Pokemon Shield Hardcore Nuzlocke - Electric Types Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the andrew collette show i'm going to attempt a hardcore nuzlocke using only electric type pokemon i'm only going through the base game of pokemon shield which means the electrotypes from the dlc will not be considered as encounters this leaves 14 different lines of evolution to be obtained throughout the game here are the rules of this playthrough first when a pokemon faints it's dead meaning i can't use it anymore second i can only catch the first electric type encounter from each route or area none from max battles third no items in battle but held items are okay fourth set battle mode meaning no free switch in when an enemy pokemon is defeated and fifth no leveling past the next gym leaders ace pokemon until the start of that battle i will also be playing with the species clause meaning i can only use one of each evolution line one great thing about electrotypes is they only have the ground weakness however most of the ones available in galler have very poor physical defense which feels like a weakness in itself i chose sabo as the starter since i felt like giving hop score bunny and leon gruki would be appropriate rival starter since saab was the one that has a weakness to electric types and is mainly a special attacker i was thinking that grubbin would be the real starter of the game but it's technically not an electric type until it evolves i would make an exception to this if chargeable wasn't available later or if it shared a route or area with another encounter but that's not the case here therefore yamper is the starter i'm going with the spiderman villain name theme this playthrough so i name it yellow goblin it's one of the few physical attack encounters i can have so of course it has a nature decreasing its attack power to ready yellow goblin for the journey so max raid battle should provide some xp candy choodle's weak to electric right so this should be a breeze our max nuzzle attacks are so weak and here comes the max geyser after the dynamax is over well i guess i lost my first attempt anyways attempt two i get a yamper that doesn't have an attack decreasing nature so maybe that death was a blessing in disguise and she did a great job catching this electric from westlake axwell which i name electro on the other side at east lake axe well joltik is added to the team and named venom because come on it's a spider and let me tell you this cute little spider is faster stronger and bulkier than its other two team members somehow so this was a great surprise early game carrying me over the beginning hurdles such as team yell and hop after raising the team to level 15 we're ready to catch pikachu at the rolling fields since i like to make my right shoe thick in competitive battles i name her kingpin there's a thunderstone available in the early part of the wild area so pika grows up fast this is also a great advantage early game because in generation 8 the move relearner is available right away and for free so i have access to its entire learnset move pool already since kingpin can't learn any moves by leveling up so already during beats first battle i'm already doing setup straps with light screen nasty plot then a thunderbolt sweep we take those now in route 4 i make an exception for catching eevee since jolteon and rotom share their encounter with lake of outrage and to stay true to being monoelectric i go straight to the digging duo until they find me a thunderstone introducing jolteon to the team and is named black cat and he is put to work right away even though black cat has a poor physical attack stat it's fine for the first gems since they're not that strong anyways against milo and equipping our jolteon with expert belt i spam that pin missile button until gossip flower is gone then the dynomax showdown with elder goss is a max flutterby and max strike exchange with black cap bringing home the w earning our first gym badge and what do you know just like my last nose lock we're getting toxil from the daycare again on route 5 this time being named lizard adorable venom takes care of team yell again and kingpin flexes this nasty plot thunderbolt combo against top at the second gym town hillbury we fish for a chin chow at the docks and name her after my favorite spider-man villain mysterio but kingpin is going to have the spotlight against nessa with you guessed it a nasty plot setup only getting hit by one horn attack right you one hit ko's golden era cuda and even their dynamaxx dreadnaught with just one max lightning each two badges down six to go you wanna know weird fact that squishy bubbly thing beat has yeah that has more power than lugia was someone high a game freak when making that i don't know but isn't venom so cute soloing against speed and against team l2 of course anyways yellow goblin evolves into bolton along the way now we got a legit physical attacker now marty's a little scary to me since her whole team are physical attackers so i can't just set up nasty plot willy nilly because look at kingpin's horrendous defense stat she doesn't really fit the big guy persona so i have her attack straight away with thunderbolt taking out crow gunk in one hit scraggy in two hits and let's watch versus morpeko all that bite would probably be the worst one okay don't crit please