Umbreon Makes no Sense... 🌑 Gnoggin | Origins of Umbreon

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oh my gosh the lights have turned off what is happening does this mean i am a dark type pokemon now but really umbreon's neat so neat that i'm making this video just kidding it's still eevee time something to kill the time huh you really think i'd willingly talk about umbreon it's like the bottom six of all the eeveelutions but i guess what i should talk about is the click bait in that title and thumbnail i'm not gonna apologize about how great i am at getting you to click i mean the darkest secret it's funny because it's overused and not true at all oh and it's a dark type pokemon or is it [Music] you know when i need to work and josh is in the room i just have to have something to listen to because that boy is loud and when i need easy audio right now that connects super simply my go-to choice are my raycon everyday earbuds these things are perfect for just sitting at my computer listening to instrumental metal or as i call it instrumental because i am a dork and i can just get up and go anywhere with them they're just so comfy and they go everywhere i could just wear them every day and it's funny because that's what they're called everyday earbuds it's pretty fitting i mean i can just keep listening for hours in fact 32 of them which is amazing that's some amazing battery life and you can use them to sleep because they're so comfortable and they have a bunch of different tips for your really weirdly shaped ears and just in case i decide to be even dorkier i can really rock out and they don't fall out and best of all oh gosh my head these bad boys start at half the price of other premium audio brands and with a 45-day happiness guarantee there's not really anything to not love so go ahead and click the link in the description box or go to buy recon dot com slash lockstin and get 15 off of your raycon purchase and a big thanks to you and raycon for supporting this channel that's right umbreon is a farce a fake hedgehog you could say i mean it's edgy enough and i will now proceed to eat those words umbreon isn't exactly all that dark to me i mean hear me out most of us know that the dark type isn't literally darkness the shadow type but dark in a more abstract sense the type's name in japanese roughly translates to evil type it's dirty tactics doing anything you can to win cheating lying stealing being mean and such and umbreon isn't really evil or twisted it doesn't even fight all that dirty like what's the darkest thing it does in its pokedex entries oh it's a nocturnal predator what the dingly do it has to eat to live how menacing sure it's a bit scary i guess but i'm sure being stalked by any nocturnal predator is scary there's a puma behind me isn't there well let's look at the moves it knows naturally there's snarl bite assurance dark pulse oh that's it four dark type moves it almost knows as many fairy moves how is this evil i mean yeah sure it still knows all these so maybe it isn't the nicest in a fight but is that all to its dark typing well it's known as the moonlight pokemon and the moon is a big rock that orbits the earth so i guess we have to get into symbolism to figure this out huh the moon has often been associated with evil things i mean it's what triggers werewolves it's what allows the witching hour to exist and in some cultures it's a portal to the underworld or it when full allows demons and or wicked fae creatures to roam our plane of existence it's a place that some wicked people get banished to in some chinese folklore plus all sorts of dirty deeds and crimes happen by the light of the moon and as such we and many animals have a natural fear of the dark it's dangerous so its origins are actually rather interesting foreign eevee but its dex entries are extreme oddities they have basically nothing to do with its presumed origins umbreon at first glance is a black cat hence the dark typing and you know the bad luck that black cats bring their association with evil witches them being bad omens to all whose paths they cross though interestingly in japan it's the opposite if a black cat crosses your path it's good luck and sends positive vibes into your future odd right especially considering that the johto region is based around this part of japan which is where osaka is found considered to be an extremely traditional japanese city so surely a lot of the mon here would focus more on japanese tradition so maybe umbreon doesn't actually pull from a black cat at all looking at it closely makes a bit of sense you see its ears are actually rather round and long and i mean compare it to its counterpart espeon espeon is clearly leaning more towards catlike with its ears body and tail meanwhile umbreon may be one of the least cat-like eeveelutions ears like this are quite unlike cat ears they are a much more rabbit-like trait and this plus its love of the moon could be seen as an inspiration from the rabbit on the moon another cultural icon in both the western and eastern worlds in fact the rabbit of the moon is directly involved in that chinese tale where bad folks get banished to the moon so i suppose a dark type would be a bad folk banished to the moon huh so there's that but what makes umbreon's ears even more unique are these interesting yellow bands that according to the pokedex glow when in the moonlight when exposed to the moon's aura the rings on its body glow faintly and it gains a mysterious power and there are quite a few theories about what that's based off of some say that the rings are similar to egyptian symbols that were used to depict bastet the cat goddess and well it's not an entirely bad comparison though the god bastet was actually a sun goddess though history being as dumb as it is the greeks didn't know how to read and are even still struggling with reading numbers and financing but when it comes to their interpretations and adoption of these egyptian gods they turned bastet into a moon goddess in their depictions [Music] but that's not really fair it's like saying it's a dark