International Waffles Taste Test

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Is Chase secretly dead?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/melechkibitzer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Suggestion for the next international darts-game: Liver!

  • Liver dumpling soup from Austria
  • Liver Berlin Style from Germany
  • Sawdaj Aldajaj from Syria
  • Haggins from Scotland
  • Mahata modoki (Sushi liver) from Japan
  • Dulet (spicy grilled liver; served with Baguette) from Ethiopia.

These are some suggestions, maybe it helps to work out the episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Karakotaera πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Everytime I see India's flag I get so excited to see what dish are they going to use because Indian dishes are so different than the categories and it becomes a very technical definition and to me that is very interesting. Got sad though that there was no Indian dish.

I'm an Indian mythical beast.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Agitated_Amoeba26 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Josh and mythical kitchen but it seems like he forgets there is a camera when he is on the couch. He looks like he is very much in "I could be getting actual work done right now" thoughts and it's hilarious to me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/send_me_chickfila πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Their banter in this episode was hilariously great!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s always a good morning when we get a β€œTokyo”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bigconch27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stevie was determined to see that quail anecdote to the end in More, Rhett and Link banter be damned.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zersch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett went to the Stone Cold Steve Austin school of debate apparently.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DangerousBlueberry1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

poor link, always first guessing Thailand and then veering, lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/avoidance_behavior πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Leggo that Eggo, we're going international. - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Morning. - Now I always thought that waffles had a time and a place, breakfast and the kitchen table. - And I always thought waffles were just a reservoir for my syrup. - Well I think we're both wrong. - Or maybe just a little too American. - Yep. Today we're busting out of our American waffle matrix to see how people are eating waffles all around the world. It's time for... - [Both] Where in the World do These International Waffles Come From? - You know how we do, we're gonna try a particular waffle dish native to somewhere on the globe, then we're gonna throw a dart at wherever we think that type of waffle comes from. - Mhm. - Now Chase is out of town in a cartographer convention, something he's really into, of course, so Josh is filling in as our WaffleVision cartographer. - It is I, WaffleVision! My superpower is I use the tape measure a little bit worse than Chase! - Yeah. - [Josh] It's hard! - He's gonna learn so much. But right now I'm just trying to decipher the connection between, I think it's WandaVision, so you're Vision. - Yeah, he's Vision. - That's the pun! - But the connection to waffle... - Popular show, waffle almost sounds like Wanda. - Yeah, yeah, it starts the same. I get it. I'm on board. - Okay, WaffleVision, thank you for filling in for Chase. He's gonna learn so much. When he comes back, he's gonna know- - I was like "Josh isn't gonna learn anything." - He's not gonna learn anything. - I learned that this job is very confusing at times. - Whoever has the lowest amount of centimeters at the end of the game wins, and Rhett, you lost last time. - I sure did. - So you get the special advantage dart this time around, the flying saucer. That's a berry-colored, well, it's covered. And it's berry colored and covered waffle that you can frisbee at the board. - And the winner wins the most American waffle in America. - All right. (acapella music) - Oh, look at this, starting fun times. - [Link] What is this? This is a... - [Rhett] It's a fish with something inside of it. - Yeah, I can see something leaking out. - [Rhett] I'm just gonna bite it right out of the fish. - [Rhett Voiceover] I really don't like that Link won last time. Winning is my thing. - I didn't hear