What If All Pokémon Were Dual Typed? (Sinnoh)

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[Music] what's going on imperials it's emperor cubone here you knew it had to happen the ceno region is one of my favorites for many reasons not the least of which being it was the first full pokemon experience that i got to do after a long wait from the very beginning of the series and i'm sure appreciation for this region will continue to climb as we're in the midst of sinnoh hype with the remakes being on the way and a brand new type of pokemon game which seems to have made everyone excited but with all of the new things that cino brought being on the ds one thing that remains is the persistence of single typed pokemon once again we see that a slim majority of pokemon at 51 percent introduced in this generation are in fact just one type so let's look through each of those and try to determine what they could gain if they had to pick up a secondary type but i will acknowledge that it doesn't always work out so we will rate our picks on probability but do please let me know your own thoughts if you can come up with them on your own time so right at the top we have our grass-type starter turtwig being a pure grass type along with its middle stage grottle now this might seem obvious but i'm going with ground of course this does stem from torterra being the final outcome of these pokemon and being a pretty great pokemon all around despite the pairing's weaknesses i do like the offensive advantages it provides grottle especially seems like it could naturally be a ground type but there are dex entries telling of tertwig's shell being made out of soil so it seems plausible for each one of them i'm going to give it two and a half stars just because they don't all need to be ground but it's still good fun next is chimchar and despite the last one i don't think giving the base form of this energetic monkey the fighting type really works i'm still not convinced that monferno is sufficiently fighting enough anyway so i'm going to have to go with normal i mean what else could you do with such a simple monkey i know that's not the cool option but honestly i'm not crazy about this line anyway but i'll just give it half a star because it could happen but we don't really need it now for my favorite starter overall with piplup this adorable penguin as well as its controversial evolution printflop are both pure water and even though empoleon has a great unique combination in water and steel these earlier forms aren't really that metallic so while flying could be appropriate i think ice would be the best fit penguins are synonymous with the cold besides it would not only be a nice change of pace to have an ice type available so early on in the game but going from those extra weaknesses to an overabundance of resistances i think would be a nice arc to have so i'll go ahead and say that piplup should have been given this distinction as a starter then there's the ever memeable beedoof and i think we'll have to go with the ground type ah not really i think we'll finally break from that pattern here and initially i was against simply adding the water type like its evolution but it does make sense it too lives and functions in the water as we've seen extensively in snap so i think it's worth at least two stars to differentiate this rodent right from the start now with the regional bug of krikatot and cricketoon since there's still no sound type we'll have to look elsewhere cricketoon does have wings but i don't think flying would work honestly i think the steel type might be our best option here it is worth noting once again that in doing this exercise we are not changing anything about the pokemon themselves that being said we do not definitively know what cricket's antennae are made of there are pokedex entries claiming that they clack together to sound like a xylophone and cricket tune has literal swords for arms so who's to say that mustache isn't like a wire brush i think that fits for a star and a half at the very least making krikatot able to take a few hits and finally put that bite attack to good use and then of course we come to the infamous shanks line while beloved this family of pokemon has long been described as needing the dark type and maybe it wouldn't make a strategic difference but these lightning lengths could definitely pull off the edgy dark typing even little shanks can have significant attitude at times so i will indeed give three shining stars now i always forget that badu is part poison as well so we move on to the only fossil that is a single type with the rampardos line and to me it only makes sense to give them the dragon type these headstrong dinosaurs could certainly benefit from the added power behind the mythical type but their mono-typed distinction does make them unique from all of the other resurrected pokemon so i'll just give it one star we then have burme and we know that i don't really care about this line but burme is a pure bug type for some reason it's really not that hard we just include the type changes that its evolution gets right from the beginning making one grass one ground and one steel it makes sense but i also don't want to give birmie any more focus than it already has so i'll just give it one star now we have pachirisu and honestly this one is pretty tough to date this will be the last pikachu clone that we'll see since they started giving them extra types to distinguish them but it's a lot harder with this standard squirrel but i think i'm going to go with the ground type is it just because this is a landlocked version and the other is a flying squirrel well no but pachirisu is fairly terrestrial so i think it could be applicable for maybe just one star then there's the weasel line which is honestly one of my favorites in the field of water types but what else could these aquatic weasels use really just about the only thing that i can see working is in fact normal because they do seem to be plain mammals that just so happen to live in the water it does in fact fit but they don't need it especially since we've