type just because it's nocturnal even though it used to be non-nocturnal as an eevee what is the opposite of nocturnal diurnal apparently so uh there's your fun fact of the day it could be that umbreon is inspired by tez kid lapoca let's see you say that word four times fast because i just had to say it eight times before i got it the test kit lapoca is supposedly similar to umbreon but all i see is its black coloration with yellow bands oh and it's affinity for the night sky but i feel like all of these that we've talked about so far are just trying to explain this pokemon i know that's what we do here but i feel like we're sort of trying to find the peg that fits the hole instead of the hole being made for the peg if that makes sense we're just finding things that sort of fit the pokemon sort out so maybe if we look back to umbreon during the game's development we can find some missing pieces that tends to work a bit better than just going through bulbapedia anyway you see back when they added umbreon if that is its true name they were also adding two new types and one of these new types was a special type rather than physical which is important because all of the eeveelutions are special types that's why there will never be another eevee but if we do get another eevee it will be dragon type or they will just break their pattern they're allowed to do that because like these rules are arbitrary but just like with sylveon to help sell the fairy type they wanted one of the new eeveelutions to sell this new dark type and while it might feel like umbreon just fits perfectly into the game world it wasn't always like that in fact in an interview gamefreak talked about their beta versions of pokemon i even have a video about those here but it's not surprising that some pokemon wind up drastically different than when they were first thought up i mean just look at artillery and hex vilas was originally a mecha tank pokemon and as for espeon and umbreon they were going to actually evolve via stones like the other three eeveelutions at the time they would use a heart stone for espeon clearly and umbreon would evolve with a poison stone yeah not a dust stone or some new evil stone no a poison stone umbreon wasn't going to be dark type originally originally it wasn't a case of oh dark type we should add dark type eevee because this new dark type's pretty neat and dark nah umbreon was poison type when they first thought it up and then they changed it probably to sell the dark time but what gives well it might have been a few factors one uh dark type is cool i mean it's new and interesting why wouldn't you take one of your more favorite man and have it evolved into one and reason number two espeon was going to be psychic poison and psychic aren't really all that related i mean thematically yes they have interactions in the game poison is weak against psychic mind over matter and eastern medicine or something yeah poison and psychic is not nearly as interesting as the power of knowledge versus evil the same mind versus fear incarnate mean and spooky thing make brain go bird but not in a bad way and on top of all that they were adding in the new daytime nighttime mechanic psychics are enlightened and there's all sorts of higher mind concepts in various cultures that involve the sun so that's easy and then what's better to have than a dark type evolve at night a dark type who's solely nocturnal that surely won't confuse the western audience about what the type means that's much easier than having to explain how you have poisonous stones and heart stones though nowadays i'm sure those both could exist and we wouldn't even bat an eye maybe because of toxic barbs and heart scales already kind of do exist so they don't work exactly like the evolution stones but you get the idea thankfully this revelation that game freak gave us wasn't anything unheard of or unspeculated about like it being poison type in the past was no surprise because they didn't really bother changing its pokedex entries from pokemon gold when agitated this pokemon protects itself by spraying poise in his sweat from its pores now i sort of doubt that they meant to leave this deck's entry in i mean the darn thing doesn't naturally learn a single poison type move and in later pokedex entries they had to sort of figure out a way to backpedal and make it fit a bit better they tweaked it by saying when this pokemon becomes angry its pores secrete a poisonous sweat which it sprays into its opponent's eyes oh anger and eye spray that's very dirty fighting tactic so dark type and they didn't really change the design of the pokemon at all either i mean if you look at its beta sprite it still has the odd rings meaning that the pokemon's design origins aren't really then based off of moonlight or the darkness were being evil and mean they might have just simply tacked on the idea that it glows with the moonlight to make it sound better and more fitting of its new type it's a spooky glow honestly it probably would be better as a dual type dark poison but all of the eevees are monotype you know well with the context of it originally being a poison type we might be able to get more into its true origins so a poisonous cat fox is a rather odd creature right i mean i know there are poisonous cat or pillars but not cats so we know that it's probably not based on a venomous cat or really even a venomous mammal mammals and venom don't really go together however there are always exceptions in the animal kingdom there are four ish known mammals living today that have sort of venom the famous platypus the north american short-tailed shrew the eurasian water shrew and the caribbean shrew the solonodon they're also adorable there is also a primate that has venom but it only uses it in defense now here's the fun fact the slow loris is a primate that produces a toxin from glands in its inner elbows that they can squeeze into their mouths and then deliver it to another animal with a bite weird right it's like dangerous sweat oh that's what umbreon does isn't it when agitated this pokemon