Pokemon Timeline (New Sword and Shield Multiverse)

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[Music] though the Pokemon timeline is complex and split into countless alternate universes and two main multiverses would all have in common is that at the beginning there was nothing but an egg which hatched into Arceus also known as the Pokemon God Arceus created Giratina dialga and Palkia to administer the powers of antimatter time and space where dialga and Palkia created the basis for the world Giratina was eventually banished by Arceus to the distortion world for its violence with their labors complete dialga and Palkia retreated to their dimensions while Arceus continued its mission creating three lake guardians more legendary pokémon like Kyogre Groudon were formed from the depths of the world filling the Seas with water and creating land Rayquaza the third of these floated high in the ozone layer and intervene whenever the two arch enemies clashed the only other Pokemon known from these times were the Meuse found around the world and regigigas who with his strength shaped the many regions and created three Titan Pokemon Regirock regice and reggie steel of clay ice and magma the era of creation drew to a close as Arceus twin into slumber upon creating three time-space orbs hundreds of millions of years passed and the once great Mew population slowly declined the first humans appeared and the few Pokemon and the era of creation became many as prehistoric types such as Kabuto Kabutops and Aerodactyl appeared ruled for 200 million years and went extinct following a meteorite impact only the first pokemon bird Arkan and the turtle pokemon tear tuga were left to thrive and mark the beginning for a new line of pokemon hundreds of millions of additional years and countless evolutions passed until the end of the last ice age which led to another reduction of the number of existing Pokemon the humans who by now had settled most of the world worshiped several of the legendary Pokemon or magical creatures one of these was regigigas until they realized that threat that his powers posed to the Pokemon world fearing the unknown they sealed him and the rock tightens away but darker times were looming a few thousand years passed until a ferocious war broke out between two rivaling factions and the province of Kalos nevertheless instead of sending out soldiers to settle their differences they sent out their pokemon to do the battles for them the terrible conflict resulted in the death of many Pokemon including King AZ's floette bearing witness to this horrible sight the mighty AZ built a machine to revive the Fallen floette filled with guilt he couldn't forgive the responsible parties for the bloody war and in his anger transformed the machine of life to an ultimate weapon despite being aware of its consequence AZ fired without remorse the weapon to put an end to the war floette was brought back to life with a plan backfired horribly as accidentally the machine would grant immortality to his floette and himself when floette learned about this selfish act she abandoned her master the destruction that followed was so great that it caused a rift in time and space itself and led to the creation of two different multiverses in the first instance the energy Unleashed impacted specific stones out in space creating mega stones while in the other multiverse none such thing occurred as the Kalos war never took place and the outcome where the mega stones came into existence this event would mark the origin of mega evolution 1000 years passed since the Kalos War and due to meteorite showers of the mega stones in the Hoenn region Kyogre and Groudon woke up from their slumbers in their primal forms and resumed their fight for world domination once again Rayquaza intervened but this time it was a result of leads from the ancient dragon in tribe in the mega evolution universe when another meteor shower 1000 years later caused Kyogre and Groudon to fight for the primal source Rayquaza performed the first mega evolution and quelled the two arch enemies around the same time in the u nova region there once was a kingdom where the royal family had for a long time ruled the land with the mysterious dragon this balance of power maintained until the day when two successor princes ended up in a dispute over what should define their land truth or ideals as a result of this division the original dragons split into rushy ram and Zekrom to serve each of the princes while q realm was left as the empty husk of the original dragon the decisive confrontation between the two brothers took place as Reshiram and Zekrom fought but were unable to conquer one another as a result the brothers set away their differences in an utterly ruined view Nova time passed and the first pokeballs were engineered with it the humans had finally the means to capture store breed research the friend and