We Tried EVERY Cinnamon Toast Crunch Snack

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- Has Cinnamon Toast Crunch crossed the line? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. - If you love Cinnamon Toast Crunch, then this episode is for you. And if you do not love Cinnamon Toast Crunch, this episode is also for you because Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or CTC for short, has lent its name and flavor to all kinds of products that are not Cinnamon Toast Crunch. - CTC. - Yes. - But how do all those products measure up to the exemplary taste of a good old fashioned bowl of CTC? They don't. We believe that a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch is so perfect that no other CTC product can measure up to it with potentially one exception that I have discussed in the past. But just to be sure, we're trying them all today, right now. - And if this challenge sounds familiar to you, you are sorely mistaken! This is no gut check. We're trying every CTC product to see which one is the worst. That's right. It's time for Butt Check, Cinnamon Toast Crunch edition. - Oh, gosh, I hate this. - Yeah. - Okay, this is the exact inverse of a gut check. What'd you think a butt check was gonna be? In a gut check, we try every flavor of a certain product and decide which is best, but in a butt check, we try every product of a certain flavor and decide which is worst. So we're about to taste all the Cinnamon Toast Crunch flavored products and there's 24 of them. - We're gonna rank each one on a scale of one to 100, based on our initial butt reactions, okay? - And not only am I totally discombobulated over here, they're not giving me a scoring chard to chard. - Chard. Give them a chard! - Give me some Swiss chard. - He needs a chard. - A scoring aid to help. - It's weird to hear you out of my right ear. It's like, I've never listened to you with my right ear. I'm like, oh, is this Link? Oh, it's Link. - Without the chard, I'm hoping that my butt instinct is a lot better in scoring than my gut instinct. - Okay, probably won't be. - Our scores are gonna be added together to give us the four lowest ranking CTC products and then we're gonna taste the bottom four once more to determine which one will be named the bottom of the CTC barrel. - And before we begin, we're gonna try some original Cinnamon Toast Crunch, just to establish a baseline score. And I think when I'm over here, this is kind of my thing, right? - No, it's kind of my thing, but just from over here. - Oh, is that how it works? - It's my thing, no matter where I go. - [Rhett] I'll remember this. I was hoping it could be my thing since I was over here. - My location has nothing to do with it being my thing. - I thought it might be a geo sensitive thing. - Of course, when we did our cereal tournament, this one, hands down. It's absolutely amazing. - This is an easy 100. I don't think anything's ever gotten a 100. I gotta get another bite of that. - Yeah, me too. Me, too. - Okay, the bar has been set. Let's do this. - [Stevie] Gentlemen, should all of these sweet cinnamon products be too cloying, you have a fizzy pallet cleanser ready for you. Yes, your beloved Topo Chico. - I can't even look to the right in a way that feels normal. - [Stevie] Oh, boy. The first category is- - Actually, that's what I do, anyways. I don't even know what's normal! - [Stevie] Cereal. That's the first category, featuring an array of flavorful Cinnamon Toast Crunch spinoffs. And are you ready? - Oh, yeah. - No. - [Stevie] We're going to begin with French Toast Crunch. - French Toast Crunch. Oh, man. - It tastes like a French toast. Maple-y. - That is really good. 86. I really like that. - 80. (number popping) - [Stevie] Chocolate Toast Crunch. - What? - The same but chocolate. - Wowzer! - The chocolate's too strong. Made it different. It tastes like a Tootsie Roll. - 89. - 54. - [Stevie] Apple Pie Toast Crunch. - Oh, this is a whole line. (Link slurping) - 33. - Better than chocolate. 