How to Get SHINY/COLOR/RARE Statues in The Grand Underground of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond

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what's going on everyone austin john place here  and today i'm gonna be going over everything you   need to know for the grand underground  starting off your adventure at pokemon   brilliant diamond and shining pearl i just want  to let you guys know that i've actually recorded   like an hour and a half and i was editing it down  and then i was doing re-edits and everything else   because there's a lot of information down here and  i decided that instead of doing one giant video to   tell you everything i'm gonna be breaking it down  to much more simple easy to digest pieces and the   first and most important thing that we're gonna be  talking about today is going to be statues and how   to get shiny statues in the grand underground in  the grand underground after talking to the digging   man and getting access to using a digging drill  you can go to any wall in the grand underground   and make a secret base let's head inside of  this one there's a wide variety of pokemon   that are available in statues i believe it is 203  pokemon that are available in this base statue   and by base statue i mean like torchic and  monferno over here and then we have the exact same   amount of species of pokemon available in their  shiny variants this combustion statue over here   is what's called the shiny statue i didn't make  the term up if you dig it up that has the shiny   icon we're calling it shiny statues then you have  a final tier of statue and those are the legendary   statues there's a total of 17 legendary statues  programmed into the game although not all of   them have been found in an exact way to get them  i'm just going to show you the zente over here   because you know we're keeping this video spoiler  free with all that combined there's a grand total   of 434 statues programmed into the game which i  think is pretty insane that's a lot of statues   down here between the regular the shiny variants  and including all of the legendary statues right   now you may be asking what do the statues  do well all of these statues have a hidden   value of how much fire they add to wild  pokemon the smallest pokemon as in first   forms and baby pokemon they're going to be adding  the least amount of value and then evolve pokemon   are going to be adding slightly more final form  pokemon and significantly more legendary pokemon   of the same element add dramatically more the  shiny variants basically take all three of these   statues here and double that value meaning that  this combustion statue over here is worth about   double of this monferno there's a very long  complicated and boring list that i did in   my first recording that you don't need to know  all you need to know is you want to prefer your   legendary statues and then your final form shiny  statues and then your secondary form shiny statues   and then your baby form shiny statues and then you  could do the regular statues as well after you put   them all into a room you can check this orb over  here and you're going to see statue effect you're   going to see that this is raises the appearance  rate of fire type pokemon i've noticed that there   is slightly raises it's denoted with one arrow  raises which is two arrows and sharply raises   which is three arrows i've been unable to document  if there's more than three hours available   so again just putting it into perspective the  pokemon you want to do in order of statue placing   down is any legendaries any final form shinies any  shinies that are single form or the secondary form   and then you get to all of your basics so this  is an order from best on the left to worst on the   right and by best to worst i mean the most amount  of influence they have toward a specific element   now statue effect two steps of electric type  now you may be saying what does that actually do   if you only have a small amount of statues you  aren't going to notice a very big difference   however once you start to get more statues and  more shiny statues and more legendary statues   that's when you get to the point that you're  going to be seeing a dramatic increase in   those pokemon spawn and as far as the electric  type that doesn't mean that there's going to be   electric type pokemon spawning in rooms that  can't have electric types that means that any   room that has the possibility of electric type  pokemon is going to have more electric type   pokemon when you have only one badge and you come  down here there's a total of 41 or 42 different   species of pokemon that can be in the underground  and some of them are extremely rare spawns here   in the dazzling cave you're guaranteed to find  gastly if you're playing pearl you could also find   mischievous however there's a 20 to 25 percent  chance to find duskol only in diamond there's a   15 chance to find ellicott and both games have  15 chance to find smoochum however the game is   programmed out of all the spaces one of them is  allowed to be this rare spawn and there's a 50   chance that the rare spawn doesn't even show up so  that ella kid at 15 half the time is kind of more   like seven and a half percent so you may have  to zone out of this room 10 15 times in order   for it to show up now if you have a whole bunch  of electric statues down that means that well   ellicott isn't going to be that rare it's also  worth noting a fun thing that ellicott is able   to be found in the wild holding the i'm going to  pronounce it wrong the electrolyzer and that's   the item that's needed for its final evolution in  this game so that's the effect that statues have   they make it so that pokemon that can appear in a  room of that element are going to be more common   in the post game i think the rare table expands  a little