most importantly trained Pokemon for battle in a competitive setting to regulate and professionalize this gambling activity official Pokemon leagues were set up in the different regions to enter these a trainer had to travel across the particular region to obtain gym leader badges from this point onward children between the age of 10 and 12 were granted their first Pokemon however Pokemon battles remained a dangerous activity until professor Westwood developed the first modern pokeball the results of his Reese greatly reduced the danger of injury and death involved in hunting and catching pokémon the popularity of the sport exploded but with a lucrative multi-billion dollar business on the rise it was bound that dishonest souls with attempt to exploit the situation this resulted in the creation of multiple criminal organizations aimed to steal Pokemon from trainers and blackmail executives the most notorious of these was the Kanto based team rocket headed by the trainer turned businessman Giovanni rocket quickly grew to notoriety for organized theft and sale of rare and valuable Pokemon on an industrial scale resorting to brutal methods against pokemons and their trainers the team was meant to conquer the world but its leader had a completely different obsession namely the legendary Mew following long searches Giovanni and his scientists finally managed to replicate and alter the DNA of Moo to give birth to the ultimate pokémon Mewtwo upon learning its origins it turned against the scientists and made its way to the cerulean cave in this harsh reality the renowned pokémon researcher Professor Oak from Pallet Town prepared three starter Pokemon for three very special trainers red his grandson blue and leaf green upon picking their Charmander squirtle and Bulbasaur they were tasked to complete the pokédex while blue who was been on tormenting his rival challenged red for a battle on the way to the Pewter City and Cerulean City Gym were the two earned their first badges upon beating Brock and Misty red continued his journey earning the Thunderer badge and got to lavender town where he took on Team Rocket and together with blue solved the mystery of the Haunted Tower this resulted in the touching reunion between the earth and baby cubone with the spirit of its murdered mother from here on out red defeated four more gym leaders and confronted the Team Rocket boss Giovanni twice one of them involved a faceoff at the silk company for the precious master ball red continued his journey on Cinnabar Island he learned about the identity of an entirely new Pokemon but nothing could prepare him for the leader in the eighth and final gym in Viridian City the Team Rocket mafia boss Giovanni after a long and hard-fought battle red finally defeated the criminal mastermind and taught him a lesson on what Pokemon are truly about this led to a change of heart from Giovanni who decided to disband Team Rocket red conquered Victory Road and defeated the Elite Four of the Pokemon League at indigo plateau only one challenge remained the current champion blue the time had come for the ultimate battle after using up their remaining Pokemon was time for the final showdown fire against water Charizard versus Blastoise gold had come a long way but only one had an unbreakable bond this difference turned decisive as Fred defeated his archrival blue becoming a true Pokemon champion but the journey was far from over as the Pokedex had yet to be completed and red resumed his quest catching legendary Pokemon such as Articuno Zapdos and Moltres and set course for the cerulean cave and Mewtwo the battle against the psychic master was immensely tongue as Mewtwo continued to regenerate so much so that in some of the outcomes red had to use his master ball while in others he used all his abilities to weaken Mewtwo and capture the ultimate pokemon the regular way the outcome was still the same as red had completed the Pokedex with exception of catching new that is wonder if it is still under that truck well at least in that universe since the kanto struggle against Team Rocket took place in several alternate Pokemon universes where mega evolutions don't exist and multiverses where mega evolutions do exist because of King AZ's action and the ones where mega evolutions did not exist we know of at least three alternate universes two of them involving a different red blue and a female trainer known as leaf which involved further adventures afterwards and then another one tied to a special Pikachu anyhow these are just examples that the Pokemon universe does not only consist of one universe and that these again have two main categories those where mega evolution exists and others which it doesn't we will get back to mega evolutions when we conclude the timeline without mega evolutions but for now let's get back to the original non mega evolution timeline involving red and Professor Oak