandjtv or click the link in the description below and you'll get 50% off your first order. That's keeps.com/mandjtv. All right, I'm off to go check them out. Oh, one more thing before I go, though. Just a friendly reminder that you KO'd the first shiny Pokemon you ever found and you're never getting it back. You sick son of a-- Ta-ta! (groans) Anyways, thanks so much to Keeps for sponsoring this video, but now let's dive into giving new aces to all of the gym leaders. First up is Brock, who's strongest Pokemon is the iconic Onix. You could say it is ic-Onix. (laughs) And everyone clicked off the video, dang it. I think Onix fits Brock very well. Despite its big intimidating appearance, it has no pre-evolutions. This allowed them to put a big intimidating Pokemon in the very first gym of the game, which I think does a great job of making the intro to the gym challenge exciting. Of all the Kanto rock types, I think Onix is the best fit, but if I had to pick another one I'm going with Graveler which would then become Golem for any rematches. Graveler does a good job of representing rock, unlike the fossils, which don't really have much visible rockiness to their appearances. Plus it's base stat total is very close to Onix's. They'd have to give him a Graveler that is under its evolution level, but there are tons of examples of that in Pokemon. So who cares? Next is Misty, who's ace is Starmie. Starmie is a solid ace, but I personally have never found it to be that interesting of a Pokemon because, as Ash pointed out in the original series, it doesn't have a face, guys. It's a little weird. I think it would be cool if her ace was a Gyrados. She uses one in the anime several times and it would be possible at her gym's Pokemon level of the early twenties. It would make the battle pretty fricking tough, since it's not weak to Grass and there are very limited Electric types available prior to Misty's gym battle, but... I care more about coolness than game balance for this, so, sorry. Next is Lieutenant Surge whose ace is Raichu. I've always been a bit thrown off by this big intimidating military man having a fairly cute, small Pokemon as his ace. Admittedly, it's kinda fun, but I also think a more intimidating Pokemon would have worked better. Instead, I suggest Electabuzz because, after all, they have the same angry eyes. Plus, look, they even shake hands in the cards. Clearly it's meant to be. They missed a big opportunity here. Next is Erika, who's ace is Vileplume. Since Erika's whole thing is that she's an expert flower arranger, Vileplume's a great fit since it is mostly flower. Of the remaining Kanto Grass types, I think the next best ace is Venusaur. It is a starter, which I tend to not like giving to gym leaders, but it's the only other one with any kind of flower as part of its biology. Next is Koga, who, well? He doesn't have one. In Red and Blue and FireRed and LeafGreen, his strongest is Weezing. In Yellow and Let's Go, his strongest is Venomoth, except for the rematch in Let's Go when it becomes Muk. And then as an elite four member, in the Johto games, it's Crobat. So I don't have any thoughts on his ace because he doesn't have one. So if I had to assign him one, it would be Golbat. It's a fast Poison type, which works well with his ninja thing. 'Cause he's, I'm assuming, very fast. Plus also it makes the Crobat ace in the sequel Johto games make a lot more sense. Next is Sabrina, whose ace is Alakazam. This is a great ace as it's a strong and intimidating Psychic type, which suits her reputation as one of the most powerful and intimidating gym leaders. I don't think any other Kanto Psychic type works better, but if I had to pick one, I'd go with Starmie. Misty's not using it anymore and it's the only one available that doesn't look at least somewhat derpy. Sabrina needs a strong and fearsome ace. I cannot have her running around with a Jynx or a Mr. Mime. Next is Blaine, whose ace is Arcanine in the Kanto games. They changed it to Rapidash in the Johto games. No idea why. Arcanine is a great ace since, for the penultimate gym, the strongest Pokemon should be a big, strong Pokemon. If I had to change it though, I'd make it Magmar. It was his ace many years ago in the anime and while it doesn't look as cool as Arcanine, it does seem like a Pokemon a silly old man would use. Finally for Kanto is Giovanni. His ace changes wildly depending on the game and the battle, but in every Viridian City gym battle, his strongest Pokemon is Rhydon, with the exception of FireRed LeafGreen, where it's Rhyhorn, which I, just why. Why, it's the last gym, it's level 50, make it a Rhydon. What were they thinking? Rhydon is a great ace for the last