65. - [Stevie] Dulce de Leche Toast Crunch. - How many? - What? I've never. The de leche, you add, right? - [Rhett] I like the dulce a little better. - Because of this dulce? - 74. - 50. (number popping) - [Stevie] Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch. - What? - Where have I been? - I just bee-lined for the CTC. I don't even look at this stuff. - Now, that's the same exact consistency, which I'm gonna give it points for that. - It's like Cinnamon-less Toast Crunch. - That's a 79. - I do not like. I'm giving it a 22. - Oh, my God. (laughing) - [Stevie] Caramel Toast Crunch. - It tastes a little fake-why. 43. - Yeah, it makes me think of Richard Petty. I'll give it a 43, too. - [Stevie] Churros. - Oh, man. - Now- - There's a lot of crunch there. - A lot of crunch. Even when you add the cereal and the one weakness of a CTC, is that it gets soggy. - It's missing in a really, really big area, though. - Which is what? - Flavor. - Nope. - 61. - I give it a 101. (Rhett laughing) I've done thorough testing on my own and I am taking that into account. - Having just tasted that Cinnamon Toast Crunch- - Along with my butt. - No. - [Stevie] Chocolate Churros. - Oh, Did you know about these? - Chocolate Churro? - This added a little flavor that it needed. 78. - My hiney, I give it a 90. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Cini Minis Crazily Cinnamon. - What? - What? - So they're, what are they, little? (Link slurping) - It has more cinnamon and less of whatever else makes Cinnamon Toast Crunch good. - Toast? - 58. - Yeah, I don't like it. 40. - [Stevie] Cini Minis Churros. - Oh, you're gonna love this. - What, the churros coming back smaller? Are they smaller? So crunchy. - This is worse than the original. It doesn't taste as good as the original. - Yeah, it's like, is it vegan or something? (crew laughing) - 51. - I mean, no. 30. The taste! - [Stevie] And that wraps up the cereal category. You can have some Topo Chico before we move on. - I wanna have some more Cinnamon Toast Crunch, man, because it's just so much better than what I've tasted so far. - That is the whole point. - Except the very first one, the French toast. That was good. - Only if you really love the maple. - [Stevie] Okay, up next, we have the bars category, beginning with the soft baked bar. - What? It's wide. - What is he occasion one would eat these in? - It's not a breakfast bar? - This is on the go? - [Stevie] I think the answer to both those questions is yes. - Like on a hike? - I like it. - If I was hiking, it would be really good. - Mixing it up. 69., - 65. (number popping) - [Stevie] Milk 'n cereal bar. - Okay. Big promises. Whoa! - That thing got some height to it, man. - Okay. Do you feel like me? Because I don't feel like me. I wonder if I gave it to you. - Oh, that started really good and got really bad. - It's not great. - Whoa! - It is getting worse. - It tastes like I just, now it tastes like dirt. - Nobody give a number. The longer we wait, the further down it's going. - You got a little bit on your- - I don't even wanna eat it. I'm just gonna slough it into the trashcan. - It tastes like I just went to the side of the hill and just ate out of the side of a hill. - 19. - 14. - What is that? - [Stevie] Protein bar. - Oh, man. - Bro-tein bar? - Oh, man. Okay. (clearing throat) Speaking of this out of a hill. - Oh, my God. - (laughing) Oh, my God, this is horrible. - This is... (crew laughing) - I'm gonna choke, if I try to swallow this without somebody putting some moisture in my mouth. - It tastes like medicine. Tastes like ground up medicine. - Oh, man. This is awful! One. - Four. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Do you wanna get something in your mouth before? - Oh, man. And I just finally swallowed it and it was like I was assaulted. Go to half point. - But I got swole, I feel like. - Need more of that. - [Stevie] Okay. Treats bar. - Treats. - [Rhett] Treats? They for dogs. They gotta come up with a better naming system. Treats. - Oh, no, it's like a Rice Krispie Treat, but it's made with Cinnamon Toast Crunch. - My whole taste palette has been thrown off from that protein bar. - (coughing) 35. - 45. - [Stevie] Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch mini treat bar. - Too long of a name. - I think the protein bar is just, it's about to hit my- - It just got to the bottom of your esophagus? - Yeah, it's like, it's about to plop into the stomach. - This is pretty good. 67. - I don't know where to look over here. 45. I don't love it or hate it. - [Stevie] And that concludes the bars category. - Bars. - Wow. - [Stevie] Lastly, we have the miscellaneous treats and snacks category, proving that Cinnamon Toast Crunch can be shoved into anything. - And some of these Cinnamon Toast Crunches, they don't even have cinnamon. They're like, replacing it with other