around the same time in the Hoenn region two other trainers Mei and Brendan we're about to set off on their quests and discover the dark secrets of the province Norman the father of either Mei or Brendan depending on the universe or reality you play in had recently taken over the position as the leader of the petalburg gym and sent his child to his friend professor birch to pick his or her starter pokemon Treecko Torchic or Mudkip upon saving the professor from a pack of wild Poochyena by using one of the starter pokemon which differed based on the universe and realities they were sent in Norman's child was allowed to keep the pokemon used in the battle and a part to claim the eighth gym badges and challenge the Elite Four of the Hoenn province nevertheless two opposing criminal organizations Team Magma headed by Maxie and Team Aqua headed by Archie had set their goal in the next meteorite shower to awaken the two legendary Pokemon crowd on and Kyogre meanwhile may or brenden awoke the legendary rock titans of Hoenn regice reggie steel and Reggie Rock battled the mini grunts and admins and slowly learned that the two teams aim to use the red and blue orbs to summon Groudon and Kyogre two respectively expand landmass for humans and expand the amount of water despite being warned in three alternate universes the team leaders awoke the sleeping giants this was a massive mistake as the ancient pokémon had no interest in obeying the teams and headed to sootopolis city causing the weather to go wild the ultimate showdown was about to take place luckily when all seemed lost Brendon or may hurry to awaken Rayquaza that flew off and separated the two thus preventing further devastation with all eight badges the time finally arrived for May or Brendon to challenge and beat the Elite Four and then the current HOH in Pokemon League champion Steven Brendon or May were then inducted into the Hall of Fame three years passed until in the neighboring region of Johto two new trainers with quite different principles were about to set out on their great adventure the young gold had just picked his starter Pokemon from Professor Elam when he caught silver stealing from the laboratory and challenged him to a battle upon this first encounter gold set out to claim the eight badges of Johto on the way gold encountered curt a special pokeball maker persuaded the young trainer to fight against the restored team rocket in an attempt to reach their missing leader rocket grunts hijacked a radio station and transmitted a plea to him three long years had passed since international police forces stormed the Viridian gym which Giovanni had just abandoned traveling from gym to gym gold encountered silver on numerous occasions and Team Rocket members who attempted to locate Giovanni upon their decisive defeat gold captured the legendary hoo or lugia after being entrusted the clear Bell at the tenth hour finally he encountered suicune after awakening the other legendary beasts raikou and Entei from their slumber at the burn tower with all eight badges gold returned to Professor elf who handed him a master ball and told him to head for Kanto gold crossed Victory Road beat silver one last time and finally challenged and defeated the Elite Four and the current pokémon champion Lance gold was greeted by Professor Oak and inducted into the pokémon Hall of Fame and then went on to challenge the eight gyms of the Kanto region with all eight Kanto badges gold was finally granted passage by Professor Oak to route 28 and up to melt silver where a true Pokemon master awaited red with his Pikachu Lapras Venusaur Blastoise Snorlax and Charizard was an incredible final challenge to take on by gold but he still went on to challenge the legendary red the exhausting a decisive battle begun and the two masters followed each other Pokemon by Pokemon dealing one spectacular blow after the other in the end each of them had only one pokémon left to this day it is unknown who came out triumphant from this battle but it is assumed that red following this battle went on an extensive quest across the world it is also worth mentioning that the johto struggle against Team Rocket also took place but in slightly different forms in alternate universes during the events involving gold and silver in Johto a mysterious red Gyarados was sighted in the lake of rage and meant that was televised and viewed around the same time by the soon-to-be trainers Lucas and Dawn who soon after selected their starter Pokemon from Professor round of the sinnoh region just like in the three previous cases Lucas or Dawn had to claim all the region badges fight an evil organization named Team Galactic and then challenged the Elite Four and the league champion what is interesting about Sinnoh his Team Galactic with its leaders Cyrus their aim was to recreate the entire Pokemon universe into a utopia without spirit by summoning the legendary