gym since it's so big and powerful, but I also think making his Nidoqueen or Nidoking his ace would make sense as well. Nidoqueen would work especially nicely since it's his most powerful Pokemon in the Silph Co battle. Now to Johto, starting with Falkner. And his ace is Pidgeotto, which is something that I have a big problem with. This is an issue that a lot of Johto gym leaders and some gym leaders in later regions have. Their ace is a Pokemon not from their region. I know that Johto and Kanto are more intertwined than any other pair of regions, but it's Johto, it's new, the gym leaders should be showing off new Pokemon. I don't get why they gave him just a regular Pidgeotto, which anyone who's been to Kanto has seen countless of. My vote is instead for Noctowl. It's the Johto regional bird, so it's a perfect fit for the first Johto gym. It's quite a bit stronger than Pidgeotto, but I don't really have an issue with that. That gym is already pretty easy. Next is Bugsy, who is in kind of a weird situation. His ace is Scyther, which is not a Johto Pokemon but eventually it evolves into Scizor, which is a Johto Pokemon. However, I can't really say that his ace should just be Scizor right off the bat because that would be way too strong and way too difficult of a Pokemon to fight in the second gym of the game. Well, you'd be fine if you chose Cyndaquil, but for the other two, you'd be screwed. Instead, Heracross would solve that problem. It's as strong as Scyther and Scizor, is a Johto Pokemon, and doesn't have a defensive type that's overpowered like Scizor does. A flaw with Heracross is that it doesn't learn a Bug move at a low enough level, but I can do whatever I want and I think it should. It gets Fury Cutter as an Emerald tutor move only? Why not just let it learn that later? It's got spikes on its arms and a horn. Next is Whitney with her infamous Miltank. As much as I hate that thing, it's a pretty good fit. The concept of a cutesy and seemingly lighthearted gym leader in Pokemon actually being brutally difficult is genius. Infuriating, but genius. If she had to have a different ace, what makes sense to me is Blissey, another cute, pink Johto Normal type. Honestly, if Whitney was introduced in Gen Six or later, I think they probably would have made her a Fairy type gym leader, not Normal type. So I just picked a Normal type Pokemon that looks like it could be a Fairy type. Next is Morty whose ace is Gengar. Unfortunately the Morty situation is a tough one since there are so few Ghost types in Gens One and Two. I think Gengar fits him well, but it's not a Johto Pokemon. The only Johto Ghost type is Misdreavus, but I don't think that fits him as well. I guess it's my only option though, so there you go. Next up is Chuck who's ace is Poliwrath and whose other Pokemon is Primeape. So he's a Johto gym leader with two Kanto Pokemon. I don't know why they did this. Maybe because they didn't give these Fighting types to Bruno, which was also a weird decision. I just, I don't know. Anyways, I think Poliwrath is not a great fit. So I think his ace should instead be Hitmontop. It's one of the only two new fully-evolved Fighting types in Johto and I already gave Bugsy Heracross. I think a less cute Fighting type would work better for him, but this is my only option if I wanna stay committed to giving him a Johto Pokemon. Next is Jasmine and her ace is Steelix. Steelix is a great fit since it's very strong and fearsome which is a fun contrast to her kind and friendly demeanor. I think it's the best fit, but if I had to pick another one, I'd go with Skarmory, a less intimidating, but still strong looking Steel type. Side note, I think it's extremely dumb that they did not give her a Skarmory on her team, anywhere on her team. It's a brand new Johto Steel type that they did not give to the Steel type gym leader. And no one else uses it. You don't give her a Skarmory but instead you give her to Magnemites? What? Next up is Pryce, who's Piloswine ace is a great fit since it's a reasonably strong Johto Ice type. If I had to change it though, I'd go with Sneasel, because the only other fully-evolved Johto Ice type is Delibird, which is so hopelessly weak that no gym leader in my opinion, should use it at all, much less have it as their ace. Next up is Clair, who's ace is Kingdra. This is a perfect fit because it's the only option. The only Dragon type Pokemon in the first two generations of Pokemon are Dratini Dragonair, Dragonite, and Kingdra, that's it. That's the entire list. So, to give her an alternate ace, I have to pick Dragonair. It's the only option. But that's a Kanto Pokemon and I don't wanna do that. So dear God this alternate end