Six BEST Pokemon for a Zombie Apocalypse (ft. @Lockstin & Gnoggin, @Dobbs, Mah-Dry-Bread)

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[Music] so being a huge fan of pokemon since i was a young wow buying every edition in spin-off since 1998 i have also been an avid indulgent fan of the zombie genre since i was eight or nine yeah a perfect age for watching the undead eat people alive but anyways in today's video i figured why not slap together both of my childhood obsessions into one video idea while pokemon is trending with the new games and what better way to do it than having a human yes human zombie apocalypse occur where you get to pick your six pokemon so i want to ask you a very important question with some very special guests today we are asking you what six pokemon would you use in a zombie apocalypse [Music] let's say you're in the midst of a zombie outbreak maybe a few weeks in and you have barely scraped by and you suddenly stumble on a poke pc from an alternate dimension where you can select any six pokemon you wish to be transported to you and make a team from you will need to compose a roster that will not only fight the reanimated but also make and reinforce shelter create or manage a food or water source for you and your team's continued survival and keep you safe for the foreseeable future so basically keeping into account everything you will need to survive and thrive as for the zombies themselves to make things more interesting let's say they are the undead stereotype only really killing them by either removing the head or destroying the brain type while also not rotting or decomposing for years they can still run at a hellishly fast pace where a single bite can infect you and have you white out to become another drone in the undead horde also there are no zombie pokemon as the virus is only transmittable between humans via a bite so no creepy fanfiction of zombie pokemon or theories of bringing ghosts back from the dead when they are already dead i think anyways now there are a few rules and regulations as we get into the meat of this video's subject matter for one legendary mythical and ultra beasts cannot be taken into the equation considering their one-of-a-kind nature and overwhelmingly overpowered abilities we can't have you picking mewtwo or arceus and just annihilating the undead population in one sweep also keep in mind you will be a solo survivor with your team of six pocket monsters no other friendly survivors can team up with you and neither can other pokemon be caught you will be restricted to the trainer's standard of a six pokemon team with that in mind let's see what we can come up with and we will start with today's first guest come on in loxton let's see six pokemon for a zombie apocalypse uh blastoise i mean it's basically an infinite supply of water uh also just think just blast away whole hordes at a time it can split concrete and steal with those so like oh hoard of zombies ooh now it's a horde of half zombies that easy um also just rides along on the surface of the water really easy uh probably would want tropius just the banana neck infinite bananas also it flies away for you probably would also help you cultivate and fertilize stuff because it's a grass type uh blissy as a healer also eggs more food uh charizard because it's charizard not only is it another flyer but it can also burn corpses if you need to uh copper raja i think is interesting because it would like you can ride on top of it high above the hordes be safe it's strong it's used in construction got a big excavator trunk so it helps you dig bunkers and put up walls and stuff plus it's steel type so it's immune to poison if poison toxin stuff has anything to do with the zombies and then the cheetzy one ditto because it can just be all of them it also worked good as a decoy he's like oh i'm over here hope now ditto's over there being the thing and then when the zombies get close to ditto it just turns into a bird and flies away hmm yeah hey ditto i need a baseball bat or hey dude i need a key to get into this room you know it's cheating but if no ditto probably just a pikachu electricity there's all sorts of tech in the anime where they just hook pikachu up to a machine and then the machine works so pikachu be good for power so in summary without thinking about it too hard definitely blastoise tropius charizard copper russia blissey and ditto or pikachu if ditto's cheating that's right we're gonna cheat oh looky here we got another guest it's mr dobbs himself yo what's up it's dobbs and okay so we're in a zombie apocalypse what are the six pokemon that i'm gonna choose well first off i'm gonna choose a ferret because i i freaking love ferds and first just make me happy you know i want to be happy during a zombie apocalypse the next pokemon is gonna be gardevoir because it is said that gardevoir will do anything for their trainer to protect them and also spoken at this entry states that it can read the future and it can sense impending danger so if there's zombies coming up to us then gardenfork can just let me know and it can create a black hole and just suck them all up and and make them disappear third pokemon milk tank because free milk and i like drinking milk is very high in calcium and i need my bones to be strong for for punching zombies in the face and such and also if i find some cereal laying around i can put some milk in it and and eat it and it will be an enjoyable meal fourth pokemon rotom roll time can take control of electronics and i can use that to my advantage for escaping or battling zombies i can hijack a car i can hijack a plane i can hijack a computer and look up some some cool facts about ferret or i can hijack a radio and call for an sos and ask for help for a huge horde of zombies fifth pokemon metagross metagross is quite literally a super computer and could probably solve a cure for the zombies to wipe them out unlike eugene from walking dead this guy could probably lead us to something that will help us stop this apocalyptic zombie takeover and also if i'm stuck on a math problem if i'm doing like bath or something because i'm bored then it can help me out because it's a living calculator and finally for my six pokemon i'm gonna choose corbinite because for one it's a steel type so it's immune to poison type attacks and i'm sure zombies have some poison they're gonna throw at me without when i'm flying around and for two if we happen to be in the gala region you can try get mass into a gigantic bird and carry my entire team of pokemon and not to mention that is a very sturdy bird it's very bulky so we can take a lot of attacks so yeah that is my team furry gardevoir mill take rotom metagross and corvinite the best team for a zombie apocalypse in my opinion and you know big shout out to zach let me guess this video this is an awesome concept and good luck to everyone else in this apocalyptic nightmare of zombies but don't worry the dobbs nation will prevail and today's final guest he's doing his own challenge run but with zombies it is madrabri hey i'm madry brand world's greatest nancy drew let's player although you probably know me because i've been beating a pokemon game every single week with an insane challenge for about a year and a half okay so my process for figuring out a team was just to think of the most important core things you would need in any survival situation then once i have that covered i'd