Dialga and Palkia to alter time at space unable to handle them the lake Guardians could not interfere in the plans nevertheless when all seemed lost the banished Giratina swapped Cyrus Dialga and Palkia to prevent the destruction of the pokemon and distortion worlds Giratina returned back to its world and lucas or dawn followed after thanks to some help from mess breath as l ook see and Cynthia Lucas or dawn were able to navigate through the gravity-defying environments there it was Arceus is vanished and misunderstood creation Giratina the legendary and infamous pokemon was a tough foe but in the end Lucas or dawn weakened it enough to be captured call and then used in the final battles against the Elite Four and the current champion cynthia with these victories the time had come to awaken and catch the legendary titans Regirock regice reggie steel and finally regigigas at snow Point temple a few years passed until a new trainer Hilbert set off on his quest in the you Nova region similarly to the previous cases this region had also its plague Team Plasma claiming to fight for the freedom of Pokemon it soon turned out that their leader gets true aim was to be the only trainer left with Pokemon learning about this Hilbert was called by one of the legendary dragons to rise up against n gets us his right hand and adopted son it soon turned out that n had the opposing dragon leading to a decisive battle between the two as a result of his defeat and realized his mistake turned against Team Plasma and gets us with plasma out of the way Hilbert went on to claim the title as you Nova League champion nevertheless similarly to the disillusion of Team Rocket the destruction of plasma was nothing else but wishful thinking as two years after their presumed defeat and dissolution a new trainer Nate encountered them and learned about their new target takeover of the you know Vereen infuriated by his past to beat and the new nuisance getss decided to utilize cue REM to clear his path to rule and get rid of any opponents including Nate in that moment the remorseful n appeared to save the young trainer but instead fell into his former superior strap following this great act of sacrifice Nate was left alone but accepted the challenge and defeated once and for all gets us and the dragon with a threat out of his way Nate finally took the step to become you Nova champion and as a gesture of gratitude received the remaining dragon from n afterwards he went on to compete in the champions tournament of the pokemon world tournament in the Innova region where among many challengers was read from Kanto the u Nova chronicles conclude the non mega evolution timelines the most straightforward universes of the Pokemon multi versus the multi versus begins with the war in Kalos but the effects of this multiverse can first be seen in Kanto and with the first generation here we have additional alternate universes under the mega evolution multiverses that of pokémon origins and Pokemon let's go let's begin with pokémon origins and reds adventure across Kanto which went on just like in an on mega evolution Kanto universes until the battle against Mewtwo was in reality lost after Charizard and red were sent out flying it was in this desperate situation that Red's Keystone responded and Charizard mega evolved with its newfound powers red and mega Charizard single-handedly weakened Mewtwo and served him cornered on a silver plate too red who then caught the legendary though cloned Pokemon now to the main line mega evolution timeline that we for the most part will follow for the rest of this video so let's go in the province of Kanto where mega evolution exists you caught depending on the universe a Pikachu or an Eevee and when on the same path as red had in origins visiting the eight gyms and gym leaders of Kanto battling Team Rocket and among them the most recognizable grunt members Jessie and James as what was the case in the non mega evolution universe the male or a female trainer made their way across the land solve the mystery in lavender town by kicking out Team Rocket traverse the Cinnabar Island and learnt about the existence of Mewtwo from here while flying or surfing their way through Kanto the boy or girl then challenged the Team Rocket mafia boss and leader of the FIR ideon City Gym Giovanni twice after his defeat the path was cleared to victory road the indigo plateau the Elite Four and finally champion battle even so the champion title was only the beginning of the battle as in this iteration of Kanto red blue and green were also present and bent on challenging the young trainer champion the same win for the 150 master trainers who were to test the abilities of our selected male or female trainer after catching all of the pokemon in the pokédex including the legendary Articuno Zapdos and Moltres Mewtwo the mythical Melton and Mel metal and even Mew things for sure