suggesting, no, it's garbage. Kingdra is the right Pokemon for her to have. Moving on to Hoenn, we'll start with Roxanne. Her ace is Nosepass, which I think is a decent ace. I don't much care for the Pokemon, but it's compass inspiration works well with her academic theme. If I had to swap it out, though, I'd go with Anorith becoming Armaldo for the rematch. Her gym is chock full of fossils and fossils can be revived literally across the street, so it makes perfect sense. Lileep is also an option, but I think Anorith looks more like something prehistoric, whereas Lileep is just kind of a weird plant. I should mention that giving her Anorith or Lileep would make her gym quite a bit tougher because Anorith's bug moves would be good against Treecko and Lileep's grass moves would be good against Mudkip, but like I said, I'm not that worried about game balance. I'm just going with what I think would be cool. Next up is Brawly, who's ace is Makuhita, then Hariyama for the rematch. I've always thought this was an odd match since Brawley is a fit surfer and workout bro while Makuhita is pudgy. I mean, it's very strong, I'm sure, but I don't think it's using the treadmills in his gym. As an alternative, I suggest Breloom. Shroomish evolves at a low enough level for it to work, that being 23, and it feels like a more athletic Pokemon. Plus I quite like Breloom. I also considered Medicham, but it evolves too late and Meditite, while on his team in Emerald is fine, I don't think it works well as an ace. Next is Wattson who's ace in Ruby, Sapphire, OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire is Magneton, but in Emerald, it's Manectric. I've always hated this. Wattson is the Hoenn Electric type gym leader, yet they decided it would be a good idea to make not just his ace, but his entire team Kanto Electric types. What were they thinking? Electrike and Manectric are right there. Make those on his team and make Manectric his ace. They did that in Emerald, which was great, but then they reverted back to no Manectric on his team in OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire, which is just (groans). Magneton is his defacto ace since it's his strongest Pokemon in four of the five games, so my alternate suggestion is Manectric. That's what it is in Emerald and that's the correct one. Next is Flannery whose ace is Torkoal. This is a solid fit for her, in my eyes, but if I had to change it, it would have to be Camerupt, since that's the only other fully-evolved Hoenn Fire type option aside from Blaziken and Sunny Castform. Hell yeah! Or I guess sun yeah. The Camerupt ace does conflict with Maxie, so I don't think it's as good of a fit as Torkoal, but I think Camerupt still works at least decently well. Next is Norman, who's ace is Slaking. Slaking is a great ace as it allows them to show off a Pokemon that doesn't get much of a spotlight elsewhere. I think a good alternative ace, though, would be Exploud. It's a fierce looking Normal type that evolves from a cute, small Normal type found not far from Petalburg, which is just like Slaking. Next is Winona, whose ace is Altaria. This is a great ace and suits her well since both her and Altaria have graceful appearances. I think it's the best option, but the second best would be Swellow. Not as graceful looking and not as strong, but it's still a decent fit, plus it was her ace in the anime. Next is Tate and Liza, their aces being Solrock and Lunatone and these are a perfect fit. They're twins that double battle, so it makes sense for their aces to be counterpart Pokemon. A good alternative pair for them would be Gardevoir and Gallade. Wait, actually, that's not just a good alternative, that's a fricking awesome alternative. It doesn't work in Gen Three, but who cares? Could you imagine fighting a Gardevoir and Gallade side-by-side in a battle? That'd be so freaking cool. Oh my gosh, they totally need to do this. Next is Wallace, whose ace is Milotic. Milotic fits him fantastically, as it's a strong water Pokemon that's nearly as fabulous as he is. If I had to pick an alternative, though, I think Gorebyss would be interesting. It's another feminine serpentine Pokemon, like Milotic. Milotic is definitely better, but Gorebyss would be all right. Finally for Hoenn is Juan, whose ace is Kingdra. That god forsaken Kingdra that just spams Double Team, ugh. I don't like Kingdra as his ace since it's not a Hoenn Pokemon and it's the same ace as the eighth gym leader in the immediately previous region. Instead I suggest, well, Milotic. It's his ace in the anime, Juan is nearly as fabulous as Wallace and Wallace isn't using it anymore. Now onto Sinnoh, starting with Roark, whose ace is Cranidos