The Reason Why EVERY Pokémon is in Galar! | Gnoggin - Pokémon Sword and Shield

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[Music] quick quick sword and shield are about to no longer be the newest pokemon games we have to finish all of our swish videos quick quick start the big one why every pokemon is in gallard you know i think that sentence is a lie they specifically aren't well i don't mean that every pokemon is in galar i mean why every pokemon that is in galar is in galar and we all know why the gen 8 pokemon are there every jenny pokemon is british but when talking about the dex cuts game freak also mentioned that the pokemon actually in galar have a reason for being there it's something pokemon is no stranger to alola also had most of the tropical equatorial mod that already existed in their region too and also we've already talked about this in some capacity our video about what the galar pokedex got wrong yeah like missing half of them no like why are zotu and serena here but not granble which is based on an english bulldog well we explained those in that video sort of just going over a handful of seemingly mistakes but today we're going to briefly go over every gen 1 through 7 pokemon found on mainland galar and explain why they are there oh so no dlc exhilarating so then do we just go through like a list or do we categorize well there's 400 mon in the galar decks so i'd better be quick whatever i do let's go by category that way we can actually wipe a ton of them off of the list right from the start the least interesting of them anyway category 1 is easy peas the pokemon that are based on things that the uk does in fact have also extra clarification in case you didn't know galar is based on great britain the main island of the united kingdom the british however it does seem to mostly pull just from england one of the three countries that takes part of it so it's basically if england took over the rest of great britain which they've continually tried to do basically anyway like butterfree the whole butterfree line we're gonna we're gonna mention pokemon and just know that we mean their entire line butterfree it's a butterfly the united kingdom does in fact have butterflies within it crabby is a crab also had by them in fact here are all of the pokemon that are here just because the uk happens to have the same plants and animals there's no other more interesting reason for them and i did look into most of these like i was thinking maybe diggersby like i know they have rabbits but maybe a british person invented the excavator huh nope it's american so i guess it's just here because rabbit the uk has horses they've got pumpkins boars bee flies barnacles for days they've even got cherry trees and spooky dead trees it's quite simple so here's all of the pokemon in that category so let's move on to a slightly more interesting but still fast category i'll call it the basically british already pokemon category these are pokemon that directly relates to something about what is stereotypically british or are already based on something specifically british like espurr which is based on the scottish fold breed of cat vanillux is based on a style of ice cream cone from and still popular in the united kingdom there's swords knights and princes dragons sort of european as a whole they are but the uk is a big part of that england especially lapras is basically the loch ness monster already also plesiosaurs lived in what would eventually become the waters around europe now del mars well one of the reasons the british empire was able to dominate the world was their naval supremacy boats galore and plenty sunk in warfare and piracy creating plenty of ghost ship and cursed treasure aboard me sunken ship stories matey britain is also well known for its baking scene so there's slurpuff and you can't have slurp off without its partner line aromatisse in fact i should probably also mention this at some point a lot of the pokemon that were included in the galar decks may not actually have something directly related but their partner pokemon line is related and these two are partner pokemon lines another good example would be like a sel gore a selgor itself doesn't really have anything but shellmet and his cavalier they are knights mainly french knights but still they're knights and since shellmet evolves into a cell core well a selgor needs to be here too because obviously anyway passimian is a rugby playing lemur rugby is big in england and oren guru is its partner mon but also the british empire and india where many gurus are from share a lot of history scrafty is a hoodlum punk here for the same reason as toxicity and obstagoon and team yell this is the birthplace of punk culture and london is basically always under construction and also like every other major city has a lot of trash jealousens are quite fancy and a lot of our fancy stereotypes come from british nobility that's also a part of why certain posh british accents we immediately assume with being a noble or rich and fancy even if they're not well except for the cockney accent that one is for orcs with a k that's a tricky situation it is you see the normal accent is seen as a oi this boy he's smarty he is i bet he goes on skillshare which just so happens to be today's sponsor skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creators to learn new skills or to perfect their crafts if you've ever wondered how we edit noggin videos well with the nice wiggly mon and the motion graphics and all you can check out animating with ease in after effects with jake bartlett even at my level it really amped up my smoothing and animation the graph is a godsend when making fun and engaging movements i mean do you see how much this thing moves heck this class was a blessing to my productivity just because it goes over the shortcuts and hotkeys there are like 600 of them and it turns out only about 20 are useful just like pokemon it's easy to learn in because skillshare makes it less of a chore with short goal-focused