turned out differently in this reality in the Hoenn region Team Magma or Team Aqua managed to use the blue or red or still wakin primal Groudon or primal Kyogre unlike in the non mega evolution universe rayquaza was never summoned to stop the individual legendary Pokemon as Brendan or Mei managed to calm down primal Groudon and primal Kyogre in time however there was another threat that was targeting the Pokemon world out from space the meteoroid originally zinia a pokemon trainer of the ancient dragon dead tribe at infiltrated Team Magma and Team Aqua in order to awaken Pokemon Groudon and Kyogre and then called rayquaza back to Hoenn to destroy the approaching meteoroid when this couldn't happen due to Brendon's or maze actions she changed her plan and broke into professor Birch's home to steal Mays key stone learning about this the fresh Hoenn league champion set out to battle zinnia who in order to prevent a teleportation of the oncoming meteoroid TuneIn on mega evolution multiverse of mega evolution owen destroyed the device and revealed her big secret at sky pillar zinnia told me about rayquaza and the two teamed up to summon the legendary pokemon with the key stones nevertheless in an unexpected turn of events rayquaza was too weak to mega evolve and it was first after it was given meteorite to consume that the evolution finally took place May then battled and captured mega Rayquaza used it to flow out to space destroyed the approaching media right then battled and capture deoxys at the edge of space zinnia had already left sky pillar leaving only a note to Brendan or main banking for freeing her from a lifelong duty after the Delta incident two new trainers in the province of Kalos were about to select their starter Pokemon from Professor Sycamore and head out to collect the badges required to enter the Kalos pokémon league flow at first it looked like this would be a regular Pokemon adventure for Serena and Callum things quickly turned sour as they faced the ideological syndicate team flare run by the self-made billionaire and philanthropist Lysander to cover his underground operation and his true aim to purify the world and destroy Kalos by sander for a while kept his facade as an admirer innovative and successful citizen Serena or Callum continued their struggles for the gym leader badges and along the way gained a special Lucario a mega ring and then learned to use the power of mega evolution nevertheless by the time either of the two trainers had gained their badges from the second-to-last gym leader Olympia Lysander announced his plans for Kalos being witness to this televised announcement Serena our calendar challenged Lysander and discovered the imprisoned and immortal AZ Lysander men intervened and informed about a Z and his involvement in the Kalos war 3,000 years prior and went on to manipulate either of the young trainers to defeat his scientist zero cick but this was just a setup as Lysander's true goal was to create a better world and remove anyone who opposed him infuriate Callum or Serena took on my center using the newly acquired mega stone caught the legendary Pokemon xerneas for eva tall and left Lysander to be destroyed by his own ego and the so called ultimate weapon full of confidence and determination Sabrina or Callum conquered the last gym leader Wulfric conquered their way through Victory Road and crushed the Elite Four in the Kalos pokémon league and the champion diantha a true legend that finally reached her goal of becoming the Pokemon master of Kalos caught 50 percents I guard and even was responsible for the heartwarming reunion between the former king AZ and his floette after the events in Kalos and the oh Lola Islands region Lily smuggled out the mysterious cosmic out of a mysterious laboratory three months passed and Sun or moon who had just moved from Kanto and Kahuna hollows grandson how selected to of the a Lola's starter Pokemon Rowlett Litton or pop lio naturally just like every other province the Aloha Islands also had a criminal team named skull that was after valuable pokemon after the first skirmish against its grunts sun or moon received a stone which was then carved into a powerful z ring by how whose grandfather Halla unlike the other provinces alala didn't have designated town gyms instead that Island challenges and Kahuna battles upon completing the first set of challenges in the trial sun or moon headed to a kala island and received a zygarde core shortly after sun or moon faced Kahuna Olivia and were shortly after introduced to loose amine the powerful president of the aether Foundation at the Foundation's headquarters they were introduced to their work of protecting and healing pokemon from the clutches of team skull and its enforcer gladion and after facing ub1 the origin of the ultra beasts the ub originated from an alternate dimension the ultra space and arrived to a lola through an