Enshrouded: "The Huntsman" Hybrid Build

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[Music] what up guys your boy Cs and we're back with another one now I want to start by saying this is probably going to be my last in shrouded video and the reason that is because I have to go out of town for the next couple weeks so when life calls I answer it just is what it is one day I'll be a professional gamer and I'm going to sit here and make games or videos for you all day with that said I had a couple more videos I was going to come out and there were going to be build videos but since I have to go out of town I decided to take both of those builds and combine them together and honestly I was extremely happy with how this build turned out I'm calling it The Huntsman as you can see it's definitely long range mixed with melee and it works very very well there's a lot going on you could be hyper aggressive with the melee damage if you want we're still very tanky you have a lot of stamina and you have a lot of stamina regen so you can move around if you want you can also stand back and do the pop shotting or the long range shots that do really nice damage I mean overall I've had a blast playing this this is a little bit more on the higher skill just because you have to land your shots you can lock on and do shots like what you saw right there but mainly it's a little bit higher skill if you're someone that plays magic maybe step away from this because you know if you play with magic you have zero skill just kidding guys no I'm not anyways there's a lot of AOE there's a lot of single Target damage there's a lot going on with this overall build as you can see where you seem to have problems with the single Target damage with the bow you can definitely clean that up with the melee and vice versa when you seem to have problems with the melee you can just step back and clean that up with a bow and I feel like this is going to be a fun build for most players I have thoroughly enjoyed this build over the past couple days of playing with it I mean I still love the tank build but this is starting to catch my eyes maybe my all-time favorite anyways let's go ahead and get into it all right guys getting into it let's just go straight into the armor so first off I'm wearing the deer stalker Helm now you can change this out if you want you can definitely run Eagle Eye or you can run dead eyee they're all pretty much the same it's really just comes down to what you want to look like I'm a fashion Souls guy so I went with this just because it matches what I'm wearing that's the only reason I chose that they're all good as far as chest piece now there was a very specific reason I chose a soldier chest plate just because it has more more health and it has really nice resistances along with a little bit of stamina now if you're looking for more of the stamina then I would run either the deer stalker or the eagle eyee cuz you can see there's 48 stamina on both 24 Health on both if you're looking for that and you want to have a little bit more resistances then I would say the Rogue chest plate which you get from the blacksmith it is the same thing pretty much it's just the better version of it in my opinion because you have better uh resistances and you have better health as you can see so you know I went for this for a reason you can go for any of these for your reason it is what it is my build is your build build however you want deer stalker has the gloves uh they're huge just because they have the 12% damage buff to them you can also run the ego ey if you want you know if you want to go more long range damage run the igy but if you want the more overall then I would say deer stalker I just feel like deer stalker works better for this build but you can run whatever you want here as well uh as the pants I'm running the Palin just because they have health regeneration and health attached to them plus they're tanky they're probably the tankier pants that you can wear that's where I'm standing on it I want to have a little bit more tankiness with this cuz we are doing melee and as far as boots I am doing the eagle boost just because stamina regeneration and stamina regeneration delay these are pretty nasty so it works really well with this build as far as Rings um you know I'm just run them basic Andy ring run whatever you want here I specifically chose these just because of the regenerations that they have as far as Weapons now we just went over armor as far as Weapons I feel like the tainted axe is really good with this and now this is an axe build you can run swords you don't have to run anything that I'm going here but the bowz will go over here in a second tained ax is really good the Wolfpack axe is okay I feel like the hair splitter is the best this is something I really really like this is really nice and then the Lumin I think yeah Lumin shade axe is also really really good these two axes are really solid if you want to run an axe build and you know that's up to you if you want to run axe build you definitely can run swords I feel like swords can work much better with this but we're the Huntsman so we're keeping with a very specific uh play style also keep grenades on you uh grenades work very very well regardless of your build I feel like they work really well on this build so I'm constantly keeping grenades on me all the time you probably saw in the opening I was hitting things with grenades it just is what it is as far as bows Forsaken and Shadow Bane are my two favorites just because they have stamina leech and they have health leech and all that on them you can run any of these bows that you want uh composite bow is really good ornate bow is not bad at all it's actually really solid as you can see all the stats on it ignited bow is okay I was getting some serious damage out of it from time to time but it wasn't consistent arsus bow eh it's whatever the Bane Brer is actually really solid and then if you get your hands on the wolf snarl it's really good bow uh it's I've only had one of these drop ever the only reason uh that I like it so much is cuz it has more power power but it is a little bit slower uh as far as Arrow speed so it's really up to which bow you guys want to use it doesn't really matter I just highly suggest The Forsaken and the shadow bane just because it works well with this build and get into the skills as you can see I put a point at the bottom all the way through here so all greens and all reds all the way through we're not going to use any of the Blues cuz we're not doing any magic with