anything. - [Rhett] What? - Nothing. I didn't get any of the darkness. It's back here. - Is this like figs? - It's good. It's sweet. It's not chocolate. - [Rhett] It's like a Fig Newton! - [Link] I'm going first. - Yeah, Link, you're going first, man! - Okay. Hm. Hm! It's good. - Yeah. - What is that, a bean paste? A sweet bean paste? Thailand's on the board. Bean paste. Could be Japan. - [Rhett Voiceover] If I could time this fart just right, that'll really throw him off. - Don't. - Don't what? - Don't fart. Okay. I'm gonna hedge my bets a little bit. - Which are you going for? - I'm going a little bit to the west of Thailand. The corn capital of the world. - Yeah, corn on the cob on the beach. - Here we go! Ooh yeah. That works for me. - I believe that this is either Japan or Thailand, because of the bean paste. - And because he's copying me. - How does it feel? The fun times that go into making a fish waffle. - It feels fine, okay? - It feels like something that you would see in the place that I've always wanted to go, but never been able to go, you know. And I can actually say it, you know, obviously it's not a problem, Tokyo. That's what it makes me think of. - Oh, did you just say Tokyo? - Whaaaat! Japan. - Oh, you lobbed it. I like that. - I'm horrible. - I liked that. - [Stevie] These adorable waffles are called taiyaki, named for the fish they resemble which is also a symbol of good luck. They traditionally come with a red bean filling, but can also be filled with custard, chocolate, or sweet potato. These snacks were first sold in 1909, and are still enjoyed today in Japan. - Ya! But I don't think I'm any closer to Japan than you. - Maybe a little. - Link, you, Morgan told me to stand with my elbow near Canada. Link, you got 12 centimeters. Rhett, you got 16 centimeters. - Oh, I was actually further away! - Yeah, you were. I don't know how. - I don't believe that, Josh. I think you might need to switch that. - Give me one second. - Can we get Chase on the line? Can he get into a little enclave at the conference? - No, no, no, Link, you got 16, Rhett, you got 12. - Okay, thank you. Thank you. - You should've seen me do the scoreboard for girl's basketball games in high school, it was worse. - Hey! Link did, too! - [Josh] You did? (indistinct) You forget to add the points sometimes. - Yeah, right. - [Josh] Get real mad. (acapella music) - Well, we got a fried egg, it seems. And... - [Rhett] It seems. - This is a strange waffle, it's very constructionesque, very structural, very... - [Rhett] Do a little dippy-do? - It's almost like a piece of toast with holes cut in it. - [Rhett Voiceover] Any minute now, he's gonna find that I've loosened the legs on his chair. (crew laughs) - Mmhm. - Did you loosen the legs on my chair? - Any minute now. - I don't think... This doesn't taste like a waffle. - It doesn't taste like a waffle at all. It tastes like a hashbrown. - It tastes like potatoes. - It tastes like a potato. - And I mean, is this gonna taste like an egg? - I don't think the eggs are anything different. - A potato waffle. Well, you're going first again. Potato waffles. - Where do they love potatoes so much, that they decided to just put it into a waffle? Last time, or at some point on this show, I seemed to imply, sorry, that I thought that Ireland was in the UK. I didn't actually think that, it was a little bit of a brain fart, I know that I'm kinda from there, even though I thought I was from Scotland, I want to apologize to the people of Ireland, I know that you are your own country. It's Northern Ireland that's in UK, right? Sorry! - Pretty messed up, Rhett. - [Rhett] There's gotta be potatoes in Northern Ireland, which is in the UK. - It's like listed separately a lot. (Rhett laughs incredulously) - What are you doing? You like stood up. Why are you standing up? - My shoulder's bad, I need to go lefthanded. - Your shoulder's bad? - It's been bad for a while. - What do you mean your shoulder's bad? The thing is, you mighta gotten lucky, and landed right there on Senegal, as the right answer. Is it Western Africa, or Eastern Africa, over there at Kenya, where the like to potatofy their waffles? - [Rhett] They're pretty good. - You were trying to go for the UK, I mean... The potato of it all definitely makes sense up there. He left the door open for me. I'd feel really bad, if I didn't copy him just because you shame me into copying him so much, when I really need to this time. I'm gonna try to just throw better than you. - Okay. - Ho, yeah! Now tell me, Stevie. - [Stevie] A popular breakfast or snack food, these potato waffles can be paired with eggs, meat, baked beans, even