So... Are Grass Type Pokemon Plants or Animals? | Gnoggin

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deep in the jungles of the Pokemon world you can find them in the millions swinging lining flying and even banana ink all over the place open banana next what even is this thing well it's a Pokemon Maxell you know the thing we talk about almost exclusively on this channel now I know that I mean what are those but those really fruit wouldn't that mean Tropius is just a plant what does it even do that's actually a really good question our grass type Pokemon plants or animals great well they done no no we're like really I mean we know some of them are just animals with plants on them but then there's also the grass type Pokemon that are definitely plants like oddish but are they really I mean what eating an oddish be vegan but also also who cares vegans are farts didn't that guy just like lose everything because he said that word publicly yeah too bad I'm only possibly here after the editing phase so you censor me all the time so grass type Pokemon plants or animals well to figure that out we need to ask some other questions like even as a plant me big brain think definition says that it's any member of the kingdom plantae compromising of multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that have a more or less rigid cell walls containing cellulose including vascular plants mosses liverworts and hornworts the word plane take reminds me of shantae and now it will for you too and I like that a lot maybe too much to be more relevant but that's a pretty rigid definition of what a plant can be right then let's check what an animal is and spot the differences an animal is any member of the kingdom Animalia which are multicellular organisms that have a well-defined shape and usually limited growth they can move voluntarily actively acquire food and digest it internally and have sensory and nervous systems that allow them to respond rapidly to stimuli so right off the bat we can see that there are a few differences that are pretty big so first plants normally create their own food but there are a few plants that don't rely on photosynthesis to survive some actually lure prey and eat them essentially hunting which isn't to say the definition is wrong though because it does say typically so who knows that can change based off of the plants that we see do that regularly like venus flytraps so like karna vine anyway though it's clearly not hard fact so grass pokemon are totally able to eat food that is not derived from themselves and they still be considered plants otherwise they'd all just be animals right here and now but a counterpoint to that is that the definition says in organic food sources like the Sun or dirt stuff like that but some Pokemon are made of rock and rock or are literal bowls of ghostly fire light energy I mean they could be organic or inorganic so this pokemon world is a little odd oh hush another interesting fact is that they denote animals as being able to react rapidly to stimuli and well I don't know I've seen plants move at the slightest touch I know I already used carnivorous plants as an example but they can snap shut with just so much as a fly landing on them but just so I don't only rely on carnivorous plants as the exception there are other plants that reacts to stimuli enter the monstera an apt name for this radically cool looking leafy plant it will actually move along the forest floor looking for a tree's shadow so it can then climb up its trunk to grow larger there are even some monstera that use the tree as a source of nutrients thus it's getting nutrients from an organic thing heck there's a breed of these plants that produce fruit also aptly named monstera delicious apparently the fruit tastes like a banana mixed with a pineapple interesting combo to say the least but this thing is practically a pokemon already I don't know why they haven't made a monster I grass pokemon with these really cool looking leaves with holes in them it could be grass dark or grass ghost or something spooky and intimidating since it takes over trees and monster parasitic evil but I do know that another plant that is super reactive is the mimosa pudica I'm probably mispronouncing that in fact the whole mimosa genus is pretty reactive closing its leaves at the faintest brush and if they sustained damage they have been known to even shut leaves across the entire plant until they peels but I mean all in all they're able to do all of this reaction without a brain even so that's a pretty rapid reaction is Dimmu lying fun fact many plants do actually feel pain feeling quotes because it's complicated celery specifically even releases the same chemical that our brains do when in pain at least I think it's celery is just some fun fact I remember from long long ago it might be asparagus actually one of them feels pain when you cut it anyways back to figuring out our question the animal definition says they have a well-defined shape and have limited growth essentially saying that they all look roughly the same and they only grow to be so big and really this is where a good difference comes in between plants and most animals can't grow bigger than the rest of their species sure there have been issues causing gigantism but that is not very common now plants on the other hand don't really have any reason to not grow bigger if they have enough food and water and nutrients they can realistically grow as massive as they want the only thing that really stops them at a point is a gravity but look at the redwoods no no no seriously do look at the redwoods maybe go to him they are absolutely gorgeous but they are strong enough to resist gravity for hundreds of years maybe even over a thousand at times and they grow massive so massive that you can drive a car through one that they hollowed out why they hollowed it out I'll never know tourism that poor poor tree also fun fact they actually hollowed it out before cars became the normal thing for people to have so good job guessing the general size of a car in the Future Passed tree Mahler's butts in Pokemon we see that these Pokemon