already got be barrel covering that encino so while it could work i would prefer they stay as they are so i'll just use one star next is the underwhelming cherum line so what could we give them well i'm thinking fire since cherum can blossom impressively when in direct sunlight i'm not sure that would hold up as well with the creepy two-headed first stage but honestly there's nothing that i think would work with some stale berries so i'll say no stars for cherubi but once again the chance to get a grass and fire type is too good to ignore so three stars there there's also shellos and it would probably be easy enough to give it ground like its evolutions based on its moves and lore but i'm going to shift to the bug type these pokemon are just slugs shown to have a ridiculously flexible body so i think once again bug could be appropriate and let us actually use it in the region at some point so i'll give it one star ambipong comes next and i wasn't quite sure that i should follow suit with fairy that we gave to apom before but it has grown on me not every fairy type has to be so cuddly and in fact it would be great to have another physical leaning attacker for the fairy type so i'll give it at least two stars then there's the beneary line and this is another that i'm going to split up i'm going to give bani the fairy type as well since it just screams fairy but for lapany i will give the fighting type i know that it's mega has this but even without that i think this rabbit could lull in foes just to strike when they least expect it so i'll give these ones one and a half stars since i don't find it crucial to their relevance the mystical mismagius is also a pure ghost type but in the pattern of breaking from previous stages i'm going to recommend adding psychic this time this pokemon can learn a ton of psychic-type moves and has also been described as causing terrifying visions or headaches with its curses so i think that's sufficient support for this stance plus it's not a bad typing so i'll go ahead and say that it's worth a good two and a half stars then there's the requisite cat pokemon with the glamio line and i think we can pretty convincingly give them the dark type glamio itself is clearly plotting some atrocity at any given moment with that smirk but per ugly is just clearly flat-out evil it's one of the signature pokemon of team galactic after all and we know how evil they were so i think it could fit pretty well but i'll only give it two stars since the combination itself isn't really that great then there's the pokemon that i forget the most with jingling and for this psychic type i will be going with steel with its evolution flying fit best but for this baby form it's just a tiny bell hopping all over the place plus it would probably do chingling some good to have all of those extra resistances added that way people might actually give it a shot since psychic and steel is a pretty great typing so i'll throw chingling a bone and say that it should have been this way at three stars and since most of ceno's baby pokemon are close together we have bonsly who once again i'll say should get the grass typing i know that the joke is that it's not but it's also literally a bonsai tree so i think it could work it out to get a pretty solid typing and like its evolution i'll give it two and a half stars and since mom jr already got itself the fairy typing that leads us to hapini who wouldn't you know it should also get the fairy type seriously i've said this for each of the other entries in the family but especially here when no one was going to use it for battle anyway why not go ahead and make this thing truly happy and let it be a fairy type at three stars then there's munchlax and while i gave snorlax fighting i don't really see that working here munchlax is far too jolly for that sort of thing so i'll opt for the ground type i don't know about you but i'm not sure what else to use for this nondescript catbear thing but i do think power over the earth could work at maybe just one star and of course another baby form in riolu but i will firmly put my foot down and say no steel type here tiny bumps on the forearms do not constitute a whole new type so really the only thing i see working is normal just because of how baseline this pokemon is but it's not really a help so we'll just leave it as is then there's the hippodon line and honestly this one was pretty hard these hippos are so inextricably linked to the ground type in every way i'll just say rock or something since we're not going to change anything about them but we'll just leave these ones alone as well no stars carnivane is next and this pokemon is a bit of an enigma with so much going on maybe it should be flying due to levitate but i'm thinking maybe poison could be the best after all the plant on which it is based famously dissolves its prey so i think giving this oversized fly trap some acidic attacks would fit for at least one star finion and lumineon are utterly forgettable and part of that is probably because they're just pure water types so how can we spruce them up well i would say the flying type after all these fish are deliberately patterned after butterflies with their fins this combined with the fact that they can learn a surprising number of flying type moves for some random sea dwellers makes me say that we should give these ones two stars now we finally get down to the bulk of evolutionary add-ons laid in the decks and licky licky is the first single typed one and like its previous stage from kanto i think i'll give it the dragon typing there's not much else to this rotund reptile so dragon is about all we can do now i'll give it two stars just so we can move on from the sad sack of a pokemon similarly we have tangroth who is a bigger bulkier version of the one from before as for what type to give this bundle of vines i'll probably go with dark again some people suggested rock due to its evolution method and hey those vines have to be wrapped around something but tangroth can get access to so many dark type moves and can still be hiding any nefarious thing under there