fish sticks. While potato waffles are also enjoyed in Ireland and Australia, the leading seller of potato waffles, Birds Eye, makes their waffles in the UK. - [Link] Yes! Thank you. - You know what? You're welcome. - I woulda guessed that anyway. I wasn't copying you. - I gave you the lead so that you have to make a decision on your own. This is all part of the plan, it's fine. - Rhett is red, Rhett, you got 18. Link, you got seven. - Woo! Nice! - [Josh] All right. (acapella music) - Hey, you wanna participate in an episode of Good Mythical More? I know you do. Well, all active members of the Mythical Society from February first through the 14th are eligible to be randomly selected for participation in Good Mythical More! - What? - Visit for the deets. - For the deets! - For the deets. - Look at this, Link. - It's like a corn dog, but it's waffleized. And there's ketchup, and there's mayonnaise. - [Rhett] Is it a corn dog? Is it...? - I wonder what's in there. - It's a sausage! There's a dog, there's a wiener in there! There's a wiener in there, Link! - This is fabulous, I love to find a wiener in there. - That's really good. Mayonnaise, dip it in mayonnaise? - Waffle dog, dang! Pressure's back on. - [Rhett] All right. - [Rhett Voiceover] Okay, next time he's about to throw, I'll pinch his weenus. - Now, touching is illegal. - What are you talking about? - [Link] When throwing. - What are you talking about? - I'm just saying, touching is illegal while throwing. - Where are you getting these ideas, that I would be interested in touching you? - You can't be tugging or grabbing or pulling at me. - Why are you even saying that? - I just have- - What? - What do you mean "What?" - One of my tactics is, you just say "What?" really loud when you're arguing with someone. It's very frustrating for the other what? - Shut up. - What? What? - Just be quiet! Also, keep your thoughts quiet. - What? - Corn dog waffle, waffle dog. - You didn't eat a lot of your dog here. - I could definitely see this as just a Canadian fun thing. Thailand had a lot of food on a stick. Not just corns. I remember a lot of street food on a stick. I could also see it being Norwegian. - [Rhett Voiceover] Ooh, I'll tell him I love him. He won't see that coming. - I love you. - I didn't see that coming. - What? - Ketchup and mayonnaise is a European thing. So I gotta hedge my bets between Norway and Greeks. - Greeks. - [Link] There we go! - [Rhett] Whoa, whoa, whoa, you almost hit Greece. - [Link] Yeah, I did. - The mayonnaise of it all, we know they dip french fries in mayonnaise in Amsterdam. - [Link] Yup. - But, putting a wiener in something like this, and then ketchup. The Canadians love ketchup. I think- - What? - See how good it works? - What? - You were on the right track. - What? What? - You were on the right track. - What? - You were on the right track. - What? - So, it might be Norway, but I gotta make up a little ground here. I'm gonna aim at Eastern Canada. Ah, well, almost Norway. - All right, Stevie, talk to us. - [Stevie] This hot dog on a stick is cooked in waffle batter until golden brown. The snack is then handed out by street vendors who also offer ketchup and mayo on the side, and while these hot dog waffles can also be found in the Philippines, this popular treat originated in, of course, it's Thailand. - Oh! - [Rhett Voiceover] No! - Dang! - I told you it could've been there 'cause of the stick! - Ugh! - Link! You got 29. Rhett! You got 47. (Link laughs triumphantly) - Ooh, this is bad. - Yeah, you should've listened to me. - This is bad. (acapella music) Oh, we got some... - It's like a pinwheel. - This is like fried dough. - Oh, but look at the back of this thing, it's like, it's hollowed out, it's like... It's just a... Like a funnel cake, more than a waffle. - Yeah, this is fried dough. - Ooh, it's nice. Hm. Deep fried, light as a feather goodness. I think Africa's calling me. Senegal. The thing is, the way these things are made, it's like there's like a mold. - [Rhett] It sits on that mold. - And it could be... I'm just really feeling that it's a Senegalese thing. - [Rhett] Okay. - And it's in the middle of the map, too, so I like that. Oh yeah, and my aim is pretty good today! - It's really good. This reminds me of those things that you see on those carts. There's the deep fried things that they sell in the park. And I believe that it's reminiscent of something from Latin America. Which would send me to Panama. But this may go all the way down to Argentina. I'm gonna split the difference between those two. - [Link] Oh, look at you. I don't feel threatened at all. - Yeah, I'm not really any