Crazy Oreo Flavors (Game)

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The nipple clamps, though... At this point, he’s just fuelling fanfics and he knows

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/galatigalati πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

i laughed way too hard when link fed rhett the last cookie

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sissinou πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

These are all the chocolate chips that you’ve removed from cookie dough over the years, and now they’ve come back to haunt your nipples

Just imagine saying this with no context to someone

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LthePerry02 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Between the nipple clamps and the episode where he gets hot wax poured on him, Link is low-key down to getting freaky.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thatdani πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That episode could have been better with the real flavor of Oreo but I understand the cost vs slightly better episode. I understand the financial wouldn't make sense

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mmcmah3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
(rooster squawking) (lion roaring) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. We're gonna learn about some crazy Oreo flavors. Are they all real? - But first we're gonna give $1,000 to one of our favorite charities Make-A-Wish Foundation. Make-A-Wish grants life-changing wishes to children diagnosed with critical illnesses. Please join us in giving at - Thank you for being your mythical best and for hanging with us. I have got some nip chip clips here, which I've earned the rights. - Are they nip chip clips or are they chip nip clips? - There's no chips. - Are they nip clip chips? - [Man] Choco-chip nip clips. - Oh, chocolate chips, yeah, there is chips. I said chips, you said chips. You made it sound wrong when you said it. - These are all the chocolate chips that you had removed from all the cookie dough throughout the years and now they're coming back to haunt your nipples. Hold on, before you put them on your nipples, which he's gonna do on the outside of his shirt because I mean c'mon guys, really? - Let's make it cold in here for a second. - Let's play the game, where I try to guess where your nipples are at and then you have to pinch where I point. - Or why not you just try to-- - Pin the choco clip on the nip. - Yeah, and maybe you-- - For your next kid's birthday party. - [Woman] How often do you guys play this game? - (chuckles) Wouldn't you like to know? - Depends on who comes over. - Okay, well, it's difficult when someone's not facing you. Yeah, you have to face me. - I'm not facing you, I'm gonna make it difficult. - I kinda gotta be able to like space your pec muscle here and figure out where. - You're looking for a point. - No, I'm not looking for a point I'm looking-- - It's hot in here, there are no points. - I'm just going to go like straight, it's right there. - Ow. - Is that it? - Nope. - (laughs) Okay, hold on. - Well, you gotta leave it. - Okay, yeah pin the tail, right? Shoot. - Oh God. - I'm gonna put it right where it was, there we go. - Well that's just getting my shirt, which is fine. That was actually it, you got it. - Oh really? (laughing) - Yeah, I got big nipples though. I mean look how big my nipples are, it's like that big. Why'd I show you that one? Just give me this. - Do you know the different kinds of nipples? - Yeah, innie and outie. - So I don't know what the smaller ones are but my knowledge starts at pepperoni. - Oh, that hurts. In a good way. - And then I think it goes pretty quickly from pepperoni to burger. - [Woman] No way! - There's types of nipples, I mean, search that. - Oh, okay, I am really distracted now. - [Woman] We'll save that for another Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] You seem to be a little bit happy though. The look on your face is equal parts pleasure and pain. - Yeah. - All right, we wanna let you know before we play this game that we have a new episode of our podcast, Ear Biscuits, out today. The audio version releases every Monday and we talk about getting older. What it's like to get older. Not just as old guys but throughout your life. - No matter what age you are. - We release on Sunday on the Ear Biscuits YouTube channel the video version, so last week's went up yesterday and you can go watch and listen to that. If you're that kind of person. - This one looks higher than this one. - Yeah, you got uneven nips, which is common. - Okay, guys. - Some people have one burger, one pepperoni. - Maybe I just need to lean a little bit. - [Woman] Now that we're finished with the nipple game would you like to play the crazy Oreo game? - [Both] Yes. - So I'm going to read you an interesting, I'll say, flavor of Oreo and it's your job to guess if it is real, if it existed at one point, basically, or if we made it up. Are you ready? - No, it's really hard to concentrate when you're nipples are being pinched constantly. - Real or fake? - Yes, okay, hot chicken wing. - Hot chicken wing? I don't-- - There's no way. - I mean my initial reaction to that is fake. Look at how well that matches. - Oh man, I think I'm losing my sense of hearing. - Yeah, the nipples are directly attached to the ear hole by the vegas nerve. - [Woman] Okay you locked in at fake? - Yeah. - They were real. - Oh c'mon. - They were released in China in August of 2018 and were made with a hot wing flavored creme filling. - That is wild. - [Woman] Also they released a wasabi flavored Oreo at the same time. - We just gave