no oh my gosh oh my gosh for those that have seen my last nuzlocke which was also my first martini killed three of my mons in that playthrough so i gotta make sure to prep for her especially with my physically weak team before facing the third gym leader kabu mysterio evolves into lantern and is now ready to lead the battle ninetail starts by willow wisping which i don't care since mysterio is a special attacker and responds with bubble beam then they fire spin which doesn't do much and the residual damage isn't a thing since nine tails is wiped out by another bubble beam arcanine comes in bringing the bite action mysterio again with the bubble beam then i decided to dynomax to set up the rain after their bite triggers my citrus berry and the turn ends with max geyser now something i didn't realize about senta scorch its attack stat of 115 was a lot higher than i expected that little bug to have not only that but max flutterby also weakens mysterio special attack causing us not even to take half of their hp i max guard the next turn to stall out their second dynomax turn but now have to possibly sacrifice someone to save our water type black cat takes the plunge but thankfully no critical hit and here's another mistake i overlooked about santa scorch after yellow goblin swaps in they bug bite meaning it eats our citrus berry i take the risk keeping botunden well it did coil the turn before raising its attack thus yellow goblin is gone but at least she made the path easy for raichu to finish off the third gym at least we get to capture two more encounters soon after in hammerlock hills being chargeable and his name shocker then at giant samir helioptile is caught and named sandman which is fitting with the sandvale ability shortly after a sunstone is found nearby evolving sand man into heliolisk and i forgot to mention this thing has crummy defense like most of the team and once again i have the digging duo find another thunderstone evolving shocker into wikibolt which is nice since he's bulkier and now has the levitate ability avoiding ground attacks since the level cap has jumped up to level 36 i can grind a bit to prepare by hunting glooms that also each give my pokemon plus two special attack evs for each one we knock out and now lizard is a toxicity with every team yale battle comes an excuse to see that cute little venom in action but better yet route 6 brings us our fossil encounter which i choose to be draco's old and name it doctor octopus the doc's defensive dragon type being is so great along with being a sole physical attacker of the team now but it's bench to get the free xp as the kingpin plows through hops team now to face the fourth gym leader alistair the plan was and i say again was simple kingpin sets up the reflect then switches in black cat to shadowball their team but for some reason i decided to give kingpin a chance to nasty plot twice kind of wasting my valuable reflect turns then i thunderbolt when your mask is a ground type they've been chipping at kingpin's hp and your mask is taken out with two grass nuts oh boy it's mimikyu yeah let's get kingpin out of there dang it's like they read the switch and used home claws to boost their attack after a slash and a rock blast our reflect is now gone doc ock chips back with aerial aces while mimikyu weakens the doc's attacks with baby doll eyes with mimikyu finish kersala is next which i swap in black cat taking the hex attack i have the cat to protect every other turn to heal back up with leftovers but their cursor level responds with curse meaning they lose half of their hp but jolteon loses one quarter of his hp every turn i gotta save black cat for gengar so mysterio takes a turn being hit by hex mysterio's slow but the dead cursula is even slower and is thunder waved into full paralysis now hopefully black cat can switch in on a paralysis turn but no there's the hex a shadow ball should do it from here too close now the final face off with gengar a max phantasm gets the major critical hit almost one hit ko wing and then black cat easily soaks the maxus thankfully with his amazing speed gengar is bested claiming our fourth gym badge halfway done with the gym challenge now i gotta interrupt bead being a jerk and this time having our other bug type shocker do all the work rather than while battling the six gym trainers i accidentally over leveled lizard and kingpin which means they're going to be in the box until we get that badge was mainly bummed about lizard since he's a poison type missing out on the fairy gym but i think i can do this with no one dying still black cat leads the charge with a thunderbolt and thankfully no poison from that sludge bomb another thunderbolt faints wheezing along with the opal speed boost remember we gotta protect every other turn to heal from leftovers black cat activates the early dynamics to one hit ko maw while instead of the electric terrain boosting future electric attacks after opal's additional boost raises our defenses and just like planned max lightning takes out togekiss now the max lightning doesn't take down g-max alchemy quite as easily due to its high special defense their attack doesn't do much either but does heal themselves black cats should be able to soak non-crits with the boost he's gotten before after their g-max ends opal doubles our power we exchange the thunderbolt