lessons and 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figure i hear they're trying to vote against that though but also if i had to figure out what specific style of chandelier chandelure is there is an argument to be made with the neoclassical adams style of chandelier with only a few arms and a usually rounded centerpiece it also just happens to be from scotland keeping goldfish was also a huge thing for nobles to do in the victorian era and phibas is also a bass and that's good enough of a reason but milotic could pull a bit from selkies a scottish and norse form of beautiful siren essentially well it's not all tradition and culture plenty of pokemon are here in galar because they are partially inspired by british invention and that's our next category take cottony for example i mean cotton is important everywhere also it grows in most places but interestingly not great britain so what's the deal here well thanks to industrialization by the mid-19th century the united kingdom actually produced more than a half of the world's cotton fabric despite it basically not growing there you see the english just invented the industrial loom the knitting machine so they imported cotton from all over the world and turned it into fabric faster than any of those fabric people that are doing it by hand could possibly do yeah machines taking human jobs progress who needs ice caps and speaking of the industrial revolution it's cling cling while toothed gears were invented by the ancient greeks they were still immeasurably important during the industrial revolution which england spearheaded even clint clang's pokedex entries say that they appeared around the industrial revolution so realistically they were probably from galar and were brought over to unova and that was the earlier game so that's where we saw him first so i guess it's a unova pokemon ooh so vikavolt is a railgun and the railgun was originally invented by a frenchman in world war one though only on paper the germans in world war ii oh those ones they tried building one and concluded that it too was theoretically possible just not yet it was in the 60s that the australians finally built one but it was never viable for non-experimental use in the 1980s australians and americans worked together on further advancing them and since the 90s the british and american armies and navies have been continuing their development and have made numerous working models none are actively used for defense purposes though but yeah i guess that's british enough those who made the railgun a reality were basically england's kids and now partially the brits themselves also stag beetles do live in england so that's a good enough of a reason on its own i just like history and talking about it so the drill it has been around for like 35 000 years but the first industrial drill the first one powered by a motor was invented by a scotsman in australia also moles live in the uk and rhinos are a classic zoo animal since i haven't mentioned that yet the british also invented modern zoos zoos for science and sustainability rather than just rich people showing off their foreign animals zoo animals will be a different category but while on the topic of drill mining industrial mining is british for sure in fact it's one of the reasons the british empire took over so much land they wanted the valuable underground resources like gemstones and caves which they had on their own land too but not as much anyway here's sableye and gigoloth okay so hitmonchan specifically fisty cuffs is a very british thing but also boxing gloves were invented in the 1740s by an englishman who also happens to be the guy who invented boxing and we can include wobba fett here too because it's a punching bag these were not invented in the uk but of course because of their boxing culture they do play a major role there fighting was and still is to a point a very popular sport so let's also put them a champs here i mean they're even wearing boxing speedos that's following rules and regulations of things like boxing also speedos were invented by a scotsman get wrecked so bgm and lgm the uk is no stranger to ufo sightings but most places aren't though there is some extra bit of cultural connection here some say that those line drawings of giants and things in england were made by aliens also aliens abducting sheep is a big cultural stereotype thing and it's even mentioned in the pokedex bgm's abduct wulu but there's more and it has to do with bihyun's design as it's based not just on an alien in disguise but also on secret agents people in disguise and either way what is their disguise it's a trench coat guess who invented the trench coat yep in the 1850s the fashion industry in the united kingdom made trench coats and they were so nice that they were later adopted and used by the uk army they're the official raincoats now i've mentioned before that the electric radiator and stovetops were invented by british folk when explaining santa scorch's design origins and that also could be why torkle is here with its furnace oven shell but also galapagos tortoises are another classic zoo animal artillery is super easy the first artillery cannon was invented by henry shrapnel his last name was shrapnel isn't it amazing that he went on to invent the artillery cannon oh or do you think shrapnel is called shrapnel because it's named after him now the modern form of seismograph was also invented by an englishman so they're seismitoad as for keeping tempo like with temple musicians usually will use a metronome which wasn't an english invention at all however the first patented and commercially successful metronome was the full history is that the metronome was first invented by an andalusian and later improved in the netherlands and finally improved by a german dude while living in england and so patented in england and sold it from england and it was an english thing that was sold all over the world now the duosian line is a bit odd for this invention category but it's fine