things. It's just toast crunch and what the crap is that? - Yeah, I feel it's a violation of the moral code. - Right. - [Stevie] Well, luckily, this first one does have cinnamon. Let's start with Cinnamon Toast Crunch milk. - What? (Rhett and Link slurping) I've had this before. It comes in like, the Nesquik thing. - You can get this at the store? - Yeah, I got it late one night. (crew laughing) - Late one night. I don't remember where I was. That's really good. That's an 84 for me. I like the idea of that. - But did you like the taste? - Oh, yeah. - Me, too. 80. (number popping) (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Cinnamon Toast Crunch coffee creamer. - Oh, I've always have to have creamer straight. - (burping) Excuse me. I didn't wanna burp into my cup. - You totally impacted my experience because- - (laughing) Sorry. - As I was taking food- - You're usually not over there. - In my mouth. You were like- (mimicking burping) - When I do this, I just bird it. (Link slurping) - That's really good. It's worse with- - This is yours, right? You don't wanna drink that much creamer. - Just make sure we keep up with the. I'm diluting it in my brain into what it would taste like in coffee and it's not horrible. - 14. - 59. (number popping) - Hate it. - [Stevie] Link, you have some, a little hang on from, I believe, the worst bar. - Is it gone? - It's influencing all your decision. - [Stevie] Yeah, okay. Now it's better. - I'm free. - [Stevie] Thank you. - That was the problem. - [Stevie] Cinnadust seasoning blend and we're serving it on a piece of buttered toast. - You're not just pouring this right into our mouth? - Cinnadust. Are you talking about cinnamon? - Oh, man. Oh, this is like what my mama used to do. She'd do cinnamon and sugar together on a piece of buttered toast in the oven. - Yeah, yeah, that goes way back. I don't think I need to buy it as a product, though. It tastes great, though. - It's very pleasant. 81. - 60. (number popping) - [Stevie] Toaster Strudel. - Oh, really? - They, yes. - 91. - Is this the one with the white icing? - 91. That's a very good. - I'ma give it a 85. If it doesn't come to that white icing, I can't give it higher than that. - [Stevie] Oatmeal. - Oatmeal? - Okay. - Cinnamon Toast Crunch oatmeal? I've been fed oatmeal with a spoon many times in my life, but it was when I was a lot younger. - Yeah. (stuttering) 39. - 30-snine. I'm gonna do 40-snine. - [Stevie] Remix Cinnamon Vanilla Snacking Mix. - You gotta mix it twice? - What? - It's like a Chex Mix kind of consistency. Very crunchy. - It's just the Churro cereal that's made a little more savory. That's strange. - I don't even know what context I'm supposed to enjoy this. - [Link] So weird. - [Rhett] 64. - I guess a 50. - Yeah, it's a 50. - [Stevie] Remix Chocolate Caramel snacking mix. - Snacking mix. - I didn't hear that because. - Oh, man. That's got popcorn in it. - It tastes artificial. - The caramel. It's that caramel. - Oh, gosh. I don't like it. - And it lingers. 31. - 20. (number popping) - [Stevie] Popcorn. - Just popcorn? - Cinnamon Toast popcorn? - I like more of a savory thing, but that's not bad. - I don't love it. - [Rhett] 58. - 20. 27. (number popping) - [Stevie] Ice cream. - Oh. - [Link] Cinnamon Toast ice? Who makes this? - [Rhett] You haven't had this before? I would've thought you'd be all over this. - Oh. - That's very tasty. - Oh, my gosh. That is so good. - Is that all we get? - Wow! - Because I want a little bit more of that. That might be a 93. - I was thinking 92 and I'm sticking with it. - Okay. - [Stevie] And that completes the miscellaneous snacks and treats category. Your scores will now be tabulated so you may more closely examine the bottom four items to determine which is the worst. - Okay. (gentle blowing) - Quick reminder. Check out the Mythical Kitchen channel because Mythical chef Josh is no stranger of turning a flavor into another purpose. He turns fast food into something fancy. Recreating Gordon Ramsey dishes out of convenience store ingredients. He does all types of stuff over there. Mythical Kitchen channel. Check it out. - [Stevie] Okay, guys, before I reveal your bottom four. - Yeah? - [Stevie] I wanted to talk about your top two- - Oh, great. - [Stevie] Which are ice cream. - Oh, yeah. This was great. - I didn't know this existed. Highly recommend that because I love the Ben and Jerry's cinnamon oatmeal and this comes close