ultra wormhole following this lesson the ub sun or moon faced the team skull leader guzman but could not prevent team skull plumeria from taking lili and cosmic away luckily as all seemed lost team skull defector gladion showed up and brought the three - the aether base where it was revealed that cosmic was an ultra beast capable of opening ultra wormholes that team skulls leader had collaborated with loose' me to unleash the ultra beast on a Lola and finally that lily and gladion we're loose amines children loose amine was stopped in time and cosmic was spared from death but loose amine and guzman escaped through the closing wormhole to the ultra space-time was about to run and sun or moon hurry to the altar of sun or moon to reawaken cosmic and transform it into either the legendary lune Allah or soul Galileo and opened the wormhole to the ultra space there Kuzma and loose amin awaited their arrival for a final battle between sun or moon and a corrupted fusion of loose amin and neha lego ub 1 from here with either lune allah or soul Gallio at their disposal sun or moon made their way to mount Lanakila to conquer the elite 4 of the newly established a lola pokemon league and then face professor Kukui for the champion title sun or moon kept calm carried on and finally challenged and defeated Kukui and was crowned as the first champion of a lola shortly after looker the international police officer approached sun or moon and Kukui with a task to hunt down the remaining Ubese and drop the bombshell that his partner Annabel was a human father from another world who ended up in this world through an ultra wormhole but this was merely the beginning as looker continued to explain that you bees didn't voluntarily come to this world and that Annabel who inherits a strong ultra wormhole aura had been recruited by the ub police special task force you be bait in fact Annabelle originally derived from the Hoenn region in a different universe where mega evolution does not exist upon hunting down and catching all the remaining you BES he battled mega evolution universe red and blue who were visiting a Lola for the battle tree and then gained the respect of the island spirit tapu lily thanked sun or moon and then departed for Kanto in order to find a cure for her mother now of having multiple alternate universes within each game and a clear-cut division between universes where mega evolution exists wasn't enough you also have alternate universes in the mega evolution universes that can be connected by ultra wormholes so in an alternative universe to the one we just went over a nearly identical adventure was about to unfold well with the exception of the presence of many more ultra beasts the ultra recon squad and the fact that Lu sameen aim to locate the ultra dangerous Nick Rosa and then ended up being thrown out of the same worm all the crows ma then merged with Lu Nala and Sol Galileo while other ultra wormholes throughout more and more ultra beasts you see while the wormholes could connect different parallel universes it primarily connected the ultra space with the ultra recon squads home city of ultra megalopolis there this world Sun or moon faced dusk main or dawn wings necros m'a to free soul Golay o or Lu Nala at mega lo tower just like in the parallel universe either Sun or moon went on to become the first League champion of a Lola not long after mega evolution Team Rocket's former boss Giovanni was brought to a lola through an ultra wormhole from mega evolution Kanto not wasting any time he rapidly join forces with aether foundations baba to overthrow loose' me and found rainbow rocket a criminal syndicate with the leader from all the previously mentioned criminal teams Team Rocket Giovanni Team Aqua Archie Team Magma see team galactic cyrus team plasma getss team flare Lysander who had been brought in from parallel universes and multiverses through ultra wormholes and ethers fobba from a lola together with lily sun or moon defeated all of rainbow rocket and liberated the imprisoned loose amine well Giovanni continued to travel among alternate universes as for Pokemon sword and shield and the ghoul our region the timeline or multiverse placement is more unclear much points to a clear reboot and the introduction of a new multiverse though the other regions are there and we have a few clues which can guide us one of them are the special Pokemon from Pokemon let's go and the only can tow me out which can be imported into the game and other are references to other regions in the world of Pokemon though throughout the entire game there is only a single mention of them by Sonia and even then the young professor does not mention specifically Kanto Johto ho n sin o u Nova Kalos or a Lola or any of the famous professors from these furthermore neither the postgame nor the battle tower has any trainers or champions from outside ghoul R and there are no signs