while they confuse us with a sweet kiss but black cat holds it together and ends the fairy gym challenge the next battle is a match i prepared for more than the past gym and that's hop i know i've given this guy crap in the past but look at his team all physical attackers once again my team doesn't like that so let's check out my plan kingpin starts by setting up reflect while holding like clay extending the screens for eight turns so she should be safe unless it's a critical hit which of course the horn leech crits us but she survives thankfully time to vote switch into black cat who takes the horn leech much better next step of the plan is to double our speed with agility and there's that annoying confused ray i now baton pass to transfer the doubled speed stats along with the unfortunate confusion to doc ock and what the heck is with these crits doc ock is all we need now and also holding the expert belt increasing super effective attacks by twenty percent a few aerial aces in snapping out confusion leads to trevanon's demise now for the low kick tech since snorlax is one fatty taking more damage from the attack but not enough for a one hit they body slam then doc kicks them off the field bolton would be faster but we got the agility boost so earthquake annihilates them first the same goes for heatmore and the battle ends with another earthquake crushing cinderace i think that's going to be the typical strategy going forward for physical attacking teams speaking of physical attackers our next encounter from route 7 is morpeco also cool that she's the dark type which i name vulture soon after on route 8 i encounter todamaru who i really want because of that steel typing but she doesn't seem to want to come with us because she keeps breaking out of all my different kinds of pokeballs including one quick ball all of my ultra balls great balls dusk balls luckily i gave doc ock leftovers before this with protect so i could stay alive and heal then i busted out the secret weapon i didn't even know i had the love ball black cat's male gender is opposite than the encounter making it eight times more effective ding she played hard to get took 31 turns and i named her rhino but she was so worth it and is a main star against melanie the ice gym leader a simple iron head one hit ko's frost moth and glarion darmanitan i have to change up things with ice cube because of the ice face essentially giving itself an extra life by you turning bringing in black cat it's like they knew what i was going to do since they used tail which gives them another ice face black cat sets up a light screen while holding white clay which will help us tank their special attacks like that icy wind since our speed is dropping per their icy winds two thunderbolts should leave ice cube with a sliver of health so the cat can vote switch to get someone in with an uneffective speed ah that critical hit shocking the penguin to death is bad now i got a slow jolteon vs their gigantic max lapras but i worried about the speed for nothing since lapras was potato slow black cat stalls their dynomax by max guarding then hits with a max lightning gets smacked and returned by g-max resonance effectively putting up their own screens and one more max guard to end their dynomax turns to keep black cats safe i vote switch having mysterio take its place who resists both of their upcoming attacks being icy wind and surf mysterio electrifies us to victory with a discharge claiming our sixth badge time for the second to last hop battle i go in with the same strategy in mind like last time but double messes things up with a growl decreasing our attack stat i don't want that to be passed to doc ock so now it's this game of ring around the rosie with mysterio and back to black cap but they growl again let's give lizard a turn attacking with volt switch getting the ko and changes places with rhino since she can withstand most of hops team except for that cinder race which of course is setting out so i have to switch here for mysterio to resist the incoming pyroball then they attack with mega kick and thankfully mysterio ends the bunny's time with only one surf obviously i swap in doc ock to save mysterio from the body slam now give him a low kick doc that's better the match is a wrap at this point biting corva knight with two thunder fangs and crushing pink herchen with an earthquake on to route 9 pinkerton is our second last counter and i honestly don't know what i'm gonna do with this thing it's slow and frail so maybe i can sacrifice it for later i don't know oh yeah his name is scorpion another second to last thingy event whatever you want to call it amarny battle remember that strategy that was supposed to work against hop well works perfectly against marnie she did have some of her mons used torment and swagger which could have maybe thrown things off a little but they didn't come into full effect giving us that easy w alright now it's time for the no dynamics gym leader peers all of this team are physical attackers seems to be a common theme lately the plot this time is to have kingpin be the sweeper i do this by charming three times lowering his damage output to a quarter of his strength which protects in between to heal from leftovers then black cat volt switches out for kingpin too i forgot to teach kingpin nasty plot before this well that was a