Top 10 Possible Alola Forms in Pokemon Sun and Moon

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hey guys drew 3:7 here and since i'm in love with the idea of variant Pokemon and Sun and moons aloha forms nothing would make me happier than presenting you guys with my ideas for various alternate Pocky monster forms that we could get in Sun and Moon keep in mind that this list consists of Pokemon variants with consideration for the environment and geography of the ololo region the following Pokemon were picked because I want to focus on alternate forms that were to add or take away the original pokemons typing so while I'd love to see a wit week based on a torch or a Ludicolo with the Hawaiian vibe these ideas wouldn't change any of their types so I opted to leave them out of this list drastic type changes that make no sense within a Louis geography also won't be considered and I'll try my best to explain how these pokemon adapted to their environment and make it realistic but also imaginative but of course this list is just an assortment of Pokemon that I want to see and the video is just for fun and entertainment nothing I say will affect the game so just enjoy and trust me I wish everything I said was implemented into the game number 10 ice Snorlax so since Snorlax takes a lot of inspiration from bears what with the hibernation and all I think creating a polar bear looking a lowland Snorlax that lives right here would make tremendous sense like imagine Snorlax is huge size was a metaphor for how much sense this makes this white design helps them blend in with the snow and perhaps they can make him fluffier because remember it's never enough until you add some fluff this color scheme was actually inspired by a Pokemon side episode in which magical Snorlax snowmen come to life so it would be a nice nod to this Christmas special I can see a snowman Snorlax in our near future number 9 fire diglettz of course the trio gets a fire form too but we're gonna focus on diglettz because they're way cuter so I imagine that with the presence of volcanoes in a lola there would be some volcanic activity that's a safe assumption right now what if piglets were to be digging around volcanoes that were constantly active like this one cuz excuse me ma'am your volcano seems to be leaking so I think that it would make sense that the big looks in that area would adapt to digging in lava over thousands of years of course and slowly become fire diglettz perhaps I created this form just because I like saying fire diglettz fire diglettz getcha fire diglettz only 999 now with optional fire number eight water dark sand Isles so we all know that the sand Isle line comes from Unova and they basically only stay in the route for desert because they need the heat to regulate their body temperature and any place else in Unova isn't hot enough so what if the you know veins who are sick and tired of having evil crocodile crooks around their houses brought over some sand Isles - oh Lola and drop them in this desert right here but because of sand Alif rebellious nature it doesn't want to stay in this enclosed sandy area and just walks to the nearby beach eventually the population stays there and adapts to the water because the rest of the Lola has tropical weather that can regulate their cold-blooded body temperature over time they end up looking like this and have access to water type attacks cool right number seven water hippo dongs now I actually see this happening because in the real world hippos are always around water so water hip out on won't be the most far-fetched Pokemon on this list unless far-fetched is on this list but it isn't he pout on is and those holes could totally act like blow holes that whales have in fact did you know that the closest living relatives to the hippopotamus are whales and dolphins yeah so these things shooting out water is totally backed up by science you can't argue with science guys number six water fairy Milotic so if mecha Milotic won't be happening then we might as well just pull all those mega melodic designs and take some of those aspects to make a bigger and more beautiful Milotic but you may be asking Ron how do we make a Milotic more beautiful it already maxed out its beauty so much beauty can't go into one single creature it's inhumane so how about we just make it a little bigger give it a tropical tint and add more spots it won't necessarily make it prettier but it will make it look realistically divergent from the original design the Hoenn Milotic lives in rivers so it'll be smaller than an oceanic Milotic like this one number five fire ground swine um so apparently the aloha executor could be the original species of executor and the ones from Kanto are descendants from the lowland ones so what if swine up were originally from Aloha as well and lived in the desert slowly over time they climbed this mountain and the ones that stayed there adapted to the cold weather the iced wine up became an invasive species so they were moved to Johto and the fire ground swine up remain in Aloha I gave the fire swine of a yellow patch that indicates that they're related to tappings who are also fire piglets number four pure water product so we know a few scientific things about crawdaunt's family first that Corphish were brought into Hoenn from a foreign land and soon became invasive species and as they evolved they became aggressive and attacked all other Pokemon in the water crowd on star design on his head makes it look like a Sharpedo from a distance so other animals fear it even more so you know where I'm going with this maybe corphish are from aloha and in their natural habitat they don't become aggressive and never evolve into dark types so crowd on sandal Ola look more like Corphish and don't mimic sharpedo's design they're also more vibrant and happier in general number three grass sudowoodo's we can go to roots with this and even use existing mega sudowoodo concept art so sudowoodo is based on petrified wood basically a tree that becomes rock over time we can theorize that maybe sudowoodo were originally animated tree Pokemon and the ones that petrified due to volcanic activity were more suited to live around lava but became super allergic to water or the opposite may be originally sudowoodo's were formed by volcanic activity but the ones that moved into the rain forests and marshes had to adapt to the water and slowly became grass types either way in a Lolo we don't have sudowoodo we have genuine root oh yeah that's a terrible name number two dark Ratatat and Radek eights now this is supposedly gonna happen based on the Chinese leaks and I put it on here because it would make total sense you see in the real world of mongooses I'm so compelled to say monkeys anyway mongooses were introduced to Hawaii to deal with all the rats around and Jung were also brought to a Lola to deal with some other Pokemon I believe they were brought to deal with some nasty dark type Ratatat and radicans I made them dark furred and more scruffy I even gave the radit a scar cuz scars are badass and I applied some eye shadow to eradicate because eyeshadow is also badass and now for some quick honorable mentions that I wish could have been included how about some water fairy seals and dugongs that live on the beach instead of on the ice poisonous blossoms volcanic geodude's fire and rock type mag bars that have hardened fighting alakazam that live on the beach a ground ghost witch doctor marowak and ice grass go goats that are bay we mountain goats and number one is water type growlithe and arcanine now this is another potentially leak tolola form and i personally would have given it the ice type but for some reason there are already a lot of ice versions of Kanto Pokemon but I still want to see a blue arcanine because that's without a doubt the coolest thing ever of course the design I have here isn't how I actually want it to look like I'd rather have curlier hair instead of the spiky fur but that would take hours to design and it's not necessary to prove my point the justification for their existence would be that they lived on this island but as the volcano dried up the ones that were able to create steam instead of fire could survive and slowly they became water types now if you enjoyed this video please leave a like of course my birthday was yesterday so you could leave a like for that too but if you were anyways gonna leave a like then subscribe as well but if you're already subscribed then you're simply the best person ever how about following me on Facebook and Twitter while you're at it and checking out these videos on the side for more top Ken's Sun and Moon content and fact videos in the meantime I'll see you guys very soon
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 2,698,472
Rating: 4.896328 out of 5
Keywords: Alola Arcanine, Top 10, Top 10 Pokemon, Alola Form, Sandslash, Ninetales, Exeggutor, Oricorio, Minior, Gumshoos, Lurantis, Mudbray, Z-moves, z moves, island challenge, alola, Pokemon GO, Pokemongo, Go, Pokemon, Truegreen7, Salandit, True green 7, pokemon sun and moon, Tapu koko, vikavolt, rockruff, komala, Nintendo, Starters, Starter Pokemon, Alola Region, Legendary Pokemon, Generation 7, Gen 7, Moon, Sun, yungoos, MandJTV Pokevids
Id: lHlguH3TkY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2016
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