protects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores poisonous sweat it's pretty interesting that there are actually mammals that could in theory produce it so toss in some fantasy imagination and bam why not be able to spray it like maybe similar to a skunk possibly though perhaps less like a hose and more like a sprinkler a sprinkler of venom it could also be similar to real life cats dander many people are allergic to cats and they assume it's the fur but it's actually their dried saliva and they happen to lick their fur a lot so yes the fur still carries it but it's not the fur itself because of this people allergic to cats can still be allergic to the breeds with extremely short fur like those nudist cats meanwhile bella knees and siberian cats are among hypoallergenic cats because they happen to produce very little of that toxin in their saliva protein fel d1 is a toxin to our respiratory systems but such a mild one that most of us don't care but it means a lot to those of us who are allergic to it but interestingly this protein found in cat saliva is actually extremely similar to the slow loras venom so it could be some sort of defense the cat has evolved to have specifically to prevent predation or as a pheromonal signal to keep them away now while this is cool and all i'm not sure game freak thought about all this at the time i love to give their designs credit but most of this information is recent well at least more recent than one gen 2 was new which was 20 years ago [Music] which was 22 years ago i've had this script for a while but thinking of poisonous or venomous creatures the first thing that pops into my head is bright colors or odd patterns to ward off predators essentially saying hey don't touch me you'll die it's incredibly common poison dart frogs and loads of insects are perfect examples umbreon's dark patterning and yellow rings are extremely contrasty with one another i mean heck look at the yellow banded poisoned heart frog it's a beauty plus umbreon's shiny gives it blue rings and what could that reference other than the incredibly famous blue ring octopus a small creature whose toxin can kill 26 adult humans within minutes yeah it's spooky stuff it's one of the most toxic creatures on earth and it's blue rings the rest of it's yellow which could be yellow rings that's probably stupid but this octopus is really popular especially in japan because they're actually pretty common over there but trying to translate an octopus into a rabbit dog that's an interesting one then again they could have been inspired by one of many yokai such as the ushioni and yes i know that is definitely not a cat that is a gross spider bowl crab looking thing right however its black body and the ability to spit poison and kill humans in the night does link it up quite a bit also its appearance can match too according to how its story is told in the wakayama prefecture specifically their version of this yokai is said to have the body and demeanor of a cat or at the very least an added cat tail it has a cat tail it's a spider ox with a cat tail and it acts like a cat it's not weird at all it's cultural also as it travels through the woods it's completely silent because it's a really spooky really good predator and interestingly enough to ward them off you had to state opposites like rocks float the sun is dark and it didn't take too kindly to the laws of physics being disrespected like that so it left now this poisonous creature may have been the inspiration along with that frog and the blue-ringed octopus but this was only the beginning i'm sure there are tons of stories of spooky in the night cat things but the ushioni is unique in that it still works after changing umbreon's type the ushione is a pretty evil and dark yokai plus its fur is black and it hunts at night very dark type things i suppose so i guess we could put an equal sign right between them i guess i've been talking a while about something that might be nothing haven't i all because gamefreak forgot to take out a small pokedex entry and had to just leave it there as a constant reminder of their beta design and who knows maybe they left it on purpose as a nod to the creator's original idea or they just completely forgot and it slipped under their radar well umbreon clearly has some strange origins maybe even the weakest out of all of the eevees it more so sort of just embodies the poison or dark type rather than being a specific thing either that or it's a bakken echo while espeon is the nekomata i mean bakanekos are a cat yokai that terrorized people bewildered and cursed them with lights and also is the perfect nighttime predator blending into the darkness and not making a sound all while using spiritual powers that are powered by the moon so it stares up at the moon to charge up its energy yeah no yeah that's it's definitely that i don't know where i was going with the rest of this video i guess that was just covering the whole poison type swap thing wow umbreon's true origins fit into three sentences and this is probably going to be one of the longest of the eevee videos huh funny how nature do that uh well what do you think umbreon could be cooler that's not that's not what the line was but let's leave that well what do you think would umbreon be cooler if it were left poison type let me know down below and until next time you never stop using your noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 107,047
Rating: 4.920156 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemon hgss, pokemon gsc, umbreon, espeon, eevee, eeveelution, eeveelutions, new eeveelutions, new eevee, new eevees, eevee fakemon, fakemon eevee, umbreon origins, what is umbreon, what is eevee, what is umbreon based on, what is espeon based on, umbreon poison type, dark type pokemon, was umbreon poison type, was umbreon originally poison type, what umbreon really poison type, nekomata, pokemon based on yokai, espeon and umbreon, umbreon and espeon, pokemon theory
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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