move on to more unique things that you could do with pokemon that you couldn't normally do in real life so first is food and shelter the bananas growing from tropius's neck are actually edible by humans and pokemon so that's my first pick for an at-home garden for shelter we have onyx partly because no one's gonna mess with the guy with a 27 foot long snake made of rocks and also partly because he can probably lay around the perimeter of your entire camp to form some kind of makeshift wall i mean what's a zombie gonna do bite the rocks plus with it being 27 feet long onyx could stand up tall survey the area for incoming threats and basically double as a lookout tower next we need general supplies and medicine ly noon is a great third pokemon because it's an evolved pokemon that has the ability pickup where it picks up items occasionally after battles i figure that in a more real life situation this just means that la noon will often collect valuables to bring back to you considering that scavenging for supplies is important someone to help you with that should be big for medical attention chansey seems to be a solid pick since it's the pokemon most associated with medicine you could also go with its evolution blissey assuming you can make it happy enough to evolve during a zombie apocalypse finally let's take advantage of some unique stuff that we can only do with pokemon for a fifth pokemon i'm gonna go with dodrio an incredibly fast flying type pokemon that can be ridden on for fast land travel and despite being based off a flightless bird it can actually learn fly in most pokemon games making it fantastic for fast and reliable travel even through dense terrain and last is drowsy or hypno partly because they're my favorite pokemon but also because it's the ultimate fear tactic to dissuade bandits if you have a sino-friend saying that you have a hypno who would mess with you it could hypnotize you to put you to sleep where you'd then be completely defenseless you're just not gonna win a gunfight with something that can put you to sleep while you look at it unless you sneak up on it and considering the wall of the camp is also a pokemon we'd get advanced warning so those are my picks tropius for food linun for supplies chansey for medical attention onyx for security dodrio for travel and hypno to ward off humans with bad intentions alrighty with those gentlemen out and their teams now in order it's my turn for me myself well without getting into it too much at what the other gents have said they won on their team i said i would have to go with scyther first having an agile giant bug that i can ride long distances on is a plus but i mean you know the reason why i picked it it has freaking scythes for hands easy for dismembering and lopping zombie heads off on the fly while keeping a distance it can also be perfect for cutting down trees for lumber for fires and making homes funnily enough though i was gonna pick scizor because he's all metal and stuff but i already had my thumbnail artist raymond which shout out to him for the awesome thumbnail check out his stuff and great music below but i told him scyther and not sizzler so i had to stick with what was on the thumbnail i don't want to be considered click bait but hey my boy scyther does get the job done with much sharper blades just not being totally resistant to bites however my next pick skarmory can do just that being a steel bird that cannot be ripped open by a human teeth and strength i could ride long distances with him in the sky seeking out sources of water looking for high ground it's just really good for scouting out for safe areas and making escapes much easier while it also is able to cut through hordes of zombies with its razor-sharp wings and talons with ease keeping in theme with pokemon that can handle zombies and not be affected whatsoever by anything a zombie can throw at it i had to pick steelix stretching out to 30 feet in total length and weighing over 800 pounds he would be perfect for leveling areas squashing legions of the undead but its sheer girth isn't the main reason for its slot on my team while fortifying areas and attempting to build structures i could have steelix coil itself around me and my team to enclose us off and while we're sleeping at night we don't have to worry about any stragglers that are trying to scale him or pierce its hardened body he's just a natural fortress just in its own existence next is having a loyal companion with multiple purposes at first i was gonna pick linton since i love cats i have three of my own look at them they're so freaking cute but frankly i'll need something with a bit more size and firepower so i lean towards hound doom and no i'm not picking in center war i just don't like his final evolution a furry fire wrestler hound doom will be perfect for starting fires to cook with boiling fresh water burning zombies away and cremating them so they don't pollute soil water and more with their rot plus he's such a good boy who wouldn't want a satan dog as a companion who's a good boy but besides pokemon for killing zombies disposing of them and making safe havens we still need to eat and drink regularly that's where my final two tropius and miltank come into play tropius which i'm sure has been used by everyone else at this point has got them bananas growing on its neck it can produce these fruits because of its natural photosynthesis that produces sugars for it more rapidly than a fruit-bearing typical plant if in direct sunlight it may produce fruit easier and faster instead of occasionally making for a good nutritional food source every few months if nothing else can be found like resorting to eating other pokemon bananas are an excellent source of potassium which is a good segue into milk tank i mean of course having a cow around to suck on them tiggle bitties for the vitamin d will keep my bones nice and strong and having the meme of roll out for hordes will be a nice plus but being a texan having an emergency food supply that can lead to a nice medium rare steak tarnation baby i can't deny that i gotta have me a steak at some point sorry miltank well that about wraps up some of our teams if a zombie apocalypse suddenly broke out and we could only choose six pokemon to survive with what would you choose to have on your team to go solo with and outlast it all remember no legendaries mythicals or ultra beasts and we'll say ditto too because ditto is kind of unfair let me know in the comments special thanks to today's guests like locks to the noggin dobbs and my dry bridge for giving me their time to discuss pokemon and zombies i had this idea almost two years ago and funnily enough madrid even recorded his lines literally a year ago to this day so thanks for being patient brad i didn't expect this video to take so long also thank you to my donators here couldn't do it without any of all and if you want to support you can be on this list for next time i'm going to be taking another big break now because i'm planning on a huge video project to end out the year so stay tuned stay well and catch them all everyone have a good one [Music] you
Channel: Wow Such Gaming
Views: 111,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Zombies, BDSP, Survive, Survival, Dobbs, Lockstin, Mah dry bread, Lore, Story, Analysis, Team
Id: yN8iKk0vuNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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