then Rampardos for the rematches. And it's a great ace. It fits with his mining profession, it wears a helmet like he does, and it creates a nice pairing with his father, Byron's, ace of Bastiodon. I don't want to change his ace, but if I had to, I literally have to change it to Shieldon since the only other Gen Four Rock types are either too strong for the first gym, like Rhyperior or Probopass, or they're Bonsly and that's all of them. I finished the list. Gardenia's ace is Roserade, which I think fits well since it's not a scary looking or intimidating Pokemon, but it can kick some serious ass in battle just like her. I think another similarly good option would be Leafeon, though, since it has the same not-scary-but-strong thing going and it's pretty logical for her to have since the Mossy Rock is in the forest nearby. Fantina's ace is Mismagius. At least it is prior to her rematch, when it becomes Gengar and Mismagius is a perfect fit. Fantina almost kind of looks like a Mismagius with the long flowing dress. Another option would be Drifblim, though, since the plus sign on her dress is just like the plus on Drifblim and her four hair protrusions. Well, they remind me of Driftblim's four protrusions. Next is Maylene, whose ace is Lucario. It's a Sinnoh Fighting type, so that works well. But I think Lucario is pretty overdone. I would instead have her ace be Gallade to show off a new Fighting type Sinnoh evolution. But Lucario also works. Next is Crasher Wake, who's ace is Floatzel. Floatzel is a great fit for Wake. Its Platinum sprite is even doing the same pose as him. Clearly it's meant to be, but if I had to suggest an alternative, I'd say East Sea Gastrodon. Most Gastrodon and Shellos encountered up to this point in the story have been West Sea, so it could be fun for the player to be surprised by his blue one. Next is Byron, who's ace is Bastiodon, which as I already mentioned, I think fits him perfectly. I changed Roark's to Shieldon already, but I can't give Byron Rampardos since it's not a Steel type. So I think that whole pairing is just out the window. I think a good alternative would be Probopass since it's Rock-Steel typing is just like Bastiodon and offers a nod to Byron's mining career. Next is Candice who's ace is Abomasnow in Diamond and Pearl, but Froslass in Platinum. Of these two, I think Froslass fits better, but if I had to pick a totally new one, I'd go with Glaceon. Just like Gardenia with Leafeon, Candice doesn't live far from the evolution rock. Also, it's got the same pigtails as her, so that's fun. Finally in Sinnoh is Volkner whose ace is Luxray in Diamond and Pearl and Electivire in Platinum. I think both work really well and don't really have a preference for one over the other. But if I had to pick a totally new one, I'd go with Magnezone. It being a machine fits well with the mechanisms of his gym. Now onto Unova, starting with Chile, Cress and Cilan, whose aces are the monkey trio so it's basically impossible to find another trio that accomplishes the same type triangle gimmick unless I give them the Unova starters. There you go, I solved it. It's definitely worse, but I had to put something. Cheren's ace is Lillipup, later Stoutland as a multi battle partner and for rematches. This is a solid one, but I feel like his ace should have instead been Tranquill as a non to the Unfezant he ends up using on his team as a rival in Black and White. Lenora's ace is Watchog, which I never liked mainly because I dislike Watchog. However, I also don't like that her type specialty is Normal. Lenora is the director of a museum. It's a really dope job, but they have her type specialty just be Normal? What, why isn't it Rock so she could use the fossils or something, I just don't, that is weird. Anyways, it's tough for me to pick since I don't think any of the Unova Normal types are cool enough to suit the director of a fricking museum, but I guess I'll go with Deerling, which becomes Sawsbuck later. It's definitely more of a Grass type than a Normal type, but maybe it would be a cool way to show off the Unova seasons feature. Roxie's ace is Whirlipede, becoming Scolipede later. This is the best option for her since of the very few Unova Poison types, Scolipede is the coolest and Roxie is pretty dang cool. If I had to pick another one, I choose Trubbish or Garbodor over Foongus and Amoonguss. Garbodor just fits the grunge basement concert vibe better than a silly mushroom. Burgh's ace is Leavanny, which works well due to his position as an artist due to Leavanny's expert weaving capabilities. If I had to swap it out, though, I'd go with Accelgor for the very well-thought-out, deeply analyzed reason of the fact that