waste of time could have just attacked with four times super effective draining kiss from the beginning okay you can't beat malamar with your poor defense vote switch out of there what they went for foul play that does decent damage luckily i also gave doc ock leftovers and protect to heal in between turns unfortunately one dragon claw doesn't defeat malamar so doc is going to have to sit on the bench for the rest of this round after another hit from foul play after stalling a couple heal turns black cat returns to the field it's important to send a special attacker against off sagoon since it has the move counter now's the moment to weaken them with three attracts like we did at the beginning of the battle while healing in between and praying for no crits votes which allow shocker to enter the fray and look at this another team member with leftovers and protect attack with bug buzz or not since throat chop disabled that move for a couple turns thunderbolt does fine damage anyways but i have a shocker knock them out with a volt switch to once again bring in black cat to diminish their chances with three attracts no need to switch this time since he's safe and secures us a shocking victory with no deaths how have i not used a pun until now anyways ryan is the last gym leader in my way and he's always my favorite part of the game since the doubles battle takes a different mindset and preparing and making plays kingpin sets up the reflect anticipating physical attacks like flygon's breaking swipe mysterio then strikes with a four time super effective ice beam shattering flygon to death gigalith ends the turn setting up stealth rock which will damage my pokemon every time they switch in long-term plan is to take out the snake and rock at the same time so doraleon will face us alone thinking gigolith is the bigger threat we double target him which is nice since anaconda used to protect kingpin volt switches into black cat mysterio pulls off the awesome burn with a scald cutting in half the damage from body press santa claus fails a second protect black cat speeds up with agility for reasons i bet you can guess by now mysterio scalded santa cotton close to death which is what i want and i knew ryan had a few ground attacks up his sleeve so i gave four of my six party members shuka berries which cuts in half the damage from a super effective ground attack i think that they think that mysterio is a threat so i have her protect and black cap baton passes the speed to dock which gets hit by earth power and a body press kind of shaking up my plans for my dragon in order to get ready for doraleo dawn dock ock dynamaxes and attacks with max knuckle ko and stan a condo while increasing our attack power mysterio also ko's gigolith with volt switch bringing in black cat to make sure neither of them die i have black cat charmed raleigh dawn and doc ock max wormwind resulting in g-max to raleigh dawn losing three stages of attack power this on top of a bomb berry which cuts in half the damage from a super effective dragon attack saves the doctors live from death max quake is curtains for the 8th gym badge qualifying us for the champions cup now i gotta be careful with the level cap here since it only goes from 48 to 49 for the semifinals so i have some of the bench warmers tag along during route 10. venom evolves into galvantula along the way the champions cup begins with our last marnie battle starting with black cat vs live part i just spam thunderbolt while they use nasty plot a full restore and another nasty plot with scrafty being next i use agility to set up but they cancel it out with scary face trying again didn't work so let's weaken them with charm nerfing that crunch let's try agility again but they swagger me which doesn't compel me to baton pass a normal switch will have to do for now because black cat would have been scary-faced anyways doc ock tanks two crunches and flaps scrafty away with two aerial aces toxico could have been a threat with swagger but they use venoshock instead to which the dock responds with a massive earthquake now morpekko does not scare doc ock but grim snarl does so i need rhino to take care of this instead their bite chipped off more than i would have liked to but leftovers helps out a bit i got a dynamax now though to avoid a possible flinch from another bite into max flutterby for a one hit ko now grim snarl isn't that intimidating however they do survive the first max steal spike but respond with a max starfall which is fine resulting in marnie being defeated for the last time the final rival battle brings back the reflect agility baton pass strategy maybe instead of explaining every time i'll just make it an acronym rab i don't know we're getting close to the end anyways the chunky snorlax did give me a little scare surviving the low kick by replying with a high horsepower but we good concursion get out of here what do you even do dynamaxx dock to strike down corvonade with one hit and end the match with one max quake into cinder race oh i guess it would take two max quakes to qualify us for the finals but before that we must face oleana to progress the story now use the acronym rab so you can guess where this is going oh my gosh dang that critical hit did me dirty kingpin was definitely an all-star of this play through at least she did her part for black cat to progress