to it, in my opinion. - [Stevie] And the Toaster Strudel. - [Rhett] Which one did we actually score the highest, though? The ice cream? - [Stevie] The ice cream. Yeah. - Yeah, both of them are gonna- - You gotta get some of that ice cream. - But the churros, I swear, that I think they're better. There's this. - I didn't think they had the same flavor profile or as good of a flavor profile. - Better crunch. - But that's not why we're here. - More sustainable crunch. - [Stevie] Okay, according to you, the bottom four Cinnamon Toast Crunch products in no particular order are milk and cereal bar. - Okay, I have this. - [Stevie] Protein bar. - [Link] I have that, too. - [Stevie] Remix Chocolate Caramel snacking mix and Cinnamon Toast Crunch coffee creamer. - [Rhett] (laughing) Yeah. - All right, so we're gonna go from third best to- - Third worst. - Third worst to second worst to totally worst, bottom of the barrel. And you know what? The Coffee Mate, we drank it straight. That wasn't really fair. - [Rhett] You're not supposed to do that. - Let's just get rid of that for that reason. - You want a swig for old time's sake? - No, I still- - Okay, all right, well, we won't open it. You guys can put this in the fridge, enjoy it on your own time. - Yeah because I know people are gonna love that, if you're into that, which I am not into flavored creamers. - Now, I know for a fact that the lowest scored one was the protein bar because we gave it, I gave it a one, but I wanna reevaluate in context because it does have 20 grams of protein and two grams of sugar. And so, you know, it's doing other things for you. These are just supposed to. These other two, the one you have and the one right here- - Yeah. - These are just supposed to be for enjoyment alone. This is supposed to do something for you nutritionally. So I think we've gotta reevaluate, now that we've got them all out here. - This has four grams of protein. - You wanna try half of that? See it is, it still has the Rice Krispies in it. And some Cinnamon Toast Crunch. - It's actually not as bad the second time. - And you wanna compare it to this? Oh, I will say- - It's pretty. - It looks pretty. Look at that. Look at how pretty it looks. But that's just- - [Rhett] Got a nice, clean break. - That'll just hurt you. It'll just hurt you. - [Rhett] But just put yourself in protein bar land. - [Link] Comparing it to other protein bars? - [Rhett] If you pick a protein bar, you know you're in for it already. - [Link] Yeah, something about it. - It's really bad. Wow. - There's some minty flavor that's like- - Good God! - Sneaking in there. It has nothing to do with protein bars. - What happens at the end? It almost makes me want to start running. Is that what it's? I wanna run away from the flavor that's in my mouth. - Trying to figure out what is in this stuff, so. - Popcorn and chocolate Cinnamon Toast Crunch. - And that's it. - No, and this basically like a Chex kind of thing. - [Link] I'm gonna eat one of each. - [Rhett] I didn't think this was that bad. - No, not bad. - I can actually get into this, now that I'm. - So we'll put that at third worst. I mean, come on. This is obvious, right? - Yeah. The protein bar, it's so bad. Even with the 20 grams of protein, it's not worth the discomfort that you're gonna put yourself through. So there it is, officially, the bottom of the barrel. (crowd booing) Cinnamon Toast Crunch protein bar. - Just gonna throw it right in there. Boop. - Never heard y'all boo before. I like that. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Tucker. - And I'm Kim. - We are from Springfield, Missouri, and we drove all the way from Uranus, Missouri, to Cordon, Indiana. - Just so we could get to- - [Both] Butt Drugs! - [Cameraman] Free parking in the rear. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. (Rhett laughing) - They were really into butts. - Dad on camera, like. - And it's a butt check, hey. - I'm gonna do it. - Click the top link to watch us guess the most popular cereal in each state in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - (laughing) It smells like when you leave an In-N-Out bag in your car on a really cold night, which is to say kind of refreshing.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,589,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: _1M7io8uIgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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