Accelgor's head matches Burgh's pants. Elesa's ace is Zebstrika, which is obviously great since Zebstrika is great. But if I had to change it, I think making one of her Emolgas her ace instead of Zebstrika would work pretty well. Clay's ace is Excadrill, which is perfect. He runs a digging-slash-mining operation and Excadrill's whole thing is that it digs. An alternative though, would be Krokorok or maybe an under-leveled Krookodile. It's not as good of a fit, but it's a decent one. Skyla's ace is Swanna, which I've never thought was a perfect fit. Skyla is a cargo pilot and Swanna seems a bit too flimsy for that kind of job. If Skarmory was a Unova Pokemon, I'd give her that and she does have one in Black 2 and White 2, but since it has to be a Unova Pokemon in Black and White, I'm making her ace Braviary, a strong, tough Pokemon that can weather the harsh winds and speeds associated with flying alongside a fricking plane. Next up is Brycen, whose ace is Beartic. This works well, but I also think Cryogonal would be a good ace for him. I actually thought that Cryogonal was his strongest Pokemon before I double checked, so clearly I think it works 'cause that's what I thought it was. Next is Drayden and Iris, grouped together because they have the same teams in Black and White and their ace is Haxorus. Haxorus is the best fit for them, easily. And the only other option is Druddigon, since Hydreigon would be too strong before the Pokemon league. Haxorus is definitely a better fit than Druddigon, though. Finally for Unova is Marlon, who's ace is Jellicent, which I think is weird since he's an athletic swimmer and Jellicent is a floating blob. Since Skyla's not using it anymore, I think his new ace should be Swanna, as it's the most agile looking Unova Water type that's not tiny Basculin that cannot function on land. Now onto Kalos, starting with Viola, whose ace is Vivillon and dear God, this should not be changed. The Vivillon line is the only new line of Bug type Pokemon added in Kalos. There are Bug type Megas, but this is the first gym, that would be insane. So if I wanna stick with my theme of making a gym leader's ace be from their region, Vivillon's literally the only option. But I've committed to providing an alternative, so the alternative (stammers) it's Butterfree. It's another butterfly. It should not be Butterfree, but I have to say something. Next is Grant who does not have an ace. His two fossil Pokemon, Amaura and Tyrunt, are the same level. I guess we can say his Tyrunt is his ace since he sends it out second. So in that case, Amaura would be his alternate ace. Sorry, this one's just not that interesting. Next is Korrina, who's in a weird situation. Her ace is widely known as Mega Lucario, but she doesn't actually use her Mega Lucario in the gym battle. Her ace in that battle is Hawlucha. If I was running things, I'd make it so she used the Mega Lucario in the gym battle. It would not be an easy battle, but since you have Mega evolution at that point in the game, I think it's fair for the gym leaders to start to use it too. Next is Ramos, whose ace is Gogoat. This is a good ace as it's a nice Kalos Grass Pokemon. I don't have a Mega suggestion for him since neither Mega Venusaur nor Mega Abomasnow really fit, so instead my alternate ace is Trevenant. Another Kalos Grass type that works with him because he's old and Trevenant is dead. Next is Clemont, whose ace is the appropriate Heliolisk, a nice Kalos Electric type that's not the underwhelming Pika-clone Dedenne. An alternative ace for him would be Mega Manectric, a pure Electric Mega that works better for him than anyone else 'cause he's the only Electric specialist. Next is Valerie, whose ace is Sylveon, which is very appropriate. An alternate ace would be Mega Mawile, especially since she already has a Mawile. It would be a very difficult battle, but that'd be great, since Kalos is too easy, anyways. Next is Olympia, whose ace is female Meowstic. This is fine, but I think Mega Alakazam would be a lot more interesting. Finally for Kalos is Wulfric, who's ace is Avalugg. I've said in other videos that it is extra ridiculous that the final gym leader didn't use a Mega, so his ace should 100% have been Mega Abomasnow, no contest. Next is the Alola region, which does not have gym leaders, so I'm gonna go over the Kahunas instead because they're basically gym leaders. First is Hala, who's ace is a Crabrawler as Kahuna, then Crabominable as an Elite Four member. I'm not a fan of these Pokemon, but also don't think they're a bad fit. I think a solid alternative for his ace would be Passimian. Next is Olivia, whose ace is Midnight Lycanroc. I think a Pokemon featuring gems or