this build so greens and reds all the way through starting off with the bow tree you're going to come all the way out to the right and we're going to come all the way out here just to have very specific things really I came out for the dexterity on both of these nodes right here so that's what I really wanted you don't have to go any further if you want to you can this is all about doing exploding arrow damage or whatever I don't think it's that good obviously exploding arrows are really solid in this game but I feel like to be able to constantly craft those or whatever can annoy somebody so I stayed away from those just so you can do this with poison and iron arrows which is really really nice uh stay away from Silence stride it's literal dead skill I've tested it you barely move faster it's pointless don't don't put points on that and you don't need Eagle Eye either I mean you don't really need to zoom in to be doing this you should be close quarters with this uh build anyways medium range is Max if you want this you can go for this but I feel like it's another dead skill you don't need it coming up we went through here marksman to counter to Sharpshooter this is all for the bow all the way up to multishot you want multi-shot has a 20% chance to proc and it's really good it does really solid damage when it does proc you're already doing good damage but when it happens you're doing great damage and of course put a point in here just for the plus twos and the plus fives I mean this is a no-brainer you want this and then beasting beasting is great man I use this a lot I wasn't expecting what it was but when I started use it I dude I fell in love with this this is very very easy to get out of like sticky situations you just Glide in the air and just kind of dust people so Beast thing is really nice I highly suggest beasting coming down more points in the endurance we come across through here now I came up here for very specific reasons I love double jump and I really feel like double jump works really well with this build just because of beas thing we can double jump we can just hover in the air forever came up through here just for Swift shot that's really nice to have and of course backstab Mastery which is another 30% damage as long as we're behind a Target or on their flank that's from mid to back which is always really really good uh good metabolism is whatever but I really just came in here for Rebound just to increase our stamina regeneration by another 50% and if you have a sweet tooth you can get another 50% so that's double regeneration right there but really we just came up for another Point into decks then down here we came in for strength jump attack we came in for more strength and then vigorous deflection we don't really need uh but the re came up here was just for more strength and Constitution as you can see so we have a pretty good Constitution strength and dexterity Bill going on we have a quality build actually going on if you're a Dark Souls guy one point here for just more strength and then of course I came down through here just to come through slasher and butcher so we can do more damage with our axes or anything that cuts obviously you can do a sword like I said and then more strength and Constitution as you can see came down here just to swing a little bit faster and then overall more Constitution so we're a little bit tankier on the health pool and then of course I came down through here just for more defense but the real reason I came down through here is just to get two more points into strength so we can hit harder with our melee and I'm never going to do a melee build without evasion attack I think evasion attack is so good so we came into evasion attack if you see anything in here that you want to change uh go for it you can definitely take this out if you don't want to and you can put these in here if you want to do more damage with the explosive arrows it's up to you guys but that is the build that I'm standing with nice and just real quick I want to show you our overall stats while we're fully food buffed now I run very specific foods and I will get into those here in a second but here's our overall stats as you can see we are a quality build like I said earlier you have really good health you're pretty tanky on this and you do some serious damage so we're not too bad in the damage Department here I don't know why it's showing that but yeah that's it and for the overall Foods we are definitely taking this right here the open sandwich just because it gives us plus4 to our strength that's more damage and you get Constitution out so that's more Health why not you can run this I am currently switching between this and a couple other things I'll go over this this just overall more Health just going to make us tankier you don't want to run that I would highly suggest maybe running this because we have sweet tooth this counts as a sweet so that's just going to give us more more stamina regeneration overall obviously I'm running this vegetable soup is huge it's a plus four to our decks which just allows us to do more damage with the bow and then of course spice tea is what I switch in and out and this just gives us more overall endurance or stamina if you don't want to run that you don't have to run that everything else is kind of more up to you situational you can run the healing if you want but I would suggest strength Constitution and the decks and if you don't want to run the Constitution then strength decks and the sweet and that's really really nice all right guys it pretty much sums it up if you enjoyed it please like subscribe and comment helps this channnel out a lot helps me out a lot like I said I'm going to be gone for the next two weeks so when I come back I'm probably going to be playing something like night Andale or some other game anyways you guys have a great day and I'll see you in the future later [Music] guys
Channel: Khaathus
Views: 1,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded best builds, enshrouded tips, enshrouded building, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded armor, enshrouded archer build, enshrouded armor sets, enshrouded arrows, enshrouded melee build, enshrouded melee, enshrouded melee armor, enshrouded hybrid build, enshrouded best armor, enshrouded best shield, enshrouded best mage build, enshrouded mage build, enshrouded gameplay building, enshrouded gameplay part 1, enshrouded building tips
Id: xQZd8bqb1Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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