the plan it still doesn't go perfectly since frost last uses icy wind to lower our speed by one stage and black cat needs to take out frost's last since stockhawk is weak to ice so equipping him with shadowball was a good idea mylodic is sent in next and i figure what the heck cat can do this one too thunderbolt while they waste their time with aqua ring and another thunderbolt fries them selazzle you could do this one too buddy thunderbolt from us vino shock from them citrus berries activated in heels and one more thunderbolt serena signals to me that it's time to baton pass the speed over to doc gawk who also isn't affected by their attract move yet doc disappoints with a fire fang miss and is hit by a trop kick lowering our attack darn it so now firefight won't kill right away and she keeps trap kicking us continuing to lower our attack stat change of plans i need to pivot in rhino which luckily is only hit by stomp not affecting her attack stat but i can't have rhino hang around either since she's four times weak to a possible ground attack from garbador so she switches back doc gawk hoping for no trop kick but of course that's what she does and hp is going down i guess lizard will have to come in and vote switch ending that annoying serena the rest of the team is not properly built to face garbador after some calculations mysterio may have the best chance first stall out turn one of dynamaxx with max guard second take in a hard-hitting max quake and max guys are back third max guard the last dynomax turn fourth hope for no gunk shot or stomping tantrum there's the gunk shot i didn't want to lose you yet pal but at least you kept doc alive who finishes the bloody battle with an earthquake dang i got ripped apart that battle can't believe i lost two months to leanna at least there's one more encounter for us and that is rotom at the lake of outrage the last nickname is hobgoblin sadly though it's level 58 meaning it's above the level cap when starting the finals technically before that though is beats battle so i lead with lizard to take the intimidate rather than one of my physical attackers then vote switch into rhino who tanks the crunch and causes maw to faint from iron barbs damage to keep rhino safe she stalls with protect to heal from leftovers then one shots gardevoir with iron head then to ensure the one hit ko against rapidash she dynamax is getting hit by a small psycho cut then obliterates with max steel spike giganomax hatteran is going to take two attacks to knock out but i got a little careless here and accidentally let rhino die from a max flare freak i still had plans for you rhino i'm so sorry lizard easily wipes hattering with two sludge bombs after they use full restore thankfully avenging our rhino buddy now if you watched my first nuzlocke nessa's bare escudo is faster than my toxicity even with the 50 speed boost it got from choice scarf this time i don't make that mistake and eevee train him to be faster the battle is now caked by spamming overdrive and ending with a max lining against dreadnought easy peasy since kingpin doesn't exist anymore i have to change the acronym for the strategy it's now cab cab black cat starts off against dustnor using charm lowering his attack while he uses rock tomb which is kind of annoying because i'm going to have to use agility twice to make up for lost speed and he'll likely rock tomb some more thankfully during the process leftovers helps out then a couple shadow balls takes out dusknoir now i didn't baton pass yet because chandelure has widow wisp which would cut in half our attack damage so black cat takes care of this guy too with a couple shadow balls actually i'm gonna keep delaying the baton pass since polti guys could set up with nasty plots so here's another two shadow balls okay now i have to switch with baton pass because black cats burn doubles cursula's hex power so vulture swaps in resisting the ghost attack and has her special defense boosted 50 percent thanks to holding assault vest vulture dynamics is to shatter crystallized sadlife with a mighty max darkness gigantic max is not a threat either since vulture has a speed boost from black cat and massacres the opponent with one max darkness as well now against ryan i make a silly preparation mistake when i looked up his team i looked up the wrong set i saw the one that was meant for his team later so i played careful with charm this battle because i was afraid of a gyro ball which is more powerful the slower you are against the foe and torquel is potato slow and jolteon is lightning fast but no this torque will has yawn flip black cat pulls out a shadow ball before falling asleep then torquel starts hitting with solar beams and body presses this isn't good time to pivot dock comes in early soaking a solar beam earthquake doesn't quite take them out and now the dock is drowsy from a yawn to avoid falling asleep lizard swaps in while they heal with a full restore i don't know if that mattered from lizard's attack but at least torque was gone oh shoot i did not want to see flag on this early i haven't used her much at all so level 40 sandman is gonna have to sack it for the team here i'm not bummed about it since that's why i always plan to use her for but it didn't have to happen if i knew torko was going to have yawn i don't want to use my dynamax this early but i have