Enshrouded: Tank Brawler Build

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[Music] what up guys your boy kis and we're back with another one I'm just going to try and make this quick cuz I know that these build videos can be extremely long let's just get into the armor first off I'm wearing a soldier set I'm wearing the soldier headpiece actually and I'm wearing the warden chest piece and the reason I chose Warden chest piece just because it has a plus 24 bonus of physical armor and I feel like it looks better in my opinion uh if you want you could definitely run the Templar set or the soldier chest piece but the soldier headpiece is where it's at just because you have the 15% melee crit strike and crit damage by 12% I'm wearing the deer soccer gloves just because it has 12% damage uh multiplier which is just nice extra damage and then we're wearing Palin pants and boots just because they're better versions of the soldier set as far as rings I'm wearing the ring of endless life which you get from a boss fight uh the big oaba guy over in the the south east I'll show you here in a second and then I'm wearing ring of Health just because it gives you a plus4 health regen and plus 50 uh Health overall so that's nice I was rocking both of them at the same time I'm not sure if they stack I couldn't tell a difference so I just switched out to this and I would suggest this but this is still currently not working so it doesn't work and if you're more of a Mana guy then you can probably run this if you want as far as skills I'm uh going to show you two different ways to build this now I am fullon a heavy guy so I'm running just full-on Hammer because that's what the the game wants us to do cuz you get heavy specialization allows you attack faster with hammers it doesn't work I can't tell a difference um and as far as I can tell the developers that made this game or whatever Keen I can tell you guys have never played strength builds I have 20 plus years in strength builds there needs to be a lot of work with the two-handers a lot of work there's a lot of things missing like hyper armor or Poise tanking or maybe overall swings or certain things that need to happen but whatever if you guys want my honest opinion if you're going to make this build you're going to play this do away with the two-handing stuff I want you to come up through here and stop right here and then no further if you want you can take this point out and you can put it here just so you have a higher crit chance uh but then again that's only with two-handers so if you want to not do two-handers don't do it uh come up through here and do Swift blades I feel like the sword and board or the one-hander and shield is much better it does uh you know not as good damage but it's more consistent damage it's just overall better gameplay and a lot easier to do whereas the two-handers leave you open so much that's why I feel like there needs to be a big change in the two-handers and if you don't want to run Hammer then obviously you just come out through slasher or you just come out through thrust or whatever you're sced up here just to have more crit uh chance so that's good and then you get your points in the Constitution and strength 100% you definitely want to come down through here you want all the armor that you can get you're going to build all the way into tank all the way in uh you don't want to put a point in here until you're fully maxed out like you have your flame uh Max but this is this is a really good tree you don't need to come any further than this these are dead skills you can use this if you want to be the ultimate tank but guys it doesn't really matter just one point here for the strength and one other thing I want to suggest is Feast Feast is huge just because anytime you eat meat which you're constantly eating meat in this game you just get 15% more health I mean that's really really nice to have so as you can see this is what I have treewise I've just come straight down branched off here which I'm suggesting you to just come all the way down and just cut off here cuz you don't need this extra strength you don't need the two-hander it's not that good as far as this the jump attack definitely want jump attack is so good with melee definitely want to do that and then moving on I just came up through here just to get more points this is really good I would suggest maybe coming up to backstab Mastery problem is you'd have to waste points on Blood Warrior and Blood Warrior is so bad this is not a good skill at all I wish this wasn't here I wish this was maybe here uh but backstab Mastery you're going to be attacking enemies from behind probably like 50% of the time so that's just more damage and like like I said you don't really need merciless attack you could probably go sneak attack which I think is pointless on this build but ultimately just to get more 25% more damage cuz all you want to do is roll behind the enemy and start attacking him just get that that damage up but you don't really need this and you don't really need this but you know whatever as far as this this is just for me personally I love to be able to double jump and I love to have more movement speed or anything like that in a game I do a lot of PVP so movement is King in PvP uh if this is just a PVE game so it doesn't really matter if you guys don't want these you don't need this either so there's that also another big thing is evasion attack if you're doing a melee build this is huge you just roll Dodge and then jump right back in and get a smash on them and of course you know being able to heal yourself for 5% of your maximum health on a crit is really nice so that just goes with the overall life steal now you'll see that I have built into the intelligence Ro and the reason I did that is just to come down through here to the water Aura now water Aura is huge in my other videos you saw that I was you know constantly getting my health to tick back up it's from water Aura and it works for your entire party and you're going to want to put another point in that just so so you can double every point of Health that you're getting back out and that's why I've come here you see I got an intelligence here this doesn't matter and then I got an intelligence here so here's two more points of intelligence which will will count as four just based off that and then I've put points here that's stupid but this works really well just because you have 20% chance to reflect 50% of the Damage Done that's really nice to have it works better against fail enemies because they seem to take more damage to fire if you don't know what fail enemies are the dudes and the shrouded and then another point of intelligence now I said there was another way to build this and you can obviously get rid of all this stuff you're probably going to have points left over if you get rid of this you definitely want to build in here and leave everything else but you're going to need 13 points to do the other build uh you can probably get rid of this or pull from here you really don't need this you can pull from here uh but you want to build down through here and this is only if you're going to do bosses or like the UN shrouded areas a lot and this is called radiant Aura and what this does it kind of works like mystical mail from Smite I haven't played Smite since like 2016 but remember a chest piece called mystical male and it constantly radiates uh damage around you and you can get anywhere from 40 to 50 tick damage per second on fail enemies which are the blue enemies the only fail enemies I noticed that didn't work on were the blue dragons in the uh ined area so I guess technically they don't count as fail but everything else like the Banshees the uh Fallen Warriors and all that stuff the bosses it works on every one of them so that's another way to build if you want and as far as overall attributes now we have all the food Buffs on so I'm at 23 Constitution 20 strength and 15 intelligence and you can see my Max health is at500 which is I mean are tanky we are tanky as hell and the foods that you want to eat are these so this technically counts as a grain product so you can eat both of these together and get a lot of strength and Constitution out of it plus you get one intelligence so that's more intelligence for us to get more of our healing back and on top of that I eat these as well which is super easy to make and that's another four intelligence so we're getting five intelligence in total just from the foods we eat we're getting four strength and seven Constitution which is just making us a really really tanky person which is really really nice all right guys that pretty much sums it up if you enjoyed it please like subscribe comment helps this channel a lot helps me out a lot and I will see you all in the future you have any you know if you have any comments at all about what's going on I could be more descriptive just uh you know shoot me a text or something online later [Music] guys
Channel: Khaathus
Views: 8,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded best armor, enshrouded survival game, enshrouded gameplay pc, enshrouded gameplay building, enshrouded mage build, enshrouded guide, enshrouded early access, enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded best build, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded best weapons, enshrouded legendary farm, enshrouded magic build, enshrouded tank build, enshrouded melee build, enshrouded two handed build, enshrouded max level, best build, enshrouded beginners guide
Id: hUqic4EL0kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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