closer to either of the answers that I wanted to be at. - [Stevie] You just tried rosettes, sweet fritters made with a rosette iron, dipped in batter and then deep fried in oil, topped with powdered sugar or icing, rosettes are traditionally made at Christmastime in their home country of Norway. - Oh, dang it! - Oh, we were both off. - Man, I don't know if I can win, even with a cheat. - [Stevie] And they're also enjoyed throughout Scandinavia, for those in the comment section. - Link, you got 23. Rhett, you got 44. - Ah! - Ooh! - [Josh] Hurts, don't it? - Yeah, it hurts bad, man. Is this what you feel like most years? - No, I take it pretty well. - Mm. (acapella music) Oh, lookie here. - This is like an ice cream treat, and look at how the waffle part of this is like a bulbous... Are those...? - There's an ice cream place- - Kinda hollow. - In town that serves stuff in a bubble cone, I think they call this. - [Link] It's very tasty. This green ice cream, I wonder if that's a hint. - Well it's, yeah. Yeah, this is a sealed deal at this point. - This is up for anywhere on the map. It's a mystery round. The flavor of this green, I don't know, would this be like green tea ice cream or something? It's very subtle. - [Rhett] It's very good. - And you've got your advantage dart. - Yeah, but, I believe the only way that you could lose at this point is by missing the board, and getting an automatic 50. - I've seen this somewhere, so maybe we're back in like a Indonesian type vibe. So I'm gonna go for that zone. - [Rhett Voiceover] Little does Link know, I've switched his glasses for a non-prescription hipster dupe. (crew laughs) - Little late for that. - Yeah, yeah, I shoulda done that round one. What? - [Link] Wabam! - Oh my gosh! You almost missed the board! - It slipped out of my hand. - Oh, that would've been the most epic Link moment in history if that had happened. - Oh my gosh. - That was my only hope, and I was like, "It's almost gonna miss!" - I know! It felt like it was in slow motion, and it like, it just kinda whimpered. - I mean this is obviously from an Asian country, with the green tea ice cream and the fun bubbleness of it all. Honestly? This might be fun to throw, but I'm not gonna win, whether or not I throw this or not, and I just feel like I don't need to make anybody clean this up. - [Stevie] I love that. - That's big of you. - You know what I'm saying? It's like, why clean this up? Y'all just enjoy this, okay? - You know you're gonna lose, so you're trying to be the hero? - No, I'm just like, "Why take the time to get dirty, to get that dirty, to potentially get stains on the crew, just to throw a waffle that has no chance of winning?" I mean what would be more interesting, is if I actually hit the country that this is, and then you let me win. - Oh. Yeah, I ain't gonna do that. - No, so I'll just throw it into the general vicinity of where I think it is. - [Link] Oh, you hit Thailand. - Hm. That's a new technique. - [Stevie] Bubble waffles, also known as egg waffles, were originally broken into pieces and each bubble was sold individually. Nowadays they're filled with ice cream and are usually topped with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. You can find these waffles, also known as gai daan jai or little chicken eggs in Cantonese in Hong Kong. - Oh, I was pretty close to that. Not close enough. - Do you wanna know how close you are? - Yeah, I like your super gestures. - Thanks, man, I'm trying it on for size. Rhett, you got six, Link, you got 28. - Wow. - Which doesn't bridge the gap somehow. - Two in a row, Link, 2022. - Two in a row in 2022. I might be three in a row, if we go into last year. I don't know for sure, but okay, yeah. It looks like I win the most American waffle. Boy, I'm glad this is what I've won. - You wanna dip it in some berries? - No, I would just like to nibble on Maine. - [Rhett Voiceover] Dang it. I gotta admit, I still love Link's smile when he's winning. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Sylvian, I'm at the University of Malta, and I just graduated with my bachelor's degree. It's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Congratulations. - You did it! - Now click the top link to watch us cook a full breakfast on an iron in Good Mythical More. - That'll be easy. And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] You wanna participate in a Good Mythical More? Well visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,223,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: I_8DnzHv-SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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