bit just my theory because i have found   three ella kids in that same room at the same time  in post game i've now switched to my game that is   before the post game i think i have seven badges  on this account and i want to talk about the   internet mechanics for going into the underground  when you're placed in the grand underground   either in local communication online communication  with groups or with link codes or with no filters   whatsoever you're going to be dropped down here  and we're going to look at that side of the screen   and as i start to move you're going to notice  that it's going to take a while for my digging   spots to show up there they are you're also going  to see some blue dots those blue dots are the   other people that i was randomly grouped with  and you're also going to notice that they're   just all over the place they're not grouping  you to people that are actually near you right   you're also going to notice that on the left  hand side it says 11 out of 40. and those are   the digletts the digletts and doug trios that  you get by yourself or on local communication or   on the internet are all shared amongst everyone  that means that you could literally be down   here if you connect to the internet hunt for  wild pokemon and then just keep an eye out on   the left and when that's 30 or 40 and that's  getting pretty high you want to come out here   because that's going to activate what's called  light stone light stone means that there's an   increased chance for you to find gorgeous boxes  in the underground let's talk about digging   specifically hit r and then you're going to  see your shiny space it's denoted on the map   up there we're going to be digging it into here  i've come up with the exact places that you should   be digging first at the highest priority as soon  as you come down here these 12 spaces on my screen   you want to come through you want to knock  them out i recommend only using the chisel   for every single thing you do down here only  using the chisel on these 12 spaces first the reason for that is say for example i  saw something crazy over here and i used   up all of my durability next  thing i know i come down here   and there's a box and i want that  box because that's going to have a   pokemon statue in it right i'm going to be  kicking myself in the butt if that happened i austin john am not responsible for any adhesives  that are left on your tv your nintendo switch or   anything else if you do decide to mark it up on  your tv you may want to use post-it pad something   that's very easily removable you might want to  put a screen protector on your switch or get   i don't know cellophane tape nope not cellophane  tape that's going to leave residue saran wrap   and make some x's whatever you want to do i'm  not responsible great let's continue digging   we have four things here fantastic we're gonna  go through anytime did you see these ground   areas that's just gonna be one hit anytime  you see these gray areas that's two hits   anytime that you see these  big rocks that's three heads   just doing all of these spaces you're pretty  much never going to be above the halfway mark   and now that i've uncovered all 12 spaces i could  clearly see that we have a box down here all of   the boxes and the best loot in the underground  are all three by three so because of that this   is the way that i'm going to be searching  for all the best loot and then once i've done   i know that i've uncovered two of the three  things and everything else is going to be 4x4 or   smaller so i'm just going to look for any time  that i have a cracked tile and with the chisel   when you hit down it's going to activate any  crack tiles in the four cardinal directions   so doing that did the top bottom left and right if  i were to come over here top bottom left and right   and it's all about just maximizing how much you're  going to be uncovering that's necessary with the   amount of durability you have left fantastic now  see how that's cracked right there i'm going to   hit the left one and that's going to uncover it  that's how you're going to be able to uncover all   of the things down here no problemo and now it's  a little rough because i'm getting near the end   there's one item left somewhere and i just want  to uncover all the 4x4 spaces oh we found it   beautiful fantastic tutorial go austin john that  box is what's called a pretty stone box which is   gonna have that regular stone looking statue  i got a crowbat nice when you're in the grand   underground you may come across other people in  the grand underground like this guy over here   i can enter his secret base i'm going to enter  mary's secret base mary what you got in here huh   how much digging you've been doing oh mary's  been doing a lot of digging but as you can   see there are no shiny statues whatsoever i'm  going to do the little digging icon and i want   to see people digging please dig for me now when  someone is digging you're going to see these big   glistening spots i don't have any data mine or  any proof or anything else like that it's just my   personal theory that there is increased  chances of finding good or better loot   and in addition to that while i can't see it  right now i'm actually helping dig on that person   so some of the digs that i do do become visible  on their screen which actually makes their digging   job a little bit easier so it's sort of like a  nice hand-off system that you're helping people   and they're going to be uncovering stuff easier  and in my theory there's a better chance for you   to find good loot by helping someone out  so i just did a digging spot next to the   person that i was just with and i'm hoping that  they're gonna join i have no idea if they are   oh they are perfect there we go there's footage of  them actually digging on my screen now their map   is completely different