Is Anything Better Than Syrup on Pancakes? (Taste Test)

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Didn’t enjoy the tension. It felt as if they were not on the same page in an uncomfortable way. I honestly don’t care if they compliment or insult each other, if either one was annoyed and didn’t want to participate in the game, why not scrap it and do something different? Win/win for them and for their audience.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BlatantHoney πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett was... interesting... in GMMore in response to the Smore where they were meant to complement each other.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I refuse to acknowledge bean sauce as a thing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toadpuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone know what that "Illaria" thing they talked about in GMMore was about?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CDRom11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The exact moment Rhett realized how good the baked bean sauce on the pancakes was... you can see it in his eyes, haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scs411scs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anybody know what jacket Link is wearing in this episode?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eiknarflol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Is gravy on a pancake a big mistake? (upbeat music) - Let's talk about that. Good mythical morning. - Today we're pouring everything, including maybe the kitchen sink, over pancakes to find the next best thing to that sweet, sweet syrup in the name of discovery. - And today's episode is sponsored by Hello Fresh, America's number one meal kit. - Yeah, with Hello Fresh, you get mouthwatering seasonal recipes and fresh pre-measured ingredients delivered right to your door. Hello Fresh makes cooking at home fun, easy, and affordable. - Now did y'all know that the average trip to the grocery store is 41 minutes? - 41 minutes. I was gonna say that. - 41 minutes. And if you ever get stuck debating between buying chickpeas or garbanzo beans, like I often do, you know, it can sometimes be a little bit longer than that, but Hello Fresh delivers everything you need to make chef curated meals, which means I can spend more time with my family debating the difference between chickpeas and garbanzo beans. - The only difference between chickpeas and garbanzo beans is that it's more fun to say garbanzo. Garbanzo. - Garbanzo. Garbanzo. - Garbanzo - Garbanzo. - Speaking of fun, my kids actually love helping out when it comes to making Hello Fresh meals, and Hello Fresh also has more five-star recipes than any other meal kit, so you know you're getting something delicious, like the scrumptious beef bulgogi meatballs. Let's get in on this action. - I gotta get a little bit of that meatball. - [Link] And a little bit of that carrot. - Garbanzo. - Garbanzo. - All right, feeding the whole family has never been easier with larger box sizes for more servings and more savings. So go to and use code GMM10 to get 10 free meals including free shipping. - Again, that's and use code GMM one zero to get 10 free meals including free shipping. - All right, romance alert. Valentine's Day is this Sunday. And if you're looking to freshen up your traditional breakfast in bed pancakes and syrup, you come to the right place. - Yes. - We're gonna find out if syrup has a sticky and possibly superior substitute, and you and your lover (laughs) can thank us later. It's time for Next Best Thing, (classical music) Pancakes and Syrup Addition. - To determine the next best thing on pancakes after or perhaps before syrup, we're gonna try a bunch of different liquidy toppings on our hot and fluffy short stacks. I'm talking sweet liquid, savory liquids, texture liquids, any unique flavor that we thought may have a fighting chance of becoming the new syrup on the block. - Now first, we need to try a plate of classic pancakes with maple syrup, so we can remind our tongues just how high this standard is that we're trying to achieve. All right, (Link groans) now usually I'll do a little bit of butter, but listen, this is about the syrup. - You remember pancakes and syrup? It's good. - Oh, oh. - Fluffy. - Oh man, that's some good syrup. - Sweet, sticky. - And some good pancakes. A little (indistinct) in there (laughs). - But maybe we'll discover something better. (classical music) You think of maple syrup as natural. It comes from trees. So why not spin the pendulum the other way? How do you, you know spin a pendulum. - You could, if you move it hard enough, it spins. - Something that comes from a can. Cheese spray. - Oh, look at that. Our very own - Mythical cheese spray. - mythical cheese spray. - Available at Not really, but I don't know. - Can you open it? - It's not easy, here. You want to, should you shake it first? - I believe you do. And I'm just gonna, you know I don't wanna get, whoa, whoa. - [Link] Just shook it up. - That's plenty. - [Link] I feel like it needed a sound effect. - Yeah. - What? Why am I not able to get it to come out? Like something about the way my wrist is angled. - Yeah, it's definitely a wrist problem. - What's wrong here? - His wrist can't handle the canned cheese spray. - Look at, what am I doing? What's happening? - Oh. - That's not a natural experience. - No, there's something about that that it takes it away from the pancake. - It's a canned experience. - It makes it just like you're eating bread with some cheese on it. - Yeah, I feel like I need, the thing about syrup is that there's a liquidity component to it. This is so