cells were first discovered described and studied by english scientist robert hook in the 1600s and boy i sure do love learning things tangentially through pokemon if you do too subscribe and hit the bell now then new category zoo animals as i briefly mentioned it was the british who invented the modern zoo gathering animals from around the world in the pursuit of science and education and later preservation a lot of the more popular animals at these first zoos are exactly the ones that we think today of as zoo animals think elephants giraffes tigers and bears oh my and a lot of the pokemon that at first seem out of place in galar are the ones that are based on animals brought into these first british zoos like all the bears and lipard the leopard many species of wild dogs and cats too kind of like evie maybe you got hippos hippos were extremely popular and ant eaters to peers i mean heck the current oldest living to peer in the world is at a british zoo and the zoos are known for importing many smaller exotic animals too like poison dart frogs and numerous exotic reptiles and birds and actually speaking of zatu next category british expeditions and artifact hunting the brits were very interested in scientific expedition and many would travel the world documenting everything and bringing back all of their findings museums and exhibitions were all the rage and that's also why many seemingly out of place pokemon are in galar zatu is a totem pole kachinko doll precisely the kinds of things that they would bring back also egyptian sarcophagi and other things like jackals for the zoos they'd take ancient statues and artifacts from ruins all over the world really thus explaining why basically all of the ancient artifact pokemon are here and you'll notice actually that a lot of these pokemon are actually pretty japanese and well japan was one of the furthest civilizations from them and their culture was vastly different so some of the most famous exhibitions at various museums in london were of japanese clothing and japanese stories japanese tool and art and depictions of their architecture in fact here's a great fun fact one of these british scholars was actually the first person to write down and document various stories about yokai up until that point many of them were stories told by oral tradition and nothing more and that also explains these yokai pokemon like c-dot and lotad yeah they have acorns and lily pads in the uk but their later evolutions are extremely japanese and that's why and as i said previously combat was always a popular sport in the uk but these new eastern influences started catching on and soon enough karate and other fighting styles from the east would take hold here too same with the practice of keeping bonsai trees and making japanese gardens with them and of course with artifact museums and zoos being as big as they were so too were exotic greenhouses so many plants were brought in as well especially the most fascinating ones like the rafflesia and cactuses and even the mangosteen the mangosteen would eventually become a status symbol among the royals and the nobles as well it was a very valuable fruit and in 1855 they actually started being grown in england wow so serena has a very valid reason for being here now then last category time it's just other also good enough reasons like not solid or great reasons but whatever it works but also other and avalog actually has quite a few good reasons but so many that fit so many different categories i decided to just put it in the other category firstly it is a turtle tortoise thing plenty of those in the uk but it also made pull from the aetosaur which happened to have lived in what would eventually become europe also also northern scotland is no stranger to icebergs blowing in and also also also there's good old project habakkuk by the allies in world war ii conceptualized by an englishman and an irishman and put into motion by an admiral in the british royal navy then built and tested in norway and canada this project was to build an aircraft carrier ship mainly out of ice and wood shavings basically a giant motorized iceberg built to lug planes around and also mostly underwater just like an iceberg so maybe avalog is quite british after all tour de day door though i'm not positive mata mata turtles are south american and they were first scientifically described by a frenchman they aren't particularly zoo animals either like they can be but they're not well known as being that and the other thing that tertinator pulls from are land mines and landmines aren't inherently british either they were invented by the chinese and then further improved by the germans the best i got is that some people including people in the uk like keeping matamata turtles as pets and also land mines were very heavily used by and against the british in world war ii but that's more so just europe in general oh well it's better than nothing drift blim is a bit more solid using hot air to make balloon things float up has been around since the three kingdoms period of china and the first manned hot air balloon ride was done by two frenchmen however that same hot air balloon is currently in a london museum and also the current world record holder for the longest journey by hot air balloon is held by a british man also the uk does have hot air balloon festivals so i guess that's good enough for cincino i could put it with the british animals category because chinchillas are popular pets all over the world though they come from south america but these pokemon have a unique attribute i wanted to talk about their extreme amount of fur which people use to make scarves and stuff this is a very similar feature to the english angora a breed of rabbit that people make yarn out of just plucking away at the fur while it sits happily in your lap adorable before the motorized loom clothes were kinda hard because cotton doesn't really grow in great britain so of course sheep and the english and gora were very popular livestock animals to