We Try EVERY Hostess Cake Flavor

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"Ho me, Ho" – I laughed out so loud. This was a great episode overall (at least for me)

Edit: added spoiler for not yet-viewers!

👍︎︎ 112 👤︎︎ u/Karakotaera 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

"80 is higher than 10!"

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I never imagined i would see a day where Link gets disappointed with a peanut butter product.

Did anyone here tried that peanut butter one? Is it really that bad?

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/ExDream00 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I always imagine how sick they must feel doing these. I thought Cheesecake Factory and Krispy Kreme would be bad, but this one takes the cake 🤢

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/milannabrott 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

First time ever seeing Rhett not happy to be eating.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/aod1885 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thought this episode was actually pretty boring, considering they didn't do a whole lot of talking - but "HO ME, HO" definitely made up for that.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/wammes_ 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

yet another example of link being treated like a child

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/CoasterFish 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I was just really happy about the Giant Deborah (or Micro Debbie, as Link recalled) mention in GMMore. A hilarious character and Chase is such a treasure.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/foodmydudes 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really don't have a sweet tooth, i can go weeks without eating any sugar, this would have been such a struggle for me lmao, the last two must be really good if they ranked that high towards the end, I would agree with them that the cinnamon coffee cakes are the best but i haven't tried the cream cheese ones.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/atomsej 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Which Hostess snack takes the cake? - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Morning. - Having tons of Hostess cakes flown into my mouth sounds like something straight out of elementary school me's dreams. Of course, that's basically what this show is every day, us living our elementary school dreams. - Right. - Good morning, Rhett. - Good morning, Link. - Yeah, thank you. Today, our job is to have Hostess cakes flown into our mouths. Do you have a favorite Hostess cake? - I did at one point. - That could be flown into your mouth, if only one could be flown into your mouth? - I did in the past, but I completely wiped it from my memory because I want my hard drive to be completely clean so I can perform my role today with utter impartiality. - Okay. It is an important role that we both have. I'm feeling the pressure. Today, we determine the most delicious snack cake Hostess has to offer. It's time for Gut Check, Hostess cakes edition. - Now before we get started, we want to note that there are over 70 Hostess products available, we simply couldn't fit all those into one episode, so we're only gonna be tasting and ranking Hostess cakes. Also with that in mind, we're not considering donuts cakes. Listen, we don't make the rules. Actually, we do, and that's a rule that we made, we decided that. Donuts are not cakes today. And maybe if enough of you watch this episode, we're gonna do a part two, okay? We might. - That being said, we were able to get our hands on all of the Hostess cake products and flavors including the available limited edition ones, so today, we're gonna be tasting 30 different Hostess cakes in rapid succession. We're gonna rank each snack cake on a scale of one to 100 based on our initial gut reactions, and then our scores are gonna be added together to give us the final four top rated Hostess cakes that we will then revisit, and, listen, I know a lot of you are baffled if not frustrated with how I've been scoring things in all these Gut Check episodes. And I guess that's why I've been given this visual aid by the Mythical Crew, thanks for your help, guys. Listen, I just, my explanation is that- - This won't make sense. - Okay, it's a couple things, first of all, I'll say something about something and then I'll give it a number, and then I can't remember what number I gave the things that I felt about to make sure that everything works relative to it. And then I know that sometimes I will say something like "That's pretty good" and then I'll give it like a 20. - We've all seen this. - But what I'm thinking is, "That's pretty good for something that I wouldn't rank more than a 30." It's like I don't say everything I'm thinking, but then I give the number that to me makes the most sense. - That's why we got you this, Link. This little girl down here is saying "80 is higher than 10." - Yeah, this is not insulting