away another-- - I wonder how those sell. - I don't know. Chocolate and chicken, I mean that's like mole. - Yeah but in a cookie? All right let's hear the next one. - Was it chocolate? - I said the punishment was only 10 seconds for this. - [Woman] Yeah, you don't have to do that anymore. - You seem like you were enjoying it. - Did Busta Rhymes say chocolaty choc choc the chocolate chicken, did he say that? - Something close to that, yeah. - Swedish Fish Oreo. - Now it looks like I have, look at that, it looks like I have nipples emblazoned on my shirt. - Now you look like Governor Cuomo in a T-shirt. (men laughing) I'm going to say these are real-- - What was it? - Because my horizons have been expanded. - Swedish Fish Oreos. - That sounds good by the way. - So that's a collab. - What was your reasoning? - Your horizons-- - My horizons have been expanded to include fish. - Let's see this is Nabisco. - Oh, okay you're thinking about conglomerates now? You're thinking about parent companies? I wasn't going there, that seems like cheating. - You gotta be with the same. - I'm staying with my answer. - I think Swedish Fish is not Nabisco. - [Woman] They are real. - Yes! - [Woman] This flavor was released in August 2016 and combined the classic chocolate Oreo cookies with a creme that was meant to taste like the famous Swedish Fish candy. - Wow. - Would you think that would be good? Now you earned eating a cookie. - When the guy gets it wrong and one guy gets it right, that guy has to humbly feed it to him like he's feeding a king (chuckles). - Did you guys ever try make-- - Can you get down on one knee? I'll do it to you if you win and I lose, I'll do the same thing. Just present the cookie. - So now that you've won, you're coming up with things that I have to do. - Yeah, no, I'm gonna do it for you. - For the first one I'm just gonna feed you, I'll do that. - You're saying it would get more and more humble as it goes? - It'll get more humble as it goes. - And I'll do the same for you. - Yeah yeah. - Cookie! Release. - Okay. You might've tasted a little bit of my nipple as well. Okay, next one. - Did you guys ever try and make a flavored vodka in college? I tried to put Swedish Fish in vodka but it just taste like Vodka and then you have little pieces of Swedish Fish. No, just me? - No. - We would have but we missed out on that. - [Woman] I got some love back here. - I was afraid of vodka. - Starbucks mocha frappuchino Oreo. - Oh, that feels right. - This is the first one that sounds good. Starbucks mocha frappuchino. - But you got me thinking about company collaborations. Fake. - I think Starbucks would be on board with this. - I think Oreo hates Starbucks. - No. - There's a Starbucks Oreo thing. - I've never seen, have I ever seen any cookie or any collab with Starbucks in any form. - Exactly, don't change your answer now though. - I'm racking my brain, I can't think of one example of Starbucks on anything, I think that they keep to themselves. Fake. - [Woman] Well, it is fake. - Yeah. - I was confused. - 'Cause, am I right, has Starbucks not combined with anything? I just don't think they have. - [Woman] Oh, here's a fun fact. - That's a hard question to answer, apparently. - What I've been reading as reveal facts, they're meant to be read as potential lead in facts, so my score sheet said this was fake but then it had a fake fact that sounded really real and I was confused. But they're fake! - Oh, that's why you got slow there for a second? - [Woman] Yeah, don't worry I'm okay. What are you Googling? - Have there been any Starbucks brand collabs? - It's hard to search for that. - Well, they did a collab with Ariana Grande for her new cloud caramel syrup. - Well, that's different. Okay, let's do the next one. No one got a cookie on that one 'cause we tied. - [Woman] Organic Oreos. - Organic-eos. - I feel like some brands think that it's a good idea to come out with an organic version of things but what happens a lot of times is you come out with that and it makes people think, "What's wrong with the version that we already like?" - Right, synthetic, apparently. - And so I don't think this happened. - Yeah, me neither. - [Woman] They're real, introduced In 2006. These Are just plain old Oreo cookies but made with organic flour and organic sugar. - We should've known man. Back then everything, everybody was jumping on that bandwagon. - So that didn't last, is what you're saying? - I wonder how different they tasted. If only there were an internet show that tasted a bunch of stuff and could-- - The packaging is bad, the packaging is sad. It's almost like, "Are you boring? "You'll like these". - Yeah, it's interesting how they use that type of free flowing cursivey font 'cause they think the people who like organic stuff like that type of font, which has nothing to do with Oreos. - Right. - You know the overlap between eating Oreos and-- - Yeah, that looks like a farmer who just like has a field in her backyard and invites you over for pie, wrote that with her green crayon, you know what I'm saying? You're like, "This is safe, no chemicals". - Well, I can tell that there was some design into it. - They hired someone to write on it. - It wasn't like a farmer. - That's why they were a little pricier - [Woman] What about ice cream rainbow sherbet? - Real. - Sherbert. Sherbet ice cream rainbow? - Ice cream rainbow sherbet. - See all you got to do in the manufacturing precess is just alter, just add some dye to the creme process. - Creme process has gotta be dyed. - Yeah, this is real. - We should do a different answer though so one of us can win and one of can lose so one of us can serve the other, so I'll go fake. - There you go. - They're real