What if Pokemon never added Fairy Type? | Gnoggin

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here's a quick question for ferry month what if the ferry type was never added I mean they added it in Gen six that's pretty late well for one either dragon would still be a super powerful type or they would have nerfed it in some other way after all that's why they added it to begin with dragon needed a nerf but the main question here isn't about balancing it's about what the fairy type Pokemon would be if not fairy type and obviously the old Pokemon they just added the fairy type to would go back to being their old typing so we won't bother covering those but as for all the rest of them baby sad sad is the answer because then we wouldn't have this whole month dedicated to Fairy Pokemon and even sadder we wouldn't have this awesome limited time fairy noggin t-shirt design that you can only get this month before it's gone forever huh just look how cute and juxtapose it is noggin dotnet it's worth the channel anyway on with them on let's get the easy ones done first well babe a floette and florges would be grass-type many people already wonder why they're mono fairy instead of grass fairy already they learn more grass type moves than fairy moves even but a guess that has to do with the fact that they tend to flowers and gardens but aren't flowers themselves like take a look at Conkeldurr Conkeldurr isn't rock or ground type because it carries around concrete far-fetched isn't grass tight because it carries around a leak so why would these Pokemon be grass type because they carry around flowers hmm though parts of them especially florges do look quite plant like which is why if fairy didn't exist they would probably be grass type for sure maybe normal grass to change it up and also to show that they themselves aren't plants the just have plant powers same goes for conf a mono grass or grass normal for the same reasons spritzee aromatisse swirlix and slurpuff would likely all be mono normal I mean their whole thing is that they smell good and they smell good you could argue flying for spritzee and aromatisse since they've got bird faces but aromatisse doesn't really fly and these faces are more references to the bird masks worn by plague doctors as they would be filled with nice smelling herbs and flowers because they thought that would protect them from the plague it did not also funnily enough slurpuff also learns just as many craftsmen as it does fairy moves but other than that is not so grassy so mono normal for sure did Danny I always forget his fairy type like why that'll be a fun one to explain in the fairy type explained video well it would be mono electric like most of the Pikachu's Corrib ink would likely be mono rock even though it learned psychic moves as that way it would further differentiate it from diancie whose special and would be rocks psychic like most of the legendaries of its status psychic but you had a rock need a rock plus it learns more psychic moves than fairy already and buy a lot one fairy move versus five psychic moves the heck klefki would be mono steel maybe steel normal maybe to weaken it down a bit it's not super steely it has like a friendlier softer fun vibe which doesn't super fit mono steel to me anyway so swapping fairy to normal would reference that and make more sense to me anyway pre marina mono water just because it's a starter and no starters have the normal type yet unless you count Eevee though I could see pre marina getting normal just so that it has the stab bonus with all the sound based moves it learns since the singer at all QT fly intro bomby bug flying for obvious reasons moral mono grass but she tonic grass ghost it learns a surprising number of ghost type moves plus its whole thing is that glows in the night and can be spooky its pokedex entries mention that the forests it lives in are a treacherous place to enter at night and that people are confused by all of the strange lights they cause and the people get lost never to be seen again it also puts people and pokémon to sleep and siphons off their vitality that'll sounds very ghostly to me mimic you mimic you has options swapping the ferry type for dark or normal after all while mimic you is a ghost it's covering itself in everyday normal materials it's trying to act as if it were a normal pokémon and not a ghost plus mono ghost just doesn't really feel right when you compare it to the other ghost types and also it learns a load of normal moves but ghost dark would work as well the dark type of course being the evil type in Japan makes it fit well this Pokemon is filled with malice and jealousy and it mercilessly seeks revenge and uses dark dirty tactics such as disguising itself and overwhelming its opponents with shock and horror so that works Laguna Manos steel it's an atomic todd a rock with a soul stored into it and then attached to gears I mean it's fairy-type reasoning was already a bit weak anyway fairy magic is what attached its soul to the stone I guess so it's got very type signature move and that's about it epidemic solutely love mono dark maybe dark normal just too bland it out a bit we don't know much about it yet though just thought I'd mention it now the four taboos are interesting they all have the fairy type because they are nature deities and the fairy type can be explained as light nature magic so in removing the fairy type you sort of remove what they are and since they are a scent that makes things a bit trickier to having nature magic powers you could swap fairy for grass young nature powers plant growth grass but then top abbulu is mono grass how unfair maybe swap fairy for psychic as that's sort of magic and whitie but then top of Lele is mono psychic though I guess there's nothing wrong with one of them being a mono type I mean tornado is mono flying where the other two and Nina's trio get second types then again I guess they couldn't be mono types they are the embodiment of those types after all but considering their theming the fairy type clearly works for these guys you can't really remove fairy from them and the same goes for xerneas a magical tree of life and they ask light magic it's hard to remove it's very typing but if you had to grasp psychic or mono psychic I suppose because we don't have enough psychic type legendaries which leaves us with sylveon Oh sylveon if the fairy type didn't exist neither would this Pokemon really and if you watched my video about there never being another easy evolution then you would definitely understand what I mean by that you could say psychic but there's already a psychic type Eevee I remember when they released sylveon which was before they announced the new type most people guessed that it was either flying or a normal type or a new type that hadn't been revealed yet and I yes I could see those especially since the name references the fairy sylph who is the fairy of wind so while sylveon may not be able to fly you could see it's ribbons as it's sort of whiskers yeah you deserve that yeah you could see its ribbons as sort of whiskers sort of floating in the air being one with the wind and the air around it feeling it flow perhaps allowing it to magically float or perhaps just allowing it to move the air around it deal air attacks which more often than not our flying time hair cutter arrow blasts defog gust you get the idea so if fairy-type was never added and they still came up with sylveon for whatever reason it would be the flying-type evolution of Eevee and with that we're done besides a little of forums and Megas I suppose those are easy a lowland ninetails would be mono ice and mega a dino mega Gardevoir mega Altaria mega Mawile they'll just be their old previous forms easy stuff just like this video simple fun what-if scenarios what are your thoughts got better ideas than me let me know down below and until next time preorder this very month t-shirt because once these are done once the pre-orders are done it's gone never to be shipped out again so use your noggin and buy them [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 410,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield theory, fairy type pokemon, fairy type, fairy pokemon, gardevoir, tapu koko, impidimp, florges, sylveon, xerneas, diance, what if fairy type wasnt added, no fairy type, fairy type ruined, fairy type meta, pokemon tcg fairy deck, fairy pokemon type, top 10 fairy pokemon, top 10 fairy type pokemon, new pokemon, new pokemon sword and shield, pokemon anime, what if pokemon, removed fairy type, pokemon direct
Id: SwzrrmfRlxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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