Enshrouded: Easy Exp Farm

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what up guys your boy Cs and we're back with another one now real quick I just want to go over what I think is pretty good for Gathering XP there are multiple ways to get XP in this game whether you're fighting mobs or you know fighting bosses or maybe doing the towers which that's a tower up there if you didn't know I'm sure you did uh but I've only been able to play this for two days CU I didn't get the game early I guess because I'm not popular enough or cool enough on YouTube I did reach out to them but they did not back out to me completely understand but I will remember that anyways um I'm really enjoying this game having a blast with it now what I'm about to show you is probably the most boring way uh to get XP but just to prove a point on stream last night I did one full bar I'm level uh 19 now I did one full bar of um XP by doing this and it went ridiculously fast um now it may seem slow right now but when you run around you're killing stuff and you compare it to everything else this is the most consistent damage I have uh seen so or damage laugh out loud so first off we're going to be using a pickaxe and we're going to be mining I'm just showing you this right now I'll show you a couple other spots too this is a flint vein and what we're doing is getting 7 XP per hit of Flint as long as we're getting Flint stone we're getting XP and you can see how you can sit here and just tick up with this quite fast the problem is you have to constantly hit Flint which is really hard to do there we go uh but yeah you're just constantly getting XP and you can do this at the very beginning of the game basically right when you get a pickaxe you can start doing this so if you have a pickaxe that is equal or lower it takes a little bit longer to get the Flint to pop out but you're still getting XP what you want to do is have a pickaxe that is higher uh than what you're mining so just real quick that's the home we've come across the bridge this is where we're at to do that I started a new character just to prove that I could and it works another place I want to show you is up here Mark of Seth this is a much better place this is actually probably the best place to to do this as far as uh you know getting XP and this is what I did on stream uh last night just for one level um put a spot right here at the beginning of the cave you you'll know when you get here and then I put these every time so I can just come back and repair my uh pickaxe so first I'm going to hit it with a copper pickaxe so we're hitting copper with copper as you can see if you have something equal to it will take some time you're getting nine a tick on this it will take some time to mine into that but if you soon as you have like bronze or I have an iron pickaxe you can start mining in and you can see it's pretty much almost instant and you can cut into it the whole time now I have messed with experience Scrolls to see if you get more out this I didn't I don't know what the experience Scrolls do they they don't seem to give me any extra experience on anything that I do but you know I'm sure they're working U you know this game is still early access and brand new there's probably a thousand other ways to do XP but as you can see here we're just constantly ticking up I mean this is very very easy to do so it doesn't take any skill or anything you can sit here and just Farm uh you can probably set your controller your mouse up to to just autofarm for you but you need someone to steer it around so this is the copper vein this is what I think is the best and another way that you can do this when you're done is uh let's say like oh man my copper veins like ran out you can just quit out and come back in as long as you don't kick your buddies out and um the veins will reset so this is where home is and we just went all the way up this path up here and this is Mark sth so it's very easy also home I'm going to show you where iron is I veered all the way over here don't go over here everything over here is level 25 uh they're one-shotting me but you know the iron and lapite or you say in this game is over here show you that real quick so this is a little cave that I think good I'll probably make a separate video about this but I just want to show you that you can get 10 XP per car so this is the lapite you see that just start carving into that right let me just get something there there you go lapaz lapis lazuli in this okay whatever so there's 10 XP it's a little bit harder to get that and then in this uh massive cave uh there's iron and actually at the bottom of this cave or actually be at the beginning when you first come in uh there is ancient bone so ancient bone iron and Lapis is over here at the same time as you can see we're getting 10 XP per carve now we are using an iron versus iron and that will make it go a little bit slower so my suggestion to you is just to stay over by the copper vein and you should be able to level up in no time now that is the most boring way to play this game I don't suggest it but a lot of my friends that I have been playing with are a little upset that they haven't been able to level up because they haven't been legit Zombies Online like I have so I suggested this to them and it actually works very very well especially when I'm off doing some dumb stuff or whatever they're allowed to uh go and do that do that mining uh catch up in some skill points and then be able to play with the rest of the party like you know they never uh missed out on a thing you know what I mean anyways guys pretty much thms it up you enjoyed it please like subscribe and comment um you know helps the channel a lot helps me out a lot and I'm on Twitch every day right now and I will continue to be on Twitch every day uh for a very long time so if you guys want to come hang out uh I'll be on there today you guys have a great day and I'll see you in the future later [Music] guys
Channel: Khaathus
Views: 30,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded review, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded gameplay tips, enshrouded early access guide, enshrouded new player guide, enshouded best experience farm, enshrouded xp farm, enshrouded xp glitch, enshrouded exp farming, enshrouded pc, enshrouded tips, enshrouded early access, enshrouded need to know, enshrouded game guide, enshrouded building tips, co op survival, enshrouded 60 hour review
Id: uz1_QXxscHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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