have because their fur is so good angora's as a whole come from turkey though so it's not a strong connection hence this other slash good enough category gothitel pulls from gothic lolita fashion and its name is even french and italian and its almost witchy supernatural female powers vibe is very european as a whole which i suppose includes the uk but doesn't directly reference it the best i got is tangential gothitel's connection with astrology and astral projection is in line with the hermetic order of the golden dawn a british secret society studying occultism they were sort of the founders of modern alchemy and occultism in the west theoretically speaking pokemon references this all the time with their references to alchemy and sword and shield even named their ghost type gym leader alistair after arguably the most important member of the golden dawn aleister crowley who went on to write many foundational books all about the understanding of occultism and the stars and alchemy so yeah it's british but it's tangentially gothitel and it's also tangentially sort of silvally the foundations of modern alchemy and western occultism started in the uk and sylvally was the aether foundation's attempt at creating an artificial arches via a chimera it's a combination of magic and science it's quite literally alchemic and then the dusk noir line it's partially based on the personification of death kind of as a whole but you could get more specific and say it's based on the grim reaper our most modern depiction of the literal grim reaper is a male skeleton in a black hooded robe wielding a scythe and he was primarily seen in art originating from germany and of course england and also a little bit of the rest of europe too kind of all over the place but mostly germany and england so it's not perfect but it's a good enough reason ghost stories are also everywhere too delibird is a rockhopper penguin which has nothing to do with the uk besides zoos i suppose but also deliberate is santa but that's also a worldwide thing but notably when looking at the history of christmas you get to yuletide what it was before that was arbitrarily made about jesus and if you go even further back it was just celebrating the winter solstice which of course was incredibly important to the neolithics who built stonehenge one of great britain's most famous structures so again it's tangentially related but i guess christmas is important to the brits so it's there but like that's not a specifically british thing stonehenge you'll die it all it gets close enough it's good enough and another other reasoning is simply popularity pikachu and eevee could go here because like there will never be a pokemon game without them but i mean the uk has mice and it has generic mammals but still popularity is for sure a deciding factor like with mimikyu sure there are plenty of fake creatures from british folklore that thematically sort of fit with mimikyu you know disguising themself being jealous and angry and then doing mean things to people yeah it fits but it's loose enough that it's probably just here because it's popular and then rotom i mean i kind of doubt there will ever be a pokemon game without rotom in it also it's just so important now it's like everything it's your pokedex sometimes it's your phone other times and it's even your bike now rotom is just such a part of the pokemon world now and ditto is popular too and it's just a science experiment kind of gone awry so it really can be anywhere i could also see popularity as an additional factor for gyarados and gengar but the uk has plenty of tales and folklore about ghosts and sea monsters in fact let's also put clefairy and togepi's lines in here faye creatures and folklore like this is very european as a whole and the uk is a part of that and why pick these pokemon over others that may fit the bill a bit better because of popularity and the same can be said of onyx it's popular sure but other than that like it's boulders the uk does have boulders i guess but that's kind of a lame reason isn't it and the stone that's called onyx isn't particularly common there either so the best i can think of is that like ancient british construction aka stonehenge and similar things that they built it's just a bunch of big rocks stacked up on top of each other kind of like onyx and i could see popularity being the reason for tyranitar too i mean it's a kaiju i guess kaiju movies are popular enough everywhere now some say it's a t-rex but those lived in what today is north america and some say it's an armadillo girdled lizard those are found in southern africa so it could be a zoo animal thing but it's not a well-known zoo animal honestly i think they included tyranitar here both because it's popular and just so that it could be a sort of rival to the new pokemon doralodon as mentioned in their deck centuries together as a pair they are references to godzilla and mechagodzilla or bemular and the steel-suited bemular well what do you think do you think tyranitar is based just on godzilla if so you're probably wrong here's a video all about that click it now you'll like it trust me and also what other reasons do you think i missed or sort of glossed over with some of the other galar pokemon let me know down below and until next time never stop using your noggin [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 196,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Journeys, pokemon galar, galar pokemon, pokemon, Pokemon evolutions, pokemon evolutions episode 1, pokemon evolutions episode 2, galarian pokemon, galarian pokemon explained, british pokemon, most british pokemon, pokemon swsh, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon crown tundra, crown tundra, pokemon isle of armor, isle of armor, gigantamax pokemon battle royale, gigantamax pokemon, dynamax pokemon, why galar, Pokemon anime, pokemon explained, SWSH, Pokemon SWSH
Id: yDDODvlDk54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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