at all. I'm so glad you gave me this, you know what, I'm gonna look at it. I'm gonna let this help me, and I'm not gonna think about anything relative anything, I'm just gonna gut. - Gut Check, that's what this is all about. Hey, I trust you. - 100 is green... - Now once we have our top four cakes, we're gonna try all of those once more, and then officially declare which is the Hostess with the mostest. All right, bring on the cakes, Stevie. - [Stevie] Okay, since you guys are going to be ingesting quite a few cakes throughout the episode, you can cleanse your palates between each round with some soothing hot green tea with lemon, unsweetened, of course, to help counterbalance the sugar, and the first category we're gonna be going through is Twinkies. - Twinkies is a category? - [Stevie] It's a whole category with more than a few varieties, so shall we start with classic? - Sure. Classic, spongy, juicy. - 60, I mean it's good. - I mean, 51. - [Stevie] Mixed berry. - Ah. Hey, watch that finger, Mikayla. - I like that better. 53. - That got worse, to me. 52. - [Stevie] Mint chocolate. - Oh. I love mint chocolate. You don't, so my score is pointless. - 25. - 72. - [Stevie] Banana. - Banana. I don't like banana flavored stuff, but... - I do like this. 66. - 41. - [Stevie] Chocolate. - Just chocolate? - I'm being introduced to things I didn't know existed. That's 77. - 58. - [Stevie] Fudge covered. - Fudge covered? - Oh, gosh, look at that. - Oh, man. - 64. - 79. - [Stevie] Cotton candy. - Really? - I actively don't like that, 42. - 13. - [Stevie] And that concludes the Twinkie category. If you need a palate cleanser, please sip your teas. - How many total Twinkies you think we just ate? - Orange. - [Stevie] Okay, up next we have the cupcakes category, beginning with golden. - Golden, huh? - Decent. 69. - 64. - [Stevie] Vanilla, limited edition. - That's pretty. - Tastes just like the other one, 69. - That's better for me. 67. - [Stevie] Chocolate. - Chocolate. - That's a classic. Brings back memories. - 83. - 79. - [Stevie] Birthday cake. - It's helping. - Top is kinda crusty and dry. - 61. - 38. - [Stevie] Orange. - I'm having trouble. - Orange. Oh, that packs a little bit of a punch. - Whoa! - I don't know how to feel about it. 50. - That's weird. 50. - [Stevie] Iced lemon. - Oh. - I've got a anti-lemon disposition. - 54. - Nine. - [Stevie] Holiday. - Holiday? - Oh, gosh, which one? - I think it's Christmas. They also taste very similar, and I'm having to dig a little bit deeper than normal. - 19. - That was not great, 36. - [Stevie] Valentine's. - There you go. There's a little bit of a fruit flavor in there. - [Link] What's happening? - That I don't actually like, 47. - 32. - [Stevie] Unicorn. - What? Thing is, you gotta take a big bite to get that stuff in the middle. - We're eating significantly more than we usually eat. - I'm just generally getting unhappy. - There's something I liked about that one. But not too much, 58. - Am I turning orange? 19. - Hey, this is working for you. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Mermaid. - Mermaid? - Oh, they try hard, don't they? - What's the difference between mermaid and unicorn? Come on. It tastes like unicorn. 46. - [Link] 22. - [Stevie] And that wraps up the cupcakes category. You have officially made it to the halfway point. - Seriously? - [Stevie] Yep. - I don't know how to feel about that. - [Stevie] And guess what's coming up next. Ding Dongs. - Ding Dongs? - Just give me a ringaling if you want some Ding Dongs. - [Stevie] Starting with chocolate. - I like that. 81. - 47. - Wow. - [Stevie] White fudge. - [Both] White fudge. - 49. - 64. - [Stevie] Caramel. - Caramel. - [Rhett] Wow. - Yeah, that's a strong flavor. 33. - [Rhett] 32. - [Stevie] Peanut butter. - I didn't know this existed. - Huh. It's not as good as other peanut butter things. - Quite a disappointment. - [Rhett] 49. - Mm. 20. - [Stevie] And Valentine's. - They got Valentine's Ding Dongs? - More Valentine's stuff? Well, yeah, if you're gonna get a Ding Dong. - I know what a Valentine's Ding Dong is. - 40. - It's not bad. 57. - [Stevie] And that concludes our Ding Dong category. - Ding Dong putting a hurting on me. - [Stevie] We're almost there. - The thing that I'm sensing about Hostess cakes is that my range is a lot less than it usually is, like, nothing's getting really really high, and nothing's getting really really low. - Oh, you mean like dark green or dark red? - They're all kind of grouped in the middle, like I've had a lot better things, and I've had a lot worse things. - All right, let's get this over with. Let's keep enjoying this. - [Stevie] Let's see if the miscellaneous category does anything for you, then, 'cause we'll be all over the place. Starting with vanilla Zinger. - Zinger? - What a Zinger makes? - [Rhett] I like the form factor of that. - Yeah. 77. - It's not that good. 62. - [Stevie] Chocolate devil's food Zinger. - That's a nice little stroll through the park. - [Rhett] 73. - 80. - [Stevie] Raspberry Zinger. - [Rhett] What? - That thing was shaking. - It's got