we just don't know but i'll give this one only a half a star barely above the last time there's also the imposing electifier who i think is indeed deserving of the fighting type i would say that even more so than its previous forms and i'll go ahead and give three stars to anything that makes electrifier even more intimidating i did have more trouble with meg mortar though i've been going with poison for the other stages but i don't think it fits as well here i'm going to say rock because of how this pokemon seems tied to molten rock beneath the earth and it seems to share those arm cannons with ryperior so it's not quite as perfect as its counterpart but i guess i could see it at maybe just one star once again we find some eeveelutions in this region with leafeon and glacion who are obviously pure grass and ice respectively what more could they be well that's a bit trickier i'm thinking maybe ground for leafeon since if nothing else it could help explain the lack of green that we were all expecting and for glacion i'm thinking maybe steel i wasn't expecting it but the jagged shapes that jut out from the steely blue pokemon seem sharp enough to maybe warrant some extra metal being added ultimately i think leafeon could get away with two stars but glaceon will probably only get a half we then find the corrupted computer program of porygon z and i'm tempted to once again use the steel type but this time i will actually lean towards electric the difference this time is that the cgi duck has a glitch that has taken over its systems so i imagine the electronics here would be given more of an emphasis so i'll go ahead and throw it up to a three stars just like the other ones the creepy dust noir is next and i thought about electric here too because of the antenna on its head that picks up ghost radio waves and tells it who to abduct but really i think that just means it has to be a dark type the other ones in this line were given this too but i think it fits much better here so i will upgrade it to two stars this time because boy can this thing be scary now we get into legend territory with the lake guardians these pure psychic types should probably just be fairy type actually i'm not sure why they weren't added on to them later i mean they are literally named after pixies sprites and elves so they seem pretty down for being a fairy and i'll give them a good two and a half stars then there's the reggie master one mr reginald giggis being pure normal is kind of a drag so what can we do well while the shrubs all over him does imply grass i think we'll go with fighting this improves the power of a good portion of his moveset and gives him an actual advantage over the other golems from hohen who mostly resisted him before there's also still the ones from the gala region i guess but nobody's perfect honestly reggie giggis needs all the help it can get so three stars away and get this man something useful there's also cresselia who is another pure psychic type and i really didn't want to give it the fairy type because i think that's kind of boring and predictable but just look at the thing and fairies have been shown to be in connection with the moon before so it's probably at least two begrudging stars now we have the useless fione who i would actually give the bug type its origins stem from quite a strange sea creature that may not be an insect per se but certainly bear similar attributes as for its superior parent i think i'll say psychic this ocean master doesn't really have much muscle so they have to rely on more ethereal powers plus its signature heart swap is a psychic move anyway i'll give these both one star apiece the ominous darkrai is next and people have long been confused about it being a ghost type or not obviously the name isn't ghost dry but you've got to admit it's got some other worldly qualities so you'd be forgiven for thinking it was in fact a departed spectre it fits really well but i won't say that it needed it so it'll just eek out at two and a half stars shaman comes next in line and while its sky form is predictably flying the base form is still solidly grass and while it is very cute and cuddly i think maybe it could get away with the ground type it is incredibly small and maybe the tiniest legs in the pokemon world after all it is basically just a shrub and it would further highlight the differences between its forms it's just a coincidence that it also happens to be in the one region with a grass and ground starter as well but i'll give it two stars and of course finally we come to the creator of the pokemon universe with the totally undisputed name arceus and this one is super hard because this is legitimately the first time a pokemon could conceivably be every type archaea's whole shtick is turning itself into all of the different types so could we get away with having an every typed pokemon if ever we could it would be with this one but so as not to over complicate things i guess i'll just settle on fairy i can see it having that mythic quality but there's also the whole thing with the z crystals basically arceus can use the z crystals to change type just like the plates except for fairy so this would help to rectify that disparity but that's probably not even worth half a star for this llama god maybe we'll see a primal form in the new games or something but those are all of the extra typings that i would give to make all of the cinno pokemon dual typed it's interesting how a region sets itself apart since now it seems that once again ground and fairy had more uses this time and steel had a much stronger showing than i expected but let me know what types you would use down in the comments also be sure to leave a like share this video and subscribe so that you too can become an imperial today and we'll see you around next time you
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 65,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Pokemon Legends, Arceus, Pokemon Snap, Switch, Nintendo, E3, DS
Id: 8SkOwnC48as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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