from my map so because  of that they may be actually trying to get some   they're using a hammer that's not a good thing so  they may be trying to get very different things   than what i have on my screen so because of that  it may look like they're hitting an area that's   already done and the durability makes no sense  but on their screen it does make sense so what   i really like to do i like to join random people  and i like to do my strategy because it's going   to reveal pretty much everything on their screen  as well and if you're one of the lighted people   who have seen my video on how to dig efficiently  you can join random people you can help them out   on how to dig the best in the grand underground  that's for sure so the real reason i showed you   those 12 digging spaces is because that's going  to be paramount and getting yourself shiny statues   the best way to get yourself shiny statues  is to join online with random people   as bad as that sounds i don't know how well  the servers are gonna hold up right now it's   12 40 p.m on american release day everyone collect  your digletts and dug trios pro tip when you're at   36 37 you definitely want to get into an area  that has all of your digging spaces in a quick   little succession you want to get all of your  digletts and dog trios to activate light stone   mode which by the way is only for four real life  minutes there we go just got my 40th perfect now   we're going to come over here we're going to dig  really fast we're going to just do these 12 spaces okay and i'm looking for what's called a gorgeous  box a gorgeous box is going to be a very very   founded once you find it massively hit a and then  also zl and zr also act like a on these screens   hold down b and you're going to want to spam zl  and zr and we got a shiny beneary statue fantastic   that's the fastest way to dig up gorgeous boxes  during light stone now you can join down here at   a random time when someone has 39 digletts found  or 40 digletts found and they're currently in the   middle of lightstone so again use the d-pad come  over here uncover these 12 spaces you found it   perfect you just want to spam that hammer on top  of the middle of it and you're guaranteed to dig   it out and get out of there you do not want to get  any other treasure during light stone nothing else   is boosted shiny gyarados that's an awesome statue  if you do it well enough my high score the amount   of statues that i've gotten in one lightstone is  seven and as you can see right here you're not   guaranteed a gorgeous box that's just a regular  old firebox unfortunately and this is perfect   so i have a digging space right next to a hideaway  i'm gonna do this digging space zone out zone back   in and hopefully i get a spawn right next to me  again austin don't be distracted don't be there   we go perfect because that was i think there was  a green shard over there i don't want that green   chard right now i just want this gorgeous bug box  so now that i'm done i'm gonna zone out i'm gonna   zone right back in four minutes is not a lot of  time trust me it's also worth mentioning that   during this four minutes there's a slightly  higher chance to find wild shiny pokemon not   really enough that it's a viable strategy but it  is it is a thing oh someone is joining me perfect   unfortunately i already found what i wanted and  they're going to be so confused so i just used   a hammer 48 times in the same space you do not  want to waste time you just want to go you want   to be efficient and as long as you're zoned into  an instance of digging even if the timer goes out   you're still going to get it oh that's a fossil  don't want the fossil right now perfect found it   gorgeous steel box is it gonna be another stelix oh my while don't think i have  that yet come on let's do it   can we get both of these that'd be magical uh it's not a gorgeous box shucks also by  not digging up treasure you don't have that   secondary reward screen that shows you you know  where all the small spheres drop very very slowly another gorgeous steel box oh stelix called that is the online light  stone slightly longer than four minutes   all right so that whistle sound means that  i'm done and because my sonar went off   after i actually don't know if  this instance has the boosted rates   i don't think it does because we didn't just get  one oh and we got ourselves a regular stelix too   so there you go you just saw how in one light  stone during one diglett rush i was able to   get myself several shiny statues in the grand  underground and pokemon brilliant diamond shining   pearl fantastic so in this video you learned  what statues do the value that statues have   how to sharply increase the rate of wild pokemon  and peering that can appear in the hideaways in   the grand underground how to dig efficiently and  how to get shiny statues in the grand underground   the grand underground still has a lot more for  us to cover so if you still want to know more   helpful tips and tricks do me a favor hit  the thumbs up button down below if you're   new to the channel be sure to subscribe turn on  notifications until next time austin john out
Channel: Austin John Plays
Views: 683,616
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Keywords: austin john plays, austin john, youtube austin john plays, pokemon, Brilliant Diamond Grand Underground, pokemon Brilliant Diamond Grand Underground, Brilliant Diamond Grand Underground Best Digging strategy, Brilliant Diamond What do pokemon statues do, Brilliant Diamond Grand Underground Diglett, Brilliant Diamond How to get Mysterious shard, Brilliant Diamond How to get Mysterious shards, Brilliant Diamond shiny Statues, pokemon gorgeous stone box, How to get gorgeous stone box
Id: Xukotgwtc4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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