or references to the other leagues and champions that we have reappeared and past Pokemon titles finally there is the matter of mega evolution which doesn't exist in ghoul are unlike what was the case in Kanto Hoenn Kalos and al-hola or Z moves in a lola instead Galahad Dyna maxing and Giganta maxing and both of these go back to ancient times when it was a plague in the region as such it appears that pokemons sword and shield is either at the end of the non mega evolution universe or more likely introduces a brand new multiverse and a soft reboot to the Pokemon franchise long ago in ancient times two brothers watched a falling Wishing Star when on the darkest de disaster struck a great black storm covered ghoul our and under Eterna toises influence Giganta max pokemon ran rampant freshing everything in their path it was then that two legendary pokemon ashen and sama Zenta with their sword and shield prevented disaster and paved the way to the throne for the two brothers they in turn made hammerlock their capital and erected a giant memorial to commemorate the grand victory many centuries passed and the memory of the two legendary Pokemon slowly faded away this was in part due to the efforts of later royal descendants who aim to rewrite history and hide all traces and memorials of sashen and xem Ascenta good examples here at the tapas trees and hammerlock's fault and the boulder and mural in Stowe on side place to cover the statues hiding behind at one unspecified point the old monarchy was dissolved then you had Rose who rose to prominence as founder of the macrocosmos corporation chairman of the gala our league and by popularizing Dyna maxing after it was rediscovered and brought under control by Professor magnolias most of all though Rose was obsessed with the dormant power from hammerlock's tower and the entire castle was most likely turned into a stadium and an energy plan the construction of this facility caused the need for a new capital a modern metropolis designed and developed by Chairman rose here in windin the previously endorsed by Rose Leon rose to prominence was crowned champion and with his Charizard remained undefeated for years to come a fact which ignited hop his younger brothers ambition to one day be the one that would dethrone him following an exhibition match with his rival Ryan Leon returned a wedge first to promote the upcoming gala our gym challenge and then outside his home handed hot and victor or Gloria their starter Pokemon grew key scorer bunny or Sabo upon their first battle as rivals Victor or Glo and ha followed a loose rule ooh into the slumbering well for the two fresh trainers faced a mysterious Pokemon which was completely untouchable this encounter intrigued Sonia and her grandmother professor Magnolia and put pressure on Leone to endorse both hop and Victor or Gloria for the upcoming gym challenge Leone though was skeptical and demanded another match which convinced him then like in ancient times to wishing stars fell down for the two young trainers and professor Magnolia quickly affixed them to Dynomax bands to increase the new challengers odds and gallerist gyms waving their goodbyes hop and victor or Gloria set off for the opening ceremony at moto Stoke Stadium the train however ran into a flock of wool ooh who blocked the further path from the vast wild area this didn't bother the fresh trainers in the slightest in particular since Sonia followed to investigate the Dynomax phenomenon and the events of the darkest day who would remain an obstacle though was team yel the passionate fans of gym challenger Marni and the source of her greatest embarrassment well them and gym challenger B who chairman rozat personally endorsed Victor or Gloria set out to collect the first three gym badges in the stadium center field mulberry and moto stone and on the way explored the darkest day geo glen and tur field with Sonia determined Victor or Gloria entered the stadiums and pulled out Dynomax victories against Milo Nessa and Kabu claimed the grass water and fire badges and was even invited for dinner with Sonja chairman rose and a secretary Oh Leanna but the first three badges secured Milo Nessa and Kabu waved their goodbyes and wish the best of luck on the journey across the northern wild area to hammerlock and the second half of the gym challenge their chairman Rose explained in detail how the plant in the city worked by generating energy from hammerlock stadium's tower and Sonia went over some old tap trees depicting the circumstances behind the founding of the former Kingdom of ghoul are the one question remains where the sword and shield wielded by the brothers or Pokemon the answer was revealed underneath the mural and stow onside which beat a destroyed nonetheless this act of vandalism greatly upset chairman Rhodes he decided to withdraw his endorsement of being Victor or Gloria went on to Dynomax and later