and it is spelled like rainbow Shure comma Bert. - Shure, Bert. - But the way they spelled, that's not sure, that's like microphone brand. - [Woman] Oh, man my score board, guys. It's fine that is not how-- - That's not how you spell sherbet or sure. - [Woman] But this flavor was a limited edition release in 2013, made of two golden Oreo cookies with a double stuff thick layer of tri-color raspberry and lime sherbet flavored creme filling. (Link claps) - Bring me the Oreo! Chop, chop. - Yes, sir. I shall not make eye contact with you. - Release. Dismissed. - See how it's done? Why couldn't you do that for me? See how humble that was? I have no trouble being that humble. I'm the best at being humble (laughs). - I'm trying to figure out what you're game is right now. Because you're up to something and I don't know what. - I literally had someone about 15 years ago who told me I'm the most humble person I know, and it wasn't Donald Trump. It was just a person that I knew. - Just a person? - It wasn't a person who regularly says things like that, it was a person that was actually pretty humble. - Did they realize it? - We laughed at him quiet a bit. - To his face? - Yes and then later and then we never let him live it down. - Do I know who this person is? - Now were getting like a little bit more creative and complicated. So this flavor, I guess I'll call it, is Oreo Music Box. And it was a record player that played music when you put an Oreo on it. And the music changed when you took a bite out of the Oreo. Is that real or did we make it up? - Wait, if that was real it's magic. 'Cause I don't even understand this technology. - How could you make this up? It's such a weird thing to make up, this is real. - That's why I'm going with real because it feels like who had the time to think of that and not actually do it? - A record player that changed. Okay, let's see. - [Woman] It was real, it was released in November of 2018. - What? - Okay, so it is the record. - The Oreo is the record. - It's not really functional. I thought that it would really play a record and there was an Oreo over here and it would-- - [Woman] No, I'm being told via this description that it did actually play music. - Yeah, but it didn't have a record on it. - When you said I'm being told, I began to think that you had an earpiece and you never told us about it. - [Woman] I have a slack earpiece. Which only a small percentage of people understand. - Right most people think that it means a loose earpiece. - Fruit Loops Oreo. - This looks like, oh Fruit Loops Oreo. Oh, another collab. - I'm gonna say fake because it seems like a great idea. - So Nabisco, are Fruit Loops Kellogg's? - I don't go there. - They're not Post. - But Nabisco is a subsidiary of what? Colgate? You know, I don't know, Arm & Hammer. - It's fake. - Oh, I didn't give an answer. - Oh, you were on fake. - Okay, yes, of course. - [Woman] But in 2017 Oreos did have a mystery flavor on the shelves for two months and then consumers were asked to submit their flavor guesses for a $50,000 prize and that mystery flavor was revealed to be Fruity Pebbles. So I think there is some kind of brand situation. - How hard was that to figure out? - Okay, this is the last one. - Well, we should know. It's harder than you think. We thought that that lemon cookie orange. - If you open it up to the population of Oreo people then you would definitely, somebody would get it right. It must have been first come, first serve. - [Woman] Okay, last one. And this is for everything 'cause you guys are tied. - Yes. - Elvis Oreos. - Oh, that would be banana and peanut butter flavor which would be really good. - And some butter, add some butter to that. - The Elvis estate is notoriously difficult to deal with. So I'm gonna say fake. - Even when we went to Graceland and they were accommodating but they had a lot of stipulations 'cause we ate their stuff. - They don't like to tarnish the kings name. I mean as you go on the tour, every time they come to a bar they say, "Now, Elvis did not drink but he liked "to provide his friends with alcohol". - [Woman] No, they're like ice cream bars. This is his fruit juice bar. - And, hey, listen I love you guys at the Elvis Estate hopefully you'll have us back, you probably won't now. - You know what? I'm gonna go out on a limb 'cause this would be a good flavor. - It would be great if it was real. - So I'm gonna say real. - [Woman] It is fake. - Okay, all right. Please make this one count. I mean, really you got to go super humble. Be more humble than I was. (claps) Cookie, please. - Excuse me King I couldn't help but hear that you called for the cookies. - Yes, servant. - How many cookies would you like oh majestic king? - I would like one cookie placed on my tongue. - Yes, of course. - One cookie for the royal tongue. - Okay. - Higher. Higher. Left. More left. - Yes, yes. - Lower. - [Link] Yes oh king, wherever you say. - On the royal tongue. Higher. - That it? There's a lot of hair there. - You missed, try again. - I've got to-- - One cookie for the royal tongue. - I've got to-- - Why was it so crumbly? - I don't know oh, king. Sir, please do not put me in the pit again. - (chuckles) Left. Down (laughs). Up. - Okay, oh, king, I'm going to go sanitize my hands. - Thank you, don't kill him. I know I said to kill him, don't kill him. - Too late, ah. (Rhett laughs) - [Announcer] New GMM mugs in three different wild styles are available now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,807,824
Rating: 4.848824 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, Crazy Oreo Flavors (Game)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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