solid - Yeah. - and dry. - And you don't, and syrup doesn't mess with your wrist. Like you're able to just serve it just fine. - It just flows out. You don't have to like push it on a nozzle, - It's not difficult to get syrup. - and like get carpal tunnel. - But, you know, we can't have an empty podium. We have to put it in there for now. So right now the next best thing is cheese spray. - Enjoy it while you can. (classical music) - I love sweet chili sauce, because it's sweet and spicy just like me (laughs). Let's see how my sauce tastes on these pancakes. (group laughs) - Gosh. Now, I mean, this is typically just like a dipping sauce, right? - Well, I mean, I do a lot of stuff with this, and some things I can't tell you about, but the thing I will tell you about is that I put this on wings. I'll deep fry some wings and put it on there. - Oh yeah. That's a good move. - It's one of the best sauces in the sauce hall of fame. - [Link] It's very strong. - I just don't like what it's doing to my breakfast. - I think it, maybe, can you think of it as like breakfast for dinner? Oh. - No, I tried. And it didn't happen. In fact, I think cheese is better. - It is better. (Rhett laughs) - I mean, I'm sorry sweet chili sauce. Me and you will just have to be alone together later. - 'Cause I don't even know what would I drink with this? I don't even know, there's no. - Water? (group laughs) What would I drink with this? That's a conundrum. (classical music) - Italian food gets a lot of love at lunch and dinner time, but it's often overlooked at breakfast time, which hasn't sat right with me. So let's try some pesto on our cake cakes, as my daughter Lily would call them as a youngster. - Oh, she stopped that though. - She doesn't do that anymore, yeah. - Okay. You might be thinking at this point, guys, I don't understand. Like there's a lot of really interesting things I've put on my pancakes before and liked it, like chocolate syrup or strawberry syrup or peanut butter. - I love peanut butter. - Yeah, we already know that that tastes good. We've done that. You've done that. We're doing, we're trying to find a tough one here. We're trying to discover something. And that's why Link's putting pesto on his pancakes, (group laughs) because we're trying to discover something, something that might - Who knows? - not be obvious. That's the name of this game is to find something that was hiding there in plain sight. - Well, the name of the game is Next Best Thing, which I would say is peanut butter. - Right. So let's just-- - So maybe let's just say next best thing that you haven't already tried and probably won't try - Yeah, yeah. - unless we tell you how awesome it is. - That. - Right? - Yeah, yeah. There might be something here. - I think what I said doesn't help us when I'm like bringing Italian food into breakfast. I think we have to bring the cake cakes into dinner. - This is like if you were traveling, you're in a different country and you were like, "Oh, before you eat your meal, do you know what they do in this country? They do something that's a lot like American pancakes with pesto on it." And at that point, you're like, "Oh, this is so good." Like you can make yourself think this is really good. - I mean it's oily enough to still give you, scratch that syrupy itch. - Okay, now I'm not saying that you're gonna, like Link said, I'm not saying you're gonna want to do this at breakfast time, necessarily. - But like in between lunch and dinner, a little linner action, I think this could work. - Pesto, there it is, next best thing for now. (classical music) So this is allowed, just bean sauce? - Yes. - Listen, when I am in a restaurant, and I ask the waiter for some bean sauce, they just kind of look at me like I'm stupid, and then my kids yell at me on the way home for quote, bringing shame to the family. (group laughs) - Kind of like you want Parmesan with that? - Yeah, but this is just bean sauce. - Like is that a new jacket? - So you've got baked beans, and there's beans, and then you've got the sauce, and it's just the sauce. - And this has promise, 'cause it's got - Whoa look. - syrup consistency, It behaves in that way. - Whoa, look. I got three surprise beans! (Stevie laughs) - Oh there, I got 1.2, three, four, five, six beans. - You got surprise beans? - I put a point in there. 1.2, four, five, six beans. - Okay, and this is room temperature, just so you know. - Dink it. (group laughs) - And sink it. (group chuckles) Oh my. - I mean. - There is something to that. It's almost like syrup. - I'm trying to figure out if people would respond better if you didn't tell them ahead of time what it was. - I think you got to strain all the beans out at least for your average user. - Yeah, but then do you keep it from them? I think you have to tell him. - You let him finish. It's like when you're trying to get somebody to eat something really nasty, you let them enjoy it, and then you're like, you know, that was spider meat (laughs). - [Stevie] I can't tell if you guys like it though. - I know, neither can I. (Rhett laughs) I mean, you said it was really terrible, but it's not really terrible. - I didn't say it was terrible. I think it's great. I think it's great. What are you talking about? I thought it was obvious that I thought it was great. - I think it's better than pesto. - It's really good. I mean, it's not as good as syrup, but it's the next best thing (laughs). - It's sweet, I like it. (classical music) The last time we had mashed potatoes in an episode of Next Best Thing was when we were looking for a substitute for gravy and that got us thinking could gravy becomes a substitute in this moment in time? Maybe. This is some dark gravy. - This