Giganta max their Pokemon to defeat the next gym leaders be open 40 years and finally ride on to claim the fighting fairy rock dark and dragon badges complete the gym challenge and qualify for the champion Cup in windin the battles against Marni and hop went well and Victor or Gloria qualified for the final Cup but then Leon went missing eventually they tracked him down to roses tower where they took on macro cosmos as Oleanna but failed to convince Leon to confront Rose macro cosmos as CEO there and then instead the naive champion was outwitted by his chairman under the false promise to delay his energy experiment until after the champion Cup was concluded Rose however had no intention to delay his plan and while everyone was occupied with Victor or glorious matches against B and the other gym leaders he released Eterna tests from its imprisonment and lost control just as the title match was about to begin the Chairman interrupted not to wish luck but informed that things had gotten out of hand with dieter notice causing Pokemon to Dynomax in a number of gaol our stadiums angered Leon added straight for the tower in hammer lock while the Challenger would ha returned back with Sonya to locate in the slumbering weld the legendary Pokemon who halted the darkest day unfortunately instead of zan and Zam Ascenta victory Gloria and hop only found their resting place and a rusted sword and shield even so they shared the spoils and brought them up to the top of hammer lock after defeating chairman Rose who confessed to a the dangerous eterna TISS Victor or Gloria and ha arrived just when Leon was brought down to his knees forcing his younger brother in the title challenger to finish the battle with eternity together they continued to weaken the monstrosity but as it appeared that victory was in sight a gigantic Maxine turned the odds completely untouchable Gloria and hopf combined their rusted sword and shield and called upon session and zemo's enta who joined the two trainers and their pokémon for the mother of all max raid battles with their help Victor or Gloria finally caught eternities and then go up against Leon with his Charizard and the fully evolved started that everyone overlooked the undefeated champion was toppled from the throne in an incredible showdown with it the time arrived to return the rusted sword and shield just then as Victor or Gloria pop and Sonia for reminiscing over their long adventure the darkest day in sashen and zemo's enta two descendants of the deposed royal family sword work and she'll birch showed up insulted professor Sonia told that they would restore the monarchy took one of the rusted weapons from high and hurried off to her field mulberry stolen signed sir Chester and finally a Murloc stadium to Dynomax a number of innocent Pokemon while Victor or Gloria were occupied calming down these soared word and shield Bert abused the rusted sword or shield to call upon sashen ores Emma Zenta to cause havoc when it refused and instead went after sword word or she'll Bert and ha sashen ores Emma Zenta came down calm down its counterpart and then accepted to be caught by Victor or Gloria pop then rushed to the slumbering weld and was accepted by the remaining legendary setting the stage for one final time battle with his original rival and now champion of gala to conclude a long journey the only thing which remained was to conquer the battle tower where among many Leon waited once again [Music] and we made it the end of long and complicated timelines of non mega evolution mega evolution and possibly even more multiverses with a number of multiverses for each of the gains the Pokemon timeline or multiverses are no doubt complex and took a long time to make so be sure to leave a like subscribe to Commonwealth realm and press that notification bell if you haven't already as always a very big thank you to all our patrons on patreon dot-com / common realm and obviously these kind of productions especially starring Jason Dameron as the voice-over lord are not free to make they take a ton of time to put together pretty much a brick by brick process and we need your support on patreon.com slash common realm to make more of these so we will greatly appreciate it and in the meanwhile enjoy one of these two videos [Music]
Channel: Commonwealth Realm
Views: 1,537,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Timeline, Pokemon Sword Shield Timeline, Pokemon Sword and Shield Review, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Switch, Pokemon Sword and Shield Controversy, Pokemon, Nintendo Switch, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Pokemon Let's Go, Pokemon Theory, Pokemon Sword Story, Pokemon Shield Story, Pokemon Gen VI Remakes, Pokemon Sinnoh Remakes, Pokemon Sword and Shield Multiverse
Id: alxVx9TR0Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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