to so doc ock doesn't lose too much hp from the earthquake in response max warm wind whirls fly gun out there tritinator is a slow poke so max wormwind here gets the one hit ko as well and gujar suffers the same fate as its two predecessors did our dynamax ends as theirs begins i know the doc can live one dragon attack thanks to holding habonberry they actually use max rockfall though because rihanna wanted to tell me about the power of a sandstorm i actually gave doc earth power even though its special attack isn't that great since doralied special defense is way worse okay doraledon should use g-max depletion now so it's venom's turn to take a hit and he thankfully survives since venom is a bug type i predict the max rockfall so vulture enters the arena and survives the smackdown as well now i hope for a body press since vulture is a dark type and vote switches trading places with lizard barely getting hurt from the attack choice scarf lizard outspeeds doraleou dawn winning us the champions cup finals crazy to think that before the cup started i only lost one pokemon but four more have died since then at least i get a break now against chairman rose his team mainly consists of slow steel types and i get to use rotom now doc ock is a great pick here since firefang is four times super effective against both s cavalier and pharaoh thorne even berserker screwed because of an earthquake as is clean cling but i'm actually glad they survived so hobgoblin can come in with the power of the microwave dynamaxing to summon the harsh sun with the max flare that way giganomax copper roger can't even live one boosted max flare attack now before i face the dreadful eternities such a demon requires a sacrifice and that sacrifice is electro the magnetric elektra's goal is simple scary face eternity so the rest of the team can be faster i gave her a focus ash just in case but she didn't need it and even paralyzing turn this with the static ability good job electro setting up the extra credit light screen your deaths allowed others to live but it's not over yet while zashian faints and hop is lollygagging with double kicks black cat comes close to death so the mighty hobgoblin this time holding a saltvest takes his place helping zamasunta eventually take down the gargantuan wanting hobgoblin to be part of the final battle i invested 26 hp up pills into the microwave it had to be done since its evie stats had hardly been affected by so few battles leon it's time i plan on using the entire team this battle since every member has its flaws against leon's team but each also has at least one advantage the match starts with black cat charming aegislash to weaken attacks like the sacred sword they then defend when the cat pulls off an agility i go for another charm then black cat withstands the shadow ball and eats the citrus berry one more charm should do it and we live one more shadow ball it's now the moment to baton pass the speed boost to hobgoblin unfortunately the shadow ball on switch in lowers our special defense wanting to get rid of them immediately now i command a dark pulse which is blocked at least that helps us a little with leftovers healing at the end of each turn with a bit of hp recovered i advise hobgoblin to set up a nasty plot doubling its special attack power another shadow ball isn't enough to wipe out the microwave let's wreak havoc with dark bulls now oh no looks like hobgoblin's time will be short with haxorus here maybe dark pulse can flinch yes give them another dark pulse baby okay riperior is not great to see either let's try to substitute since stoneage has a chance to miss no freaking way it missed even though the dark pulse doesn't flinch the substitute allows hobgoblin to live the stone edge and knock out ryperior with another dark pulse rilloboom is next which is totally fine look at that another dark pulse flinch given the one two dark pulse combo dragapol is what this move set was made for so do i even need to explain for the final boss charizard i max guard blocking the max rockfall then attack with max darkness and silly leon throws his chance of winning in the garbage by deciding the g-max wildfire the residual damage won't even take effect since hobgoblin is a fire type stall the last term dynamax and finish the entire run with a final dark pulse wow the hacks were totally on my side during that finale the journey is over 14 encounters six deaths the pokemon shield hardcore nuzlocke monoelectric challenge is completed thanks for watching everyone let me know in the comments if you would like to see another mono type hardcore nuzlocke subscribe for more like the video let me know what you thought of the run or maybe some ideas you may have if you want the live experience be sure to follow me on twitch and you all have a good one see ya
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 1,000,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, nuzlocke pokemon, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, pokemon challenge, pokemon, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, nuzlocke challenge, electric types only, electric type, electric type pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pro nuzlocker, hardcore nuzlocke rules
Id: sdYv3Ytkst0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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