coconut. - Five. - I don't like the way that's coming together. - [Link] Bad. - 28. - [Stevie] Ho Hos. - Ho Hos? - Okay, Ho me Ho. I wasn't calling you... Nicole, I swear, I did not just call you a hoe. - But what did you say? You said "Ho me"? - I said "Ho me, Ho," but I didn't mean it like that. I don't know, I need another... - Can we get a chart for the words he says to other people, too? He can point to where it should be, like- - I swear that I meant to say- - [Rhett] And don't put "hoe" on that chart. - I meant to say "Ho Ho me." - [Nicole] It's okay. - Ho me, Ho. - [Nicole] Don't think about it too much. - I thought about it, I was like, "Whenever it gets to the Hos, don't say anything stupid." - I mean the worst thing you could've said is "Ho me, Ho." I mean that was it, of all the things I could imagine you saying, arranging those words, you said it. Do you remember what that tastes like, 'cause we gotta rank it, I'm gonna give that one a 66. - That's a Swiss cake roll ripoff. Pretty good, though. 62. - [Stevie] Snoballs. And note, these are the purple Snoballs, because they change color all year round, but the flavor stays the same. - What is it? What is that? Is that coated in marshmallow? - It's got like a marshmallow wrapping. Again, I like the form factor of that, it seems like the space age. 71. - Coconut. 31. - [Stevie] Oh. I'm sorry, hoe. Suzy Qs. - Hey, I'll take it. - [Rhett] How many different ways can they make cakes? - I know. They are crazy over there. 33. - I'm saying... 56. - Oh, man. - [Stevie] Cinnamon streusel coffee cake. - Oh, what? - Different speed. - Oh. Okay. That's so different... - Now we're in adult land. - I can imagine dipping that- - 88. - 85. That's really good. - Yeah, buddy. - [Stevie] Cream cheese coffee cake. - Oh, lord! - Hostess grew up. - 90. - This is, I mean, 78, which, dang. - [Stevie] I thought you might like that. And that concludes all of our Hostess cake tasting for today, so give us a moment as we tabulate your scores, and we'll narrow things down to the top four. - Okay. I'll keep this. So this is what it feels like to live elementary school me's dreams. Not good. - Right. - [Stevie] According to you, the top four flavors of Hostess cakes, in no particular order, except for the order that we specifically placed them on the desks, are chocolate cupcakes. - [Link] The classic. - [Stevie] Cinnamon streusel coffee cake. - [Link] The surprise. - Dark horse. - [Stevie] Chocolate devil's food Zinger. - [Link] The elongated version of a classic. - [Stevie] Cream cheese coffee cake. - Yes. So, I would like to start, we were so wowed by both of these coffee cakes, we should start with the Zinger and the cupcake. - To see if one's better between the two. - [Link] Yeah, and then, I mean one of 'em might go to the top, but, I mean, are they not the same thing? - No, this is devil's food. - [Link] Yeah, it's lighter. - I like the Zinger better because I like the icing better. I mean there's something to say for the classic form factor of this. Taste-wise, it's very, very similar. - Yeah, do you want mushy icing, or do you want crusty icing? I think one of these needs to be eliminated. - I'm fine with keeping the nostalgia of the cupcakes in the top. - Let's just do that, even though, Zinger, you gave it a run for its money. - Now, when we got to the coffee cakes, I'm gonna be honest with you, with so much in the same sort of taste profile, the cinnamon just knocked our socks off, but also- - Really stood out. Would go great with coffee. - It's better than a normal cake, like the consistency of this... - It's almost damp. Naughty. It feels good. - [Rhett] But crumbly at the same time. - Now, you should be trying this right against it. - I'm going here. I'm going here. - All right, I think I know my answer. We should confer. - Yeah. I am completely in agreement with what you just said. - So we're gonna move the Hostess cupcakes to number three, and then we are going to take the cinnamon, and we're gonna put it at number two. - The best thing that you can have, the Hostess with the mostest, I didn't even know it existed, the cream cheese coffee cakes, man. - It's so nice. (Rhett laughs) It's so good, even after eating all of the other ones. - They're new, guys! - Way to go, Hostess. You're still relevant. And somehow so are we. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Sid. - I'm Pri. - And we're from Toronto, Canada. - We're about to do a Lays chip taste test. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Those are the best nights, the old Lays chip taste test nights. - Pace yourself. - Click the top link to watch us go head to head in the Icing Olympics in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Let's mom about that. Just in time for Mother's Day, get your Good Mythical Moms tee, exclusively at Amazon.com/Mythical.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,116,557
Rating: 4.9623618 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: HVq-o5dL6jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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