is dark gravy. It's got the right consistency. - [Link] I feel like I'm in a dinner situation. - What kind of dinner situation would you find yourself where they were putting gravy on pancakes? - Like scraping the back of your pantry dinner type situation. - The temperature is nice. - I mean the particular gravy that we've chosen tastes like dog food. (Rhett laughs) It's Mythical gravy. (Stevie laughs) - Yeah, Mythical gravy is not something we're gonna be putting in the Mythical store any time soon. What kind of gravy? - Like, Nicole, did you taste this before serving it to us? - [Nicole] Can I plead the fifth on this honestly? It's savory beef. - Yeah. Savory beef. - Yeah. - It's not like, I feel like, you know what would be really good? - You would think this was chocolate. - Well, first of all, if you're in the south, and you use basically that white gravy that you put on a biscuit at breakfast, - Yeah, that would work. - if you put, I mean, I'm sure people have already done that though, 'cause if you put it on a biscuit, it might get on a pancake just because it might be on your plate. I'm sure people have done that before. - Yeah, if you go with the white gravy with the little bits of sausage, and you get rid of this dog crap, it might work, but, it's (indistinct). - For now we're gonna stick with bean sauce. (group laughs) (classical music) Okay, spicy mayo's definitely a step up from regular mayo, but will it go on pancakes? - [Link] Oh, it will go on them. - In a big clump? - Yeah, I mean, - It has a cheese sauce, sort of a consistency. - I like the look of it. - (laughs) That's an interesting thing to say as you just, it's almost like we're trying to make a cake over here. I mean, look at that. Look at how much stuff we put on there. - A pancake is a canvas for I thought any type of flavor. Of course, we're discovering that's not the case. - [Rhett] Okay. - Tangy. Cakey. I'm gonna tell you right now, my initial thing is that it works. - But what if you try to eat that whole thing? - Pancakes are only beautiful if they come in a stack, but I can never eat more than one. So I end up eating like an eighth of a stack. - Well, that's a personal problem. - That's why I don't eat (Stevie laughs) pancakes a lot, 'cause it's demoralizing how much I leave on my plate. - Well, as a man who does finish his pancakes, I can say that I think that-- - You hit a wall? - You've got to, the topping, in order to qualify as a potential pancake syrup substitute, it's gotta be something that you can enjoy the pancakes in the same manner. I put a lot of this on there, but like even with a little bit, eating that much mayonnaise? - It burns. I like that. It kind of makes you think you have a medical condition. - It burns now and it burns later. Are you pulling for spicy mayo to top 'ol bean sauce? - I don't absolutely hate it. If you're big into the spicy mayo, give it a shot, but no, I'm not gonna say it's gonna topple-- - Yeah, I mean, it's bean sauce after all. (classical music) - The time has come the walrus said to try mole on your pancakes. I got that right, didn't I? - Oh very right, yeah. - Here it goes. - Mole, I'm gonna go easy, 'cause I, you know, - I like to test the spreadability of it. - [Rhett] I want to really give this a chance, because I don't want people to think-- - What the heck even is mole? Because Mythical mole doesn't have any ingredients or barcodes or nothing, because it's not sold. - [Rhett] It's a sauce that consists of both chilies and chocolate. - Okay, give it a shot. There's a darkness to mole. (group chuckles) - Yeah. A smokiness. - It's kind of like you're exploring a, like a cavern where the Mayans used to hide or something. - Okay. You judge a man by his mole? - I don't know how to answer that. (Rhett chuckles) I don't like Mole, so (group laughs) I'm gonna leave this, - Let me be honest. - I'm gonna leave this to you. I ordered it once at a Mexican restaurant, and I'm like, you know what, that's the thing I'm never gonna order at a Mexican restaurant again. - Yeah, the best thing on the menu. - Yeah, right. - I got to say mole works when you offset it with something savory, like chicken, cheese, or tortilla. That's when it works. - Lots of cerveza. - When you put this straight up on something that's kind of just a palette, a canvas? - Okay, good. You don't like it either. - I just don't think it works, which what we're saying is something that I didn't expect, and I feel like you're gonna judge us for, the next best thing to putting pancake syrup on your pancakes is putting bean sauce on them. - Next time you crack open a can of baked beans, just crack it open a little bit, - Save your sauce. pour it over your cake cakes, and then you can have the beans separate for later in the day. Win-win. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is? - I'm Shagra. It is 2:00 a.m. in Tunisia, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - 2:00 a.m. in Tunisia. - Ah, love it. 2:00 a.m. in Tunisia sounds like a movie. - 2:00 a.m. in Tunisia. - What happens at 2:00 a.m. in Tunisia? - Happens twice. - Only you can find out. Click the top link (upbeat music) to watch us play a game for lovers in Good Mythical More. - But we're gonna play it with each other. And to find out where (wheel spins) the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Protect yourself and others around you with our Mythical neon face masks, available now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,606,937
Rating: 4.9253936 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18, mealkit, mealkitreview
Id: ut-dps_Om6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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