crystals would have been a better fit for her, like Gigalith, But since that's not an Alola Pokemon, I'm going with Alolan Graveler, later Golem. The Electric aspects of them make me think of crystals. Next is Nanu whose ace is Alolan Persian. I don't like this for him mainly because I don't like Alolan Persian. So instead I suggest his ace be Alolan Muk, since it's a Dark type Alola form that I think is a lot cooler. Finally for Alola is Hapu, whose ace is Mudsdale. This is a great fit, since she's got a country vibe to her and Mudsdale is a horse. If I was forced to give her an alternative, it would be Palossand, the only other Alola Ground type, but I'd prefer she stick with Mudsdale. Finally, we reached the Galar gym leaders and most of them have an ace that can Gigantamax. But since there's a limited number of Gigantamax Pokemon, for alternate aces, I'm either going to pick a Gigantamax form or a Gen Eight Pokemon just 'cause I'm limited in what I can do. Milo's ace is initially Eldegoss, but it becomes Gigantamax Flapple or Appletun, depending on the version. He clearly doesn't have a singular ace, so I'll say this, I think they coulda just given him Flapple or Appletun from the start. It would be a tougher gym because of the Dragon typing, but there's a long distance between getting your first Pokemon and fighting the first gym in Sword and Shield. And the gym's really easy to start with, so challenge me. Next is Nessa, whose ace is Drednaw, which becomes Gigantamax later. This works well since it's a new Pokemon with a GMax form, but if we didn't need it to be a GMax Pokemon, then Barraskewda would be pretty cool to see her use, in my opinion. Next is Kabu, whose ace Gigantamax Centiskorch is a great fit. His alternate ace has to be GMax Coalossal, though. Not only is it the only other Fire type GMax form that's not Charizard or Cinderace, it's the only other Gen Eight fully-evolved Fire type besides Cinderace. Next is Bea, whose ace is Gigantamax Machamp. This makes sense since it's the only Fighting type GMax form, but if she wasn't limited to a GMax form, I would have loved to see her ace be Grapploct. She uses it in the anime and also I fricking love that Pokemon. Next is Allister, whose ace is Gigantamax Gengar. Again, it is the only Ghost Gigantamax form, so it makes sense, but I think it would have been cool to see him use a Galar Ghost like Runerigus, since I'm quite fond of it. Next is Opal whose ace is Gigantamax Alcremie, which fits her pretty well, I think. There are actually two other Fairy type Gigantamax options, Hatterene and Grimmsnarl, but those are used by Bede and Marnie, respectively. Instead I think her ace could have been Galarian Rapidash. It has a similarly distinguished appearance. Next is Gordie, whose ace is Gigantamax Coalossal. No other Rock type GMax options aside from Drednaw, who I guess Nessa isn't using anymore, but I still don't think fits Gordie, so I'd like to see him use Stonjourner. Gordie is clearly trying too hard to be cool, so why not give him a silly, cute Pokemon to balance that out? Next is Melony, whose ace is Gigantamax Lapras. It works fine, but I would've had her ace be Frosmoth because, well she's kinda dressed like Frosmoth. Next is Piers, whose ace is the perfect fit Obstagoon. Seriously, he's a rocker and so is Obstagoon. There are no better options, but since I have to give him one, I'll give him Grimmsnarl. They're both very hairy. Next is Raihan whose ace is Gigantamax Duraludon. This is all right, but honestly, it would have been cool to see him rock a Dragapult. Wouldn't make sense with the sandstorm thing, but I don't care because it's cool regardless. Next is Marnie, who becomes gym leader after Piers. Her ace was Morpeko before becoming Gigantamax Grimmsnarl And I think it would have been cute if Morpeko had stayed her ace and we got to see her Dynamax it. Finally is Bede, whose ace is Gigantamax Hatterene. His new ace should be Galarian Weezing because he's toxic. Thanks so much for watching and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon, who are helping support my channel independent of fluctuating YouTube ad rates. If you wanna help support me in the same way, the link is in the description below. Also, if you wanna check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, I recommend these videos here. All right, that's all I have for now. So until next time, mega fans, gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,804,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, gym leader, every gym leader, strongest pokemon
Id: 1BA1fSrX53U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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