don't grow indefinitely they do have a normal size sure there are a few outliers here and there but generally there's no gigantic Tentacruel levels of crazy going on after all there was some Team Rocket mad science behind that thing so that's one thing that's actually pretty solid evidence in terms of plant Pokemon actually being animals but let's get some more the back this though let's talk about the cell for a minute yes I know that you know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of a cell because it's a meme at this point but that's for animal cells in plant cells the chloroplast is the powerhouse of the cell the reason for the difference is that plant cells need to make their own power from the Sun so the mitochondria is quite a bit less used now let's talk about cellulose because cellulose is found pretty much in all plants save a few marine algae this stuff is what makes up the structure of all green plants now I'm not going to go into too much detail about cellulose but all in all it's the fibrous material that makes strong plant cells rigid like building blocks another big difference is there vacuoles pretty much empty spots they can fill in with whatever they be it storing nutrients or just storing garbage until it digests away these can make up to 90% of the cell so we're back to plants just getting bigger because their cells can be much larger than animal cells along with they're much more rigid cell walls that they can use to support themselves so in general plants can just keep getting bigger but this info just divides our Pokemon more so let's start to break it down for starters we already discussed that many of the plant pokemon dont solely rely on photosynthesis I mean we see grass types eating poke a food all the time so that must mean that their mitochondria isn't all that underused they're almost like a hybrid car that can run off of electricity and fossil fuels they run off of a Sun and food so I'm starting to think that they may actually almost all be a hybrid type of creature a best of both worlds situation and notably it could be that that entirely depends on which Pokemon you're talking about some Pokemon decks injuries go as far as the state that they love to lounge in the Sun or that they use photosynthesis to gain energy from the Sun but others don't so it may be that some Pokemon that are grass type are remarkable because of their photosynthesis this ability and that's why it's mentioned in the Pokedex or it's just that some Pokemon or that a grass type are just completely unremarkable so there's nothing else to say besides oh yeah they're part plant so really this is all going to come down to a list of facts about plants and animals and then we will grant a point to either side depending on what grass types as a whole fit into plants normally are unable to move whereas animals can normally move freely I'm gonna have to go with grass types being more like animals here for obvious reasons like we talked about earlier plants are able to make their own food animals not so much so grass type Pokemon is gonna get a plant point here as they have leaves and what is the point of leaves if not for photosynthesis clearly then most grass type Pokemon can do it so we're tied plants take in co2 to make oxygen whereas animals create co2 as a byproduct of respiration well as stated theoretically most grass pokemon with leaves perform photosynthesis and some of the grass types canonically perform photosynthesis in fact tur twigs Perl Dec century even states that it makes oxygen because of this so really Amy green or leafy grass type should inherently have chloroplasts in their cells thus meaning they are able to produce oxygen so plants are going to have to take that point next question is one that we've actually already answered in the last answer plant cells generally contain chloroplasts along with cellulose again something we already talked about so another point to them being plants and finally last question generally plants have no or at least very primitive sensory capabilities or as animals have precise or adapted sensories and for this one i will have to say that grass pokemon really are more like animals hair with their eyes and other sensory organs like the noses tongues ears and in some cases even nerves theoretically grass type Pokemon really stick out against regular grass who knew so by the very definitions themselves the final score is 2:2 animal 3 to plant so by this quick numerical system they are primarily plants and I guess that's a pretty decent explanation to the question perhaps it really should be a Pokemon by Pokemon question because like mentioned some pokémon like Bulbasaur are a plant on an animal and that's canon but then there's Pokemon like car divine and sunflora that are totally just sentient plants but then still Leafeon goes and makes things confusing it's pokedex entry states that its cells more closely resemble those of a plant than an animal and it evolved from an animal Pokemon meaning that this video is worthless fella and there's no real answer but it also begs the question if you do eat a purely plant pokemon does it still count as being vegetarian would consuming the flesh of a steamie be considered ok and I don't mean in that way any who got any points to add got any ethical questions about Pokemon then you let me know down below and until next time please remember to never stop using your noggin really though and punish salad disgusting
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 275,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon lets go, pokmeon lets go pikachu, pokemon lets go eevee, grass type pokemon, grass type pokemon explained, not grass type, gnoggin grass type, maxill, maxill a gnoggin, plants vs animals, plant vs animal cells, biology, pokemon biology, pokemon go, gen 8 pokemon, pokemon nintendo switch, pokemon grass type deck, pokemon grass type team, pokemon grass type moves, grass type, grass starters, grass team, truegreen7, top 10 grass type pokemon
Id: FxG0DtAA2og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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